2007-11-21 18:07:54 +03:00
import os
import shutil
import sha
import sha
from os . path import join , getsize
from stat import *
import re
import sys
import getopt
import time
import datetime
import bz2
import string
import tempfile
class PatchInfo :
""" Represents the meta-data associated with a patch
work_dir = working dir where files are stored for this patch
archive_files = list of files to include in this patch
manifest = set of patch instructions
file_exclusion_list =
files to exclude from this patch . names without slashes will be
excluded anywhere in the directory hiearchy . names with slashes
will only be excluded at that exact path
def __init__ ( self , work_dir , file_exclusion_list , path_exclusion_list ) :
self . work_dir = work_dir
self . archive_files = [ ]
self . manifest = [ ]
self . file_exclusion_list = file_exclusion_list
self . path_exclusion_list = path_exclusion_list
def append_add_instruction ( self , filename ) :
""" Appends an add instruction for this patch.
if the filename starts with extensions / adds an add - if instruction
to test the existence of the subdirectory . This was ported from
mozilla / tools / update - packaging / common . sh / make_add_instruction
if filename . startswith ( " extensions/ " ) :
testdir = " extensions/ " + filename . split ( " / " ) [ 1 ] # Dir immediately following extensions is used for the test
self . manifest . append ( ' add-if " ' + testdir + ' " " ' + filename + ' " ' )
else :
self . manifest . append ( ' add " ' + filename + ' " ' )
def append_patch_instruction ( self , filename , patchname ) :
""" Appends an patch instruction for this patch.
filename = file to patch
patchname = patchfile to apply to file
if the filename starts with extensions / adds a patch - if instruction
to test the existence of the subdirectory .
if the filename starts with searchplugins / add a add - if instruction for the filename
This was ported from
mozilla / tools / update - packaging / common . sh / make_patch_instruction
if filename . startswith ( " extensions/ " ) :
testdir = " extensions/ " + filename . split ( " / " ) [ 1 ]
self . manifest . append ( ' patch-if " ' + testdir + ' " " ' + patchname + ' " " ' + filename + ' " ' )
elif filename . startswith ( " searchplugins/ " ) :
self . manifest . append ( ' patch-if " ' + filename + ' " " ' + patchname + ' " " ' + filename + ' " ' )
else :
self . manifest . append ( ' patch " ' + patchname + ' " " ' + filename + ' " ' )
def append_remove_instruction ( self , filename ) :
""" Appends an remove instruction for this patch.
This was ported from
mozilla / tools / update - packaging / common . sh / make_remove_instruction
self . manifest . append ( ' remove " ' + filename + ' " ' )
def create_manifest_file ( self ) :
""" Createst the manifest file into to the root of the work_dir """
manifest_file_path = os . path . join ( self . work_dir , " update.manifest " )
manifest_file = open ( manifest_file_path , " w " )
manifest_file . writelines ( string . join ( self . manifest , ' \n ' ) )
manifest_file . writelines ( " \n " )
manifest_file . close ( )
bzip_file ( manifest_file_path )
self . archive_files . append ( ' " update.manifest " ' )
def build_marfile_entry_hash ( self , root_path ) :
""" Iterates through the root_path, creating a MarFileEntry for each file
in that path . Excluseds any filenames in the file_exclusion_list
mar_entry_hash = { }
filename_set = set ( )
for root , dirs , files in os . walk ( root_path ) :
for name in files :
# filename is relative path from root directory
partial_path = root [ len ( root_path ) + 1 : ]
if name not in self . file_exclusion_list :
filename = os . path . join ( partial_path , name )
if " / " + filename not in self . path_exclusion_list :
mar_entry_hash [ filename ] = MarFileEntry ( root_path , filename )
filename_set . add ( filename )
return mar_entry_hash , filename_set
class MarFileEntry :
""" Represents a file inside a Mozilla Archive Format (MAR)
abs_path = abspath to the the file
name = relative path within the mar . e . g .
foo . mar / dir / bar . txt extracted into / tmp / foo :
abs_path = / tmp / foo / dir / bar . txt
name = dir / bar . txt
def __init__ ( self , root , name ) :
""" root = path the the top of the mar
name = relative path within the mar """
self . name = name
self . abs_path = os . path . join ( root , name )
self . sha_cache = None
def __str__ ( self ) :
return ' Name: %s FullPath: %s ' % ( self . name , self . abs_path )
def calc_file_sha_digest ( self , filename ) :
""" Returns sha digest of given filename """
file_content = open ( filename , ' r ' ) . read ( )
return sha . new ( file_content ) . digest ( )
def sha ( self ) :
""" Returns sha digest of file repreesnted by this _marfile_entry """
if not self . sha_cache :
self . sha_cache = self . calc_file_sha_digest ( self . abs_path )
return self . sha_cache
def exec_shell_cmd ( cmd ) :
""" Execs shell cmd and raises an exception if the cmd fails """
if ( os . system ( cmd ) ) :
raise Exception , " cmd failed " + cmd
def copy_file ( src_file_abs_path , dst_file_abs_path ) :
""" Copies src to dst creating any parent dirs required in dst first """
dst_file_dir = os . path . dirname ( dst_file_abs_path )
if not os . path . exists ( dst_file_dir ) :
os . makedirs ( dst_file_dir )
# Copy the file over
shutil . copy2 ( src_file_abs_path , dst_file_abs_path )
def bzip_file ( filename ) :
""" Bzip ' s the file in place. The original file is replaced with a bzip ' d version of itself
assumes the path is absolute """
exec_shell_cmd ( ' bzip2 -z9 " ' + filename + ' " ' )
os . rename ( filename + " .bz2 " , filename )
def bunzip_file ( filename ) :
""" Bzip ' s the file in palce. The original file is replaced with a bunzip ' d version of itself.
doesn ' t matter if the filename ends in .bz2 or not " " "
if not filename . endswith ( " .bz2 " ) :
os . rename ( filename , filename + " .bz2 " )
filename = filename + " .bz2 "
exec_shell_cmd ( ' bzip2 -d " ' + filename + ' " ' )
def extract_mar ( filename , work_dir ) :
""" Extracts the marfile intot he work_dir
assumes work_dir already exists otherwise will throw osError """
print " Extracting " + filename + " to " + work_dir
saved_path = os . getcwd ( )
try :
os . chdir ( work_dir )
exec_shell_cmd ( " mar -x " + filename )
finally :
os . chdir ( saved_path )
def create_partial_patch_for_file ( from_marfile_entry , to_marfile_entry , shas , patch_info ) :
""" Creates the partial patch file and manifest entry for the pair of files passed in
if not ( from_marfile_entry . sha ( ) , to_marfile_entry . sha ( ) ) in shas :
print " diffing: " + from_marfile_entry . name
#bunzip to/from
bunzip_file ( from_marfile_entry . abs_path )
bunzip_file ( to_marfile_entry . abs_path )
# The patch file will be created in the working directory with the
# name of the file in the mar + .patch
patch_file_abs_path = os . path . join ( patch_info . work_dir , from_marfile_entry . name + " .patch " )
patch_file_dir = os . path . dirname ( patch_file_abs_path )
if not os . path . exists ( patch_file_dir ) :
os . makedirs ( patch_file_dir )
# Create bzip'd patch file
exec_shell_cmd ( " mbsdiff " + from_marfile_entry . abs_path + " " + to_marfile_entry . abs_path + " " + patch_file_abs_path )
bzip_file ( patch_file_abs_path )
# Create bzip's full file
full_file_abs_path = os . path . join ( patch_info . work_dir , to_marfile_entry . name )
shutil . copy2 ( to_marfile_entry . abs_path , full_file_abs_path )
bzip_file ( full_file_abs_path )
if os . path . getsize ( patch_file_abs_path ) < os . path . getsize ( full_file_abs_path ) :
# Patch is smaller than file. Remove the file and add patch to manifest
os . remove ( full_file_abs_path )
file_in_manifest_name = from_marfile_entry . name + " .patch "
file_in_manifest_abspath = patch_file_abs_path
patch_info . append_patch_instruction ( to_marfile_entry . name , file_in_manifest_name )
else :
# File is smaller than patch. Remove the patch and add file to manifest
os . remove ( patch_file_abs_path )
file_in_manifest_name = from_marfile_entry . name
file_in_manifest_abspath = full_file_abs_path
patch_info . append_add_instruction ( file_in_manifest_name )
shas [ from_marfile_entry . sha ( ) , to_marfile_entry . sha ( ) ] = ( file_in_manifest_name , file_in_manifest_abspath )
patch_info . archive_files . append ( ' " ' + file_in_manifest_name + ' " ' )
else :
print " skipping diff: " + from_marfile_entry . name
filename , src_file_abs_path = shas [ from_marfile_entry . sha ( ) , to_marfile_entry . sha ( ) ]
# We've already calculated the patch for this pair of files.
if ( filename . endswith ( " .patch " ) ) :
# Patch was smaller than file - add patch instruction to manifest
file_in_manifest_name = to_marfile_entry . name + ' .patch ' ;
patch_info . append_patch_instruction ( to_marfile_entry . name , file_in_manifest_name )
else :
# File was smaller than file - add file to manifest
file_in_manifest_name = to_marfile_entry . name
patch_info . append_add_instruction ( file_in_manifest_name )
# Copy the pre-calculated file into our new patch work aread
copy_file ( src_file_abs_path , os . path . join ( patch_info . work_dir , file_in_manifest_name ) )
patch_info . archive_files . append ( ' " ' + file_in_manifest_name + ' " ' )
def create_add_patch_for_file ( to_marfile_entry , patch_info ) :
""" Copy the file to the working dir, add the add instruction, and add it to the list of archive files """
print " Adding New File " + to_marfile_entry . name
copy_file ( to_marfile_entry . abs_path , os . path . join ( patch_info . work_dir , to_marfile_entry . name ) )
patch_info . append_add_instruction ( to_marfile_entry . name )
patch_info . archive_files . append ( ' " ' + to_marfile_entry . name + ' " ' )
def process_explicit_remove_files ( dir_path , patch_info ) :
""" Looks for a ' removed-files ' file in the dir_path. If the removed-files does not exist
this will throw . If found adds the removed - files
found in that file to the patch_info """
# Windows and linux have this file at the root of the dir
list_file_path = os . path . join ( dir_path , " removed-files " )
prefix = " "
if not os . path . exists ( list_file_path ) :
# Mac has is in Contents/MacOS/
prefix = " Contents/MacOS "
list_file_path = os . path . join ( dir_path , prefix + " /removed-files " )
if ( os . path . exists ( list_file_path ) ) :
list_file = bz2 . BZ2File ( list_file_path , " r " ) # throws if doesn't exist
for line in list_file :
line = line . strip ( )
# Exclude any blank lines or any lines ending with a slash, which indicate
# directories. The updater doesn't know how to remove entire directories.
if line and not line . endswith ( " / " ) :
patch_info . append_remove_instruction ( os . path . join ( prefix , line ) )
def create_partial_patch ( from_dir_path , to_dir_path , patch_filename , shas , patch_info ) :
""" Builds a partial patch by comparing the files in from_dir_path to thoes of to_dir_path """
# Cannocolize the paths for safey
from_dir_path = os . path . abspath ( from_dir_path )
to_dir_path = os . path . abspath ( to_dir_path )
# First create a hashtable of the from and to directories
from_dir_hash , from_dir_set = patch_info . build_marfile_entry_hash ( from_dir_path )
to_dir_hash , to_dir_set = patch_info . build_marfile_entry_hash ( to_dir_path )
# Files which exist in both sets need to be patched
patch_filenames = list ( from_dir_set . intersection ( to_dir_set ) )
patch_filenames . sort ( )
for filename in patch_filenames :
from_marfile_entry = from_dir_hash [ filename ]
to_marfile_entry = to_dir_hash [ filename ]
if from_marfile_entry . sha ( ) != to_marfile_entry . sha ( ) :
# Not the same - calculate a patch
create_partial_patch_for_file ( from_marfile_entry , to_marfile_entry , shas , patch_info )
# files in from_dir not in to_dir need to be removed
remove_filenames = list ( from_dir_set - to_dir_set )
remove_filenames . sort ( )
for filename in remove_filenames :
patch_info . append_remove_instruction ( from_dir_hash [ filename ] . name )
# files in to_dir not in from_dir need to added
add_filenames = list ( to_dir_set - from_dir_set )
add_filenames . sort ( )
for filename in add_filenames :
create_add_patch_for_file ( to_dir_hash [ filename ] , patch_info )
process_explicit_remove_files ( to_dir_path , patch_info )
# Construct Manifest file
patch_info . create_manifest_file ( )
# And construct the mar
mar_cmd = ' mar -C ' + patch_info . work_dir + ' -c output.mar ' + string . join ( patch_info . archive_files , ' ' )
exec_shell_cmd ( mar_cmd )
# Copy mar to final destination
patch_file_dir = os . path . split ( patch_filename ) [ 0 ]
if not os . path . exists ( patch_file_dir ) :
os . makedirs ( patch_file_dir )
shutil . copy2 ( os . path . join ( patch_info . work_dir , " output.mar " ) , patch_filename )
2008-01-09 22:49:23 +03:00
return patch_filename
2007-11-21 18:07:54 +03:00
def usage ( ) :
print " -h for help "
print " -f for patchlist_file "
2008-01-09 22:49:23 +03:00
def get_buildid ( work_dir , platform ) :
2008-01-18 19:58:31 +03:00
""" extracts buildid from MAR
TODO : this should handle 1.8 branch too
2008-01-09 22:49:23 +03:00
if platform == ' mac ' :
ini = ' %s /Contents/MacOS/application.ini ' % work_dir
else :
ini = ' %s /application.ini ' % work_dir
2008-01-18 19:58:31 +03:00
if not os . path . exists ( ini ) :
print ' WARNING: application.ini not found, cannot find build ID '
return ' '
2008-01-09 22:49:23 +03:00
file = bz2 . BZ2File ( ini )
for line in file :
if line . find ( ' BuildID ' ) == 0 :
return line . strip ( ) . split ( ' = ' ) [ 1 ]
2008-01-18 19:58:31 +03:00
print ' WARNING: cannot find build ID in application.ini '
return ' '
2008-01-09 22:49:23 +03:00
def decode_filename ( filename ) :
""" Breaks filename into component parts based on regex
for example : firefox - 3.0 b3pre . en - US . linux - i686 . complete . mar
Returns dict with keys product , version , locale , platform , type
try :
m = re . search (
' (?P<product> \ w+)(-)(?P<version> \ w+ \ . \ w+)( \ .)(?P<locale>.+?)( \ .)(?P<platform>.+?)( \ .)(?P<type> \ w+)(.mar) ' ,
filename )
return m . groupdict ( )
except Exception , exc :
raise Exception ( " could not parse filename %s : %s " % ( filename , exc ) )
def create_partial_patches ( patches ) :
""" Given the patches generates a set of partial patches """
2007-11-21 18:07:54 +03:00
shas = { }
work_dir_root = None
2008-01-09 22:49:23 +03:00
metadata = [ ]
2007-11-21 18:07:54 +03:00
try :
work_dir_root = tempfile . mkdtemp ( )
print " Building patches using work dir: %s " % ( work_dir_root )
# Iterate through every patch set in the patch file
patch_num = 1
for patch in patches :
startTime = time . time ( )
from_filename , to_filename , patch_filename , forced_updates = patch . split ( " , " )
from_filename , to_filename , patch_filename = os . path . abspath ( from_filename ) , os . path . abspath ( to_filename ) , os . path . abspath ( patch_filename )
# Each patch iteration uses its own work dir
work_dir = os . path . join ( work_dir_root , str ( patch_num ) )
os . mkdir ( work_dir )
# Extract from mar into from dir
work_dir_from = os . path . join ( work_dir , " from " ) ;
os . mkdir ( work_dir_from )
extract_mar ( from_filename , work_dir_from )
2008-01-09 22:49:23 +03:00
from_decoded = decode_filename ( os . path . basename ( from_filename ) )
from_buildid = get_buildid ( work_dir_from , from_decoded [ ' platform ' ] )
from_shasum = sha . sha ( open ( from_filename ) . read ( ) ) . hexdigest ( )
from_size = str ( os . path . getsize ( to_filename ) )
2007-11-21 18:07:54 +03:00
2008-01-09 22:49:23 +03:00
# Extract to mar into to dir
2007-11-21 18:07:54 +03:00
work_dir_to = os . path . join ( work_dir , " to " )
os . mkdir ( work_dir_to )
extract_mar ( to_filename , work_dir_to )
2008-01-09 22:49:23 +03:00
to_decoded = decode_filename ( os . path . basename ( from_filename ) )
to_buildid = get_buildid ( work_dir_to , to_decoded [ ' platform ' ] )
to_shasum = sha . sha ( open ( to_filename ) . read ( ) ) . hexdigest ( )
to_size = str ( os . path . getsize ( to_filename ) )
2007-11-21 18:07:54 +03:00
mar_extract_time = time . time ( )
2008-01-09 22:49:23 +03:00
partial_filename = create_partial_patch ( work_dir_from , work_dir_to , patch_filename , shas , PatchInfo ( work_dir , [ ' channel-prefs.js ' , ' update.manifest ' ] , [ ' /readme.txt ' ] ) )
partial_decoded = decode_filename ( os . path . basename ( partial_filename ) )
partial_buildid = to_buildid
partial_shasum = sha . sha ( open ( partial_filename ) . read ( ) ) . hexdigest ( )
partial_size = str ( os . path . getsize ( partial_filename ) )
metadata . append ( {
' to_filename ' : os . path . basename ( to_filename ) ,
' from_filename ' : os . path . basename ( from_filename ) ,
' partial_filename ' : os . path . basename ( partial_filename ) ,
' to_buildid ' : to_buildid ,
' from_buildid ' : from_buildid ,
' to_sha1sum ' : to_shasum ,
' from_sha1sum ' : from_shasum ,
' partial_sha1sum ' : partial_shasum ,
' to_size ' : to_size ,
' from_size ' : from_size ,
' partial_size ' : partial_size ,
' to_version ' : to_decoded [ ' version ' ] ,
' from_version ' : from_decoded [ ' version ' ] ,
' locale ' : partial_decoded [ ' locale ' ] ,
' platform ' : partial_decoded [ ' platform ' ] ,
} )
2007-11-21 18:07:54 +03:00
print " done with patch %s / %s time ( %.2f s/ %.2f s/ %.2f s) (mar/patch/total) " % ( str ( patch_num ) , str ( len ( patches ) ) , mar_extract_time - startTime , time . time ( ) - mar_extract_time , time . time ( ) - startTime )
patch_num + = 1
2008-01-09 22:49:23 +03:00
return metadata
2007-11-21 18:07:54 +03:00
finally :
# If we fail or get a ctrl-c during run be sure to clean up temp dir
if ( work_dir_root and os . path . exists ( work_dir_root ) ) :
shutil . rmtree ( work_dir_root )
def main ( argv ) :
patchlist_file = None
try :
opts , args = getopt . getopt ( argv , " hf: " , [ " help " , " patchlist_file= " ] )
for opt , arg in opts :
if opt in ( " -h " , " --help " ) :
usage ( )
sys . exit ( )
elif opt in ( " -f " , " --patchlist_file " ) :
2008-01-04 20:55:17 +03:00
patchlist_file = arg
2007-11-21 18:07:54 +03:00
except getopt . GetoptError :
usage ( )
sys . exit ( 2 )
2008-01-04 20:55:17 +03:00
if not patchlist_file :
2007-11-21 18:07:54 +03:00
usage ( )
sys . exit ( 2 )
2008-01-09 22:49:23 +03:00
patches = [ ]
f = open ( patchlist_file , ' r ' )
for line in f . readlines ( ) :
patches . append ( line )
f . close ( )
create_partial_patches ( patches )
2007-11-21 18:07:54 +03:00
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
main ( sys . argv [ 1 : ] )