2006-07-29 09:35:57 +04:00
/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
* The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code,
* released March 31, 1998.
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
* Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
* Rights Reserved.
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
* Contributor(s):
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
* William A. ("PowerGUI") Law <law@netscape.com>
* Blake Ross <blakeross@telocity.com>
2006-07-29 09:36:45 +04:00
* Gervase Markham <gerv@gerv.net>
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
/*------------------------------ nsContextMenu ---------------------------------
| This JavaScript "class" is used to implement the browser's content-area |
| context menu. |
| |
| For usage, see references to this class in navigator.xul. |
| |
| Currently, this code is relatively useless for any other purpose. In the |
| longer term, this code will be restructured to make it more reusable. |
function nsContextMenu( xulMenu ) {
2006-07-29 09:36:45 +04:00
this.target = null;
this.menu = null;
this.onTextInput = false;
this.onImage = false;
this.onLink = false;
this.onMailtoLink = false;
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
this.onSaveableLink = false;
2006-07-29 09:36:45 +04:00
this.link = false;
this.inFrame = false;
this.hasBGImage = false;
this.inDirList = false;
this.shouldDisplay = true;
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Initialize new menu.
this.initMenu( xulMenu );
// Prototype for nsContextMenu "class."
nsContextMenu.prototype = {
// onDestroy is a no-op at this point.
onDestroy : function () {
// Initialize context menu.
initMenu : function ( popup, event ) {
// Save menu.
this.menu = popup;
// Get contextual info.
this.setTarget( document.popupNode );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Initialize (disable/remove) menu items.
initItems : function () {
2006-07-29 09:36:32 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
initOpenItems : function () {
// Remove open/edit link if not applicable.
this.showItem( "context-openlink", this.onSaveableLink || ( this.inDirList && this.onLink ) );
this.showItem( "context-editlink", this.onSaveableLink && !this.inDirList );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Remove open frame if not applicable.
this.showItem( "context-openframe", this.inFrame );
this.showItem( "context-showonlythisframe", this.inFrame );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Remove separator after open items if neither link nor frame.
this.showItem( "context-sep-open", this.onSaveableLink || ( this.inDirList && this.onLink ) || this.inFrame );
initNavigationItems : function () {
// Back determined by canGoBack broadcaster.
this.setItemAttrFromNode( "context-back", "disabled", "canGoBack" );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Forward determined by canGoForward broadcaster.
this.setItemAttrFromNode( "context-forward", "disabled", "canGoForward" );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Reload is OK if not on a frame; vice-versa for reload-frame.
this.showItem( "context-reload", !this.inFrame );
this.showItem( "context-reload-frame", this.inFrame );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// XXX: Stop is determined in navigator.js; the canStop broadcaster is broken
//this.setItemAttrFromNode( "context-stop", "disabled", "canStop" );
initSaveItems : function () {
// Save page is always OK, unless in directory listing.
this.showItem( "context-savepage", !this.inDirList );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Save frame as depends on whether we're in a frame.
this.showItem( "context-saveframe", this.inFrame );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Save link depends on whether we're in a link.
this.showItem( "context-savelink", this.onSaveableLink );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Save image depends on whether there is one.
this.showItem( "context-saveimage", this.onImage );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
if (this.onImage){ //if onImage, let's get the imagename into the context menu
2006-07-29 09:35:52 +04:00
var saveImageMenuItem = document.getElementById( 'context-saveimage' );
var imageName = extractFileNameFromUrl(this.imageURL);
var bundle = srGetStrBundle("chrome://communicator/locale/contentAreaCommands.properties");
var caption = bundle.formatStringFromName("saveImageAs",[imageName],1);
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
saveImageMenuItem.setAttribute( "label", caption );
2006-07-29 09:35:52 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Remove separator if none of these were shown.
var showSep = !this.inDirList || this.inFrame || this.onSaveableLink || this.hasBGImage || this.onImage;
this.showItem( "context-sep-save", showSep );
initViewItems : function () {
// View source is always OK, unless in directory listing.
2006-07-29 09:36:29 +04:00
this.showItem( "context-viewsource", !( this.inDirList || this.onImage ) );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// View frame source depends on whether we're in a frame.
this.showItem( "context-viewframesource", this.inFrame );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:35:56 +04:00
// View Info is available, unless in directory listing
this.showItem( "context-viewinfo", !this.inDirList );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:35:56 +04:00
// View Frame Info depends on whether we're in a frame
this.showItem( "context-viewframeinfo", this.inFrame );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// View Image depends on whether an image was clicked on.
this.showItem( "context-viewimage", this.onImage );
2006-07-29 09:36:45 +04:00
// View background image depends on whether there is one.
this.showItem( "context-viewbgimage", this.hasBGImage && !this.onImage );
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Remove separator if all items are removed.
this.showItem( "context-sep-view", !this.inDirList || this.inFrame || this.onImage );
initMiscItems : function () {
// Use "Bookmark This Link" if on a link.
this.showItem( "context-bookmarkpage", !this.onLink );
this.showItem( "context-bookmarklink", this.onLink );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Send Page not working yet.
this.showItem( "context-sendpage", false );
initClipboardItems : function () {
// Select All is always OK, unless in directory listing.
this.showItem( "context-selectall", !this.inDirList );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Copy depends on whether there is selected text.
// Enabling this context menu item is now done through the global
// command updating system
// this.setItemAttr( "context-copy", "disabled", this.isNoTextSelected() );
// Items for text areas
this.showItem( "context-cut", this.onTextInput );
this.showItem( "context-paste", this.onTextInput );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:36:40 +04:00
// XXX dr
// ------
// nsDocumentViewer.cpp has code to determine whether we're
// on a link or an image. we really ought to be using that...
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Copy link location depends on whether we're on a link.
this.showItem( "context-copylink", this.onLink );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Copy image location depends on whether we're on an image.
this.showItem( "context-copyimage", this.onImage );
2006-07-29 09:36:32 +04:00
initMetadataItems : function () {
2006-07-29 09:36:45 +04:00
// Show if user clicked on something which has metadata.
this.showItem( "context-metadata", this.onMetaDataItem );
this.showItem( "context-sep-clip", this.onMetaDataItem );
2006-07-29 09:36:32 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Set various context menu attributes based on the state of the world.
setTarget : function ( node ) {
// Initialize contextual info.
this.onImage = false;
2006-07-29 09:36:45 +04:00
this.onMetaDataItem = false;
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
this.onTextInput = false;
this.imageURL = "";
this.onLink = false;
this.inFrame = false;
this.hasBGImage = false;
2006-07-29 09:36:45 +04:00
this.bgImageURL = "";
2006-07-29 09:35:57 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Remember the node that was clicked.
this.target = node;
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// See if the user clicked on an image.
if ( this.target.nodeType == 1 ) {
if ( this.target.tagName.toUpperCase() == "IMG" ) {
this.onImage = true;
this.imageURL = this.target.src;
// Look for image map.
var mapName = this.target.getAttribute( "usemap" );
if ( mapName ) {
// Find map.
var map = this.target.ownerDocument.getElementById( mapName.substr(1) );
if ( map ) {
// Search child <area>s for a match.
var areas = map.childNodes;
//XXX Client side image maps are too hard for now!
areas.length = 0;
for ( var i = 0; i < areas.length && !this.onLink; i++ ) {
var area = areas[i];
if ( area.nodeType == 1
area.tagName.toUpperCase() == "AREA" ) {
// Get type (rect/circle/polygon/default).
var type = area.getAttribute( "type" );
var coords = this.parseCoords( area );
switch ( type.toUpperCase() ) {
case "RECT":
case "CIRC":
case "CIRCLE":
case "POLY":
case "POLYGON":
case "DEFAULT":
// Default matches entire image.
this.onLink = true;
this.link = area;
this.onSaveableLink = this.isLinkSaveable( this.link );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
} else if ( this.target.tagName.toUpperCase() == "OBJECT"
// See if object tag is for an image.
this.objectIsImage( this.target ) ) {
// This is an image.
this.onImage = true;
// URL must be constructed.
this.imageURL = this.objectImageURL( this.target );
} else if ( this.target.tagName.toUpperCase() == "INPUT") {
if(this.target.getAttribute( "type" ).toUpperCase() == "IMAGE") {
this.onImage = true;
// Convert src attribute to absolute URL.
2006-07-29 09:36:41 +04:00
this.imageURL = this.makeURLAbsolute( this.target.ownerDocument,
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
this.target.src );
} else /* if (this.target.getAttribute( "type" ).toUpperCase() == "TEXT") */ {
2006-07-29 09:36:20 +04:00
this.onTextInput = this.isTargetATextBox(this.target);
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
} else if ( this.target.tagName.toUpperCase() == "TEXTAREA" ) {
this.onTextInput = true;
} else if ( this.target.getAttribute( "background" ) ) {
2006-07-29 09:36:45 +04:00
this.hasBGImage = true;
// Convert background attribute to absolute URL.
this.bgImageURL = this.makeURLAbsolute( this.target.baseURI,
this.target.getAttribute( "background" ) );
2006-07-29 09:35:53 +04:00
} else if ( "HTTPIndex" in _content &&
_content.HTTPIndex instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIHTTPIndex ) {
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
this.inDirList = true;
2006-07-29 09:35:57 +04:00
// Bubble outward till we get to an element with URL attribute
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// (which should be the href).
var root = this.target;
while ( root && !this.link ) {
2006-07-29 09:36:42 +04:00
if ( root.tagName == "tree" ) {
// Hit root of tree; must have clicked in empty space;
// thus, no link.
2006-07-29 09:35:57 +04:00
if ( root.getAttribute( "URL" ) ) {
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Build pseudo link object so link-related functions work.
this.onLink = true;
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
this.link = { href : root.getAttribute("URL") };
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// If element is a directory, then you can't save it.
if ( root.getAttribute( "container" ) == "true" ) {
this.onSaveableLink = false;
} else {
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
this.onSaveableLink = true;
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
} else {
root = root.parentNode;
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
} else if ( this.target.parentNode.tagName == "scrollbar"
this.target.parentNode.tagName == "thumb"
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
this.target.parentNode.tagName == "xul:slider") {
this.shouldDisplay = false;
} else {
try {
var cssAttr = this.target.style.getPropertyValue( "list-style-image" ) ||
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
this.target.style.getPropertyValue( "list-style" ) ||
this.target.style.getPropertyValue( "background-image" ) ||
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
this.target.style.getPropertyValue( "background" );
if ( cssAttr ) {
this.onImage = true;
var url = cssAttr.toLowerCase().replace(/url\("*(.+)"*\)/, "$1");
// Convert attribute to absolute URL.
2006-07-29 09:36:41 +04:00
this.imageURL = this.makeURLAbsolute( this.target.ownerDocument, url );
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
} catch ( exception ) {
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:36:45 +04:00
// We have meta data on images.
this.onMetaDataItem = this.onImage;
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// See if the user clicked in a frame.
if ( this.target.ownerDocument != window._content.document ) {
this.inFrame = true;
2006-07-29 09:36:45 +04:00
// Bubble out, looking for items of interest
elem = this.target;
while ( elem ) {
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
if ( elem.nodeType == 1 ) {
2006-07-29 09:36:45 +04:00
var tagname = elem.tagName.toUpperCase();
// Link?
if ( !this.onLink &&
( tagname === "A" ||
tagname === "AREA" ||
elem.getAttributeNS( "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "type") == "simple" ) ) {
// Clicked on a link.
this.onLink = true;
this.onMetaDataItem = true;
// Remember corresponding element.
this.link = elem;
// Remember if it is saveable.
this.onSaveableLink = this.isLinkSaveable( this.link );
// Text input?
if ( !this.onTextInput ) {
// Clicked on a link.
this.onTextInput = this.isTargetATextBox(elem);
// Metadata item?
if ( !this.onMetaDataItem ) {
// We currently display metadata on anything which fits
// the below test.
if ( ( tagname === "BLOCKQUOTE" && elem.cite ) ||
( tagname === "Q" && elem.cite ) ||
( tagname === "TABLE" && elem.summary ) ||
( ( tagname === "INS" || tagname === "DEL" ) &&
( elem.cite || elem.dateTime ) ) ||
elem.title ||
elem.lang ) {
dump("On metadata item.\n");
this.onMetaDataItem = true;
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:36:45 +04:00
// Background image?
if ( !this.hasBGImage && elem.background ) {
this.hasBGImage = true;
// Convert background attribute to absolute URL.
this.bgImageURL = this.makeURLAbsolute( elem.baseURI,
elem.background );
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:36:45 +04:00
elem = elem.parentNode;
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Returns true iff clicked on link is saveable.
isLinkSaveable : function ( link ) {
2006-07-29 09:36:42 +04:00
try {
// Test for missing protocol property.
if ( !link.protocol ) {
// We must resort to testing the URL string :-(.
var protocol;
if (link.href) {
protocol = link.href.substr( 0, 11 );
} else {
protocol = link.getAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink","href");
if (protocol) {
protocol = protocol.substr( 0, 11 );
return protocol.toLowerCase() != "javascript:";
} else {
// Presume all but javascript: urls are saveable.
return link.protocol.toLowerCase() != "javascript:";
} catch (e) {
// something was wrong with the link,
// so we won't be able to save it anyway
return false;
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Open linked-to URL in a new window.
openLink : function () {
// Determine linked-to URL.
openNewWindowWith( this.linkURL() );
// Edit linked-to URL in a new window.
editLink : function () {
2006-07-29 09:35:37 +04:00
editPage( this.linkURL(), window, false );
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Reload clicked-in frame.
reloadFrame : function () {
// Open clicked-in frame in its own window.
openFrame : function () {
openNewWindowWith( this.target.ownerDocument.location.href );
// Open clicked-in frame in the same window
showOnlyThisFrame : function () {
window._content.location.href = this.target.ownerDocument.location.href;
// Open new "view source" window with the frame's URL.
viewFrameSource : function () {
window.openDialog( "chrome://navigator/content/viewSource.xul",
viewInfo : function () {
2006-07-29 09:35:56 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
viewFrameInfo : function () {
2006-07-29 09:35:56 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:36:45 +04:00
// Change current window to the URL of the image.
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
viewImage : function () {
2006-07-29 09:36:30 +04:00
openTopWin( this.imageURL );
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:36:45 +04:00
// Change current window to the URL of the background image.
viewBGImage : function () {
openTopWin( this.bgImageURL );
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Save URL of clicked-on frame.
saveFrame : function () {
this.savePage( this.target.ownerDocument.location.href, true );
// Save URL of clicked-on link.
saveLink : function () {
this.savePage( this.linkURL(), false );
// Save URL of clicked-on image.
saveImage : function () {
this.savePage( this.imageURL, true );
2006-07-29 09:36:32 +04:00
// Open Metadata window for node
showMetadata : function () {
window.openDialog( "chrome://navigator/content/metadata.xul",
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Utilities //
// Create instance of component given contractId and iid (as string).
createInstance : function ( contractId, iidName ) {
var iid = Components.interfaces[ iidName ];
return Components.classes[ contractId ].createInstance( iid );
// Get service given contractId and iid (as string).
getService : function ( contractId, iidName ) {
var iid = Components.interfaces[ iidName ];
return Components.classes[ contractId ].getService( iid );
// Show/hide one item (specified via name or the item element itself).
showItem : function ( itemOrId, show ) {
var item = null;
if ( itemOrId.constructor == String ) {
// Argument specifies item id.
item = document.getElementById( itemOrId );
} else {
// Argument is the item itself.
item = itemOrId;
if ( item ) {
var styleIn = item.getAttribute( "style" );
var styleOut = styleIn;
if ( show ) {
// Remove style="display:none;".
styleOut = styleOut.replace( "display:none;", "" );
} else {
// Set style="display:none;".
if ( styleOut.indexOf( "display:none;" ) == -1 ) {
// Add style the first time we need to.
styleOut += "display:none;";
// Only set style if it's different.
if ( styleIn != styleOut ) {
item.setAttribute( "style", styleOut );
// Set given attribute of specified context-menu item. If the
// value is null, then it removes the attribute (which works
// nicely for the disabled attribute).
setItemAttr : function ( id, attr, val ) {
var elem = document.getElementById( id );
if ( elem ) {
if ( val == null ) {
// null indicates attr should be removed.
elem.removeAttribute( attr );
} else {
// Set attr=val.
elem.setAttribute( attr, val );
// Set context menu attribute according to like attribute of another node
// (such as a broadcaster).
setItemAttrFromNode : function ( item_id, attr, other_id ) {
var elem = document.getElementById( other_id );
if ( elem && elem.getAttribute( attr ) == "true" ) {
this.setItemAttr( item_id, attr, "true" );
} else {
this.setItemAttr( item_id, attr, null );
// Temporary workaround for DOM api not yet implemented by XUL nodes.
cloneNode : function ( item ) {
// Create another element like the one we're cloning.
var node = document.createElement( item.tagName );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Copy attributes from argument item to the new one.
var attrs = item.attributes;
for ( var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++ ) {
var attr = attrs.item( i );
node.setAttribute( attr.nodeName, attr.nodeValue );
2006-07-29 09:36:28 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Voila!
return node;
// Generate fully-qualified URL for clicked-on link.
linkURL : function () {
if (this.link.href) {
return this.link.href;
2006-07-29 09:36:41 +04:00
// XXX TODO Relative URLs, XML Base
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
var href = this.link.getAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink","href");
if (href == "") {
throw "Empty href"; // Without this we try to save as the current doc, for example, HTML case also throws if empty
return href;
// Get text of link (if possible).
linkText : function () {
var text = this.gatherTextUnder( this.link );
return text;
// Gather all descendent text under given document node.
gatherTextUnder : function ( root ) {
var text = "";
var node = root.firstChild;
var depth = 1;
while ( node && depth > 0 ) {
// See if this node is text.
if ( node.nodeName == "#text" ) {
// Add this text to our collection.
text += " " + node.data;
} else if ( node.tagName == "IMG" ) {
// If it has an alt= attribute, use that.
altText = node.getAttribute( "alt" );
if ( altText && altText != "" ) {
text = altText;
// Find next node to test.
// First, see if this node has children.
if ( node.hasChildNodes() ) {
// Go to first child.
node = node.firstChild;
} else {
// No children, try next sibling.
if ( node.nextSibling ) {
node = node.nextSibling;
} else {
// Last resort is our next oldest uncle/aunt.
node = node.parentNode.nextSibling;
// Strip leading whitespace.
text = text.replace( /^\s+/, "" );
// Strip trailing whitespace.
text = text.replace( /\s+$/, "" );
// Compress remaining whitespace.
text = text.replace( /\s+/g, " " );
return text;
// Returns "true" if there's no text selected, null otherwise.
isNoTextSelected : function ( event ) {
// Not implemented so all text-selected-based options are disabled.
return "true";
// Determine if target <object> is an image.
objectIsImage : function ( objElem ) {
var result = false;
// Get type and data attributes.
var type = objElem.getAttribute( "type" );
var data = objElem.getAttribute( "data" );
// Presume any mime type of the form "image/..." is an image.
// There must be a data= attribute with an URL, also.
if ( type.substring( 0, 6 ) == "image/" && data && data != "" ) {
result = true;
return result;
// Extract image URL from <object> tag.
objectImageURL : function ( objElem ) {
// Extract url from data= attribute.
var data = objElem.getAttribute( "data" );
// Make it absolute.
2006-07-29 09:36:41 +04:00
return this.makeURLAbsolute( objElem.ownerDocument, data );
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Convert relative URL to absolute, using document's <base>.
2006-07-29 09:36:41 +04:00
makeURLAbsolute : function ( doc, url ) {
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Construct nsIURL.
var baseURL = this.createInstance( "@mozilla.org/network/standard-url;1", "nsIURL" );
2006-07-29 09:36:41 +04:00
// Initialize from document url.
baseURL.spec = doc.location.href;
// Look for <base> tag.
var baseTags = doc.getElementsByTagName( "BASE" );
if ( baseTags && baseTags.length ) {
// Reset base URL using href attribute of <base> tag.
var href = baseTags[ baseTags.length - 1 ].getAttribute( "href" );
baseURL.spec = baseURL.resolve( href );
// Finally, convert argument url using base.
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
var result = baseURL.resolve( url );
return result;
// Save specified URL in user-selected file.
savePage : function ( url, doNotValidate ) {
var postData = null; // No post data, usually.
// Default is to save current page.
if ( !url ) {
url = window._content.location.href;
2006-07-29 09:36:33 +04:00
try {
var sessionHistory = getWebNavigation().sessionHistory;
var entry = sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(sessionHistory.index, false);
postData = entry.postData;
} catch(e) {
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:36:33 +04:00
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
// Use stream xfer component to prompt for destination and save.
var xfer = this.getService( "@mozilla.org/appshell/component/xfer;1",
"nsIStreamTransfer" );
try {
xfer.SelectFileAndTransferLocationSpec( url, window, "", "", doNotValidate, postData );
} catch( exception ) {
// Failed (or cancelled), give them another chance.
// Parse coords= attribute and return array.
parseCoords : function ( area ) {
return [];
toString : function () {
return "contextMenu.target = " + this.target + "\n" +
"contextMenu.onImage = " + this.onImage + "\n" +
"contextMenu.onLink = " + this.onLink + "\n" +
"contextMenu.link = " + this.link + "\n" +
"contextMenu.inFrame = " + this.inFrame + "\n" +
"contextMenu.hasBGImage = " + this.hasBGImage + "\n";
2006-07-29 09:36:20 +04:00
isTargetATextBox : function ( node )
2006-07-29 09:33:12 +04:00
if (node.tagName.toUpperCase() == "INPUT") {
var attrib = node.getAttribute("type").toUpperCase();
return( (attrib != "IMAGE") &&
(attrib != "PASSWORD") &&
(attrib != "CHECKBOX") &&
(attrib != "RADIO") &&
(attrib != "SUBMIT") &&
(attrib != "RESET") &&
(attrib != "FILE") &&
(attrib != "HIDDEN") &&
(attrib != "RESET") &&
(attrib != "BUTTON") );
} else {
return(node.tagName.toUpperCase() == "TEXTAREA");