зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Bug 127589: when switching tabs with find dialog open, update dialog's internal state so it's "attached" to the focused tab. r=Jan, sr=peterv
This commit is contained in:
@ -375,15 +375,23 @@ function UpdateBackForwardButtons()
forwardBroadcaster.setAttribute("disabled", !forwardDisabled);
var gFindInstData;
function getFindInstData()
if (!gFindInstData) {
gFindInstData = new nsFindInstData();
gFindInstData.browser = helpBrowser;
// defaults for rootSearchWindow and currentSearchWindow are fine here
return gFindInstData;
function find(again, reverse)
var focusedWindow = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow;
if (!focusedWindow || focusedWindow == window)
focusedWindow = window._content;
if (again)
findAgainInPage(helpBrowser, window._content, focusedWindow, reverse);
findAgainInPage(getFindInstData(), reverse);
findInPage(helpBrowser, window._content, focusedWindow)
function getMarkupDocumentViewer()
@ -2222,6 +2222,8 @@ function cmdCloseTab (e)
source2View.removeSourceTabAtIndex (e.index);
var gFindInstData;
function cmdFindString (e)
var source2View = console.views.source2;
@ -2233,7 +2235,12 @@ function cmdFindString (e)
var browser = source2View.sourceTabList[index].iframe;
findInPage (browser, browser.contentWindow, browser.contentWindow);
if (!gFindInstData)
gFindInstData = new nsFindInstData();
gFindInstData.browser = browser;
gFindInstData.rootSearchWindow = browser.contentWindow;
gFindInstData.currentSearchWindow = browser.contentWindow;
function cmdReloadTab (e)
@ -1260,18 +1260,26 @@ function MsgViewPageSource()
var gFindInstData;
function getFindInstData()
if (!gFindInstData) {
gFindInstData = new nsFindInstData();
gFindInstData.browser = getMessageBrowser();
gFindInstData.rootSearchWindow = window.top.content;
gFindInstData.currentSearchWindow = window.top.content;
return gFindInstData;
function MsgFind()
var contentWindow = window.top._content;
// from utilityOverlay.js
findInPage(getMessageBrowser(), contentWindow, contentWindow)
function MsgFindAgain(reverse)
var contentWindow = window.top._content;
findAgainInPage(getMessageBrowser(), contentWindow, contentWindow, reverse)
findAgainInPage(getFindInstData(), reverse);
function MsgCanFindAgain()
@ -299,22 +299,25 @@ function BrowserSetForcedDetector(doReload)
var gFindInstData;
function getFindInstData()
if (!gFindInstData) {
gFindInstData = new nsFindInstData();
gFindInstData.browser = getBrowser();
// defaults for rootSearchWindow and currentSearchWindow are fine here
return gFindInstData;
function BrowserFind()
var focusedWindow = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow;
if (!focusedWindow || focusedWindow == window)
focusedWindow = window._content;
findInPage(getBrowser(), window._content, focusedWindow)
function BrowserFindAgain(reverse)
var focusedWindow = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow;
if (!focusedWindow || focusedWindow == window)
focusedWindow = window._content;
findAgainInPage(getBrowser(), window._content, focusedWindow, reverse)
findAgainInPage(getFindInstData(), reverse);
function BrowserCanFindAgain()
@ -40,61 +40,88 @@
var gPromptService;
var gFindBundle;
function nsFindInstData() {}
nsFindInstData.prototype =
// set the next three attributes on your object to override the defaults
browser : null,
get rootSearchWindow() { return this._root || this.window.content; },
set rootSearchWindow(val) { this._root = val; },
get currentSearchWindow() {
if (this._current)
return this._current;
var focusedWindow = this.window.document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow;
if (!focusedWindow || focusedWindow == this.window)
focusedWindow = this.window.content;
return focusedWindow;
set currentSearchWindow(val) { this._current = val; },
get webBrowserFind() { return this.browser.webBrowserFind; },
init : function() {
var findInst = this.webBrowserFind;
// set up the find to search the focussedWindow, bounded by the content window.
var findInFrames = findInst.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebBrowserFindInFrames);
findInFrames.rootSearchFrame = this.rootSearchWindow;
findInFrames.currentSearchFrame = this.currentSearchWindow;
// always search in frames for now. We could add a checkbox to the dialog for this.
findInst.searchFrames = true;
window : window,
_root : null,
_current : null
// browser is the <browser> element
// rootSearchWindow is the window to constrain the search to (normally window._content)
// startSearchWindow is the frame to start searching (can be, and normally, rootSearchWindow)
function findInPage(browser, rootSearchWindow, startSearchWindow)
// currentSearchWindow is the frame to start searching (can be, and normally, rootSearchWindow)
function findInPage(findInstData)
var findInst = browser.webBrowserFind;
// set up the find to search the focussedWindow, bounded by the content window.
var findInFrames = findInst.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebBrowserFindInFrames);
findInFrames.rootSearchFrame = rootSearchWindow;
findInFrames.currentSearchFrame = startSearchWindow;
// always search in frames for now. We could add a checkbox to the dialog for this.
findInst.searchFrames = true;
// is the dialog up already?
if ("findDialog" in window && window.findDialog)
window.findDialog = window.openDialog("chrome://global/content/finddialog.xul", "_blank", "chrome,resizable=no,dependent=yes", findInst);
window.findDialog = window.openDialog("chrome://global/content/finddialog.xul", "_blank", "chrome,resizable=no,dependent=yes", findInstData);
function findAgainInPage(browser, rootSearchWindow, startSearchWindow, reverse)
function findAgainInPage(findInstData, reverse)
if ("findDialog" in window && window.findDialog)
var findInst = browser.webBrowserFind;
// set up the find to search the focussedWindow, bounded by the content window.
var findInFrames = findInst.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebBrowserFindInFrames);
findInFrames.rootSearchFrame = rootSearchWindow;
findInFrames.currentSearchFrame = startSearchWindow;
// always search in frames for now. We could add a checkbox to the dialog for this.
findInst.searchFrames = true;
// get the find service, which stores global find state, and init the
// nsIWebBrowser find with it. We don't assume that there was a previous
// Find that set this up.
var findService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/find/find_service;1"]
findInst.searchString = findService.searchString;
var searchString = findService.searchString;
if (searchString.length == 0) {
// no previous find text
var findInst = findInstData.webBrowserFind;
findInst.searchString = searchString;
findInst.matchCase = findService.matchCase;
findInst.wrapFind = findService.wrapFind;
findInst.entireWord = findService.entireWord;
findInst.findBackwards = findService.findBackwards ^ reverse;
var found = false;
if (findInst.searchString.length == 0) {
// no previous find text
findInPage(browser, rootSearchWindow, startSearchWindow);
found = findInst.findNext();
var found = findInst.findNext();
if (!found) {
if (!gPromptService)
gPromptService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"].getService()
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
var dialog; // Quick access to document/form elements.
var gFindInst; // nsIWebBrowserFind that we're going to use
var gFindInstData; // use this to update the find inst data
function initDialogObject()
@ -86,10 +87,15 @@ function onLoad()
dialog.find.accessKey = document.getElementById("fBLT").getAttribute("accesskey");
// get the find instance
var finder = window.arguments[0];
// If the dialog was opened from window.find(), findInst will be an
// nsISupports interface, so QueryInterface anyway to nsIWebBrowserFind.
gFindInst = finder.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebBrowserFind);
var arg0 = window.arguments[0];
if (arg0 instanceof window.opener.nsFindInstData) {
gFindInstData = arg0;
gFindInst = gFindInstData.webBrowserFind;
} else {
// If the dialog was opened from window.find(), findInst will be an
// nsISupports interface, so QueryInterface anyway to nsIWebBrowserFind.
gFindInst = arg0.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebBrowserFind);
@ -106,6 +112,11 @@ function onUnload()
function onAccept()
if (gFindInstData && gFindInst != gFindInstData.webBrowserFind) {
gFindInst = gFindInstData.webBrowserFind;
// Transfer dialog contents to the find service.
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