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@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
* http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* NPL.
* The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
* Reserved.
// CIconCache.cp
// Mike Pinkerton, Netscape Communications
// To Do:
// ¥ Flush cache when it gets too full?
#include "CIconCache.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "mimages.h"
#include "proto.h"
#include "libevent.h"
CIconCache gIconCache; // global storage definition
IconCacheData :: IconCacheData ( const string & inURL )
: mImage(NULL), mMask(NULL)
mContext = new CIconContext ( inURL );
if ( !mContext )
throw bad_alloc();
IconCacheData :: ~IconCacheData ( )
DestroyFEPixmap ( mImage );
DestroyFEPixmap ( mMask );
delete mContext;
// CacheThese
// Copy whatever FE data (pixmaps, color tables, etc) we need to ensure we can still draw when
// imageLib cleans out the memory cache. Before that, however, be sure to tear down anything
// that already exists.
IconCacheData :: CacheThese ( IL_Pixmap* inImage, IL_Pixmap* inMask )
// clean up what we allocate beforehand.
DestroyFEPixmap ( mImage );
DestroyFEPixmap ( mMask );
DrawingState state;
PreparePixmapForDrawing ( inImage, inMask, true, &state );
// we use some trickery here to create the copy FE data structures for the image/mask pixmaps.
// Save the ones that are currently in use then call the callback which initially created them
// to go ahead and create new ones. Store the |client_data| fields internally (they are our
// new copies), and then put the old ones back leaving the image/mask untouched.
NS_PixMap* oldPixmap = mImage = NULL;
NS_PixMap* oldMask = mMask = NULL;
size_t imageWidth = 0, imageHeight = 0;
if ( inImage ) {
oldPixmap = static_cast<NS_PixMap*>(inImage->client_data);
imageWidth = inImage->header.width;
imageHeight = inImage->header.height;
if ( inMask )
oldMask = static_cast<NS_PixMap*>(inMask->client_data);
_IMGCB_NewPixmap ( NULL, 0, *IconContext(), imageWidth, imageHeight, inImage, inMask );
if ( inImage ) {
mImage = static_cast<NS_PixMap*>(inImage->client_data);
size_t imageSize = inImage->header.widthBytes * inImage->header.height;
::BlockMoveData ( oldPixmap->image_buffer, mImage->image_buffer, imageSize );
inImage->client_data = oldPixmap;
if ( inMask ) {
mMask = static_cast<NS_PixMap*>(inMask->client_data);
size_t maskSize = inMask->header.widthBytes * inMask->header.height;
::BlockMoveData ( oldMask->image_buffer, mMask->image_buffer, maskSize );
inMask->client_data = oldMask;
DoneDrawingPixmap ( inImage, inMask, &state );
} // CacheThese
#pragma mark -
CIconCache :: CIconCache ( )
CIconCache :: ~CIconCache ( )
//¥ need to dispose of all the images....but since this is only called at shutdown....
// RequestIcon
// THROWS bad_alloc
// Make a request for an icon. Will start loading if not present, and the return result
// will be |kPutOnWaitingList|. If the data is already there in the cache, |kDataPresent|
// is returned.
CIconCache :: RequestIcon ( const string & inURL, const LListener* inClient )
ELoadResult result;
IconCacheData* data = mCache[inURL];
if ( data ) {
if ( !data->ImageAvailable() && data->IconContext() ) {
// We're still loading. The cache is already on the notification list, so just
// add the caller.
data->AddListener ( const_cast<LListener*>(inClient) );
result = kPutOnWaitingList;
result = kDataPresent;
else {
// not in cache yet, need to start loading this icon. Add the caller as a
// listener to the data class and add us a listener to the context.
data = new IconCacheData(inURL);
if ( !data )
throw bad_alloc();
URL_Struct* urlStruct = NET_CreateURLStruct (inURL.c_str(), NET_DONT_RELOAD);
if ( !urlStruct )
throw bad_alloc();
data->IconContext()->AddListener ( this );
data->AddListener ( const_cast<LListener*>(inClient) );
data->IconContext()->SwitchLoadURL ( urlStruct, FO_PRESENT );
mCache[inURL] = data;
result = kPutOnWaitingList;
return result;
} // RequestIcon
// FetchImageData
// THROWS invalid_argument
// For images that are already loaded (RequestIcon() returned |kDataPresent|, get the data.
CIconCache :: FetchImageData ( const string & inURL, NS_PixMap** outImage, NS_PixMap** outMask )
IconCacheData* data = mCache[inURL];
if ( data ) {
*outImage = data->Image();
*outMask = data->Mask();
throw invalid_argument(inURL);
} // FetchImageData
// DeferredDelete
// A mocha callback, called when mocha is done with the given context. We use this below to
// defer the deletion of an icon context. When we get here, we know imageLib is done with it
// so it is safe to delete it.
static void DeferredDelete ( CNSContext * context )
} // DeferredDelete
// ContextFinished
// Housecleaning. When a static image is finished, the context should go away
// but the data should remain.
CIconCache :: ContextFinished ( const MWContext* inContext )
// find the context in the cache (we don't have the url). Remember the cache
// contains CIconContext's and we are given an MWContext. Easy enough, though,
// because the MWContext contains a pointer back to the FE class in |fe.newContext|
typedef map<string, IconCacheData*>::const_iterator CI;
CI it = mCache.begin();
for ( ; it != mCache.end(); ++it ) {
CIconContext* currContext = (*it).second->IconContext();
if ( currContext == inContext->fe.newContext )
// Assert_(it != mCache.end());
// null out the icon context stored w/in it. Don't delete it because it is
// still being used by imageLib???
if ( it != mCache.end() ) {
// We cannot delete the context now, because imageLib is still in the middle of
// using it. To get around this, we tell mocha to call us back when it is done with the
// context, which should be about the time of the next event loop. By then, all is well
// and the DeferredDelete() routine above will delete the context correctly.
XP_RemoveContextFromList ( *(*it).second->IconContext() );
ET_RemoveWindowContext( *(*it).second->IconContext(), (ETVoidPtrFunc) DeferredDelete, (*it).second->IconContext() );
// ListenerGoingAway
// a view might be going away before an image is finished loading. If that is
// the case, it needs to be removed from the context's listener list so we don't
// go telling dead objects their image has arrived.
CIconCache :: ListenerGoingAway ( const string & inURL, LListener* inObjectGoingAway )
IconCacheData* data = mCache[inURL];
if ( data && data->IconContext() )
data->IconContext()->RemoveListener ( inObjectGoingAway );
} // ListenerGoingAway
// Flush
// clean out the cache when it gets too big.
CIconCache :: Flush()
// ListenToMessage
// Listen to messages from the icon context so we can display the image when imageLib gives us
// something to display. We have to make sure that we deep copy the FE portions of the image
// and mask so that when imagelib cleans out the memory cache, we still have the data we need
// to draw things.
CIconCache :: ListenToMessage ( MessageT inMessage, void* inData )
switch ( inMessage ) {
case CIconContext::msg_ImageReadyToDraw:
// NOTE: don't dispose |data| because it is on stack
IconImageData* data = static_cast<IconImageData*>(inData);
Assert_(data != NULL);
if ( data ) {
try {
IconCacheData* iconData = mCache[data->url];
if ( iconData ) {
// remember whatever we need and tell clients to draw
iconData->CacheThese ( data->image, data->mask );
iconData->BroadcastMessage ( CIconContext::msg_ImageReadyToDraw, NULL );
catch ( bad_alloc & ) {
//¥¥¥ couldn't allocate memory for item in cache, so don't cache it. Do we
//¥¥¥ need to tell anyone about this (unregister listeners, perhaps?)
} // ListenToMessage
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
* http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* NPL.
* The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
* Reserved.
// CIconCache.h
// Mike Pinkerton, Netscape Communications
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "CIconContext.h"
#include "il_types.h"
#include "mimages.h"
// class IconCacheData
// Contains all the relevant data for an icon loaded from a url (not an FE icon). The
// icon context controls the loading and notification of when the image has been loaded
// and keeps copies of the FE pixmap data so when imageLib cleans house, we're still ok.
class IconCacheData : public LBroadcaster {
IconCacheData ( const string & inURL ) ;
~IconCacheData ( ) ;
// Hold on tight to whatever we need to draw, making copies if necessary.
void CacheThese ( IL_Pixmap* inImage, IL_Pixmap* inMask ) ;
CIconContext* IconContext ( ) const { return mContext; } ;
void IconContextHasGoneAway ( ) { mContext = NULL; } ;
bool ImageAvailable ( ) { return mImage != NULL; } ;
NS_PixMap* Image ( ) const { return mImage; }
NS_PixMap* Mask ( ) const { return mMask; }
NS_PixMap* mImage;
NS_PixMap* mMask;
CIconContext* mContext;
}; // struct IconCacheData
// class CIconCache
// There should only be one of these in the entire application. Users make a request
// by asking the cache for a particular URL. If the URL is not loaded, a new icon context
// will be created and the caller will be placed on a list of listeners for when that
// image is ready to draw. If the image has already been loaded, the caller will either
// be placed on that listener list (for animating images) or be given the data directly
// (for static images).
class CIconCache : public LListener
enum ELoadResult { kDataPresent, kPutOnWaitingList } ;
CIconCache ( ) ;
virtual ~CIconCache ( ) ;
// Make a request for an icon. Will start loading if not present.
ELoadResult RequestIcon ( const string & inURL, const LListener* inClient ) ;
// For images that are already loaded (RequestIcon() returned |kDataPresent|,
// get the data.
void FetchImageData ( const string & inURL, NS_PixMap** outImage, NS_PixMap** outMask ) ;
// Housecleaning. When a static image is finished, the context should go away
// but the data should remain.
void ContextFinished ( const MWContext* inContext ) ;
// a view might be going away before an image is finished loading. If that is
// the case, it needs to be removed from the context's listener list so we don't
// go telling dead objects their image has arrived.
void ListenerGoingAway ( const string & inURL, LListener* inObjectGoingAway ) ;
void ListenToMessage ( MessageT inMessage, void* inData ) ;
// clean out the cache when it gets too big.
void Flush() ;
map<string, IconCacheData*> mCache;
}; // class CIconCache
// global declaration of our icon cache
extern CIconCache gIconCache;
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
* http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* NPL.
* The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
* Reserved.
// CImageIconMixin
// Mike Pinkerton, Netscape Communications
// When you have an object that wants to draw itself using an image (gif, jpeg, etc),
// just mix this class in and call the appropriate routines when you want to draw.
// Most importantly, this handles cleaning up when the object goes away if it has
// made a request for an image that has yet to arrive.
#include "CImageIconMixin.h"
CImageIconMixin :: CImageIconMixin ( const string & inURL )
: mURL(inURL)
// destructor
// If we made a request to load an image and we have yet to display it, we get a
// message when the image is ready to draw. However, if we're going away, it would
// be bad for us to get that message at some point in the future. Make sure we
// are off the listener list for the image cache.
CImageIconMixin :: ~CImageIconMixin ( )
gIconCache.ListenerGoingAway ( mURL, this );
// DrawIcon
// Draw the image. Will begin loading it if the data has not yet arrived and will
// draw the standby in its place
CImageIconMixin :: DrawImage ( const Point & inTopLeft, const IconTransformType inTransform,
Uint32 inWidth, Uint32 inHeight ) const
try {
if ( gIconCache.RequestIcon(mURL, this) == CIconCache::kDataPresent ) {
DrawingState state;
state.copyMode = srcCopy;
gIconCache.FetchImageData ( mURL, &state.pixmap, &state.mask );
LockFEPixmapBuffer ( state.pixmap ) ;
LockFEPixmapBuffer ( state.mask );
//¥¥ do appropriate things for transform
DoDrawing ( state, inTopLeft, inTransform, inWidth, inHeight ) ;
UnlockFEPixmapBuffer ( state.mask );
UnlockFEPixmapBuffer ( state.pixmap ) ;
else {
// icon not ready yet, just draw this thing....
DrawStandby ( inTopLeft, inTransform ) ;
catch ( invalid_argument & ia ) {
DebugStr("\pData requested for something not in cache");
DrawStandby ( inTopLeft, inTransform ) ;
catch ( bad_alloc & ba ) {
DebugStr("\pCould not allocate memory drawing icon");
DrawStandby ( inTopLeft, inTransform ) ;
} // DrawIcon
CImageIconMixin :: DoDrawing ( DrawingState & inState, const Point & inTopLeft,
const IconTransformType inTransform, Uint32 inWidth, Uint32 inHeight ) const
if ( inWidth == 0 && inHeight == 0 ) {
inWidth = inState.pixmap->pixmap.bounds.right;
inHeight = inState.pixmap->pixmap.bounds.bottom;
DrawScaledImage ( &inState, inTopLeft, 0, 0, inWidth, inHeight );
} // DoDrawing
// SetImageURL
// Change the url of the image to draw. We might be in the middle of loading another
// image when we get this call, so unregister ourselves. This does NOT re-request
// the new icon.
CImageIconMixin :: SetImageURL ( const string & inNewURL )
gIconCache.ListenerGoingAway ( mURL, this );
mURL = inNewURL;
} // SetImageURL
#pragma mark -
CTiledImageMixin :: CTiledImageMixin ( const string & inURL )
: CImageIconMixin ( inURL )
CTiledImageMixin :: ~CTiledImageMixin ( )
// DoDrawing
// Overloaded to draw a image as a tiled image for drawing backgrounds
CTiledImageMixin :: DoDrawing ( DrawingState & inState, const Point & inTopLeft,
const IconTransformType inTransform, Uint32 inWidth, Uint32 inHeight ) const
DrawTiledImage ( &inState, inTopLeft, 0, 0, inWidth, inHeight );
} // DoDrawing
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
* http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* NPL.
* The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
* Reserved.
// CImageIconMixin
// Mike Pinkerton, Netscape Communications
// When you have an object that wants to draw itself using an image (gif, jpeg, etc),
// just mix this class in and call the appropriate routines when you want to draw.
// Most importantly, this handles cleaning up when the object goes away if it has
// made a request for an image that has yet to arrive.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "CIconCache.h"
#include "mimages.h"
// class CImageIconMixin
// Draw an image, most likely as an icon
class CImageIconMixin : public LListener
CImageIconMixin ( ) { } ;
CImageIconMixin ( const string & inURL ) ;
virtual ~CImageIconMixin ( ) ;
// Change the url telling us which image to load. Safe to call even when an image
// load is pending, but will NOT re-request the new image.
virtual void SetImageURL ( const string & inNewURL ) ;
// Draw the image. Will begin loading it if the data has not yet arrived and will
// draw the standby in its place. Pass zero's for width and height to use image defaults
// or the image will be scaled to what you put in.
void DrawImage ( const Point & inTopLeft, const IconTransformType inTransform,
Uint32 inWidth, Uint32 inHeight ) const;
// Draw a scaled image as an icon. Override to draw differently
virtual void DoDrawing ( DrawingState & inState, const Point & inTopLeft,
const IconTransformType inTransform, Uint32 inWidth,
Uint32 inHeight ) const ;
// Draw something when the real image is not yet here.
virtual void DrawStandby ( const Point & inTopLeft,
const IconTransformType inTransform ) const = 0;
string mURL;
}; // class CImageIconMixin
// class CTiledImageMixin
// Tile an image, for use as backgrounds in chrome or tables
class CTiledImageMixin : public CImageIconMixin
CTiledImageMixin ( ) { };
CTiledImageMixin ( const string & inURL ) ;
virtual ~CTiledImageMixin ( ) ;
// Draw a image as a tiled image for drawing backgrounds. Width and Height are
// reinterpreted to mean the width and height of the area the image is being tiled
// in.
virtual void DoDrawing ( DrawingState & inState, const Point & inTopLeft,
const IconTransformType inTransform, Uint32 inWidth,
Uint32 inHeight ) const ;
}; // class CTiledImageMixin
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