зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
add new arguments --skip-check --force-time
add parse_args to parse new arguments add fix_nonunix_times() so that all dates can be in either format send errors to stderr as well as logfile debug check_required_vars();
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!#perl# --
#!#perl# -T --
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
# logs in compressed form for future reference.
# $Revision: 1.5 $
# $Date: 2000-08-30 20:15:34 $
# $Revision: 1.6 $
# $Date: 2000-09-18 19:40:56 $
# $Author: kestes%staff.mail.com $
# $Source: /home/jrmuizel/cvs-mirror/mozilla/webtools/tinderbox2/src/bin/Attic/processmail,v $
# $Name: $
@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
# Standard perl libraries
use File::Basename;
use Sys::Syslog;
use Sys::Hostname;
use File::stat;
use Getopt::Long;
# Tinderbox libraries
use lib '#tinder_libdir#';
@ -78,6 +78,14 @@ Informational Arguments
--help Show this usage page
--force-time Ignore the: 'starttime', 'timenow' attributes of the mail
message and set new ones based off the current time. This
option is to allow for easier testing the functionality of
the program. This flag is not recomended for production use.
--skip-check Turn off the strict checking of input files, to allow for
easier testing the functionality of the program. This flag is
not recomended for production use.
@ -104,7 +112,7 @@ locks are held by this code.
Should errors occur during the processing of the mail message, the
message is bounced by exiting with a non zero exit code and the error
is written to the error log.
is written to the error log and standard err.
By convention all database update files are stored in a file name
which matches the module name which will accept them. We are creating
@ -229,11 +237,16 @@ EOF
sub fatal_mailprocessing_error {
# all fatal errors come through this function
# log errors to the log file on the server end and send them to stderr
# so that sendmail can put the error message in the bounced mail.
my @error = @_;
foreach $_ (@error) {
print LOG "[$LOCALTIME] $_";
print STDERR "[$LOCALTIME] $_";
print LOG "\n";
print STDERR "\n";
exit 9;
@ -243,9 +256,6 @@ sub fatal_mailprocessing_error {
sub set_filenames{
# $TMP_FILE{'buildupdate'} $FILE{'buildupdate'} must be on the
# same filesystem so that renaming them is atomic.
# These are temporary files, used by the mail processsor and will be
# erased before the program exits. We use filenames which end in
# html for debugging the mail processor in isolation. We do not
@ -287,6 +297,9 @@ sub set_filenames{
'update_file' => (FileStructure::get_filename($tree, 'TinderDB_Dir').
'update_time_stamp' => (FileStructure::get_filename($tree, 'update_time_stamp').
foreach $file ( (values %FILE), (values %TMP_FILE) ) {
@ -308,7 +321,7 @@ sub set_filenames{
# record the basename of the log file
# record the basename of the log file (not used but useful for debugging.)
$TINDERBOX{'full-log'} = File::Basename::basename($FILE{'full-log'});
$TINDERBOX{'brief-log'} = File::Basename::basename($FILE{'brief-log'});
@ -317,6 +330,40 @@ sub set_filenames{
sub parse_args {
Getopt::Long::config('require_order', 'auto_abbrev', 'ignore_case');
%option_linkage = (
"version" => \$version,
"help" => \$help,
"skip-check" => \$SKIP_CHECK,
"force-time" => \$FORCE_TIME,
GetOptions (\%option_linkage, qw(
version! help! force-time! skip-check!
)) ||
die("Illegal options in \@ARGV: '@ARGV',");
if ($version) {
print "$0: Version: $VERSION\n";
exit 0;
if ($help) {
die("$0: is not a web program, can not be run from the webserver\n");
return 1;
} # parse_args
sub parse_mail_header {
@ -397,6 +444,22 @@ sub parse_tinderbox_vars {
sub fix_nonunix_times {
foreach $key (keys %TINDERBOX) {
# convert dates in form "MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS" to unix date
if( $TINDERBOX{$key} =~
/([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\:([0-9]+)\:([0-9]+)/ ){
$TINDERBOX{$key} = timelocal($6,$5,$4,$2,$1-1,$3);
return 1;
# this function is used to change the tinderbox variables from the old
# format into the new format. It will help ease transitions to the new
# tinderbox code. I believe the new format will be more maintainable
@ -471,26 +534,28 @@ need to check that this update either
sub check_required_vars {
my ($err_string) = '';
my $build_start = '';
my $stamp_file = $FILE{'build_update_time_stamp'};
my $stamp_file = $FILE{'update_time_stamp'};
if (-r $stamp_file) {
open (STAMP, "<$stamp_file") ||
die("Could not open file: $stamp_file, $!\n");
$build_start = <STAMP>;
chmop $build_start;
chomp $build_start;
close (STAMP) ||
die("Could not close file: $stamp_file, $!\n");
($build_start > $TINDERBOX{'starttime'} ) ||
($build_start < $TINDERBOX{'starttime'} ) ||
die("New build started before the previous one. ".
"Something is very wrong with the clock on the build machine, ".
"time is going backwards.\n");
"time is going backwards.\n".
"old starttime: $build_start, ".
"new starttime: $TINDERBOX{'starttime'},".
"delta: ". ($TINDERBOX{'starttime'}-$build_start).
# Keep the spacing between builds greater then our minumum HTML
# grid spacing. There can be very frequent updates but different
@ -498,10 +563,19 @@ sub check_required_vars {
($build_start > ($TinderDB::MIN_TABLE_SPACING + (60*2)) ) ||
die("New build started too frequently. Builds must start".
"atleast ".($TinderDB::MIN_TABLE_SPACING + (60*2)).
"at least ".($TinderDB::MIN_TABLE_SPACING + (60*2)).
" seconds apart. Build not accepted.\n");
# There is a small chance that we may run into update problems here
# because we do not lock out other instances of processmail from
# updating this file at the same time. The odds are really low
# because overwrite_file will perform the update as atomically as
# possible, and new build times will only come in less then once
# every five minutes. If mail were to queue on this sytem (and
# potentially many old mail messages were to be delivered at the
# same time) the developers would notice and complain.
if ($build_start != $TINDERBOX{'starttime'} ) {
overwrite_file( $stamp_file,
@ -522,17 +596,17 @@ sub check_required_vars {
"an 'external' tree.\n";
($TINDERBOX{'timenow'}) ||
($err_string .= "Variable: 'timenow' not set.\n");
($TINDERBOX{'buildname'}) ||
($err_string .= "Variable: 'tinderbox:buildname' not set.\n");
($err_string .= "Variable: 'tinderbox: buildname:' not set.\n");
($TINDERBOX{'administrator'}) ||
($err_string .= "Variable: 'BuildAdministrator' not set.\n");
($err_string .= "Variable: 'tinderbox: administrator:' not set.\n");
($TINDERBOX{'administrator'} =~ m/\@\w/) ||
($err_string .= "Variable: 'tinderbox: administrator:' not a valid email address.\n");
($TINDERBOX{'errorparser'}) ||
($err_string .= "Variable: 'tinderbox:errorparser' not set.\n");
($err_string .= "Variable: 'tinderbox: errorparser:' not set.\n");
my ($func) = "Error_Parse::$TINDERBOX{'errorparser'}::parse_errorline";
my ($ignore) = eval &$func(@_);
@ -556,29 +630,43 @@ sub check_required_vars {
# autoload for libaraies are messy since they cause variable run
# time requirements.
# Grab the date in the form of mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss
# Or a GMT unix date
if( $TINDERBOX{'starttime'} eq ''){
$err_string .= "Variable: 'tinderbox:starttime' not set.\n";
if ($TINDERBOX{'timenow'} eq '') {
$err_string .= "Variable: 'timenow' not set.\n";
} else {
if( $TINDERBOX{'starttime'} =~
/([0-9]*)\/([0-9]*)\/([0-9]*)[ \t]*([0-9]*)\:([0-9]*)\:([0-9]*)/ ){
$starttime = timelocal($6,$5,$4,$2,$1-1,$3);
elsif( abs($TINDERBOX{'starttime'} - $TIME) < 60*60 ){
$starttime = $TINDERBOX{'starttime'};
else {
$err_string .= ("Variable: 'tinderbox:starttime',".
if( abs($TINDERBOX{'timenow'} - $TIME) < (60*60*10) ){
$timenow = $TINDERBOX{'timenow'};
} else {
$err_string .= (
"Variable: 'tinderbox: timenow:',".
" is not of the form ".
"MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS, or unix date, ".
"or your clock is set incorrectly, ".
"or the mail was delayed for a long time.\n");
"or the mail was delayed for a long time.\n".
"variable timenow: $TINDERBOX{'timenow'}, timenow: $TIME, (".
( ($TINDERBOX{'timenow'}-$TIME) / 60 ).
" minutes)\n".
if( $TINDERBOX{'starttime'} eq ''){
$err_string .= "Variable: 'tinderbox: starttime' not set.\n";
} else {
if( abs($TINDERBOX{'starttime'} - $TIME) < (60*60*10) ){
$starttime = $TINDERBOX{'starttime'};
} else {
$err_string .= (
"Variable: 'tinderbox: starttime:',".
" is not of the form ".
"MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS, or unix date, ".
"or your clock is set incorrectly, ".
"or the mail was delayed for a long time.\n".
"starttime: $TINDERBOX{'starttime'}, timenow: $TIME, (".
( ($TINDERBOX{'starttime'}-$TIME) / 60 ).
" minutes)\n".
@ -586,11 +674,12 @@ sub check_required_vars {
# Build Status
($TINDERBOX{'status'}) ||
($err_string .= "Variable: 'tinderbox:status' not set.\n");
($err_string .= "Variable: 'tinderbox: status:' not set.\n");
( TinderDB::Build::is_status_valid($TINDERBOX{'status'}) ) ||
($err_string .= "Variable: 'tinderbox:status' must be one of: ".
($err_string .= "Variable: 'tinderbox: status:' must be one of: ".
join( ', ', TinderDB::Build::get_all_status()).
"Variable: 'tinderbox: status is set to $TINDERBOX{status}', \n".
# Report errors by bouncing mail
@ -1104,22 +1193,13 @@ sub write_update_file {
my ($update_file) = (FileStructure::get_filename($tree, 'TinderDB_Dir').
my ($tmp_update_file) = (FileStructure::get_filename($tree, 'TinderDB_Dir').
# We are done, tell the tinderserver about this build.
# We are done, tell the tinderserver about this build.
# Rename is atomic on the same unix filesystem, so the server never
# sees partially processed updates.
rename ($tmp_update_file, $update_file) ||
die("Could not rename: '$tmp_update_file".
"to '$update_file'. $!\n");
# clean up all the temp files created in this script
@ -1138,18 +1218,32 @@ sub write_update_file {
$SIG{'__DIE__'} = \&fatal_mailprocessing_error;
# check_required_vars();
# when we are testing turn off the checks
# Testing is easier if the update files appear at the top of the
# status page, even though they are checked out of CVS.
if ($FORCE_TIME) {
$TINDERBOX{'starttime'} = time() - (10*60);
$TINDERBOX{'timenow'} = time() - 10;
exit 0;
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