Landing changes from CHIMERA_M1_0_1_BRANCH. Code that depends on other mozilla changes is #ifdef'd BRANCH_CHANGES_NEED_MERGED.

This commit is contained in: 2003-02-13 10:29:21 +00:00
Родитель 4b5d102721
Коммит 13490914ae
6 изменённых файлов: 69 добавлений и 1869 удалений

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@ -1627,19 +1627,76 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsChildView::Scroll(PRInt32 aDx, PRInt32 aDy, nsRect *aClipRect)
NSRect horizInvalid = frame;
NSRect vertInvalid = frame;
horizInvalid.size.width = abs(aDx);
vertInvalid.size.height = abs(aDy);
if (aDy < 0)
vertInvalid.origin.y = frame.origin.y + frame.size.height + aDy;
if (aDx < 0)
horizInvalid.origin.x = frame.origin.x + frame.size.width + aDx;
if (aDx != 0)
if (aDx != 0) {
horizInvalid.size.width = abs(aDx);
if (aDx < 0)
horizInvalid.origin.x = frame.origin.x + frame.size.width + aDx;
[mView setNeedsDisplayInRect: horizInvalid];
if (aDy != 0)
[mView setNeedsDisplayInRect: vertInvalid];
if (aDy != 0) {
vertInvalid.size.height = abs(aDy);
if (aDy < 0)
vertInvalid.origin.y = frame.origin.y + frame.size.height + aDy;
[mView setNeedsDisplayInRect: vertInvalid];
// We also need to check for any ChildViews which overlap this widget
// but are not descendent widgets. If there are any, we need to
// invalidate the area of this view that these ChildViews will have been
// blitted into, since these widgets aren't supposed to scroll with
// this widget.
// To do this, start at the root Gecko NSView, and walk down along
// our ancestor view chain, looking at all the subviews in each level
// of the hierarchy. If we find a non-ancestor view that overlaps
// this view, invalidate the area around it.
// We need to convert all rects to a common ancestor view to intersect
// them, since a view's frame is in the coordinate space of its parent.
// Use mParentView as the frame of reference.
NSRect selfFrame = [mParentView convertRect:[mView frame] fromView:[mView superview]];
NSView* view = mParentView;
BOOL selfLevel = NO;
while (!selfLevel) {
NSView* nextAncestorView;
NSArray* subviews = [view subviews];
for (int i = 0; i < [subviews count]; ++i) {
NSView* subView = [subviews objectAtIndex: i];
if (subView == mView)
selfLevel = YES;
else if ([mView isDescendantOf:subView])
nextAncestorView = subView;
else {
NSRect intersectArea = NSIntersectionRect([mParentView convertRect:[subView frame] fromView:[subView superview]], selfFrame);
if (!NSIsEmptyRect(intersectArea)) {
NSPoint origin = [mView convertPoint:intersectArea.origin fromView:mParentView];
if (aDy != 0) {
vertInvalid.origin.x = origin.x;
if (aDy < 0) // scrolled down, invalidate above
vertInvalid.origin.y = origin.y + aDy;
else // invalidate below
vertInvalid.origin.y = origin.y + intersectArea.size.height;
vertInvalid.size.width = intersectArea.size.width;
[mView setNeedsDisplayInRect: vertInvalid];
if (aDx != 0) {
horizInvalid.origin.y = origin.y;
if (aDx < 0) // scrolled right, invalidate to the left
horizInvalid.origin.x = origin.x + aDx;
else // invalidate to the right
horizInvalid.origin.x = origin.x + intersectArea.size.width;
horizInvalid.size.height = intersectArea.size.height;
[mView setNeedsDisplayInRect: horizInvalid];
view = nextAncestorView;

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@ -1,567 +0,0 @@
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: NPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the NPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the NPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
// Mike Pinkerton
// Netscape Communications
// See header file for details.
// Remaining Work:
// * only convert data to clipboard on an app switch.
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsCRT.h"
#include "nsClipboard.h"
#include "nsVoidArray.h"
#include "nsIClipboardOwner.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsIFormatConverter.h"
#include "nsMimeMapper.h"
#include "nsIComponentManager.h"
#include "nsXPCOM.h"
#include "nsISupportsPrimitives.h"
#include "nsXPIDLString.h"
#include "nsPrimitiveHelpers.h"
#include "nsIImageMac.h"
#include "nsMemory.h"
#include "nsLinebreakConverter.h"
#include <Scrap.h>
// nsClipboard constructor
nsClipboard::nsClipboard() : nsBaseClipboard()
// nsClipboard destructor
// SetNativeClipboardData
// Take data off the transferrable and put it on the clipboard in as many formats
// as are registered.
// NOTE: This code could all live in ForceDataToClipboard() and this could be a NOOP.
// If speed and large data sizes are an issue, we should move that code there and only
// do it on an app switch.
nsClipboard :: SetNativeClipboardData ( PRInt32 aWhichClipboard )
if ( aWhichClipboard != kGlobalClipboard )
nsresult errCode = NS_OK;
mIgnoreEmptyNotification = PR_TRUE;
// make sure we have a good transferable
if ( !mTransferable )
nsMimeMapperMac theMapper;
// get flavor list that includes all flavors that can be written (including ones
// obtained through conversion)
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsArray> flavorList;
errCode = mTransferable->FlavorsTransferableCanExport ( getter_AddRefs(flavorList) );
if ( NS_FAILED(errCode) )
// For each flavor present (either directly in the transferable or that its
// converter knows about) put it on the clipboard. Luckily, GetTransferData()
// handles conversions for us, so we really don't need to know if a conversion
// is required or not.
PRUint32 cnt;
for ( PRUint32 i = 0; i < cnt; ++i ) {
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> genericFlavor;
flavorList->GetElementAt ( i, getter_AddRefs(genericFlavor) );
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsCString> currentFlavor ( do_QueryInterface(genericFlavor) );
if ( currentFlavor ) {
nsXPIDLCString flavorStr;
currentFlavor->ToString( getter_Copies(flavorStr) );
// find MacOS flavor
ResType macOSFlavor = theMapper.MapMimeTypeToMacOSType(flavorStr);
// get data. This takes converters into account. Different things happen for
// different flavors, so do some special processing.
void* data = nsnull;
PRUint32 dataSize = 0;
if ( strcmp(flavorStr,kUnicodeMime) == 0 ) {
// we have unicode, put it on first as unicode
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> genericDataWrapper;
errCode = mTransferable->GetTransferData ( flavorStr, getter_AddRefs(genericDataWrapper), &dataSize );
nsPrimitiveHelpers::CreateDataFromPrimitive ( flavorStr, genericDataWrapper, &data, dataSize );
// Convert unix to mac linebreaks, since mac linebreaks are required for clipboard compatibility.
// I'm making the assumption here that the substitution will be entirely in-place, since both
// types of line breaks are 1-byte.
PRUnichar* castedUnicode = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(PRUnichar*, data);
dataSize / sizeof(PRUnichar), nsnull);
errCode = PutOnClipboard ( macOSFlavor, data, dataSize );
if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(errCode) ) {
// we also need to put it on as 'TEXT' after doing the conversion to the platform charset.
char* plainTextData = nsnull;
PRInt32 plainTextLen = 0;
nsPrimitiveHelpers::ConvertUnicodeToPlatformPlainText ( castedUnicode, dataSize / 2, &plainTextData, &plainTextLen );
if ( plainTextData ) {
errCode = PutOnClipboard ( 'TEXT', plainTextData, plainTextLen );
nsMemory::Free ( plainTextData );
} // if unicode
else if ( strcmp(flavorStr, kPNGImageMime) == 0 || strcmp(flavorStr, kJPEGImageMime) == 0 ||
strcmp(flavorStr, kGIFImageMime) == 0 || strcmp(flavorStr, kNativeImageMime) == 0 ) {
// we have an image, which is in the transferable as an nsIImage. Convert it
// to PICT (PicHandle) and put those bits on the clipboard. The actual size
// of the picture is the size of the handle, not sizeof(Picture).
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> transferSupports;
errCode = mTransferable->GetTransferData ( flavorStr, getter_AddRefs(transferSupports), &dataSize );
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsInterfacePointer> ptrPrimitive(do_QueryInterface(transferSupports));
nsCOMPtr<nsIImageMac> image;
if (ptrPrimitive) {
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> primitiveData;
image = do_QueryInterface(primitiveData);
if ( image ) {
PicHandle picture = nsnull;
image->ConvertToPICT ( &picture );
if ( picture ) {
errCode = PutOnClipboard ( 'PICT', *picture, ::GetHandleSize((Handle)picture) );
::KillPicture ( picture );
NS_WARNING ( "Image isn't an nsIImageMac in transferable" );
else {
// we don't know what we have. let's just assume it's unicode but doesn't need to be
// translated to TEXT.
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> genericDataWrapper;
errCode = mTransferable->GetTransferData ( flavorStr, getter_AddRefs(genericDataWrapper), &dataSize );
nsPrimitiveHelpers::CreateDataFromPrimitive ( flavorStr, genericDataWrapper, &data, dataSize );
errCode = PutOnClipboard ( macOSFlavor, data, dataSize );
nsMemory::Free ( data );
} // foreach flavor in transferable
// write out the mapping data in a special flavor on the clipboard. |mappingLen|
// includes the NULL terminator.
short mappingLen = 0;
const char* mapping = theMapper.ExportMapping(&mappingLen);
if ( mapping && mappingLen ) {
errCode = PutOnClipboard ( nsMimeMapperMac::MappingFlavor(), mapping, mappingLen );
nsCRT::free ( NS_CONST_CAST(char*, mapping) );
return errCode;
} // SetNativeClipboardData
// PutOnClipboard
// Actually does the work of placing the data on the native clipboard
// in the given flavor
nsClipboard :: PutOnClipboard ( ResType inFlavor, const void* inData, PRInt32 inLen )
nsresult errCode = NS_OK;
ScrapRef scrap;
OSStatus err;
err = ::GetCurrentScrap(&scrap);
NS_ASSERTION(err == noErr, "GetCurrentScrap returned error");
err =::PutScrapFlavor( scrap, inFlavor, kScrapFlavorMaskNone, inLen, inData );
NS_ASSERTION(err == noErr, "PutScrapFlavor returned error");
long numBytes = ::PutScrap ( inLen, inFlavor, inData );
if ( numBytes != noErr )
return errCode;
} // PutOnClipboard
// GetNativeClipboardData
// Take data off the native clip and put it on the transferable.
nsClipboard :: GetNativeClipboardData ( nsITransferable * aTransferable, PRInt32 aWhichClipboard )
if ( aWhichClipboard != kGlobalClipboard )
nsresult errCode = NS_OK;
// make sure we have a good transferable
if ( !aTransferable )
// get flavor list that includes all acceptable flavors (including ones obtained through
// conversion)
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsArray> flavorList;
errCode = aTransferable->FlavorsTransferableCanImport ( getter_AddRefs(flavorList) );
if ( NS_FAILED(errCode) )
// create a mime mapper. It's ok for this to fail because the data may come from
// another app which obviously wouldn't put our mime mapping data on the clipboard.
char* mimeMapperData = nsnull;
errCode = GetDataOffClipboard ( nsMimeMapperMac::MappingFlavor(), (void**)&mimeMapperData, 0 );
nsMimeMapperMac theMapper ( mimeMapperData );
if (mimeMapperData)
nsCRT::free ( mimeMapperData );
// Now walk down the list of flavors. When we find one that is actually on the
// clipboard, copy out the data into the transferable in that format. SetTransferData()
// implicitly handles conversions.
PRBool dataFound = PR_FALSE;
PRUint32 cnt;
for ( PRUint32 i = 0; i < cnt; ++i ) {
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> genericFlavor;
flavorList->GetElementAt ( i, getter_AddRefs(genericFlavor) );
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsCString> currentFlavor ( do_QueryInterface(genericFlavor) );
if ( currentFlavor ) {
nsXPIDLCString flavorStr;
currentFlavor->ToString ( getter_Copies(flavorStr) );
// find MacOS flavor (don't add if not present)
ResType macOSFlavor = theMapper.MapMimeTypeToMacOSType(flavorStr, PR_FALSE);
void* clipboardData = nsnull;
PRInt32 dataSize = 0L;
nsresult loadResult = GetDataOffClipboard ( macOSFlavor, &clipboardData, &dataSize );
if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(loadResult) && clipboardData )
dataFound = PR_TRUE;
else {
// if we are looking for text/unicode and we fail to find it on the clipboard first,
// try again with text/plain. If that is present, convert it to unicode.
if ( strcmp(flavorStr, kUnicodeMime) == 0 ) {
loadResult = GetDataOffClipboard ( 'TEXT', &clipboardData, &dataSize );
if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(loadResult) && clipboardData ) {
const char* castedText = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(char*, clipboardData);
PRUnichar* convertedText = nsnull;
PRInt32 convertedTextLen = 0;
nsPrimitiveHelpers::ConvertPlatformPlainTextToUnicode ( castedText, dataSize,
&convertedText, &convertedTextLen );
if ( convertedText ) {
// out with the old, in with the new
clipboardData = convertedText;
dataSize = convertedTextLen * 2;
dataFound = PR_TRUE;
} // if plain text data on clipboard
} // if looking for text/unicode
} // else we try one last ditch effort to find our data
if ( dataFound ) {
if ( strcmp(flavorStr, kPNGImageMime) == 0 || strcmp(flavorStr, kJPEGImageMime) == 0 ||
strcmp(flavorStr, kGIFImageMime) == 0 ) {
// someone asked for an image, so we have to convert from PICT to the desired
// image format
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ( "----------- IMAGE REQUESTED ----------" );
} // if image requested
else {
// Assume that we have some form of textual data. The DOM only wants LF, so convert
// from MacOS line endings to DOM line endings.
nsLinebreakHelpers::ConvertPlatformToDOMLinebreaks ( flavorStr, &clipboardData, &dataSize );
unsigned char *clipboardDataPtr = (unsigned char *) clipboardData;
// skip BOM (Byte Order Mark to distinguish little or big endian) in 'utxt'
// 10.2 puts BOM for 'utxt', we need to remove it here
// for little endian case, we also need to convert the data to big endian
// but we do not do that currently (need this in case 'utxt' is really in little endian)
if ( (macOSFlavor == 'utxt') &&
(dataSize > 2) &&
((clipboardDataPtr[0] == 0xFE && clipboardDataPtr[1] == 0xFF) ||
(clipboardDataPtr[0] == 0xFF && clipboardDataPtr[1] == 0xFE)) ) {
dataSize -= sizeof(PRUnichar);
clipboardDataPtr += sizeof(PRUnichar);
// put it into the transferable
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> genericDataWrapper;
nsPrimitiveHelpers::CreatePrimitiveForData ( flavorStr, clipboardDataPtr, dataSize, getter_AddRefs(genericDataWrapper) );
errCode = aTransferable->SetTransferData ( flavorStr, genericDataWrapper, dataSize );
nsMemory::Free ( clipboardData );
// we found one, get out of this loop!
} // if flavor found on clipboard
} // foreach flavor
return errCode;
// GetDataOffClipboard
// Actually does the work of retrieving the data from the native clipboard
// with the given MacOS flavor
nsClipboard :: GetDataOffClipboard ( ResType inMacFlavor, void** outData, PRInt32* outDataSize )
if ( !outData || !inMacFlavor )
// set up default results.
*outData = nsnull;
if ( outDataSize )
*outDataSize = 0;
// check if it is on the clipboard
long offsetUnused = 0;
ScrapRef scrap;
long dataSize;
OSStatus err;
err = ::GetCurrentScrap(&scrap);
if (err != noErr) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
err = ::GetScrapFlavorSize(scrap, inMacFlavor, &dataSize);
if (err != noErr) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
if (dataSize > 0) {
char* dataBuff = (char*) nsMemory::Alloc(dataSize);
if ( !dataBuff )
// ::GetScrapFlavorData can be very expensive when a conversion
// is required (say the OS does the conversion from TEXT to utxt). Be
// sure to only call this when pasting. We no longer use it in
// CheckIfFlavorPresent() for this very reason.
err = ::GetScrapFlavorData(scrap, inMacFlavor, &dataSize, dataBuff);
NS_ASSERTION(err == noErr, "nsClipboard:: Error getting data off clipboard");
if ( err ) {
// put it into the transferable
if ( outDataSize )
*outDataSize = dataSize;
*outData = dataBuff;
long clipResult = ::GetScrap(NULL, inMacFlavor, &offsetUnused);
if ( clipResult > 0 ) {
Handle dataHand = ::NewHandle(0);
if ( !dataHand )
long dataSize = ::GetScrap ( dataHand, inMacFlavor, &offsetUnused );
NS_ASSERTION(dataSize > 0, "nsClipboard:: Error getting data off the clipboard, size negative");
if ( dataSize > 0 ) {
char* dataBuff = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(char*, nsMemory::Alloc(dataSize));
if ( !dataBuff )
::BlockMoveData ( *dataHand, dataBuff, dataSize );
if ( outDataSize )
*outDataSize = dataSize;
*outData = dataBuff;
#endif /* TARGET_CARBON */
return NS_OK;
} // GetDataOffClipboard
// HasDataMatchingFlavors
// Check the clipboard to see if we have any data that matches the given flavors. This
// does NOT actually fetch the data. The items in the flavor list are nsISupportsCString's.
// Handle the case where we ask for unicode and it's not there, but plain text is. We
// say "yes" in that case, knowing that we will have to perform a conversion when we actually
// pull the data off the clipboard.
nsClipboard :: HasDataMatchingFlavors ( nsISupportsArray* aFlavorList, PRInt32 aWhichClipboard, PRBool * outResult )
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
*outResult = PR_FALSE; // assume there is nothing there we want.
if ( aWhichClipboard != kGlobalClipboard )
return NS_OK;
// create a mime mapper. It's ok for this to fail because the data may come from
// another app which obviously wouldn't put our mime mapping data on the clipboard.
char* mimeMapperData = nsnull;
rv = GetDataOffClipboard ( nsMimeMapperMac::MappingFlavor(), (void**)&mimeMapperData, 0 );
nsMimeMapperMac theMapper ( mimeMapperData );
nsMemory::Free ( mimeMapperData );
PRUint32 length;
for ( PRUint32 i = 0; i < length; ++i ) {
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> genericFlavor;
aFlavorList->GetElementAt ( i, getter_AddRefs(genericFlavor) );
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsCString> flavorWrapper ( do_QueryInterface(genericFlavor) );
if ( flavorWrapper ) {
nsXPIDLCString flavor;
flavorWrapper->ToString ( getter_Copies(flavor) );
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
if ( strcmp(flavor, kTextMime) == 0 )
// now that we have the flavor (whew!), run it through the mime mapper. If
// the mapper returns a null flavor, then it ain't there.
ResType macFlavor = theMapper.MapMimeTypeToMacOSType ( flavor, PR_FALSE );
if ( macFlavor ) {
if ( CheckIfFlavorPresent(macFlavor) ) {
*outResult = PR_TRUE; // we found one!
else {
// if the client asked for unicode and it wasn't present, check if we have TEXT.
// We'll handle the actual data substitution in GetNativeClipboardData().
if ( strcmp(flavor, kUnicodeMime) == 0 ) {
if ( CheckIfFlavorPresent('TEXT') ) {
*outResult = PR_TRUE;
} // foreach flavor
return NS_OK;
// CheckIfFlavorPresent
// A little utility routine for derminining if a given flavor is really there
nsClipboard :: CheckIfFlavorPresent ( ResType inMacFlavor )
PRBool retval = PR_FALSE;
ScrapRef scrap = nsnull;
OSStatus err = ::GetCurrentScrap(&scrap);
if ( scrap ) {
// the OS clipboard may contain promises and require conversions. Instead
// of calling in those promises, we can use ::GetScrapFlavorInfoList() to
// see the list of what could be there if we asked for it. This is really
// fast. Iterate over the list, and if we find it, we're good to go.
UInt32 flavorCount = 0;
::GetScrapFlavorCount ( scrap, &flavorCount );
ScrapFlavorInfo* flavorList = new ScrapFlavorInfo[flavorCount];
if ( flavorList ) {
err = ::GetScrapFlavorInfoList ( scrap, &flavorCount, flavorList );
if ( !err && flavorList ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < flavorCount; ++i ) {
if ( flavorList[i].flavorType == inMacFlavor )
retval = PR_TRUE;
delete flavorList;
long offsetUnused = 0;
long clipResult = ::GetScrap(NULL, inMacFlavor, &offsetUnused);
if ( clipResult > 0 )
retval = PR_TRUE; // we found one!
return retval;
} // CheckIfFlavorPresent

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@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: NPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the NPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the NPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
// Mike Pinkerton
// Netscape Communications
// The MacOS native implementation of nsIDragService, nsIDragSession, and
// nsIDragSessionMac.
#ifndef nsDragService_h__
#define nsDragService_h__
#include "nsBaseDragService.h"
#include "nsIDragSessionMac.h"
#include <Drag.h>
#include <MacWindows.h>
class nsNativeDragTarget;
class nsDragService : public nsBaseDragService, public nsIDragSessionMac
virtual ~nsDragService();
//nsISupports - can't use inherited because of nsIDragSessionMac
NS_IMETHOD InvokeDragSession (nsIDOMNode *aDOMNode, nsISupportsArray * anArrayTransferables, nsIScriptableRegion * aRegion, PRUint32 aActionType);
NS_IMETHOD GetData (nsITransferable * aTransferable, PRUint32 aItemIndex);
NS_IMETHOD IsDataFlavorSupported(const char *aDataFlavor, PRBool *_retval);
NS_IMETHOD GetNumDropItems (PRUint32 * aNumItems);
NS_IMETHOD SetDragAction ( PRUint32 anAction ) ;
NS_IMETHOD SetDragReference ( DragReference aDragRef ) ;
NS_IMETHOD StartDragSession ( ) ;
NS_IMETHOD EndDragSession ( ) ;
char* LookupMimeMappingsForItem ( DragReference inDragRef, ItemReference itemRef ) ;
void RegisterDragItemsAndFlavors ( nsISupportsArray * inArray, RgnHandle inDragRgn ) ;
PRBool BuildDragRegion ( nsIScriptableRegion* inRegion, nsIDOMNode* inNode, RgnHandle ioDragRgn ) ;
OSErr GetDataForFlavor ( nsISupportsArray* inDragItems, DragReference inDragRef, unsigned int inItemIndex,
FlavorType inFlavor, void** outData, unsigned int * outSize ) ;
nsresult ExtractDataFromOS ( DragReference inDragRef, ItemReference inItemRef, ResType inFlavor,
void** outBuffer, PRInt32* outBuffSize ) ;
// compute a screen rect from the frame associated with the given dom node
PRBool ComputeGlobalRectFromFrame ( nsIDOMNode* aDOMNode, Rect & outScreenRect ) ;
OSErr HandleHFSPromiseDrop(DragReference inDragRef, unsigned int inItemIndex,
FlavorType inFlavor, const nsAString& inSourceURL, void** outData, unsigned int* outDataSize);
// callback for the MacOS DragManager when a drop site asks for data
static pascal OSErr DragSendDataProc ( FlavorType inFlavor, void* inRefCon,
ItemReference theItemRef, DragReference inDragRef ) ;
DragSendDataUPP mDragSendDataUPP;
DragReference mDragRef; // reference to _the_ drag. There can be only one.
nsISupportsArray* mDataItems; // cached here for when we start the drag so the
// DragSendDataProc has access to them.
PRBool mImageDraggingSupported;
}; // class nsDragService
#endif // nsDragService_h__

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@ -96,10 +96,6 @@ static NS_DEFINE_CID(kMenuItemCID, NS_MENUITEM_CID);
class nsDummyMenuItemX : public nsISupports {
NS_IMETHODIMP_(nsrefcnt) nsDummyMenuItemX::AddRef() { return ++mRefCnt; }

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@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ static nsModuleComponentInfo components[] =
nsDragHelperServiceConstructor },
{ "Gtk Bidi Keyboard",
{ "Cocoa Bidi Keyboard",
nsBidiKeyboardConstructor },