Bug 378226, Push() subroutine for Updates step, r=rhelmer

This commit is contained in:
nrthomas@gmail.com 2007-07-12 10:54:14 -07:00
Родитель 7e274b9fe5
Коммит 13d0793e0f
2 изменённых файлов: 120 добавлений и 9 удалений

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@ -3,11 +3,16 @@
# snippets.
package Bootstrap::Step::Updates;
use Bootstrap::Step;
use Bootstrap::Config;
use Bootstrap::Util qw(CvsCatfile);
use File::Find qw(find);
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use MozBuild::Util qw(MkdirWithPath);
@ISA = ("Bootstrap::Step");
sub Execute {
@ -94,11 +99,27 @@ sub Execute {
### quick verification
# ensure that there are only test channels
my $testDir = catfile($versionedUpdateDir, 'patcher', 'temp', $product,
$oldVersion . '-' . $version, 'aus2.test');
my $fullUpdateDir = catfile($versionedUpdateDir, 'patcher', 'temp',
$product, $oldVersion . '-' . $version);
$snippetErrors = undef; # evil (??) global to get results from callbacks
File::Find::find(\&TestAusCallback, $testDir);
# ensure that there are only test channels in aus2.test dir
File::Find::find(\&TestAusCallback, catfile($fullUpdateDir,"aus2.test"));
# ensure that there are only beta channels in beta dir (if that exists)
if (-d catfile($fullUpdateDir, "aus2.beta")) {
File::Find::find(\&BetaAusCallback, catfile($fullUpdateDir,"aus2.beta"));
File::Find::find(\&ReleaseAusCallback, catfile($fullUpdateDir,"aus2"));
# otherwise allow beta and release in aus2 dir
else {
File::Find::find(\&ReleaseBetaAusCallback, catfile($fullUpdateDir,"aus2"));
if ($snippetErrors) {
$snippetErrors =~ s!$fullUpdateDir/!!g;
die("Execute: Snippets failed location checks: $snippetErrors\n");
sub Verify {
@ -146,12 +167,98 @@ sub Verify {
# locate snippets for which the channel doesn't end in test
sub TestAusCallback {
my $dir = $File::Find::name;
if (($dir =~ /beta/) or ($dir =~ /release/)) {
if (not $dir =~ /test/) {
die("Non-test directory found in $testDir/aus2.test: $dir");
if ( ($dir =~ /\.txt/) and
(not $dir =~ /\/\w*test\/(partial|complete)\.txt$/)) {
$snippetErrors .= "\nNon-test: $dir";
# locate snippets for which the channel isn't beta
sub BetaAusCallback {
my $dir = $File::Find::name;
if ( ($dir =~ /\.txt/) and
(not $dir =~ /\/beta\/(partial|complete)\.txt$/)) {
$snippetErrors .= "\nNon-beta: $dir";
# locate snippets for which the channel isn't release
sub ReleaseAusCallback {
my $dir = $File::Find::name;
if ( ($dir =~ /\.txt/) and
(not $dir =~ /\/release\/(partial|complete)\.txt$/)) {
$snippetErrors .= "\nNon-release: $dir";
# locate snippets for which the channel isn't release or beta
sub ReleaseBetaAusCallback {
my $dir = $File::Find::name;
if ( ($dir =~ /\.txt/) and
(not $dir =~ /\/(release|beta)\/(partial|complete)\.txt$/)) {
$snippetErrors .= "\nNon-release: $dir";
sub Push {
my $this = shift;
my $config = new Bootstrap::Config();
my $logDir = $config->Get(var => 'logDir');
my $product = $config->Get(var => 'product');
my $version = $config->Get(var => 'version');
my $rc = $config->Get(var => 'rc');
my $oldVersion = $config->Get(var => 'oldVersion');
my $sshUser = $config->Get(var => 'sshUser');
my $sshServer = $config->Get(var => 'sshServer');
my $ausUser = $config->Get(var => 'ausUser');
my $ausServer = $config->Get(var => 'ausServer');
my $updateDir = $config->Get(var => 'updateDir');
my $pushLog = catfile($logDir, 'updates_push.log');
my $fullUpdateDir = catfile($updateDir, $product . '-' . $version,
'patcher', 'temp', $product,
$oldVersion . '-' . $version);
my $candidateDir = $config->GetFtpCandidateDir(bitsUnsigned => 0);
# push partial mar files up to ftp server
cmd => 'rsync',
cmdArgs => ['-av', '-e', 'ssh',
catfile('ftp', $product, 'nightly', $version . '-candidates',
'rc' . $rc) . '/',
$sshUser . '@' . $sshServer . ':' . $candidateDir],
dir => $fullUpdateDir,
logFile => $pushLog,
# push update snippets to AUS server
my $targetPrefix = CvsCatfile('/opt','aus2','snippets','staging',
strftime("%Y%m%d", localtime) . '-' .
ucfirst($product) . '-' . $version);
$config->Set(var => 'ausDeliveryDir', value => $targetPrefix);
my @snippetDirs = glob(catfile($fullUpdateDir, "aus2*"));
foreach $dir (@snippetDirs) {
my $targetDir = $targetPrefix;
if ($dir =~ /aus2\.(.*)$/) {
$targetDir .= '-' . $1;
cmd => 'rsync',
cmdArgs => ['-av',
'-e', 'ssh -i ' . catfile($ENV{'HOME'},'.ssh','aus'),
$dir . '/',
$ausUser . '@' . $ausServer . ':' . $targetDir],
logFile => $pushLog,
@ -161,10 +268,11 @@ sub Announce {
my $config = new Bootstrap::Config();
my $product = $config->Get(var => 'product');
my $version = $config->Get(var => 'version');
my $ausDeliveryDir = $config->Get(var => 'ausDeliveryDir');
subject => "$product $version update step finished",
message => "$product $version updates are ready to be deployed to AUS and the candidates dir.",
message => "$product $version updates finished. Partial mars were copied to the candidates dir, and the snippets to AUS in $ausDeliveryDir*.",

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@ -51,5 +51,8 @@ dumpLogs = 1
# username and server to push builds
sshUser = buildslave
sshServer = localhost
# username and server to push update snippets to
ausUser = buildslave
ausServer = localhost
# Tinderbox server tree that clients should report to
buildTree = MozillaTest