зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Implemented variant-constraints. Added all-state-transitions.
This commit is contained in:
@ -106,8 +106,14 @@
(ash 1 (terminal-number grammar terminal)))
; Return a terminalset containing all terminals in the grammar.
(defun make-full-terminalset (grammar)
(1- (ash 1 (length (grammar-terminals grammar)))))
; Call f on every terminal in the terminalset in reverse order.
(defun map-terminalset-reverse (f grammar terminalset)
(assert-true (>= terminalset 0))
(do ()
((zerop terminalset))
(let ((last (1- (integer-length terminalset))))
@ -124,7 +130,12 @@
(defun print-terminalset (grammar terminalset &optional (stream t))
(pprint-fill stream (terminalset-list grammar terminalset) nil))
(let ((first t))
(dolist (terminal (terminalset-list grammar terminalset))
(if first
(setq first nil)
(format stream " ~:_"))
(write terminal :stream stream))))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -153,7 +164,8 @@
;;; A constraint modifies the rhs of a production. The constraint applies just before the pos-th
;;; general grammar symbol on the rhs of the production.
(defstruct (constraint (:constructor nil) (:copier nil) (:predicate constraint?))
(pos nil :type integer :read-only t)) ;Position of this constraint; ranges between 0 and length(general-production-rhs), inclusive.
(pos nil :type integer :read-only t) ;Position of this constraint; ranges between 0 and length(general-production-rhs), inclusive.
(terminalset nil :type (or null terminalset))) ;Set of allowed lookahead terminals; null until terminals are numbered
;;; A lookahead-constraint imposes a restriction on the current lookahead terminal when matching
@ -163,8 +175,7 @@
(:constructor make-lookahead-constraint (pos forbidden-terminals source))
(:predicate lookahead-constraint?))
(forbidden-terminals nil :type list :read-only t) ;List of forbidden terminals
(source nil :type list :read-only t) ;List of grammar symbols (terminals or nonterminals) that produced the list of forbidden terminals
(terminalset nil :type (or null terminalset))) ;Set of allowed terminals (complement of forbidden-terminals); null until terminals are numbered
(source nil :type list :read-only t)) ;List of grammar symbols (terminals or nonterminals) that produced the list of forbidden terminals
; Emit markup for a lookahead-constraint.
@ -182,20 +193,21 @@
(format stream "-~{ ~:_~W~}" (lookahead-constraint-source lookahead-constraint))))
;;; A no-line-break-constraint succeeds only when there is no line break at the current position.
(defstruct (no-line-break-constraint (:include constraint)
(:constructor make-no-line-break-constraint (pos))
(:predicate no-line-break-constraint?)))
;;; A variant-constraint succeeds only when there is no line break at the current position.
(defstruct (variant-constraint (:include constraint)
(:constructor make-variant-constraint (pos name))
(:predicate variant-constraint?))
(name nil :read-only t)) ;This variant-constraint's depict name
; Emit markup for a no-line-break-constraint.
(defun depict-no-line-break-constraint (markup-stream no-line-break-constraint)
(declare (ignore no-line-break-constraint))
(depict markup-stream :no-line-break))
; Emit markup for a variant-constraint.
(defun depict-variant-constraint (markup-stream variant-constraint)
(depict markup-stream (variant-constraint-name variant-constraint)))
(defmethod print-object ((no-line-break-constraint no-line-break-constraint) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (no-line-break-constraint stream)))
(defmethod print-object ((variant-constraint variant-constraint) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (variant-constraint stream)
(write (variant-constraint-name variant-constraint) :stream stream)))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -237,12 +249,13 @@
; Return the general-production's lookahead-constraint's terminalset at the given position.
(defun general-production-lookahead-constraint (general-production pos)
(dolist (constraint (general-production-constraints general-production) *full-terminalset*)
(when (and (lookahead-constraint? constraint)
(= (constraint-pos constraint) pos))
(return (lookahead-constraint-terminalset constraint)))))
; Return the general-production's constraint's terminalset at the given position.
(defun general-production-constraint (general-production pos)
(let ((terminalset *full-terminalset*))
(dolist (constraint (general-production-constraints general-production))
(when (= (constraint-pos constraint) pos)
(terminalset-intersection-f terminalset (constraint-terminalset constraint))))
; Emit a markup paragraph for the left-hand-side of a general production.
@ -257,8 +270,8 @@
((lookahead-constraint? production-rhs-component)
(depict-lookahead-constraint markup-stream production-rhs-component))
((no-line-break-constraint? production-rhs-component)
(depict-no-line-break-constraint markup-stream production-rhs-component))
((variant-constraint? production-rhs-component)
(depict-variant-constraint markup-stream production-rhs-component))
(t (depict-general-grammar-symbol markup-stream production-rhs-component :reference subscript))))
@ -785,7 +798,7 @@
(let ((transition-cons (pprint-pop)))
(pprint-logical-block (stream nil)
(pprint-fill stream (car transition-cons) nil)
(format stream " ~2I~_=> " (car transition-cons))
(format stream " ~2I~_=> ")
(print-transition (cdr transition-cons) stream))
(format stream " ~:_")))))
(when (state-gotos state)
@ -998,6 +1011,8 @@
(terminals nil :type simple-vector :read-only t) ;Vector of all terminals (in order of terminal numbers)
(nonterminals nil :type simple-vector :read-only t) ;Vector of all nonterminals (in a depth-first order)
(nonterminals-list nil :type list :read-only t) ;List version of the nonterminals vector
(terminal-variants nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of terminal -> list of that terminal's variants, including the terminal itself
(terminal-terminalsets nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of terminal -> terminalset of that terminal's variants, including the terminal itself
(terminal-numbers nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of terminal -> terminal number
(terminal-actions nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of terminal -> list of (action-symbol . action-function-or-nil)
(rules nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of nonterminal -> rule
@ -1012,6 +1027,20 @@
(action-signatures nil :type (or null hash-table))) ;Hash table of grammar-symbol -> list of (action-symbol . type-or-type-expr)
; Return a list of the given terminal's variants, including the terminal itself.
(declaim (inline terminal-variants))
(defun terminal-variants (grammar terminal)
(or (gethash terminal (grammar-terminal-variants grammar))
(error "Can't find terminal ~S" terminal)))
; Return a terminalset of the given terminal's variants, including the terminal itself.
(declaim (inline terminal-terminalset))
(defun terminal-terminalset (grammar terminal)
(or (gethash terminal (grammar-terminal-terminalsets grammar))
(error "Can't find terminal ~S" terminal)))
; Return a rule for the given nonterminal lhs.
(defun grammar-rule (grammar lhs)
(or (gethash lhs (grammar-rules grammar))
@ -1072,6 +1101,7 @@
; G is the terminalset of all terminals x that satisfy
; symbol ==>* x rest,
; where rest is an arbitrary string of grammar symbols.
; P is the terminalset of all terminals x that satisfy
; symbol x ==> x
(defun symbol-initial-terminals (grammar symbol)
@ -1079,7 +1109,7 @@
(if (nonterminal? symbol)
(let ((rule (grammar-rule grammar symbol)))
(values (rule-initial-terminals rule) (rule-passthrough-terminals rule)))
(values (make-terminalset grammar symbol) *empty-terminalset*)))
(values (terminal-terminalset grammar symbol) *empty-terminalset*)))
; Given an arbitrary string of grammar symbols, a list of constraints, and an initial position,
@ -1090,21 +1120,25 @@
; G is the terminalset of all terminals x that satisfy
; symbol-string ==>* x rest,
; where rest is an arbitrary string of grammar symbols.
; P is the terminalset of all terminals x that satisfy
; symbol-string x ==> x
; The constraints' positions are relative to the given initial position, which specifies the position
; of the first grammar-symbol in the symbol-string. The constraints must be listed in order of
; increasing positions.
(defun string-initial-terminals (grammar symbol-string constraints pos)
; increasing positions. If ignore-initial-constraints is true, ignore the constraints located at pos
; but include the constraints at subsequent positions if applicable.
(defun string-initial-terminals (grammar symbol-string constraints pos ignore-initial-constraints)
(do ((symbol-string symbol-string (cdr symbol-string))
(pos pos (1+ pos))
(initial-terminals *empty-terminalset*)
(passthrough-terminals *full-terminalset*))
((terminalset-empty? passthrough-terminals) (values initial-terminals *empty-terminalset*))
(dolist (constraint constraints)
(when (and (lookahead-constraint? constraint)
(= (constraint-pos constraint) pos))
(terminalset-intersection-f passthrough-terminals (lookahead-constraint-terminalset constraint))))
(if ignore-initial-constraints
(setq ignore-initial-constraints nil)
(dolist (constraint constraints)
(when (= (constraint-pos constraint) pos)
(terminalset-intersection-f passthrough-terminals (constraint-terminalset constraint)))))
(if symbol-string
(multiple-value-bind (generate passthrough) (symbol-initial-terminals grammar (first symbol-string))
(terminalset-union-f initial-terminals (terminalset-intersection passthrough-terminals generate))
@ -1115,14 +1149,15 @@
; Intern attributed or generic nonterminals in the production's lhs and rhs. Replace
; (:- <terminal> ... <terminal>) or (:-- (<grammar-symbol> ... <grammar-symbol>) <terminal> ... <terminal>)
; sublists in the rhs with lookahead-constraints and put these, in order, after the third element of
; the returned list. Also replace :~ symbols with no-line-break-constraints.
; the returned list. Also replace variant constraint symbols with variant-constraints.
; The variant-constraint-names parameter should be a list of possible variant constraint symbols.
; Return the resulting production source.
(defun intern-production-source (grammar-parametrization production-source)
(defun intern-production-source (grammar-parametrization variant-constraint-names production-source)
(assert-type production-source (tuple (or user-nonterminal cons) (list (or user-grammar-symbol cons)) identifier))
(let ((production-lhs-source (first production-source))
(production-rhs-source (second production-source))
(production-name (third production-source)))
(if (or (consp production-lhs-source) (some #'consp production-rhs-source) (find ':~ production-rhs-source))
(if (or (consp production-lhs-source) (some #'consp production-rhs-source) (intersection variant-constraint-names production-rhs-source))
(multiple-value-bind (lhs-nonterminal lhs-arguments) (grammar-parametrization-intern grammar-parametrization production-lhs-source)
(let ((rhs nil)
(constraints nil)
@ -1139,8 +1174,8 @@
(make-lookahead-constraint pos (assert-non-null (rest lookaheads)) (assert-non-null (first lookaheads)))
((eq component-source ':~)
(push (make-no-line-break-constraint pos) constraints))
((member component-source variant-constraint-names)
(push (make-variant-constraint pos component-source) constraints))
(push (grammar-parametrization-intern grammar-parametrization component-source lhs-arguments) rhs)
(incf pos))))
@ -1160,36 +1195,45 @@
; nonterminal can have attributes, thereby designating a specialization instead of a fully
; generic production.
; variant-constraint-names should be a list of keywords that are variant-constraints instead of nonterminals
; A variant-generator is either nil or a function that takes a terminal and outputs a list of its variants.
; Each variant is specified as a cons of:
; A variant terminal
; A list of names of variant constraints which exclude this variant terminal
; The rhs can also contain lookahead constraints of the form
; (:- <terminal> ... <terminal>)
; which indicate that the following terminal must not be one of the listed terminals. The form
; (:-- (<grammar-symbol> ... <grammar-symbol>) <terminal> ... <terminal>)
; does the same thing except that it prints the grammar-symbols instead of the terminals when
; the production is printed. The form
; :~
; indicates that a line break is not allowed at the current position between terminals (this
; constraint is currently ignored by the parser but does show up in printed grammars).
; <constraint>
; where <constraint> is a member of the variant-constraint-names list also represents a constraint on the following
; terminal; that constraint excludes all variants that were returned by variant-generator along with this constraint.
; excluded-nonterminals-source is a list of nonterminals not used in the grammar. Productions,
; excluded-nonterminals is a list of nonterminals not used in the grammar. Productions,
; including productions expanded from generic productions, that have one of these nonterminals
; on the lhs are ignored.
(defun make-grammar (grammar-parametrization start-symbol grammar-source &optional excluded-nonterminals-source)
(let ((interned-grammar-source
(defun make-grammar (grammar-parametrization start-symbol grammar-source &key variant-constraint-names variant-generator excluded-nonterminals)
(let ((variant-constraint-forbid-lists (mapcar #'list variant-constraint-names))
(mapcar #'(lambda (production-source)
(intern-production-source grammar-parametrization production-source))
(intern-production-source grammar-parametrization variant-constraint-names production-source))
(rules (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
(terminals-hash (make-hash-table :test *grammar-symbol-=*))
(terminal-variants (make-hash-table :test *grammar-symbol-=*))
(general-productions (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(production-number 0)
(max-production-length 1)
(excluded-nonterminals-hash (make-hash-table :test *grammar-symbol-=*))
(lookahead-constraints nil))
(constraints nil))
;Set up excluded-nonterminals-hash. The values of the hash table are either :seen or :unseen
;depending on whether a production with the particular nonterminal has been seen yet.
(dolist (excluded-nonterminal-source excluded-nonterminals-source)
(setf (gethash (grammar-parametrization-intern grammar-parametrization excluded-nonterminal-source nil) excluded-nonterminals-hash)
(dolist (excluded-nonterminal excluded-nonterminals)
(setf (gethash (grammar-parametrization-intern grammar-parametrization excluded-nonterminal nil) excluded-nonterminals-hash)
;Create the starting production: *start-nonterminal* ==> start-symbol
@ -1243,6 +1287,16 @@
(create-production production-lhs production-rhs production-constraints production-name)))))))
(when variant-generator
(dolist (terminal (hash-table-keys terminals-hash))
(dolist (variant-and-constraints (funcall variant-generator terminal))
(let ((variant (first variant-and-constraints)))
(push variant (gethash terminal terminal-variants))
(setf (gethash variant terminals-hash) t)
(dolist (constraint (rest variant-and-constraints))
(push variant (cdr (assoc constraint variant-constraint-forbid-lists))))))))
;Change all values of the rules hash table to contain rule structures
;instead of mere lists of rules. Also check that all referenced nonterminals
;have been defined.
@ -1254,8 +1308,8 @@
(unless (gethash grammar-symbol rules)
(error "Nonterminal ~S used but not defined" grammar-symbol))))
(dolist (constraint (production-constraints rule-production))
(push constraint constraints)
(when (lookahead-constraint? constraint)
(push constraint lookahead-constraints)
(dolist (lookahead-terminal (lookahead-constraint-forbidden-terminals constraint))
(unless (gethash lookahead-terminal terminals-hash)
(warn "Lookahead terminal ~S not used in main grammar" lookahead-terminal)
@ -1282,16 +1336,21 @@
(let ((terminals (coerce (cons *end-marker* (sorted-hash-table-keys terminals-hash))
(terminal-terminalsets (make-hash-table :test *grammar-symbol-=*))
(nonterminals (coerce nonterminals-list 'simple-vector)))
(dotimes (n (length terminals))
(setf (gethash (svref terminals n) terminals-hash) n))
(let ((terminal (svref terminals n)))
(setf (gethash terminal terminals-hash) n)
(pushnew terminal (gethash terminal terminal-variants))))
(dotimes (n (length nonterminals))
(setf (rule-number (gethash (svref nonterminals n) rules)) n))
(let ((grammar (allocate-grammar
:argument-attributes (grammar-parametrization-argument-attributes grammar-parametrization)
:terminals terminals
:nonterminals-list nonterminals-list
:nonterminals nonterminals
:nonterminals-list nonterminals-list
:terminal-variants terminal-variants
:terminal-terminalsets terminal-terminalsets
:terminal-numbers terminals-hash
:terminal-actions (make-hash-table :test *grammar-symbol-=*)
:rules rules
@ -1301,12 +1360,34 @@
:n-productions production-number
:items-hash (make-hash-table :test #'equal))))
;Compute the terminalsets in the lookahead-constraints.
(dolist (lookahead-constraint lookahead-constraints)
;Compute the terminalsets in the terminal-terminalsets.
(dotimes (n (length terminals))
(let ((terminal (svref terminals n))
(terminalset *empty-terminalset*))
(dolist (variant (terminal-variants grammar terminal))
(terminalset-union-f terminalset (make-terminalset grammar variant)))
(setf (gethash terminal terminal-terminalsets) terminalset)))
;Replace the cdr of each element of variant-constraint-forbid-lists with a terminalset of all
;terminals not forbidden by that constraint.
(dolist (constraint-and-forbidden-variants variant-constraint-forbid-lists)
(let ((terminalset *full-terminalset*))
(dolist (forbidden-terminal (lookahead-constraint-forbidden-terminals lookahead-constraint))
(terminalset-difference-f terminalset (make-terminalset grammar forbidden-terminal)))
(setf (lookahead-constraint-terminalset lookahead-constraint) terminalset)))
(dolist (variant (rest constraint-and-forbidden-variants))
(terminalset-difference-f terminalset (ash 1 (gethash variant terminals-hash)))
(setf (rest constraint-and-forbidden-variants) terminalset))))
;Compute the terminalsets in the constraints.
(dolist (constraint constraints)
((lookahead-constraint? constraint)
(let ((terminalset *full-terminalset*))
(dolist (forbidden-terminal (lookahead-constraint-forbidden-terminals constraint))
(terminalset-difference-f terminalset (terminal-terminalset grammar forbidden-terminal)))
(setf (constraint-terminalset constraint) terminalset)))
((variant-constraint? constraint)
(setf (constraint-terminalset constraint) (assert-non-null (cdr (assoc (variant-constraint-name constraint)
(t (error "Unknown constraint ~S" constraint))))
;Compute the values of passthrough-terminals and initial-terminals in each rule.
(do ((changed t))
@ -1318,7 +1399,7 @@
(new-passthrough-terminals *empty-terminalset*))
(dolist (production (rule-productions rule))
(multiple-value-bind (production-initial-terminals production-passthrough-terminals)
(string-initial-terminals grammar (production-rhs production) (production-constraints production) 0)
(string-initial-terminals grammar (production-rhs production) (production-constraints production) 0 nil)
(terminalset-union-f new-initial-terminals production-initial-terminals)
(terminalset-union-f new-passthrough-terminals production-passthrough-terminals)))
(unless (terminalset-= new-initial-terminals (rule-initial-terminals rule))
@ -1382,9 +1463,11 @@
(format stream "~:@_ | ")))
(pprint-indent :block 2 stream)
(when details
(format stream "~:@_Initial terminals: ~@_~@<~:[~;<epsilon> ~:_~]~{~W ~:_~}~:>"
(not (terminalset-empty? (rule-passthrough-terminals rule)))
(terminalset-list grammar (rule-initial-terminals rule)))))
(format stream "~:@_Initial terminals: ~@_")
(pprint-logical-block (stream nil)
(unless (terminalset-empty? (rule-passthrough-terminals rule))
(format stream "<epsilon> ~:_"))
(print-terminalset grammar (rule-initial-terminals rule) stream))))
(pprint-newline :mandatory stream))
(pprint-newline :mandatory stream)))
@ -1433,6 +1516,18 @@
(sort equivalences #'< :key #'(lambda (equivalence)
(state-number (first equivalence))))))
; Call f on each state in the grammar, in order of state numbers.
; f should take two parameters:
; a state;
; a hash table of terminal -> transition
(defun all-state-transitions (f grammar)
(let ((transitions-hash (make-hash-table :test *grammar-symbol-=*)))
(dolist (state (grammar-states grammar))
(dolist (transition-pair (state-transitions state))
(setf (gethash (car transition-pair) transitions-hash) (cdr transition-pair)))
(funcall f state transitions-hash)
(clrhash transitions-hash))))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -106,8 +106,14 @@
(ash 1 (terminal-number grammar terminal)))
; Return a terminalset containing all terminals in the grammar.
(defun make-full-terminalset (grammar)
(1- (ash 1 (length (grammar-terminals grammar)))))
; Call f on every terminal in the terminalset in reverse order.
(defun map-terminalset-reverse (f grammar terminalset)
(assert-true (>= terminalset 0))
(do ()
((zerop terminalset))
(let ((last (1- (integer-length terminalset))))
@ -124,7 +130,12 @@
(defun print-terminalset (grammar terminalset &optional (stream t))
(pprint-fill stream (terminalset-list grammar terminalset) nil))
(let ((first t))
(dolist (terminal (terminalset-list grammar terminalset))
(if first
(setq first nil)
(format stream " ~:_"))
(write terminal :stream stream))))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -153,7 +164,8 @@
;;; A constraint modifies the rhs of a production. The constraint applies just before the pos-th
;;; general grammar symbol on the rhs of the production.
(defstruct (constraint (:constructor nil) (:copier nil) (:predicate constraint?))
(pos nil :type integer :read-only t)) ;Position of this constraint; ranges between 0 and length(general-production-rhs), inclusive.
(pos nil :type integer :read-only t) ;Position of this constraint; ranges between 0 and length(general-production-rhs), inclusive.
(terminalset nil :type (or null terminalset))) ;Set of allowed lookahead terminals; null until terminals are numbered
;;; A lookahead-constraint imposes a restriction on the current lookahead terminal when matching
@ -163,8 +175,7 @@
(:constructor make-lookahead-constraint (pos forbidden-terminals source))
(:predicate lookahead-constraint?))
(forbidden-terminals nil :type list :read-only t) ;List of forbidden terminals
(source nil :type list :read-only t) ;List of grammar symbols (terminals or nonterminals) that produced the list of forbidden terminals
(terminalset nil :type (or null terminalset))) ;Set of allowed terminals (complement of forbidden-terminals); null until terminals are numbered
(source nil :type list :read-only t)) ;List of grammar symbols (terminals or nonterminals) that produced the list of forbidden terminals
; Emit markup for a lookahead-constraint.
@ -182,20 +193,21 @@
(format stream "-~{ ~:_~W~}" (lookahead-constraint-source lookahead-constraint))))
;;; A no-line-break-constraint succeeds only when there is no line break at the current position.
(defstruct (no-line-break-constraint (:include constraint)
(:constructor make-no-line-break-constraint (pos))
(:predicate no-line-break-constraint?)))
;;; A variant-constraint succeeds only when there is no line break at the current position.
(defstruct (variant-constraint (:include constraint)
(:constructor make-variant-constraint (pos name))
(:predicate variant-constraint?))
(name nil :read-only t)) ;This variant-constraint's depict name
; Emit markup for a no-line-break-constraint.
(defun depict-no-line-break-constraint (markup-stream no-line-break-constraint)
(declare (ignore no-line-break-constraint))
(depict markup-stream :no-line-break))
; Emit markup for a variant-constraint.
(defun depict-variant-constraint (markup-stream variant-constraint)
(depict markup-stream (variant-constraint-name variant-constraint)))
(defmethod print-object ((no-line-break-constraint no-line-break-constraint) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (no-line-break-constraint stream)))
(defmethod print-object ((variant-constraint variant-constraint) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (variant-constraint stream)
(write (variant-constraint-name variant-constraint) :stream stream)))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -237,12 +249,13 @@
; Return the general-production's lookahead-constraint's terminalset at the given position.
(defun general-production-lookahead-constraint (general-production pos)
(dolist (constraint (general-production-constraints general-production) *full-terminalset*)
(when (and (lookahead-constraint? constraint)
(= (constraint-pos constraint) pos))
(return (lookahead-constraint-terminalset constraint)))))
; Return the general-production's constraint's terminalset at the given position.
(defun general-production-constraint (general-production pos)
(let ((terminalset *full-terminalset*))
(dolist (constraint (general-production-constraints general-production))
(when (= (constraint-pos constraint) pos)
(terminalset-intersection-f terminalset (constraint-terminalset constraint))))
; Emit a markup paragraph for the left-hand-side of a general production.
@ -257,8 +270,8 @@
((lookahead-constraint? production-rhs-component)
(depict-lookahead-constraint markup-stream production-rhs-component))
((no-line-break-constraint? production-rhs-component)
(depict-no-line-break-constraint markup-stream production-rhs-component))
((variant-constraint? production-rhs-component)
(depict-variant-constraint markup-stream production-rhs-component))
(t (depict-general-grammar-symbol markup-stream production-rhs-component :reference subscript))))
@ -785,7 +798,7 @@
(let ((transition-cons (pprint-pop)))
(pprint-logical-block (stream nil)
(pprint-fill stream (car transition-cons) nil)
(format stream " ~2I~_=> " (car transition-cons))
(format stream " ~2I~_=> ")
(print-transition (cdr transition-cons) stream))
(format stream " ~:_")))))
(when (state-gotos state)
@ -998,6 +1011,8 @@
(terminals nil :type simple-vector :read-only t) ;Vector of all terminals (in order of terminal numbers)
(nonterminals nil :type simple-vector :read-only t) ;Vector of all nonterminals (in a depth-first order)
(nonterminals-list nil :type list :read-only t) ;List version of the nonterminals vector
(terminal-variants nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of terminal -> list of that terminal's variants, including the terminal itself
(terminal-terminalsets nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of terminal -> terminalset of that terminal's variants, including the terminal itself
(terminal-numbers nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of terminal -> terminal number
(terminal-actions nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of terminal -> list of (action-symbol . action-function-or-nil)
(rules nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of nonterminal -> rule
@ -1012,6 +1027,20 @@
(action-signatures nil :type (or null hash-table))) ;Hash table of grammar-symbol -> list of (action-symbol . type-or-type-expr)
; Return a list of the given terminal's variants, including the terminal itself.
(declaim (inline terminal-variants))
(defun terminal-variants (grammar terminal)
(or (gethash terminal (grammar-terminal-variants grammar))
(error "Can't find terminal ~S" terminal)))
; Return a terminalset of the given terminal's variants, including the terminal itself.
(declaim (inline terminal-terminalset))
(defun terminal-terminalset (grammar terminal)
(or (gethash terminal (grammar-terminal-terminalsets grammar))
(error "Can't find terminal ~S" terminal)))
; Return a rule for the given nonterminal lhs.
(defun grammar-rule (grammar lhs)
(or (gethash lhs (grammar-rules grammar))
@ -1072,6 +1101,7 @@
; G is the terminalset of all terminals x that satisfy
; symbol ==>* x rest,
; where rest is an arbitrary string of grammar symbols.
; P is the terminalset of all terminals x that satisfy
; symbol x ==> x
(defun symbol-initial-terminals (grammar symbol)
@ -1079,7 +1109,7 @@
(if (nonterminal? symbol)
(let ((rule (grammar-rule grammar symbol)))
(values (rule-initial-terminals rule) (rule-passthrough-terminals rule)))
(values (make-terminalset grammar symbol) *empty-terminalset*)))
(values (terminal-terminalset grammar symbol) *empty-terminalset*)))
; Given an arbitrary string of grammar symbols, a list of constraints, and an initial position,
@ -1090,21 +1120,25 @@
; G is the terminalset of all terminals x that satisfy
; symbol-string ==>* x rest,
; where rest is an arbitrary string of grammar symbols.
; P is the terminalset of all terminals x that satisfy
; symbol-string x ==> x
; The constraints' positions are relative to the given initial position, which specifies the position
; of the first grammar-symbol in the symbol-string. The constraints must be listed in order of
; increasing positions.
(defun string-initial-terminals (grammar symbol-string constraints pos)
; increasing positions. If ignore-initial-constraints is true, ignore the constraints located at pos
; but include the constraints at subsequent positions if applicable.
(defun string-initial-terminals (grammar symbol-string constraints pos ignore-initial-constraints)
(do ((symbol-string symbol-string (cdr symbol-string))
(pos pos (1+ pos))
(initial-terminals *empty-terminalset*)
(passthrough-terminals *full-terminalset*))
((terminalset-empty? passthrough-terminals) (values initial-terminals *empty-terminalset*))
(dolist (constraint constraints)
(when (and (lookahead-constraint? constraint)
(= (constraint-pos constraint) pos))
(terminalset-intersection-f passthrough-terminals (lookahead-constraint-terminalset constraint))))
(if ignore-initial-constraints
(setq ignore-initial-constraints nil)
(dolist (constraint constraints)
(when (= (constraint-pos constraint) pos)
(terminalset-intersection-f passthrough-terminals (constraint-terminalset constraint)))))
(if symbol-string
(multiple-value-bind (generate passthrough) (symbol-initial-terminals grammar (first symbol-string))
(terminalset-union-f initial-terminals (terminalset-intersection passthrough-terminals generate))
@ -1115,14 +1149,15 @@
; Intern attributed or generic nonterminals in the production's lhs and rhs. Replace
; (:- <terminal> ... <terminal>) or (:-- (<grammar-symbol> ... <grammar-symbol>) <terminal> ... <terminal>)
; sublists in the rhs with lookahead-constraints and put these, in order, after the third element of
; the returned list. Also replace :~ symbols with no-line-break-constraints.
; the returned list. Also replace variant constraint symbols with variant-constraints.
; The variant-constraint-names parameter should be a list of possible variant constraint symbols.
; Return the resulting production source.
(defun intern-production-source (grammar-parametrization production-source)
(defun intern-production-source (grammar-parametrization variant-constraint-names production-source)
(assert-type production-source (tuple (or user-nonterminal cons) (list (or user-grammar-symbol cons)) identifier))
(let ((production-lhs-source (first production-source))
(production-rhs-source (second production-source))
(production-name (third production-source)))
(if (or (consp production-lhs-source) (some #'consp production-rhs-source) (find ':~ production-rhs-source))
(if (or (consp production-lhs-source) (some #'consp production-rhs-source) (intersection variant-constraint-names production-rhs-source))
(multiple-value-bind (lhs-nonterminal lhs-arguments) (grammar-parametrization-intern grammar-parametrization production-lhs-source)
(let ((rhs nil)
(constraints nil)
@ -1139,8 +1174,8 @@
(make-lookahead-constraint pos (assert-non-null (rest lookaheads)) (assert-non-null (first lookaheads)))
((eq component-source ':~)
(push (make-no-line-break-constraint pos) constraints))
((member component-source variant-constraint-names)
(push (make-variant-constraint pos component-source) constraints))
(push (grammar-parametrization-intern grammar-parametrization component-source lhs-arguments) rhs)
(incf pos))))
@ -1160,36 +1195,45 @@
; nonterminal can have attributes, thereby designating a specialization instead of a fully
; generic production.
; variant-constraint-names should be a list of keywords that are variant-constraints instead of nonterminals
; A variant-generator is either nil or a function that takes a terminal and outputs a list of its variants.
; Each variant is specified as a cons of:
; A variant terminal
; A list of names of variant constraints which exclude this variant terminal
; The rhs can also contain lookahead constraints of the form
; (:- <terminal> ... <terminal>)
; which indicate that the following terminal must not be one of the listed terminals. The form
; (:-- (<grammar-symbol> ... <grammar-symbol>) <terminal> ... <terminal>)
; does the same thing except that it prints the grammar-symbols instead of the terminals when
; the production is printed. The form
; :~
; indicates that a line break is not allowed at the current position between terminals (this
; constraint is currently ignored by the parser but does show up in printed grammars).
; <constraint>
; where <constraint> is a member of the variant-constraint-names list also represents a constraint on the following
; terminal; that constraint excludes all variants that were returned by variant-generator along with this constraint.
; excluded-nonterminals-source is a list of nonterminals not used in the grammar. Productions,
; excluded-nonterminals is a list of nonterminals not used in the grammar. Productions,
; including productions expanded from generic productions, that have one of these nonterminals
; on the lhs are ignored.
(defun make-grammar (grammar-parametrization start-symbol grammar-source &optional excluded-nonterminals-source)
(let ((interned-grammar-source
(defun make-grammar (grammar-parametrization start-symbol grammar-source &key variant-constraint-names variant-generator excluded-nonterminals)
(let ((variant-constraint-forbid-lists (mapcar #'list variant-constraint-names))
(mapcar #'(lambda (production-source)
(intern-production-source grammar-parametrization production-source))
(intern-production-source grammar-parametrization variant-constraint-names production-source))
(rules (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
(terminals-hash (make-hash-table :test *grammar-symbol-=*))
(terminal-variants (make-hash-table :test *grammar-symbol-=*))
(general-productions (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(production-number 0)
(max-production-length 1)
(excluded-nonterminals-hash (make-hash-table :test *grammar-symbol-=*))
(lookahead-constraints nil))
(constraints nil))
;Set up excluded-nonterminals-hash. The values of the hash table are either :seen or :unseen
;depending on whether a production with the particular nonterminal has been seen yet.
(dolist (excluded-nonterminal-source excluded-nonterminals-source)
(setf (gethash (grammar-parametrization-intern grammar-parametrization excluded-nonterminal-source nil) excluded-nonterminals-hash)
(dolist (excluded-nonterminal excluded-nonterminals)
(setf (gethash (grammar-parametrization-intern grammar-parametrization excluded-nonterminal nil) excluded-nonterminals-hash)
;Create the starting production: *start-nonterminal* ==> start-symbol
@ -1243,6 +1287,16 @@
(create-production production-lhs production-rhs production-constraints production-name)))))))
(when variant-generator
(dolist (terminal (hash-table-keys terminals-hash))
(dolist (variant-and-constraints (funcall variant-generator terminal))
(let ((variant (first variant-and-constraints)))
(push variant (gethash terminal terminal-variants))
(setf (gethash variant terminals-hash) t)
(dolist (constraint (rest variant-and-constraints))
(push variant (cdr (assoc constraint variant-constraint-forbid-lists))))))))
;Change all values of the rules hash table to contain rule structures
;instead of mere lists of rules. Also check that all referenced nonterminals
;have been defined.
@ -1254,8 +1308,8 @@
(unless (gethash grammar-symbol rules)
(error "Nonterminal ~S used but not defined" grammar-symbol))))
(dolist (constraint (production-constraints rule-production))
(push constraint constraints)
(when (lookahead-constraint? constraint)
(push constraint lookahead-constraints)
(dolist (lookahead-terminal (lookahead-constraint-forbidden-terminals constraint))
(unless (gethash lookahead-terminal terminals-hash)
(warn "Lookahead terminal ~S not used in main grammar" lookahead-terminal)
@ -1282,16 +1336,21 @@
(let ((terminals (coerce (cons *end-marker* (sorted-hash-table-keys terminals-hash))
(terminal-terminalsets (make-hash-table :test *grammar-symbol-=*))
(nonterminals (coerce nonterminals-list 'simple-vector)))
(dotimes (n (length terminals))
(setf (gethash (svref terminals n) terminals-hash) n))
(let ((terminal (svref terminals n)))
(setf (gethash terminal terminals-hash) n)
(pushnew terminal (gethash terminal terminal-variants))))
(dotimes (n (length nonterminals))
(setf (rule-number (gethash (svref nonterminals n) rules)) n))
(let ((grammar (allocate-grammar
:argument-attributes (grammar-parametrization-argument-attributes grammar-parametrization)
:terminals terminals
:nonterminals-list nonterminals-list
:nonterminals nonterminals
:nonterminals-list nonterminals-list
:terminal-variants terminal-variants
:terminal-terminalsets terminal-terminalsets
:terminal-numbers terminals-hash
:terminal-actions (make-hash-table :test *grammar-symbol-=*)
:rules rules
@ -1301,12 +1360,34 @@
:n-productions production-number
:items-hash (make-hash-table :test #'equal))))
;Compute the terminalsets in the lookahead-constraints.
(dolist (lookahead-constraint lookahead-constraints)
;Compute the terminalsets in the terminal-terminalsets.
(dotimes (n (length terminals))
(let ((terminal (svref terminals n))
(terminalset *empty-terminalset*))
(dolist (variant (terminal-variants grammar terminal))
(terminalset-union-f terminalset (make-terminalset grammar variant)))
(setf (gethash terminal terminal-terminalsets) terminalset)))
;Replace the cdr of each element of variant-constraint-forbid-lists with a terminalset of all
;terminals not forbidden by that constraint.
(dolist (constraint-and-forbidden-variants variant-constraint-forbid-lists)
(let ((terminalset *full-terminalset*))
(dolist (forbidden-terminal (lookahead-constraint-forbidden-terminals lookahead-constraint))
(terminalset-difference-f terminalset (make-terminalset grammar forbidden-terminal)))
(setf (lookahead-constraint-terminalset lookahead-constraint) terminalset)))
(dolist (variant (rest constraint-and-forbidden-variants))
(terminalset-difference-f terminalset (ash 1 (gethash variant terminals-hash)))
(setf (rest constraint-and-forbidden-variants) terminalset))))
;Compute the terminalsets in the constraints.
(dolist (constraint constraints)
((lookahead-constraint? constraint)
(let ((terminalset *full-terminalset*))
(dolist (forbidden-terminal (lookahead-constraint-forbidden-terminals constraint))
(terminalset-difference-f terminalset (terminal-terminalset grammar forbidden-terminal)))
(setf (constraint-terminalset constraint) terminalset)))
((variant-constraint? constraint)
(setf (constraint-terminalset constraint) (assert-non-null (cdr (assoc (variant-constraint-name constraint)
(t (error "Unknown constraint ~S" constraint))))
;Compute the values of passthrough-terminals and initial-terminals in each rule.
(do ((changed t))
@ -1318,7 +1399,7 @@
(new-passthrough-terminals *empty-terminalset*))
(dolist (production (rule-productions rule))
(multiple-value-bind (production-initial-terminals production-passthrough-terminals)
(string-initial-terminals grammar (production-rhs production) (production-constraints production) 0)
(string-initial-terminals grammar (production-rhs production) (production-constraints production) 0 nil)
(terminalset-union-f new-initial-terminals production-initial-terminals)
(terminalset-union-f new-passthrough-terminals production-passthrough-terminals)))
(unless (terminalset-= new-initial-terminals (rule-initial-terminals rule))
@ -1382,9 +1463,11 @@
(format stream "~:@_ | ")))
(pprint-indent :block 2 stream)
(when details
(format stream "~:@_Initial terminals: ~@_~@<~:[~;<epsilon> ~:_~]~{~W ~:_~}~:>"
(not (terminalset-empty? (rule-passthrough-terminals rule)))
(terminalset-list grammar (rule-initial-terminals rule)))))
(format stream "~:@_Initial terminals: ~@_")
(pprint-logical-block (stream nil)
(unless (terminalset-empty? (rule-passthrough-terminals rule))
(format stream "<epsilon> ~:_"))
(print-terminalset grammar (rule-initial-terminals rule) stream))))
(pprint-newline :mandatory stream))
(pprint-newline :mandatory stream)))
@ -1433,6 +1516,18 @@
(sort equivalences #'< :key #'(lambda (equivalence)
(state-number (first equivalence))))))
; Call f on each state in the grammar, in order of state numbers.
; f should take two parameters:
; a state;
; a hash table of terminal -> transition
(defun all-state-transitions (f grammar)
(let ((transitions-hash (make-hash-table :test *grammar-symbol-=*)))
(dolist (state (grammar-states grammar))
(dolist (transition-pair (state-transitions state))
(setf (gethash (car transition-pair) transitions-hash) (cdr transition-pair)))
(funcall f state transitions-hash)
(clrhash transitions-hash))))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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