Bug 437957 - Animate zoom [r=mfinkle]

This commit is contained in:
Jaakko Kiviluoto 2010-06-25 17:16:01 -04:00
Родитель b04ad8c63d
Коммит 159ef84658
9 изменённых файлов: 427 добавлений и 11 удалений

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@ -364,6 +364,13 @@ pref("browser.ui.kinetic.swipeLength", 160);
// zooming
pref("browser.ui.zoom.pageFitGranularity", 10); // don't zoom to fit by less than 1/10.
pref("browser.ui.zoom.animationFps", 60);
pref("browser.ui.zoom.animationDuration", 350); // ms duration of double-tap zoom animation
// pinch gesture
pref("browser.ui.pinch.maxGrowth", 150); // max pinch distance growth
pref("browser.ui.pinch.maxShrink", 200); // max pinch distance shrinkage
pref("browser.ui.pinch.scalingFactor", 500); // scaling factor for above pinch limits
// Touch radius (area around the touch location to look for target elements):
pref("browser.ui.touch.left", 8);

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@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
// -*- Mode: js2; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js2-basic-offset: 2; js2-skip-preprocessor-directives: t; -*-
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Mozilla Mobile Browser.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Mozilla Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Benjamin Stover <bstover@mozilla.com>
* Matt Brubeck <mbrubeck@mozilla.com>
* Jaakko Kiviluoto <jaakko.kiviluoto@digia.com>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
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* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
let Cc = Components.classes;
let Ci = Components.interfaces;
let Cu = Components.utils;
* Responsible for zooming in to a given view rectangle
* @param aBrowserView BrowserView instance
* @param aZoomRect Optional. Zoom rectangle to be configured
function AnimatedZoom(aBrowserView) {
this.bv = aBrowserView;
// Render a snapshot of the viewport contents around the visible rect
let [w, h] = this.bv.getViewportDimensions();
let viewportRect = new Rect(0, 0, w, h);
this.zoomFrom = this.bv.getVisibleRect().translateInside(viewportRect);
// try to cover twice the size of the current visible rect
this.snapshotRect = this.bv.getVisibleRect().inflate(2);
// sanitize the snapshot rectangle to fit inside viewport
this.snapshot = this._createCanvas(this.snapshotRect.width, this.snapshotRect.height);
let snapshotCtx = this.snapshot.getContext("2d");
snapshotCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.snapshotRect.width, this.snapshotRect.height);
this.bv.renderToCanvas(this.snapshot, this.snapshotRect.width, this.snapshotRect.height, this.snapshotRect.clone());
// stop live rendering during zooming
// hide ui elements to avoid undefined states after zoom
let clientVis = Browser.browserViewToClientRect(this.bv.getCriticalRect());
let viewBuffer = Elements.viewBuffer;
viewBuffer.left = clientVis.left;
viewBuffer.top = clientVis.top;
viewBuffer.width = this.zoomFrom.width;
viewBuffer.height = this.zoomFrom.height;
viewBuffer.style.display = "block";
// configure defaults for the canvas' drawing context
let ctx = viewBuffer.getContext("2d");
// disable smoothing and use the fastest composition operation
ctx.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'copy';
// set background fill pattern
let backgroundImage = new Image();
backgroundImage.src = "chrome://browser/content/checkerboard.png";
ctx.fillStyle = ctx.createPattern(backgroundImage, 'repeat');
// fill the canvas with current data
/** Creating a canvas element of width and height. */
AnimatedZoom.prototype._createCanvas = function(width, height) {
let canvas = document.createElementNS(kXHTMLNamespaceURI, "canvas");
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
canvas.mozOpaque = true;
return canvas;
/** Updates the zoom to new rect. */
AnimatedZoom.prototype.updateTo = function(nextRect) {
this.zoomRect = nextRect;
// prepare to draw to the zoom canvas
let canvasRect = new Rect(0, 0, Elements.viewBuffer.width, Elements.viewBuffer.height);
let ctx = Elements.viewBuffer.getContext("2d");
// srcRect = area inside this.snapshot to copy from
let srcRect = nextRect.intersect(this.snapshotRect);
if (srcRect.isEmpty())
// destRect = respective area inside canvas to paint to. The dimensions of
// destRect within canvas equals those of srcRect within nextRect.
let s = canvasRect.width / nextRect.width;
let destRect = srcRect.clone().translate(-nextRect.x, -nextRect.y).scale(s, s);
// adjust from viewport coordinates to snapshot canvas coordinates
srcRect.translate(-this.snapshotRect.left, -this.snapshotRect.top);
// fill background and draw the (possibly scaled) image
Math.floor(srcRect.left), Math.floor(srcRect.top),
Math.floor(srcRect.width), Math.floor(srcRect.height),
Math.floor(destRect.left), Math.floor(destRect.top),
Math.floor(destRect.width), Math.floor(destRect.height));
// clip the over leftover area and fill it with checkerboard
let unknowns = canvasRect.subtract(destRect);
if (unknowns.length > 0) {
unknowns.forEach(function(r) { ctx.rect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); });
/** Starts an animated zoom to zoomRect. */
AnimatedZoom.prototype.animateTo = function(aZoomRect) {
if (this.timer)
return false;
this.zoomTo = aZoomRect;
// start animation timer
this.counter = 0;
this.inc = 1.0 / gPrefService.getIntPref("browser.ui.zoom.animationDuration");
this.timer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
this.interval = 1000 / gPrefService.getIntPref("browser.ui.zoom.animationFps");
this.timer.initWithCallback(Util.bind(this._callback, this), this.interval, this.timer.TYPE_REPEATING_PRECISE);
// force first update to be according to FPS even though first callback would take longer
this.lastTime = 0;
return true;
/** Callback for the animation. */
AnimatedZoom.prototype._callback = function() {
try {
if (this.counter < 1) {
// increase animation position according to elapsed time
let now = Date.now();
if (this.lastTime == 0)
this.lastTime = now - this.interval; // fix lastTime if not yet set (first frame)
this.counter += this.inc * (now - this.lastTime);
this.lastTime = now;
// update scaled image to interpolated rectangle
let rect = this.zoomFrom.blend(this.zoomTo, Math.min(this.counter, 1));
else {
// last cycle already rendered final scaled image, now clean up
catch(e) {
Util.dumpLn("Error while zooming. Please report error at:", e.getSource());
throw e;
/** Stop animation, zoom to point, and clean up. */
AnimatedZoom.prototype.finish = function() {
try {
// resume live rendering
// if we actually zoomed somewhere, clean up the UI to normal
if (this.zoomRect)
finally {
if (this.timer) {
this.timer = null;
this.snapshot = null;

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@ -258,6 +258,12 @@ BrowserView.prototype = {
return this._visibleRectFactory();
getCriticalRect: function getCriticalRect() {
let bvs = this._browserViewportState;
let vr = this.getVisibleRect();
return BrowserView.Util.visibleRectToCriticalRect(vr, bvs);
* @return [width, height]

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@ -128,6 +128,9 @@ function InputHandler(browserViewContainer) {
window.addEventListener("mouseup", this, true);
window.addEventListener("mousemove", this, true);
window.addEventListener("click", this, true);
window.addEventListener("MozMagnifyGestureStart", this, true);
window.addEventListener("MozMagnifyGestureUpdate", this, true);
window.addEventListener("MozMagnifyGesture", this, true);
/* these handle key strokes in the browser view (where page content appears) */
browserViewContainer.addEventListener("keypress", this, false);
@ -135,10 +138,11 @@ function InputHandler(browserViewContainer) {
browserViewContainer.addEventListener("keydown", this, false);
browserViewContainer.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", this, true);
browserViewContainer.addEventListener("MozMousePixelScroll", this, true);
browserViewContainer.addEventListener("contextmenu", this, false);
browserViewContainer.addEventListener("contextmenu", this, true);
this.addModule(new MouseModule(this, browserViewContainer));
this.addModule(new KeyModule(this, browserViewContainer));
this.addModule(new GestureModule(this, browserViewContainer));
this.addModule(new ScrollwheelModule(this, browserViewContainer));
@ -381,6 +385,12 @@ MouseModule.prototype = {
case "MozMagnifyGestureStart":
case "MozMagnifyGesture":
// disallow kinetic panning after gesture
if (this._dragData.dragging)
this._doDragStop(0, 0, true);
@ -660,7 +670,8 @@ MouseModule.prototype = {
_doDoubleClick: function _doDoubleClick() {
let mouseUp1 = this._downUpEvents[1].event;
let mouseUp2 = this._downUpEvents[3].event;
// sometimes the second press event is not dispatched at all
let mouseUp2 = this._downUpEvents[Math.min(3, this._downUpEvents.length - 1)].event;
this._clicker.doubleClick(mouseUp1.clientX, mouseUp1.clientY,
mouseUp2.clientX, mouseUp2.clientY);
@ -1197,3 +1208,144 @@ ScrollwheelModule.prototype = {
/* We don't have much state to reset if we lose event focus */
cancelPending: function cancelPending() {}
// Simple gestures support
// As per bug #412486, web content must not be allowed to receive any
// simple gesture events. Multi-touch gesture APIs are in their
// infancy and we do NOT want to be forced into supporting an API that
// will probably have to change in the future. (The current Mac OS X
// API is undocumented and was reverse-engineered.) Until support is
// implemented in the event dispatcher to keep these events as
// chrome-only, we must listen for the simple gesture events during
// the capturing phase and call stopPropagation on every event.
function GestureModule(owner, browserViewContainer) {
this._owner = owner;
this._browserViewContainer = browserViewContainer;
GestureModule.prototype = {
* Dispatch events based on the type of mouse gesture event. For now, make
* sure to stop propagation of every gesture event so that web content cannot
* receive gesture events.
* @param evInfo Event information structure
handleEvent: function handleEvent(evInfo) {
try {
let consume = false;
switch (evInfo.event.type) {
case "MozMagnifyGestureStart":
consume = true;
case "MozMagnifyGestureUpdate":
consume = true;
if (this._ignoreNextUpdate)
this._ignoreNextUpdate = false;
case "MozMagnifyGesture":
consume = true;
case "contextmenu":
// prevent context menu while pinching
if (this._pinchZoom)
consume = true;
if (consume) {
// prevent sending of event to content
catch (e) {
Util.dumpLn("Error while handling gesture event", evInfo.event.type,
"\nPlease report error at:", e.getSource());
cancelPending: function cancelPending() {
// terminate pinch zoom if ongoing
if (this._pinchZoom) {
this._pinchZoom = null;
_pinchStart: function _pinchStart(aEvent) {
let bv = Browser._browserView;
// start gesture if it's not taking place already, or over a XUL element
if (this._pinchZoom || (aEvent.target instanceof XULElement) || !bv.allowZoom)
// grab events during pinch
// hide element highlight
// create the AnimatedZoom object for fast arbitrary zooming
this._pinchZoom = new AnimatedZoom(bv);
// start from current zoom level
this._pinchZoomLevel = bv.getZoomLevel();
this._pinchDelta = 0;
this._ignoreNextUpdate = true; // first update gives useless, huge delta
// cache gesture limit values
this._maxGrowth = gPrefService.getIntPref("browser.ui.pinch.maxGrowth");
this._maxShrink = gPrefService.getIntPref("browser.ui.pinch.maxShrink");
this._scalingFactor = gPrefService.getIntPref("browser.ui.pinch.scalingFactor");
// save the initial gesture start point as reference
[this._pinchStartX, this._pinchStartY] =
Browser.transformClientToBrowser(aEvent.clientX, aEvent.clientY);
_pinchUpdate: function _pinchUpdate(aEvent) {
if (!this._pinchZoom || !aEvent.delta)
// Accumulate pinch delta. Changes smaller than 1 are just jitter.
this._pinchDelta += aEvent.delta;
// decrease the pinchDelta min/max values to limit zooming out/in speed
let delta = Math.max(-this._maxShrink, Math.min(this._maxGrowth, this._pinchDelta));
this._pinchZoomLevel *= (1 + delta / this._scalingFactor);
this._pinchZoomLevel = Browser._browserView.clampZoomLevel(this._pinchZoomLevel);
this._pinchDelta = 0;
// get current pinch position to calculate opposite vector for zoom point
let [pX, pY] =
Browser.transformClientToBrowser(aEvent.clientX, aEvent.clientY);
// redraw zoom canvas according to new zoom rect
let rect = Browser._getZoomRectForPoint(2 * this._pinchStartX - pX,
2 * this._pinchStartY - pY,
_pinchEnd: function _pinchEnd(aEvent) {
// release grab
// stop ongoing animated zoom
if (this._pinchZoom) {
// zoom to current level for real
this._pinchZoom = null;

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@ -591,4 +591,33 @@ Rect.prototype = {
return result;
* Blends two rectangles together.
* @param rect Rectangle to blend this one with
* @param scalar Ratio from 0 (returns a clone of this rect) to 1 (clone of rect).
* @return New blended rectangle.
blend: function blend(rect, scalar) {
return new Rect(
this.left + (rect.left - this.left ) * scalar,
this.top + (rect.top - this.top ) * scalar,
this.width + (rect.width - this.width ) * scalar,
this.height + (rect.height - this.height) * scalar);
* Grows or shrinks the rectangle while keeping the center point.
* Accepts single multipler, or separate for both axes.
inflate: function inflate(xscl, yscl) {
let xAdj = (this.width * xscl - this.width) / 2;
let s = (arguments.length > 1) ? yscl : xscl;
let yAdj = (this.height * s - this.height) / 2;
this.left -= xAdj;
this.right += xAdj;
this.top -= yAdj;
this.bottom += yAdj;
return this;

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@ -1621,7 +1621,7 @@ var FormHelper = {

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@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
* Roy Frostig <rfrostig@mozilla.com>
* Ben Combee <bcombee@mozilla.com>
* Matt Brubeck <mbrubeck@mozilla.com>
* Benjamin Stover <bstover@mozilla.com>
* Miika Jarvinen <mjarvin@gmail.com>
* Jaakko Kiviluoto <jaakko.kiviluoto@digia.com>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
@ -1071,7 +1074,7 @@ var Browser = {
zoomLevel = Math.max(zoomLevel, bv.getPageZoomLevel());
let center = this.getVisibleRect().center().map(bv.viewportToBrowser);
this.setVisibleRect(this._getZoomRectForPoint(center.x, center.y, zoomLevel));
this.animatedZoomTo(this._getZoomRectForPoint(center.x, center.y, zoomLevel));
/** Rect should be in viewport coordinates. */
@ -1123,6 +1126,11 @@ var Browser = {
return result.translateInside(bv._browserViewportState.viewportRect);
animatedZoomTo: function animatedZoomTo(rect) {
let zoom = new AnimatedZoom(this._browserView);
setVisibleRect: function setVisibleRect(rect) {
let bv = this._browserView;
let vis = bv.getVisibleRect();
@ -1172,19 +1180,19 @@ var Browser = {
if (!zoomRect && bv.isDefaultZoom())
zoomRect = this._getZoomRectForPoint(x, y, bv.getZoomLevel() * 2);
if (zoomRect)
if (zoomRect && bv.allowZoom)
return zoomRect;
zoomFromPoint: function zoomFromPoint(cX, cY) {
let bv = this._browserView;
if (!bv.isDefaultZoom()) {
if (!bv.isDefaultZoom() && bv.allowZoom) {
let zoomLevel = bv.getDefaultZoomLevel();
let [x, y] = this.transformClientToBrowser(cX, cY);
let zoomRect = this._getZoomRectForPoint(x, y, zoomLevel);
@ -2704,9 +2712,6 @@ var ImagePreloader = {
function rendererFactory(aBrowser, aCanvas) {
let wrapper = {};
if (!aCanvas.parentNode)
throw "Canvas Must have a parent node";
if (aBrowser.contentWindow) {
let ctx = aCanvas.getContext("2d");
let draw = function(browser, aLeft, aTop, aWidth, aHeight, aColor, aFlags) {

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@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
<script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://browser/content/InputHandler.js"/>
<script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://browser/content/TileManager.js"/>
<script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://browser/content/BrowserView.js"/>
<script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://browser/content/AnimatedZoom.js"/>
<stringbundleset id="stringbundleset">
<stringbundle id="bundle_browser" src="chrome://browser/locale/browser.properties"/>

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@ -57,5 +57,6 @@ chrome.jar:
content/prompt/promptPassword.xul (content/prompt/promptPassword.xul)
content/prompt/select.xul (content/prompt/select.xul)
content/prompt/prompt.js (content/prompt/prompt.js)
content/AnimatedZoom.js (content/AnimatedZoom.js)
% override chrome://global/content/config.xul chrome://browser/content/config.xul