Bug 557588 - code audit and create unit test plan for engines.js [r=mconnor]

Tests for SyncEngine.sync(), incl some additions to harness.
This commit is contained in:
Philipp von Weitershausen 2010-06-01 15:07:50 -07:00
Родитель dafa05caeb
Коммит 1a8a8ad8e5
5 изменённых файлов: 1219 добавлений и 5 удалений

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@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ PERMS_PASSFILE: 0600,
// Number of records to upload in a single POST (multiple POSTS if exceeded)
// Record size limit is currently 10K, so 100 is a bit over 1MB
// FIXME: Record size limit is 256k (new cluster), so this can be quite large!
// (Bug 569295)
// Top-level statuses:

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@ -447,7 +447,9 @@ SyncEngine.prototype = {
_processIncoming: function SyncEngine__processIncoming() {
this._log.trace("Downloading & applying server changes");
// Figure out how many total items to fetch this sync; do less on mobile
// Figure out how many total items to fetch this sync; do less on mobile.
// 50 is hardcoded here because of URL length restrictions.
// (GUIDs can be up to 64 chars long)
let fetchNum = Infinity;
if (Svc.Prefs.get("client.type") == "mobile")
fetchNum = 50;
@ -597,6 +599,8 @@ SyncEngine.prototype = {
// Reconcile incoming and existing records. Return true if server
// data should be applied.
_reconcile: function SyncEngine__reconcile(item) {
if (this._log.level <= Log4Moz.Level.Trace)
this._log.trace("Incoming: " + item);

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@ -87,13 +87,12 @@ function FakeTimerService() {
Utils.makeTimerForCall = self.makeTimerForCall;
function getTestLogger(component) {
return Log4Moz.repository.getLogger("Testing");
function initTestLogging(level) {
function LogStats() {
this.errorsLogged = 0;
@ -117,7 +116,8 @@ function initTestLogging(level) {
log.level = Log4Moz.Level.Trace;
appender.level = Log4Moz.Level.Trace;
// Overwrite any other appenders (e.g. from previous incarnations)
log._appenders = [appender];
return logStats;
@ -221,6 +221,83 @@ function FakeGUIDService() {
* Mock implementation of IWeaveCrypto. It does not encrypt or
* decrypt, just returns the input verbatimly.
function FakeCryptoService() {
this.counter = 0;
delete Svc.Crypto; // get rid of the getter first
Svc.Crypto = this;
Utils.sha256HMAC = this.sha256HMAC;
FakeCryptoService.prototype = {
sha256HMAC: function(message, key) {
message = message.substr(0, 64);
while (message.length < 64) {
message += " ";
return message;
encrypt: function(aClearText, aSymmetricKey, aIV) {
return aClearText;
decrypt: function(aCipherText, aSymmetricKey, aIV) {
return aCipherText;
generateKeypair: function(aPassphrase, aSalt, aIV,
aEncodedPublicKey, aWrappedPrivateKey) {
aEncodedPublicKey.value = aPassphrase;
aWrappedPrivateKey.value = aPassphrase;
generateRandomKey: function() {
return "fake-symmetric-key-" + this.counter++;
generateRandomIV: function() {
return "fake-random-iv";
generateRandomBytes: function(aByteCount) {
var s = "";
for (var i=0; i < aByteCount; i++) {
s += String.fromCharCode(Math.floor(Math.random() * 256));
return btoa(s);
wrapSymmetricKey: function(aSymmetricKey, aEncodedPublicKey) {
return aSymmetricKey;
unwrapSymmetricKey: function(aWrappedSymmetricKey, aWrappedPrivateKey,
aPassphrase, aSalt, aIV) {
if (!this.verifyPassphrase(aWrappedPrivateKey, aPassphrase)) {
throw Components.Exception("Unwrapping the private key failed",
return aWrappedSymmetricKey;
rewrapPrivateKey: function(aWrappedPrivateKey, aPassphrase, aSalt, aIV,
aNewPassphrase) {
return aNewPassphrase;
verifyPassphrase: function(aWrappedPrivateKey, aPassphrase, aSalt, aIV) {
return aWrappedPrivateKey == aPassphrase;
function SyncTestingInfrastructure(engineFactory) {
let __fakePasswords = {
'Mozilla Services Password': {foo: "bar"},
@ -249,6 +326,7 @@ function SyncTestingInfrastructure(engineFactory) {
this.logStats = initTestLogging();
this.fakeFilesystem = new FakeFilesystemService({});
this.fakeGUIDService = new FakeGUIDService();
this.fakeCryptoService = new FakeCryptoService();
this._logger = getTestLogger();
this._engineFactory = engineFactory;

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@ -23,3 +23,200 @@ function httpd_basic_auth_handler(body, metadata, response) {
response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
* Represent a WBO on the server
function ServerWBO(id, initialPayload) {
this.id = id;
if (!initialPayload) {
if (typeof initialPayload == "object") {
initialPayload = JSON.stringify(initialPayload);
this.payload = initialPayload;
this.modified = Date.now() / 1000;
ServerWBO.prototype = {
get data() {
return JSON.parse(this.payload);
get: function() {
return JSON.stringify(this, ['id', 'modified', 'payload']);
put: function(input) {
input = JSON.parse(input);
this.payload = input.payload;
this.modified = Date.now() / 1000;
delete: function() {
delete this.payload;
delete this.modified;
handler: function() {
let self = this;
return function(request, response) {
var statusCode = 200;
var status = "OK";
var body;
switch(request.method) {
case "GET":
if (self.payload) {
body = self.get();
} else {
statusCode = 404;
status = "Not Found";
body = "Not Found";
case "PUT":
body = JSON.stringify(self.modified);
case "DELETE":
body = JSON.stringify(Date.now() / 1000);
response.setHeader('X-Weave-Timestamp', ''+Date.now()/1000, false);
response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, statusCode, status);
response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
* Represent a collection on the server. The 'wbo' attribute is a
* mapping of id -> ServerWBO objects.
* Note that if you want these records to be accessible individually,
* you need to register their handlers with the server separately!
function ServerCollection(wbos) {
this.wbos = wbos || {};
ServerCollection.prototype = {
_inResultSet: function(wbo, options) {
return ((!options.ids || (options.ids.indexOf(wbo.id) != -1))
&& (!options.newer || (wbo.modified > options.newer)));
get: function(options) {
let result;
if (options.full) {
let data = [wbo.get() for ([id, wbo] in Iterator(this.wbos))
if (this._inResultSet(wbo, options))];
if (options.limit) {
data = data.slice(0, options.limit);
// Our implementation of application/newlines
result = data.join("\n") + "\n";
} else {
let data = [id for ([id, wbo] in Iterator(this.wbos))
if (this._inResultSet(wbo, options))];
if (options.limit) {
data = data.slice(0, options.limit);
result = JSON.stringify(data);
return result;
post: function(input) {
input = JSON.parse(input);
let success = [];
let failed = [];
// This will count records where we have an existing ServerWBO
// registered with us as successful and all other records as failed.
for each (let record in input) {
let wbo = this.wbos[record.id];
if (wbo) {
wbo.payload = record.payload;
wbo.modified = Date.now() / 1000;
} else {
return {success: success,
failed: failed};
delete: function(options) {
for (let [id, wbo] in Iterator(this.wbos)) {
if (this._inResultSet(wbo, options)) {
handler: function() {
let self = this;
return function(request, response) {
var statusCode = 200;
var status = "OK";
var body;
// Parse queryString
let options = {};
for each (let chunk in request.queryString.split('&')) {
if (!chunk) {
chunk = chunk.split('=');
if (chunk.length == 1) {
options[chunk[0]] = "";
} else {
options[chunk[0]] = chunk[1];
if (options.ids) {
options.ids = options.ids.split(',');
if (options.newer) {
options.newer = parseFloat(options.newer);
if (options.limit) {
options.limit = parseInt(options.limit, 10);
switch(request.method) {
case "GET":
body = self.get(options);
case "POST":
let res = self.post(readBytesFromInputStream(request.bodyInputStream));
body = JSON.stringify(res);
case "DELETE":
body = JSON.stringify(Date.now() / 1000);
response.setHeader('X-Weave-Timestamp', ''+Date.now()/1000, false);
response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, statusCode, status);
response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);

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@ -0,0 +1,934 @@
* A fake engine implementation.
* Complete with record, store, and tracker implementations.
function SteamRecord(uri) {
CryptoWrapper.call(this, uri);
SteamRecord.prototype = {
__proto__: CryptoWrapper.prototype
Utils.deferGetSet(SteamRecord, "cleartext", ["denomination"]);
function SteamStore() {
Store.call(this, "Steam");
this.items = {};
SteamStore.prototype = {
__proto__: Store.prototype,
create: function Store_create(record) {
this.items[record.id] = record.denomination;
remove: function Store_remove(record) {
delete this.items[record.id];
update: function Store_update(record) {
this.items[record.id] = record.denomination;
itemExists: function Store_itemExists(id) {
return (id in this.items);
createRecord: function(id) {
var record = new SteamRecord();
record.id = id;
record.denomination = this.items[id] || "Data for new record: " + id;
return record;
changeItemID: function(oldID, newID) {
this.items[newID] = this.items[oldID];
delete this.items[oldID];
getAllIDs: function() {
let ids = {};
for (var id in this.items) {
ids[id] = true;
return ids;
wipe: function() {
this.items = {};
function SteamTracker() {
Tracker.call(this, "Steam");
SteamTracker.prototype = {
__proto__: Tracker.prototype
function SteamEngine() {
SyncEngine.call(this, "Steam");
SteamEngine.prototype = {
__proto__: SyncEngine.prototype,
_storeObj: SteamStore,
_trackerObj: SteamTracker,
_recordObj: SteamRecord,
_findDupe: function(item) {
for (let [id, value] in Iterator(this._store.items)) {
if (item.denomination == value) {
return id;
function makeSteamEngine() {
return new SteamEngine();
var syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure(makeSteamEngine);
* Test setup helpers
function sync_httpd_setup(handlers) {
= (new ServerWBO('global', {})).handler();
= (new ServerWBO('pubkey')).handler();
= (new ServerWBO('privkey')).handler();
return httpd_setup(handlers);
function createAndUploadKeypair() {
let storageURL = Svc.Prefs.get("clusterURL") + Svc.Prefs.get("storageAPI")
+ "/" + ID.get("WeaveID").username + "/storage/";
PubKeys.defaultKeyUri = storageURL + "keys/pubkey";
PrivKeys.defaultKeyUri = storageURL + "keys/privkey";
let keys = PubKeys.createKeypair(ID.get("WeaveCryptoID"),
function createAndUploadSymKey(url) {
let symkey = Svc.Crypto.generateRandomKey();
let pubkey = PubKeys.getDefaultKey();
let meta = new CryptoMeta(url);
meta.addUnwrappedKey(pubkey, symkey);
let res = new Resource(meta.uri);
// Turn WBO cleartext into "encrypted" payload as it goes over the wire
function encryptPayload(cleartext) {
if (typeof cleartext == "object") {
cleartext = JSON.stringify(cleartext);
return {encryption: "http://localhost:8080/1.0/foo/storage/crypto/steam",
ciphertext: cleartext, // ciphertext == cleartext with fake crypto
IV: "irrelevant",
hmac: Utils.sha256HMAC(cleartext, null)};
* Tests
* SyncEngine._sync() is divided into four rather independent steps:
* - _syncStartup()
* - _processIncoming()
* - _uploadOutgoing()
* - _syncFinish()
* In the spirit of unit testing, these are tested individually for
* different scenarios below.
function test_syncStartup_emptyOrOutdatedGlobalsResetsSync() {
_("SyncEngine._syncStartup resets sync and wipes server data if there's no or an oudated global record");
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
let crypto_steam = new ServerWBO('steam');
// Some server side data that's going to be wiped
let collection = new ServerCollection();
collection.wbos.flying = new ServerWBO(
'flying', encryptPayload({id: 'flying',
denomination: "LNER Class A3 4472"}));
collection.wbos.scotsman = new ServerWBO(
'scotsman', encryptPayload({id: 'scotsman',
denomination: "Flying Scotsman"}));
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.0/foo/storage/crypto/steam": crypto_steam.handler(),
"/1.0/foo/storage/steam": collection.handler()
let engine = makeSteamEngine();
engine._store.items = {rekolok: "Rekonstruktionslokomotive"};
try {
// Confirm initial environment
do_check_eq(crypto_steam.payload, undefined);
do_check_eq(engine._tracker.changedIDs["rekolok"], undefined);
let metaGlobal = Records.get(engine.metaURL);
do_check_eq(metaGlobal.payload.engines, undefined);
engine.lastSync = Date.now() / 1000;
// The meta/global WBO has been filled with data about the engine
let engineData = metaGlobal.payload.engines["steam"];
do_check_eq(engineData.version, engine.version);
do_check_eq(engineData.syncID, engine.syncID);
// Sync was reset and server data was wiped
do_check_eq(engine.lastSync, 0);
do_check_eq(collection.wbos.flying.payload, undefined);
do_check_eq(collection.wbos.scotsman.payload, undefined);
// Bulk key was uploaded
// WBO IDs are added to tracker (they're all marked for uploading)
do_check_eq(engine._tracker.changedIDs["rekolok"], 0);
} finally {
server.stop(function() {});
syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure(makeSteamEngine);
function test_syncStartup_serverHasNewerVersion() {
_("SyncEngine._syncStartup ");
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
let global = new ServerWBO('global', {engines: {steam: {version: 23456}}});
let server = httpd_setup({
"/1.0/foo/storage/meta/global": global.handler()
let engine = makeSteamEngine();
try {
// The server has a newer version of the data and our engine can
// handle. That should give us an exception.
let error;
try {
} catch (ex) {
error = ex;
do_check_eq(error.failureCode, VERSION_OUT_OF_DATE);
} finally {
server.stop(function() {});
syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure(makeSteamEngine);
function test_syncStartup_syncIDMismatchResetsClient() {
_("SyncEngine._syncStartup resets sync if syncIDs don't match");
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
let crypto_steam = new ServerWBO('steam');
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.0/foo/storage/crypto/steam": crypto_steam.handler()
// global record with a different syncID than our engine has
let engine = makeSteamEngine();
let global = new ServerWBO('global',
{engines: {steam: {version: engine.version,
syncID: 'foobar'}}});
server.registerPathHandler("/1.0/foo/storage/meta/global", global.handler());
try {
// Confirm initial environment
do_check_eq(engine.syncID, 'fake-guid-0');
do_check_eq(crypto_steam.payload, undefined);
do_check_eq(engine._tracker.changedIDs["rekolok"], undefined);
engine.lastSync = Date.now() / 1000;
// The engine has assumed the server's syncID
do_check_eq(engine.syncID, 'foobar');
// Sync was reset
do_check_eq(engine.lastSync, 0);
} finally {
server.stop(function() {});
syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure(makeSteamEngine);
function test_syncStartup_badKeyWipesServerData() {
_("SyncEngine._syncStartup resets sync and wipes server data if there's something wrong with the symmetric key");
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
// A symmetric key with an incorrect HMAC
let crypto_steam = new ServerWBO('steam');
crypto_steam.payload = JSON.stringify({
keyring: {
"http://localhost:8080/1.0/foo/storage/keys/pubkey": {
wrapped: Svc.Crypto.generateRandomKey(),
hmac: "this-hmac-is-incorrect"
// A proper global record with matching version and syncID
let engine = makeSteamEngine();
let global = new ServerWBO('global',
{engines: {steam: {version: engine.version,
syncID: engine.syncID}}});
// Some server side data that's going to be wiped
let collection = new ServerCollection();
collection.wbos.flying = new ServerWBO(
'flying', encryptPayload({id: 'flying',
denomination: "LNER Class A3 4472"}));
collection.wbos.scotsman = new ServerWBO(
'scotsman', encryptPayload({id: 'scotsman',
denomination: "Flying Scotsman"}));
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.0/foo/storage/crypto/steam": crypto_steam.handler(),
"/1.0/foo/storage/steam": collection.handler()
try {
// Confirm initial environment
let key = crypto_steam.data.keyring["http://localhost:8080/1.0/foo/storage/keys/pubkey"];
do_check_eq(key.wrapped, "fake-symmetric-key-0");
do_check_eq(key.hmac, "this-hmac-is-incorrect");
engine.lastSync = Date.now() / 1000;
// Sync was reset and server data was wiped
do_check_eq(engine.lastSync, 0);
do_check_eq(collection.wbos.flying.payload, undefined);
do_check_eq(collection.wbos.scotsman.payload, undefined);
// New bulk key was uploaded
key = crypto_steam.data.keyring["http://localhost:8080/1.0/foo/storage/keys/pubkey"];
do_check_eq(key.wrapped, "fake-symmetric-key-1");
do_check_eq(key.hmac, "fake-symmetric-key-1 ");
} finally {
server.stop(function() {});
syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure(makeSteamEngine);
function test_processIncoming_emptyServer() {
_("SyncEngine._processIncoming working with an empty server backend");
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
let crypto_steam = new ServerWBO('steam');
let collection = new ServerCollection();
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.0/foo/storage/crypto/steam": crypto_steam.handler(),
"/1.0/foo/storage/steam": collection.handler()
let engine = makeSteamEngine();
try {
// Merely ensure that this code path is run without any errors
do_check_eq(engine.lastSync, 0);
do_check_eq(engine.toFetch.length, 0);
} finally {
server.stop(function() {});
syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure(makeSteamEngine);
function test_processIncoming_createFromServer() {
_("SyncEngine._processIncoming creates new records from server data");
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
let crypto_steam = new ServerWBO('steam');
// Some server records that will be downloaded
let collection = new ServerCollection();
collection.wbos.flying = new ServerWBO(
'flying', encryptPayload({id: 'flying',
denomination: "LNER Class A3 4472"}));
collection.wbos.scotsman = new ServerWBO(
'scotsman', encryptPayload({id: 'scotsman',
denomination: "Flying Scotsman"}));
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.0/foo/storage/crypto/steam": crypto_steam.handler(),
"/1.0/foo/storage/steam": collection.handler(),
"/1.0/foo/storage/steam/flying": collection.wbos.flying.handler(),
"/1.0/foo/storage/steam/scotsman": collection.wbos.scotsman.handler()
let engine = makeSteamEngine();
try {
// Confirm initial environment
do_check_eq(engine.lastSync, 0);
do_check_eq(engine.lastModified, null);
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.flying, undefined);
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.scotsman, undefined);
// Timestamps of last sync and last server modification are set.
do_check_true(engine.lastSync > 0);
do_check_true(engine.lastModified > 0);
// Local records have been created from the server data.
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.flying, "LNER Class A3 4472");
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.scotsman, "Flying Scotsman");
} finally {
server.stop(function() {});
syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure(makeSteamEngine);
function test_processIncoming_reconcile() {
_("SyncEngine._processIncoming updates local records");
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
let crypto_steam = new ServerWBO('steam');
let collection = new ServerCollection();
// This server record is newer than the corresponding client one,
// so it'll update its data.
collection.wbos.newrecord = new ServerWBO(
'newrecord', encryptPayload({id: 'newrecord',
denomination: "New stuff..."}));
// This server record is newer than the corresponding client one,
// so it'll update its data.
collection.wbos.newerserver = new ServerWBO(
'newerserver', encryptPayload({id: 'newerserver',
denomination: "New data!"}));
// This server record is 2 mins older than the client counterpart
// but identical to it, so we're expecting the client record's
// changedID to be reset.
collection.wbos.olderidentical = new ServerWBO(
'olderidentical', encryptPayload({id: 'olderidentical',
denomination: "Older but identical"}));
collection.wbos.olderidentical.modified -= 120;
// This item simply has different data than the corresponding client
// record (which is unmodified), so it will update the client as well
collection.wbos.updateclient = new ServerWBO(
'updateclient', encryptPayload({id: 'updateclient',
denomination: "Get this!"}));
// This is a dupe of 'original' but with a longer GUID, so we're
// expecting it to be marked for deletion from the server
collection.wbos.duplication = new ServerWBO(
'duplication', encryptPayload({id: 'duplication',
denomination: "Original Entry"}));
// This is a dupe of 'long_original' but with a shorter GUID, so we're
// expecting it to replace 'long_original'.
collection.wbos.dupe = new ServerWBO(
'dupe', encryptPayload({id: 'dupe',
denomination: "Long Original Entry"}));
// This record is marked as deleted, so we're expecting the client
// record to be removed.
collection.wbos.nukeme = new ServerWBO(
'nukeme', encryptPayload({id: 'nukeme',
denomination: "Nuke me!",
deleted: true}));
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.0/foo/storage/crypto/steam": crypto_steam.handler(),
"/1.0/foo/storage/steam": collection.handler()
let engine = makeSteamEngine();
engine._store.items = {newerserver: "New data, but not as new as server!",
olderidentical: "Older but identical",
updateclient: "Got data?",
original: "Original Entry",
long_original: "Long Original Entry",
nukeme: "Nuke me!"};
// Make this record 1 min old, thus older than the one on the server
engine._tracker.addChangedID('newerserver', Date.now()/1000 - 60);
// This record has been changed 2 mins later than the one on the server
engine._tracker.addChangedID('olderidentical', Date.now()/1000);
try {
// Confirm initial environment
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.newrecord, undefined);
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.newerserver, "New data, but not as new as server!");
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.olderidentical, "Older but identical");
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.updateclient, "Got data?");
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.nukeme, "Nuke me!");
do_check_true(engine._tracker.changedIDs['olderidentical'] > 0);
engine._delete = {}; // normally set up by _syncStartup
// Timestamps of last sync and last server modification are set.
do_check_true(engine.lastSync > 0);
do_check_true(engine.lastModified > 0);
// The new record is created.
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.newrecord, "New stuff...");
// The 'newerserver' record is updated since the server data is newer.
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.newerserver, "New data!");
// The data for 'olderidentical' is identical on the server, so
// it's no longer marked as changed anymore.
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.olderidentical, "Older but identical");
do_check_eq(engine._tracker.changedIDs['olderidentical'], undefined);
// Updated with server data.
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.updateclient, "Get this!");
// The dupe with the shorter ID is kept, the longer one is slated
// for deletion.
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.long_original, undefined);
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.dupe, "Long Original Entry");
do_check_neq(engine._delete.ids.indexOf('duplication'), -1);
// The 'nukeme' record marked as deleted is removed.
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.nukeme, undefined);
} finally {
server.stop(function() {});
syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure(makeSteamEngine);
function test_processIncoming_fetchNum() {
_("SyncEngine._processIncoming doesn't fetch everything at ones on mobile clients");
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("client.type", "mobile");
let crypto_steam = new ServerWBO('steam');
let collection = new ServerCollection();
// Let's create some 1000 server side records. They're all at least
// 10 minutes old.
for (var i=0; i < 1234; i++) {
let id = 'record-no-' + i;
let payload = encryptPayload({id: id, denomination: "Record No. " + i});
let wbo = new ServerWBO(id, payload);
wbo.modified = Date.now()/1000 - 60*(i+10);
collection.wbos[id] = wbo;
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.0/foo/storage/crypto/steam": crypto_steam.handler(),
"/1.0/foo/storage/steam": collection.handler()
let engine = makeSteamEngine();
try {
// On a mobile client, the first sync will only get the first 50
// objects from the server
do_check_eq([id for (id in engine._store.items)].length, 50);
do_check_true('record-no-0' in engine._store.items);
do_check_true('record-no-49' in engine._store.items);
do_check_eq(engine.toFetch.length, 1234-50);
// The next sync will get another 50 objects, assuming the server
// hasn't got any new data.
do_check_eq([id for (id in engine._store.items)].length, 100);
do_check_true('record-no-50' in engine._store.items);
do_check_true('record-no-99' in engine._store.items);
do_check_eq(engine.toFetch.length, 1234-100);
// Now let's say there are some new items on the server
for (i=0; i < 5; i++) {
let id = 'new-record-no-' + i;
let payload = encryptPayload({id: id, denomination: "New record No. " + i});
let wbo = new ServerWBO(id, payload);
wbo.modified = Date.now()/1000 - 60*i;
collection.wbos[id] = wbo;
// Let's tell the engine the server has got newer data. This is
// normally done by the WeaveSvc after retrieving info/collections.
engine.lastModified = Date.now() / 1000 + 1;
// Now we'll fetch another 50 items, but 5 of those are the new
// ones, so we've only fetched another 45 of the older ones.
do_check_eq([id for (id in engine._store.items)].length, 150);
do_check_true('new-record-no-0' in engine._store.items);
do_check_true('new-record-no-4' in engine._store.items);
do_check_true('record-no-100' in engine._store.items);
do_check_true('record-no-144' in engine._store.items);
do_check_eq(engine.toFetch.length, 1234-100-45);
// Now let's modify a few existing records on the server so that
// they have to be refetched.
collection.wbos['record-no-3'].modified = Date.now()/1000 + 1;
collection.wbos['record-no-41'].modified = Date.now()/1000 + 1;
collection.wbos['record-no-122'].modified = Date.now()/1000 + 1;
// Once again we'll tell the engine that the server's got newer data
// and once again we'll fetch 50 items, but 3 of those are the
// existing records, so we're only fetching 47 new ones.
engine.lastModified = Date.now() / 1000 + 2;
do_check_eq([id for (id in engine._store.items)].length, 197);
do_check_true('record-no-145' in engine._store.items);
do_check_true('record-no-191' in engine._store.items);
do_check_eq(engine.toFetch.length, 1234-100-45-47);
// Finally let's fetch the rest, making sure that will fetch
// everything up to the last record.
while(engine.toFetch.length) {
do_check_eq([id for (id in engine._store.items)].length, 1234+5);
do_check_true('record-no-1233' in engine._store.items);
} finally {
server.stop(function() {});
syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure(makeSteamEngine);
function test_uploadOutgoing_toEmptyServer() {
_("SyncEngine._uploadOutgoing uploads new records to server");
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
let crypto_steam = new ServerWBO('steam');
let collection = new ServerCollection();
collection.wbos.flying = new ServerWBO('flying');
collection.wbos.scotsman = new ServerWBO('scotsman');
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.0/foo/storage/crypto/steam": crypto_steam.handler(),
"/1.0/foo/storage/steam": collection.handler(),
"/1.0/foo/storage/steam/flying": collection.wbos.flying.handler(),
"/1.0/foo/storage/steam/scotsman": collection.wbos.scotsman.handler()
let engine = makeSteamEngine();
engine._store.items = {flying: "LNER Class A3 4472",
scotsman: "Flying Scotsman"};
// Mark one of these records as changed
engine._tracker.addChangedID('scotsman', 0);
try {
// Confirm initial environment
do_check_eq(collection.wbos.flying.payload, undefined);
do_check_eq(collection.wbos.scotsman.payload, undefined);
do_check_eq(engine._tracker.changedIDs['scotsman'], 0);
// Ensure the marked record ('scotsman') has been uploaded and is
// no longer marked.
do_check_eq(collection.wbos.flying.payload, undefined);
do_check_eq(engine._tracker.changedIDs['scotsman'], undefined);
// The 'flying' record wasn't marked so it wasn't uploaded
do_check_eq(collection.wbos.flying.payload, undefined);
} finally {
server.stop(function() {});
syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure(makeSteamEngine);
function test_uploadOutgoing_MAX_UPLOAD_RECORDS() {
_("SyncEngine._uploadOutgoing uploads in batches of MAX_UPLOAD_RECORDS");
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
let crypto_steam = new ServerWBO('steam');
let collection = new ServerCollection();
// Let's count how many times the client posts to the server
var noOfUploads = 0;
collection.post = (function(orig) {
return function() {
return orig.apply(this, arguments);
// Create a bunch of records (and server side handlers)
let engine = makeSteamEngine();
for (var i=0; i < 2345; i++) {
let id = 'record-no-' + i;
engine._store.items[id] = "Record No. " + i;
engine._tracker.addChangedID(id, 0);
collection.wbos[id] = new ServerWBO(id);
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.0/foo/storage/crypto/steam": crypto_steam.handler(),
"/1.0/foo/storage/steam": collection.handler()
try {
// Confirm initial environment
do_check_eq(noOfUploads, 0);
// Ensure all records have been uploaded
for (i=0; i < 2345; i++) {
// Ensure that the uploads were performed in batches of MAX_UPLOAD_RECORDS
do_check_eq(noOfUploads, Math.ceil(2345/MAX_UPLOAD_RECORDS));
} finally {
server.stop(function() {});
syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure(makeSteamEngine);
function test_syncFinish_noDelete() {
_("SyncEngine._syncFinish resets tracker's score");
let engine = makeSteamEngine();
engine._delete = {}; // Nothing to delete
engine._tracker.score = 100;
// _syncFinish() will reset the engine's score.
do_check_eq(engine.score, 0);
function test_syncFinish_deleteByIds() {
_("SyncEngine._syncFinish deletes server records slated for deletion (list of record IDs).");
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
let collection = new ServerCollection();
collection.wbos.flying = new ServerWBO(
'flying', encryptPayload({id: 'flying',
denomination: "LNER Class A3 4472"}));
collection.wbos.scotsman = new ServerWBO(
'scotsman', encryptPayload({id: 'scotsman',
denomination: "Flying Scotsman"}));
collection.wbos.rekolok = new ServerWBO(
'rekolok', encryptPayload({id: 'rekolok',
denomination: "Rekonstruktionslokomotive"}));
let server = httpd_setup({
"/1.0/foo/storage/steam": collection.handler()
let engine = makeSteamEngine();
try {
engine._delete = {ids: ['flying', 'rekolok']};
// The 'flying' and 'rekolok' records were deleted while the
// 'scotsman' one wasn't.
do_check_eq(collection.wbos.flying.payload, undefined);
do_check_eq(collection.wbos.rekolok.payload, undefined);
// The deletion todo list has been reset.
do_check_eq(engine._delete.ids, undefined);
} finally {
server.stop(function() {});
syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure(makeSteamEngine);
function test_syncFinish_deleteLotsInBatches() {
_("SyncEngine._syncFinish deletes server records in batches of 100 (list of record IDs).");
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
let collection = new ServerCollection();
// Let's count how many times the client does a DELETE request to the server
var noOfUploads = 0;
collection.delete = (function(orig) {
return function() {
return orig.apply(this, arguments);
// Create a bunch of records on the server
for (var i=0; i < 2345; i++) {
let id = 'record-no-' + i;
let payload = encryptPayload({id: id, denomination: "Record No. " + i});
let wbo = new ServerWBO(id, payload);
wbo.modified = Date.now()/1000 - 60*(i+10);
collection.wbos[id] = wbo;
let server = httpd_setup({
"/1.0/foo/storage/steam": collection.handler()
let engine = makeSteamEngine();
try {
// Confirm initial environment
do_check_eq(noOfUploads, 0);
// Declare what we want to have deleted: all records no. 200 and
// up and all records that are less than 200 mins old (which are
// records 0 thru 190).
engine._delete = {ids: [],
newer: Date.now()/1000 - 60*200.5};
for (i=200; i < 2345; i++) {
engine._delete.ids.push('record-no-' + i);
// Ensure that the appropriate server data has been wiped while
// preserving records 190 thru 200.
for (i=0; i < 2345; i++) {
let id = 'record-no-' + i;
if (i<=190 || i>=200) {
do_check_eq(collection.wbos[id].payload, undefined);
} else {
// The deletion was done in batches
do_check_eq(noOfUploads, 22+1);
// The deletion todo list has been reset.
do_check_eq(engine._delete.ids, undefined);
} finally {
server.stop(function() {});
syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure(makeSteamEngine);