зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Checking in initial version of Keith Visco's (kvisco@ziplink.net) XSL processor, Transformiix. Some glue code to interface it with mozilla is #ifdef MOZILLA protected.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
#include "primitives.h"
//- Implementation of Double -/
* A wrapper for the primitive double type, and provides some simple
* floating point related routines
* @author <a href="mailto:lef@opentext.com">Larry Fitzpatrick</a>
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
double d0 = 0.0;
const double Double::NaN = (d0/d0);
const double Double::NEGATIVE_INFINITY = (-1.0/d0);
const double Double::POSITIVE_INFINITY = (1.0/d0);
* Creates a new Double with it's value initialized to 0;
Double::Double() {
value = 0;
} //-- Double
* Creates a new Double with it's value initialized to the given double
Double::Double(double dbl) {
this->value = dbl;
} //-- Double
* Creates a new Double with it's value initialized from the given String.
* The String will be converted to a double. If the String does not
* represent an IEEE 754 double, the value will be initialized to NaN
Double::Double(const String& string) {
this->value = toDouble(string);
} //-- Double
* Returns the value of this Double as a double
double Double::doubleValue() {
return this->value;
} //-- doubleValue
* Returns the value of this Double as an int
int Double::intValue() {
return (int)value;
} //-- intValue
* Determins whether the given double represents positive or negative
* inifinity
MBool Double::isInfinite(double dbl) {
return (MBool)((dbl == POSITIVE_INFINITY ) || (dbl == NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
} //-- isInfinite
* Determins whether this Double's value represents positive or
* negative inifinty
MBool Double::isInfinite() {
return (MBool)(( value == POSITIVE_INFINITY ) || (value == NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
} //-- isInfinite
* Determins whether the given double is NaN
MBool Double::isNaN(double dbl) {
#ifdef MOZILLA
return (MBool) _isnan(dbl);
return (MBool) isnan(dbl);
} //-- isNaN
* Determins whether this Double's value is NaN
MBool Double::isNaN() {
#ifdef MOZILLA
return (MBool) _isnan(value);
return (MBool) isnan(value);
} //-- isNaN
* Converts the given String to a double, if the String value does not
* represent a double, NaN will be returned
double Double::toDouble(const String& src) {
double dbl = 0.0;
double fraction = 1.0;
double multiplier = 10.0;
Int32 idx = 0;
double sign = 1.0;
//-- trim leading whitespace
for ( ; idx < src.length(); idx++ )
if ( src.charAt(idx) != ' ' ) break;
//-- check first character for sign
if ( idx < src.length() ) {
Int32 ch = src.charAt(idx);
if ( ch == '-' ) {
sign = -1.0;
else {
return Double::NaN;
//-- convert remaining to number
for ( ; idx < src.length(); idx++ ) {
Int32 ch = src.charAt(idx);
if (( ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) {
if ( multiplier > 1.0 ) {
dbl = dbl*multiplier;
dbl += (double) (ch-48);
else {
dbl += multiplier * (ch-48);
multiplier = multiplier * 0.1;
else if ( ch == '.') {
if ( multiplier < 1.0 ) return Double::NaN;
multiplier = 0.1;
else return Double::NaN;
dbl = dbl*sign;
return dbl;
} //-- toDouble
* Converts the value of this Double to a String, and places
* The result into the destination String.
* @return the given dest string
String& Double::toString(String& dest) {
return toString(value, dest);
} //-- toString
* Converts the value of the given double to a String, and places
* The result into the destination String.
* @return the given dest string
String& Double::toString(double value, String& dest) {
//-- check for special cases
if ( isNaN(value) ) {
return dest;
if ( isInfinite(value) ) {
if (value < 0) dest.append('-');
return dest;
MBool isNegative = (MBool)(value<0.0);
double val = value;
if ( isNegative ) val = val * -1.0;
double ival = 0;
double fval = modf(val, &ival);
String iStr;
int temp = (int)ival;
if ( temp > 0.0 ) {
while ( temp > 0.0 ) {
iStr.append( (char) ((temp % 10)+48) );
temp = temp / 10;
if ( isNegative ) iStr.append('-');
else iStr.append('0');
if ( fval > 0.0 ) {
while ( fval > 0.0000001 ) {
fval = fval*10.0;
fval = modf(fval, &ival);
iStr.append( (char) (ival+48) );
else iStr.append('0');
return dest;
} //-- toString
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
#include "baseutils.h"
#include "String.h"
#include "iostream.h"
* A simple interface for observing errors
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
class ErrorObserver {
enum ErrorLevel {FATAL = 0, NORMAL, WARNING};
* Default Destructor for ErrorObserver
virtual ~ErrorObserver() {};
* Notifies this Error observer of a new error, with default
* level of NORMAL
virtual void recieveError(String& errorMessage) = 0;
* Notifies this Error observer of a new error using the given error level
virtual void recieveError(String& errorMessage, ErrorLevel level) = 0;
}; //-- ErrorObserver
* A simple ErrorObserver which allows printing error messages to a stream
class SimpleErrorObserver : public ErrorObserver {
* Creates a new SimpleErrorObserver.
* All errors will be printed to the console (cout).
* Creates a new SimpleErrorObserver.
* All errors will be printed to the given ostream.
SimpleErrorObserver(ostream& errStream);
virtual ~SimpleErrorObserver() {};
* Notifies this Error observer of a new error, with default
* level of NORMAL
virtual void recieveError(String& errorMessage);
* Notifies this Error observer of a new error using the given error level
virtual void recieveError(String& errorMessage, ErrorLevel level);
virtual void supressWarnings(MBool supress);
ostream* errStream;
MBool hideWarnings;
}; //-- SimpleErrorObserver
@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
#include "List.h"
#include <iostream.h>
//- Implementation of List -/
* Default constructor for a List;
List::List() {
firstItem = 0;
lastItem = 0;
itemCount = 0;
} //-- List;
* List destructor, cleans up List Items, but will not delete the Object
* references
List::~List() {
ListItem* item = firstItem;
while (item) {
ListItem* tItem = item;
item = item->nextItem;
delete tItem;
} //-- ~List
void List::insert(int index, void* objPtr) {
if ( index >= itemCount ) {
insertBefore(objPtr, 0);
else {
//-- add to middle of list
ListItem* nextItem = firstItem;
for ( int i = 0; i < index; i++ ) nextItem = nextItem->nextItem;
insertBefore(objPtr, nextItem);
} //-- insert
void List::add(void* objPtr) {
insert(itemCount, objPtr);
} //-- add
List::ListItem* List::getFirstItem() {
return firstItem;
} //-- getFirstItem
List::ListItem* List::getLastItem() {
return lastItem;
} //-- getLastItem
* Returns the number of items in this List
Int32 List::getLength() {
return itemCount;
} //-- getLength
* Inserts the given Object pointer as the item just after refItem.
* If refItem is a null pointer the Object will be inserted at the
* beginning of the List (ie, insert after nothing).
* This method assumes refItem is a member of this list, and since this
* is a private method, I feel that's a valid assumption
void List::insertAfter(void* objPtr, ListItem* refItem) {
//-- if refItem == null insert at front
if (!refItem) insertBefore(objPtr, firstItem);
else insertBefore(objPtr, refItem->nextItem);
} //-- insertAfter
* Inserts the given Object pointer as the item just before refItem.
* If refItem is a null pointer the Object will be inserted at the
* end of the List (ie, insert before nothing).
* This method assumes refItem is a member of this list, and since this
* is a private method, I feel that's a valid assumption
void List::insertBefore(void* objPtr, ListItem* refItem) {
ListItem* item = new ListItem;
item->objPtr = objPtr;
item->nextItem = 0;
item->prevItem = 0;
//-- if refItem == null insert at end
if (!refItem) {
//-- add to back of list
if ( lastItem ) {
lastItem->nextItem = item;
item->prevItem = lastItem;
lastItem = item;
if ( !firstItem ) firstItem = item;
else {
//-- insert before given item
item->nextItem = refItem;
item->prevItem = refItem->prevItem;
refItem->prevItem = item;
if (refItem == firstItem) firstItem = item;
if (itemCount == 0) lastItem = item; // <-should we ever see this?
// increase the item count
} //-- insertBefore
* Returns a ListIterator for this List
ListIterator* List::iterator() {
return new ListIterator(this);
void* List::remove(void* objPtr) {
ListItem* item = firstItem;
while (item) {
if (item->objPtr == objPtr) {
delete item;
return objPtr;
item = item->nextItem;
// not in list
return 0;
} //-- remove
List::ListItem* List::remove(ListItem* item) {
if ( !item ) return item;
//-- adjust the previous item's next pointer
if (item->prevItem) {
item->prevItem->nextItem = item->nextItem;
//-- adjust the next item's previous pointer
if ( item->nextItem ) {
item->nextItem->prevItem = item->prevItem;
//-- adjust first and last items
if (item == firstItem) firstItem = item->nextItem;
if (item == lastItem) lastItem = item->prevItem;
//-- decrease Item count
return item;
} //-- remove
//- Implementation of ListIterator -/
* Creates a new ListIterator for the given List
* @param list, the List to create an Iterator for
ListIterator::ListIterator(List* list) {
this->list = list;
currentItem = 0;
allowRemove = MB_FALSE;
moveForward = MB_TRUE;
done = MB_FALSE;
count = 0;
} //-- ListIterator
ListIterator::~ListIterator() {
//-- overrides default destructor to do nothing
} //-- ~ListIterator
* Adds the Object pointer to the List pointed to by this ListIterator.
* The Object pointer is inserted as the next item in the List
* based on the current position within the List
* @param objPtr the Object pointer to add to the list
void ListIterator::add(void* objPtr) {
allowRemove = MB_FALSE;
} //-- add
* Returns true if a sucessful call to the next() method can be made
* @return MB_TRUE if a sucessful call to the next() method can be made,
* otherwise MB_FALSE
MBool ListIterator::hasNext() {
MBool hasNext = MB_FALSE;
if ( done ) return hasNext;
else if ( currentItem ) {
if (moveForward) hasNext = (MBool) currentItem->nextItem;
else hasNext = (MBool)currentItem->prevItem;
else {
if (moveForward) hasNext = (MBool) list->firstItem;
else hasNext = (MBool) list->lastItem;
return hasNext;
} //-- hasNext
* Returns true if a sucessful call to the previous() method can be made
* @return MB_TRUE if a sucessful call to the previous() method can be made,
* otherwise MB_FALSE
MBool ListIterator::hasPrevious() {
MBool hasPrevious = MB_FALSE;
if (currentItem) {
if (moveForward) hasPrevious = (MBool)(currentItem->prevItem);
else hasPrevious = (MBool) (currentItem->nextItem);
return hasPrevious;
} //-- hasPrevious
* Returns the next Object pointer in the list
void* ListIterator::next() {
void* obj = 0;
if ( done ) return obj;
if (currentItem) {
if ( moveForward ) currentItem = currentItem->nextItem;
else currentItem = currentItem->prevItem;
else {
if ( moveForward ) currentItem = list->firstItem;
else currentItem = list->lastItem;
if ( currentItem ) {
obj = currentItem->objPtr;
allowRemove = MB_TRUE;
else done = MB_TRUE;
return obj;
} //-- next
* Returns the previous Object in the list
void* ListIterator::previous() {
void* obj = 0;
if (currentItem) {
if ( moveForward ) currentItem = currentItem->prevItem;
else currentItem = currentItem->nextItem;
if ( currentItem ) obj = currentItem->objPtr;
return obj;
} //-- previous
* Removes the Object last returned by the next() or previous() methods;
* @return the removed Object pointer
void* ListIterator::remove() {
if (!allowRemove) return 0;
allowRemove = MB_FALSE;
void* obj = 0;
if (currentItem) {
obj = currentItem->objPtr;
List::ListItem* item = currentItem;
previous(); //-- make previous item the current item
return obj;
} //-- remove
* Resets the current location within the List to the beginning of the List
void ListIterator::reset() {
done = MB_FALSE;
currentItem = 0;
} //-- reset
* sets this iterator to operate in the reverse direction
void ListIterator::reverse() {
moveForward = (MBool)(!moveForward);
} //-- reverse
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
#include "baseutils.h"
#ifndef MITRE_LIST_H
#define MITRE_LIST_H
* Represents an ordered list of Object pointers. Modeled after a Java 2 List.
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
class List {
friend class ListIterator;
* Creates an empty List
* List destructor, object references will not be deleted.
virtual ~List();
* Returns the number of items in this List
Int32 getLength();
* Returns a ListIterator for this List
ListIterator* iterator();
* Adds the given Object to the specified position in the list
void insert(int index, void* objPtr);
* Adds the given Object to the list
void add(void* objPtr);
* Removes the given Object pointer from the list
void* remove(void* objPtr);
struct ListItem {
ListItem* nextItem;
ListItem* prevItem;
void* objPtr;
ListItem* getFirstItem();
ListItem* getLastItem();
* Removes the given ListItem pointer from the list
ListItem* remove(ListItem* sItem);
ListItem* firstItem;
ListItem* lastItem;
Int32 itemCount;
void insertAfter(void* objPtr, ListItem* sItem);
void insertBefore(void* objPtr, ListItem* sItem);
* An Iterator for the List Class
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
class ListIterator {
* Creates a new ListIterator for the given List
* @param list, the List to create an Iterator for
ListIterator(List* list);
* Destructor, destroys a given instance of a ListIterator
virtual ~ListIterator();
* Adds the Object pointer to the List pointed to by this ListIterator.
* The Object pointer is inserted as the next item in the List
* based on the current position within the List
* @param objPtr the Object pointer to add to the list
virtual void add(void* objPtr);
* Returns true if a sucessful call to the next() method can be made
* @return MB_TRUE if a sucessful call to the next() method can be made,
* otherwise MB_FALSE
virtual MBool hasNext();
* Returns true if a sucessful call to the previous() method can be made
* @return MB_TRUE if a sucessful call to the previous() method can be made,
* otherwise MB_FALSE
virtual MBool hasPrevious();
* Returns the next Object pointer from the list
virtual void* next();
* Returns the previous Object pointer from the list
virtual void* previous();
* Removes the Object last returned by the next() or previous() methods;
* @return the removed Object pointer
virtual void* remove();
* Resets the current location within the List to the beginning of the List
virtual void reset();
* sets this iterator to operate in the reverse direction
void reverse();
int count;
//-- points to the current list item
List::ListItem* currentItem;
//-- points to the list to iterator over
List* list;
//-- determins if we can remove the current item from the list
MBool allowRemove;
MBool done;
MBool moveForward;
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
#include "ErrorObserver.h"
* Creates a new SimpleErrorObserver.
* All errors will be printed to the console (cout).
SimpleErrorObserver::SimpleErrorObserver() {
errStream = &cout;
hideWarnings = MB_FALSE;
} //-- SimpleErrorObserver
* Creates a new SimpleErrorObserver.
* All errors will be printed to the given ostream.
SimpleErrorObserver::SimpleErrorObserver(ostream& errStream) {
this->errStream = &errStream;
hideWarnings = MB_FALSE;
} //-- SimpleErrorObserver
* Notifies this Error observer of a new error, with default
* level of NORMAL
void SimpleErrorObserver::recieveError(String& errorMessage) {
*errStream << "error: " << errorMessage << endl;
} //-- recieveError
* Notifies this Error observer of a new error using the given error level
void SimpleErrorObserver::recieveError(String& errorMessage, ErrorLevel level) {
switch ( level ) {
case ErrorObserver::FATAL :
*errStream << "fatal error: ";
case ErrorObserver::WARNING :
if ( hideWarnings ) return;
*errStream << "warning: ";
*errStream << "error: ";
*errStream << errorMessage << endl;
} //-- recieveError
void SimpleErrorObserver::supressWarnings(MBool supress) {
this->hideWarnings = supress;
} //-- supressWarnings
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
#include "XSLProcessor.h"
//- Prototypes -/
* Prints the command line help screen to the console
void printHelp();
* prints the command line usage information to the console
void printUsage();
* The TransforMiiX command line interface
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
XSLProcessor xslProcessor;
String copyright("(C) 1999 The MITRE Corporation");
cout << xslProcessor.getAppName() << " ";
cout << xslProcessor.getAppVersion() << copyright <<endl;
//-- print banner line
Int32 fillSize = 1;
fillSize += xslProcessor.getAppName().length();
fillSize += xslProcessor.getAppVersion().length() + copyright.length();
String fill;
fill.setLength(fillSize, '-');
cout << fill <<endl<<endl;
//-- add ErrorObserver
SimpleErrorObserver seo;
//-- available flags
StringList flags;
flags.add(new String("i")); // XML input
flags.add(new String("s")); // XSL input
flags.add(new String("o")); // Output filename
NamedMap options;
CommandLineUtils::getOptions(options, argc, argv, flags);
if ( options.get("h") ) {
return 0;
String* xmlFilename = (String*)options.get("i");
String* xslFilename = (String*)options.get("s");
String* outFilename = (String*)options.get("o");
if ( !xmlFilename ) {
cout << " missing XML filename."<<endl <<endl;
return -1;
char* chars = 0;
//-- open XML file
chars = new char[xmlFilename->length()+1];
ifstream xmlInput(xmlFilename->toChar(chars), ios::in);
delete chars;
//-- create document base
String documentBase;
URIUtils::getDocumentBase(*xmlFilename, documentBase);
//-- handle output stream
ostream* resultOutput = &cout;
ofstream resultFileStream;
if ( outFilename ) {
chars = new char[outFilename->length()+1];
resultFileStream.open(outFilename->toChar(chars), ios::out);
delete chars;
if ( !resultFileStream ) {
cout << "error opening output file: " << *xmlFilename << endl;
return -1;
resultOutput = &resultFileStream;
//-- process
if ( !xslFilename ) {
xslProcessor.process(xmlInput, documentBase, *resultOutput);
else {
//-- open XSL file
chars = new char[xslFilename->length()+1];
ifstream xslInput(xslFilename->toChar(chars), ios::in);
delete chars;
xslProcessor.process(xmlInput, xslInput, *resultOutput);
return 0;
} //-- main
void printHelp() {
cout << "The following flags are available for use with TransforMiiX -";
cout << "-i filename : The XML file to process" << endl;
cout << "-o filename : The Output file to create" << endl;
cout << "-s filename : The XSL file to use for processing (Optional)" << endl;
cout << "-h : This help screen (Optional)" << endl;
cout << endl;
void printUsage() {
cout << endl;
cout << "usage:";
cout << "transfrmx -i xml-file [-s xsl-file] [-o output-file]"<<endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "for more infomation use the -h flag"<<endl;
} //-- printUsage
@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
* An XML utility class
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
#include "XMLUtils.h"
//- Implementation of XMLUtils -/
const String XMLUtils::XMLNS = "xmlns";
void XMLUtils::getNameSpace(const String& src, String& dest) {
//-- anything preceding ':' is the namespace part of the name
int idx = src.indexOf(':');
if ( idx > 0 ) {
//-- create new String to prevent any chars in dest from being
//-- lost
String tmp;
src.subString(0,idx, tmp);
else dest.append("");
} //-- getNameSpace
void XMLUtils::getLocalPart(const String& src, String& dest) {
//-- anything after ':' is the local part of the name
int idx = src.indexOf(':');
if ( idx < -1 ) idx = -1;
//-- create new String to prevent any chars in dest from being
//-- lost
String tmp;
src.subString(idx+1, tmp);
} //-- getLocalPart
* Returns true if the given character represents an Alpha letter
MBool XMLUtils::isAlphaChar(Int32 ch) {
if ((ch >= 'a' ) && (ch <= 'z' )) return MB_TRUE;
if ((ch >= 'A' ) && (ch <= 'Z' )) return MB_TRUE;
return MB_FALSE;
} //-- isAlphaChar
* Returns true if the given character represents a numeric letter (digit)
MBool XMLUtils::isDigit(Int32 ch) {
if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) return MB_TRUE;
return MB_FALSE;
} //-- isDigit
* Returns true if the given character is an allowable QName character
MBool XMLUtils::isNCNameChar(Int32 ch) {
if (isDigit(ch) || isAlphaChar(ch)) return MB_TRUE;
return (MBool) ((ch == '.') ||(ch == '_') || (ch == '-'));
} //-- isNCNameChar
* Returns true if the given character is an allowable NCName character
MBool XMLUtils::isQNameChar(Int32 ch) {
return (MBool) (( ch == ':') || isNCNameChar(ch));
} //-- isQNameChar
* Returns true if the given String is a valid XML QName
MBool XMLUtils::isValidQName(String& name) {
int size = name.length();
if ( size == 0 ) return MB_FALSE;
else if ( !isAlphaChar(name.charAt(0))) return MB_FALSE;
else {
for ( int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
if ( ! isQNameChar(name.charAt(i))) return MB_FALSE;
return MB_TRUE;
} //-- isValidQName
* Normalizes the value of an XML attribute
void XMLUtils::normalizeAttributeValue(String& attValue) {
Int32 size = attValue.length();
//-- make copy of chars
char* chars = new char[size+1];
//-- clear attValue
Int32 cc = 0;
MBool addSpace = MB_FALSE;
while ( cc < size) {
char ch = chars[cc++];
switch (ch) {
case ' ':
if ( attValue.length() > 0) addSpace = MB_TRUE;
case '\r':
case '\n':
if ( addSpace) {
attValue.append(' ');
addSpace = MB_FALSE;
delete chars;
} //-- normalizeAttributeValue
* Normalizes the value of a XML processing instruction
void XMLUtils::normalizePIValue(String& piValue) {
Int32 size = piValue.length();
//-- make copy of chars
char* chars = new char[size+1];
//-- clear attValue
Int32 cc = 0;
char prevCh = '\0';
while ( cc < size) {
char ch = chars[cc++];
switch (ch) {
case '>':
if ( prevCh == '?' ) {
piValue.append(' ');
prevCh = ch;
delete chars;
} //-- noramlizePIValue
* Strips whitespace from the given String.
* Newlines (#xD), tabs (#x9), and consecutive spaces (#x20) are
* converted to a single space (#x20).
* @param data the String to strip whitespace from
* @param dest the destination String to append the result to
void XMLUtils::stripSpace (const String& data, String& dest) {
} //-- stripSpace
* Strips whitespace from the given String.
* Newlines (#xD), tabs (#x9), and consecutive spaces (#x20) are
* converted to a single space (#x20).
* @param data the String to strip whitespace from
* @param dest the destination String to append the result to
* @param stripAllLeadSpace, a boolean indicating whether or not to
* strip all leading space. If true all whitespace from the start of the
* given String will be stripped. If false, all whitespace from the start
* of the given String will be converted to a single space.
* @param stripAllTrailSpace, a boolean indicating whether or not to
* strip all trailing space. If true all whitespace at the end of the
* given String will be stripped. If false, all whitespace at the end
* of the given String will be converted to a single space.
void XMLUtils::stripSpace
( const String& data,
String& dest,
MBool stripAllLeadSpace,
MBool stripAllTrailSpace )
char lastToken, token;
Int32 oldSize = data.length();
char* chars = new char[oldSize+1];
lastToken = '\0';
Int32 total = 0;
// indicates we have seen at least one
// non whitespace charater
MBool validChar = MB_FALSE;
for (int i = 0; i < oldSize; i++) {
token = chars[i];
switch(token) {
case ' ':
case '\t':
case '\n':
case '\r':
token = ' ';
if (stripAllLeadSpace && (!validChar)) break;
if (lastToken != token) chars[total++] = token;
chars[total++] = token;
validChar = MB_TRUE;
lastToken = token;
//-- remove last trailing space if necessary
if (stripAllTrailSpace)
if ((total > 0) && (chars[total-1] == ' ')) --total;
if (validChar) {
chars[total] = '\0'; //-- add Null terminator
delete chars;
} //-- stripSpace
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
* An XML Utility class
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
#include "String.h"
#include "baseutils.h"
class XMLUtils {
static const String XMLNS;
static void getNameSpace(const String& src, String& dest);
static void getLocalPart(const String& src, String& dest);
* Returns true if the given String is a valid XML QName
static MBool isValidQName(String& name);
* Normalizes the value of an XML attribute
static void normalizeAttributeValue(String& attValue);
* Normalizes the value of a XML processingInstruction
static void normalizePIValue(String& attValue);
* Strips whitespace from the given String.
* Newlines (#xD), tabs (#x9), and consecutive spaces (#x20) are
* converted to a single space (#x20).
* @param data the String to strip whitespace from
* @param dest the destination String to append the result to
static void stripSpace (const String& data, String& dest);
* Strips whitespace from the given String.
* Newlines (#xD), tabs (#x9), and consecutive spaces (#x20) are
* converted to a single space (#x20).
* @param data the String to strip whitespace from
* @param dest the destination String to append the result to
* @param stripAllLeadSpace, a boolean indicating whether or not to
* strip all leading space. If true all whitespace from the start of the
* given String will be stripped. If false, all whitespace from the start
* of the given String will be converted to a single space.
* @param stripAllTrailSpace, a boolean indicating whether or not to
* strip all trailing space. If true all whitespace at the end of the
* given String will be stripped. If false, all whitespace at the end
* of the given String will be converted to a single space.
static void stripSpace (const String& data,
String& dest,
MBool stripAllLeadSpace,
MBool stripAllTrailSpace);
* Returns true if the given character represents an Alpha letter
static MBool isAlphaChar(Int32 ch);
* Returns true if the given character represents a numeric letter (digit)
static MBool isDigit(Int32 ch);
* Returns true if the given character is an allowable QName character
static MBool isQNameChar(Int32 ch);
* Returns true if the given character is an allowable NCName character
static MBool isNCNameChar(Int32 ch);
}; //-- XMLUtils
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
# http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
# Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# NPL.
# The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
# Reserved.
include <$(DEPTH)/config/config.mak>
REQUIRES=xpcom raptor
XSLProcessorFactory.cpp \
.\$(OBJDIR)\XSLProcessorFactory.obj \
DLLNAME = transformiix
LINCS= -I$(PUBLIC)\xpcom -I$(PUBLIC)\raptor \
-I..\source\xml\dom \
-I..\source\xsl\expr -I..\source\xsl\util -I..\source\xml -I..\source\xsl \
-I..\source\base \
# These are the libraries we need to link with to create the dll
$(DIST)\lib\xpcom.lib \
$(DIST)\lib\transformix_base.lib \
$(DIST)\lib\transformix_xml.lib \
$(DIST)\lib\transformix_xml_dom_mozImpl.lib \
$(DIST)\lib\transformix_xsl.lib \
$(DIST)\lib\transformix_xsl_expr.lib \
include <$(DEPTH)\config\rules.mak>
install:: $(DLL)
$(MAKE_INSTALL) .\$(OBJDIR)\$(DLLNAME).dll $(DIST)\bin\components
rm -f $(DIST)\bin\$(DLLNAME).dll
rm -f $(DIST)\lib\$(DLLNAME).lib
@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
<TITLE>MITRE TransforMiiX(tm) Contributors</TITLE>
<META name="author" content="Keith Visco">
<BODY Text="#000000">
<!-- OUTER TABLE -->
<TD WIDTH="80"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="80">
<B><FONT SIZE="+2">Transfor<FONT Color="blue">Mii</FONT>X</FONT></B>
<TD WIDTH="80"><BR></TD>
<TD WIDTH="560" COLSPAN="2">
<!-- Contents -->
<HR SIZE="1" />
Much of the <B>Transfor<FONT Color="blue">Mii</FONT>X</B> code was ported
from <A HREF="http://www.clc-marketing.com/xslp">XSL:P</A>,
an open source XSLT processor. Thanks to all the contributors of
that project.
<B>Core Developers</B><P>
The following people have contributed substantial time and
effort to the development.
<TR BGColor="#EEEEEE"><TH>Name</TH><TH>Contribution</TH><TH>Company</TH></TR>
<!-- Entry -->
<TR BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<A href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Visco, Keith</a>
Software design and most of the implementation
<A HREF="http://www.mitre.org">The MITRE Corporation</A>
<!-- Entry -->
<TR BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<A href="mailto:tomk@mitre.org">Kneeland, Tom</a>
DOM Implementation, Most of the String class
<A HREF="http://www.mitre.org">The MITRE Corporation</A>
<B>Additional Developers</B><P>
The following people have contributed to the development.
<BR>(appearing in alphabetical order)
<TR BGColor="#EEEEEE"><TH>Name</TH><TH>Contribution</TH><TH>Company</TH></TR>
<!-- Entry -->
<TR BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<A HREF="mailto:lef@opentext.com">Fitzpatrick, Larry</A>
<TD WIDTH="300">
C++ porting issues with Visual C++, design influences
<A HREF="http://www.opentext.com">OpenText</A>
<!-- Entry -->
<TR BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<A HREF="mailto:mclee@oblix.com">Lee, Michele</A>
<TD WIDTH="300">
C++ porting issues
<A HREF="http://www.oblix.com">Oblix</A>
<P><B>Testing/Feedback (Suggestions/Bug Reports)</B><P>
The following people have used TransforMiiX and provided feedback that has been
beneficial to the development.
<BR>(appearing in alphabetical order)
<TR BGColor="#EEEEEE"><TD><B>Name</B></TD><TD><B>Company</B></TD></TR>
<!-- Entry -->
<TR BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD><A HREF="mailto:costello@mitre.org">Costello, Roger</A></TD>
<TD><A HREF="http://www.mitre.org">The MITRE Corporation</A></TD>
<!-- End Contents -->
<!-- Footer -->
<HR SIZE="1">
<FONT SIZE="-1">
The MITRE Corporation, (C) Copyright 1999, All rights reserved<BR>
Email:<A HREF="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">kvisco@mitre.org</A>
<!-- End Footer -->
<!-- End Outer Table -->
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
# http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
# Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# NPL.
# The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
# Reserved.
DIRS=source build
include <$(DEPTH)\config\rules.mak>
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
TransforMiiX (TM) (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
All source and compiled binaries are considered the "program".
The contents of all source files in distributed with this
program are subject to the Mozilla Public License
Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use those files except in
compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
possibility of their occurrence.
Much of the source code was ported from XSL:P [http://xslp.kvisco.com],
an open source Java XSL processor written by Keith Visco.
There were a number of contributors to XSL:P and therefor many of
those contributors have indirectly contributed to this project.
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
target: TransforMiiX
CC = g++
-I $(NET_PATH) \
-I $(DOM_PATH) \
-I $(XML_PATH) \
-I $(XSL_PATH) \
MAIN_CPP = main/transformiix.cpp
TransforMiiX: $(ALL_OBJS)
$(CC) $(INCLUDE_PATHS) $(ALL_OBJS) $(MAIN_CPP) -o transfrmx.exe
$(BASE_OBJS): $(BASE_PATH)/*.cpp $(BASE_PATH)/*.h
cd $(BASE_PATH); make
$(DOM_OBJS): $(DOM_PATH)/*.cpp $(DOM_PATH)/dom.h
cd $(DOM_PATH); make
$(XML_OBJS): $(XML_PATH)/*.cpp $(XML_PATH)/*.h
cd $(XML_PATH); make
cd $(XMLPARSER_PATH); make -f expat.mk
cd $(XMLPARSER_PATH); make -f expat.mk
cd $(XMLPARSER_PATH); make
cd $(NET_PATH); make
cd $(XSLUTIL_PATH); make
cd $(EXPR_PATH); make
cd $(XSL_PATH); make
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
#include "CommandLineUtils.h"
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
void CommandLineUtils::getOptions
(NamedMap& options, int argc, char** argv, StringList& flags)
String arg;
String flag;
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
if ((arg.length()>0) && (arg.charAt(0) == '-')) {
// clean up previous flag
if (flag.length()>0) {
options.put(flag, new String(arg));
// get next flag
//-- check full flag, otherwise try to find
//-- flag within string
if (!flags.contains(flag)) {
Int32 idx = 1;
String tmpFlag;
while(idx <= flag.length()) {
flag.subString(0,idx, tmpFlag);
if (flags.contains(tmpFlag)) {
if (idx < flag.length()) {
String* value = new String();
flag.subString(idx, *value);
else if (idx == flag.length()) {
cout << "invalid option: -" << flag << endl;
}// end while
}// if flag char '-'
else {
// Store both flag key and number key
if (flag.length() > 0) options.put(flag, new String(arg));
}// end for
if (flag.length()>0) options.put(flag, new String("no value"));
} //-- getOptions
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
#include "baseutils.h"
#include "StringList.h"
#include "NamedMap.h"
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
class CommandLineUtils {
static void getOptions
(NamedMap& options, int argc, char** argv, StringList& flags);
@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
#include "primitives.h"
//- Implementation of Double -/
* A wrapper for the primitive double type, and provides some simple
* floating point related routines
* @author <a href="mailto:lef@opentext.com">Larry Fitzpatrick</a>
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
double d0 = 0.0;
const double Double::NaN = (d0/d0);
const double Double::NEGATIVE_INFINITY = (-1.0/d0);
const double Double::POSITIVE_INFINITY = (1.0/d0);
* Creates a new Double with it's value initialized to 0;
Double::Double() {
value = 0;
} //-- Double
* Creates a new Double with it's value initialized to the given double
Double::Double(double dbl) {
this->value = dbl;
} //-- Double
* Creates a new Double with it's value initialized from the given String.
* The String will be converted to a double. If the String does not
* represent an IEEE 754 double, the value will be initialized to NaN
Double::Double(const String& string) {
this->value = toDouble(string);
} //-- Double
* Returns the value of this Double as a double
double Double::doubleValue() {
return this->value;
} //-- doubleValue
* Returns the value of this Double as an int
int Double::intValue() {
return (int)value;
} //-- intValue
* Determins whether the given double represents positive or negative
* inifinity
MBool Double::isInfinite(double dbl) {
return (MBool)((dbl == POSITIVE_INFINITY ) || (dbl == NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
} //-- isInfinite
* Determins whether this Double's value represents positive or
* negative inifinty
MBool Double::isInfinite() {
return (MBool)(( value == POSITIVE_INFINITY ) || (value == NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
} //-- isInfinite
* Determins whether the given double is NaN
MBool Double::isNaN(double dbl) {
#ifdef MOZILLA
return (MBool) _isnan(dbl);
return (MBool) isnan(dbl);
} //-- isNaN
* Determins whether this Double's value is NaN
MBool Double::isNaN() {
#ifdef MOZILLA
return (MBool) _isnan(value);
return (MBool) isnan(value);
} //-- isNaN
* Converts the given String to a double, if the String value does not
* represent a double, NaN will be returned
double Double::toDouble(const String& src) {
double dbl = 0.0;
double fraction = 1.0;
double multiplier = 10.0;
Int32 idx = 0;
double sign = 1.0;
//-- trim leading whitespace
for ( ; idx < src.length(); idx++ )
if ( src.charAt(idx) != ' ' ) break;
//-- check first character for sign
if ( idx < src.length() ) {
Int32 ch = src.charAt(idx);
if ( ch == '-' ) {
sign = -1.0;
else {
return Double::NaN;
//-- convert remaining to number
for ( ; idx < src.length(); idx++ ) {
Int32 ch = src.charAt(idx);
if (( ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) {
if ( multiplier > 1.0 ) {
dbl = dbl*multiplier;
dbl += (double) (ch-48);
else {
dbl += multiplier * (ch-48);
multiplier = multiplier * 0.1;
else if ( ch == '.') {
if ( multiplier < 1.0 ) return Double::NaN;
multiplier = 0.1;
else return Double::NaN;
dbl = dbl*sign;
return dbl;
} //-- toDouble
* Converts the value of this Double to a String, and places
* The result into the destination String.
* @return the given dest string
String& Double::toString(String& dest) {
return toString(value, dest);
} //-- toString
* Converts the value of the given double to a String, and places
* The result into the destination String.
* @return the given dest string
String& Double::toString(double value, String& dest) {
//-- check for special cases
if ( isNaN(value) ) {
return dest;
if ( isInfinite(value) ) {
if (value < 0) dest.append('-');
return dest;
MBool isNegative = (MBool)(value<0.0);
double val = value;
if ( isNegative ) val = val * -1.0;
double ival = 0;
double fval = modf(val, &ival);
String iStr;
int temp = (int)ival;
if ( temp > 0.0 ) {
while ( temp > 0.0 ) {
iStr.append( (char) ((temp % 10)+48) );
temp = temp / 10;
if ( isNegative ) iStr.append('-');
else iStr.append('0');
if ( fval > 0.0 ) {
while ( fval > 0.0000001 ) {
fval = fval*10.0;
fval = modf(fval, &ival);
iStr.append( (char) (ival+48) );
else iStr.append('0');
return dest;
} //-- toString
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
#include "baseutils.h"
#include "String.h"
#include "iostream.h"
* A simple interface for observing errors
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
class ErrorObserver {
enum ErrorLevel {FATAL = 0, NORMAL, WARNING};
* Default Destructor for ErrorObserver
virtual ~ErrorObserver() {};
* Notifies this Error observer of a new error, with default
* level of NORMAL
virtual void recieveError(String& errorMessage) = 0;
* Notifies this Error observer of a new error using the given error level
virtual void recieveError(String& errorMessage, ErrorLevel level) = 0;
}; //-- ErrorObserver
* A simple ErrorObserver which allows printing error messages to a stream
class SimpleErrorObserver : public ErrorObserver {
* Creates a new SimpleErrorObserver.
* All errors will be printed to the console (cout).
* Creates a new SimpleErrorObserver.
* All errors will be printed to the given ostream.
SimpleErrorObserver(ostream& errStream);
virtual ~SimpleErrorObserver() {};
* Notifies this Error observer of a new error, with default
* level of NORMAL
virtual void recieveError(String& errorMessage);
* Notifies this Error observer of a new error using the given error level
virtual void recieveError(String& errorMessage, ErrorLevel level);
virtual void supressWarnings(MBool supress);
ostream* errStream;
MBool hideWarnings;
}; //-- SimpleErrorObserver
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
#include "primitives.h"
#include "baseutils.h"
//- Implementation of Integer -/
* A wrapper for the primitive int type, and provides some simple
* integer related routines
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
* Creates a new Integer initialized to 0.
Integer::Integer() {
value = 0;
} //-- Integer
* Creates a new Integer initialized to the given int value.
Integer::Integer(int value) {
this->value = value;
} //-- Integer
* Creates a new Integer based on the value of the given String
Integer::Integer(const String& str) {
Int32 val = 0;
for (Int32 i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
val = (val * 10) + (str.charAt(i) - 48);
} //-- Integer
* Returns the int value of this Integer
Int32 Integer::intValue() {
return value;
} //-- intValue;
* Converts the given String to an integer
int Integer::intValue(const String& src) {
int result = 0;
Int32 idx = 0;
int sign = 1;
//-- trim leading whitespace
for ( ; idx < src.length(); idx++ )
if ( src.charAt(idx) != ' ' ) break;
//-- check first character for sign
if ( idx < src.length() ) {
Int32 ch = src.charAt(idx);
if ( ch == '-' ) {
sign = -1;
else {
return 0; //-- we should return NaN here
//-- convert remaining to number
for ( ; idx < src.length(); idx++ ) {
Int32 ch = src.charAt(idx);
if (( ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) {
result = result*10;
result += (ch-48);
else return 0;
result = result*sign;
return result;
} //-- toInteger
* Converts the given int to a String
String& Integer::toString(int value, String& dest) {
String result;
Int32 tempVal = value;
MBool isNegative = (value < 0);
if ( isNegative ) tempVal = -value;
if ( tempVal > 0 ) {
while (tempVal) {
charDigit = (tempVal % 10) + 48;
tempVal /=10;
if ( isNegative ) result.append('-');
else result.append('0');
return dest;
} //-- toString
* Converts the given the value of this Integer to a String
String& Integer::toString(String& dest) {
return Integer::toString(value, dest);
} //-- toString
@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
#include "List.h"
#include <iostream.h>
//- Implementation of List -/
* Default constructor for a List;
List::List() {
firstItem = 0;
lastItem = 0;
itemCount = 0;
} //-- List;
* List destructor, cleans up List Items, but will not delete the Object
* references
List::~List() {
ListItem* item = firstItem;
while (item) {
ListItem* tItem = item;
item = item->nextItem;
delete tItem;
} //-- ~List
void List::insert(int index, void* objPtr) {
if ( index >= itemCount ) {
insertBefore(objPtr, 0);
else {
//-- add to middle of list
ListItem* nextItem = firstItem;
for ( int i = 0; i < index; i++ ) nextItem = nextItem->nextItem;
insertBefore(objPtr, nextItem);
} //-- insert
void List::add(void* objPtr) {
insert(itemCount, objPtr);
} //-- add
List::ListItem* List::getFirstItem() {
return firstItem;
} //-- getFirstItem
List::ListItem* List::getLastItem() {
return lastItem;
} //-- getLastItem
* Returns the number of items in this List
Int32 List::getLength() {
return itemCount;
} //-- getLength
* Inserts the given Object pointer as the item just after refItem.
* If refItem is a null pointer the Object will be inserted at the
* beginning of the List (ie, insert after nothing).
* This method assumes refItem is a member of this list, and since this
* is a private method, I feel that's a valid assumption
void List::insertAfter(void* objPtr, ListItem* refItem) {
//-- if refItem == null insert at front
if (!refItem) insertBefore(objPtr, firstItem);
else insertBefore(objPtr, refItem->nextItem);
} //-- insertAfter
* Inserts the given Object pointer as the item just before refItem.
* If refItem is a null pointer the Object will be inserted at the
* end of the List (ie, insert before nothing).
* This method assumes refItem is a member of this list, and since this
* is a private method, I feel that's a valid assumption
void List::insertBefore(void* objPtr, ListItem* refItem) {
ListItem* item = new ListItem;
item->objPtr = objPtr;
item->nextItem = 0;
item->prevItem = 0;
//-- if refItem == null insert at end
if (!refItem) {
//-- add to back of list
if ( lastItem ) {
lastItem->nextItem = item;
item->prevItem = lastItem;
lastItem = item;
if ( !firstItem ) firstItem = item;
else {
//-- insert before given item
item->nextItem = refItem;
item->prevItem = refItem->prevItem;
refItem->prevItem = item;
if (refItem == firstItem) firstItem = item;
if (itemCount == 0) lastItem = item; // <-should we ever see this?
// increase the item count
} //-- insertBefore
* Returns a ListIterator for this List
ListIterator* List::iterator() {
return new ListIterator(this);
void* List::remove(void* objPtr) {
ListItem* item = firstItem;
while (item) {
if (item->objPtr == objPtr) {
delete item;
return objPtr;
item = item->nextItem;
// not in list
return 0;
} //-- remove
List::ListItem* List::remove(ListItem* item) {
if ( !item ) return item;
//-- adjust the previous item's next pointer
if (item->prevItem) {
item->prevItem->nextItem = item->nextItem;
//-- adjust the next item's previous pointer
if ( item->nextItem ) {
item->nextItem->prevItem = item->prevItem;
//-- adjust first and last items
if (item == firstItem) firstItem = item->nextItem;
if (item == lastItem) lastItem = item->prevItem;
//-- decrease Item count
return item;
} //-- remove
//- Implementation of ListIterator -/
* Creates a new ListIterator for the given List
* @param list, the List to create an Iterator for
ListIterator::ListIterator(List* list) {
this->list = list;
currentItem = 0;
allowRemove = MB_FALSE;
moveForward = MB_TRUE;
done = MB_FALSE;
count = 0;
} //-- ListIterator
ListIterator::~ListIterator() {
//-- overrides default destructor to do nothing
} //-- ~ListIterator
* Adds the Object pointer to the List pointed to by this ListIterator.
* The Object pointer is inserted as the next item in the List
* based on the current position within the List
* @param objPtr the Object pointer to add to the list
void ListIterator::add(void* objPtr) {
allowRemove = MB_FALSE;
} //-- add
* Returns true if a sucessful call to the next() method can be made
* @return MB_TRUE if a sucessful call to the next() method can be made,
* otherwise MB_FALSE
MBool ListIterator::hasNext() {
MBool hasNext = MB_FALSE;
if ( done ) return hasNext;
else if ( currentItem ) {
if (moveForward) hasNext = (MBool) currentItem->nextItem;
else hasNext = (MBool)currentItem->prevItem;
else {
if (moveForward) hasNext = (MBool) list->firstItem;
else hasNext = (MBool) list->lastItem;
return hasNext;
} //-- hasNext
* Returns true if a sucessful call to the previous() method can be made
* @return MB_TRUE if a sucessful call to the previous() method can be made,
* otherwise MB_FALSE
MBool ListIterator::hasPrevious() {
MBool hasPrevious = MB_FALSE;
if (currentItem) {
if (moveForward) hasPrevious = (MBool)(currentItem->prevItem);
else hasPrevious = (MBool) (currentItem->nextItem);
return hasPrevious;
} //-- hasPrevious
* Returns the next Object pointer in the list
void* ListIterator::next() {
void* obj = 0;
if ( done ) return obj;
if (currentItem) {
if ( moveForward ) currentItem = currentItem->nextItem;
else currentItem = currentItem->prevItem;
else {
if ( moveForward ) currentItem = list->firstItem;
else currentItem = list->lastItem;
if ( currentItem ) {
obj = currentItem->objPtr;
allowRemove = MB_TRUE;
else done = MB_TRUE;
return obj;
} //-- next
* Returns the previous Object in the list
void* ListIterator::previous() {
void* obj = 0;
if (currentItem) {
if ( moveForward ) currentItem = currentItem->prevItem;
else currentItem = currentItem->nextItem;
if ( currentItem ) obj = currentItem->objPtr;
return obj;
} //-- previous
* Removes the Object last returned by the next() or previous() methods;
* @return the removed Object pointer
void* ListIterator::remove() {
if (!allowRemove) return 0;
allowRemove = MB_FALSE;
void* obj = 0;
if (currentItem) {
obj = currentItem->objPtr;
List::ListItem* item = currentItem;
previous(); //-- make previous item the current item
return obj;
} //-- remove
* Resets the current location within the List to the beginning of the List
void ListIterator::reset() {
done = MB_FALSE;
currentItem = 0;
} //-- reset
* sets this iterator to operate in the reverse direction
void ListIterator::reverse() {
moveForward = (MBool)(!moveForward);
} //-- reverse
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
#include "baseutils.h"
#ifndef MITRE_LIST_H
#define MITRE_LIST_H
* Represents an ordered list of Object pointers. Modeled after a Java 2 List.
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
class List {
friend class ListIterator;
* Creates an empty List
* List destructor, object references will not be deleted.
virtual ~List();
* Returns the number of items in this List
Int32 getLength();
* Returns a ListIterator for this List
ListIterator* iterator();
* Adds the given Object to the specified position in the list
void insert(int index, void* objPtr);
* Adds the given Object to the list
void add(void* objPtr);
* Removes the given Object pointer from the list
void* remove(void* objPtr);
struct ListItem {
ListItem* nextItem;
ListItem* prevItem;
void* objPtr;
ListItem* getFirstItem();
ListItem* getLastItem();
* Removes the given ListItem pointer from the list
ListItem* remove(ListItem* sItem);
ListItem* firstItem;
ListItem* lastItem;
Int32 itemCount;
void insertAfter(void* objPtr, ListItem* sItem);
void insertBefore(void* objPtr, ListItem* sItem);
* An Iterator for the List Class
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
class ListIterator {
* Creates a new ListIterator for the given List
* @param list, the List to create an Iterator for
ListIterator(List* list);
* Destructor, destroys a given instance of a ListIterator
virtual ~ListIterator();
* Adds the Object pointer to the List pointed to by this ListIterator.
* The Object pointer is inserted as the next item in the List
* based on the current position within the List
* @param objPtr the Object pointer to add to the list
virtual void add(void* objPtr);
* Returns true if a sucessful call to the next() method can be made
* @return MB_TRUE if a sucessful call to the next() method can be made,
* otherwise MB_FALSE
virtual MBool hasNext();
* Returns true if a sucessful call to the previous() method can be made
* @return MB_TRUE if a sucessful call to the previous() method can be made,
* otherwise MB_FALSE
virtual MBool hasPrevious();
* Returns the next Object pointer from the list
virtual void* next();
* Returns the previous Object pointer from the list
virtual void* previous();
* Removes the Object last returned by the next() or previous() methods;
* @return the removed Object pointer
virtual void* remove();
* Resets the current location within the List to the beginning of the List
virtual void reset();
* sets this iterator to operate in the reverse direction
void reverse();
int count;
//-- points to the current list item
List::ListItem* currentItem;
//-- points to the list to iterator over
List* list;
//-- determins if we can remove the current item from the list
MBool allowRemove;
MBool done;
MBool moveForward;
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
* A standard base class for many of the Class definitions in this
* application
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
class MITREObject {
MITREObject() {};
virtual ~MITREObject() {};
* A Simple MITREObject wrapper class
class MITREObjectWrapper : public MITREObject {
virtual ~MITREObjectWrapper();
void* object;
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
#include "MITREObject.h"
//- A Simple MITREObject wrapper class -/
* Default Constructor
MITREObjectWrapper::MITREObjectWrapper() {
this->object = 0;
} //-- MITREObjectWrapper
* Default destructor
MITREObjectWrapper::~MITREObjectWrapper() {
this->object = 0;
} //-- ~MITREObjectWrapper
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
target: make_base
CC = g++
BASE_OBJS = CommandLineUtils.o \
Double.o \
Integer.o \
List.o \
MITREObjectWrapper.o \
NamedMap.o \
SimpleErrorObserver.o \
Stack.o \
String.o \
StringList.o \
make_base: $(BASE_OBJS)
CommandLineUtils.o: CommandLineUtils.h CommandLineUtils.cpp
$(CC) -c CommandLineUtils.cpp
Double.o: primitives.h Double.cpp
$(CC) -c Double.cpp
Integer.o: primitives.h Integer.cpp
$(CC) -c Integer.cpp
List.o: List.h List.cpp
$(CC) -c List.cpp
MITREObjectWrapper.o: MITREObject.h MITREObjectWrapper.cpp
$(CC) -c MITREObjectWrapper.cpp
NamedMap.o: String.h NamedMap.h NamedMap.cpp
$(CC) -c NamedMap.cpp
SimpleErrorObserver.o: String.h baseutils.h ErrorObserver.h SimpleErrorObserver.cpp
$(CC) -c SimpleErrorObserver.cpp
Stack.o: List.h Stack.h Stack.cpp
$(CC) -c Stack.cpp
String.o: String.h String.cpp
$(CC) -c String.cpp
StringList.o: String.h StringList.h StringList.cpp
$(CC) -c StringList.cpp
Tokenizer.o: Tokenizer.h Tokenizer.cpp
$(CC) -c Tokenizer.cpp
@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
* A Named Map for MITREObjects
* @author <a href="kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
#include "NamedMap.h"
//- Constants -/
const int NamedMap::DEFAULT_SIZE = 17;
//- Constructors -/
* Creates a new NamedMap with the default Size
NamedMap::NamedMap() {
} //-- NamedMap
* Creates a new NamedMap with the specified number of buckets
NamedMap::NamedMap(int size) {
} //-- NamedMap
* Helper method for Constructors
void NamedMap::initialize(Int32 size) {
//-- by default the NamedMap will not delete it's
//-- object references
doObjectDeletion = MB_FALSE;
//-- create a new array of bucket pointers
elements = new BucketItem*[size];
//-- initialize all elements to 0;
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < size; i++ ) elements[i] = 0;
numberOfBuckets = size;
numberOfElements = 0;
} //-- initialize
* Destructor for NamedMap
NamedMap::~NamedMap() {
//cout << "~NamedMap() - start"<<endl;
delete [] elements;
//cout << "~NamedMap() - done"<<endl;
} //-- ~NamedMap
* Removes all elements from the NamedMap. If the object deletion flag
* has been set to true (by a call to setObjectDeletion) objects
* will also be deleted as they are removed from the map
void NamedMap::clear() {
} //-- clear
* Removes all elements from the NamedMap
void NamedMap::clear(MBool deleteObjects) {
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBuckets; i++) {
BucketItem* bktItem = elements[i];
while (bktItem) {
BucketItem* tItem = bktItem;
bktItem = bktItem->next;
//-- repoint item to 0 to prevent deletion
if ( ! deleteObjects ) tItem->item = 0;
else {
delete tItem->item;
//--delete tItem;
delete tItem;
numberOfElements = 0;
} //-- clear
void NamedMap::dumpMap() {
cout << "#NamedMap -------- { "<<endl;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBuckets; i++) {
cout << "[";
if (i < 10 ) cout << '0';
cout << i << "]->{";
BucketItem* item = elements[i];
MBool hasPrevItem = MB_FALSE;
while (item) {
if (hasPrevItem) cout << ", ";
cout << item->key;
hasPrevItem = MB_TRUE;
item = item->next;
cout << "}"<<endl;
cout <<"} #NamedMap"<<endl;
} //-- dumpMap
* Compares the specified object with this NamedMap for equality.
* Returns true if and only if the specified Object is a NamedMap
* that hashes to the same value as this NamedMap
* @return true if and only if the specified Object is a NamedMap
* that hashes to the same value as this NamedMap
MBool NamedMap::equals(NamedMap* namedMap) {
//-- currently does nothing
return MB_FALSE;
} //-- equals
* Returns the object reference in this Map associated with the given name
* @return the object reference in this Map associated with the given name
MITREObject* NamedMap::get(const char* key) {
String sKey = key;
return get(sKey);
} //-- get
* Returns the object reference in this Map associated with the given name
* @return the object reference in this Map associated with the given name
MITREObject* NamedMap::get(const String& key) {
BucketItem* item = getBucketItem(key);
if ( item ) return item->item;
return 0;
} //-- get
* Returns true if there are no Nodes in the NodeStack.
* @return true if there are no Nodes in the NodeStack.
MBool NamedMap::isEmpty() {
return (numberOfElements == 0) ? MB_TRUE : MB_FALSE;
} //-- isEmpty
* Adds the specified Node to the top of this Stack.
* @param node the Node to add to the top of the Stack
void NamedMap::put(const char* key, MITREObject* obj) {
String sKey = key;
put(sKey, obj);
} //-- put
* Adds the specified Node to the top of this Stack.
* @param node the Node to add to the top of the Stack
void NamedMap::put(const String& key, MITREObject* obj) {
//-- compute hash for key
unsigned long hashCode = hashKey(key);
//-- calculate index
int idx = hashCode % numberOfBuckets;
//-- fetch first item in bucket
BucketItem* bktItem = elements[idx];
//-- if bktItem is 0 then there are no items is this Bucket,
//-- add to front of list
if ( !bktItem ) {
elements[idx] = createBucketItem(key, obj);
//-- find current item, or add to end of list
else {
BucketItem* prevItem = bktItem;
//-- advance to next spot
while ( bktItem ) {
//-- if current key equals desired key, break
if ( bktItem->key.isEqual(key) ) {
prevItem = bktItem;
bktItem = bktItem->next;
//-- if we did not find a bucket Item create a new one
if ( !bktItem) {
bktItem = createBucketItem(key, obj);
prevItem->next = bktItem;
bktItem->prev = prevItem;
//-- we found bucket item, just set value
else bktItem->item = obj;
} //-- put
* Removes the the specified Object from the NamedMap
* @param key the key of the Object to remove from the NamedMap
* @return the Object being removed
MITREObject* NamedMap::remove(String& key) {
BucketItem* bktItem = getBucketItem(key);
if ( bktItem ) {
bktItem->prev->next = bktItem->next;
return bktItem->item;
return 0;
} //-- remove
* Sets the object deletion flag. If set to true, objects in
* the NamedMap will be deleted upon calling the clear() method, or
* upon destruction. By default this is false.
void NamedMap::setObjectDeletion(MBool deleteObjects) {
doObjectDeletion = deleteObjects;
} //-- setObjectDeletion
* Returns the number of elements in the NodeStack
* @return the number of elements in the NodeStack
int NamedMap::size() {
return numberOfElements;
} //-- size
//- Private Methods -/
NamedMap::BucketItem* NamedMap::createBucketItem(const String& key, MITREObject* objPtr)
BucketItem* bktItem = new BucketItem;
bktItem->next = 0;
bktItem->prev = 0;
bktItem->key = key;
bktItem->item = objPtr;
return bktItem;
} //-- createBucketItem
NamedMap::BucketItem* NamedMap::getBucketItem(const String& key) {
// compute hash for key
long hashCode = hashKey(key);
int idx = hashCode % numberOfBuckets;
BucketItem* bktItem = elements[idx];
while ( bktItem ) {
if ( bktItem->key.isEqual(key) ) return bktItem;
bktItem = bktItem->next;
return bktItem;
} //-- getBucketItem
unsigned long NamedMap::hashKey(const String& key) {
Int32 len = key.length();
UNICODE_CHAR* chars = new UNICODE_CHAR[len];
unsigned long hashCode = 0;
for (Int32 i = 0; i < len; i++) {
hashCode += ((Int32)chars[i]) << 3;
return hashCode;
} //-- hashKey
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
* A Named Map for MITREObjects
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
#include "String.h"
#include "baseutils.h"
#include "MITREObject.h"
class NamedMap : public MITREObject {
//- Constructors -/
* Creates a new NodeStack with the default Size
* Creates a new NodeStack with the specified number of buckets
NamedMap(int size);
* Destructor for a NamedMap table, will not delete references unless
* The setObjectDeletion flag has been set to MB_TRUE
virtual ~NamedMap();
* Returns the object reference in this Map associated with the given name
* @return the object reference in this Map associated with the given name
MITREObject* get(const String& name);
* Returns the object reference in this Map associated with the given name
* @return the object reference in this Map associated with the given name
MITREObject* get(const char* name);
* Adds the Object reference to the map and associates it with the given name
void put(const String& name, MITREObject* obj);
* Adds the Object reference to the map and associates it with the given name
void put(const char* name, MITREObject* obj);
* Removes all elements from the Map table
void clear();
void clear(MBool doObjectDeletion);
* Returns true if the specified Node is contained in the set.
* if the specfied Node is null, then if the NodeSet contains a null
* value, true will be returned.
* @param node the element to search the NodeSet for
* @return true if specified Node is contained in the NodeSet
//MBool contains(Node* node);
* Compares the specified object with this NamedMap for equality.
* Returns true if and only if the specified Object is a NamedMap
* that hashes to the same value as this NamedMap
* @return true if and only if the specified Object is a NamedMap
* that hashes to the same value as this NamedMap
MBool equals(NamedMap* namedMap);
* Returns true if there are no Nodes in the NodeSet.
* @return true if there are no Nodes in the NodeSet.
MBool isEmpty();
* Removes the Node at the specified index from the NodeSet
* @param index the position in the NodeSet to remove the Node from
* @return the Node that was removed from the list
MITREObject* remove(String& key);
* Sets the object deletion flag. If set to true, objects in
* the NamedMap will be deleted upon calling the clear() method, or
* upon destruction. By default this is false.
void setObjectDeletion(MBool deleteObjects);
* Returns the number of key-element pairs in the NamedMap
* @return the number of key-element in the NamedMap
int size();
void dumpMap();
//- Private Members -/
struct BucketItem {
String key;
MITREObject* item;
BucketItem* next;
BucketItem* prev;
static const int DEFAULT_SIZE;
// map table
BucketItem** elements;
Int32 numberOfBuckets;
Int32 numberOfElements;
MBool doObjectDeletion;
//- Private Methods -/
BucketItem* createBucketItem(const String& key, MITREObject* objPtr);
BucketItem* getBucketItem(const String& key);
unsigned long hashKey(const String& key);
* Helper method for constructors
void initialize(int size);
}; //-- NamedMap
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
#include "ErrorObserver.h"
* Creates a new SimpleErrorObserver.
* All errors will be printed to the console (cout).
SimpleErrorObserver::SimpleErrorObserver() {
errStream = &cout;
hideWarnings = MB_FALSE;
} //-- SimpleErrorObserver
* Creates a new SimpleErrorObserver.
* All errors will be printed to the given ostream.
SimpleErrorObserver::SimpleErrorObserver(ostream& errStream) {
this->errStream = &errStream;
hideWarnings = MB_FALSE;
} //-- SimpleErrorObserver
* Notifies this Error observer of a new error, with default
* level of NORMAL
void SimpleErrorObserver::recieveError(String& errorMessage) {
*errStream << "error: " << errorMessage << endl;
} //-- recieveError
* Notifies this Error observer of a new error using the given error level
void SimpleErrorObserver::recieveError(String& errorMessage, ErrorLevel level) {
switch ( level ) {
case ErrorObserver::FATAL :
*errStream << "fatal error: ";
case ErrorObserver::WARNING :
if ( hideWarnings ) return;
*errStream << "warning: ";
*errStream << "error: ";
*errStream << errorMessage << endl;
} //-- recieveError
void SimpleErrorObserver::supressWarnings(MBool supress) {
this->hideWarnings = supress;
} //-- supressWarnings
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
* Stack
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
* <BR/>
* <PRE>
* Modifications:
* 19990806: Larry Fitzpatrick
* - in method #peek():
* - Changed ListItem::ListItem to List::ListItem
* </PRE>
#include "Stack.h"
//- Stack.cpp -/
* Creates a new Stack
Stack::Stack() : List() {
} //-- Stack
* Destructor for Stack, will not delete Object references
Stack::~Stack() {
//-- the base destructor for List will do all clean up
* Returns an iterator that will iterator over the Stack, from the topmost
* element to the bottom element.
* You will need to delete this Iterator when you are done
StackIterator* Stack::iterator() {
StackIterator* iter = (StackIterator*)List::iterator();
return iter;
} //-- iterator
* Returns the specified Object from the top of this Stack,
* without removing it from the stack.
* @return a pointer to the object that is the top of this Stack
void* Stack::peek() {
void* obj = 0;
List::ListItem* item = getLastItem();
if ( item ) obj = item->objPtr;
return obj;
} //-- peek
* Adds the specified Object to the top of this Stack.
* @param obj a pointer to the object that is to be added to the
* top of this Stack
void Stack::push(void* obj) {
} //-- push
* Removes and returns the specified Object from the top of this Stack.
* @return a pointer to the object that was the top of this Stack
void* Stack::pop() {
void* obj = 0;
ListItem* item = getLastItem();
if ( item ) obj = item->objPtr;
item = remove(item);
item->objPtr = 0;
delete item;
return obj;
} //-- pop
* Returns true if there are no objects in the Stack.
* @return true if there are no objects in the Stack.
MBool Stack::empty() {
return (MBool) (getLength() == 0);
} //-- empty
* Returns the number of elements in the Stack
* @return the number of elements in the Stack
int Stack::size() {
return getLength();
} //-- size
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
* Stack
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
#include "List.h"
#include "baseutils.h"
typedef ListIterator StackIterator;
class Stack : private List {
//- Constructors -/
* Creates a new Stack
* Destructor for Stack, will not delete Object references
virtual ~Stack();
StackIterator* iterator();
* Returns the specified Object from the top of this Stack,
* without removing it from the stack.
* @return a pointer to the object that is the top of this Stack
void* peek();
* Adds the specified Object to the top of this Stack.
* @param obj a pointer to the object that is to be added to the
* top of this Stack
void push(void* obj);
* Removes and returns the specified Object from the top of this Stack.
* @return a pointer to the object that was the top of this Stack
void* pop();
* Returns true if there are no objects in the Stack.
* @return true if there are no objects in the Stack.
MBool empty();
* Returns the number of elements in the Stack
* @return the number of elements in the Stack
int size();
}; //-- Stack
Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера
Загрузить разницу
@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
// Tom Kneeland (3/17/99)
// Implementation of a simple string class
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/17/99 Created
// TK 03/23/99 Released without "lastIndexOf" functions
// TK 04/02/99 Added support for 'const' strings, and added
// 'operator=' for constant char*.
// TK 04/09/99 Overloaded the output operator (<<). Currently it only
// supports outputing the String to a C sytle character based
// stream.
// TK 04/09/99 Provided support for the extraction of the DOM_CHAR
// representation of the string. The new method, "toDomChar()"
// returns a constant pointer to the internal DOM_CHAR string
// buffer.
// TK 04/10/99 Added the implementation for appending an array of DOM_CHARs
// to a string. It should be noted that a length needs to be
// provided in order to determine the length of the source
// array.
// TK 04/22/99 Fixed a bug where setting a string equal to NULL would cause
// a core dump. Also added support for constructing a string
// using the NULL identifier.
// Modified the output operator (<<) to accept a const String
// reference. This eliminates a wasteful copy constructor call.
// TK 04/28/99 Modified the clear() method to leave the DOM_CHAR array
// in place.
// TK 04/28/99 Added 3 new member functions: insert, deleteChars, and
// replace.
// TK 05/05/99 Added support for implicit integer conversion. This allows
// integers to be appended, inserted, and used as replacements
// for DOM_CHARs. To support this feature, ConvertInt has been
// added which converts the given integer to a string and stores
// it in the target.
// TK 05/05/99 Converted the typedef DOM_CHAR to UNICODE_CHAR.
// KV 07/29/99 Added lastIndexOf methods
// KV 07/29/99 Changed indexOf methods with no offset, to call the
// indexOf methods with offset of 0. This allows re-use of
// code, makes it easier to debug, and minimizes the size of
// the implementation
// LF 08/06/1999 In method #operator=,
// added line: return *this
// KV 08/11/1999 changed charAt to return -1, if index is out of bounds, instead of 0,
// since 0, is a valid character, and this makes my code more compatible
// with Java
// KV 08/11/1999 removed PRBool, uses baseutils.h (MBool)
#include "MITREObject.h"
#include "baseutils.h"
#include <iostream.h>
typedef unsigned short UNICODE_CHAR;
#ifndef NULL
typedef 0 NULL;
#define NOT_FOUND -1
class String : public MITREObject
//Translate UNICODE_CHARs to Chars and output to the provided stream
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, const String& source);
String(); //Default Constructor, create an empty string
String(Int32 initSize); //Create an empty string of a specific size
String(const String& source); //Create a copy of the source string
String(const char* source); //Create a string from the characters
String(const UNICODE_CHAR* source);
~String(); //Destroy the string, and free memory
//Assign source to this string
String& operator=(const String& source);
String& operator=(const char* source);
String& operator=(const UNICODE_CHAR* source);
String& operator=(Int32 source);
//Grow buffer if necessary and append the source
void append(const UNICODE_CHAR source);
void append(const char source);
void append(const String& source);
void append(const char* source);
void append(const UNICODE_CHAR* source);
void append(const UNICODE_CHAR* source, Int32 length);
void append(Int32 source);
//Provide the ability to insert data into the middle of a string
void insert(Int32 offset, const UNICODE_CHAR source);
void insert(Int32 offset, const char source);
void insert(Int32 offset, const String& source);
void insert(Int32 offset, const char* source);
void insert(Int32 offset, const UNICODE_CHAR* source);
void insert(Int32 offset, Int32 source);
//Provide the ability to replace one or more characters
void replace(Int32 offset, const UNICODE_CHAR source);
void replace(Int32 offset, const char source);
void replace(Int32 offset, const String& source);
void replace(Int32 offset, const char* source);
void replace(Int32 offset, const UNICODE_CHAR* source);
void replace(Int32 offset, Int32 source);
//Provide the ability to delete a range of charactes
void deleteChars(Int32 offset, Int32 count);
* Returns the character at index.
* If the index is out of bounds, -1 will be returned.
UNICODE_CHAR charAt(Int32 index) const;
void clear(); //Clear string
void ensureCapacity(Int32 capacity); //Make sure buffer is at least 'size'
//Returns index of first occurrence of data
Int32 indexOf(UNICODE_CHAR data) const;
Int32 indexOf(UNICODE_CHAR data, Int32 offset) const;
Int32 indexOf(const String& data) const;
Int32 indexOf(const String& data, Int32 offset) const;
MBool isEqual(const String& data) const; //Check equality between strings
//Returns index of last occurrence of data
Int32 lastIndexOf(UNICODE_CHAR data) const;
Int32 lastIndexOf(UNICODE_CHAR data, Int32 offset) const;
Int32 lastIndexOf(const String& data) const;
Int32 lastIndexOf(const String& data, Int32 offset) const;
Int32 length() const; //Returns the length of the string
* Sets the Length of this String, if length is less than 0, it will
* be set to 0; if length > current length, the string will be extended
* and padded with '\0' null characters. Otherwise the String
* will be truncated
void setLength(Int32 length);
* Sets the Length of this String, if length is less than 0, it will
* be set to 0; if length > current length, the string will be extended
* and padded with given pad character. Otherwise the String
* will be truncated
void setLength(Int32 length, UNICODE_CHAR padChar);
* Returns a substring starting at start
* Note: the dest String is cleared before use
String& subString(Int32 start, String& dest) const;
* Returns the subString starting at start and ending at end
* Note: the dest String is cleared before use
String& subString(Int32 start, Int32 end, String& dest) const;
//Convert the internal rep. to a char buffer
char* toChar(char* dest) const;
UNICODE_CHAR* toUnicode(UNICODE_CHAR* dest) const;
void toLowerCase(); //Convert string to lowercase
void toUpperCase(); //Convert string to uppercase
void trim(); //Trim whitespace from both ends of string
void reverse(); //Reverse the string
Int32 strLength;
Int32 bufferLength;
UNICODE_CHAR* strBuffer;
//String copies itself to the destination
void copyString(UNICODE_CHAR* dest);
//Compare the two string representations for equality
MBool isEqual(const UNICODE_CHAR* data, const UNICODE_CHAR* search,
Int32 length) const;
//Convert an Int into a String
String& ConvertInt(Int32 value, String& target);
//Calculates the length of a null terminated UNICODE_CHAR array
Int32 UnicodeLength(const UNICODE_CHAR* data);
ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, const String& source);
@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
* StringList
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
#include <iostream.h>
#include "StringList.h"
* Creates an empty list
StringList::StringList() {
firstItem = 0;
lastItem = 0;
itemCount = 0;
} //-- StringList;
* StringList Destructor, Cleans up pointers and will delete the String
* references, make sure you make copies of any needed Strings
StringList::~StringList() {
StringListItem* item = firstItem;
while (item) {
StringListItem* tItem = item;
item = item->nextItem;
delete tItem->strptr;
delete tItem;
} //-- ~StringList
void StringList::add(String* strptr) {
StringListItem* sItem = new StringListItem;
sItem->strptr = strptr;
sItem->nextItem = 0;
sItem->prevItem = lastItem;
if (lastItem) lastItem->nextItem = sItem;
lastItem = sItem;
if (!firstItem) firstItem = sItem;
// increase the item count
} //-- add
MBool StringList::contains(String& search) {
StringListItem* sItem = firstItem;
while ( sItem ) {
if ( search.isEqual(*sItem->strptr)) return MB_TRUE;
sItem = sItem->nextItem;
return MB_FALSE;
} //-- contains
* Returns the number of Strings in this List
Int32 StringList::getLength() {
return itemCount;
} //-- getLength
* Inserts the given String pointer as the item just after refItem.
* If refItem is a null pointer the String will inserted at the
* beginning of the List (ie, insert after nothing).
* This method assumes refItem is a member of this list, and since this
* is a private method, I feel that's a valid assumption
void StringList::insertAfter(String* strptr, StringListItem* refItem) {
//-- if refItem == null insert at end
if (!refItem) {
if (firstItem) insertBefore(strptr, firstItem);
else add(strptr);
//-- if inserting at end of list
if (refItem == lastItem) {
//-- insert into middle of list
StringListItem* sItem = new StringListItem;
sItem->strptr = strptr;
sItem->prevItem = refItem;
sItem->nextItem = refItem->nextItem;
refItem->nextItem = sItem;
// increase the item count
} //-- insertAfter
* Inserts the given String pointer as the item just before refItem.
* If refItem is a null pointer the String will inserted at the
* end of the List (ie, insert before nothing).
* This method assumes refItem is a member of this list, and since this
* is a private method, I feel that's a valid assumption
void StringList::insertBefore(String* strptr, StringListItem* refItem) {
//-- if refItem == null insert at end
if (!refItem) {
StringListItem* sItem = new StringListItem;
sItem->strptr = strptr;
sItem->nextItem = refItem;
sItem->prevItem = refItem->prevItem;
refItem->prevItem = sItem;
if (refItem == firstItem) firstItem = sItem;
if (itemCount == 0) lastItem = sItem;
// increase the item count
} //-- insertBefore
* Returns a StringListIterator for this StringList
StringListIterator& StringList::iterator() {
return *(new StringListIterator(this));
String* StringList::remove(String* strptr) {
StringListItem* sItem = firstItem;
while (sItem) {
if (sItem->strptr == strptr) {
delete sItem;
return strptr;
sItem = sItem->nextItem;
// not in list
return 0;
} //-- remove
StringList::StringListItem* StringList::remove(StringList::StringListItem* sItem) {
if (sItem->prevItem) {
sItem->prevItem->nextItem = sItem->nextItem;
if (sItem == firstItem) firstItem = sItem->nextItem;
if (sItem == lastItem) lastItem = sItem->prevItem;
//-- decrease Item count
return sItem;
} //-- remove
* Removes all Strings equal to the given String from the list
* All removed strings will be destroyed
void StringList::remove(String& search) {
StringListItem* sItem = firstItem;
while (sItem) {
if (sItem->strptr->isEqual(search)) {
delete sItem->strptr;
StringListItem* temp = remove(sItem);
sItem = sItem->nextItem;
delete temp;
else sItem = sItem->nextItem;
} //-- remove
//- Implementation of StringListIterator -/
* Creates a new StringListIterator for the given StringList
StringListIterator::StringListIterator(StringList* list) {
stringList = list;
currentItem = 0;
allowRemove = MB_FALSE;
} //-- StringListIterator
StringListIterator::~StringListIterator() {
//-- overrides default destructor to do nothing
} //-- ~StringListIterator
* Adds the String pointer to the StringList of this StringListIterator.
* The String pointer is inserted as the next item in the StringList
* based on the current position within the StringList
void StringListIterator::add(String* strptr) {
allowRemove = MB_FALSE;
} //-- add
* Returns true if a sucessful call to the next() method can be made
MBool StringListIterator::hasNext() {
if (currentItem) {
return (MBool)(currentItem->nextItem);
return (MBool)(stringList->firstItem);
} //-- hasNext
* Returns true if a successful call to the previous() method can be made
MBool StringListIterator::hasPrevious() {
if (currentItem) {
return (MBool)(currentItem->prevItem);
return MB_FALSE;
} //-- hasPrevious
* Returns the next String in the list
String* StringListIterator::next() {
if (currentItem) {
if (currentItem->nextItem) {
currentItem = currentItem->nextItem;
allowRemove = MB_TRUE;
return currentItem->strptr;
else {
currentItem = stringList->firstItem;
allowRemove = MB_TRUE;
return currentItem->strptr;
return 0;
} //-- next
* Returns the previous String in the list
String* StringListIterator::previous() {
if (currentItem) {
if (currentItem->prevItem) {
currentItem = currentItem->prevItem;
allowRemove = MB_TRUE;
return currentItem->strptr;
return 0;
//-- prev
* Removes the String last return by the next() or previous();
* The removed String* is returned
String* StringListIterator::remove() {
if (allowRemove == MB_FALSE) return 0;
allowRemove = MB_FALSE;
StringList::StringListItem* sItem = 0;
if (currentItem) {
// Make previous Item the current Item or null
sItem = currentItem;
if (stringList->firstItem == sItem) currentItem = 0;
return sItem->strptr;
return 0;
} //-- remove
* Resets the current location within the StringList to the beginning
void StringListIterator::reset() {
currentItem = 0;
} //-- reset
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
* A class for keeping an ordered list of Strings
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
#include "String.h"
#include "baseutils.h"
class StringList {
friend class StringListIterator;
* Creates an empty StringList
* StringList destructor
MBool contains(String& search);
* Returns the number of Strings in this List
Int32 getLength();
* Returns a StringListIterator for this StringList
StringListIterator& iterator();
* Adds the given String to the list
void add(String* strptr);
* Removes the given String pointer from the list
String* remove(String* strptr);
* Removes all Strings equal to the given String from the list
* All removed strings will be destroyed
void remove(String& search);
struct StringListItem {
StringListItem* nextItem;
StringListItem* prevItem;
String* strptr;
StringListItem* firstItem;
StringListItem* lastItem;
Int32 itemCount;
void insertAfter(String* strptr, StringListItem* sItem);
void insertBefore(String* strptr, StringListItem* sItem);
* Removes the given StringListItem pointer from the list
StringListItem* remove(StringListItem* sItem);
class StringListIterator {
StringListIterator(StringList* list);
void add(String* strptr);
MBool hasNext();
MBool hasPrevious();
String* next();
String* previous();
String* remove();
void reset();
StringList::StringListItem* currentItem;
StringList* stringList;
MBool allowRemove;
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
* Tokenizer
* A simple String tokenizer
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
* <BR/>
* <PRE>
* Modifications:
* 19990806: Larry Fitzpatrick
* - in method #nextToken():
* - added void return type declaration
* - added proper casts from Int32 to char
* </PRE>
#include "Tokenizer.h"
* Creates a new Tokenizer
Tokenizer::Tokenizer() {
currentPos = 0;
size = 0;
} //-- tokenizer
* Creates a new Tokenizer using the given source string,
* uses the default set of delimiters {' ', '\r', '\n', '\t'};
Tokenizer::Tokenizer(const String& source) {
currentPos = 0;
//-- copy source
str = source;
size = str.length();
delimiters.append(" \n\r\t");
} //-- Tokenizer
* Creates a new Tokenizer using the given source string
* and set of character delimiters
Tokenizer::Tokenizer(const String& source, const String& delimiters) {
currentPos = 0;
// copy source
str = source;
size = str.length();
// copy tokens
} //-- Tokenizer
* Default Destructor
Tokenizer::~Tokenizer() {};
MBool Tokenizer::hasMoreTokens() {
return (MBool)(currentPos < size);
} //-- hasMoreTokens
void Tokenizer::nextToken(String& buffer) {
while ( currentPos < size) {
char ch = (char)str.charAt(currentPos);
//-- if character is not a delimiter..append
if (delimiters.indexOf(ch) < 0) buffer.append(ch);
else break;
//-- advance to next start pos
while ( currentPos < size ) {
char ch = (char)str.charAt(currentPos);
//-- if character is not a delimiter, we are at
//-- start of next token
if (delimiters.indexOf(ch) < 0) break;
} //-- nextToken
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
* Tokenizer
* A simple String tokenizer
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
* <BR/>
* <PRE>
* Modifications:
* 19990806: Larry Fitzpatrick
* - for method #nextToken():
* - added void return type declaration
* </PRE>
#include "baseutils.h"
#include "String.h"
class Tokenizer {
//- Constructors -/
* Creates a new Tokenizer
* Creates a new Tokenizer using the given source string,
* uses the default set of tokens (' ', '\r', '\n', '\t');
Tokenizer(const String& source);
* Creates a new Tokenizer using the given source string
* and set of character tokens
Tokenizer(const String& source, const String& tokens);
* Default Destructor
virtual ~Tokenizer();
MBool hasMoreTokens();
void nextToken(String& buffer);
Int32 currentPos;
Int32 size;
String str;
String delimiters;
}; //-- Tokenizer
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
// Basic Definitions used throughout many of these classes
typedef int Int32;
typedef Int32 MBool;
#define MB_TRUE (MBool)1
#define MB_FALSE (MBool)0
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
# http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
# Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# NPL.
# The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
# Reserved.
REQUIRES=xpcom raptor
CommandLineUtils.cpp \
Double.cpp \
Integer.cpp \
List.cpp \
MITREObjectWrapper.cpp \
NamedMap.cpp \
SimpleErrorObserver.cpp \
Stack.cpp \
String.cpp \
StringList.cpp \
Tokenizer.cpp \
.\$(OBJDIR)\CommandLineUtils.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\Double.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\Integer.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\List.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\MITREObjectWrapper.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\NamedMap.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\SimpleErrorObserver.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\Stack.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\String.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\StringList.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\Tokenizer.obj \
LINCS=-I$(PUBLIC)\xpcom -I$(PUBLIC)\raptor
include <$(DEPTH)\config\rules.mak>
libs:: $(LIBRARY)
rm -f $(DIST)\lib\$(LIBRARY_NAME).lib
@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
#include "MITREObject.h"
#include "baseutils.h"
#include "String.h"
#include <math.h>
#ifdef MOZILLA
#include <float.h>
* A wrapper for the primitive double type, and provides some simple
* floating point related routines
* @author <a href="mailto:lef@opentext.com">Larry Fitzpatrick</a>
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
class Double : public MITREObject {
static const double NaN;
static const double POSITIVE_INFINITY;
static const double NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
* Creates a new Double with it's value initialized to 0;
* Creates a new Double with it's value initialized to the given double
Double(double dbl);
* Creates a new Double with it's value initialized from the given String.
* The String will be converted to a double. If the String does not
* represent an IEEE 754 double, the value will be initialized to NaN
Double(const String& string);
* Returns the value of this Double as a double
double doubleValue();
* Returns the value of this Double as an int
int intValue();
* Determins whether the given double represents positive or negative
* inifinity
static MBool isInfinite(double dbl);
* Determins whether this Double's value represents positive or
* negative inifinty
MBool isInfinite();
* Determins whether the given double is NaN
static MBool isNaN(double dbl);
* Determins whether this Double's value is NaN
MBool isNaN();
* Converts the value of this Double to a String, and places
* The result into the destination String.
* @return the given dest string
String& toString(String& dest);
* Converts the value of the given double to a String, and places
* The result into the destination String.
* @return the given dest string
static String& Double::toString(double value, String& dest);
double value;
* Converts the given String to a double, if the String value does not
* represent a double, NaN will be returned
static double toDouble(const String& str);
* A wrapper for the primitive int type, and provides some simple
* integer related routines
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
class Integer : public MITREObject {
* Creates a new Integer initialized to 0.
* Creates a new Integer initialized to the given int value.
Integer(Int32 integer);
* Creates a new Integer based on the value of the given String
Integer::Integer(const String& str);
* Returns the int value of this Integer
int intValue();
* Converts the value of this Integer to a String
String& toString(String& dest);
* Converts the given int to a String
static String& toString(int value, String& dest);
Int32 value;
* converts the given String to an int
static int intValue(const String& src);
}; //-- Integer
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
target: clean
CC = g++
cd $(BASE_PATH); rm *.o; \
cd $(NET_PATH); rm *.o; \
cd $(XML_PATH); rm *.o; \
cd $(DOM_PATH); rm *.o; \
cd $(XMLPARSER_PATH); rm *.o; \
cd $(EXPAT_PARSER_PATH); rm *.o; \
cd $(EXPAT_TOKEN_PATH); rm *.o; \
cd $(XMLPRINTER_PATH); rm *.o; \
cd $(XSL_PATH); rm *.o; \
cd $(XSLUTIL_PATH); rm *.o; \
cd $(EXPR_PATH); rm *.o
@ -0,0 +1,986 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
<TITLE>MII TransforMiiX Test Cases</TITLE>
<B>MII Transfor<FONT COLOR="blue">Mii</FONT>X Test Cases</B>
<P>This document serves to test XPath and XSL functions.</P>
<TR BGColor="#E0E0FF">
<TD Colspan="2" ALIGN="CENTER">
<B>Boolean Functions</B>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<B> boolean(</B>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="boolean(descendant::z)"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="boolean(*)"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<B> false()</B>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="false()"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">false</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">false</FONT>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<B> true()</B>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="true()"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<B> not(</B>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="not(true())"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">false</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">false</FONT>
<TR BGColor="#E0E0FF">
<TD Colspan="2" ALIGN="CENTER">
<B>NodeSet Functions</B>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<B> count(</B>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="count(*)"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">4</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">4</FONT>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<B> position()</B>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="*[position()=3]"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">z</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">z</FONT>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<B> last()</B>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="*[last()-1]"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">z</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">z</FONT>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">String<B> local-part(</B>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="local-part(names/abc:test-name)"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">test-name</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">test-name</FONT>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">String<B> local-part(</B>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="local-part()"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">document</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">document</FONT>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">String<B>name(</B>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="name(names/abc:test-name)"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">abc:test-name</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">abc:test-name</FONT>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">String<B>namespace(</B>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="namespace(names/abc:test-name)"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">abc</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">abc</FONT>
<TR BGColor="#E0E0FF">
<TD Colspan="2" ALIGN="CENTER">
<B>String Functions</B>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<B> string(</B>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="string()"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">x y z</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue"> x y z </FONT>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="string('xyz')"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">xyz</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">xyz</FONT>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<B> concat(</B>
<I>string, string, string*</I>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="concat('abc', 'def')"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">abcdef</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">abcdef</FONT>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<B> contains(</B>
<I>string, string</I>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="contains('abcdef', 'efg')"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">false</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">false</FONT>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="contains('abcdef', 'bcd')"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<B> starts-with(</B>
<I>string, string</I>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="starts-with('abcdef', 'abc')"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="starts-with('abcdef', 'xyz')"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">false</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">false</FONT>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<B> string-length(</B>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="string-length(name())"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">8</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">8</FONT>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="string-length('abcdef')"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">6</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">6</FONT>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<B> substring(</B>
<I>string, number, number?</I>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="substring('12345', 1.5, 2.6)"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">234</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">234</FONT>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="substring('12345', 0, 3)"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">12</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">12</FONT>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="substring('12345', 0 div 0, 3)"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue"></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue"></FONT>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="substring('12345', 1, 0 div 0)"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue"></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue"></FONT>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="substring('12345', -42, 1 div 0)"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">12345</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">12345</FONT>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="substring('12345', -1 div 0, 1 div 0)"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue"></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue"></FONT>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<B> substring-after(</B>
<I>string, string</I>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="substring-after('1999/04/01', '/')"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">04/01</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">04/01</FONT>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<B> substring-before(</B>
<I>string, string</I>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="substring-before('1999/04/01', '/')"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">1999</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">1999</FONT>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<B> translate(</B>
<I>string, string, string</I>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="translate('bar', 'abc', 'ABC')"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="translate('---aaa---', 'abc-', 'ABC')"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="functions.xsl"?>
<!-- this is a test document -->
<!-- test comment -->
<x name="x">x</x>
<y name="y">y</y>
<z name="z">z</z>
@ -0,0 +1,869 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
* This is a test stylesheet used for testing MITRE's XSL processor
<!-- root rule -->
<xsl:template match="/">
<!-- supress non-selected nodes-->
<xsl:template match="*"/>
<!-- variable tests -->
<xsl:variable name="product-name">
<B>Transfor<FONT COLOR="blue">Mii</FONT>X</B>
<!-- main rule for document element -->
<xsl:template match="document">
<TITLE>MII TransforMiiX Test Cases</TITLE>
<B>MII Transfor<FONT COLOR="blue">Mii</FONT>X Test Cases</B>
This document serves to test XPath and XSL functions.
<TR BGColor="#E0E0FF">
<TD Colspan="2" ALIGN="CENTER">
<B>Boolean Functions</B>
<!-- new test -->
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE"><B>Function:</B></TD>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<I>boolean</I><B> boolean(</B><I>object</I><B>)</B>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="boolean(descendant::z)"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="boolean(descendant::z)"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="boolean(*)"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="boolean(*)"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE"><B>Function:</B></TD>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<I>boolean</I><B> false()</B>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="false()"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">false</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="false()"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE"><B>Function:</B></TD>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<I>boolean</I><B> true()</B>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="true()"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="true()"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE"><B>Function:</B></TD>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<I>boolean</I><B> not(</B><I>boolean</I><B>)</B>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="not(true())"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">false</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="not(true())"/>
<!-- ********************* -->
<!-- * NodeSet Functions * -->
<!-- ********************* -->
<TR BGColor="#E0E0FF">
<TD Colspan="2" ALIGN="CENTER">
<B>NodeSet Functions</B>
<!-- new test -->
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE"><B>Function:</B></TD>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<I>number</I><B> count(</B><I>node-set</I><B>)</B>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="count(*)"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">4</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="count(*)"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE"><B>Function:</B></TD>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<I>number</I><B> position()</B>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="*[position()=3]"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">z</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="*[position()=3]"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE"><B>Function:</B></TD>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<I>number</I><B> last()</B>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="*[last()-1]"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">z</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="*[last()-1]"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE"><B>Function:</B></TD>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
String <B> local-part(</B><I>node-set?</I><B>)</B>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="local-part(names/abc:test-name)"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">test-name</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="local-part(names/abc:test-name)"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE"><B>Function:</B></TD>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
String <B> local-part(</B><I>node-set?</I><B>)</B>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="local-part()"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">document</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="local-part()"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE"><B>Function:</B></TD>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
String <B>name(</B><I>node-set?</I><B>)</B>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="name(names/abc:test-name)"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">abc:test-name</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="name(names/abc:test-name)"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE"><B>Function:</B></TD>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
String <B>namespace(</B><I>node-set?</I><B>)</B>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="namespace(names/abc:test-name)"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">abc</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="namespace(names/abc:test-name)"/>
<!-- ******************** -->
<!-- * String Functions * -->
<!-- ******************** -->
<TR BGColor="#E0E0FF">
<TD Colspan="2" ALIGN="CENTER">
<B>String Functions</B>
<!-- new test -->
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE"><B>Function:</B></TD>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<I>string</I><B> string(</B><I>object?</I><B>)</B>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="string()"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">x y z</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="string()"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="string('xyz')"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">xyz</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="string('xyz')"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE"><B>Function:</B></TD>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<I>string</I><B> concat(</B><I>string, string, string*</I><B>)</B>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="concat('abc', 'def')"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">abcdef</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="concat('abc','def')"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE"><B>Function:</B></TD>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<I>boolean</I><B> contains(</B><I>string, string</I><B>)</B>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="contains('abcdef', 'efg')"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">false</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="contains('abcdef', 'efg')"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="contains('abcdef', 'bcd')"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="contains('abcdef', 'bcd')"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE"><B>Function:</B></TD>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<I>boolean</I><B> starts-with(</B><I>string, string</I><B>)</B>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="starts-with('abcdef', 'abc')"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="starts-with('abcdef', 'abc')"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="starts-with('abcdef', 'xyz')"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">false</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="starts-with('abcdef', 'xyz')"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE"><B>Function:</B></TD>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<I>number</I><B> string-length(</B><I>string?</I><B>)</B>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="string-length(name())"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">8</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="string-length(name())"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="string-length('abcdef')"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">6</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="string-length('abcdef')"/>
<!-- new test: substring() #1 -->
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE"><B>Function:</B></TD>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<I>string</I><B> substring(</B><I>string, number, number?</I><B>)</B>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="substring('12345', 1.5, 2.6)"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">234</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="substring('12345', 1.5, 2.6)"/>
<!-- new test: substring() #2 -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="substring('12345', 0, 3)"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">12</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="substring('12345', 0, 3)"/>
<!-- new test: substring() #3 -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="substring('12345', 0 div 0, 3)"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue"></FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="substring('12345', 0 div 0, 3)"/>
<!-- new test: substring() #4 -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="substring('12345', 1, 0 div 0)"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue"></FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="substring('12345', 1, 0 div 0)"/>
<!-- new test: substring() #5 -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="substring('12345', -42, 1 div 0)"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">12345</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="substring('12345',-42, 1 div 0)"/>
<!-- new test: substring() #6 -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="substring('12345', -1 div 0, 1 div 0)"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue"></FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="substring('12345', -1 div 0, 1 div 0)"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE"><B>Function:</B></TD>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<I>string</I><B> substring-after(</B><I>string, string</I><B>)</B>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="substring-after('1999/04/01', '/')"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">04/01</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="substring-after('1999/04/01', '/')"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE"><B>Function:</B></TD>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<I>string</I><B> substring-before(</B><I>string, string</I><B>)</B>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="substring-before('1999/04/01', '/')"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">1999</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="substring-before('1999/04/01', '/')"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE"><B>Function:</B></TD>
<TD BGColor="#EEEEEE">
<I>string</I><B> translate(</B><I>string, string, string</I><B>)</B>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="translate('bar', 'abc', 'ABC')"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">BAr</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="translate('bar', 'abc', 'ABC')"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="translate('---aaa---', 'abc-', 'ABC')"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="translate('---aaa---', 'abc-', 'ABC')"/>
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="identity.xsl"?>
<x name="x">x</x>
<y name="y">y</y>
<z name="z">z</z>
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
* This is a test stylesheet used for testing MITRE's XSL processor
<!-- root rule -->
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:apply-templates select="node()"/>
<xsl:template match="@* | node()">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/>
@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
<?foo this is a test processing ? > instruction?>
<!-- MITRE TransforMiiX Test cases, written by Keith Visco. -->
<TITLE>MII TransforMiiX Test Cases</TITLE>
<B>MII Transfor<FONT COLOR="blue">Mii</FONT>X Test Cases</B>
<P>This document serves to test basic XSL expressions.</P>
<B>Testing xsl:variable</B>
<B>Test:</B><xsl:value-of select="$product-name"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>TransforMiiX<BR>
<B>Testing xsl:if</B>
<B>Test:</B><xsl:if test="x | y | z">true</xsl:if><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>true<BR>
<B>Testing xsl:choose</B>
<B>Test:</B>see source<BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>true<BR>
<B>Testing parent and ancestor ops</B>
<B>Test:</B>see source<BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>true<BR>
<B>Testing basic xsl:apply-templates</B>
<B>Desired Result:</B>element x, element y, element z<BR>
<B>Result:</B>element<B> x</B>,element<B> y</B>,element<B> z</B>
<B>Testing basic xsl:apply-templates with mode</B>
<B>Test:</B><xsl:apply-templates mode="mode-test"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>x, y, z<BR>
<B>Result:</B>x, y, z</P>
<B>Testing predicates</B>
<B>Test:</B>see source<BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<B>Testing predicates</B>
<B>Test:</B>see source<BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<B>Named Template/Call Template</B>
<B>Test:</B><xsl:call-template name="named-template-test"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>named template processed!<BR>
<B>Result:</B>named template processed!</P>
<B>Attribute Value Templates and variables</B>
<UL><xsl:variable name="color">red</xsl:variable><BR><FONT COLOR="{$color}">Red Text</FONT></UL>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="red">Red Text</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="red">Red Text</FONT>
<TR BGColor="#E0E0FF">
<TD Colspan="2" ALIGN="CENTER">
<B>Axis Identifiers (these should work, I need more test cases though)</B>
<TD><xsl:if test="descendant::z">true</xsl:if><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT>
<TD><xsl:if test="not(descendant-or-self::no-element)">true</xsl:if><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT>
<TR BGColor="#E0E0FF">
<TD Colspan="2" ALIGN="CENTER">
<B>Creating Elements with xsl:element and xsl:attribute</B>
<TD><xsl:element name="FONT"><BR><xsl:attribute name="COLOR">blue</xsl:attribute><BR>Passed<BR></xsl:element></TD>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">Passed</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">Passed</FONT>
<B>Using Attribute Sets</B>
<TD><FONT xsl:use-attribute-sets="style1"><BR>Passed<BR></FONT></TD>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">Passed</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue" SIZE="+0">Passed</FONT>
<TD><xsl:element name="FONT" use-attribute-sets="style1 style2"><BR>Passed<BR></xsl:element></TD>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="red">Passed</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="red" SIZE="+0">Passed</FONT>
<TR BGColor="#E0E0FF">
<TD Colspan="2" ALIGN="CENTER">
<B>Additive Expressions</B>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="70+4"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">74</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">74</FONT>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="-70+4"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">-66</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">-66</FONT>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="1900+70+8-4"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">1974</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">1974</FONT>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="(4+5)-(9+9)"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">-9</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">-9</FONT>
<TR BGColor="#E0E0FF">
<TD Colspan="2" ALIGN="CENTER">
<B>Multiplicative Expressions</B>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="7*4"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">28</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">28</FONT>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="7mod4"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">3</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">3</FONT>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="7div4"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">1.75</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">1.75</FONT>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="7div0"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">Infinity</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">Infinity</FONT>
<TD><xsl:value-of select="0 div 0"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<TD><xsl:variable name="x" expr="7*3"/><BR><xsl:variable name="y" expr="3"/><BR><xsl:value-of select="$x div $y"/><BR>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="blue">7</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue">7</FONT>
@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
* This is a test stylesheet used for testing MITRE's XSL processor
<!-- AttributeSet -->
<xsl:attribute-set name="style1">
<xsl:attribute name="COLOR">blue</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="SIZE">+0</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute-set name="style2">
<xsl:attribute name="COLOR">red</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="SIZE">+0</xsl:attribute>
<!-- root rule -->
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:processing-instruction name="foo">
this is a test processing ?> instruction
<xsl:comment>MITRE TransforMiiX Test cases, written by Keith Visco.</xsl:comment>
<!-- named template -->
<xsl:template name="named-template-test">
named template processed!
<!-- supress non-selected nodes-->
<xsl:template match="*"/>
<!-- variable tests -->
<xsl:variable name="product-name">
Transfor<FONT COLOR="blue">Mii</FONT>X
<!-- main rule for document element -->
<xsl:template match="document">
<TITLE>MII TransforMiiX Test Cases</TITLE>
<B>MII Transfor<FONT COLOR="blue">Mii</FONT>X Test Cases</B>
This document serves to test basic XSL expressions.
<!-- new test -->
<B>Testing xsl:variable</B><BR/>
<B>Test:</B> <xsl:value-of select="$product-name"/><BR/>
<B>Desired Result:</B>TransforMiiX<BR/>
<B>Result:</B><xsl:value-of select="$product-name"/>
<!-- new test -->
<B>Testing xsl:if</B><BR/>
<B>Test:</B> <xsl:if test="x | y | z">true</xsl:if><BR/>
<B>Desired Result:</B> true<BR/>
<B>Result:</B> <xsl:if test="x | y | z">true</xsl:if>
<!-- new test -->
<B>Testing xsl:choose</B><BR/>
<B>Test:</B>see source<BR/>
<B>Desired Result:</B> true<BR/>
<xsl:when test="a">error - a</xsl:when>
<xsl:when test="abc/def">true</xsl:when>
<xsl:when test="b">error - b</xsl:when>
<!-- new test -->
<B>Testing parent and ancestor ops</B><BR/>
<B>Test:</B>see source<BR/>
<B>Desired Result:</B> true<BR/>
<B>Result:</B><xsl:if test="//def">true</xsl:if><BR/>
<!-- new test -->
<B>Testing basic xsl:apply-templates</B><BR/>
<B>Desired Result:</B>element x, element y, element z<BR/>
<!-- new test -->
<B>Testing basic xsl:apply-templates with mode</B><BR/>
<B>Test:</B><xsl:apply-templates mode="mode-test"/><BR/>
<B>Desired Result:</B>x, y, z<BR/>
<B>Result:</B><xsl:apply-templates mode="mode-test"/>
<!-- new test -->
<B>Testing predicates</B><BR/>
<B>Test:</B>see source<BR/>
<B>Desired Result:</B> <B>z</B><BR/>
<xsl:for-each select="*[position()=3]">
<B><xsl:value-of select="."/></B>
<!-- new test -->
<B>Testing predicates</B><BR/>
<B>Test:</B>see source<BR/>
<B>Desired Result:</B><BR/>
<xsl:for-each select="*[false()]">
<B><xsl:value-of select="."/></B>
<!-- new test -->
<B>Named Template/Call Template</B><BR/>
<B>Test:</B><xsl:call-template name="named-template-test"/><BR/>
<B>Desired Result:</B>named template processed!<BR/>
<B>Result:</B><xsl:call-template name="named-template-test"/>
<!-- new test -->
<B>Attribute Value Templates and variables</B><BR/>
<xsl:variable name="color">red</xsl:variable><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="{$color}">Red Text</FONT>
<B>Desired Result:</B>
<FONT COLOR="red">Red Text</FONT><BR/>
<xsl:variable name="color">red</xsl:variable>
<FONT COLOR="{$color}">Red Text</FONT>
<TR BGColor="#E0E0FF">
<TD Colspan="2" ALIGN="CENTER">
<B>Axis Identifiers (these should work, I need more test cases though)</B>
<!-- new test -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:if test="descendant::z">true</xsl:if><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT><BR/>
<xsl:if test="descendant::z">
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT>
<!-- new test -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:if test="not(descendant-or-self::no-element)">true</xsl:if><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT><BR/>
<xsl:if test="not(descendant-or-self::no-element)">
<FONT COLOR="blue">true</FONT>
<TR BGColor="#E0E0FF">
<TD Colspan="2" ALIGN="CENTER">
<B>Creating Elements with xsl:element and xsl:attribute</B>
<!-- new test -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:element name="FONT"><BR />
<xsl:attribute name="COLOR">blue</xsl:attribute> <BR/>
Passed <BR/>
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">Passed</FONT><BR/>
<xsl:element name="FONT">
<xsl:attribute name="COLOR">blue</xsl:attribute>
<!-- new test -->
<TD COLSPAN="2"><B>Using Attribute Sets</B></TD>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<FONT xsl:use-attribute-sets="style1"><BR />
Passed <BR/>
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">Passed</FONT><BR/>
<FONT xsl:use-attribute-sets="style1">
<!-- new test -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:element name="FONT" use-attribute-sets="style1 style2"><BR />
Passed <BR/>
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="red">Passed</FONT><BR/>
<xsl:element name="FONT" use-attribute-sets="style1 style2">
<TR BGColor="#E0E0FF">
<TD Colspan="2" ALIGN="CENTER">
<B>Additive Expressions</B>
<!-- new test -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="70+4"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">74</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="70+4"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="-70+4"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">-66</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="-70+4"/>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="1900+70+8-4"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">1974</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="1900+70+8-4"/>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="(4+5)-(9+9)"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">-9</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="(4+5)-(9+9)"/>
<TR BGColor="#E0E0FF">
<TD Colspan="2" ALIGN="CENTER">
<B>Multiplicative Expressions</B>
<!-- new test -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="7*4"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">28</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="7*4"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="7mod4"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">3</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="7mod4"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="7div4"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">1.75</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="7div4"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="7div0"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">Infinity</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="7div0"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:value-of select="0 div 0"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">NaN</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:value-of select="0 div 0"/>
<!-- new test -->
<TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>Test:</B></TD>
<xsl:variable name="x" expr="7*3"/><BR />
<xsl:variable name="y" expr="3"/><BR />
<xsl:value-of select="$x div $y"/><BR />
<TD><B>Desired Result:</B></TD>
<FONT COLOR="blue">7</FONT><BR/>
<FONT COLOR="blue">
<xsl:variable name="x" expr="7*3"/>
<xsl:variable name="y" expr="3"/>
<xsl:value-of select="$x div $y"/>
<!-- simple union expressions -->
<xsl:template match="x | y | z" priority="1.0">
<xsl:if test="not(position()=1)">,</xsl:if>
element<B><xsl:text> </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="@*"/></B>
<xsl:template match="x | y | z" mode="mode-test">
<xsl:if test="not(position()=1)"><xsl:text>, </xsl:text></xsl:if>
<xsl:value-of select="@*"/>
<xsl:template match="z">
element (z): <B><xsl:value-of select="."/></B>
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
#include "XSLProcessor.h"
//- Prototypes -/
* Prints the command line help screen to the console
void printHelp();
* prints the command line usage information to the console
void printUsage();
* The TransforMiiX command line interface
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
XSLProcessor xslProcessor;
String copyright("(C) 1999 The MITRE Corporation");
cout << xslProcessor.getAppName() << " ";
cout << xslProcessor.getAppVersion() << copyright <<endl;
//-- print banner line
Int32 fillSize = 1;
fillSize += xslProcessor.getAppName().length();
fillSize += xslProcessor.getAppVersion().length() + copyright.length();
String fill;
fill.setLength(fillSize, '-');
cout << fill <<endl<<endl;
//-- add ErrorObserver
SimpleErrorObserver seo;
//-- available flags
StringList flags;
flags.add(new String("i")); // XML input
flags.add(new String("s")); // XSL input
flags.add(new String("o")); // Output filename
NamedMap options;
CommandLineUtils::getOptions(options, argc, argv, flags);
if ( options.get("h") ) {
return 0;
String* xmlFilename = (String*)options.get("i");
String* xslFilename = (String*)options.get("s");
String* outFilename = (String*)options.get("o");
if ( !xmlFilename ) {
cout << " missing XML filename."<<endl <<endl;
return -1;
char* chars = 0;
//-- open XML file
chars = new char[xmlFilename->length()+1];
ifstream xmlInput(xmlFilename->toChar(chars), ios::in);
delete chars;
//-- create document base
String documentBase;
URIUtils::getDocumentBase(*xmlFilename, documentBase);
//-- handle output stream
ostream* resultOutput = &cout;
ofstream resultFileStream;
if ( outFilename ) {
chars = new char[outFilename->length()+1];
resultFileStream.open(outFilename->toChar(chars), ios::out);
delete chars;
if ( !resultFileStream ) {
cout << "error opening output file: " << *xmlFilename << endl;
return -1;
resultOutput = &resultFileStream;
//-- process
if ( !xslFilename ) {
xslProcessor.process(xmlInput, documentBase, *resultOutput);
else {
//-- open XSL file
chars = new char[xslFilename->length()+1];
ifstream xslInput(xslFilename->toChar(chars), ios::in);
delete chars;
xslProcessor.process(xmlInput, xslInput, *resultOutput);
return 0;
} //-- main
void printHelp() {
cout << "The following flags are available for use with TransforMiiX -";
cout << "-i filename : The XML file to process" << endl;
cout << "-o filename : The Output file to create" << endl;
cout << "-s filename : The XSL file to use for processing (Optional)" << endl;
cout << "-h : This help screen (Optional)" << endl;
cout << endl;
void printUsage() {
cout << endl;
cout << "usage:";
cout << "transfrmx -i xml-file [-s xsl-file] [-o output-file]"<<endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "for more infomation use the -h flag"<<endl;
} //-- printUsage
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
# http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
# Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# NPL.
# The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
# Reserved.
DIRS=base xml xsl
include <$(DEPTH)\config\rules.mak>
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
target: make_netlib
CC = g++
#ifndef PROJ_PATH
BASE_PATH = ../base
make_netlib: $(ALL_OBJS)
URIUtils.o: URIUtils.h URIUtils.cpp
$(CC) $(INCLUDE_PATHS) -c URIUtils.cpp
@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
//package com.kvisco.net;
#include "URIUtils.h"
* URIUtils
* A set of utilities for handling URIs
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
* <BR/>
* <PRE>
* Modifications:
* 19990806: Larry Fitzpatrick
* - moved initialization of contanst shorts and chars from
* URIUtils.h to here
* </PRE>
//- Constants -/
const String URIUtils::HTTP_PROTOCOL = "http";
const String URIUtils::FILE_PROTOCOL = "file";
const char URIUtils::HREF_PATH_SEP = '/';
const char URIUtils::DEVICE_SEP = '|';
const char URIUtils::PORT_SEP = ':';
const char URIUtils::PROTOCOL_SEP = ':';
const short URIUtils::PROTOCOL_MODE = 1;
const short URIUtils::HOST_MODE = 2;
const short URIUtils::PORT_MODE = 3;
const short URIUtils::PATH_MODE = 4;
* Returns an InputStream for the file represented by the href
* argument
* @param href the href of the file to get the input stream for.
* @param documentBase the document base of the href argument, if it
* is a relative href
* set documentBase to null if there is none.
* @return an InputStream to the desired resource
* @exception java.io.FileNotFoundException when the file could not be
* found
istream* URIUtils::getInputStream
(String& href, String& documentBase, String& errMsg)
istream* inStream = 0;
//-- check for URL
ParsedURI* uri = parseURI(href);
if ( !uri->isMalformed ) {
inStream = openStream(uri);
delete uri;
return inStream;
delete uri;
//-- join document base + href
String xHref;
if (documentBase.length() > 0) {
if (documentBase.charAt(documentBase.length()-1) != HREF_PATH_SEP)
//-- check new href
uri = parseURI(xHref);
if ( !uri->isMalformed ) {
inStream = openStream(uri);
else {
// Try local files
char* fchars = new char[xHref.length()+1];
ifstream* inFile = new ifstream(xHref.toChar(fchars), ios::in);
delete fchars;
if ( ! *inFile ) {
fchars = new char[href.length()+1];
(*inFile).open(href.toChar(fchars), ios::in);
delete fchars;
inStream = inFile;
delete uri;
return inStream;
} //-- getInputStream
* Returns the document base of the href argument
* @return the document base of the given href
void URIUtils::getDocumentBase(String& href, String& dest) {
//-- use temp str so the subString method doesn't destroy dest
String docBase("");
if (href.length() != 0) {
int idx = -1;
//-- check for URL
ParsedURI* uri = parseURI(href);
if ( !uri->isMalformed ) {
idx = href.lastIndexOf(HREF_PATH_SEP);
else {
//-- The following contains a fix from Shane Hathaway
//-- to handle the case when both "\" and "/" appear in filename
int idx2 = href.lastIndexOf(HREF_PATH_SEP);
//idx = href.lastIndexOf(File.separator);
idx = -1; //-- hack change later
if (idx2 > idx) idx = idx2;
if (idx >= 0) href.subString(0,idx, docBase);
delete uri;
} //-- getDocumentBase
* Resolves the given href argument, using the given documentBase
* if necessary.
* The new resolved href will be appended to the given dest String
void URIUtils::resolveHref(String& href, String& documentBase, String& dest) {
//-- check for URL
ParsedURI* uri = parseURI(href);
if ( !uri->isMalformed ) {
delete uri;
//-- join document base + href
String xHref;
if (documentBase.length() > 0) {
if (documentBase.charAt(documentBase.length()-1) != HREF_PATH_SEP)
//-- check new href
ParsedURI* newUri = parseURI(xHref);
if ( !newUri->isMalformed ) {
else {
// Try local files
char* xHrefChars = new char[xHref.length()+1];
ifstream inFile(xHref.toChar(xHrefChars), ios::in);
if ( inFile ) dest.append(xHref);
else dest.append(href);
delete xHrefChars;
delete uri;
delete newUri;
} //-- resolveHref
istream* URIUtils::openStream(ParsedURI* uri) {
if ( !uri ) return 0;
// check protocol
istream* inStream = 0;
if ( FILE_PROTOCOL.isEqual(uri->protocol) ) {
char* fchars = new char[uri->path.length()+1];
ifstream* inFile = new ifstream(uri->path.toChar(fchars), ios::in);
delete fchars;
inStream = inFile;
return inStream;
} //-- openStream
/* */
URIUtils::ParsedURI* URIUtils::parseURI(const String& uri) {
ParsedURI* uriTokens = new ParsedURI;
uriTokens->isMalformed = MB_FALSE;
short mode = PROTOCOL_MODE;
// look for protocol
int totalCount = uri.length();
int charCount = 0;
char prevCh = '\0';
int fslash = 0;
String buffer(uri.length());
while ( charCount < totalCount ) {
char ch = uri.charAt(charCount++);
switch(ch) {
case '.' :
if ( mode == PROTOCOL_MODE ) {
uriTokens->isMalformed = MB_TRUE;
mode = HOST_MODE;
case ':' :
switch ( mode ) {
uriTokens->protocol = buffer;
mode = HOST_MODE;
case HOST_MODE :
uriTokens->host = buffer;
mode = PORT_MODE;
case '/' :
switch ( mode ) {
case HOST_MODE :
if ( buffer.length() != 0 ) {
mode = PATH_MODE;
else if ( fslash == 2 ) mode = PATH_MODE;
else ++fslash;
case PORT_MODE :
mode = PATH_MODE;
prevCh = ch;
if ( mode == PROTOCOL_MODE ) {
uriTokens->isMalformed = MB_TRUE;
//-- finish remaining mode
if ( buffer.length() > 0 ) {
switch ( mode ) {
case HOST_MODE :
case PORT_MODE :
case PATH_MODE :
return uriTokens;
} //-- parseURI
void URIUtils::test(const String& str) {
cout << "parsing: " << str << endl;
ParsedURI* uri = parseURI(str);
cout << "protocol : " << uri->protocol << endl;
cout << "host : " << uri->host << endl;
cout << "port : " << uri->port << endl;
cout << "path : " << uri->path << endl;
cout << "malformed: " << uri->isMalformed << endl;
delete uri;
} //-- test
* The test class for the URIUtils
void main(int argc, char** argv) {
String url("http://my.domain.com:88/foo.html");
String docBase;
URIUtils::getDocumentBase(url, docBase);
cout << "url : " << url <<endl;
cout << "document base: " << docBase <<endl;
String localPart("foo.html");
URIUtils::resolveHref(localPart, docBase, url);
cout << "local part : " << localPart << endl;
cout << "resolved url : " << url << endl;
/* -*- */
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
//package com.kvisco.net;
#include "String.h"
#include "baseutils.h"
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
* A utility class for URI handling
* Not yet finished, only handles file URI at this point
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@ziplink.net">Keith Visco</a>
* <BR/>
* <PRE>
* Modifications:
* 19990806: Larry Fitzpatrick
* - moved initialization of contanst shorts and chars to URIUtils.cpp
* </PRE>
class URIUtils {
static const String HTTP_PROTOCOL;
static const String FILE_PROTOCOL;
* the path separator for an URI
static const char HREF_PATH_SEP;
* The Device separator for an URI
static const char DEVICE_SEP;
* The Port separator for an URI
static const char PORT_SEP;
* The Protocal separator for an URI
static const char PROTOCOL_SEP;
static istream* URIUtils::getInputStream
(String& href, String& documentBase, String& errMsg);
* Returns the document base of the href argument
* The document base will be appended to the given dest String
static void getDocumentBase(String& href, String& dest);
* Resolves the given href argument, using the given documentBase
* if necessary.
* The new resolved href will be appended to the given dest String
static void resolveHref(String& href, String& documentBase, String& dest);
static const short PROTOCOL_MODE;
static const short HOST_MODE;
static const short PORT_MODE;
static const short PATH_MODE;
struct ParsedURI {
MBool isMalformed;
String fragmentIdentifier;
String host;
String protocol;
String port;
String path;
static istream* openStream(ParsedURI* uri);
static ParsedURI* parseURI(const String& uri);
}; //-- URIUtils
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
BASE_PATH = ../base
DOM_PATH = dom
target: $(ALL_OBJS)
XMLDOMUtils.o: XMLDOMUtils.h XMLDOMUtils.cpp
$(CC) -c XMLDOMUtils.cpp
XMLUtils.o: XMLUtils.h XMLUtils.cpp
$(CC) -c XMLUtils.cpp
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
#include "XMLDOMUtils.h"
void XMLDOMUtils::getNodeValue(Node* node, DOMString* target) {
if (!node) {
int nodeType = node->getNodeType();
Element* element = 0;
NodeList* nl = 0;
switch ( nodeType ) {
target->append( ((Attr*)node)->getValue() );
case Node::DOCUMENT_NODE :
getNodeValue( ((Document*)node)->getDocumentElement(), target);
case Node::ELEMENT_NODE :
nl = node->getChildNodes();
for ( int i = 0; i < nl->getLength(); i++) {
case Node::TEXT_NODE :
target->append ( ((Text*)node)->getData() );
} //-- switch
} //-- getNodeValue
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
* A utility class for use with XML DOM implementations
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
#include "dom.h"
class XMLDOMUtils {
* Appends the value of the given Node to the target DOMString
static void XMLDOMUtils::getNodeValue(Node* node, DOMString* target);
}; //-- XMLDOMUtils
@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
* An XML utility class
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
#include "XMLUtils.h"
//- Implementation of XMLUtils -/
const String XMLUtils::XMLNS = "xmlns";
void XMLUtils::getNameSpace(const String& src, String& dest) {
//-- anything preceding ':' is the namespace part of the name
int idx = src.indexOf(':');
if ( idx > 0 ) {
//-- create new String to prevent any chars in dest from being
//-- lost
String tmp;
src.subString(0,idx, tmp);
else dest.append("");
} //-- getNameSpace
void XMLUtils::getLocalPart(const String& src, String& dest) {
//-- anything after ':' is the local part of the name
int idx = src.indexOf(':');
if ( idx < -1 ) idx = -1;
//-- create new String to prevent any chars in dest from being
//-- lost
String tmp;
src.subString(idx+1, tmp);
} //-- getLocalPart
* Returns true if the given character represents an Alpha letter
MBool XMLUtils::isAlphaChar(Int32 ch) {
if ((ch >= 'a' ) && (ch <= 'z' )) return MB_TRUE;
if ((ch >= 'A' ) && (ch <= 'Z' )) return MB_TRUE;
return MB_FALSE;
} //-- isAlphaChar
* Returns true if the given character represents a numeric letter (digit)
MBool XMLUtils::isDigit(Int32 ch) {
if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) return MB_TRUE;
return MB_FALSE;
} //-- isDigit
* Returns true if the given character is an allowable QName character
MBool XMLUtils::isNCNameChar(Int32 ch) {
if (isDigit(ch) || isAlphaChar(ch)) return MB_TRUE;
return (MBool) ((ch == '.') ||(ch == '_') || (ch == '-'));
} //-- isNCNameChar
* Returns true if the given character is an allowable NCName character
MBool XMLUtils::isQNameChar(Int32 ch) {
return (MBool) (( ch == ':') || isNCNameChar(ch));
} //-- isQNameChar
* Returns true if the given String is a valid XML QName
MBool XMLUtils::isValidQName(String& name) {
int size = name.length();
if ( size == 0 ) return MB_FALSE;
else if ( !isAlphaChar(name.charAt(0))) return MB_FALSE;
else {
for ( int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
if ( ! isQNameChar(name.charAt(i))) return MB_FALSE;
return MB_TRUE;
} //-- isValidQName
* Normalizes the value of an XML attribute
void XMLUtils::normalizeAttributeValue(String& attValue) {
Int32 size = attValue.length();
//-- make copy of chars
char* chars = new char[size+1];
//-- clear attValue
Int32 cc = 0;
MBool addSpace = MB_FALSE;
while ( cc < size) {
char ch = chars[cc++];
switch (ch) {
case ' ':
if ( attValue.length() > 0) addSpace = MB_TRUE;
case '\r':
case '\n':
if ( addSpace) {
attValue.append(' ');
addSpace = MB_FALSE;
delete chars;
} //-- normalizeAttributeValue
* Normalizes the value of a XML processing instruction
void XMLUtils::normalizePIValue(String& piValue) {
Int32 size = piValue.length();
//-- make copy of chars
char* chars = new char[size+1];
//-- clear attValue
Int32 cc = 0;
char prevCh = '\0';
while ( cc < size) {
char ch = chars[cc++];
switch (ch) {
case '>':
if ( prevCh == '?' ) {
piValue.append(' ');
prevCh = ch;
delete chars;
} //-- noramlizePIValue
* Strips whitespace from the given String.
* Newlines (#xD), tabs (#x9), and consecutive spaces (#x20) are
* converted to a single space (#x20).
* @param data the String to strip whitespace from
* @param dest the destination String to append the result to
void XMLUtils::stripSpace (const String& data, String& dest) {
} //-- stripSpace
* Strips whitespace from the given String.
* Newlines (#xD), tabs (#x9), and consecutive spaces (#x20) are
* converted to a single space (#x20).
* @param data the String to strip whitespace from
* @param dest the destination String to append the result to
* @param stripAllLeadSpace, a boolean indicating whether or not to
* strip all leading space. If true all whitespace from the start of the
* given String will be stripped. If false, all whitespace from the start
* of the given String will be converted to a single space.
* @param stripAllTrailSpace, a boolean indicating whether or not to
* strip all trailing space. If true all whitespace at the end of the
* given String will be stripped. If false, all whitespace at the end
* of the given String will be converted to a single space.
void XMLUtils::stripSpace
( const String& data,
String& dest,
MBool stripAllLeadSpace,
MBool stripAllTrailSpace )
char lastToken, token;
Int32 oldSize = data.length();
char* chars = new char[oldSize+1];
lastToken = '\0';
Int32 total = 0;
// indicates we have seen at least one
// non whitespace charater
MBool validChar = MB_FALSE;
for (int i = 0; i < oldSize; i++) {
token = chars[i];
switch(token) {
case ' ':
case '\t':
case '\n':
case '\r':
token = ' ';
if (stripAllLeadSpace && (!validChar)) break;
if (lastToken != token) chars[total++] = token;
chars[total++] = token;
validChar = MB_TRUE;
lastToken = token;
//-- remove last trailing space if necessary
if (stripAllTrailSpace)
if ((total > 0) && (chars[total-1] == ' ')) --total;
if (validChar) {
chars[total] = '\0'; //-- add Null terminator
delete chars;
} //-- stripSpace
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
* An XML Utility class
* @author <a href="mailto:kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
#include "String.h"
#include "baseutils.h"
class XMLUtils {
static const String XMLNS;
static void getNameSpace(const String& src, String& dest);
static void getLocalPart(const String& src, String& dest);
* Returns true if the given String is a valid XML QName
static MBool isValidQName(String& name);
* Normalizes the value of an XML attribute
static void normalizeAttributeValue(String& attValue);
* Normalizes the value of a XML processingInstruction
static void normalizePIValue(String& attValue);
* Strips whitespace from the given String.
* Newlines (#xD), tabs (#x9), and consecutive spaces (#x20) are
* converted to a single space (#x20).
* @param data the String to strip whitespace from
* @param dest the destination String to append the result to
static void stripSpace (const String& data, String& dest);
* Strips whitespace from the given String.
* Newlines (#xD), tabs (#x9), and consecutive spaces (#x20) are
* converted to a single space (#x20).
* @param data the String to strip whitespace from
* @param dest the destination String to append the result to
* @param stripAllLeadSpace, a boolean indicating whether or not to
* strip all leading space. If true all whitespace from the start of the
* given String will be stripped. If false, all whitespace from the start
* of the given String will be converted to a single space.
* @param stripAllTrailSpace, a boolean indicating whether or not to
* strip all trailing space. If true all whitespace at the end of the
* given String will be stripped. If false, all whitespace at the end
* of the given String will be converted to a single space.
static void stripSpace (const String& data,
String& dest,
MBool stripAllLeadSpace,
MBool stripAllTrailSpace);
* Returns true if the given character represents an Alpha letter
static MBool isAlphaChar(Int32 ch);
* Returns true if the given character represents a numeric letter (digit)
static MBool isDigit(Int32 ch);
* Returns true if the given character is an allowable QName character
static MBool isQNameChar(Int32 ch);
* Returns true if the given character is an allowable NCName character
static MBool isNCNameChar(Int32 ch);
}; //-- XMLUtils
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
// Tom Kneeland (3/29/99)
// Implementation of the Document Object Model Level 1 Core
// Implementation of the Attr class
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/29/99 Created
// LF 08/06/1999 fixed typo: defalut to default
#include "dom.h"
//Construct an Attribute object using the specified name and document owner
Attr::Attr(const DOMString& name, Document* owner):
NodeDefinition(Node::ATTRIBUTE_NODE, name, NULL_STRING, owner)
specified = MB_FALSE;
//Retrieve the name of the attribute from the nodeName data member
const DOMString& Attr::getName() const
return nodeName;
//Retrieve the specified flag
MBool Attr::getSpecified() const
return specified;
//Retrieve the value of the attribute. This is a comma-deliminated string
//representation of the Attribute's children.
const DOMString& Attr::getValue()
Int32 valueLoop;
nodeValue = NULL_STRING;
NodeList* childList = getChildNodes();
Int32 numChildren = childList->getLength();
for (valueLoop=0;valueLoop<numChildren;valueLoop++)
if (childList->item(valueLoop)->getNodeType() != Node::ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE)
if (valueLoop < (numChildren-1))
return nodeValue;
//Create a new Text node and add it to the Attribute's list of children. Also
//set the Specified flag to true.
void Attr::setValue(const DOMString& newValue)
specified = MB_TRUE;
//Override the set node value member function to create a new TEXT node with
//the DOMString and to add it as the Attribute's child.
// NOTE: Not currently impemented, just execute the default setNodeValue
void Attr::setNodeValue(const DOMString& nodeValue)
//Return a DOMString represening the value of this node. If the value is an
//Entity Reference then return the value of the reference. Otherwise, it is a
//simple conversion of the text value.
// NOTE: Not currently implemented, just execute the default getNodeValue
const DOMString& Attr::getNodeValue()
return getValue();
//First check to see if the new node is an allowable child for an Attr. If it
//is, call NodeDefinition's implementation of Insert Before. If not, return
//null as an error.
Node* Attr::insertBefore(Node* newChild, Node* refChild)
Node* returnVal = NULL;
switch (newChild->getNodeType())
case Node::TEXT_NODE :
returnVal = NodeDefinition::insertBefore(newChild, refChild);
if (returnVal)
specified = MB_TRUE;
returnVal = NULL;
return returnVal;
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
// Tom Kneeland (3/29/99)
// Implementation of the Document Object Model Level 1 Core
// Implementation of the CDATASection class
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/29/99 Created
#include "dom.h"
//Construct a text object with the specified document owner and data
CDATASection::CDATASection(const DOMString& theData, Document* owner) :
Text(Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE, "#cdata-section", theData, owner)
//CDATASection nodes can not have any children, so just return null from all child
//manipulation functions.
Node* CDATASection::insertBefore(Node* newChild, Node* refChild)
return NULL;
Node* CDATASection::replaceChild(Node* newChild, Node* oldChild)
return NULL;
Node* CDATASection::removeChild(Node* oldChild)
return NULL;
Node* CDATASection::appendChild(Node* newChild)
return NULL;
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
// Tom Kneeland (3/29/99)
// Implementation of the Document Object Model Level 1 Core
// Implementation of the CharacterData class
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/29/99 Created
#include "dom.h"
//Protected constructor. Just pass parameters onto NodeDefinition.
CharacterData::CharacterData(NodeType type, const DOMString& name,
const DOMString& value, Document* owner) :
NodeDefinition(type, name, value, owner)
//Return a constant reference to the data stored by this object.
const DOMString& CharacterData::getData() const
return nodeValue;
//Set the data stored by this object to the string represented by "source".
void CharacterData::setData(const DOMString& source)
nodeValue = source;
//Returns the length of the data object.
Int32 CharacterData::getLength() const
return nodeValue.length();
//Retreive the substring starting at offset anc ending count number of
//characters away.
// NOTE: An empty string will be returned in the event of an error.
DOMString& CharacterData::substringData(Int32 offset, Int32 count, DOMString& dest)
if ((offset >= 0) && (offset < nodeValue.length()) && (count > 0))
return nodeValue.subString(offset, offset+count, dest);
return dest;
void CharacterData::appendData(const DOMString& arg)
void CharacterData::insertData(Int32 offset, const DOMString& arg)
if ((offset >= 0) && (offset < nodeValue.length()))
nodeValue.insert(offset, arg);
void CharacterData::deleteData(Int32 offset, Int32 count)
if ((offset >= 0) && (offset < nodeValue.length()) && (count > 0))
nodeValue.deleteChars(offset, count);
void CharacterData::replaceData(Int32 offset, Int32 count, const DOMString& arg)
DOMString tempString;
if ((offset >= 0) && (offset < nodeValue.length()) && (count > 0))
if (count < arg.length())
tempString = arg.subString(0, count, tempString);
nodeValue.replace(offset, tempString);
nodeValue.replace(offset, arg);
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
// Tom Kneeland (3/29/99)
// Implementation of the Document Object Model Level 1 Core
// Implementation of the Comment class
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/29/99 Created
#include "dom.h"
//Construct a text object with the specified document owner and data
Comment::Comment(const DOMString& theData, Document* owner) :
CharacterData(Node::COMMENT_NODE, "#comment", theData, owner)
//Comment nodes can not have any children, so just return null from all child
//manipulation functions.
Node* Comment::insertBefore(Node* newChild, Node* refChild)
return NULL;
Node* Comment::replaceChild(Node* newChild, Node* oldChild)
return NULL;
Node* Comment::removeChild(Node* oldChild)
return NULL;
Node* Comment::appendChild(Node* newChild)
return NULL;
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
// Tom Kneeland (3/29/99)
// Implementation of the Document Object Model Level 1 Core
// Implementation of the DOMImplementation class
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/29/99 Created
#include "dom.h"
implFeature = "XML";
implVersion = "1.0";
//Perform a case insensitive comparison between "feature" and the
//functionality of this DOM implementation/version.
MBool DOMImplementation::hasFeature(DOMString feature,
const DOMString& version) const
if (feature.isEqual(implFeature) && version.isEqual(implVersion))
return MB_TRUE;
return MB_FALSE;
@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
// Tom Kneeland (3/29/99)
// Implementation of the Document Object Model Level 1 Core
// Implementation of the Document class
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/29/99 Created
// LF 08/06/1999 Removed Default argument initializer from
// Document() constructor
// LF 08/06/1999 fixed typo: defalut to default
#include "dom.h"
//Construct a Document. Currently no parameters are required, but the the
//node constructor is called to identify the node type.
Document::Document(DocumentType* theDoctype) :
NodeDefinition(Node::DOCUMENT_NODE, "#document", NULL_STRING, NULL)
documentElement = NULL;
doctype = theDoctype;
//Return the one and only element for this document
Element* Document::getDocumentElement()
return documentElement;
//Return the document type of this document object
DocumentType* Document::getDoctype()
return doctype;
//Return a constant reference to the DOM's Implementation
const DOMImplementation& Document::getImplementation()
return implementation;
//Ensure that no Element node is inserted if the document already has an
//associated Element child.
Node* Document::insertBefore(Node* newChild, Node* refChild)
Node* returnVal = NULL;
NodeDefinition* pCurrentNode = NULL;
NodeDefinition* pNextNode = NULL;
//Convert to a NodeDefinition Pointer
NodeDefinition* pNewChild = (NodeDefinition*)newChild;
NodeDefinition* pRefChild = (NodeDefinition*)refChild;
//Check to see if the reference node is a child of this node
if ((refChild != NULL) && (pRefChild->getParentNode() != this))
return NULL;
switch (pNewChild->getNodeType())
pCurrentNode = (NodeDefinition*)pNewChild->getFirstChild();
while (pCurrentNode)
pNextNode = (NodeDefinition*)pCurrentNode->getNextSibling();
//Make sure that if the current node is an Element, the document
//doesn't already have one.
if ((pCurrentNode->getNodeType() != Node::ELEMENT_NODE) ||
((pCurrentNode->getNodeType() == Node::ELEMENT_NODE) &&
(documentElement == NULL)))
pCurrentNode = (NodeDefinition*)pNewChild->removeChild(pCurrentNode);
implInsertBefore(pCurrentNode, pRefChild);
if (pCurrentNode->getNodeType() == Node::ELEMENT_NODE)
documentElement = (Element*)pCurrentNode;
pCurrentNode = pNextNode;
returnVal = newChild;
case Node::COMMENT_NODE :
returnVal = implInsertBefore(pNewChild, pRefChild);
case Node::ELEMENT_NODE :
if (!documentElement)
documentElement = (Element*)pNewChild;
returnVal = implInsertBefore(pNewChild, pRefChild);
returnVal = NULL;
returnVal = NULL;
return returnVal;
//Ensure that if the newChild is an Element and the Document already has an
//element, then oldChild should be specifying the existing element. If not
//then the replacement can not take place.
Node* Document::replaceChild(Node* newChild, Node* oldChild)
Node* replacedChild = NULL;
if (newChild->getNodeType() != Node::ELEMENT_NODE)
//The new child is not an Element, so perform replacement
replacedChild = NodeDefinition::replaceChild(newChild, oldChild);
//If old node was an Element, then the document's element has been
//replaced with a non-element node. Therefore clear the documentElement
if (replacedChild && (oldChild->getNodeType() == Node::ELEMENT_NODE))
documentElement = NULL;
return replacedChild;
//A node is being replaced with an Element. If the document does not
//have an elemet yet, then just allow the replacemetn to take place.
if (!documentElement)
replacedChild = NodeDefinition::replaceChild(newChild, oldChild);
else if (oldChild->getNodeType() == Node::ELEMENT_NODE)
replacedChild = NodeDefinition::replaceChild(newChild, oldChild);
if (replacedChild)
documentElement = (Element*)newChild;
return replacedChild;
//Update the documentElement pointer if the associated Element node is being
Node* Document::removeChild(Node* oldChild)
Node* removedChild = NULL;
removedChild = NodeDefinition::removeChild(oldChild);
if (removedChild && (removedChild->getNodeType() == Node::ELEMENT_NODE))
documentElement = NULL;
return removedChild;
//Construct an empty document fragment.
// NOTE: The caller is responsible for cleaning up this fragment's memory
// when it is no longer needed.
DocumentFragment* Document::createDocumentFragment()
return new DocumentFragment("#document-fragment", NULL_STRING, this);
//Construct an element with the specified tag name.
// NOTE: The caller is responsible for cleaning up the element's menory
Element* Document::createElement(const DOMString& tagName)
return new Element(tagName, this);
//Construct an attribute with the specified name
Attr* Document::createAttribute(const DOMString& name)
return new Attr(name, this);
//Construct a text node with the given data
Text* Document::createTextNode(const DOMString& theData)
return new Text(theData, this);
//Construct a comment node with the given data
Comment* Document::createComment(const DOMString& theData)
return new Comment(theData, this);
//Construct a CDATASection node with the given data
CDATASection* Document::createCDATASection(const DOMString& theData)
return new CDATASection(theData, this);
//Construct a ProcessingInstruction node with the given targe and data.
Document::createProcessingInstruction(const DOMString& target,
const DOMString& data)
return new ProcessingInstruction(target, data, this);
//Construct an EntityReference with the given name
EntityReference* Document::createEntityReference(const DOMString& name)
return new EntityReference(name, this);
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
// Tom Kneeland (3/29/99)
// Implementation of the Document Object Model Level 1 Core
// Implementation of the DocumentFragment class
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/29/99 Created
// LF 08/06/1999 fixed typo: defalut to default
#include "dom.h"
//Construct a DocumentFragment with the specified name and value. Call the
//constructor for NodeDefinition and specify the DocumentFragment Type.
DocumentFragment::DocumentFragment(const DOMString& name,
const DOMString& value, Document* owner) :
NodeDefinition(Node::DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE, name, value, owner)
//First check to see if the new node is an allowable child for a
//DocumentFragment. If it is, call NodeDefinition's implementation of Insert
//Before. If not, return null as an error.
Node* DocumentFragment::insertBefore(Node* newChild, Node* refChild)
Node* returnVal = NULL;
switch (newChild->getNodeType())
case Node::ELEMENT_NODE :
case Node::COMMENT_NODE :
case Node::TEXT_NODE :
returnVal = NodeDefinition::insertBefore(newChild, refChild);
returnVal = NULL;
return returnVal;
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
// Tom Kneeland (3/29/99)
// Implementation of the Document Object Model Level 1 Core
// Implementation of the DocumentType class
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/29/99 Created
#include "dom.h"
//Construct a text object with the specified document owner and data
DocumentType::DocumentType(const DOMString& name, NamedNodeMap* theEntities,
NamedNodeMap* theNotations) :
entities = theEntities;
notations = theNotations;
//When destroying the DocumentType, the entities and notations must be
//destroyed too.
if (entities)
delete entities;
if (notations)
delete notations;
//Return a pointer to the entities contained in this Document Type
NamedNodeMap* DocumentType::getEntities()
return entities;
//Return a pointer to the notations contained in this Document Type
NamedNodeMap* DocumentType::getNotations()
return notations;
//Comment nodes can not have any children, so just return null from all child
//manipulation functions.
Node* DocumentType::insertBefore(Node* newChild, Node* refChild)
return NULL;
Node* DocumentType::replaceChild(Node* newChild, Node* oldChild)
return NULL;
Node* DocumentType::removeChild(Node* oldChild)
return NULL;
Node* DocumentType::appendChild(Node* newChild)
return NULL;
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
// Tom Kneeland (3/29/99)
// Implementation of the Document Object Model Level 1 Core
// Implementation of the Element class
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/29/99 Created
// LF 08/06/1999 fixed typo: defalut to default
#include "dom.h"
//Construct a new element with the specified tagName and Document owner.
//Simply call the constructor for NodeDefinition, and specify the proper node
Element::Element(const DOMString& tagName, Document* owner) :
NodeDefinition(Node::ELEMENT_NODE, tagName, NULL_STRING, owner)
//First check to see if the new node is an allowable child for an Element. If
//it is, call NodeDefinition's implementation of Insert Before. If not, return
//null as an error
Node* Element::insertBefore(Node* newChild, Node* refChild)
Node* returnVal = NULL;
switch (newChild->getNodeType())
case Node::ELEMENT_NODE :
case Node::TEXT_NODE :
case Node::COMMENT_NODE :
returnVal = NodeDefinition::insertBefore(newChild, refChild);
returnVal = NULL;
return returnVal;
//Return the tagName for this element. This is simply the nodeName.
const DOMString& Element::getTagName()
return nodeName;
//Retreive an attribute's value by name. If the attribute does not exist,
//return a reference to the pre-created, constatnt "NULL STRING".
const DOMString& Element::getAttribute(const DOMString& name)
Node* tempNode = attributes.getNamedItem(name);
if (tempNode)
return attributes.getNamedItem(name)->getNodeValue();
//Add an attribute to this Element. Create a new Attr object using the
//name and value specified. Then add the Attr to the the Element's
//attributes NamedNodeMap.
void Element::setAttribute(const DOMString& name, const DOMString& value)
Attr* tempAttribute;
//Check to see if an attribute with this name already exists. If it does
//over write its value, if not, add it.
tempAttribute = getAttributeNode(name);
if (tempAttribute)
tempAttribute = getOwnerDocument()->createAttribute(name);
//Remove an attribute from the attributes NamedNodeMap, and free its memory.
// NOTE: How do default values enter into this picture
void Element::removeAttribute(const DOMString& name)
delete attributes.removeNamedItem(name);
//Return the attribute specified by name
Attr* Element::getAttributeNode(const DOMString& name)
return (Attr*)attributes.getNamedItem(name);
//Set a new attribute specifed by the newAttr node. If an attribute with that
//name already exists, the existing Attr is removed from the list and return to
//the caller, else NULL is returned.
Attr* Element::setAttributeNode(Attr* newAttr)
Attr* pOldAttr = (Attr*)attributes.removeNamedItem(newAttr->getNodeName());
return pOldAttr;
//Remove the Attribute from the attributes list and return to the caller. If
//the node is not found, return NULL.
Attr* Element::removeAttributeNode(Attr* oldAttr)
return (Attr*)attributes.removeNamedItem(oldAttr->getNodeName());
NodeList* Element::getElementsByTagName(const DOMString& name)
return 0;
void Element::normalize()
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
// Tom Kneeland (3/29/99)
// Implementation of the Document Object Model Level 1 Core
// Implementation of the Entity class
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/29/99 Created
// LF 08/06/1999 fixed typo: defalut to default
#include "dom.h"
//Construct a text object with the specified document owner and data
Entity::Entity(const DOMString& name, const DOMString& pubID,
const DOMString& sysID, const DOMString& notName) :
NodeDefinition(Node::ENTITY_NODE, name, NULL_STRING, NULL)
publicId = pubID;
systemId = sysID;
notationName = notName;
//Return the Public ID of the Entity
const DOMString& Entity::getPublicId() const
return publicId;
//Return the System ID of the Entity
const DOMString& Entity::getSystemId() const
return systemId;
//Return the Notation Name of the Entity
const DOMString& Entity::getNotationName() const
return notationName;
//First check to see if the new node is an allowable child for an Entity. If
//it is, call NodeDefinition's implementation of Insert Before. If not, return
//null as an error.
Node* Entity::insertBefore(Node* newChild, Node* refChild)
Node* returnVal = NULL;
switch (newChild->getNodeType())
case Node::ELEMENT_NODE:
case Node::COMMENT_NODE:
case Node::TEXT_NODE :
returnVal = NodeDefinition::insertBefore(newChild, refChild);
returnVal = NULL;
return returnVal;
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
// Tom Kneeland (3/29/99)
// Implementation of the Document Object Model Level 1 Core
// Implementation of the EntityReference class
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/29/99 Created
// LF 08/06/1999 fixed typo: defalut to default
#include "dom.h"
//Construct a text object with the specified document owner and data
EntityReference::EntityReference(const DOMString& name, Document* owner) :
NodeDefinition(Node::ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE, name, NULL_STRING, owner)
//First check to see if the new node is an allowable child for an
//EntityReference. If it is, call NodeDefinition's implementation of Insert
//Before. If not, return null as an error.
Node* EntityReference::insertBefore(Node* newChild, Node* refChild)
Node* returnVal = NULL;
switch (newChild->getNodeType())
case Node::ELEMENT_NODE:
case Node::COMMENT_NODE:
case Node::TEXT_NODE :
returnVal = NodeDefinition::insertBefore(newChild, refChild);
returnVal = NULL;
return returnVal;
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
#ifndef PROJ_PATH
BASE_PATH = ../../base
DOM_OBJS = NodeDefinition.o \
Document.o \
DocumentFragment.o \
NamedNodeMap.o \
NodeListDefinition.o \
Element.o \
Attr.o \
CharacterData.o \
Text.o \
Comment.o \
CDATASection.o \
ProcessingInstruction.o \
Notation.o \
Entity.o \
EntityReference.o \
DocumentType.o \
target: $(DOM_OBJS)
NodeDefinition.o: NodeDefinition.cpp dom.h
$(CC) -c NodeDefinition.cpp
Document.o: Document.cpp dom.h
$(CC) -c Document.cpp
DocumentFragment.o: DocumentFragment.cpp dom.h
$(CC) -c DocumentFragment.cpp
NamedNodeMap.o: NamedNodeMap.cpp dom.h
$(CC) -c NamedNodeMap.cpp
NodeListDefinition.o: NodeListDefinition.cpp dom.h
$(CC) -c NodeListDefinition.cpp
Element.o: Element.cpp dom.h
$(CC) -c Element.cpp
Attr.o: Attr.cpp dom.h
$(CC) -c Attr.cpp
CharacterData.o: CharacterData.cpp dom.h
$(CC) -c CharacterData.cpp
Text.o: Text.cpp dom.h
$(CC) -c Text.cpp
Comment.o: Comment.cpp dom.h
$(CC) -c Comment.cpp
CDATASection.o: CDATASection.cpp dom.h
$(CC) -c CDATASection.cpp
ProcessingInstruction.o: ProcessingInstruction.cpp dom.h
$(CC) -c ProcessingInstruction.cpp
Notation.o: Notation.cpp dom.h
$(CC) -c Notation.cpp
Entity.o: Entity.cpp dom.h
$(CC) -c Entity.cpp
EntityReference.o: EntityReference.cpp dom.h
$(CC) -c EntityReference.cpp
DocumentType.o: DocumentType.cpp dom.h
$(CC) -c DocumentType.cpp
DOMImplementation.o: DOMImplementation.cpp dom.h
$(CC) -c DOMImplementation.cpp
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
// Tom Kneeland (3/29/99)
// Implementation of the Document Object Model Level 1 Core
// Implementation of the NamedNodeMap class
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/29/99 Created
#include "dom.h"
Node* NamedNodeMap::getNamedItem(const DOMString& name)
ListItem* pSearchItem = findListItemByName(name);
if (pSearchItem)
return pSearchItem->node;
return NULL;
Node* NamedNodeMap::setNamedItem(Node* arg)
//Since the DOM does not specify any ording for the NamedNodeMap, just
//try and remove the new node (arg). If successful, return a pointer to
//the removed item. Reguardless of wheter the node already existed or not,
//insert the new node at the end of the list.
Node* pReplacedNode = removeNamedItem(arg->getNodeName());
return pReplacedNode;
Node* NamedNodeMap::removeNamedItem(const DOMString& name)
NodeListDefinition::ListItem* pSearchItem;
Node* returnNode;
pSearchItem = findListItemByName(name);
if (pSearchItem)
if (pSearchItem != firstItem)
pSearchItem->prev->next = pSearchItem->next;
firstItem = pSearchItem->next;
if (pSearchItem != lastItem)
pSearchItem->next->prev = pSearchItem->prev;
lastItem = pSearchItem->prev;
pSearchItem->next = NULL;
pSearchItem->prev = NULL;
returnNode = pSearchItem->node;
delete pSearchItem;
return returnNode;
return NULL;
NamedNodeMap::findListItemByName(const DOMString& name)
NodeListDefinition::ListItem* pSearchItem = firstItem;
while (pSearchItem)
if (name.isEqual(pSearchItem->node->getNodeName()))
return pSearchItem;
pSearchItem = pSearchItem->next;
return NULL;
@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
// Tom Kneeland (3/29/99)
// Implementation of the Document Object Model Level 1 Core
// Implementation of the NodeDefinition Class
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/29/99 Created
#include "dom.h"
NodeDefinition::NodeDefinition(NodeType type, const DOMString& name,
const DOMString& value, Document* owner)
nodeName = name;
nodeValue = value;
nodeType = type;
parentNode = NULL;
previousSibling = NULL;
nextSibling = NULL;;
firstChild = NULL;
lastChild = NULL;
ownerDocument = owner;
length = 0;
// This node is being destroyed, so loop through and destroy all the children.
// Also, destroy all attributes stored in the attributes NamedNodeMap.
Int32 numAttributes = attributes.getLength();
Int32 killAttrLoop;
for (killAttrLoop=0;killAttrLoop<numAttributes;killAttrLoop++)
delete attributes.removeNamedItem(attributes.item(0)->getNodeName());
//Remove and delete all children of this node
void NodeDefinition::DeleteChildren()
NodeDefinition* pCurrent = firstChild;
NodeDefinition* pDestroyer;
while (pCurrent)
pDestroyer = pCurrent;
pCurrent = pCurrent->nextSibling;
delete pDestroyer;
length = 0;
firstChild = NULL;
lastChild = NULL;
const DOMString& NodeDefinition::getNodeName() const
return nodeName;
const DOMString& NodeDefinition::getNodeValue() const
return nodeValue;
const DOMString& NodeDefinition::getNodeValue()
return nodeValue;
unsigned short NodeDefinition::getNodeType() const
return nodeType;
Node* NodeDefinition::getParentNode() const
return parentNode;
NodeList* NodeDefinition::getChildNodes()
return this;
Node* NodeDefinition::getFirstChild() const
return firstChild;
Node* NodeDefinition::getLastChild() const
return lastChild;
Node* NodeDefinition::getPreviousSibling() const
return previousSibling;
Node* NodeDefinition::getNextSibling() const
return nextSibling;
NamedNodeMap* NodeDefinition::getAttributes()
return &attributes;
Document* NodeDefinition::getOwnerDocument() const
return ownerDocument;
Node* NodeDefinition::item(Int32 index)
Int32 selectLoop;
NodeDefinition* pSelectNode = firstChild;
if (index < length)
for (selectLoop=0;selectLoop<index;selectLoop++)
pSelectNode = pSelectNode->nextSibling;
return pSelectNode;
return NULL;
Int32 NodeDefinition::getLength()
return length;
void NodeDefinition::setNodeValue(const DOMString& newNodeValue)
nodeValue = newNodeValue;
//Insert the "newChild" node before the "refChild" node. Return a pointer to
//the inserted child. If the node to insert is a document fragment, then
//insert each child of the document fragment, and return the document fragment
//which should be empty if all the inserts suceeded.
//This function's responsibility is to check for and handle document fragments
//vs. plain nodes.
// *** NOTE: Need to check the document types before inserting.
// The decision to return the possibly empty document fragment
// was an implementation choice. The spec did not dictate what
// whould occur.
Node* NodeDefinition::insertBefore(Node* newChild,
Node* refChild)
NodeDefinition* pCurrentNode = NULL;
NodeDefinition* pNextNode = NULL;
//Convert to a NodeDefinition Pointer
NodeDefinition* pNewChild = (NodeDefinition*)newChild;
NodeDefinition* pRefChild = (NodeDefinition*)refChild;
//Check to see if the reference node is a child of this node
if ((refChild != NULL) && (pRefChild->parentNode != this))
return NULL;
if (pNewChild->getNodeType() == Node::DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE)
pCurrentNode = pNewChild->firstChild;
while (pCurrentNode)
pNextNode = pCurrentNode->nextSibling;
pCurrentNode = (NodeDefinition*)pNewChild->removeChild(pCurrentNode);
implInsertBefore(pCurrentNode, pRefChild);
pCurrentNode = pNextNode;
return newChild;
return implInsertBefore(pNewChild, pRefChild);
//The code that actually insert one node before another.
Node* NodeDefinition::implInsertBefore(NodeDefinition* pNewChild,
NodeDefinition* pRefChild)
//Remove the "newChild" if it is already a child of this node
if (pNewChild->parentNode == this)
pNewChild = (NodeDefinition*)removeChild(pNewChild);
//The new child should not be a child of any other node
if ((pNewChild->previousSibling == NULL) &&
(pNewChild->nextSibling == NULL) &&
(pNewChild->parentNode == NULL))
if (pRefChild == NULL)
pNewChild->previousSibling = lastChild;
if (lastChild)
lastChild->nextSibling = pNewChild;
lastChild = pNewChild;
//Insert before the reference node
if (pRefChild->previousSibling)
pRefChild->previousSibling->nextSibling = pNewChild;
pNewChild->nextSibling = pRefChild;
pNewChild->previousSibling = pRefChild->previousSibling;
pRefChild->previousSibling = pNewChild;
pNewChild->parentNode = this;
if (pNewChild->previousSibling == NULL)
firstChild = pNewChild;
return pNewChild;
return NULL;
//Replace "oldChild" with "newChild". Return the replaced node, or NULL
// *** NOTE: Need to check that the documents match ***
Node* NodeDefinition::replaceChild(Node* newChild,
Node* oldChild)
NodeDefinition* pOldChild = (NodeDefinition*)oldChild;
NodeDefinition* pNextSibling = NULL;
//If the newChild is replacing itself then we don't need to do anything
if (pOldChild == newChild)
return pOldChild;
//If "oldChild" is a child of this node, remove it from the list.
pOldChild = (NodeDefinition*)removeChild(oldChild);
//If the removal was successful... Else, return null
if (pOldChild)
//Try to insert the new node before the old node's next sibling. If
//successful, just returned the replaced child. If not succesful,
//reinsert the old node, and return NULL.
pNextSibling = pOldChild->nextSibling;
if (!insertBefore(newChild, pNextSibling))
insertBefore(pOldChild, pNextSibling);
pOldChild = NULL;
return pOldChild;
//Remove the specified "oldChild" from this node's children. First make sure
//the specified node is a child of this node. Return the removed node, NULL
Node* NodeDefinition::removeChild(Node* oldChild)
NodeDefinition* pOldChild = (NodeDefinition*)oldChild;
//If "oldChild" is a child of this node, adjust pointers to remove it, and
//clear "oldChild"'s sibling and parent pointers.
if (pOldChild->parentNode == this)
if (pOldChild != firstChild)
pOldChild->previousSibling->nextSibling = pOldChild->nextSibling;
firstChild = pOldChild->nextSibling;
if (pOldChild != lastChild)
pOldChild->nextSibling->previousSibling = pOldChild->previousSibling;
lastChild = pOldChild->previousSibling;
pOldChild->nextSibling = NULL;
pOldChild->previousSibling = NULL;
pOldChild->parentNode = NULL;
return pOldChild;
return NULL;
//Append a new child node. First make sure the new child is not already a
//child of another node. Return the appended node.
// *** NOTE *** Need to eventually check to make sure the documents match ***
Node* NodeDefinition::appendChild(Node* newChild)
return insertBefore(newChild, NULL);
Node* NodeDefinition::cloneNode(MBool deep, Node* dest)
return 0;
MBool NodeDefinition::hasChildNodes() const
if (firstChild != NULL)
return MB_TRUE;
return MB_FALSE;
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
// Tom Kneeland (3/29/99)
// Implementation of the Document Object Model Level 1 Core
// Implementation of the NodeListDefinition class
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/29/99 Created
#include "dom.h"
//Create an empty node list.
firstItem = NULL;
lastItem = NULL;
length = 0;
//Free up the memory used by the List of Items. Don't delete the actual nodes
ListItem* pDeleteItem;
ListItem* pListTraversal = firstItem;
while (pListTraversal)
pDeleteItem = pListTraversal;
pListTraversal = pListTraversal->next;
delete pDeleteItem;
//Create a new ListItem, point it to the newNode, and append it to the current
//list of nodes.
void NodeListDefinition::append(Node* newNode)
void NodeListDefinition::append(Node& newNode)
ListItem* newListItem = new ListItem;
// Setup the new list item
newListItem->node = &newNode;
newListItem->prev = lastItem;
newListItem->next = NULL;
//Append the list item
if (lastItem)
lastItem->next = newListItem;
lastItem = newListItem;
//Adjust firstItem if this new item is being added to an empty list
if (!firstItem)
firstItem = lastItem;
//Need to increment the length of the list. Inherited from NodeList
// Return the Node contained in the item specified
Node* NodeListDefinition::item(Int32 index)
Int32 selectLoop;
ListItem* pListItem = firstItem;
if (index < length)
for (selectLoop=0;selectLoop<index;selectLoop++)
pListItem = pListItem->next;
return pListItem->node;
return NULL;
// Return the number of items in the list
Int32 NodeListDefinition::getLength()
return length;
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
// Tom Kneeland (3/29/99)
// Implementation of the Document Object Model Level 1 Core
// Implementation of the Notation class
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/29/99 Created
#include "dom.h"
//Construct a text object with the specified document owner and data
Notation::Notation(const DOMString& name, const DOMString& pubID,
const DOMString& sysID) :
NodeDefinition(Node::NOTATION_NODE, name, NULL_STRING, NULL)
publicId = pubID;
systemId = sysID;
//Return the Public ID of the Notation
const DOMString& Notation::getPublicId() const
return publicId;
//Return the System ID of the Notation
const DOMString& Notation::getSystemId() const
return systemId;
//Notation nodes can not have any children, so just return null from all child
//manipulation functions.
Node* Notation::insertBefore(Node* newChild, Node* refChild)
return NULL;
Node* Notation::replaceChild(Node* newChild, Node* oldChild)
return NULL;
Node* Notation::removeChild(Node* oldChild)
return NULL;
Node* Notation::appendChild(Node* newChild)
return NULL;
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
// Tom Kneeland (3/29/99)
// Implementation of the Document Object Model Level 1 Core
// Implementation of the ProcessingInstruction class
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/29/99 Created
#include "dom.h"
//Construct a text object with the specified document owner and data
ProcessingInstruction::ProcessingInstruction(const DOMString& theTarget,
const DOMString& theData,
Document* owner) :
theTarget, theData, owner)
//Return the Target of the processing instruction. This is simply the
const DOMString& ProcessingInstruction::getTarget() const
return nodeName;
//Return the Data of the processing instruction. This is simply the value
//of the node, "nodeValue"
const DOMString& ProcessingInstruction::getData() const
return nodeValue;
//Set the Data element of the processing instruction.
void ProcessingInstruction::setData(const DOMString& theData)
nodeValue = theData;
//ProcessingInstruction nodes can not have any children, so just return null
//from all child manipulation functions.
Node* ProcessingInstruction::insertBefore(Node* newChild, Node* refChild)
return NULL;
Node* ProcessingInstruction::replaceChild(Node* newChild, Node* oldChild)
return NULL;
Node* ProcessingInstruction::removeChild(Node* oldChild)
return NULL;
Node* ProcessingInstruction::appendChild(Node* newChild)
return NULL;
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* The program provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
* Please see release.txt distributed with this file for more information.
// Tom Kneeland (3/29/99)
// Implementation of the Document Object Model Level 1 Core
// Implementation of the Text class
// Modification History:
// Who When What
// TK 03/29/99 Created
#include "dom.h"
//Construct a text object with the specified document owner and data
Text::Text(const DOMString& theData, Document* owner) :
CharacterData(Node::TEXT_NODE, "#text", theData, owner)
//Protected constructor for children of the Text Class. Currently only
//CDATASection needs to use this function.
Text::Text(NodeType type, const DOMString& name, const DOMString& value,
Document* owner) :
CharacterData(type, name, value, owner)
//Split the text node at Offset into two siblings. Return a pointer to the new
Text* Text::splitText(Int32 offset)
Text* newTextSibling = NULL;
DOMString newData;
if ((offset >= 0) && (offset < nodeValue.length()))
newTextSibling = getOwnerDocument()->createTextNode(nodeValue.subString(offset, newData));
getParentNode()->insertBefore(newTextSibling, getNextSibling());
nodeValue.deleteChars(offset, nodeValue.length() - offset);
return newTextSibling;
//Text nodes can not have any children, so just return null from all child
//manipulation functions.
Node* Text::insertBefore(Node* newChild, Node* refChild)
return NULL;
Node* Text::replaceChild(Node* newChild, Node* oldChild)
return NULL;
Node* Text::removeChild(Node* oldChild)
return NULL;
Node* Text::appendChild(Node* newChild)
return NULL;
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
# http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
# Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# NPL.
# The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
# Reserved.
include <$(DEPTH)\config\rules.mak>
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
# http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
# Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# NPL.
# The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
# Reserved.
REQUIRES=xpcom raptor
Attr.cpp \
CDATASection.cpp \
CharacterData.cpp \
Comment.cpp \
Document.cpp \
DocumentFragment.cpp \
DocumentType.cpp \
DOMImplementation.cpp \
Element.cpp \
Entity.cpp \
EntityReference.cpp \
NamedNodeMap.cpp \
NodeDefinition.cpp \
NodeListDefinition.cpp \
Notation.cpp \
ProcessingInstruction.cpp \
Text.cpp \
.\$(OBJDIR)\Attr.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\CDATASection.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\CharacterData.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\Comment.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\Document.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\DocumentFragment.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\DocumentType.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\DOMImplementation.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\Element.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\Entity.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\EntityReference.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\NamedNodeMap.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\NodeDefinition.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\NodeListDefinition.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\Notation.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\ProcessingInstruction.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\Text.obj \
LINCS=-I$(PUBLIC)\xpcom -I$(PUBLIC)\raptor -I..\..\..\base -I..\..\dom
include <$(DEPTH)\config\rules.mak>
libs:: $(LIBRARY)
rm -f $(DIST)\lib\$(LIBRARY_NAME).lib
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
# http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
# Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# NPL.
# The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
# Reserved.
REQUIRES=xpcom raptor
XMLDOMUtils.cpp \
XMLUtils.cpp \
.\$(OBJDIR)\XMLDOMUtils.obj \
.\$(OBJDIR)\XMLUtils.obj \
LINCS=-I$(PUBLIC)\xpcom -I$(PUBLIC)\raptor -I..\base -Idom
include <$(DEPTH)\config\rules.mak>
libs:: $(LIBRARY)
rm -f $(DIST)\lib\$(LIBRARY_NAME).lib
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
target: xml_parser
BASE_PATH = ../../base
DOM_PATH = ../dom
DOM_OBJS = $(DOM_PATH)/NodeDefinition.o \
$(DOM_PATH)/Document.o \
$(DOM_PATH)/DocumentFragment.o \
$(DOM_PATH)/NamedNodeMap.o \
$(DOM_PATH)/NodeListDefinition.o \
$(DOM_PATH)/Element.o \
$(DOM_PATH)/Attr.o \
$(DOM_PATH)/CharacterData.o \
$(DOM_PATH)/Text.o \
$(DOM_PATH)/Comment.o \
$(DOM_PATH)/CDATASection.o \
$(DOM_PATH)/ProcessingInstruction.o \
$(DOM_PATH)/Notation.o \
$(DOM_PATH)/Entity.o $(DOM_PATH)EntityReference.o \
$(DOM_PATH)/DocumentType.o \
$(EXPAT_TOKEN_PATH)/xmlrole.o \
$(EXPAT_PARSER_PATH)/xmlparse.o \
CC = g++ -D XML_UNICODE -D __cplusplus
xml_parser: $(ALL_OBJS)
XMLParser.o: XMLParser.h XMLParser.cpp
$(CC) $(INCLUDE_PATH) -c XMLParser.cpp
make -f expat.mk
cd $(DOM_PATH); make
cd $(BASE_PATH); make
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The program is provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
#include "xmlparser.h"
* Implementation of an In-Memory DOM based XML parser. The actual XML
* parsing is provided by EXPAT.
* @author <a href="tomk@mitre.org">Tom Kneeland</a>
* @author <a href="kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
* Modification History:
* Who When What
* TK 05/03/99 Created
* KV 06/15/1999 Fixed bug in parse method which read from cin instead of
* the istream parameter.
* KV 06/15/1999 Changed #parse method to return a Document
* KV 06/17/1999 made a bunch of changes
* Creates a new XMLParser
errorState = MB_FALSE;
} //-- XMLParser
//-- clean up
} //-- ~XMLParser
* Parses the given input stream and returns a DOM Document.
* A NULL pointer will be returned if errors occurred
Document* XMLParser::parse(istream& inputStream)
const int bufferSize = 1000;
char buf[bufferSize];
int done;
errorState = MB_FALSE;
if ( !inputStream ) {
errorString.append("unable to parse xml, invalid or unopen stream");
return NULL;
XML_Parser parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
ParserState ps;
ps.document = new Document();
ps.currentNode = ps.document;
XML_SetUserData(parser, &ps);
XML_SetElementHandler(parser, startElement, endElement);
XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, charData);
XML_SetProcessingInstructionHandler(parser, piHandler);
inputStream.read(buf, bufferSize);
done = inputStream.eof();
if (!XML_Parse(parser, buf, inputStream.gcount(), done))
errorString.append(" at line ");
done = true;
errorState = MB_TRUE;
delete ps.document;
ps.document = NULL;
} while (!done);
//if (currentElement)
// clean up
return ps.document;
const DOMString& XMLParser::getErrorString()
return errorString;
void startElement(void *userData, const XML_Char *name, const XML_Char **atts)
ParserState* ps = (ParserState*)userData;
Element* newElement;
Attr* newAttribute;
DOM_CHAR* attName;
DOM_CHAR* attValue;
XML_Char** theAtts = (XML_Char**)atts;
newElement = ps->document->createElement((DOM_CHAR*) name);
while (*theAtts)
attName = (DOM_CHAR*)*theAtts++;
attValue = (DOM_CHAR*)*theAtts++;
newElement->setAttribute(attName, attValue);
ps->currentNode = newElement;
} //-- startElement
void endElement(void *userData, const XML_Char* name)
ParserState* ps = (ParserState*)userData;
if (ps->currentNode->getParentNode())
ps->currentNode = ps->currentNode->getParentNode();
} //-- endElement
void charData(void* userData, const XML_Char* s, int len)
ParserState* ps = (ParserState*)userData;
DOMString data;
data.append((const DOM_CHAR*)s, len);
} //-- charData
* Handles ProcessingInstructions
void piHandler(void *userData, const XML_Char *target, const XML_Char *data) {
ParserState* ps = (ParserState*)userData;
DOMString targetStr((const DOM_CHAR*) target);
DOMString dataStr((const DOM_CHAR*) data);
ps->document->createProcessingInstruction(targetStr, dataStr));
} //-- piHandler
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
* (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
* The program is provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* The Copyright owner will not be liable for any damages suffered by
* you as a result of using the Program. In no event will the Copyright
* owner be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
* lost profits even if the Copyright owner has been advised of the
* possibility of their occurrence.
#include <iostream.h>
#include "baseutils.h"
#include "xmlparse.h"
#include "DOM.h"
typedef struct {
Document* document;
Node* currentNode;
} ParserState;
* Implementation of an In-Memory DOM based XML parser. The actual XML
* parsing is provided by EXPAT.
* @author <a href="tomk@mitre.org">Tom Kneeland</a>
* @author <a href="kvisco@mitre.org">Keith Visco</a>
* Modification History:
* Who When What
* TK 05/03/99 Created
* KV 06/15/1999 Changed #parse method to return document
* KV 06/17/1999 Made many changes
class XMLParser
/*-----------------6/18/99 12:43PM------------------
* Sax related methods for XML parsers
* --------------------------------------------------*/
friend void charData(void* userData, const XML_Char* s, int len);
friend void startElement(void *userData, const XML_Char* name,
const XML_Char** atts);
friend void endElement(void *userData, const XML_Char* name);
friend void piHandler(void *userData, const XML_Char *target, const XML_Char *data);
Document* parse(istream& inputStream);
const DOMString& getErrorString();
Document* theDocument;
Element* currentElement;
MBool errorState;
DOMString errorString;
/*-----------------6/18/99 12:43PM------------------
* Sax related methods for XML parsers
* --------------------------------------------------*/
void charData(void* userData, const XML_Char* s, int len);
void startElement(void *userData, const XML_Char* name, const XML_Char** atts);
void endElement(void *userData, const XML_Char* name);
void piHandler(void *userData, const XML_Char *target, const XML_Char *data);
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
$(EXPAT_TOKEN_PATH)/xmlrole.o \
$(EXPAT_PARSER_PATH)/xmlparse.o \
target: $(EXPAT_OBJS)
xmltok.o xmlrole.o:
$(CC) -c xmltok.c xmlrole.c
xmlparse.o hashtable.o:
$(CC) -c xmlparse.c hashtable.c
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