зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Partially implemented integer-range type. Allowed unions of tags with sets or vectors. Allowed testing of a float64 to see whether it's an integer.
This commit is contained in:
@ -152,6 +152,17 @@
(truncate n)))
; Return:
; :less if n<m;
; :equal if n=m;
; :greater if n>m.
(defun rational-compare (n m)
((< n m) :less)
((> n m) :greater)
(t :equal)))
; Return:
; :less if n<m;
; :equal if n=m;
@ -1100,11 +1111,13 @@
;A union type must have:
; at least two types
; only types with kinds :integer, :rational, :finite64, :character, :string, or :tag
; only types with kinds :integer, :rational, :finite64, :character, :->, :string, :vector, :list-set, or :tag
; no type that is a duplicate or subtype of another type in the union
; types sorted by ascending type-serial-number.
; at most one type each with kind :->
; at most one type each with kind :vector or :list-set; furthermore, if such a type is present, then only keyword :tag types may be present
; types sorted by ascending type-serial-number, except that :-> is given the serial number -1 and :vector and :list-set -2.
;Note that types with the above kinds never change their serial-numbers during unite-types, so
;Note that types with the above kinds (not including :->, :vector, or :list-set) never change their serial-numbers during unite-types, so
;unite-types does not need to worry about unions differing only in the order of their parameters.
@ -1324,10 +1337,15 @@
(if (or (member type supertype-types) (member (world-rational-type world) supertype-types))
((:rational :character :string :tag)
((:rational :character :-> :string :tag)
(if (member type supertype-types)
((:vector :list-set)
(let ((super-collection-type (find kind supertype-types :key #'type-kind)))
(if super-collection-type
(widening-coercion-code world super-collection-type type code expr)
((member type supertype-types) code)
@ -1338,7 +1356,7 @@
(dolist (type-type (type-parameters type))
(unless (case (type-kind type-type)
(:integer (or (member type-type supertype-types) (member (world-rational-type world) supertype-types)))
((:rational :character :string :tag) (member type-type supertype-types))
((:rational :character :-> :string :tag :vector :list-set) (member type-type supertype-types))
(or (member type-type supertype-types)
(and (member (world-rational-type world) supertype-types) (setq convert-finite64-to-rational t)))))
@ -1377,12 +1395,20 @@
(defun type-to-union (world type)
(ecase (type-kind type)
(:boolean (type-parameters (world-boxed-boolean-type world)))
((:integer :rational :finite64 :character :string :tag) (list type))
((:integer :rational :finite64 :character :-> :string :vector :list-set :tag) (list type))
(:denormalized-tag (make-tag-type world (type-tag type)))
(:union (type-parameters type))))
; Merge the two lists of types sorted by ascending serial numbers.
; Return the type's serial number, except that types with kind :-> are given the serial number -1
; and :vector and :list-set -2.
(defun type-union-serial-number (type)
(or (cdr (assoc (type-kind type) '((:-> . -1) (:vector . -2) (:list-set . -2))))
(type-serial-number type)))
; Merge the two lists of types sorted by ascending serial numbers, except that types with kind :-> are given the serial number -1
; and :vector and :list-set -2.
; The result is also sorted by ascending serial numbers and contains no duplicates.
(defun merge-type-lists (types1 types2)
@ -1392,26 +1418,28 @@
(type2 (first types2)))
(if (type= type1 type2)
(cons type1 (merge-type-lists (rest types1) (rest types2)))
(let ((serial-number1 (type-serial-number type1))
(serial-number2 (type-serial-number type2)))
(assert-true (/= serial-number1 serial-number2))
(let ((serial-number1 (type-union-serial-number type1))
(serial-number2 (type-union-serial-number type2)))
(when (= serial-number1 serial-number2)
(error "Duplicate function, vector, or set subtype of union: ~S ~S" type1 type2))
(if (< serial-number1 serial-number2)
(cons type1 (merge-type-lists (rest types1) types2))
(cons type2 (merge-type-lists types1 (rest types2))))))))))
; Return true if the list of types is sorted by serial number.
; Return true if the list of types is sorted by serial number, except that types with kind :-> are given the serial number -1
; and :vector and :list-set -2.
(defun type-list-sorted (types)
(let ((n (type-serial-number (first types))))
(let ((n (type-union-serial-number (first types))))
(dolist (type (rest types) t)
(let ((n2 (type-serial-number type)))
(let ((n2 (type-union-serial-number type)))
(unless (< n n2)
(return nil))
(setq n n2)))))
(defun coercable-to-union-kind (kind)
(member kind '(:boolean :integer :rational :finite64 :character :string :tag :denormalized-tag :union)))
(member kind '(:boolean :integer :rational :finite64 :character :-> :string :vector :list-set :tag :denormalized-tag :union)))
; types is a list of distinct, non-overlapping types appropriate for inclusion in a union and
@ -1448,6 +1476,10 @@
((eq kind1 :bottom) type2)
((eq kind2 :bottom) type1)
((and (numeric-kind kind1) (numeric-kind kind2)) (world-rational-type world))
((and (eq kind1 :vector) (eq kind2 :vector))
(make-vector-type world (type-union world (vector-element-type type1) (vector-element-type type2))))
((and (eq kind1 :list-set) (eq kind2 :list-set))
(make-list-set-type world (type-union world (set-element-type type1) (set-element-type type2))))
((and (coercable-to-union-kind kind1) (coercable-to-union-kind kind2))
(let ((types (merge-type-lists (type-to-union world type1) (type-to-union world type2))))
(when (> (count-if #'numeric-type types) 1)
@ -1455,10 +1487,6 @@
(setq types (merge-type-lists (remove-if #'numeric-type types) (list (world-rational-type world)))))
(assert-true (type-list-sorted types))
(reduce-union-type world types t)))
((and (eq kind1 :vector) (eq kind2 :vector))
(make-vector-type world (type-union world (vector-element-type type1) (vector-element-type type2))))
((and (eq kind1 :list-set) (eq kind2 :list-set))
(make-list-set-type world (type-union world (set-element-type type1) (set-element-type type2))))
(t (error "No union of types ~A and ~A" (print-type-to-string type1) (print-type-to-string type2))))))))
@ -1524,6 +1552,10 @@
((type= subtype (world-boxed-boolean-type world))
(values type (world-bottom-type world)))
(t (type-mismatch))))
(if (type= subtype (world-integer-type world))
(values subtype 'fractional)
(if (and (eq (type-kind subtype) :denormalized-tag) (eq (type-tag type) (type-tag subtype)))
(values type (world-bottom-type world))
@ -1555,26 +1587,35 @@
; types must be a list of types suitable for inclusion in a :union type's parameters. Return the following values:
; a list of integerp, rationalp, floatp, characterp, and/or stringp, depending on whether types include the
; :integer, :rational, :finite64, :character, and/or :string member kinds;
; a list of integerp, rationalp, floatp, characterp, functionp, stringp, and/or listp depending on whether types include the
; :integer, :rational, :finite64, :character, :->, :string and/or :vector or :list-set member kinds;
; a list of keywords used by non-list tags in the types;
; a list of tag names used by list tags in the types
(defun analyze-union-types (types)
(let ((atom-tests nil)
(keywords nil)
(list-tag-names nil))
(list-tag-names nil)
(has-listp nil))
(dolist (type types)
(ecase (type-kind type)
(:integer (push 'integerp atom-tests))
(:rational (push 'rationalp atom-tests))
(:finite64 (push 'floatp atom-tests))
(:character (push 'characterp atom-tests))
(:-> (push 'functionp atom-tests))
(:string (push 'stringp atom-tests))
((:vector :list-set)
(when has-listp
(error "Unable to discriminate among the constituents in the union ~S" types))
(setq has-listp t)
(push 'listp atom-tests))
(:tag (let* ((tag (type-tag type))
(keyword (tag-keyword tag)))
(if keyword
(push keyword keywords)
(push (tag-name tag) list-tag-names))))))
(when (and has-listp list-tag-names)
(error "Unable to discriminate among the constituents in the union ~S" types))
(nreverse atom-tests)
(nreverse keywords)
@ -1596,6 +1637,10 @@
((or (type= subtype (world-true-type world)) (type= subtype (world-denormalized-true-type world)))
(t (error "Bad type-member-test-code"))))
(if (type= subtype (world-integer-type world))
(list 'integerp code)
(error "Bad type-member-test-code")))
((:tag :denormalized-tag) t)
(multiple-value-bind (type-atom-tests type-keywords type-list-tag-names) (analyze-union-types (type-parameters type))
@ -1620,16 +1665,6 @@
; Return true if type1's serial-number is less than type2's serial-number;
; however, unnamed types' serial numbers are considered to be positive infinity.
(defun type-named-serial-number-< (type1 type2)
(let ((name1 (if (type-name type1) 0 1))
(name2 (if (type-name type2) 0 1)))
(or (< name1 name2)
(and (= name1 name2)
(< (type-serial-number type1) (type-serial-number type2))))))
; Print the type nicely on the given stream. If expand1 is true then print
; the type's top level even if it has a name. In all other cases expand
; anonymous types but abbreviate named types by their names.
@ -1783,6 +1818,19 @@
; (integer-range <low-limit> <high-limit>)
; <low-limit> and <high-limit> must be constant expressions.
; ***** Currently the ranges are not checked, so this type is equivalent to integer except for display purposes.
(defun scan-integer-range (world allow-forward-references low-limit-expr high-limit-expr)
(declare (ignore allow-forward-references))
(let* ((integer-type (world-integer-type world))
(low-limit (eval (scan-typed-value world (make-type-env nil nil) low-limit-expr integer-type)))
(high-limit (eval (scan-typed-value world (make-type-env nil nil) high-limit-expr integer-type))))
(unless (and (integerp low-limit) (integerp high-limit) (<= low-limit high-limit))
(error "Bad integer range ~S .. ~S" low-limit-expr high-limit-expr))
; (-> (<arg-type1> ... <arg-typen>) <result-type>)
(defun scan--> (world allow-forward-references arg-type-exprs result-type-expr)
(unless (listp arg-type-exprs)
@ -1942,6 +1990,16 @@
; Return true if type1's serial-number is less than type2's serial-number;
; however, unnamed types' serial numbers are considered to be positive infinity.
(defun type-named-serial-number-< (type1 type2)
(let ((name1 (if (type-name type1) 0 1))
(name2 (if (type-name type2) 0 1)))
(or (< name1 name2)
(and (= name1 name2)
(< (type-serial-number type1) (type-serial-number type2))))))
; Make all equivalent types be eq. Only types reachable from some type name
; are affected, and names may be redirected to different type structures than
; the ones to which they currently point. It is the caller's responsibility
@ -2990,16 +3048,15 @@
;;; Constants
(defun eval-bottom ()
(error "Reached a BOTTOM expression"))
(defun eval-todo ()
(error "Reached a TODO expression"))
; (bottom)
; (todo)
; Raises an error.
(defun scan-bottom (world type-env special-form)
(defun scan-todo (world type-env special-form)
(declare (ignore type-env))
(world-bottom-type world)
(list 'expr-annotation:special-form special-form)))
@ -3978,14 +4035,19 @@
;;; Unions
; (in <expr> <type>)
; In addition to the standard queries, this specially allows the case where <expr> has type nonzero-finite-float64
; and <type> is integer.
(defun scan-in (world type-env special-form value-expr type-expr)
(let ((type (scan-type world type-expr)))
(multiple-value-bind (value-code value-type value-annotated-expr) (scan-value world type-env value-expr)
(type-difference world value-type type)
(let ((var (gen-local-var value-code)))
(let-local-var var value-code
(type-member-test-code world type value-type var)))
(if (and (type= value-type (world-finite64-type world)) (type= type (world-integer-type world)))
`(zerop (nth-value 1 (floor ,value-code)))
(type-difference world value-type type)
(let ((var (gen-local-var value-code)))
(let-local-var var value-code
(type-member-test-code world type value-type var)))))
(world-boolean-type world)
(list 'expr-annotation:special-form special-form value-annotated-expr type type-expr)))))
@ -4051,18 +4113,29 @@
; (assert-in <expr> <type>)
; Returns the value of <expr>.
; In addition to the standard queries, this specially allows the case where <expr> has type nonzero-finite-float64
; and <type> is integer.
(defun scan-assert-in (world type-env special-form value-expr type-expr)
(let ((type (scan-type world type-expr)))
(multiple-value-bind (value-code value-type value-annotated-expr) (scan-value world type-env value-expr)
(multiple-value-bind (true-type false-type) (type-difference world value-type type)
(declare (ignore false-type))
(if (and (type= value-type (world-finite64-type world)) (type= type (world-integer-type world)))
(let ((var (gen-local-var value-code)))
(let-local-var var value-code
(list 'assert (type-member-test-code world type value-type var))
(list 'expr-annotation:special-form special-form value-annotated-expr type type-expr))))))
(let ((q (gensym "QUO"))
(r (gensym "REM")))
`(multiple-value-bind (,q ,r) (floor ,value-code)
(assert (zerop ,r))
(list 'expr-annotation:special-form special-form value-annotated-expr type type-expr))
(multiple-value-bind (true-type false-type) (type-difference world value-type type)
(declare (ignore false-type))
(let ((var (gen-local-var value-code)))
(let-local-var var value-code
(list 'assert (type-member-test-code world type value-type var))
(list 'expr-annotation:special-form special-form value-annotated-expr type type-expr)))))))
; (assert-not-in <expr> <type>)
@ -4320,6 +4393,20 @@
(cons (list special-form) rest-annotated-stmts))))
(defun eval-bottom ()
(error "Reached a BOTTOM statement"))
; (bottom . <styled-text>)
; Raises an error.
(defun scan-bottom (world type-env rest-statements last special-form &rest text)
(declare (ignore type-env))
(scan-statements world nil rest-statements last)
(list '(eval-bottom))
(list (cons special-form text))))
; (assert <condition-expr> . <styled-text>)
; Used to declare conditions that are known to be true if the semantics function correctly. Don't use this to
; verify user input.
@ -4417,7 +4504,7 @@
; Mutate the local or global variable.
(defun scan-<- (world type-env rest-statements last special-form name value-expr &optional end-narrow)
(unless (member end-narrow '(nil :end-narrow))
(error "Bad flag ~S given to <-"))
(error "Bad flag ~S given to <-" end-narrow))
(let* ((symbol (scan-name world name))
(symbol-binding (type-env-get-local type-env symbol))
(type-env2 type-env)
@ -5035,6 +5122,7 @@
(// scan-// depict-//)
(/* scan-/* depict-//)
(*/ scan-*/ depict-*/)
(bottom scan-bottom depict-bottom)
(assert scan-assert depict-assert)
(exec scan-exec depict-exec)
(const scan-const depict-var)
@ -5058,8 +5146,7 @@
(bottom scan-bottom depict-bottom)
(todo scan-bottom depict-todo)
(todo scan-todo depict-todo)
(hex scan-hex depict-hex)
@ -5131,6 +5218,7 @@
(not-in scan-not-in-condition))
(integer-range scan-integer-range depict-integer-range)
(-> scan--> depict-->)
(vector scan-vector depict-vector)
(list-set scan-list-set depict-set)
@ -5148,6 +5236,7 @@
(+ (-> (integer integer) integer) #'+ :infix "+" t %term% %term% %term%)
(- (-> (integer integer) integer) #'- :infix :minus t %term% %term% %factor%)
(rational-compare (-> (rational rational) order) #'rational-compare)
(rat-neg (-> (rational) rational) #'- :unary "-" nil %suffix% %suffix%)
(rat* (-> (rational rational) rational) #'* :infix :cartesian-product-10 nil %factor% %factor% %factor%)
(rat/ (-> (rational rational) rational) #'/ :infix "/" nil %factor% %factor% %unary%)
@ -5198,7 +5287,7 @@
(def-partial-order-element *primitive-level* %not% %unary%) ;not
(def-partial-order-element *primitive-level* %factor% %unary%) ;/, *, intersection
(def-partial-order-element *primitive-level* %term% %factor%) ;+, -, append, union, set difference
(def-partial-order-element *primitive-level* %relational% %term% %min-max% %not%) ;<, <=, >, >=, =, /=, is, member
(def-partial-order-element *primitive-level* %relational% %term% %min-max% %not%) ;<, <=, >, >=, =, /=, is, member, ...
(def-partial-order-element *primitive-level* %logical% %relational%) ;and, or, xor
(def-partial-order-element *primitive-level* %expr% %logical%) ;?:, some, every, elt-of, unique-elt-of
@ -5487,6 +5576,7 @@
; This method can only be called once.
(defun eval-commands (world commands)
(define-primitives world)
(ensure-proper-form commands)
(assert-true (null (world-commands-source world)))
(setf (world-commands-source world) commands)
@ -5494,7 +5584,6 @@
(scan-commands world grammar-info-var commands))
(unite-types world)
(eval-tags-types world)
(define-primitives world)
(eval-action-declarations world)
(eval-variables world)
(eval-action-definitions world)))
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