зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Bug 304171: non-colliding events too narrow on days with colliding events aka War-On-Boxes, p=mickey, r=philipp
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
- Vladimir Vukicevic <vladimir.vukicevic@oracle.com>
- Thomas Benisch <thomas.benisch@sun.com>
- Dan Mosedale <dan.mosedale@oracle.com>
- Michael Büttner <michael.buettner@sun.com>
- Michael Buettner <michael.buettner@sun.com>
- Philipp Kewisch <mozilla@kewis.ch>
- Markus Adrario <MarkusAdrario@web.de>
@ -294,6 +294,9 @@
timer helps ensure that we don't re-compute the event map too many
times in a short interval, and therefore improves performance.-->
<field name="mEventMapTimeout">null</field>
<!-- Sometimes we need to add resize handlers for columns with special
widths. When we relayout, we need to cancel those handlers -->
<field name="mHandlersToRemove">new Array()</field>
<!-- Set this true so that we know in our onAddItem listener to start
- modifying an event when it comes back to us as created
@ -431,12 +434,11 @@
if (aOccurrence) {
var chunk = this.findChunkForOccurrence(aOccurrence);
if (!chunk || !chunk.eventbox) {
if (!chunk) {
dump("++ Couldn't find chunk to select!!!\n");
chunk.eventbox.selected = true;
chunk.selected = true;
@ -447,12 +449,11 @@
if (aOccurrence) {
var chunk = this.findChunkForOccurrence(aOccurrence);
if (!chunk || !chunk.eventbox) {
if (!chunk) {
dump ("++ Couldn't find chunk to unselect!!!\n");
chunk.eventbox.selected = false;
chunk.selected = false;
var index = this.mSelectedChunks.indexOf(chunk);
this.mSelectedChunks.splice(index, 1);
@ -462,8 +463,8 @@
<method name="findChunkForOccurrence">
<parameter name="aOccurrence"/>
for each (var chunk in this.mEvents) {
if (chunk.event.hashId == aOccurrence.hashId) {
for each (var chunk in this.mEventBoxes) {
if (chunk.occurrence.hashId == aOccurrence.hashId) {
return chunk;
@ -516,7 +517,7 @@
if (itemIndex != -1) {
function isNotItem(a) {
return a.event.hashId != aOccurrence.hashId;
return a.occurrence.hashId != aOccurrence.hashId;
this.mSelectedChunks = this.mSelectedChunks.filter(isNotItem);
@ -625,6 +626,9 @@
while (this.topbox && this.topbox.hasChildNodes())
for each (handler in this.mHandlersToRemove)
window.removeEventListener("resize", handler, true);
this.mHandlersToRemove = [];
@ -699,88 +703,126 @@
this.topbox.setAttribute("orient", otherorient);
this.mEventMap = this.computeEventMap();
this.mEventBoxes = new Array();
if (!this.mEventMap.length) {
// First of all we create a xul:stack which
// will hold all events for this event column.
// The stack will be grouped below .../calendar-event-column/stack/topbox.
var stack = createXULElement("stack");
stack.setAttribute("flex", "1");
var boxToEdit;
for each (var column in this.mEventMap) {
for each (var layer in this.mEventMap) {
// The event-map (this.mEventMap) contains an array of layers.
// For each layer we create a box below the stack just created above.
// So each different layer lives in a box that's contained in the stack.
var xulColumn = createXULElement("box");
xulColumn.setAttribute("orient", orient);
xulColumn.setAttribute("orient", otherorient);
xulColumn.setAttribute("flex", "1");
xulColumn.setAttribute("style", "min-width: 1px; min-height: 1px;");
var numBlocksInserted = 0
var numBlocksInserted = 0;
var curTime = 0;
for each (var chunk in column) {
var duration = chunk.duration;
//dump ("curTime: " + curTime + " duration: " + duration + " ev: " + chunk.event + "\n");
// Each layer contains a list of the columns that
// need to be created for a span.
for each (var column in layer) {
// if this chunk isn't entirely visible, we skip it
if (curTime < this.mStartMin) {
if (curTime + duration <= this.mStartMin) {
curTime += duration;
var innerColumn = createXULElement("box");
innerColumn.setAttribute("orient", orient);
innerColumn.setAttribute("flex", 1);
var style = "min-width: 1px; min-height: 1px;";
if (column.specialSpan) {
// Special case when we can't simply rely on flex. Only
// happens when we have columns in the layer that need to
// be different sizes. That is, when we have a colSpan
// of 2, a total of 5 columns, and a startCol of 1.
// Then, our columns need to be laid out as 1/5, 2/5, 2/5.
var pixSpan = column.specialSpan * this.topbox.boxObject.width;
if (orient == "vertical") {
style += "max-width: " + pixSpan + "px;";
} else {
style += "max-height: " + pixSpan + "px;";
// Now we need to set up a resize listener, since without
// it our box will look funny if the window resizes. This
// requires us to be *very* careful about closures, because
// we don't want things like column.specialSpan to change
function colResizeHandler(aInnerCol, aCalCol, aSpan) {
this.handleEvent = function(aEvent) {
var resizeStyle = "min-width: 1px; min-height: 1px;";
var pixSpan = aSpan * aCalCol.topbox.boxObject.width;
if (orient == "vertical") {
resizeStyle += "max-width: " + pixSpan + "px;";
} else {
resizeStyle += "max-height: " + pixSpan + "px;";
aInnerCol.setAttribute("style", resizeStyle);
var myResizeHandler = new colResizeHandler(innerColumn, this, column.specialSpan);
window.addEventListener("resize", myResizeHandler, true);
innerColumn.setAttribute("style", style);
var curTime = 0;
for each (var chunk in column) {
var duration = chunk.duration;
if (!duration) {
// offset the duration so that stuff starts at
// whatever our start time is set to, if this item
// starts before our start time
var delta = this.mStartMin - curTime;
if (delta > 0) {
duration -= delta;
curTime += delta;
if (chunk.event) {
var chunkBox = createXULElement("calendar-event-box");
chunkBox.setAttribute("context", this.getAttribute("item-context") || this.getAttribute("context"));
chunkBox.setAttribute("style", "min-width: 1px; min-height: 1px;");
chunkBox.setAttribute("orient", orient);
var durMinutes = duration.inSeconds / 60;
if (orient == "vertical") {
chunkBox.setAttribute("height", durMinutes * this.mPixPerMin);
} else {
chunkBox.setAttribute("width", durMinutes * this.mPixPerMin);
// calculate duration pixel as the difference between
// start pixel and end pixel to avoid rounding errors.
var startPix = Math.round(curTime * this.mPixPerMin);
var endPix = Math.round((curTime + duration) * this.mPixPerMin);
var durPix = endPix - startPix;
if (chunk.event) {
var chunkBox = createXULElement("calendar-event-box");
chunkBox.setAttribute("context", this.getAttribute("item-context") || this.getAttribute("context"));
chunkBox.setAttribute("style", "min-width: 1px; min-height: 1px;");
chunkBox.setAttribute("orient", orient);
if (orient == "vertical")
chunkBox.setAttribute("height", durPix);
chunkBox.setAttribute("width", durPix);
chunkBox.calendarView = this.calendarView;
chunkBox.occurrence = chunk.event;
chunkBox.parentColumn = this;
chunkBox.calendarView = this.calendarView;
chunkBox.occurrence = chunk.event.event;
chunkBox.parentColumn = this;
if (this.mEventToEdit &&
chunkBox.occurrence.hashId == this.mEventToEdit.hashId) {
boxToEdit = chunkBox;
} else {
var chunkBox = createXULElement("spacer");
chunkBox.setAttribute("context", this.getAttribute("context"));
chunkBox.setAttribute("style", "min-width: 1px; min-height: 1px;");
chunkBox.setAttribute("orient", orient);
chunkBox.setAttribute("class", "calendar-empty-space-box");
chunk.event.eventbox = chunkBox;
// Because we're on a timeout here, it may have been that
// someone selected us in that window. Check for that.
for each (var item in this.calendarView.mSelectedItems) {
if (chunk.event.event.hashId == item.hashId) {
chunkBox.selected = true;
var durMinutes = duration.inSeconds / 60;
if (orient == "vertical") {
chunkBox.setAttribute("height", durMinutes * this.mPixPerMin);
} else {
chunkBox.setAttribute("width", durMinutes * this.mPixPerMin);
if (this.mEventToEdit &&
chunkBox.occurrence.hashId == this.mEventToEdit.hashId) {
boxToEdit = chunkBox;
} else {
var chunkBox = createXULElement("spacer");
chunkBox.setAttribute("context", this.getAttribute("context"));
chunkBox.setAttribute("style", "min-width: 1px; min-height: 1px;");
chunkBox.setAttribute("orient", orient);
chunkBox.setAttribute("class", "calendar-empty-space-box");
if (orient == "vertical")
chunkBox.setAttribute("height", durPix);
chunkBox.setAttribute("width", durPix);
@ -796,7 +838,7 @@
if (numBlocksInserted == 0) {
// if we didn't insert any blocks, then
// forget about this column
@ -804,155 +846,357 @@
<method name="computeEventMap">
//dump ("computeEventMap\n");
// we need to build a layout data structure
// that looks like this:
// [
// [
// { duration: 120 /* min */ },
// { duration: 180, event: ev },
// { duration: 240 }
// ],
// [
// { duration: 180 },
// { duration: 120, event: ev2 },
// { duration: 240 }
// ]
// ]
// Indicating two events that overlap, with each index in the main
// array indicating one vertical line of events. If an event can't be placed
// in the first line, it should be placed in the next, and so on.
/* We're going to create a series of 'blobs'. A blob is a series of
* events that create a continuous block of busy time. In other
* words, a blob ends when there is some time such that no events
* occupy that time.
* Each blob will be an array of objects with the following properties:
* item: the event/task
* startCol: the starting column to display the event in (0-indexed)
* colSpan: the number of columns the item spans
* An item with no conflicts will have startCol: 0 and colSpan: 1.
var blobs = new Array();
var currentBlob = new Array();
this.mEvents.sort(function eventComparator(a,b) {
var comp = a.startMinute - b.startMinute;
if (comp != 0) return comp;
return b.endMinute - a.endMinute;
var eventMap = []
eventMap.push(new Array());
for each (var event in this.mEvents) {
if (event.startMinute == null || event.endMinute == null || event.event == null)
//dump ("=== event: " + event + " " + event.startMinute + "-" + event.endMinute + "\n");
var startAt = event.startMinute;
var endAt = event.endMinute;
var curCol = 0;
while (curCol < eventMap.length) {
//dump ("+ curCol: " + curCol + "\n");
var blockIndex = 0;
var curOffset = 0;
var finished = false;
var prevblock = null;
while (blockIndex < eventMap[curCol].length) {
var block = eventMap[curCol][blockIndex];
//dump (" blockIndex: " + blockIndex + " curOffset: " + curOffset + " block.duration: " + block.duration + " (startAt: " + startAt + ")\n");
if (curOffset <= startAt && curOffset + block.duration > startAt) {
// We want to insert the event here. prevblock contains the
// preceeding block, if any. block contains the block that already
// exists at this location, e.g.:
// .....v- startAt
// ~~----------+----------~~
// prevblock | block
// ~~----------+----------~~
// ^- curOffset
// The event we're trying to insert starts at startAt,
// which can be anywhere from curOffset - prevblock.duration to
// curOffset + block.duration.
// We need to look at block; if it's an event, then we evict ourselves
// to the next eventMap index. We also do this if it's free space
// and we can't fit ourselves here.
// If the previous block is an event, and we
// need to start in the middle of it, we push
// to the next column.
if (prevblock && prevblock.event && startAt < curOffset) {
//dump ("** break 1\n");
// If the next block is an event, we push to the
// next column, since we can't break it.
if (block.event) {
//dump ("** break 2\n");
// If the next block is free space, but it isn't
// large enough to hold our event, we push to the
// next column.
if (curOffset + block.duration < endAt) {
//dump ("** break 3\n");
// Otherwise, we are ready to insert the event.
// Figure out how much to shrink the previous/following
// blocks.
var startDelta = startAt - curOffset;
if (startDelta < 0 || (prevblock && !prevblock.event)) {
// we need to shrink or expand the previous free space
eventMap[curCol][blockIndex-1].duration += startDelta;
curOffset += startDelta;
} else if (startDelta > 0) {
eventMap[curCol].splice(blockIndex, 0, { duration: startDelta });
curOffset += startDelta;
var endDelta = endAt - curOffset;
if (endDelta > 0) {
eventMap[curCol][blockIndex].duration -= startDelta;
// insert our event block
eventMap[curCol].splice(blockIndex, 0, { duration: endAt - startAt, event: event });
finished = true;
prevblock = block;
curOffset += block.duration;
// we got to the end of the list, so just add to the end
if (blockIndex == eventMap[curCol].length && curOffset <= startAt) {
var delta = startAt - curOffset;
if (delta)
eventMap[curCol].push({ duration: delta });
eventMap[curCol].push({ duration: endAt - startAt, event: event });
finished = true;
if (finished) {
//dump (eventMap.toSource() + "\n");
if (curCol+1 == eventMap.length) {
eventMap.push(new Array());
function sortByStart(a, b) {
// If you pass in tasks without both entry and due dates, I will
// kill you
var aStart = a.event.startDate || a.event.entryDate;
var bStart = b.event.startDate || b.event.entryDate;
var startComparison = aStart.compare(bStart);
if (startComparison != 0) {
return startComparison;
} else {
var aEnd = a.event.endDate || a.event.dueDate;
var bEnd = b.event.endDate || b.event.dueDate;
// If the items start at the same time, return the longer one
// first
return bEnd.compare(aEnd);
return eventMap;
// The end time of the last ending event in the entire blob
var latestItemEnd;
// This array keeps track of the last (latest ending) item in each of
// the columns of the current blob. We could reconstruct this data at
// any time by looking at the items in the blob, but that would hurt
// perf.
var colEndArray = new Array();
/* Go through a 3 step process to try and place each item.
* Step 1: Look for an existing column with room for the item.
* Step 2: Look for a previously placed item that can be shrunk in
* width to make room for the item.
* Step 3: Give up and create a new column for the item.
* (The steps are explained in more detail as we come to them)
for (var i in this.mEvents) {
var item = this.mEvents[i].event;
var itemStart = item.startDate || item.entryDate;
var itemEnd = item.endDate || item.dueDate;
if (!latestItemEnd) {
latestItemEnd = itemEnd;
if (currentBlob.length && latestItemEnd &&
itemStart.compare(latestItemEnd) != -1) {
// We're done with this current blob because item starts
// after the last event in the current blob ended.
blobs.push({blob: currentBlob, totalCols: colEndArray.length});
// Reset our variables
currentBlob = new Array();
colEndArray = new Array();
// Place the item in its correct place in the blob
var placedItem = false;
// Step 1
// Look for a possible column in the blob that has been left open. This
// would happen if we already have multiple columns but some of
// the cols have events before latestItemEnd. For instance
// | | |
// |______| |
// |ev1 |______|
// | |ev2 |
// |______| |
// | | |
// |OPEN! | |<--Our item's start time might be here
// | |______|
// | | |
// Remember that any time we're starting a new blob, colEndArray
// will be empty, but that's ok.
for (var ii=0; ii<colEndArray.length; ++ii) {
var colEnd = colEndArray[ii].endDate || colEndArray[ii].dueDate;
if (colEnd.compare(itemStart) != 1) {
// Yay, we can jump into this column
colEndArray[ii] = item;
// Check and see if there are any adjacent columns we can
// jump into as well.
var lastCol = Number(ii) + 1;
while (lastCol < colEndArray.length) {
var nextColEnd = colEndArray[lastCol].endDate ||
// If the next column's item ends after we start, we
// can't expand any further
if (nextColEnd.compare(itemStart) == 1) {
colEndArray[lastCol] = item;
// Now construct the info we need to push into the blob
currentBlob.push({item: item,
startCol: ii,
colSpan: lastCol - ii});
// Update latestItemEnd
if (latestItemEnd &&
itemEnd.compare(latestItemEnd) == 1) {
latestItemEnd = itemEnd;
placedItem = true;
break; // Stop iterating through colEndArray
if (placedItem) {
// Go get the next item
// Step 2
// OK, all columns (if there are any) overlap us. Look if the
// last item in any of the last items in those columns is taking
// up 2 or more cols. If so, shrink it and stick the item in the
// created space. For instance
// |______|______|______|
// |ev1 |ev3 |ev4 |
// | | | |
// | |______| |
// | | |______|
// | |_____________|
// | |ev2 |
// |______| |<--If our item's start time is
// | |_____________| here, we can shrink ev2 and jump
// | | | | in column #3
for (var jj=1; jj<colEndArray.length; ++jj) {
if (colEndArray[jj].id == colEndArray[jj-1].id) {
// Good we found a item that spanned multiple columns.
// Find it in the blob so we can modify its properties
for (var kk in currentBlob) {
if (currentBlob[kk].item.id == colEndArray[jj].id) {
// Take all but the first spot that the item spanned
var spanOfShrunkItem = currentBlob[kk].colSpan;
currentBlob.push({item: item,
startCol: Number(currentBlob[kk].startCol) + 1,
colSpan: spanOfShrunkItem - 1});
// Update colEndArray
for (var ll = jj; ll < jj + spanOfShrunkItem - 1; ll++) {
colEndArray[ll] = item;
// Modify the data on the old item
currentBlob[kk] = {item: currentBlob[kk].item,
startCol: currentBlob[kk].startCol,
colSpan: 1};
// Update latestItemEnd
if (latestItemEnd &&
itemEnd.compare(latestItemEnd) == 1) {
latestItemEnd = itemEnd;
break; // Stop iterating through currentBlob
placedItem = true;
break; // Stop iterating through colEndArray
if (placedItem) {
// Go get the next item
// Step 3
// Guess what? We still haven't placed the item. We need to
// create a new column for it.
// All the items in the last column, except for the one* that
// conflicts with the item we're trying to place, need to have
// their span extended by 1, since we're adding the new column
// * Note that there can only be one, because we sorted our
// events by start time, so this event must start later than
// the start of any possible conflicts.
var lastColNum = colEndArray.length;
for (var mm in currentBlob) {
var mmEnd = currentBlob[mm].item.endDate || currentBlob[mm].item.dueDate
if (currentBlob[mm].startCol + currentBlob[mm].colSpan == lastColNum &&
mmEnd.compare(itemStart) != 1) {
currentBlob[mm] = {item: currentBlob[mm].item,
startCol: currentBlob[mm].startCol,
colSpan: currentBlob[mm].colSpan + 1};
currentBlob.push({item: item,
startCol: colEndArray.length,
colSpan: 1});
// Update latestItemEnd
if (latestItemEnd && itemEnd.compare(latestItemEnd) == 1) {
latestItemEnd = itemEnd;
// Go get the next item
// Add the last blob
blobs.push({blob: currentBlob,
totalCols: colEndArray.length});
return this.setupBoxStructure(blobs);
<method name="setupBoxStructure">
<parameter name="aBlobs"/>
// This is actually going to end up being a 3-d array
// 1st dimension: "layers", sets of columns of events that all
// should have equal width*
// 2nd dimension: "columns", individual columns of non-conflicting
// items
// 3rd dimension: "chunks", individual items or placeholders for
// the blank time in between them
// * Note that 'equal width' isn't strictly correct. If we're
// oriented differently, it will be height (and we'll have rows
// not columns). What's more, in the 'specialSpan' case, the
// columns won't actually have the same size, but will only all
// be multiples of a common size. See the note in the relayout
// function for more info on this (fairly rare) case.
var layers = [];
// When we start a new blob, move to a new set of layers
var layerOffset = 0;
for each (var glob in aBlobs) {
var layerArray = [];
var layerCounter = 1;
for each (var data in glob.blob) {
// from the item at hand we need to figure out on which
// layer and on which column it should go.
var layerIndex;
var specialSpan = null;
// each blob receives its own layer, that's the first part of the story. within
// a given blob we need to distribute the items on different layers depending on
// the number of columns each item spans. if each item just spans a single column
// the blob will cover *one* layer. if the blob contains items that span more than
// a single column, this blob will cover more than one layer. the algorithm places
// the items on the first layer in the case an item covers a single column. new layers
// are introduced based on the start column and number of spanning columns of an item.
if (data.colSpan != 1) {
var index = data.colSpan * (data.startCol + 1);
layerIndex = layerArray[index];
if (!layerIndex) {
layerIndex = layerCounter++;
layerArray[index] = layerIndex;
var offset = ((glob.totalCols - data.colSpan) % glob.totalCols)
if (offset != 0) {
specialSpan = data.colSpan / glob.totalCols;
} else {
layerIndex = 0;
layerIndex += layerOffset;
// Make sure there's room to insert stuff
while (layerIndex >= layers.length) {
while (data.startCol >= layers[layerIndex].length) {
if (specialSpan) {
layers[layerIndex][layers[layerIndex].length - 1].specialSpan = 1 / glob.totalCols;
// we now retrieve the column from 'layerIndex' and 'startCol'.
var col = layers[layerIndex][data.startCol];
if (specialSpan) {
col.specialSpan = specialSpan;
// take into account that items can span several days.
// that's why i'm clipping the start- and end-time to the
// timespan of this column.
var start = data.item.startDate || data.item.entryDate;
if (start.timezone != this.mTimezone) {
start = start.getInTimezone(this.mTimezone);
if (start.year != this.date.year ||
start.month != this.date.month ||
start.day != this.date.day) {
start = start.clone();
var end = data.item.endDate || data.item.dueDate;
if (end.timezone != this.mTimezone) {
end = end.getInTimezone(this.mTimezone);
if (end.year != this.date.year ||
end.month != this.date.month ||
end.day != this.date.day) {
end = end.clone();
var prevEnd;
if (col.length > 0) {
// Fill in time gaps with a placeholder
prevEnd = col[col.length - 1].endDate;
} else {
// First event in the column, add a placeholder for the
// blank time from this.mStartMin to the event's start
prevEnd = start.clone();
prevEnd.hour = 0;
prevEnd.minute = this.mStartMin;
var dur = start.subtractDate(prevEnd);
if (dur.inSeconds) {
col.push({duration: dur});
col.push({event: data.item,
endDate: end,
duration: end.subtractDate(start)});
layerOffset = layers.length;
return layers;
@ -1573,11 +1817,9 @@
<xul:vbox class="calendar-event-details">
<xul:description anonid="event-name"
style="margin: 0;"/>
<xul:description anonid="event-name" class="calendar-event-details-core" flex="1"/>
<xul:textbox anonid="event-name-textbox"
class="plain calendar-event-details-core"
style="background: transparent !important;"
@ -178,6 +178,11 @@ calendar-header-container[weekend="true"][selected="true"],
padding-left: 2px;
.calendar-event-details-core {
width: 0px;
margin: 0px;
textbox.editable-label {
font-size: x-small;
background: transparent !important;
@ -178,6 +178,11 @@ calendar-header-container[weekend="true"][selected="true"],
padding-left: 2px;
.calendar-event-details-core {
width: 0px;
margin: 0px;
textbox.editable-label {
font-size: x-small;
background: transparent !important;
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