зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
remove prefs and quit from edit/file menus on osx (they're in the app menu now). r=sdagley/sr=blake,smfr. bug#68098
This commit is contained in:
@ -304,7 +304,6 @@
where "position" is assumed to be 14. Change that label if menu position changes. -->
<!--Page setup gets overlaid here from platformGlobalOverlay.xul / -->
<menuitem id="printMenuItem" accesskey="&fileprint.accesskey;" key="printkb" observes="cmd_print" label="&printCmd.label;"/>
<!-- The Exit/Quit item is merged from platformGlobalOverlay.xul -->
@ -341,7 +340,7 @@
<menuitem id="menu_checkspelling" accesskey="&editcheckspelling.accesskey;" key="checkspellingkb" observes="cmd_spelling" label="&checkSpellingCmd.label;"/>
<menuitem id="menu_validate" observes="cmd_validate"
<menuseparator id="menu_PrefsSeparator"/>
<menuitem id="menu_preferences" observes="cmd_preferences"/>
@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ Rights Reserved.
<!--Page setup gets overlaid here from platformGlobalOverlay.xul / -->
<menuitem id="printMenuItem" label="&printCardViewCmd.label;" accesskey="&printCardViewCmd.accesskey;" key="key_PrintCard" command="cmd_PrintCard"/>
@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ Rights Reserved.
<menuseparator id="menu_PrefsSeparator"/>
<menuitem id="menu_preferences" oncommand="goPreferences('addressbook.xul', 'chrome://messenger/content/addressbook/pref-addressing.xul')"/>
@ -869,7 +869,6 @@ Rights Reserved.
<!--Page setup gets overlaid here from platformGlobalOverlay.xul / -->
<menuitem id="printMenuItem" key="key_print" label="&printCmd.label;" accesskey="&printCmd.accesskey;" observes="cmd_print"/>
@ -208,7 +208,6 @@
<!--Page setup gets overlaid here from platformGlobalOverlay.xul / -->
<menuitem id="printMenuItem" label="&printCmd.label;" accesskey="&printCmd.accesskey;" key="key_print" command="cmd_print"/>
<menu id="menu_Edit">
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
#include <Traps.h>
#include <Resources.h>
#include <Appearance.h>
#include <Gestalt.h>
#include "nsMacResources.h"
#include "nsGUIEvent.h"
@ -77,7 +78,8 @@ static NS_DEFINE_CID(kMenuItemCID, NS_MENUITEM_CID);
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS5(nsMenuBarX, nsIMenuBar, nsIMenuListener, nsIDocumentObserver, nsIChangeManager, nsISupportsWeakReference)
MenuRef nsMenuBarX::sAppleMenu;
MenuRef nsMenuBarX::sAppleMenu = nsnull;
EventHandlerUPP nsMenuBarX::sCommandEventHandler = nsnull;
@ -93,6 +95,10 @@ nsMenuBarX::nsMenuBarX()
OSStatus status = ::CreateNewMenu(0, 0, &mRootMenu);
NS_ASSERTION(status == noErr, "nsMenuBarX::nsMenuBarX: creation of root menu failed.");
// create our global carbon event command handler shared by all windows
if ( !sCommandEventHandler )
sCommandEventHandler = ::NewEventHandlerUPP(CommandEventHandler);
@ -240,6 +246,173 @@ nsMenuBarX :: RegisterAsDocumentObserver ( nsIWebShell* inWebShell )
} // RegisterAsDocumentObesrver
// AquifyMenuBar
// Do what's necessary to conform to the Aqua guidelines for menus. Initially, this
// means removing 'Quit' from the file menu and 'Preferences' from the edit menu, along
// with their various separators (if present).
nsMenuBarX :: AquifyMenuBar ( )
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> containingDoc;
mMenuBarContent->GetDocument ( *getter_AddRefs(containingDoc) );
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument> domDoc ( do_QueryInterface(containingDoc) );
if ( domDoc ) {
// remove quit item and its separator
HideItem ( domDoc, NS_LITERAL_STRING("menu_FileQuitSeparator"), nsnull );
HideItem ( domDoc, NS_LITERAL_STRING("menu_FileQuitItem"), getter_AddRefs(mQuitItemContent) );
// remove prefs item and its separator, but save off the pref content node
// so we can invoke its command later.
HideItem ( domDoc, NS_LITERAL_STRING("menu_PrefsSeparator"), nsnull );
HideItem ( domDoc, NS_LITERAL_STRING("menu_preferences"), getter_AddRefs(mPrefItemContent) );
// Install the command handler to deal with prefs/quit. We have to install it on the window because the
// menubar isn't in the event chain for a menu command event. Don't enable the prefs item
// just yet, wait until we actually find a pref node in the DOM.
WindowRef myWindow = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(WindowRef, mParent->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_DISPLAY));
NS_ASSERTION ( myWindow, "Can't get WindowRef to install command handler!" );
if ( myWindow && sCommandEventHandler ) {
EventTypeSpec commandEventList[] = { {kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess},
{kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandUpdateStatus} };
OSStatus err = ::InstallWindowEventHandler ( myWindow, sCommandEventHandler, 2, commandEventList, this, NULL );
NS_ASSERTION ( err == noErr, "Uh oh, command handler not installed" );
} // AquifyMenuBar
// CommandEventHandler
// Processes Command carbon events from enabling/selecting of items in the menu.
// NOTE: eventually, all menu dispatching will go through this routine, for now, we only
// dispatch prefs and quit this way
pascal OSStatus
nsMenuBarX :: CommandEventHandler ( EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerChain, EventRef inEvent, void* userData )
OSStatus handled = eventNotHandledErr;
HICommand command;
OSErr err1 = ::GetEventParameter ( inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand,
NULL, sizeof(HICommand), NULL, &command );
if ( err1 )
return handled;
nsMenuBarX* self = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(nsMenuBarX*, userData);
switch ( ::GetEventKind(inEvent) ) {
// user selected a menu item. See if it's one we handle.
case kEventCommandProcess:
switch ( command.commandID ) {
case kHICommandPreferences:
nsEventStatus status = self->ExecuteCommand(self->mPrefItemContent);
if ( status == nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault ) // event handled, no other processing
handled = noErr;
case kHICommandQuit:
nsEventStatus status = self->ExecuteCommand(self->mQuitItemContent);
if ( status == nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault ) // event handled, no other processing
handled = noErr;
case kHICommandAbout:
handled = noErr;
} // switch on commandID
// enable/disable menu id's
case kEventCommandUpdateStatus:
// only enable the preferences item in the app menu if we found a pref
// item DOM node in this menubar.
if ( command.commandID == kHICommandPreferences ) {
if ( self->mPrefItemContent )
::EnableMenuCommand ( nsnull, kHICommandPreferences );
::DisableMenuCommand ( nsnull, kHICommandPreferences );
handled = noErr;
} // switch on event type
return handled;
} // CommandEventHandler
// ExecuteCommand
// Execute the menu item by sending a command message to the
// DOM node specified in |inDispatchTo|.
nsMenuBarX :: ExecuteCommand ( nsIContent* inDispatchTo )
nsEventStatus status = nsEventStatus_eIgnore;
if ( inDispatchTo ) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIWebShell> webShell = do_QueryReferent(mWebShellWeakRef);
if (!webShell)
return nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault;
nsCOMPtr<nsIPresContext> presContext;
MenuHelpersX::WebShellToPresContext(webShell, getter_AddRefs(presContext));
nsMouseEvent event;
event.eventStructType = NS_MOUSE_EVENT;
event.message = NS_XUL_COMMAND;
inDispatchTo->HandleDOMEvent(presContext, &event, nsnull, NS_EVENT_FLAG_INIT, &status);
return status;
} // ExecuteCommand
// HideItem
// Hide the item in the menu by setting the 'hidden' attribute. Returns it in |outHiddenNode| so
// the caller can hang onto it if they so choose. It is acceptable to pass nsull
// for |outHiddenNode| if the caller doesn't care about the hidden node.
nsMenuBarX :: HideItem ( nsIDOMDocument* inDoc, nsAReadableString & inID, nsIContent** outHiddenNode )
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> menuItem;
inDoc->GetElementById(inID, getter_AddRefs(menuItem));
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> menuContent ( do_QueryInterface(menuItem) );
if ( menuContent ) {
menuContent->SetAttr ( kNameSpaceID_None, nsWidgetAtoms::hidden, NS_LITERAL_STRING("true"), PR_FALSE );
if ( outHiddenNode ) {
*outHiddenNode = menuContent.get();
} // HideItem
nsMenuBarX::MenuConstruct( const nsMenuEvent & aMenuEvent, nsIWidget* aParentWindow,
void * menubarNode, void * aWebShell )
@ -252,6 +425,15 @@ nsMenuBarX::MenuConstruct( const nsMenuEvent & aMenuEvent, nsIWidget* aParentWin
return nsEventStatus_eIgnore;
// if we're on X (using aqua UI guidelines for menus), remove quit and prefs
// from our menubar.
SInt32 result = 0L;
OSStatus err = ::Gestalt ( gestaltMenuMgrAttr, &result );
if ( !err && (result & gestaltMenuMgrAquaLayoutMask) )
nsCOMPtr<nsIWebShell> webShell = do_QueryReferent(mWebShellWeakRef);
if (webShell) RegisterAsDocumentObserver(webShell);
@ -52,11 +52,13 @@
#include <MacTypes.h>
#include <UnicodeConverter.h>
#include <Menus.h>
#include <CarbonEvents.h>
extern nsWeakPtr gMacMenubarX;
class nsIWidget;
class nsIDocument;
class nsIDOMNode;
namespace MenuHelpersX
@ -169,6 +171,17 @@ protected:
void GetDocument ( nsIWebShell* inWebShell, nsIDocument** outDocument ) ;
void RegisterAsDocumentObserver ( nsIWebShell* inWebShell ) ;
// Make our menubar conform to Aqua UI guidelines
void AquifyMenuBar ( ) ;
void HideItem ( nsIDOMDocument* inDoc, nsAReadableString & inID, nsIContent** outHiddenNode ) ;
// command handler for some special menu items (prefs/quit/etc)
pascal static OSStatus CommandEventHandler ( EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerChain,
EventRef inEvent, void* userData ) ;
nsEventStatus ExecuteCommand ( nsIContent* inDispatchTo ) ;
// build the Apple menu shared by all menu bars.
nsresult CreateAppleMenu ( nsIMenu* inMenu ) ;
@ -177,6 +190,11 @@ protected:
PRUint32 mNumMenus;
nsSupportsArray mMenusArray; // holds refs
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> mMenuBarContent; // menubar content node, strong ref
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> mPrefItemContent; // on X, holds the content node for the prefs item that has
// been removed from the menubar
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> mQuitItemContent; // as above, but for quit
nsIWidget* mParent; // weak ref
PRBool mIsMenuBarAdded;
@ -187,6 +205,10 @@ protected:
MenuRef mRootMenu; // root menu, representing entire menu bar.
static MenuRef sAppleMenu; // AppleMenu shared by all menubars
static EventHandlerUPP sCommandEventHandler; // carbon event handler for commands, shared
#endif // nsMenuBarX_h__
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ nsMenuX :: InsertMenuItemWithTruncation ( nsAutoString & inItemLabel, PRUint32 i
NS_METHOD nsMenuX::AddSeparator()
NS_METHOD nsMenuX::AddSeparator()
// HACK - We're not really appending an nsMenuItem but it
// needs to be here to make sure that event dispatching isn't off by one.
@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ nsEventStatus nsMenuX::MenuConstruct(
if ( tag == nsWidgetAtoms::menuitem )
LoadMenuItem(this, child);
else if ( tag == nsWidgetAtoms::menuseparator )
else if ( tag == nsWidgetAtoms::menu )
LoadSubMenu(this, child);
@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ nsEventStatus nsMenuX::HelpMenuConstruct(
if ( tag == nsWidgetAtoms::menuitem )
LoadMenuItem(this, child);
else if ( tag == nsWidgetAtoms::menuseparator )
else if ( tag == nsWidgetAtoms::menu )
LoadSubMenu(this, child);
@ -1050,6 +1050,19 @@ nsMenuX::LoadSubMenu( nsIMenu * pParentMenu, nsIContent* inMenuItemContent )
nsMenuX::LoadSeparator ( nsIContent* inMenuItemContent )
// if item should be hidden, bail
nsAutoString hidden;
inMenuItemContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsWidgetAtoms::hidden, hidden);
if ( hidden == NS_LITERAL_STRING("true") )
// OnCreate
@ -128,8 +128,10 @@ protected:
PRBool OnDestroyed() ;
PRBool OnCreated() ;
void LoadMenuItem ( nsIMenu* pParentMenu, nsIContent* menuitemContent);
void LoadSubMenu( nsIMenu * pParentMenu, nsIContent* menuitemContent);
void LoadMenuItem ( nsIMenu* pParentMenu, nsIContent* menuitemContent );
void LoadSubMenu ( nsIMenu * pParentMenu, nsIContent* menuitemContent );
void LoadSeparator ( nsIContent* menuitemContent );
nsEventStatus HelpMenuConstruct( const nsMenuEvent & aMenuEvent, nsIWidget* aParentWindow,
void* unused, void* aWebShell);
@ -189,9 +189,8 @@
<!-- Page setup gets inserted here on some platforms -->
<menuitem id="printMenuItem" label="&printCmd.label;" accesskey="&printCmd.accesskey;" key="printKb" command="Browser:Print"/>
<menuseparator />
<menuitem id="offlineGoOfflineCmd"/>
<menuseparator />
@ -206,7 +205,7 @@
<menuitem id="menu_delete"/>
<menuitem id="menu_selectAll"/>
<menuseparator />
<menuseparator id="menu_PrefsSeparator"/>
<menuitem id="menu_preferences" oncommand="goPreferences('navigator.xul', 'chrome://communicator/content/pref/pref-navigator.xul', 'navigator')"/>
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
<menuitem label="&command.newSeparator.label;"
<menuitem id="menu_close"/>
<menuitem label="&menuitem.import.label;"
@ -154,7 +154,6 @@
accesskey="&command.properties.accesskey;" />
<menuitem id="menu_sendPage" hidden="true"/>
<menu id="menu_Edit">
@ -102,7 +102,6 @@ Contributor(s): Joe Hewitt <hewitt@netscape.com>
<menu id="menu_File">
<menupopup id="menu_FilePopup">
<menuitem id="menu_close"/>
@ -19,7 +19,9 @@
<!-- quit -->
<menuitem label="&quitApplicationCmd.label;" key="key_quit" command="cmd_quit"/>
<menuseparator id="menu_FileQuitSeparator"/>
<menuitem label="&quitApplicationCmd.label;" id="menu_FileQuitItem"
key="key_quit" command="cmd_quit"/>
<key id="key_quit" key="&quitApplicationCmd.key;" command="cmd_quit" modifiers="accel"/>
<command id="cmd_quit" oncommand="goQuitApplication()"/>
@ -14,9 +14,10 @@
<!-- quit -->
<menupopup id="menu_FilePopup">
<menuitem label="&quitApplicationCmd.label;" key="key_quit" accesskey="&quitApplicationCmd.accesskey;" command="cmd_quit"/>
<menuseparator id="menu_FileQuitSeparator"/>
<menuitem label="&quitApplicationCmd.label;" id="menu_FileQuitItem"
key="key_quit" accesskey="&quitApplicationCmd.accesskey;" command="cmd_quit"/>
<key id="key_quit" key="&quitApplicationCmd.key;" command="cmd_quit" modifiers="accel"/>
<command id="cmd_quit" oncommand="goQuitApplication()"/>
@ -13,7 +13,9 @@
<!-- quit -->
<menupopup id="menu_FilePopup">
<menuitem label="&quitApplicationCmd.label;" key="key_quit" accesskey="&quitApplicationCmd.accesskey;" command="cmd_quit"/>
<menuseparator id="menu_FileQuitSeparator"/>
<menuitem label="&quitApplicationCmd.label;" id="menu_FileQuitItem"
key="key_quit" accesskey="&quitApplicationCmd.accesskey;" command="cmd_quit"/>
<key id="key_quit" key="&quitApplicationCmd.key;" command="cmd_quit" modifiers="accel"/>
<command id="cmd_quit" oncommand="goQuitApplication()"/>
@ -14,9 +14,10 @@
<!-- quit -->
<menupopup id="menu_FilePopup">
<menuitem label="&quitApplicationCmd.label;" key="key_quit" accesskey="&quitApplicationCmd.accesskey;" command="cmd_quit"/>
<menuseparator id="menu_FileQuitSeparator"/>
<menuitem label="&quitApplicationCmd.label;" id="menu_FileQuitItem"
key="key_quit" accesskey="&quitApplicationCmd.accesskey;" command="cmd_quit"/>
<key id="key_quit" key="&quitApplicationCmd.key;" command="cmd_quit" modifiers="accel"/>
<command id="cmd_quit" oncommand="goQuitApplication()"/>
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