Bug 729924 - maction: statusline actiontype should use the second child as a message. r=karlt

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Andriy Zui 2012-03-28 21:00:14 -04:00
Родитель dc4d9f8941
Коммит 30838598ac
1 изменённых файлов: 23 добавлений и 9 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -122,11 +122,9 @@ nsMathMLmactionFrame::Init(nsIContent* aContent,
if (NS_MATHML_ACTION_TYPE_NONE == mActionType) {
// expected statusline prefix (11ch)...
if (11 < value.Length() && 0 == value.Find("statusline#"))
if (value.EqualsLiteral("statusline"))
// Let the base class do the rest
@ -368,12 +366,28 @@ nsMathMLmactionFrame::MouseOver()
// see if we should display a status message
nsAutoString value;
mContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::actiontype_, value);
// expected statusline prefix (11ch)...
if (11 < value.Length() && 0 == value.Find("statusline#")) {
value.Cut(0, 11);
ShowStatus(PresContext(), value);
// retrieve content from a second child if it exists
nsIFrame* childFrame = mFrames.FrameAt(1);
if (!childFrame) return;
nsIContent* content = childFrame->GetContent();
if (!content) return;
// check whether the content is mtext or not
if (content->GetNameSpaceID() == kNameSpaceID_MathML &&
content->Tag() == nsGkAtoms::mtext_) {
// get the text to be displayed
content = content->GetFirstChild();
if (!content) return;
const nsTextFragment* textFrg = content->GetText();
if (!textFrg) return;
nsAutoString text;
// collapse whitespaces as listed in REC, section
ShowStatus(PresContext(), text);