Incremental changes. These files are still not part of the build.

This commit is contained in: 2000-03-22 08:22:28 +00:00
Родитель 09052fa5c9
Коммит 33a17a2d6c
5 изменённых файлов: 370 добавлений и 255 удалений

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@ -1,31 +1,34 @@
// To Do...
Add test for |Replace|...
. Implement chunky iterators
Add tests for Find and RFind
. Get "nsAReadableString.h" and "nsAWritableString.h" to added to the MANIFEST, etc.
Implement the Find and RFind signatures
- Get "nsAReadableString.h" and "nsAWritableString.h" to compile everywhere
Fix Truncate / SetLength confusion (make SetLength the real function in |nsString|)
- Add test for |Replace|...
Write tests for Strip..., Trim?, CompressSet?
- Add tests for Find and RFind
Write non-member functions for Strip..., Trim?, CompressSet?
- Implement the Find and RFind signatures
Chop out conflicting |ns[C]String| operators
. Fix Truncate / SetLength confusion (make SetLength the real function in |nsString|)
Figure out how if we can make PRUnichar be wchar_t, so we get the cheap constructors,
...and ensure the cheap constructors can be made to work everywhere
. Chop out conflicting |ns[C]String| operators
Add tests for |nsShared[C]String|
. Figure out how if we can make PRUnichar be wchar_t, so we get the cheap constructors,
...and ensure the cheap constructors can be made to work everywhere
Implement |nsShared[C]String|
- Try the |static const unsigned long kLeftString = 1 - 1; /* because VC++ doesn't like =0 */| hack
Add tests for the shared string smart pointer
- Add tests for |nsShared[C]String|
Implement the shared string smart pointer
- Implement |nsShared[C]String|
Figure out why StdStringWrapper isn't as good as raw std::string
- Add tests for the shared string smart pointer
Implement a smart allocator for StdStringWrapper
- Implement the shared string smart pointer
. Figure out why StdStringWrapper isn't as good as raw std::string
- Implement a smart allocator for StdStringWrapper

Просмотреть файл

@ -69,23 +69,28 @@ class basic_nsStdStringWrapper
static const size_type npos = size_type(-1);
virtual const char* Implementation() const;
virtual const void* Implementation() const;
virtual const CharT* GetConstFragment( ConstFragment&, FragmentRequest, PRUint32 ) const;
virtual CharT* GetFragment( Fragment&, FragmentRequest, PRUint32 );
basic_nsStdStringWrapper() { }
#if 0
basic_nsStdStringWrapper( const AllocatorT& a = AllocatorT() )
: mRawString(a)
basic_nsStdStringWrapper( const basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>& str )
: mRawString(str.Begin(), str.End())
#if 0
basic_nsStdStringWrapper( const basic_string_t& str, size_type pos = 0, size_type n = npos )
: mRawString(str, pos, n)
@ -95,6 +100,7 @@ class basic_nsStdStringWrapper
: mRawString(str, pos, n, a)
basic_nsStdStringWrapper( const CharT* s, size_type n, const AllocatorT& a = AllocatorT() )
: mRawString(s, n, a)
@ -106,11 +112,12 @@ class basic_nsStdStringWrapper
#if 0
basic_nsStdStringWrapper( size_type n, CharT c, const AllocatorT& a = AllocatorT() )
: mRawString(n, c, a)
@ -147,7 +154,7 @@ NS_DEF_STRING_COMPARISONS(basic_nsStdStringWrapper<CharT>)
template <class CharT, class TraitsT, class AllocatorT>
const char*
const void*
basic_nsStdStringWrapper<CharT, TraitsT, AllocatorT>::Implementation() const
static const char* implementation = "nsStdStringWrapper";
@ -202,7 +209,10 @@ basic_nsStdStringWrapper<CharT, TraitsT, AllocatorT>::Assign( const basic_nsARea
if ( rhs.Implementation() == Implementation() )
mRawString = NS_STATIC_CAST(this_t, rhs).mRawString;
mRawString.assign(rhs.Begin(), rhs.End());
template <class CharT, class TraitsT, class AllocatorT>

Просмотреть файл

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include "Profiler.h"
#include "nsString.h"
@ -18,6 +20,12 @@ typedef nsStdCString nsCString;
static const int kTestSucceeded = 0;
static const int kTestFailed = 1;
#if 0
#define N 1000
#define N 100000
template <class T>
@ -27,7 +35,7 @@ TotalLength( const T& s )
return s.Length();
template <>
TotalLength( const string& s )
@ -43,7 +51,7 @@ Find( const T& text, const T& pattern )
return text.Find(pattern);
template <>
Find( const string& text, const string& pattern )
@ -103,7 +111,7 @@ test_concat()
TestTimer timer;
for ( int i=0; i<100000; ++i )
for ( int i=0; i<N; ++i )
len += TotalLength( s1 + s2 + s3 + s1 + s2 + s3 );
cout << "TotalLength( s1 + s2 + s3 + s1 + s2 + s3 )" << endl;
@ -111,7 +119,7 @@ test_concat()
TestTimer timer;
for ( int i=0; i<100000; ++i )
for ( int i=0; i<N; ++i )
len += TotalLength( s1 + s2 );
cout << "TotalLength( s1 + s2 )" << endl;
@ -139,14 +147,14 @@ test_concat_and_assign()
TestTimer timer;
for ( int i=0; i<100000; ++i )
for ( int i=0; i<N; ++i )
s4 = s1 + s2 + s3 + s1 + s2 + s3;
cout << "s4 = s1 + s2 + s3 + s1 + s2 + s3" << endl;
TestTimer timer;
for ( int i=0; i<100000; ++i )
for ( int i=0; i<N; ++i )
s4 = s1 + s2;
cout << "s4 = s1 + s2" << endl;
@ -159,13 +167,13 @@ static
nsCString s1("This is a reasonable length string with some text in it and it is good.");
nsCString s2("This is a reasonable length string with some text in it and it is bad.");
nsCString s1("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThis is a reasonable length string with some text in it and it is good.");
nsCString s2("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThis is a reasonable length string with some text in it and it is bad.");
int count = 0;
TestTimer timer;
for ( int i=0; i<100000; ++i )
for ( int i=0; i<N; ++i )
if ( s1 > s2 )
@ -173,7 +181,7 @@ test_compare()
TestTimer timer;
for ( int i=0; i<100000; ++i )
for ( int i=0; i<N; ++i )
if ( s1 == s1 )
@ -197,7 +205,7 @@ test_countchar()
PRUint32 total = 0;
TestTimer timer;
for ( int i=0; i<100000; ++i )
for ( int i=0; i<N; ++i )
total += s1.CountChar('e');
cout << "s1.CountChar('e')" << endl;
@ -216,7 +224,7 @@ test_append_string()
TestTimer timer;
for ( int i=0; i<100000; ++i )
for ( int i=0; i<N; ++i )
nsCString s3;
@ -240,7 +248,7 @@ test_repeated_append_string()
TestTimer timer;
for ( int i=0; i<1000; ++i )
for ( int i=0; i<N; ++i )
nsCString s3;
for ( int j=0; j<100; ++j )
@ -264,7 +272,7 @@ test_repeated_append_char()
TestTimer timer;
for ( int i=0; i<1000; ++i )
for ( int i=0; i<N; ++i )
nsCString s1;
for ( int j=0; j<1000; ++j )
@ -289,7 +297,7 @@ test_insert_string()
TestTimer timer;
for ( int i=0; i<100000; ++i )
for ( int i=0; i<N; ++i )
nsCString s2("This is another string that I will use in the concatenation test.");
s2.Insert(s1, 3);
@ -312,7 +320,7 @@ test_find_string()
PRUint32 position = 0;
TestTimer timer;
for ( int i=0; i<100000; ++i )
for ( int i=0; i<N; ++i )
position = Find(text, pattern);
cout << "text.Find(pattern)" << endl;
@ -321,9 +329,37 @@ test_find_string()
class Profiler
#if 0
ProfilerInit(collectDetailed, bestTimeBase, 100, 32);
Dump( const unsigned char* output_name )
#if 0
#if 0
cout << "String performance profiling. Compiled " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ << endl;
cout << "Testing std::string." << endl;
@ -335,6 +371,8 @@ main()
int tests_failed = 0;
Profiler profiler;
tests_failed += test_concat();
tests_failed += test_concat_and_assign();
tests_failed += test_compare();
@ -345,6 +383,14 @@ main()
tests_failed += test_insert_string();
// tests_failed += test_find_string();
#elif defined(NEW_STRING_APIS)
if ( tests_failed )
cout << "One or more tests FAILED. Measurements may be invalid." << endl;

Просмотреть файл

@ -3,58 +3,47 @@ using namespace std;
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsStdStringWrapper.h"
#include "nsLiteralString.h"
#define NS_USE_WCHAR_T
#if 0
Call_ToLowerCase( const nsAReadableCString& aSource, nsAWritableCString& aResult )
Call_ToUpperCase( const nsAReadableCString& aSource, nsAWritableCString& aResult )
print_string( const nsAReadableString& s, ostream& os = std::cout )
print_string( const nsAReadableString& s )
struct PRUnichar_to_char
char operator()( PRUnichar c ) { return char(c); }
transform(s.Begin(), s.End(), ostream_iterator<char>(os), PRUnichar_to_char());
return os;
transform(s.Begin(), s.End(), ostream_iterator<char>(cout), PRUnichar_to_char());
return cout;
template <class CharT>
make_a_hello_string( CharT* )
literal_hello( CharT* )
make_a_hello_string( char* )
literal_hello( char* )
return basic_nsLiteralString<char>("Hello");
make_a_hello_string( PRUnichar* )
literal_hello( PRUnichar* )
return basic_nsLiteralString<PRUnichar>(L"Hello");
static PRUnichar constant_unicode[] = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', PRUnichar() };
return basic_nsLiteralString<PRUnichar>(constant_unicode);
@ -68,128 +57,15 @@ CallCMid( nsAWritableCString& aResult, const nsAReadableCString& aSource, PRUint
template <class CharT>
readable_hello_tests( const basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>& str, ostream& os = std::cout )
int tests_failed = 0;
test_multifragment_iterators( const basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>& aString )
...this tests a problem that was present in |nsPromiseConcatenation| where,
because it originally stored some iteration state in the object itself, rather than
in the fragment, the iterators could get confused if used out of sequence.
if ( str.Length() != 5 )
os << "Length() FAILED" << endl;
if ( str.First() != CharT('H') )
cout << "|First()| FAILED" << endl;
if ( str.Last() != CharT('o') )
cout << "|Last()| FAILED" << endl;
if ( str[3] != CharT('l') )
cout << "|operator[]()| FAILED" << endl;
if ( str.CountChar( CharT('l') ) != 2 )
cout << "|CountChar()| FAILED" << endl;
basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>::ConstIterator iter = str.Begin();
if ( *iter != CharT('H') )
cout << "iterator FAILED: didn't start out pointing at the right thign or couldn't be dereferenced." << endl;
if ( *iter != CharT('e') )
cout << "iterator FAILED: couldn't be incremented, or else couldn't be dereferenced." << endl;
iter = str.End();
if ( *iter != CharT('o') )
cout << "iterator FAILED: couldn't be set to End(), or else couldn't be decremented, or else couldn't be dereferenced." << endl;
basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>::ConstIterator iter1 = str.Begin(3);
if ( *iter1 != CharT('l') )
cout << "iterator FAILED: couldn't be set to Begin(n), or else couldn't be dereferenced." << endl;
basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>::ConstIterator iter2 = str.End(2);
if ( *iter2 != CharT('l') )
cout << "iterator FAILED: couldn't be set to End(n), or else couldn't be dereferenced." << endl;
if ( iter1 != iter2 )
cout << "iterator comparison with != FAILED" << endl;
if ( !(iter1 == iter2) )
cout << "iterator comparison with == FAILED" << endl;
typedef CharT* CharT_ptr;
if ( str != make_a_hello_string( CharT_ptr() ) )
cout << "comparison with hello string FAILED" << endl;
return tests_failed;
compare_equals( const nsAReadableCString& lhs, const nsAReadableCString& rhs )
return bool(lhs == rhs);
compare_equals( const nsLiteralCString& lhs, const nsAReadableCString& rhs )
return bool(lhs == rhs);
compare_equals( const nsAReadableCString& lhs, const nsLiteralCString& rhs )
return bool(lhs == rhs);
template <class CharT>
test_goofy_iterators( const basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>& aString )
This test should be run on any multi-fragment implementation to verify that it
does not have the same bug. Make sure the first fragment is only one character long.
typedef typename basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>::ConstIterator ConstIterator;
@ -204,13 +80,196 @@ test_goofy_iterators( const basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>& aString )
++iter1; ++iter1;
if ( iter1 != iter2 )
cout << "goofy iterator test FAILED" << endl;
cout << "FAILED in |test_multifragment_iterators|" << endl;
return tests_failed;
template <class CharT>
test_deprecated_GetBufferGetUnicode( const basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>& aReadable )
int tests_failed = 0;
if ( aReadable.GetBuffer() || aReadable.GetUnicode() )
cout << "FAILED |test_deprecated_GetBufferGetUnicode()|: non-zero result." << endl;
return tests_failed;
test_deprecated_GetBufferGetUnicode( const basic_nsAReadableString<char>& aReadable )
int tests_failed = 0;
if ( !aReadable.GetBuffer() )
cout << "FAILED |test_deprecated_GetBufferGetUnicode()|: |GetBuffer()| returned 0." << endl;
if ( aReadable.GetUnicode() )
cout << "FAILED |test_deprecated_GetBufferGetUnicode()|: |GetUnicode()| returned a non-zero result." << endl;
return tests_failed;
test_deprecated_GetBufferGetUnicode( const basic_nsAReadableString<PRUnichar>& aReadable )
int tests_failed = 0;
if ( aReadable.GetBuffer() )
cout << "FAILED |test_deprecated_GetBufferGetUnicode()|: |GetBuffer()| returned a non-zero result." << endl;
if ( !aReadable.GetUnicode() )
cout << "FAILED |test_deprecated_GetBufferGetUnicode()|: |GetUnicode()| returned 0." << endl;
return tests_failed;
template <class CharT>
test_readable_hello( const basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>& aReadable )
int tests_failed = 0;
if ( aReadable.Length() != 5 )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: |Length()| --> " << aReadable.Length() << endl;
if ( aReadable.First() != CharT('H') )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: |First()| --> '" << aReadable.First() << "'" << endl;
if ( aReadable.Last() != CharT('o') )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: |Last()| --> '" << aReadable.Last() << "'" << endl;
if ( aReadable[3] != CharT('l') )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: |operator[]| --> '" << aReadable[3] << "'" << endl;
if ( aReadable.CountChar( CharT('l') ) != 2 )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: |CountChar('l')| --> " << aReadable.CountChar(CharT('l')) << endl;
basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>::ConstIterator iter = aReadable.Begin();
if ( *iter != CharT('H') )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: didn't start out pointing to the right thing, or else couldn't be dereferenced. --> '" << *iter << "'" << endl;
if ( *iter != CharT('e') )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: iterator couldn't be incremented, or else couldn't be dereferenced. --> '" << *iter << "'" << endl;
iter = aReadable.End();
if ( *iter != CharT('o') )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: iterator couldn't be set to |End()|, or else couldn't be decremented, or else couldn't be dereferenced. --> '" << *iter << "'" << endl;
basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>::ConstIterator iter1 = aReadable.Begin(3);
if ( *iter1 != CharT('l') )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: iterator couldn't be set to |Begin(n)|, or else couldn't be dereferenced. --> '" << *iter1 << "'" << endl;
basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>::ConstIterator iter2 = aReadable.End(2);
if ( *iter2 != CharT('l') )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: iterator couldn't be set to |End(n)|, or else couldn't be dereferenced. --> '" << *iter2 << "'" << endl;
if ( iter1 != iter2 )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: iterator comparison with !=." << endl;
if ( !(iter1 == iter2) )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: iterator comparison with ==." << endl;
typedef CharT* CharT_ptr;
if ( aReadable != literal_hello(CharT_ptr()) )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: comparison with \"Hello\"" << endl;
tests_failed += test_multifragment_iterators(aReadable);
tests_failed += test_deprecated_GetBufferGetUnicode(aReadable);
return tests_failed;
template <class CharT>
test_writable( basic_nsAWritableString<CharT>& aWritable )
int tests_failed = 0;
// ...
typedef CharT* CharT_ptr;
aWritable = literal_hello(CharT_ptr());
if ( aWritable != literal_hello(CharT_ptr()) )
cout << "FAILED assignment and/or comparison in |test_writable|." << endl;
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(aWritable);
return tests_failed;
typedef void* void_ptr;
@ -222,49 +281,85 @@ main()
cout << "String unit tests. Compiled " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ << endl;
// |nsLiteralString|
PRUnichar constant_unicode[] = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', PRUnichar() };
nsLiteralString aLiteralString(constant_unicode);
tests_failed += readable_hello_tests(aLiteralString);
cout << "\"";
print_string(aLiteralString) << "\"" << endl;
const PRUnichar* buffer = aLiteralString.GetUnicode();
if ( !buffer )
cout << "|nsLiteralString::GetUnicode()| FAILED: should have returned non-|0|" << endl;
nsLiteralString s0(L"Hello");
PRUnichar b0[] = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', PRUnichar() };
nsLiteralString s0(b0);
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(s0);
const char* cbuffer = aLiteralString.GetBuffer();
if ( cbuffer )
cout << "|nsLiteralString::GetBuffer()| FAILED: should have returned |0|" << endl;
nsLiteralCString s1("Hello");
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(s1);
nsCString aCString("Hello");
tests_failed += readable_hello_tests(aCString);
nsString s3(L"Hello");
PRUnichar b3[] = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', PRUnichar() };
nsString s3(b3);
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(s3);
tests_failed += test_writable(s3);
nsCString s4("Hello");
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(s4);
tests_failed += test_writable(s4);
nsStdCString aCString("Hello");
tests_failed += readable_hello_tests(aCString);
nsStdString s5(L"Hello");
PRUnichar b5[] = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', PRUnichar() };
nsStdString s5(b5);
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(s5);
tests_failed += test_writable(s5);
nsStdCString s6("Hello");
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(s6);
tests_failed += test_writable(s6);
nsLiteralCString aLiteralCString("Hello");
tests_failed += readable_hello_tests(aLiteralCString);
nsLiteralString s7(L"He");
nsString s8(L"l");
nsStdString s9(L"lo");
PRUnichar b7[] = { 'H', 'e', PRUnichar() };
PRUnichar b8[] = { 'l', PRUnichar() };
PRUnichar b9[] = { 'l', 'o', PRUnichar() };
nsLiteralString s7(b7);
nsString s8(b8);
nsStdString s9(b9);
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(s7+s8+s9);
nsString s13( s7 + s8 + s9 );
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(s13);
nsStdString s14( s7 + s8 + s9 );
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(s14);
// nsSharedString s15( s7 + s8 + s9 );
// tests_failed += test_readable_hello(s15);
nsCString s10("He");
nsLiteralCString s11("l");
nsStdCString s12("lo");
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(s10+s11+s12);
nsLiteralCString str1("Hello");
nsStdCString str2("Hello");
@ -296,14 +391,7 @@ main()
nsLiteralCString part1("He"), part2("llo");
tests_failed += readable_hello_tests(part1+part2);
nsLiteralCString part2a("l"), part2b("lo");
tests_failed += readable_hello_tests(part1+part2a+part2b);
cout << "The summed string is \"" << part1 + part2a + part2b << "\"" << endl;
#if 0
nsStdCString extracted_middle("XXXXXXXXXX");
CallCMid(extracted_middle, part1+part2a+part2b, 1, 3);
@ -316,36 +404,12 @@ main()
// |nsLiteralCString|
nsLiteralCString aLiteralCString("Goodbye");
cout << "\"" << aLiteralCString << "\"" << endl;
if ( aLiteralCString.Length() == 7 )
cout << "|nsLiteralCString::Length()| OK" << endl;
cout << "|nsLiteralCString::Length()| FAILED" << endl;
cout << aLiteralCString << endl;
const char* cbuffer = aLiteralCString.GetBuffer();
cout << "GetBuffer()-->" << showbase << void_ptr(cbuffer) << endl;
cout << "GetUnicode()-->" << void_ptr( aLiteralCString.GetUnicode() ) << endl;
cout << "The length of the string \"" << aLiteralCString << "\" is " << aLiteralCString.Length() << endl;
// |nsStdStringWrapper|, i.e., |nsStdCString|
nsStdCString aCString("Hello");
if ( aCString.Length() == 5 )
cout << "|nsStdCString::Length()| OK" << endl;
cout << "|nsStdCString::Length()| FAILED" << endl;
nsStdCString extracted_middle;
CallCMid(extracted_middle, part1+part2a+part2b, 1, 3);
@ -360,15 +424,7 @@ main()
cbuffer = aCString.GetBuffer();
cout << "GetBuffer()-->" << showbase << void_ptr(cbuffer) << endl;
cout << "GetUnicode()-->" << void_ptr( aCString.GetUnicode() ) << endl;
// cout << "The length of the string \"" << static_cast<nsAReadableCString>(aCString) << "\" is " << aCString.Length() << endl;
nsLiteralCString source("This is a string long enough to be interesting.");
cout << source << endl;
nsStdCString leftString;
source.Left(leftString, 9);
@ -376,16 +432,16 @@ main()
tests_failed += test_goofy_iterators(part1+part2a+part2b);
tests_failed += test_multifragment_iterators(part1+part2a+part2b);
cout << "End of string unit tests. ";
cout << "End of string unit tests." << endl;
if ( !tests_failed )
cout << "All tests OK." << endl;
cout << "OK, all tests passed." << endl;
cout << "One or more tests FAILED." << endl;
cout << "FAILED one or more tests." << endl;
return 0;