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Bug 88413: Remove |GetUnicode()| from nsString (and replace it with |get()|). r=dbaron, rs=scc.
This removes all call-sites I can currently fix. Tomorrow I'll try to get someone to checkin my changes to security/ and I'll get some help with the Netscape side of things. nsString::GetUnicode()'s final death-blow will be dealt soon. Please keep this in mind as you add new code :-)
This commit is contained in:
@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ nsLDAPAutoCompleteSession::OnLDAPSearchResult(nsILDAPMessage *aMessage)
// This seems to be necessary for things to work, though I'm not sure
// why that's true.
rv = mResults->SetSearchString(mSearchString.GetUnicode());
rv = mResults->SetSearchString(mSearchString.get());
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
NS_ERROR("nsLDAPAutoCompleteSession::OnLDAPSearchResult(): couldn't "
"set search string in results object");
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