This commit is contained in: 2002-08-27 16:11:32 +00:00
Родитель 748c66ddc7
Коммит 3f663bfe8d
3 изменённых файлов: 98 добавлений и 63 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -157,15 +157,18 @@ namespace MetaData {
case StmtNode::Namespace:
NamespaceStmtNode *ns = checked_cast<NamespaceStmtNode *>(p);
Attribute *attr = NULL;
if (ns->attributes) {
ValidateAttributeExpression(cxt, env, ns->attributes);
Attribute *attr = EvalAttributeExpression(env, CompilePhase, ns->attributes);
attr = EvalAttributeExpression(env, CompilePhase, ns->attributes);
CompoundAttribute *a = Attribute::toCompoundAttribute(attr);
if (a->dynamic || a->prototype)
reportError(Exception::definitionError, "Illegal attribute", p->pos);
if ( ! ((a->memberMod == Attribute::NoModifier) || ((a->memberMod == Attribute::Static) && (env->getTopFrame()->kind == ClassKind))) )
reportError(Exception::definitionError, "Illegal attribute", p->pos);
Variable *v = new Variable(namespaceClass, OBJECT_TO_JS2VAL(new Namespace(ns->name)), true);
env->defineStaticMember(this, ns->name, a->namespaces, a->overrideMod, a->xplicit, ReadWriteAccess, v);
defineStaticMember(env, ns->name, a->namespaces, a->overrideMod, a->xplicit, ReadWriteAccess, v, p->pos);
} // switch (p->getKind())
@ -494,6 +497,7 @@ namespace MetaData {
ValidateExpression(cxt, env, b->op2);
case ExprNode::qualify:
case ExprNode::identifier:
// IdentifierExprNode *i = checked_cast<IdentifierExprNode *>(p);
@ -511,9 +515,14 @@ namespace MetaData {
js2val JS2Metadata::EvalExpression(Environment *env, Phase phase, ExprNode *p)
EvalExprNode(env, phase, p);
return engine->interpret(this, phase, bCon);
BytecodeContainer *saveBacon = bCon;
bCon = new BytecodeContainer();
Reference *r = EvalExprNode(env, phase, p);
if (r) r->emitReadBytecode(bCon);
js2val retval = engine->interpret(this, phase, bCon);
bCon = saveBacon;
return retval;
@ -731,57 +740,6 @@ namespace MetaData {
meta->reportError(Exception::referenceError, "{0} is undefined", meta->errorPos, multiname->name);
void Environment::defineStaticMember(JS2Metadata *meta, const StringAtom &id, NamespaceList *namespaces, Attribute::OverrideModifier overrideMod, bool xplicit, Access access, StaticMember *m)
NamespaceList publicNamespaceList;
Frame *localFrame = firstFrame;
if ((overrideMod != Attribute::NoOverride) || (xplicit && localFrame->kind != PackageKind))
meta->reportError(Exception::definitionError, "Illegal definition", meta->errorPos);
if (namespaces->empty()) {
namespaces = &publicNamespaceList;
Multiname *mn = new Multiname(id, true);
for (StaticBindingIterator b = localFrame->staticReadBindings.lower_bound(id),
end = localFrame->staticReadBindings.upper_bound(id); (b != end); b++) {
if (b->second->qname == qName)
reportError(Exception::definitionError, "Duplicate definition {0}", p->pos, id);
Frame *regionalFrame = getRegionalFrame();
Frame *fr = firstFrame->nextFrame;
while (true) {
for (b = fr->staticReadBindings.lower_bound(id),
end = fr->staticReadBindings.upper_bound(id); (b != end); b++) {
if ((b->second->qname == qName) && (b->second->content->kind != Forbidden))
reportError(Exception::definitionError, "Duplicate definition {0}", p->pos, id);
fr = fr->nextFrame;
if (fr == regionalFrame) break;
if (regionalFrame->kind == GlobalObjectKind) {
GlobalObject *gObj = checked_cast<GlobalObject *>(regionalFrame);
DynamicPropertyIterator dp = gObj->dynamicProperties.find(id);
if (dp != gObj->dynamicProperties.end())
reportError(Exception::definitionError, "Duplicate definition {0}", p->pos, id);
for (NamespaceListIterator nli = mn->nsList.begin(), end = mn->nsList.end(); (nli != end); nli++) {
QualifiedName qName(*nli, id);
StaticBinding *sb = new StaticBinding(qName, new HoistedVar());
const StaticBindingMap::value_type e(id, sb);
if ((access == ReadAccess) || (access == ReadWriteAccess))
if ((access == WriteAccess) || (access == ReadWriteAccess))
@ -834,6 +792,83 @@ namespace MetaData {
// - Define namespaces::id (for all namespaces or at least 'public') in the top frame
// unless it's there already.
// - If the binding exists (not forbidden) in lower frames in the regional environment, it's an error.
// - Define a forbidden binding in all the lower frames.
void JS2Metadata::defineStaticMember(Environment *env, const StringAtom &id, NamespaceList *namespaces, Attribute::OverrideModifier overrideMod, bool xplicit, Access access, StaticMember *m, size_t pos)
NamespaceList publicNamespaceList;
Frame *localFrame = env->getTopFrame();
if ((overrideMod != Attribute::NoOverride) || (xplicit && localFrame->kind != PackageKind))
reportError(Exception::definitionError, "Illegal definition", pos);
if ((namespaces == NULL) || namespaces->empty()) {
namespaces = &publicNamespaceList;
Multiname *mn = new Multiname(id, true);
for (StaticBindingIterator b = localFrame->staticReadBindings.lower_bound(id),
end = localFrame->staticReadBindings.upper_bound(id); (b != end); b++) {
if (mn->matches(b->second->qname))
reportError(Exception::definitionError, "Duplicate definition {0}", pos, id);
// Check all frames below the current - up to the RegionalFrame
Frame *regionalFrame = env->getRegionalFrame();
if (localFrame != regionalFrame) {
Frame *fr = localFrame->nextFrame;
while (fr != regionalFrame) {
for (b = fr->staticReadBindings.lower_bound(id),
end = fr->staticReadBindings.upper_bound(id); (b != end); b++) {
if (mn->matches(b->second->qname) && (b->second->content->kind != StaticMember::Forbidden))
reportError(Exception::definitionError, "Duplicate definition {0}", pos, id);
fr = fr->nextFrame;
if (regionalFrame->kind == GlobalObjectKind) {
GlobalObject *gObj = checked_cast<GlobalObject *>(regionalFrame);
DynamicPropertyIterator dp = gObj->dynamicProperties.find(id);
if (dp != gObj->dynamicProperties.end())
reportError(Exception::definitionError, "Duplicate definition {0}", pos, id);
for (NamespaceListIterator nli = mn->nsList.begin(), nlend = mn->nsList.end(); (nli != nlend); nli++) {
QualifiedName qName(*nli, id);
StaticBinding *sb = new StaticBinding(qName, new HoistedVar());
const StaticBindingMap::value_type e(id, sb);
if (access & ReadAccess)
if (access & WriteAccess)
StaticMember *forbidden = new StaticMember(StaticMember::Forbidden);
if (localFrame != regionalFrame) {
Frame *fr = localFrame->nextFrame;
while (fr != regionalFrame) {
for (NamespaceListIterator nli = mn->nsList.begin(), nlend = mn->nsList.end(); (nli != nlend); nli++) {
QualifiedName qName(*nli, id);
StaticBinding *sb = new StaticBinding(qName, forbidden);
const StaticBindingMap::value_type e(id, sb);
if (access & ReadAccess)
if (access & WriteAccess)
fr = fr->nextFrame;
// Define a hoisted var in the current frame (either Global or a Function)
void JS2Metadata::defineHoistedVar(Environment *env, const StringAtom &id, StmtNode *p)
@ -1097,7 +1132,7 @@ namespace MetaData {
StaticMember *found = NULL;
StaticBindingIterator b, end;
if ((access == ReadAccess) || (access == ReadWriteAccess)) {
if (access & ReadAccess) {
b = container->staticReadBindings.lower_bound(multiname->name);
end = container->staticReadBindings.upper_bound(multiname->name);
@ -1139,7 +1174,7 @@ namespace MetaData {
if (result) return result;
InstanceBindingIterator b, end;
if ((access == ReadAccess) || (access == ReadWriteAccess)) {
if (access & ReadAccess) {
b = c->instanceReadBindings.lower_bound(multiname->name);
end = c->instanceReadBindings.upper_bound(multiname->name);

Просмотреть файл

@ -537,8 +537,6 @@ public:
js2val lexicalRead(JS2Metadata *meta, Multiname *multiname, Phase phase);
void lexicalWrite(JS2Metadata *meta, Multiname *multiname, js2val newValue, bool createIfMissing, Phase phase);
void defineStaticMember(JS2Metadata *meta, const StringAtom &id, NamespaceList *namespaces, Attribute::OverrideModifier overrideMod, bool xplicit, Access access, StaticMember *m);
Frame *firstFrame;
@ -602,7 +600,6 @@ public:
void ValidateStmtList(Context *cxt, Environment *env, StmtNode *p);
void ValidateTypeExpression(ExprNode *e);
void ValidateStmt(Context *cxt, Environment *env, StmtNode *p);
void defineHoistedVar(Environment *env, const StringAtom &id, StmtNode *p);
void ValidateExpression(Context *cxt, Environment *env, ExprNode *p);
void ValidateAttributeExpression(Context *cxt, Environment *env, ExprNode *p);
@ -618,6 +615,9 @@ public:
StaticMember *findFlatMember(Frame *container, Multiname *multiname, Access access, Phase phase);
InstanceBinding *resolveInstanceMemberName(JS2Class *js2class, Multiname *multiname, Access access, Phase phase);
void defineHoistedVar(Environment *env, const StringAtom &id, StmtNode *p);
void defineStaticMember(Environment *env, const StringAtom &id, NamespaceList *namespaces, Attribute::OverrideModifier overrideMod, bool xplicit, Access access, StaticMember *m, size_t pos);
bool readProperty(js2val container, Multiname *multiname, LookupKind *lookupKind, Phase phase, js2val *rval);
bool readProperty(Frame *pf, Multiname *multiname, LookupKind *lookupKind, Phase phase, js2val *rval);

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@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
typedef uint32 js2val;
enum Phase { CompilePhase, RunPhase };
enum Access { ReadAccess, WriteAccess, ReadWriteAccess };
enum Access { ReadAccess = 0x1, WriteAccess = 0x2, ReadWriteAccess = ReadAccess | WriteAccess};