Bug 316797: Token.pm needs POD - Patch by Fr��d��ric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com> r/a=myk

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lpsolit%gmail.com 2006-11-20 18:59:12 +00:00
Родитель 7771de05ae
Коммит 40fec77af6
1 изменённых файлов: 181 добавлений и 0 удалений

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@ -383,3 +383,184 @@ sub _create_token {
=head1 NAME
Bugzilla::Token - Provides different routines to manage tokens.
use Bugzilla::Token;
Bugzilla::Token::IssueEmailChangeToken($user_id, $old_email, $new_email);
Bugzilla::Token::DeletePasswordTokens($user_id, $reason);
Bugzilla::Token::Cancel($token, $cancelaction, $vars);
my $token = issue_session_token($event);
check_token_data($token, $event)
my $token = Bugzilla::Token::GenerateUniqueToken($table, $column);
my $token = Bugzilla::Token::HasEmailChangeToken($user_id);
my ($token, $date, $data) = Bugzilla::Token::GetTokenData($token);
=item C<issue_new_user_account_token($login_name)>
Description: Creates and sends a token per email to the email address
requesting a new user account. It doesn't check whether
the user account already exists. The user will have to
use this token to confirm the creation of his user account.
Params: $login_name - The new login name requested by the user.
Returns: Nothing. It throws an error if the same user made the same
request in the last few minutes.
=item C<sub IssueEmailChangeToken($user_id, $old_email, $new_email)>
Description: Sends two distinct tokens per email to the old and new email
addresses to confirm the email address change for the given
user ID. These tokens remain valid for the next MAX_TOKEN_AGE days.
Params: $user_id - The user ID of the user account requesting a new
email address.
$old_email - The current (old) email address of the user.
$new_email - The new email address of the user.
Returns: Nothing.
=item C<IssuePasswordToken($login_name)>
Description: Sends a token per email to the given login name. This token
can be used to change the password (e.g. in case the user
cannot remember his password and wishes to enter a new one).
Params: $login_name - The login name of the user requesting a new password.
Returns: Nothing. It throws an error if the same user made the same
request in the last few minutes.
=item C<CleanTokenTable()>
Description: Removes all tokens older than MAX_TOKEN_AGE days from the DB.
This means that these tokens will now be considered as invalid.
Params: None.
Returns: Nothing.
=item C<GenerateUniqueToken($table, $column)>
Description: Generates and returns a unique token. This token is unique
in the $column of the $table. This token is NOT stored in the DB.
Params: $table (optional): The table to look at (default: tokens).
$column (optional): The column to look at for uniqueness (default: token).
Returns: A token which is unique in $column.
=item C<Cancel($token, $cancelaction, $vars)>
Description: Invalidates an existing token, generally when the token is used
for an action which is not the one expected. An email is sent
to the user who originally requested this token to inform him
that this token has been invalidated (e.g. because an hacker
tries to use this token for some malicious action).
Params: $token: The token to invalidate.
$cancelaction: The reason why this token is invalidated.
$vars: Some additional information about this action.
Returns: Nothing.
=item C<DeletePasswordTokens($user_id, $reason)>
Description: Cancels all password tokens for the given user. Emails are sent
to this user to inform him about this action.
Params: $user_id: The user ID of the user account whose password tokens
are cancelled.
$reason: The reason why these tokens are cancelled.
Returns: Nothing.
=item C<HasEmailChangeToken($user_id)>
Description: Returns any existing token currently used for an email change
for the given user.
Params: $user_id - A user ID.
Returns: A token if it exists, else undef.
=item C<GetTokenData($token)>
Description: Returns all stored data for the given token.
Params: $token - A valid token.
Returns: The user ID, the date and time when the token was created and
the (event)data stored with that token.
=head2 Security related routines
The following routines have been written to be used together as described below,
despite they can be used separately.
=item C<issue_session_token($event)>
Description: Creates and returns a token used internally.
Params: $event - The event which needs to be stored in the DB for future
Returns: A unique token.
=item C<check_token_data($token, $event)>
Description: Makes sure the $token has been created by the currently logged in
user and to be used for the given $event. If this token is used for
an unexpected action (i.e. $event doesn't match the information stored
with the token), a warning is displayed asking whether the user really
wants to continue. On success, it returns 1.
This is the routine to use for security checks, combined with
issue_session_token() and delete_token() as follows:
1. First, create a token for some coming action.
my $token = issue_session_token($action);
2. Some time later, it's time to make sure that the expected action
is going to be executed, and by the expected user.
check_token_data($token, $action);
3. The check has been done and we no longer need this token.
Params: $token - The token used for security checks.
$event - The expected event to be run.
Returns: 1 on success, else a warning is thrown.
=item C<delete_token($token)>
Description: Deletes the specified token. No notification is sent.
Params: $token - The token to delete.
Returns: Nothing.