зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
merge m-c to fx-team
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* Keeps thumbnails of open web pages up-to-date.
let gBrowserThumbnails = {
_captureDelayMS: 2000,
_captureDelayMS: 1000,
* Map of capture() timeouts assigned to their browsers.
@ -98,6 +98,11 @@ let gBrowserThumbnails = {
_shouldCapture: function Thumbnails_shouldCapture(aBrowser) {
// Capture only if it's the currently selected tab.
if (aBrowser != gBrowser.selectedBrowser)
return false;
// Don't capture in private browsing mode.
if (gPrivateBrowsingUI.privateBrowsingEnabled)
return false;
@ -119,10 +119,13 @@ Site.prototype = {
* Renders the site's data (fills the HTML fragment).
_render: function Site_render() {
let title = this.title || this.url;
let url = this.url;
let title = this.title || url;
let tooltip = (title == url ? title : title + "\n" + url);
let link = this._querySelector(".newtab-link");
link.setAttribute("title", title);
link.setAttribute("href", this.url);
link.setAttribute("title", tooltip);
link.setAttribute("href", url);
this._querySelector(".newtab-title").textContent = title;
if (this.isPinned())
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ _BROWSER_FILES = \
browser_newtab_reset.js \
browser_newtab_tabsync.js \
browser_newtab_unpin.js \
browser_newtab_bug721442.js \
browser_newtab_bug722273.js \
browser_newtab_bug723102.js \
browser_newtab_bug723121.js \
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
function runTests() {
NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks._links = [
{url: "about:blank#7", title: ""},
{url: "about:blank#8", title: "title"},
{url: "about:blank#9", title: "about:blank#9"}
yield addNewTabPageTab();
checkTooltip(0, "about:blank#7", "1st tooltip is correct");
checkTooltip(1, "title\nabout:blank#8", "2nd tooltip is correct");
checkTooltip(2, "about:blank#9", "3rd tooltip is correct");
function checkTooltip(aIndex, aExpected, aMessage) {
let link = getCell(aIndex).node.querySelector(".newtab-link");
is(link.getAttribute("title"), aExpected, aMessage);
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ function addNewTabPageTab() {
function checkGrid(aSitesPattern, aSites) {
let length = aSitesPattern.split(",").length;
let sites = (aSites || getGrid().sites).slice(0, length);
let expected = sites.map(function (aSite) {
let current = sites.map(function (aSite) {
if (!aSite)
return "";
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ function checkGrid(aSitesPattern, aSites) {
return aSite.url.replace(/^about:blank#(\d+)$/, "$1") + (pinned ? "p" : "");
is(aSitesPattern, expected, "grid status = " + aSitesPattern);
is(current, aSitesPattern, "grid status = " + aSitesPattern);
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
let FavIcons = {
// Pref that controls whether to display site icons.
PREF_CHROME_SITE_ICONS: "browser.chrome.site_icons",
// Pref that controls whether to display fav icons.
PREF_CHROME_FAVICONS: "browser.chrome.favicons",
// Lazy getter for pref browser.chrome.site_icons.
get _prefSiteIcons() {
delete this._prefSiteIcons;
this._prefSiteIcons = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(this.PREF_CHROME_SITE_ICONS);
// Lazy getter for pref browser.chrome.favicons.
get _prefFavicons() {
delete this._prefFavicons;
this._prefFavicons = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(this.PREF_CHROME_FAVICONS);
get defaultFavicon() this._favIconService.defaultFavicon.spec,
init: function FavIcons_init() {
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "_favIconService",
"@mozilla.org/browser/favicon-service;1", "nsIFaviconService");
Services.prefs.addObserver(this.PREF_CHROME_SITE_ICONS, this, false);
Services.prefs.addObserver(this.PREF_CHROME_FAVICONS, this, false);
uninit: function FavIcons_uninit() {
Services.prefs.removeObserver(this.PREF_CHROME_SITE_ICONS, this);
Services.prefs.removeObserver(this.PREF_CHROME_FAVICONS, this);
observe: function FavIcons_observe(subject, topic, data) {
let value = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(data);
if (data == this.PREF_CHROME_SITE_ICONS)
this._prefSiteIcons = value;
else if (data == this.PREF_CHROME_FAVICONS)
this._prefFavicons = value;
// ----------
// Function: getFavIconUrlForTab
// Gets the "favicon link URI" for the given xul:tab, or null if unavailable.
getFavIconUrlForTab: function FavIcons_getFavIconUrlForTab(tab, callback) {
this._isImageDocument(tab, function (isImageDoc) {
if (isImageDoc) {
callback(tab.pinned ? tab.image : null);
} else {
this._getFavIconForNonImageDocument(tab, callback);
// ----------
// Function: _getFavIconForNonImageDocument
// Retrieves the favicon for a tab containing a non-image document.
function FavIcons_getFavIconForNonImageDocument(tab, callback) {
if (tab.image)
this._getFavIconFromTabImage(tab, callback);
else if (this._shouldLoadFavIcon(tab))
this._getFavIconForHttpDocument(tab, callback);
// ----------
// Function: _getFavIconFromTabImage
// Retrieves the favicon for tab with a tab image.
function FavIcons_getFavIconFromTabImage(tab, callback) {
let tabImage = tab.image;
// If the tab image's url starts with http(s), fetch icon from favicon
// service via the moz-anno protocol.
if (/^https?:/.test(tabImage)) {
let tabImageURI = gWindow.makeURI(tabImage);
tabImage = this._favIconService.getFaviconLinkForIcon(tabImageURI).spec;
// ----------
// Function: _getFavIconForHttpDocument
// Retrieves the favicon for tab containg a http(s) document.
function FavIcons_getFavIconForHttpDocument(tab, callback) {
let {currentURI} = tab.linkedBrowser;
this._favIconService.getFaviconURLForPage(currentURI, function (uri) {
if (uri) {
} else {
// ----------
// Function: _isImageDocument
// Checks whether an image is loaded into the given tab.
_isImageDocument: function UI__isImageDocument(tab, callback) {
let mm = tab.linkedBrowser.messageManager;
let message = "Panorama:isImageDocument";
mm.addMessageListener(message, function onMessage(cx) {
mm.removeMessageListener(cx.name, onMessage);
// ----------
// Function: _shouldLoadFavIcon
// Checks whether fav icon should be loaded for a given tab.
_shouldLoadFavIcon: function FavIcons_shouldLoadFavIcon(tab) {
// No need to load a favicon if the user doesn't want site or favicons.
if (!this._prefSiteIcons || !this._prefFavicons)
return false;
let uri = tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI;
// Stop here if we don't have a valid nsIURI.
if (!uri || !(uri instanceof Ci.nsIURI))
return false;
// Load favicons for http(s) pages only.
return uri.schemeIs("http") || uri.schemeIs("https");
@ -2107,8 +2107,8 @@ let GroupItems = {
// Function: getAppTabFavIconUrl
// Gets the fav icon url for app tab.
getAppTabFavIconUrl: function GroupItems_getAppTabFavIconUrl(xulTab, callback) {
UI.getFavIconUrlForTab(xulTab, function GroupItems_getAppTabFavIconUrl_getFavIconUrlForTab(iconUrl) {
callback(iconUrl || gFavIconService.defaultFavicon.spec);
FavIcons.getFavIconUrlForTab(xulTab, function GroupItems_getAppTabFavIconUrl_getFavIconUrlForTab(iconUrl) {
callback(iconUrl || FavIcons.defaultFavicon);
@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ let TabItems = {
// Even if the page hasn't loaded, display the favicon and title
// ___ icon
UI.getFavIconUrlForTab(tab, function TabItems__update_getFavIconUrlCallback(iconUrl) {
FavIcons.getFavIconUrlForTab(tab, function TabItems__update_getFavIconUrlCallback(iconUrl) {
let favImage = tabItem.$favImage[0];
let fav = tabItem.$fav;
if (iconUrl) {
@ -30,11 +30,6 @@ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gPrivateBrowsing", function() {
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gFavIconService", function() {
return Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/favicon-service;1"].
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gNetUtil", function() {
var obj = {};
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm", obj);
@ -80,6 +75,7 @@ let AllTabs = {
#include items.js
#include groupitems.js
#include tabitems.js
#include favicons.js
#include drag.js
#include trench.js
#include thumbnailStorage.js
@ -51,12 +51,6 @@ let Keys = { meta: false };
// Class: UI
// Singleton top-level UI manager.
let UI = {
// Pref that controls whether to display site icons
PREF_CHROME_SITE_ICONS: "browser.chrome.site_icons",
// Pref that controls whether to display fav icons
PREF_CHROME_FAVICONS: "browser.chrome.favicons",
// Variable: _frameInitialized
// True if the Tab View UI frame has been initialized.
_frameInitialized: false,
@ -147,12 +141,6 @@ let UI = {
// Used to keep track of the tab strip smooth scroll value.
_originalSmoothScroll: null,
// Used to keep track of the browser.chrome.site_icons pref value.
_prefSiteIcons: null,
// Used to keep track of the browser.chrome.favicons pref value.
_prefFavicons: null,
// ----------
// Function: toString
// Prints [UI] for debug use
@ -253,10 +241,6 @@ let UI = {
// ___ add tab action handlers
// ___ add preference observers
Services.prefs.addObserver(this.PREF_CHROME_SITE_ICONS, this, false);
Services.prefs.addObserver(this.PREF_CHROME_FAVICONS, this, false);
// ___ groups
@ -266,6 +250,9 @@ let UI = {
// ___ favicons
if (!hasGroupItemsData)
@ -330,12 +317,10 @@ let UI = {
// additional clean up
Services.prefs.removeObserver(this.PREF_CHROME_SITE_ICONS, this);
Services.prefs.removeObserver(this.PREF_CHROME_FAVICONS, this);
this._currentTab = null;
this._pageBounds = null;
@ -873,19 +858,6 @@ let UI = {
AllTabs.unregister(name, this._eventListeners[name]);
// ----------
// Function: observe
// Observes different preference value changes.
observe: function UI_observe(subject, topic, data) {
if (data == this.PREF_CHROME_SITE_ICONS) {
this._prefSiteIcons =
} else if (data == this.PREF_CHROME_FAVICONS) {
this._prefFavicons =
// ----------
// Function: goToTab
// Selects the given xul:tab in the browser.
@ -1655,79 +1627,6 @@ let UI = {
// ----------
// Function: _isImageDocument
// Checks whether an image is loaded into the given tab.
_isImageDocument: function UI__isImageDocument(tab, callback) {
let mm = tab.linkedBrowser.messageManager;
let message = "Panorama:isImageDocument";
mm.addMessageListener(message, function onMessage(cx) {
mm.removeMessageListener(cx.name, onMessage);
// ----------
// Function: _shouldLoadFavIcon
// Checks whether fav icon should be loaded for a given tab.
_shouldLoadFavIcon: function UI__shouldLoadFavIcon(tab) {
let uri = tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI;
if (!uri)
return false;
if (this._prefSiteIcons == null)
this._prefSiteIcons =
if (!this._prefSiteIcons)
return false;
if (this._prefFavicons == null)
this._prefFavicons =
return (this._prefFavicons && ("schemeIs" in uri) &&
(uri.schemeIs("http") || uri.schemeIs("https")));
// ----------
// Function: getFavIconUrlForTab
// Gets the "favicon link URI" for the given xul:tab, or null if unavailable.
getFavIconUrlForTab: function UI_getFavIconUrlForTab(tab, callback) {
this._isImageDocument(tab, function(isImageDoc) {
if (isImageDoc) {
callback(tab.pinned ? tab.image : null);
} else {
let tabImage = tab.image;
if (tabImage) {
// if starts with http/https, fetch icon from favicon service via the moz-anno protocal
if (/^https?:/.test(tabImage))
tabImage = gFavIconService.getFaviconLinkForIcon(gWindow.makeURI(tab.image)).spec;
} else {
// ensure we don't show the default icon for about:-style error pages
if (!this._shouldLoadFavIcon(tab)) {
} else {
// determine to load the default/cached icon or not
function (uri) {
if (!uri) {
} else {
// ----------
// Function: notifySessionRestoreEnabled
// Notify the user that session restore has been automatically enabled
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