Bug 574821 - Fix for incorrect maximized window non-client margins and remove excess xpcom overhead from metric lookups. r=robarnold.

This commit is contained in:
Jim Mathies 2010-06-28 00:57:07 -05:00
Родитель 0131295162
Коммит 4c788515cc
2 изменённых файлов: 69 добавлений и 56 удалений

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@ -1880,27 +1880,16 @@ nsWindow::GetNonClientMargins(nsIntMargin &margins)
return NS_OK;
nsCOMPtr<nsILookAndFeel> lookAndFeel =
if (!lookAndFeel) {
NS_WARNING("We need nsILookAndFeel for GetNonClientMargins!");
PRInt32 val;
lookAndFeel->GetMetric(nsILookAndFeel::eMetric_WindowTitleHeight, val);
margins.top = val;
lookAndFeel->GetMetric(nsILookAndFeel::eMetric_WindowBorderHeight, val);
margins.top += val;
margins.bottom = val;
lookAndFeel->GetMetric(nsILookAndFeel::eMetric_WindowBorderWidth, val);
margins.left = margins.right = val;
margins.top = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION);
margins.bottom = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME);
margins.top += margins.bottom;
margins.left = margins.right = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME);
return NS_OK;
nsWindow::UpdateNonClientMargins(PRInt32 aSizeMode, PRBool aRefreshWindow)
if (!mCustomNonClient)
return PR_FALSE;
@ -1915,17 +1904,23 @@ nsWindow::UpdateNonClientMargins()
mNonClientOffset.top = mNonClientOffset.bottom =
mNonClientOffset.left = mNonClientOffset.right = 0;
nsCOMPtr<nsILookAndFeel> lookAndFeel =
if (!lookAndFeel) {
NS_WARNING("We need nsILookAndFeel for UpdateNonClientMargins!");
return PR_FALSE;
if (aSizeMode == -1)
aSizeMode = mSizeMode;
if (aSizeMode == nsSizeMode_Minimized ||
aSizeMode == nsSizeMode_Fullscreen) {
mCaptionHeight = mVertResizeMargin = mHorResizeMargin = 0;
return PR_TRUE;
// Used in hit testing, provides the resize cursor margin
lookAndFeel->GetMetric(nsILookAndFeel::eMetric_WindowBorderWidth, mResizeMargin);
lookAndFeel->GetMetric(nsILookAndFeel::eMetric_WindowTitleHeight, mCaptionHeight);
mCaptionHeight += mResizeMargin;
// Note, for maximized windows, we need to continue to offset the client by
// thick frame margins of a normal window, since windows expects this
// in it's DwmDefWndProc hit testing.
mCaptionHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION);
mHorResizeMargin = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME);
mVertResizeMargin = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME);
mCaptionHeight += mVertResizeMargin;
// If a margin value is 0, set the offset to the default size of the frame.
// If a margin is -1, leave as default, and if a margin > 0, set the offset
@ -1935,22 +1930,20 @@ nsWindow::UpdateNonClientMargins()
else if (mNonClientMargins.top > 0)
mNonClientOffset.top = mCaptionHeight - mNonClientMargins.top;
if (!mNonClientMargins.left)
mNonClientOffset.left = mResizeMargin;
else if (mNonClientMargins.left > 0)
mNonClientOffset.left = mResizeMargin - mNonClientMargins.left;
if (!mNonClientMargins.left)
mNonClientOffset.left = mHorResizeMargin;
else if (mNonClientMargins.left > 0)
mNonClientOffset.left = mHorResizeMargin - mNonClientMargins.left;
if (!mNonClientMargins.right)
mNonClientOffset.right = mHorResizeMargin;
else if (mNonClientMargins.right > 0)
mNonClientOffset.right = mHorResizeMargin - mNonClientMargins.right;
if (!mNonClientMargins.right)
mNonClientOffset.right = mResizeMargin;
else if (mNonClientMargins.right > 0)
mNonClientOffset.right = mResizeMargin - mNonClientMargins.right;
PRInt32 val;
lookAndFeel->GetMetric(nsILookAndFeel::eMetric_WindowBorderHeight, val);
if (!mNonClientMargins.bottom)
mNonClientOffset.bottom = val;
else if (mNonClientMargins.bottom > 0)
mNonClientOffset.bottom = val - mNonClientMargins.bottom;
if (!mNonClientMargins.bottom)
mNonClientOffset.bottom = mVertResizeMargin;
else if (mNonClientMargins.bottom > 0)
mNonClientOffset.bottom = mVertResizeMargin - mNonClientMargins.bottom;
NS_ASSERTION(mNonClientOffset.top >= 0, "non-client top margin is negative!");
NS_ASSERTION(mNonClientOffset.left >= 0, "non-client left margin is negative!");
@ -1966,10 +1959,12 @@ nsWindow::UpdateNonClientMargins()
if (mNonClientOffset.bottom < 0)
mNonClientOffset.bottom = 0;
SetWindowPos(mWnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
if (aRefreshWindow) {
SetWindowPos(mWnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
return PR_TRUE;
@ -5390,14 +5385,14 @@ nsWindow::ClientMarginHitTestPoint(PRInt32 mx, PRInt32 my)
PRBool right = PR_FALSE;
if (my >= winRect.top && my <=
(winRect.top + (mCaptionHeight - mNonClientOffset.top)))
(winRect.top + mVertResizeMargin + (mCaptionHeight - mNonClientOffset.top)))
top = PR_TRUE;
else if (my <= winRect.bottom && my >= (winRect.bottom - mResizeMargin))
else if (my <= winRect.bottom && my >= (winRect.bottom - mVertResizeMargin))
bottom = PR_TRUE;
if (mx >= winRect.left && mx <= (winRect.left + mResizeMargin))
if (mx >= winRect.left && mx <= (winRect.left + mHorResizeMargin))
left = PR_TRUE;
else if (mx <= winRect.right && mx >= (winRect.right - mResizeMargin))
else if (mx <= winRect.right && mx >= (winRect.right - mHorResizeMargin))
right = PR_TRUE;
if (top) {
@ -5419,12 +5414,6 @@ nsWindow::ClientMarginHitTestPoint(PRInt32 mx, PRInt32 my)
testResult = HTRIGHT;
if (testResult == HTCLIENT &&
my > (winRect.top + mResizeMargin) &&
my <= (winRect.top + mCaptionHeight) &&
my <= (winRect.top + (mCaptionHeight - mNonClientOffset.top)))
testResult = HTCAPTION;
return testResult;
@ -5844,6 +5833,29 @@ void nsWindow::ActivateOtherWindowHelper(HWND aWnd)
#if !defined(WINCE)
void nsWindow::OnWindowPosChanging(LPWINDOWPOS& info)
// Update non-client margins if the frame size is changing, and let the
// browser know we are changing size modes, so alternative css can kick in.
if (info->flags & SWP_FRAMECHANGED) {
pl.length = sizeof(pl);
::GetWindowPlacement(mWnd, &pl);
PRInt32 sizeMode;
if (pl.showCmd == SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED)
sizeMode = nsSizeMode_Maximized;
else if (pl.showCmd == SW_SHOWMINIMIZED)
sizeMode = nsSizeMode_Minimized;
sizeMode = nsSizeMode_Normal;
nsSizeModeEvent event(PR_TRUE, NS_SIZEMODE, this);
event.mSizeMode = static_cast<nsSizeMode>(sizeMode);
UpdateNonClientMargins(sizeMode, PR_FALSE);
// enforce local z-order rules
if (!(info->flags & SWP_NOZORDER)) {
HWND hwndAfter = info->hwndInsertAfter;

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@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ protected:
nsWindow* GetParentWindow(PRBool aIncludeOwner);
virtual void SubclassWindow(BOOL bState);
PRBool CanTakeFocus();
PRBool UpdateNonClientMargins();
PRBool UpdateNonClientMargins(PRInt32 aSizeMode = -1, PRBool aRefreshWindow = PR_TRUE);
#if !defined(WINCE)
static void InitTrackPointHack();
@ -483,7 +483,8 @@ protected:
// Disable non client margins on non-comsitor desktops
PRPackedBool mCompositorFlag;
// Cached copy of L&F's resize border
PRInt32 mResizeMargin;
PRInt32 mHorResizeMargin;
PRInt32 mVertResizeMargin;
// Height of the caption plus border
PRInt32 mCaptionHeight;