Parse style attrs on elements not in the tree. Bug 60683, r=jkeiser, sr=dbaron

This commit is contained in: 2002-08-12 03:16:36 +00:00
Родитель 5ca10b2eb5
Коммит 4da0f86a31
1 изменённых файлов: 15 добавлений и 16 удалений

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@ -1601,14 +1601,9 @@ nsGenericHTMLElement::SetAttr(PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
if (aAttribute == nsHTMLAtoms::style) {
if (mDocument) {
nsHTMLValue parsedValue;
ParseStyleAttribute(aValue, parsedValue);
result = SetHTMLAttribute(aAttribute, parsedValue, aNotify);
else { // store it as string, will parse it later
result = SetHTMLAttribute(aAttribute, nsHTMLValue(aValue), aNotify);
nsHTMLValue parsedValue;
ParseStyleAttribute(aValue, parsedValue);
result = SetHTMLAttribute(aAttribute, parsedValue, aNotify);
return result;
else {
@ -3404,12 +3399,19 @@ nsresult
nsGenericHTMLElement::ParseStyleAttribute(const nsAString& aValue, nsHTMLValue& aResult)
nsresult result = NS_OK;
NS_ASSERTION(mNodeInfo, "If we don't have a nodeinfo, we are very screwed");
if (mDocument) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc = mDocument;
if (!doc) {
if (doc) {
PRBool isCSS = PR_TRUE; // asume CSS until proven otherwise
nsAutoString styleType;
mDocument->GetHeaderData(nsHTMLAtoms::headerContentStyleType, styleType);
doc->GetHeaderData(nsHTMLAtoms::headerContentStyleType, styleType);
if (!styleType.IsEmpty()) {
static const char textCssStr[] = "text/css";
isCSS = (styleType.EqualsIgnoreCase(textCssStr, sizeof(textCssStr) - 1));
@ -3418,7 +3420,7 @@ nsGenericHTMLElement::ParseStyleAttribute(const nsAString& aValue, nsHTMLValue&
if (isCSS) {
nsCOMPtr<nsICSSLoader> cssLoader;
nsCOMPtr<nsICSSParser> cssParser;
nsCOMPtr<nsIHTMLContentContainer> htmlContainer(do_QueryInterface(mDocument));
nsCOMPtr<nsIHTMLContentContainer> htmlContainer(do_QueryInterface(doc));
if (htmlContainer) {
@ -3440,15 +3442,12 @@ nsGenericHTMLElement::ParseStyleAttribute(const nsAString& aValue, nsHTMLValue&
if (cssParser) {
// look up our namespace. If we're XHTML, we need to be case-sensitive
// Otherwise, we should not be.
nsCOMPtr<nsINodeInfo> nodeInfo;
result = GetNodeInfo(*getter_AddRefs(nodeInfo));
NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(result, result);
if (cssParser) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> docURL;
nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleRule> rule;
result = cssParser->ParseStyleAttribute(aValue, docURL, getter_AddRefs(rule));