зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
@ -196,6 +196,11 @@ Show Dialog=TRUE
Title=Select Program Folder
Message0=Setup will add program icons to the Program Folder listed below. You may type a new folder name, or select one from the Existing Folder list. Click Install to begin installation.
[Dialog Site Selector]
Show Dialog=FALSE
Title=Site Selector
Message0=Select the region you wish to download from, or leave it on Default for Setup to automatically determine the best place to download from releative to where you are.
[Dialog Start Install]
Show Dialog=FALSE
Title=Start Install
@ -258,7 +263,8 @@ Attributes=SELECTED|INVISIBLE
; the next url key is tried in sequential order.
; The url should not contain the filename. Setup will assemble the complete url
; using the url keys and the Archive key.
Server Path0=$ServerPath$
Description Short=Mozilla Seamonkey
@ -271,12 +277,14 @@ $InstallSizeArchive$:browser.xpi
; Attributes can be the following values:
; SELECTED - the component is selected to be installed by default.
; INVISIBLE - the component is not shown in the Select Components dialog.
; url keys can be as many as needed. url0 is attempted first. if it fails,
; the next url key is tried in sequential order.
; The url should not contain the filename. Setup will assemble the complete url
; using the url keys and the Archive key.
Server Path0=$ServerPath$
Description Short=Mail & News
@ -295,7 +303,9 @@ Parameter=
; the next url key is tried in sequential order.
; The url should not contain the filename. Setup will assemble the complete url
; using the url keys and the Archive key.
Server Path0=$ServerPath$
Source=[XPI PATH]\core.xpi
@ -304,6 +314,12 @@ $InstallSize$:core
Message=Preparing Install, please wait...
; The Timing key needs to be one of the following values:
; pre download - process before any files have been downloaded.
; post download - process after all files have been downloaded.
@ -27,27 +27,27 @@
# Make sure there are at least four arguments
if($#ARGV < 3)
if($#ARGV < 2)
die "usage: $0 <default version> <URL path> <staging path> <dist install path>
die "usage: $0 <default version> <staging path> <dist install path>
default version : julian based date version
URL path : URL path to where the .xpi files will be staged at.
Either ftp:// or http:// can be used. Nothing will be
copied to there by this script. It is used for config.ini.
default version : y2k compliant based date version.
staging path : full path to where the components are staged at
dist install path : full path to where the mozilla/dist/win32_o.obj/install is at.
dist install path : full path to where the dist install dir is at.
ie: d:\\builds\\mozilla\\dist\\win32_o.obj\\install
$inDefaultVersion = $ARGV[0];
$inURLPath = $ARGV[1];
$inStagePath = $ARGV[2];
$inDistPath = $ARGV[3];
$inStagePath = $ARGV[1];
$inDistPath = $ARGV[2];
$inRedirIniUrl = "ftp://not.needed.com/because/the/xpi/files/will/be/located/in/the/same/dir/as/the/installer";
$inXpiUrl = "ftp://not.needed.com/because/the/xpi/files/will/be/located/in/the/same/dir/as/the/installer";
$seiFileNameGeneric = "nsinstall.exe";
$seiFileNameSpecific = "mozilla-win32-installer.exe";
$userAgent = "5.0b1 (en)";
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ exit(0);
sub MakeConfigFile
# Make config.ini file
if(system("perl makecfgini.pl config.it $inDefaultVersion $inStagePath $inDistPath\\xpi $inURLPath") != 0)
if(system("perl makecfgini.pl config.it $inDefaultVersion $inStagePath $inDistPath\\xpi $inRedirIniUrl $inXpiUrl") != 0)
@ -31,29 +31,48 @@
# - which is a .ini template
# version
# - version to display on the blue background
# Path to staging area
# - path on where the seamonkey built bits are staged to
# xpi path
# - path on where xpi files will be located at
# URL path
# - path to where the .xpi files are staged. can be
# either ftp:// or http://
# ie: perl makecfgini.pl config.it z:\exposed\windows\32bit\en\5.0 d:\builds\mozilla\dist\win32_0.obj\install\xpi ftp://sweetlou/products/client/seamonkey/windows/32bit/x86/1999-09-13-10-M10
# redirect file url
# - url to where the redirect.ini file will be staged at.
# Either ftp:// or http:// can be used
# ie: ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/seamonkey
# xpi url
# - url to where the .xpi files will be staged at.
# Either ftp:// or http:// can be used
# ie: ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/seamonkey/xpi
# ie: perl makecfgini.pl config.it k:\windows\32bit\5.0 d:\builds\mozilla\dist\win32_o.obj\install\xpi ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/seamonkey/windows/32bit/x86/1999-09-13-10-M10 ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/seamonkey/windows/32bit/x86/1999-09-13-10-M10/xpi
# Make sure there are at least two arguments
if($#ARGV < 4)
if($#ARGV < 5)
die "usage: $0 <.it file> <version> <staging path> <.xpi path> <URL path>
die "usage: $0 <.it file> <version> <staging path> <.xpi path> <redirect file url> <xpi url>
.it file : input ini template file
version : version to be shown in setup. Typically the same version
as show in mozilla.exe.
staging path : path to where the components are staged at
.xpi path : path to where the .xpi files have been built to
URL path : URL path to where the .xpi files will be staged at.
ie: d:\\builds\\mozilla\\dist\\win32_o.obj\\install\\xpi
redirect file : url to where the redirect.ini file will be staged at.
url Either ftp:// or http:// can be used
ie: ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/seamonkey
xpi url : url to where the .xpi files will be staged at.
Either ftp:// or http:// can be used
ie: ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/seamonkey/xpi
@ -61,7 +80,13 @@ $inItFile = $ARGV[0];
$inVersion = $ARGV[1];
$inStagePath = $ARGV[2];
$inXpiPath = $ARGV[3];
$inURLPath = $ARGV[4];
$inRedirIniUrl = $ARGV[4];
$inUrl = $ARGV[5];
($inDomain, $inServerPath) = ParseDomainAndPath($inUrl);
# Get the name of the file replacing the .it extension with a .ini extension
@inItFileSplit = split(/\./,$inItFile);
@ -132,16 +157,13 @@ while($line = <fpInIt>)
print fpOutIni "Install Size Archive=$installSizeArchive\n";
elsif($line =~ /\$Version\$/i)
# For each line read, search and replace $Version$ with the version passed in
$line =~ s/\$Version\$/$inVersion/i;
print fpOutIni $line;
# For each line read, search and replace $InstallSizeSystem$ with the calculated size
$line =~ s/\$URLPath\$/$inURLPath/i;
$line =~ s/\$Domain\$/$inDomain/i;
$line =~ s/\$ServerPath\$/$inServerPath/i;
$line =~ s/\$RedirIniUrl\$/$inRedirIniUrl/i;
print fpOutIni $line;
@ -151,6 +173,44 @@ print " done!\n";
# end of script
sub ParseDomainAndPath()
my($aUrl) = @_;
my($aDomain, $aServerPath);
@slashSplit = split(/\//, $aUrl);
if($#slashSplit >= 0)
for($i = 0; $i <= $#slashSplit; $i++)
if($i <= 2)
if($aDomain eq "")
$aDomain = "$slashSplit[$i]";
$aDomain = "$aDomain/$slashSplit[$i]";
if($aServerPath eq "")
$aServerPath = "/$slashSplit[$i]";
$aServerPath = "$aServerPath/$slashSplit[$i]";
return($aDomain, $aServerPath);
sub OutputInstallSize()
my($inPath) = @_;
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