Checked in attachment 146288 for bug 227877

This commit is contained in: 2004-04-16 21:42:36 +00:00
Родитель 3c212719bf
Коммит 5287dd1952
2 изменённых файлов: 39 добавлений и 70 удалений

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@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ CalendarView.prototype.getViewLimits = function calView_getViewLimits( dayDispla
* event.startDrawSlot - the first horizontal slot the event occupies
* event.drawSlotCount - how many slots the event occupies
* event.totalSlotCount - total horizontal slots (during events duration)
* Used in Dayview, usable also in weekview
* Used in DayView, WeekView
CalendarView.prototype.setDrawProperties = function calView_setDrawProperties( dayEventList ) {
//non-allday Events sorted on displayDate

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@ -136,7 +136,8 @@ WeekView.prototype.refreshEvents = function( )
var LowestStartHour = getIntPref( this.calendarWindow.calendarPreferences.calendarPref, "event.defaultstarthour", 8 );
var HighestEndHour = getIntPref( this.calendarWindow.calendarPreferences.calendarPref, "event.defaultendhour", 17 );
var dayEventList = new Array();
var allDayEventList = new Array();
var normalEventList = new Array();
var eventList = new Array();
for ( dayIndex = 1; dayIndex <= 7; ++dayIndex ) {
@ -147,12 +148,13 @@ WeekView.prototype.refreshEvents = function( )
if( gOnlyWorkdayChecked === "true" && ( dayToGetDay == 0 || dayToGetDay == 6 )) {
continue ;
dayEventList = gEventSource.getEventsForDay( dayToGet );
eventList[dayIndex] = new Array();
eventList[dayIndex] = dayEventList ;
eventList[dayIndex] = gEventSource.getEventsForDay( dayToGet );
allDayEventList[dayIndex] = new Array();
normalEventList[dayIndex] = new Array();
// get limits for current day
var limits = this.getViewLimits(dayEventList, dayToGet);
var limits = this.getViewLimits(eventList[dayIndex], dayToGet);
if( limits.startHour < LowestStartHour ) {
LowestStartHour = limits.startHour;
@ -160,9 +162,13 @@ WeekView.prototype.refreshEvents = function( )
if( limits.endHour > HighestEndHour ) {
HighestEndHour = limits.endHour;
//divide events into allday and normal (non-allday) events
for ( var i = 0; i < eventList[dayIndex].length; i++ ) {
if( eventList[dayIndex][i].event.allDay == true ) {
allDayExist = true;
} else {
@ -190,62 +196,26 @@ WeekView.prototype.refreshEvents = function( )
for ( dayIndex = 1; dayIndex <= 7; ++dayIndex ) {
dayToGet = new Date( gHeaderDateItemArray[dayIndex].getAttribute( "date" ) );
dayToGetDay = dayToGet.getDay() ;
if( gOnlyWorkdayChecked === "true" && ( dayToGetDay == 0 || dayToGetDay == 6 )) {
/* its a weekend */
continue ;
//refresh the array and the current spot.
for ( i = 0; i < eventList[dayIndex].length; i++ ) {
eventList[dayIndex][i].OtherSpotArray = new Array('0');
eventList[dayIndex][i].CurrentSpot = 0;
eventList[dayIndex][i].NumberOfSameTimeEvents = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < eventList[dayIndex].length; i++ ) {
var ThisSpot = 0;
var calendarEventDisplay = eventList[dayIndex][i];
if ( calendarEventDisplay.event.allDay != true ) {
//see if there's another event at the same start time.
for ( var j = 0; j < eventList[dayIndex].length; j++ ) {
var thisCalendarEventDisplay = eventList[dayIndex][j];
//if this event overlaps with another event...
if ( ( ( thisCalendarEventDisplay.displayDate >= calendarEventDisplay.displayDate &&
thisCalendarEventDisplay.displayDate < calendarEventDisplay.event.end.getTime() ) ||
( calendarEventDisplay.displayDate >= thisCalendarEventDisplay.displayDate &&
calendarEventDisplay.displayDate < thisCalendarEventDisplay.event.end.getTime() ) ) && != &&
thisCalendarEventDisplay.event.allDay != true ) {
//get the spot that this event will go in.
ThisSpot = thisCalendarEventDisplay.CurrentSpot;
calendarEventDisplay.OtherSpotArray.push( ThisSpot );
if ( ThisSpot > calendarEventDisplay.CurrentSpot ) {
calendarEventDisplay.CurrentSpot = ThisSpot;
var SortedOtherSpotArray = new Array();
//the sort must use the global variable gCalendarWindow, not this.calendarWindow
SortedOtherSpotArray = calendarEventDisplay.OtherSpotArray.sort( gCalendarWindow.compareNumbers);
var LowestNumber = this.calendarWindow.getLowestElementNotInArray( SortedOtherSpotArray );
//this is the actual spot (0 -> n) that the event will go in on the day view.
calendarEventDisplay.CurrentSpot = LowestNumber;
if ( SortedOtherSpotArray.length > 4 ) {
calendarEventDisplay.NumberOfSameTimeEvents = 4;
} else {
calendarEventDisplay.NumberOfSameTimeEvents = SortedOtherSpotArray.length;
eventList[dayIndex][i] = calendarEventDisplay;
if( gOnlyWorkdayChecked == "true" && ( dayToGetDay == 0 || dayToGetDay == 6 )) {
/* its a weekend */
continue ;
// Calculate event draw properties (where events are drawn on view)
// Add non-allday events to DOM
for ( var i = 0; i < normalEventList[dayIndex].length; ++i )
eventBox = this.createEventBox( normalEventList[dayIndex][i] );
document.getElementById( "week-view-content-board" ).appendChild( eventBox );
this.kungFooDeathGripOnEventBoxes.push( eventBox );
//Everything below this point is old code that will be changed in the near future.
//It only deals with allday events
var ThisDayAllDayBox = document.getElementById( "all-day-content-box-week-"+dayIndex );
while ( ThisDayAllDayBox.hasChildNodes() ) {
ThisDayAllDayBox.removeChild( ThisDayAllDayBox.firstChild );
@ -298,11 +268,6 @@ WeekView.prototype.refreshEvents = function( )
ThisDayAllDayBox.appendChild( newImage );
ThisDayAllDayBox.appendChild( newHTMLNode );
} else if ( calendarEventDisplay.CurrentSpot <= 4 ) {
eventBox = this.createEventBox( calendarEventDisplay, dayIndex );
//add the box to the bulletin board.
document.getElementById( "week-view-content-board" ).appendChild( eventBox );
if( this.calendarWindow.EventSelection.isSelectedEvent( calendarEventDisplay.event ) ) {
@ -314,9 +279,9 @@ WeekView.prototype.refreshEvents = function( )
* This creates an event box for the day view
* This creates an event box for the week view
WeekView.prototype.createEventBox = function ( calendarEventDisplay, dayIndex )
WeekView.prototype.createEventBox = function ( calendarEventDisplay )
var eventText = calendarEventDisplay.event.title;
@ -333,7 +298,10 @@ WeekView.prototype.createEventBox = function ( calendarEventDisplay, dayIndex )
var Height = eventDuration * hourHeight + 1 ;
eventBox.setAttribute( "height", Height );
var Width = Math.floor( ElementOfRef.boxObject.width / calendarEventDisplay.NumberOfSameTimeEvents + 1);
var hourWidth = ElementOfRef.boxObject.width;
var eventSlotWidth = Math.round( hourWidth / calendarEventDisplay.totalSlotCount );
var Width = ( calendarEventDisplay.drawSlotCount * eventSlotWidth ) - 1;
eventBox.setAttribute( "width", Width );
var top = eval( ElementOfRef.boxObject.y + ( ( startMinutes/60 ) * hourHeight ) );
@ -347,8 +315,9 @@ WeekView.prototype.createEventBox = function ( calendarEventDisplay, dayIndex )
index = index + 7;
var boxLeft = document.getElementById("week-tree-day-"+index+"-item-"+startHour).boxObject.x -
document.getElementById( "week-view-content-box" ).boxObject.x -
3 + ( Width * ( calendarEventDisplay.CurrentSpot - 1 ) );
document.getElementById( "week-view-content-box" ).boxObject.x +
( calendarEventDisplay.startDrawSlot * eventSlotWidth )
- 2;
eventBox.setAttribute( "left", boxLeft );
// start calendar color change by CofC