зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Fix the menu title and enabled state of the Show/Hide bookmarks item when toggling bookmarks. No bug.
This commit is contained in:
@ -725,7 +725,38 @@ Otherwise, we return the URL we originally got. Right now this supports .url and
[mAddBookmarkMenuItem setEnabled:inBrowserWindowFrontmost];
[mCreateBookmarksFolderMenuItem setEnabled:inBrowserWindowFrontmost];
[mCreateBookmarksSeparatorMenuItem setEnabled:YES];
[mShowAllBookmarksMenuItem setEnabled:YES]; // always enabled.
// We need the frontmost browser for the case of the dl/about window
// is the main so we can ensure the "show/hide all bookmarks" has the correct
// state for that window. Unfortunately, we can't rely on |-getFrontmostBrowserWindow| in all
// cases, such as when a window has just been opened. As a result, first
// try |-getMainWindowBrowserController| and if that fails use fFBW as a fallback.
BrowserWindowController* browserController = [self getMainWindowBrowserController];
if (!browserController)
browserController = (BrowserWindowController*)[[self getFrontmostBrowserWindow] windowController];
BOOL showBookmarksEnabled = YES;
BOOL useShowLabel = YES;
if (browserController)
if ([browserController bookmarkManagerIsVisible])
useShowLabel = NO;
showBookmarksEnabled = [browserController canHideBookmarks];
useShowLabel = YES;
NSString* showBMLabel = useShowLabel ? NSLocalizedString(@"Show All Bookmarks", @"")
: NSLocalizedString(@"Hide All Bookmarks", @"");
[mShowAllBookmarksMenuItem setTitle:showBMLabel];
[mShowAllBookmarksMenuItem setEnabled:showBookmarksEnabled];
- (NSView*)getSavePanelView
@ -251,6 +251,7 @@ typedef enum
- (IBAction)manageHistory: (id)aSender;
- (BOOL)bookmarkManagerIsVisible;
- (BOOL)canHideBookmarks;
- (BOOL)singleBookmarkIsSelected;
- (void)createNewTab:(ENewTabContents)contents;
@ -1311,6 +1311,12 @@ enum BWCOpenDest {
return [mURLBar userHasTyped];
- (void)contentViewChangedTo:(NSView*)inView forURL:(NSString*)inURL
// update bookmarks menu
[[NSApp delegate] adjustBookmarksMenuItemsEnabling:[[self window] isMainWindow]];
- (void)updateFromFrontmostTab
[[self window] setTitle: [mBrowserView windowTitle]];
@ -1466,7 +1472,9 @@ enum BWCOpenDest {
if ([self bookmarkManagerIsVisible])
[self back:aSender];
[self loadURL:@"about:bookmarks" referrer:nil activate:YES allowPopups:YES];
[self loadURL:@"about:bookmarks" referrer:nil activate:YES allowPopups:NO];
[[NSApp delegate] adjustBookmarksMenuItemsEnabling:[[self window] isMainWindow]];
@ -1847,6 +1855,11 @@ enum BWCOpenDest {
return [currentURL isEqualToString:@"about:bookmarks"] || [currentURL isEqualToString:@"about:history"];
- (BOOL)canHideBookmarks
return [self bookmarkManagerIsVisible] && [[mBrowserView getBrowserView] canGoBack];
- (BOOL)singleBookmarkIsSelected
if (![self bookmarkManagerIsVisible])
@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ class nsISupportsArray;
- (BOOL)userChangedLocationField;
- (void)contentViewChangedTo:(NSView*)inView forURL:(NSString*)inURL;
@ -391,15 +391,14 @@ static NSString* const kOfflineNotificationName = @"offlineModeChanged";
- (void)checkForCustomViewOnLoad:(NSString*)inURL
NSView* newView = [self contentProviderViewForURL:inURL];
if (newView)
NSView* newContentView = [self contentProviderViewForURL:inURL];
if (!newContentView)
newContentView = mBrowserView; // put the browser view back
if ([self firstSubview] != newContentView)
[self swapFirstSubview:newView];
// put the browser view back
[self swapFirstSubview:mBrowserView];
[self swapFirstSubview:newContentView];
[mDelegate contentViewChangedTo:newContentView forURL:inURL];
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