зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
remove ifdefs for IBMBIDI from gfx, r+sr=roc+moz bug 89203
This commit is contained in:
@ -795,14 +795,11 @@ public:
#ifdef IBMBIDI
* Let the device context know whether we want text reordered with
* right-to-left base direction
NS_IMETHOD SetRightToLeftText(PRBool aIsRTL) = 0;
#endif // IBMBIDI
/* [noscript] void drawImage (in imgIContainer aImage, [const] in nsRect aSrcRect, [const] in nsPoint aDestPoint); */
NS_IMETHOD DrawImage(imgIContainer *aImage, const nsRect * aSrcRect, const nsPoint * aDestPoint) = 0;
@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: NPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
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* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#ifndef nsRenderingContextImpl_h___
#define nsRenderingContextImpl_h___
#include "nsComObsolete.h"
#include "nsIRenderingContext.h"
#include "nsPoint.h"
#include "nsSize.h"
typedef struct {
double x; // x coordinate of edge's intersection with current scanline */
double dx; // change in x with respect to y
int i; // edge number: edge i goes from mPointList[i] to mPointList[i+1]
} Edge;
class nsRenderingContextImpl : public nsIRenderingContext
nsTransform2D *mTranMatrix; // The rendering contexts transformation matrix
nsLineStyle mLineStyle; // The current linestyle, currenly used on mac, other platfroms to follow
int mAct; // number of active edges
Edge *mActive; // active edge list:edges crossing scanline y
// See the description in nsIRenderingContext.h
NS_IMETHOD FlushRect(const nsRect& aRect);
NS_IMETHOD FlushRect(nscoord aX, nscoord aY, nscoord aWidth, nscoord aHeight);
* Gets the Pen Mode for the RenderingContext
* @param aPenMode The Pen Mode to be retrieved
* @return NS_OK if the Pen Mode is correctly retrieved
NS_IMETHOD GetPenMode(nsPenMode &aPenMode) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;}
* Sets the Pen Mode for the RenderingContext
* @param aPenMode The Pen Mode
* @return NS_OK if the Pen Mode is correctly set
NS_IMETHOD SetPenMode(nsPenMode aPenMode) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;};
/** ---------------------------------------------------
* See documentation in nsIRenderingContext.h
* @update 03/29/00 dwc
NS_IMETHOD DrawPath(nsPathPoint aPointArray[],PRInt32 aNumPts);
/** ---------------------------------------------------
* See documentation in nsIRenderingContext.h
* @update 03/29/00 dwc
NS_IMETHOD FillPath(nsPathPoint aPointArray[],PRInt32 aNumPts);
* Fill a poly in the current foreground color
* @param aPoints points to use for the drawing, last must equal first
* @param aNumPonts number of points in the polygon
NS_IMETHOD RasterPolygon(const nsPoint aPoints[], PRInt32 aNumPoints);
/** ---------------------------------------------------
* See documentation in nsIRenderingContext.h
* @update 05/01/00 dwc
NS_IMETHOD DrawStdLine(nscoord aX0, nscoord aY0, nscoord aX1, nscoord aY1) { return NS_OK;}
/** ---------------------------------------------------
* See documentation in nsIRenderingContext.h
* @update 05/01/00 dwc
NS_IMETHOD FillStdPolygon(const nsPoint aPoints[], PRInt32 aNumPoints) { return NS_OK; }
NS_IMETHOD GetBackbuffer(const nsRect &aRequestedSize, const nsRect &aMaxSize, nsDrawingSurface &aBackbuffer);
NS_IMETHOD ReleaseBackbuffer(void);
NS_IMETHOD DestroyCachedBackbuffer(void);
NS_IMETHOD UseBackbuffer(PRBool* aUseBackbuffer);
#ifdef IBMBIDI
* Let the device context know whether we want text reordered with
* right-to-left base direction
NS_IMETHOD SetRightToLeftText(PRBool aIsRTL);
#endif // IBMBIDI
NS_IMETHOD DrawImage(imgIContainer *aImage, const nsRect * aSrcRect, const nsPoint * aDestPoint);
NS_IMETHOD DrawScaledImage(imgIContainer *aImage, const nsRect * aSrcRect, const nsRect * aDestRect);
NS_IMETHOD DrawTile(imgIContainer *aImage, nscoord aXOffset, nscoord aYOffset, const nsRect * aTargetRect);
virtual ~nsRenderingContextImpl();
void cdelete(int i);
void cinsert(int i,int y,const nsPoint aPointArray[],PRInt32 aNumPts);
* Determine if a rect's width and height will fit within a specified width and height
* @param aRect rectangle to test
* @param aWidth width to determine if the rectangle's width will fit within
* @param aHeight height to determine if the rectangles height will fit within
* @returns PR_TRUE if the rect width and height fits with aWidth, aHeight, PR_FALSE
* otherwise.
PRBool RectFitsInside(const nsRect& aRect, PRInt32 aWidth, PRInt32 aHeight) const;
* Determine if two rectangles width and height will fit within a specified width and height
* @param aRect1 first rectangle to test
* @param aRect1 second rectangle to test
* @param aWidth width to determine if both rectangle's width will fit within
* @param aHeight height to determine if both rectangles height will fit within
* @returns PR_TRUE if the rect1's and rect2's width and height fits with aWidth,
* aHeight, PR_FALSE otherwise.
PRBool BothRectsFitInside(const nsRect& aRect1, const nsRect& aRect2, PRInt32 aWidth, PRInt32 aHeight, nsRect& aNewSize) const;
* Return an offscreen surface size from a set of discrete surface sizes.
* The smallest discrete surface size that can enclose both the Maximum widget
* size (@see GetMaxWidgetBounds) and the requested size is returned.
* @param aMaxBackbufferSize Maximum size that may be requested for the backbuffer
* @param aRequestedSize Requested size for the offscreen.
* @param aSurfaceSize contains the surface size
void CalculateDiscreteSurfaceSize(const nsRect& aMaxBackbufferSize, const nsRect& aRequestedSize, nsRect& aSize);
* Get the size of the offscreen drawing surface..
* @param aMaxBackbufferSize Maximum size that may be requested for the backbuffer
* @param aRequestedSize Desired size for the offscreen.
* @param aSurfaceSize Offscreen adjusted to a discrete size which encloses aRequestedSize.
void GetDrawingSurfaceSize(const nsRect& aMaxBackbufferSize, const nsRect& aRequestedSize, nsRect& aSurfaceSize);
* Utility method used to implement NS_IMETHOD GetBackbuffer
* @param aRequestedSize size of the backbuffer area requested
* @param aMaxSize maximum size that may be requested for the backbuffer
* @param aBackbuffer drawing surface used as the backbuffer
* @param aCacheBackbuffer PR_TRUE then the backbuffer will be cached, if PR_FALSE it is created each time
nsresult AllocateBackbuffer(const nsRect &aRequestedSize, const nsRect &aMaxSize, nsDrawingSurface &aBackbuffer, PRBool aCacheBackbuffer);
nsPenMode mPenMode;
static nsDrawingSurface gBackbuffer; //singleton backbuffer
static nsRect gBackbufferBounds; //backbuffer bounds
// Largest requested offscreen size if larger than a full screen.
static nsSize gLargestRequestedSize;
/** ---------------------------------------------------
* Class QBezierCurve, a quadratic bezier curve
* @update 4/27/2000 dwc
class QBezierCurve
nsFloatPoint mAnc1;
nsFloatPoint mCon;
nsFloatPoint mAnc2;
QBezierCurve() {mAnc1.x=0;mAnc1.y=0;mCon=mAnc2=mAnc1;}
void SetControls(nsFloatPoint &aAnc1,nsFloatPoint &aCon,nsFloatPoint &aAnc2) { mAnc1 = aAnc1; mCon = aCon; mAnc2 = aAnc2;}
void SetPoints(nscoord a1x,nscoord a1y,nscoord acx,nscoord acy,nscoord a2x,nscoord a2y) {mAnc1.MoveTo(a1x,a1y),mCon.MoveTo(acx,acy),mAnc2.MoveTo(a2x,a2y);}
void SetPoints(float a1x,float a1y,float acx,float acy,float a2x,float a2y) {mAnc1.MoveTo(a1x,a1y),mCon.MoveTo(acx,acy),mAnc2.MoveTo(a2x,a2y);}
void DebugPrint();
/** ---------------------------------------------------
* Divide a Quadratic curve into line segments if it is not smaller than a certain size
* else it is so small that it can be approximated by 2 lineto calls
* @param aRenderingContext -- The RenderingContext to use to draw with
* @update 3/26/99 dwc
void SubDivide(nsIRenderingContext *aRenderingContext);
/** ---------------------------------------------------
* Divide a Quadratic curve into line segments if it is not smaller than a certain size
* else it is so small that it can be approximated by 2 lineto calls
* @param nsPoint* -- The points array to rasterize into
* @param aNumPts* -- Current number of points in this array
* @update 3/26/99 dwc
void SubDivide(nsPoint aThePoints[],PRInt16 *aNumPts);
/** ---------------------------------------------------
* Divide a Quadratic Bezier curve at the mid-point
* @update 3/26/99 dwc
* @param aCurve1 -- Curve 1 as a result of the division
* @param aCurve2 -- Curve 2 as a result of the division
void MidPointDivide(QBezierCurve *A,QBezierCurve *B);
/** ---------------------------------------------------
* A class to iterate through a nsPathPoint array and return segments
* @update 04/27/00 dwc
class nsPathIter {
PRUint32 mCurPoint;
PRUint32 mNumPoints;
nsPathPoint *mThePath;
nsPathIter(nsPathPoint* aThePath,PRUint32 aNumPts);
PRBool NextSeg(QBezierCurve& TheSegment,eSegType& aCurveType);
#endif /* nsRenderingContextImpl */
@ -76,9 +76,7 @@ nsRenderingContextMac::nsRenderingContextMac()
, mPort(nsnull)
, mGS(nsnull)
, mChanges(kEverythingChanged)
#ifdef IBMBIDI
, mRightToLeftText(PR_FALSE)
mFrontSurface = new nsDrawingSurfaceMac();
@ -1259,11 +1257,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsRenderingContextMac::GetWidth(const PRUnichar *aString, PRUint32
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
#ifdef IBMBIDI
PRBool rtlText = mRightToLeftText;
PRBool rtlText = PR_FALSE;
rv = mUnicodeRenderingToolkit.PrepareToDraw(mP2T, mContext, mGS, mPort, rtlText);
@ -1297,11 +1291,7 @@ nsRenderingContextMac::GetTextDimensions(const PRUnichar* aString, PRUint32 aLen
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
#ifdef IBMBIDI
PRBool rtlText = mRightToLeftText;
PRBool rtlText = PR_FALSE;
rv = mUnicodeRenderingToolkit.PrepareToDraw(mP2T, mContext, mGS, mPort, rtlText);
@ -1375,11 +1365,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsRenderingContextMac::DrawString(const PRUnichar *aString, PRUint
if (nsnull == mGS->mFontMetrics)
#ifdef IBMBIDI
PRBool rtlText = mRightToLeftText;
PRBool rtlText = PR_FALSE;
rv = mUnicodeRenderingToolkit.PrepareToDraw(mP2T, mContext, mGS, mPort, rtlText);
@ -1493,11 +1479,7 @@ nsRenderingContextMac::GetBoundingMetrics(const PRUnichar* aString,
return rv;
#ifdef IBMBIDI
PRBool rtlText = mRightToLeftText;
PRBool rtlText = PR_FALSE;
rv = mUnicodeRenderingToolkit.PrepareToDraw(mP2T, mContext, mGS, mPort, rtlText);
@ -1510,14 +1492,12 @@ nsRenderingContextMac::GetBoundingMetrics(const PRUnichar* aString,
#endif /* MOZ_MATHML */
#ifdef IBMBIDI
nsRenderingContextMac::SetRightToLeftText(PRBool aIsRTL)
mRightToLeftText = aIsRTL;
return NS_OK;
#pragma mark -
@ -174,13 +174,11 @@ public:
nsBoundingMetrics& aBoundingMetrics,
PRInt32* aFontID);
#endif /* MOZ_MATHML */
#ifdef IBMBIDI
* Let the device context know whether we want text reordered with
* right-to-left base direction
NS_IMETHOD SetRightToLeftText(PRBool aIsRTL);
#endif // IBMBIDI
nsresult SetPortTextState();
nsresult Init(nsIDeviceContext* aContext, CGrafPtr aPort);
@ -212,9 +210,7 @@ protected:
nsUnicodeRenderingToolkit mUnicodeRenderingToolkit;
nsAutoVoidArray mGSStack; // GraphicStates stack, used for PushState/PopState
PRUint32 mChanges; // bit mask of attributes that have changed since last Push().
#ifdef IBMBIDI
PRBool mRightToLeftText;
#endif /* nsRenderingContextMac_h___ */
@ -140,9 +140,7 @@ nsRenderingContextOS2::nsRenderingContextOS2()
mCurrFillColor = mColor + 1;
mStateCache = new nsVoidArray();
#ifdef IBMBIDI
mRightToLeftText = PR_FALSE;
//create an initial GraphicsState
@ -2283,12 +2281,10 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsRenderingContextOS2 :: DrawString(const PRUnichar *aString, PRUi
mTranMatrix->TransformCoord(&data.mX, &data.mY);
#ifdef IBMBIDI
if (mRightToLeftText) {
metrics->ResolveBackwards(mPS, aString, aLength, do_DrawString, &data);
#endif // IBMBIDI
metrics->ResolveForwards(mPS, aString, aLength, do_DrawString, &data);
@ -246,9 +246,7 @@ protected:
nsIWidget *mDCOwner; // Parent widget
FATTRS mCurrFont;
#ifdef IBMBIDI
PRBool mRightToLeftText;
#endif // IBMBIDI
@ -492,7 +492,6 @@ void nsRenderingContextImpl::CalculateDiscreteSurfaceSize(const nsRect& aMaxBack
#ifdef IBMBIDI
* Let the device context know whether we want text reordered with
* right-to-left base direction
@ -502,7 +501,6 @@ nsRenderingContextImpl::SetRightToLeftText(PRBool aIsRTL)
return NS_OK;
#endif // IBMBIDI
/** ---------------------------------------------------
* See documentation in nsRenderingContextImpl.h
@ -168,10 +168,8 @@ GraphicsState :: ~GraphicsState()
#define NOT_SETUP 0x33
static PRBool gIsWIN95 = NOT_SETUP;
#ifdef IBMBIDI
#define DONT_INIT 0
static DWORD gBidiInfo = NOT_SETUP;
#endif // IBMBIDI
// A few of the stock objects are needed all the time, so we just get them
// once
@ -194,7 +192,6 @@ nsRenderingContextWin :: nsRenderingContextWin()
else {
#ifdef IBMBIDI
if ( (os.dwMajorVersion < 4)
|| ( (os.dwMajorVersion == 4) && (os.dwMinorVersion == 0) ) ) {
// Windows 95 or earlier: assume it's not Bidi
@ -210,7 +207,6 @@ nsRenderingContextWin :: nsRenderingContextWin()
gBidiInfo = GCP_REORDER;
#endif // IBMBIDI
@ -235,9 +231,7 @@ nsRenderingContextWin :: nsRenderingContextWin()
mMainSurface = nsnull;
mStateCache = new nsVoidArray();
#ifdef IBMBIDI
mRightToLeftText = PR_FALSE;
//create an initial GraphicsState
@ -643,7 +637,6 @@ nsRenderingContextWin :: GetHints(PRUint32& aResult)
if (gIsWIN95)
#ifdef IBMBIDI
if (NOT_SETUP == gBidiInfo) {
@ -651,7 +644,6 @@ nsRenderingContextWin :: GetHints(PRUint32& aResult)
#endif // IBMBIDI
aResult = result;
@ -2344,12 +2336,10 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsRenderingContextWin :: DrawString(const PRUnichar *aString, PRUi
mTranMatrix->TransformCoord(&data.mX, &data.mY);
#ifdef IBMBIDI
if (mRightToLeftText) {
metrics->ResolveBackwards(mDC, aString, aLength, do_DrawString, &data);
#endif // IBMBIDI
metrics->ResolveForwards(mDC, aString, aLength, do_DrawString, &data);
@ -2950,7 +2940,6 @@ nsRenderingContextWin::ReleaseBackbuffer(void) {
return DestroyCachedBackbuffer();
#ifdef IBMBIDI
* Let the device context know whether we want text reordered with
* right-to-left base direction. The Windows implementation does this
@ -3026,7 +3015,6 @@ nsRenderingContextWin::InitBidiInfo()
#endif // IBMBIDI
@ -203,9 +203,7 @@ public:
PRInt32* aFontID);
#ifdef IBMBIDI
NS_IMETHOD SetRightToLeftText(PRBool aIsRTL);
#endif // IBMBIDI
void SetupFontAndColor(void);
@ -224,9 +222,7 @@ private:
HPEN SetupDashedPen(void);
HPEN SetupDottedPen(void);
void PushClipState(void);
#ifdef IBMBIDI
void InitBidiInfo(void);
#endif // IBMBIDI
friend class nsNativeThemeWin;
@ -265,9 +261,7 @@ protected:
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
PRBool mInitialized;
#ifdef IBMBIDI
PRBool mRightToLeftText;
#endif // IBMBIDI
#endif /* nsRenderingContextWin_h___ */
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