Bug 693265 - Carefully review the exposed GCLI API; r=msucan

This commit is contained in:
Joe Walker 2011-10-26 11:01:35 -03:00
Родитель 2ad9dd48b9
Коммит 6c5692b6e7
3 изменённых файлов: 81 добавлений и 282 удалений

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@ -38,82 +38,21 @@
let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "GcliCommands" ];
let bundleName = "chrome://browser/locale/devtools/gclicommands.properties";
let stringBundle = Services.strings.createBundle(bundleName);
let gcli = gcli._internal.require("gcli/index");
let canon = gcli._internal.require("gcli/canon");
let document;
* The exported API
let GcliCommands = {
* Allow HUDService to inform us of the document against which we work
setDocument: function GcliCommands_setDocument(aDocument) {
document = aDocument;
* Undo the effects of GcliCommands.setDocument()
unsetDocument: function GcliCommands_unsetDocument() {
document = undefined;
* Lookup a string in the GCLI string bundle
* @param aName The name to lookup
* @return The looked up name
function lookup(aName)
try {
return stringBundle.GetStringFromName(aName);
} catch (ex) {
throw new Error("Failure in lookup('" + aName + "')");
* Lookup a string in the GCLI string bundle
* @param aName The name to lookup
* @param aSwaps An array of swaps. See stringBundle.formatStringFromName
* @return The looked up name
function lookupFormat(aName, aSwaps)
try {
return stringBundle.formatStringFromName(aName, aSwaps, aSwaps.length);
} catch (ex) {
Services.console.logStringMessage("Failure in lookupFormat('" + aName + "')");
throw new Error("Failure in lookupFormat('" + aName + "')");
* 'echo' command
name: "echo",
description: lookup("echoDesc"),
description: gcli.lookup("echoDesc"),
params: [
name: "message",
type: "string",
description: lookup("echoMessageDesc")
description: gcli.lookup("echoMessageDesc")
returnType: "string",
@ -123,17 +62,19 @@ gcli.addCommand({
let canon = gcli._internal.require("gcli/canon");
* 'help' command
name: "help",
returnType: "html",
description: lookup("helpDesc"),
description: gcli.lookup("helpDesc"),
exec: function Command_help(args, context) {
let output = [];
output.push("<strong>" + lookup("helpAvailable") + ":</strong><br/>");
output.push("<strong>" + gcli.lookup("helpAvailable") + ":</strong><br/>");
let commandNames = canon.getCommandNames();
@ -160,8 +101,8 @@ gcli.addCommand({
name: "console",
description: lookup("consoleDesc"),
manual: lookup("consoleManual")
description: gcli.lookup("consoleDesc"),
manual: gcli.lookup("consoleManual")
@ -169,7 +110,7 @@ gcli.addCommand({
name: "console clear",
description: lookup("consoleclearDesc"),
description: gcli.lookup("consoleclearDesc"),
exec: function(args, context) {
let hud = HUDService.getHudReferenceById(context.environment.hudId);

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@ -79,12 +79,6 @@ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gcli", function () {
return obj.gcli;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "GcliCommands", function () {
var obj = {};
Cu.import("resource:///modules/GcliCommands.jsm", obj);
return obj.GcliCommands;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "StyleInspector", function () {
var obj = {};
Cu.import("resource:///modules/devtools/StyleInspector.jsm", obj);
@ -133,6 +127,23 @@ function LogFactory(aMessagePrefix)
return log;
* Load the various Command JSMs.
* Should be called when the console first opens.
* @return an object containing the EXPORTED_SYMBOLS from all the command
* modules. In general there is no reason when JSMs need to export symbols
* except when they need the host environment to inform them of things like the
* current window/document/etc.
function loadCommands() {
let commandExports = {};
Cu.import("resource:///modules/GcliCommands.jsm", commandExports);
return commandExports;
let log = LogFactory("*** HUDService:");
const HUD_STRINGS_URI = "chrome://global/locale/headsUpDisplay.properties";
@ -6882,6 +6893,11 @@ catch (ex) {
// GcliTerm
* Some commands need customization - this is how we get at them.
let commandExports = undefined;
* GcliTerm
@ -6932,7 +6948,10 @@ function GcliTerm(aContentWindow, aHudId, aDocument, aConsole, aHintNode)
gcli._internal.commandOutputManager.addListener(this.onCommandOutput, this);
if (!commandExports) {
commandExports = loadCommands();
GcliTerm.prototype = {
@ -6957,7 +6976,6 @@ GcliTerm.prototype = {
destroy: function Gcli_destroy()
gcli._internal.commandOutputManager.removeListener(this.onCommandOutput, this);

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@ -630,11 +630,52 @@ var require = define.globalDomain.require.bind(define.globalDomain);
* http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
var mozl10n = {};
(function(aMozl10n) {
var temp = {};
Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", temp);
var stringBundle = temp.Services.strings.createBundle(
* Lookup a string in the GCLI string bundle
* @param name The name to lookup
* @return The looked up name
aMozl10n.lookup = function(name) {
try {
return stringBundle.GetStringFromName(name);
catch (ex) {
throw new Error("Failure in lookup('" + name + "')");
* Lookup a string in the GCLI string bundle
* @param name The name to lookup
* @param swaps An array of swaps. See stringBundle.formatStringFromName
* @return The looked up name
aMozl10n.lookupFormat = function(name, swaps) {
try {
return stringBundle.formatStringFromName(name, swaps, swaps.length);
catch (ex) {
throw new Error("Failure in lookupFormat('" + name + "')");
define('gcli/index', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'gcli/canon', 'gcli/types/basic', 'gcli/types/javascript', 'gcli/types/node', 'gcli/cli', 'gcli/ui/inputter', 'gcli/ui/arg_fetch', 'gcli/ui/menu', 'gcli/ui/focus'], function(require, exports, module) {
// The API for use by command authors
exports.addCommand = require('gcli/canon').addCommand;
exports.removeCommand = require('gcli/canon').removeCommand;
exports.lookup = mozl10n.lookup;
exports.lookupFormat = mozl10n.lookupFormat;
// Internal startup process. Not exported
@ -4197,16 +4238,17 @@ Requisition.prototype._onCommandAssignmentChange = function(ev) {
* Assignments have an order, so we need to store them in an array.
* But we also need named access ...
* @return The found assignment, or undefined, if no match was found
Requisition.prototype.getAssignment = function(nameOrNumber) {
var name = (typeof nameOrNumber === 'string') ?
nameOrNumber :
return this._assignments[name];
return this._assignments[name] || undefined;
* Where parameter name == assignment names - they are the same.
* Where parameter name == assignment names - they are the same
Requisition.prototype.getParameterNames = function() {
return Object.keys(this._assignments);
@ -5041,210 +5083,8 @@ ExecutionContext.prototype.createPromise = function() {
define('gcli/promise', ['require', 'exports', 'module' ], function(require, exports, module) {
* Create an unfulfilled promise
* @constructor
function Promise() {
this._status = Promise.PENDING;
this._value = undefined;
this._onSuccessHandlers = [];
this._onErrorHandlers = [];
// Debugging help
this._id = Promise._nextId++;
Promise._outstanding[this._id] = this;
* We give promises and ID so we can track which are outstanding
Promise._nextId = 0;
* Outstanding promises. Handy list for debugging only.
Promise._outstanding = [];
* Recently resolved promises. Also for debugging only.
Promise._recent = [];
* A promise can be in one of 2 states.
* The ERROR and SUCCESS states are terminal, the PENDING state is the only
* start state.
Promise.ERROR = -1;
Promise.PENDING = 0;
Promise.SUCCESS = 1;
* Yeay for RTTI.
Promise.prototype.isPromise = true;
* Have we either been resolve()ed or reject()ed?
Promise.prototype.isComplete = function() {
return this._status != Promise.PENDING;
* Have we resolve()ed?
Promise.prototype.isResolved = function() {
return this._status == Promise.SUCCESS;
* Have we reject()ed?
Promise.prototype.isRejected = function() {
return this._status == Promise.ERROR;
* Take the specified action of fulfillment of a promise, and (optionally)
* a different action on promise rejection.
Promise.prototype.then = function(onSuccess, onError) {
if (typeof onSuccess === 'function') {
if (this._status === Promise.SUCCESS) {
onSuccess.call(null, this._value);
} else if (this._status === Promise.PENDING) {
if (typeof onError === 'function') {
if (this._status === Promise.ERROR) {
onError.call(null, this._value);
} else if (this._status === Promise.PENDING) {
return this;
* Like then() except that rather than returning <tt>this</tt> we return
* a promise which resolves when the original promise resolves.
Promise.prototype.chainPromise = function(onSuccess) {
var chain = new Promise();
chain._chainedFrom = this;
this.then(function(data) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
}, function(ex) {
return chain;
* Supply the fulfillment of a promise
Promise.prototype.resolve = function(data) {
return this._complete(this._onSuccessHandlers, Promise.SUCCESS, data, 'resolve');
* Renege on a promise
Promise.prototype.reject = function(data) {
return this._complete(this._onErrorHandlers, Promise.ERROR, data, 'reject');
* Internal method to be called on resolve() or reject().
* @private
Promise.prototype._complete = function(list, status, data, name) {
// Complain if we've already been completed
if (this._status != Promise.PENDING) {
console.group('Promise already closed');
console.error('Attempted ' + name + '() with ', data);
console.error('Previous status = ', this._status,
', previous value = ', this._value);
return this;
this._status = status;
this._value = data;
// Call all the handlers, and then delete them
list.forEach(function(handler) {
handler.call(null, this._value);
}, this);
delete this._onSuccessHandlers;
delete this._onErrorHandlers;
// Remove the given {promise} from the _outstanding list, and add it to the
// _recent list, pruning more than 20 recent promises from that list.
delete Promise._outstanding[this._id];
while (Promise._recent.length > 20) {
return this;
* Takes an array of promises and returns a promise that that is fulfilled once
* all the promises in the array are fulfilled
* @param promiseList The array of promises
* @return the promise that is fulfilled when all the array is fulfilled
Promise.group = function(promiseList) {
if (!(promiseList instanceof Array)) {
promiseList = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
// If the original array has nothing in it, return now to avoid waiting
if (promiseList.length === 0) {
return new Promise().resolve([]);
var groupPromise = new Promise();
var results = [];
var fulfilled = 0;
var onSuccessFactory = function(index) {
return function(data) {
results[index] = data;
// If the group has already failed, silently drop extra results
if (groupPromise._status !== Promise.ERROR) {
if (fulfilled === promiseList.length) {
promiseList.forEach(function(promise, index) {
var onSuccess = onSuccessFactory(index);
var onError = groupPromise.reject.bind(groupPromise);
promise.then(onSuccess, onError);
return groupPromise;
exports.Promise = Promise;
exports.Promise = Promise;