Using the recently added APIs to respond to dynamic changes: a _much_ simpler (re)fix of bug 114909 - dynamically changing displaystyle attribute in <mstyle> tag doesn't change display

This commit is contained in: 2002-02-03 21:15:29 +00:00
Родитель c2e407e442
Коммит 6cfd2e999a
2 изменённых файлов: 6 добавлений и 82 удалений

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@ -78,13 +78,6 @@ nsMathMLmstyleFrame::InheritAutomaticData(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
mPresentationData.mstyle = this;
// cache these values that we would have if we were not special...
// In the event of dynamic updates, e.g., if our displastyle and/or
// scriptlevel attributes are removed, we will recover our state using
// these cached values
mInheritedScriptLevel = mPresentationData.scriptLevel;
mInheritedDisplayStyle = mPresentationData.flags & NS_MATHML_DISPLAYSTYLE;
// see if the displaystyle attribute is there
nsAutoString value;
if (NS_CONTENT_ATTR_HAS_VALUE == mContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None,
@ -142,15 +135,6 @@ nsMathMLmstyleFrame::UpdatePresentationData(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
// scriptlevel and displaystyle attributes of mstyle must take precedence.
// Update only if attributes are not there
// But... cache the values that we would have if we were not special...
// In the event of dynamic updates, e.g., if our displastyle and/or
// scriptlevel attributes are removed, we will recover our state using
// these cached values
mInheritedScriptLevel += aScriptLevelIncrement;
mInheritedDisplayStyle = aFlagsValues & NS_MATHML_DISPLAYSTYLE;
// see if updating the displaystyle flag is allowed
if (!NS_MATHML_IS_MSTYLE_WITH_DISPLAYSTYLE(mPresentationData.flags)) {
// see if the displaystyle flag is relevant to this call
@ -223,69 +207,12 @@ nsMathMLmstyleFrame::AttributeChanged(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
if (nsMathMLAtoms::displaystyle_ == aAttribute ||
nsMathMLAtoms::scriptlevel_ == aAttribute) {
nsPresentationData oldData = mPresentationData;
// process our attributes
nsAutoString value;
if (NS_CONTENT_ATTR_NOT_THERE == mContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None,
nsMathMLAtoms::scriptlevel_, value)) {
// when our scriptlevel attribute is gone, we recover our inherited scriptlevel
mPresentationData.scriptLevel = mInheritedScriptLevel;
else {
PRInt32 errorCode, userValue;
userValue = value.ToInteger(&errorCode);
if (!errorCode) {
if (value[0] != '+' && value[0] != '-') {
// record that it is an explicit value
mPresentationData.scriptLevel = userValue;
else {
// incremental value...
mPresentationData.scriptLevel = mInheritedScriptLevel + userValue;
if (NS_CONTENT_ATTR_NOT_THERE == mContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None,
nsMathMLAtoms::displaystyle_, value)) {
// when our displaystyle attribute is gone, we recover our inherited displaystyle
if (NS_MATHML_DISPLAYSTYLE & mInheritedDisplayStyle)
mPresentationData.flags |= NS_MATHML_DISPLAYSTYLE;
mPresentationData.flags &= ~NS_MATHML_DISPLAYSTYLE;
else {
if (value.Equals(NS_LITERAL_STRING("true"))) {
mPresentationData.flags |= NS_MATHML_DISPLAYSTYLE;
else if (value.Equals(NS_LITERAL_STRING("false"))) {
mPresentationData.flags &= ~NS_MATHML_DISPLAYSTYLE;
// propagate to our children if something changed
if (oldData.flags != mPresentationData.flags ||
oldData.scriptLevel != mPresentationData.scriptLevel) {
PRUint32 newValues = NS_MATHML_DISPLAYSTYLE & mPresentationData.flags;
if (newValues == (oldData.flags & NS_MATHML_DISPLAYSTYLE)) {
newValues = 0;
whichFlags = 0;
// use the base method here because we really want to reflect any updates
nsMathMLContainerFrame::UpdatePresentationDataFromChildAt(aPresContext, 0, -1,
mPresentationData.scriptLevel - oldData.scriptLevel, newValues, whichFlags);
// now grab the scriptlevel of our parent
nsPresentationData parentData;
GetPresentationDataFrom(mParent, parentData);
// re-resolve style data in our subtree to sync any change of script sizes
PropagateScriptStyleFor(aPresContext, this, parentData.scriptLevel);
// These attributes can affect too many things, ask our parent to re-layout
// its children so that we can pick up changes in our attributes & transmit
// them in our subtree. However, our siblings will be re-laid too. We used
// to have a more speedier but more verbose alternative that didn't re-layout
// our siblings. See bug 114909 - attachment 67668.
return ReLayout(aPresContext, mParent);
return nsMathMLContainerFrame::

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@ -68,9 +68,6 @@ protected:
virtual ~nsMathMLmstyleFrame();
virtual PRIntn GetSkipSides() const { return 0; }
PRUint32 mInheritedDisplayStyle;
PRInt32 mInheritedScriptLevel;
#endif /* nsMathMLmstyleFrame_h___ */