зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
get rid of IsArray. Add onError. NOT PART OF THE BUILD
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,89 +40,6 @@
#include "wspprivate.h"
// XXX IsArray is being obseleted.
PRBool nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::IsArray(nsIWSDLPart* aPart)
static const NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(sArrayStr, "Array");
nsresult rv;
// If the binding is 'literal' then we consider this as DOM element
// and thus it is not 'really' an array for out purposes.
nsCOMPtr<nsIWSDLBinding> binding;
rv = aPart->GetBinding(getter_AddRefs(binding));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return PR_FALSE;
nsCOMPtr<nsISOAPPartBinding> soapPartBinding(do_QueryInterface(binding));
if (soapPartBinding) {
PRUint16 use;
rv = soapPartBinding->GetUse(&use);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return PR_FALSE;
if (use == nsISOAPPartBinding::USE_LITERAL) {
return PR_FALSE;
nsCOMPtr<nsISchemaComponent> schemaComponent;
rv = aPart->GetSchemaComponent(getter_AddRefs(schemaComponent));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return PR_FALSE;
nsCOMPtr<nsISchemaType> type;
nsCOMPtr<nsISchemaElement> element = do_QueryInterface(schemaComponent);
if (element) {
rv = element->GetType(getter_AddRefs(type));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return PR_FALSE;
else {
type = do_QueryInterface(schemaComponent, &rv);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return PR_FALSE;
nsCOMPtr<nsISchemaComplexType> complexType(do_QueryInterface(type));
if (!complexType) {
return PR_FALSE;
while (complexType) {
PRUint16 derivation;
if (derivation == nsISchemaComplexType::DERIVATION_SELF_CONTAINED) {
nsCOMPtr<nsISchemaType> base;
complexType = do_QueryInterface(base);
// If the base type is not a complex type, then we're done
if (!complexType) {
return PR_FALSE;
nsAutoString name, ns;
return name.Equals(sArrayStr) &&
(ns.Equals(*nsSOAPUtils::kSOAPEncURI[nsISOAPMessage::VERSION_1_1]) ||
// SetException sets a global exception representing the given nsresult. It
// is guaranteed to also return that nsresult. It is to be used when failing.
@ -332,37 +249,21 @@ static nsresult AppendStandardInterface(const nsIID& iid,
// BuildPrimaryInterfaceName is used to construct the name of the primary
// interface based on the qualifier and protname.
// BuildInterfaceName is used to construct the name of an interface
// based on three AStrings.
static void BuildPrimaryInterfaceName(const nsAReadableString& qualifier,
const nsAReadableString& portName,
nsAWritableCString& aCIdentifier)
static void BuildInterfaceName(const nsAReadableString& qualifier,
const nsAReadableString& name,
const nsAReadableString& uri,
nsAWritableCString& aCIdentifier)
nsCAutoString temp;
WSPFactory::XML2C(qualifier, temp);
WSPFactory::XML2C(portName, temp);
WSPFactory::XML2C(name, temp);
// BuildStructInterfaceName is used to construct the names of 'struct'
// interfaces that we synthesize to hold compound data types.
static void BuildStructInterfaceName(const nsAReadableString& qualifier,
const nsAReadableString& typeName,
const nsAReadableString& namespaceName,
nsAWritableCString& aCIdentifier)
nsCAutoString temp;
WSPFactory::XML2C(qualifier, temp);
WSPFactory::XML2C(typeName, temp);
WSPFactory::XML2C(namespaceName, temp);
WSPFactory::XML2C(uri, temp);
@ -553,7 +454,7 @@ static nsresult FindOrConstructInterface(nsIInterfaceInfoSuperManager* iism,
return rv;
BuildStructInterfaceName(qualifier, name, ns, qualifiedName);
BuildInterfaceName(qualifier, name, ns, qualifiedName);
// Does the interface already exist?
@ -1044,8 +945,8 @@ nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::~nsWSPInterfaceInfoService()
// It returns the interface info and optionally the interface info set -
// which allows the caller to gather information on the referenced interfaces.
/* nsIInterfaceInfo infoForPort (in nsIWSDLPort aPort, in AString qualifier, in PRBool isAsync, out nsIInterfaceInfoManager aSet); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::InfoForPort(nsIWSDLPort *aPort, const nsAString & qualifier, PRBool isAsync, nsIInterfaceInfoManager **aSet, nsIInterfaceInfo **_retval)
/* nsIInterfaceInfo infoForPort (in nsIWSDLPort aPort, in AString aPortURL, in AString aQualifier, in PRBool aIsAsync, out nsIInterfaceInfoManager aSet); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::InfoForPort(nsIWSDLPort *aPort, const nsAString & aPortURL, const nsAString & aQualifier, PRBool aIsAsync, nsIInterfaceInfoManager **aSet, nsIInterfaceInfo **_retval)
nsresult rv;
@ -1097,15 +998,15 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::InfoForPort(nsIWSDLPort *aPort, const n
return rv;
BuildPrimaryInterfaceName(qualifier, portName, primaryName);
BuildInterfaceName(aQualifier, portName, aPortURL, primaryName);
// With luck the work has already been done and we can just return the
// existing info.
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(FindInterfaceByName(isAsync ? primaryAsyncName.get() :
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(FindInterfaceByName(aIsAsync ? primaryAsyncName.get() :
iism, aSet, _retval))) {
return NS_OK;
@ -1201,7 +1102,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::InfoForPort(nsIWSDLPort *aPort, const n
return rv;
// Add the setListener method.
// Add the setListener method to the primaryAsync interface.
// void setListener(in 'OurType'Listener listener);
rv = set->AllocateParamArray(1, &tempParamArray);
@ -1223,6 +1124,33 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::InfoForPort(nsIWSDLPort *aPort, const n
return rv;
// Add the onError method to the listener interface.
// void onError(in nsIException error, in nsIWebServiceCallContext cx);
rv = set->AllocateParamArray(2, &tempParamArray);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
tempParamArray[0].type.prefix.flags = TD_INTERFACE_TYPE | XPT_TDP_POINTER;
tempParamArray[0].type.type.iface = iidx.Get(IIDX::IDX_nsIException);
tempParamArray[0].flags = XPT_PD_IN;
tempParamArray[1].type.prefix.flags = TD_INTERFACE_TYPE | XPT_TDP_POINTER;
tempParamArray[1].type.type.iface = iidx.Get(IIDX::IDX_nsIWebServiceCallContext);
tempParamArray[1].flags = XPT_PD_IN;
methodDesc.name = "onError";
methodDesc.params = tempParamArray;
methodDesc.result = defaultResult;
methodDesc.flags = 0;
methodDesc.num_args = 2;
rv = listenerInfo->AppendMethod(&methodDesc, &ignoredIndex);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
// Add the methods.
PRUint32 methodCount;
@ -1249,7 +1177,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::InfoForPort(nsIWSDLPort *aPort, const n
rv = AccumulateParamsForMessage(iism, set, msg, iidx, defaultResult,
qualifier, &inParams);
aQualifier, &inParams);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
@ -1263,7 +1191,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::InfoForPort(nsIWSDLPort *aPort, const n
rv = AccumulateParamsForMessage(iism, set, msg, iidx, defaultResult,
qualifier, &outParams);
aQualifier, &outParams);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
@ -1368,16 +1296,16 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::InfoForPort(nsIWSDLPort *aPort, const n
// Add the leading 'in nsIException error' param for listener
paramDesc.type.prefix.flags = TD_INTERFACE_TYPE | XPT_TDP_POINTER;
paramDesc.type.type.iface = iidx.Get(IIDX::IDX_nsIException);
paramDesc.flags = XPT_PD_IN;
listenerParamArray[0] = paramDesc;
memcpy(listenerParamArray + 1,
outParams.GetCount() * sizeof(XPTParamDescriptor));
// Add the trailing 'in nsIWebServiceCallContext cx' param for listener
paramDesc.type.prefix.flags = TD_INTERFACE_TYPE | XPT_TDP_POINTER;
paramDesc.type.type.iface = iidx.Get(IIDX::IDX_nsIWebServiceCallContext);
paramDesc.flags = XPT_PD_IN;
listenerParamArray[listenerParamCount-1] = paramDesc;
// listenerParamArray is done now.
rv = op->GetName(tempString);
@ -1441,7 +1369,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::InfoForPort(nsIWSDLPort *aPort, const n
// Return the appropriate interface info.
if (isAsync) {
if (aIsAsync) {
NS_ADDREF(*_retval = primaryAsyncInfo);
else {
@ -1451,29 +1379,3 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::InfoForPort(nsIWSDLPort *aPort, const n
return NS_OK;
// XXX It is not clear whether or not we want to expose the following three
// methods on our interface.
/* AString identifier_C2XML (in string aCIdentifier); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::Identifier_C2XML(const char *aCIdentifier, nsAString & _retval)
return WSPFactory::C2XML(nsCString(aCIdentifier), _retval);
/* string identifier_XML2C (in AString aXMLIndentifier); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::Identifier_XML2C(const nsAString & aXMLIndentifier, char **_retval)
nsCAutoString temp;
WSPFactory::XML2C(aXMLIndentifier, temp);
*_retval = (char*) nsMemory::Clone(temp.get(), temp.Length()+1);
return *_retval ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
/* [notxpcom] nsresult newUniqueID (out nsID aID); */
NS_IMETHODIMP_(nsresult) nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::NewUniqueID(nsID *aID)
return ::NewUniqueID(aID);
@ -40,89 +40,6 @@
#include "wspprivate.h"
// XXX IsArray is being obseleted.
PRBool nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::IsArray(nsIWSDLPart* aPart)
static const NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(sArrayStr, "Array");
nsresult rv;
// If the binding is 'literal' then we consider this as DOM element
// and thus it is not 'really' an array for out purposes.
nsCOMPtr<nsIWSDLBinding> binding;
rv = aPart->GetBinding(getter_AddRefs(binding));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return PR_FALSE;
nsCOMPtr<nsISOAPPartBinding> soapPartBinding(do_QueryInterface(binding));
if (soapPartBinding) {
PRUint16 use;
rv = soapPartBinding->GetUse(&use);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return PR_FALSE;
if (use == nsISOAPPartBinding::USE_LITERAL) {
return PR_FALSE;
nsCOMPtr<nsISchemaComponent> schemaComponent;
rv = aPart->GetSchemaComponent(getter_AddRefs(schemaComponent));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return PR_FALSE;
nsCOMPtr<nsISchemaType> type;
nsCOMPtr<nsISchemaElement> element = do_QueryInterface(schemaComponent);
if (element) {
rv = element->GetType(getter_AddRefs(type));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return PR_FALSE;
else {
type = do_QueryInterface(schemaComponent, &rv);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return PR_FALSE;
nsCOMPtr<nsISchemaComplexType> complexType(do_QueryInterface(type));
if (!complexType) {
return PR_FALSE;
while (complexType) {
PRUint16 derivation;
if (derivation == nsISchemaComplexType::DERIVATION_SELF_CONTAINED) {
nsCOMPtr<nsISchemaType> base;
complexType = do_QueryInterface(base);
// If the base type is not a complex type, then we're done
if (!complexType) {
return PR_FALSE;
nsAutoString name, ns;
return name.Equals(sArrayStr) &&
(ns.Equals(*nsSOAPUtils::kSOAPEncURI[nsISOAPMessage::VERSION_1_1]) ||
// SetException sets a global exception representing the given nsresult. It
// is guaranteed to also return that nsresult. It is to be used when failing.
@ -332,37 +249,21 @@ static nsresult AppendStandardInterface(const nsIID& iid,
// BuildPrimaryInterfaceName is used to construct the name of the primary
// interface based on the qualifier and protname.
// BuildInterfaceName is used to construct the name of an interface
// based on three AStrings.
static void BuildPrimaryInterfaceName(const nsAReadableString& qualifier,
const nsAReadableString& portName,
nsAWritableCString& aCIdentifier)
static void BuildInterfaceName(const nsAReadableString& qualifier,
const nsAReadableString& name,
const nsAReadableString& uri,
nsAWritableCString& aCIdentifier)
nsCAutoString temp;
WSPFactory::XML2C(qualifier, temp);
WSPFactory::XML2C(portName, temp);
WSPFactory::XML2C(name, temp);
// BuildStructInterfaceName is used to construct the names of 'struct'
// interfaces that we synthesize to hold compound data types.
static void BuildStructInterfaceName(const nsAReadableString& qualifier,
const nsAReadableString& typeName,
const nsAReadableString& namespaceName,
nsAWritableCString& aCIdentifier)
nsCAutoString temp;
WSPFactory::XML2C(qualifier, temp);
WSPFactory::XML2C(typeName, temp);
WSPFactory::XML2C(namespaceName, temp);
WSPFactory::XML2C(uri, temp);
@ -553,7 +454,7 @@ static nsresult FindOrConstructInterface(nsIInterfaceInfoSuperManager* iism,
return rv;
BuildStructInterfaceName(qualifier, name, ns, qualifiedName);
BuildInterfaceName(qualifier, name, ns, qualifiedName);
// Does the interface already exist?
@ -1044,8 +945,8 @@ nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::~nsWSPInterfaceInfoService()
// It returns the interface info and optionally the interface info set -
// which allows the caller to gather information on the referenced interfaces.
/* nsIInterfaceInfo infoForPort (in nsIWSDLPort aPort, in AString qualifier, in PRBool isAsync, out nsIInterfaceInfoManager aSet); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::InfoForPort(nsIWSDLPort *aPort, const nsAString & qualifier, PRBool isAsync, nsIInterfaceInfoManager **aSet, nsIInterfaceInfo **_retval)
/* nsIInterfaceInfo infoForPort (in nsIWSDLPort aPort, in AString aPortURL, in AString aQualifier, in PRBool aIsAsync, out nsIInterfaceInfoManager aSet); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::InfoForPort(nsIWSDLPort *aPort, const nsAString & aPortURL, const nsAString & aQualifier, PRBool aIsAsync, nsIInterfaceInfoManager **aSet, nsIInterfaceInfo **_retval)
nsresult rv;
@ -1097,15 +998,15 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::InfoForPort(nsIWSDLPort *aPort, const n
return rv;
BuildPrimaryInterfaceName(qualifier, portName, primaryName);
BuildInterfaceName(aQualifier, portName, aPortURL, primaryName);
// With luck the work has already been done and we can just return the
// existing info.
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(FindInterfaceByName(isAsync ? primaryAsyncName.get() :
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(FindInterfaceByName(aIsAsync ? primaryAsyncName.get() :
iism, aSet, _retval))) {
return NS_OK;
@ -1201,7 +1102,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::InfoForPort(nsIWSDLPort *aPort, const n
return rv;
// Add the setListener method.
// Add the setListener method to the primaryAsync interface.
// void setListener(in 'OurType'Listener listener);
rv = set->AllocateParamArray(1, &tempParamArray);
@ -1223,6 +1124,33 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::InfoForPort(nsIWSDLPort *aPort, const n
return rv;
// Add the onError method to the listener interface.
// void onError(in nsIException error, in nsIWebServiceCallContext cx);
rv = set->AllocateParamArray(2, &tempParamArray);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
tempParamArray[0].type.prefix.flags = TD_INTERFACE_TYPE | XPT_TDP_POINTER;
tempParamArray[0].type.type.iface = iidx.Get(IIDX::IDX_nsIException);
tempParamArray[0].flags = XPT_PD_IN;
tempParamArray[1].type.prefix.flags = TD_INTERFACE_TYPE | XPT_TDP_POINTER;
tempParamArray[1].type.type.iface = iidx.Get(IIDX::IDX_nsIWebServiceCallContext);
tempParamArray[1].flags = XPT_PD_IN;
methodDesc.name = "onError";
methodDesc.params = tempParamArray;
methodDesc.result = defaultResult;
methodDesc.flags = 0;
methodDesc.num_args = 2;
rv = listenerInfo->AppendMethod(&methodDesc, &ignoredIndex);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
// Add the methods.
PRUint32 methodCount;
@ -1249,7 +1177,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::InfoForPort(nsIWSDLPort *aPort, const n
rv = AccumulateParamsForMessage(iism, set, msg, iidx, defaultResult,
qualifier, &inParams);
aQualifier, &inParams);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
@ -1263,7 +1191,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::InfoForPort(nsIWSDLPort *aPort, const n
rv = AccumulateParamsForMessage(iism, set, msg, iidx, defaultResult,
qualifier, &outParams);
aQualifier, &outParams);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
@ -1368,16 +1296,16 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::InfoForPort(nsIWSDLPort *aPort, const n
// Add the leading 'in nsIException error' param for listener
paramDesc.type.prefix.flags = TD_INTERFACE_TYPE | XPT_TDP_POINTER;
paramDesc.type.type.iface = iidx.Get(IIDX::IDX_nsIException);
paramDesc.flags = XPT_PD_IN;
listenerParamArray[0] = paramDesc;
memcpy(listenerParamArray + 1,
outParams.GetCount() * sizeof(XPTParamDescriptor));
// Add the trailing 'in nsIWebServiceCallContext cx' param for listener
paramDesc.type.prefix.flags = TD_INTERFACE_TYPE | XPT_TDP_POINTER;
paramDesc.type.type.iface = iidx.Get(IIDX::IDX_nsIWebServiceCallContext);
paramDesc.flags = XPT_PD_IN;
listenerParamArray[listenerParamCount-1] = paramDesc;
// listenerParamArray is done now.
rv = op->GetName(tempString);
@ -1441,7 +1369,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::InfoForPort(nsIWSDLPort *aPort, const n
// Return the appropriate interface info.
if (isAsync) {
if (aIsAsync) {
NS_ADDREF(*_retval = primaryAsyncInfo);
else {
@ -1451,29 +1379,3 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::InfoForPort(nsIWSDLPort *aPort, const n
return NS_OK;
// XXX It is not clear whether or not we want to expose the following three
// methods on our interface.
/* AString identifier_C2XML (in string aCIdentifier); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::Identifier_C2XML(const char *aCIdentifier, nsAString & _retval)
return WSPFactory::C2XML(nsCString(aCIdentifier), _retval);
/* string identifier_XML2C (in AString aXMLIndentifier); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::Identifier_XML2C(const nsAString & aXMLIndentifier, char **_retval)
nsCAutoString temp;
WSPFactory::XML2C(aXMLIndentifier, temp);
*_retval = (char*) nsMemory::Clone(temp.get(), temp.Length()+1);
return *_retval ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
/* [notxpcom] nsresult newUniqueID (out nsID aID); */
NS_IMETHODIMP_(nsresult) nsWSPInterfaceInfoService::NewUniqueID(nsID *aID)
return ::NewUniqueID(aID);
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