зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
htmlify descriptions in directory listings remove some more style file stuff
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# $Id: Common.pm,v 1.9 1998-06-16 20:23:42 jwz Exp $
# $Id: Common.pm,v 1.10 1998-06-23 01:01:39 jwz Exp $
package LXR::Common;
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&warning &fatal &abortall &fflush &urlargs
&fileref &idref &htmlquote &freetextmarkup &markupfile
&markspecials &htmlquote &freetextmarkup &markupstring
&init &makeheader &makefooter &expandtemplate);
@ -151,11 +152,63 @@ sub linetag {
$tag .= ' ' if $_[1] < 10;
$tag .= ' ' if $_[1] < 100;
$tag .= &fileref($_[1], $_[0], $_[1]).' ';
$tag =~ s/<a/<a class=n name=$_[1]/;
$tag =~ s/<a/<a name=$_[1]/;
# $_[1]++;
# dme: Smaller version of the markupfile function meant for marking up
# the descriptions in source directory listings.
sub markupstring {
my ($string, $virtp) = @_;
# Mark special characters so they don't get processed just yet.
$string =~ s/([\&\<\>])/\0$1/g;
# Look for identifiers and create links with identifier search query.
tie (%xref, "DB_File", $Conf->dbdir."/xref", O_RDONLY, 0664, $DB_HASH)
|| &warning("Cannot open xref database.");
$string =~ s#(^|[^a-zA-Z_\#0-9\.])([a-zA-Z_~][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\b#
$1.(is_linkworthy($2) ? &idref($2,$2) : $2)#ge;
# HTMLify the special characters we marked earlier,
# but not the ones in the recently added xref html links.
$string=~ s/\0&/&/g;
$string=~ s/\0</</g;
$string=~ s/\0>/>/g;
# HTMLify email addresses and urls.
$string=~ s#((ftp|http)://\S*[^\s.])#<a href=\"$1\">$1</a>#g;
$string=~ s/(<(.*@.*)>)/<a href=\"mailto:$2\">$1<\/a>/g;
# HTMLify file names (assume file is in the current directory).
$string =~ s#([\w-_\/]+\.(c|h|cc|cp|cpp))#
<a href=\"$Conf->{virtroot}/source$virtp$1\">$1</a>#g;
# dme: Return true if string is in the identifier db and it seems like its
# use in the sentence is as an identifier and its not just some word that
# happens to have been used as a variable name somewhere. We don't want
# words like "of", "to" and "a" to get links. The string must be long
# enough, and either contain "_" or if some letter besides the first
# is capitalized
sub is_linkworthy{
my ($string) = @_;
if ( ($string =~ /....../) &&
( ($string =~ /_/) ||
($string =~ /.[A-Z]/)
) &&
return (1);
return (0);
sub markupfile {
my ($INFILE, $virtp, $fname, $outfun) = @_;
@ -171,7 +224,7 @@ sub markupfile {
|| &warning("Cannot open xref database.");
&$outfun(# "<pre>\n".
#"<a class=n name=\"".$line++.'"></a>');
#"<a name=\"".$line++.'"></a>');
&linetag($virtp.$fname, $line++));
($btype, $frag) = &SimpleParse::nextfrag;
Ссылка в новой задаче