зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Bug 286233: Cleanup nsImageWin::Init. r=emaijala, sr=tor
This commit is contained in:
@ -125,7 +125,8 @@ NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(nsImageWin, nsIImage)
* See documentation in nsIImageWin.h
* @update 3/27/00 dwc
nsresult nsImageWin :: Init(PRInt32 aWidth, PRInt32 aHeight, PRInt32 aDepth,nsMaskRequirements aMaskRequirements)
nsresult nsImageWin::Init(PRInt32 aWidth, PRInt32 aHeight, PRInt32 aDepth,
nsMaskRequirements aMaskRequirements)
if (mInitialized)
@ -143,42 +144,46 @@ nsresult nsImageWin :: Init(PRInt32 aWidth, PRInt32 aHeight, PRInt32 aDepth,nsMa
// limit images to 64k pixels on a side (~55 feet on a 100dpi monitor)
const PRInt32 k64KLimit = 0x0000FFFF;
if (aWidth > k64KLimit || aHeight > k64KLimit)
if (mNumPaletteColors >= 0){
// If we have a palette
if (0 == mNumPaletteColors) {
// space for the header only (no color table)
} else {
// Space for the header and the palette. Since we'll be using DIB_PAL_COLORS
// the color table is an array of 16-bit unsigned integers that specify an
// index into the currently realized logical palette
mBHead = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)new char[sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + (256 * sizeof(WORD))];
mBHead->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
mBHead->biWidth = aWidth;
mBHead->biHeight = aHeight;
mBHead->biPlanes = 1;
mBHead->biBitCount = (WORD)aDepth;
mBHead->biCompression = BI_RGB;
mBHead->biSizeImage = 0; // not compressed, so we dont need this to be set
mBHead->biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
mBHead->biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
mBHead->biClrUsed = mNumPaletteColors;
mBHead->biClrImportant = mNumPaletteColors;
if (0 == mNumPaletteColors) {
// space for the header only (no color table)
} else {
// Space for the header and the palette. Since we'll be using DIB_PAL_COLORS
// the color table is an array of 16-bit unsigned integers that specify an
// index into the currently realized logical palette
(256 * sizeof(WORD))];
if (!mBHead)
mBHead->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
mBHead->biWidth = aWidth;
mBHead->biHeight = aHeight;
mBHead->biPlanes = 1;
mBHead->biBitCount = (WORD)aDepth;
mBHead->biCompression = BI_RGB;
mBHead->biSizeImage = 0; // not compressed, so we dont need this to be set
mBHead->biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
mBHead->biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
mBHead->biClrUsed = mNumPaletteColors;
mBHead->biClrImportant = mNumPaletteColors;
// Compute the size of the image
mRowBytes = CalcBytesSpan(mBHead->biWidth);
mSizeImage = mRowBytes * mBHead->biHeight; // no compression
// Compute the size of the image
mRowBytes = CalcBytesSpan(mBHead->biWidth);
mSizeImage = mRowBytes * mBHead->biHeight; // no compression
// Allocate the image bits
mImageBits = new unsigned char[mSizeImage];
if (!mImageBits) {
delete[] mBHead;
// Allocate the image bits
mImageBits = new unsigned char[mSizeImage];
// Need to clear the entire buffer so an incrementally loaded image
// will not have garbage rendered for the unloaded bits.
// Need to clear the entire buffer so an incrementally loaded image
// will not have garbage rendered for the unloaded bits.
/* XXX: Since there is a performance hit for doing the clear we need
a different solution. For now, we will let garbage be drawn for
incrementally loaded images. Need a solution where only the portion
@ -188,53 +193,50 @@ nsresult nsImageWin :: Init(PRInt32 aWidth, PRInt32 aHeight, PRInt32 aDepth,nsMa
if (256 == mNumPaletteColors) {
// Initialize the array of indexes into the logical palette
WORD* palIndx = (WORD*)(((LPBYTE)mBHead) + mBHead->biSize);
for (WORD index = 0; index < 256; index++) {
*palIndx++ = index;
if (256 == mNumPaletteColors) {
// Initialize the array of indexes into the logical palette
WORD* palIndx = (WORD*)(((LPBYTE)mBHead) + mBHead->biSize);
for (WORD index = 0; index < 256; index++) {
*palIndx++ = index;
// Allocate mask image bits if requested
if (aMaskRequirements != nsMaskRequirements_kNoMask) {
if (nsMaskRequirements_kNeeds1Bit == aMaskRequirements) {
mARowBytes = (aWidth + 7) / 8;
mAlphaDepth = 1;
//NS_ASSERTION(nsMaskRequirements_kNeeds8Bit == aMaskRequirements,
// "unexpected mask depth");
mARowBytes = aWidth;
mAlphaDepth = 8;
// Allocate mask image bits if requested
if (aMaskRequirements != nsMaskRequirements_kNoMask){
if (nsMaskRequirements_kNeeds1Bit == aMaskRequirements){
mARowBytes = (aWidth + 7) / 8;
mAlphaDepth = 1;
//NS_ASSERTION(nsMaskRequirements_kNeeds8Bit == aMaskRequirements,
// "unexpected mask depth");
mARowBytes = aWidth;
mAlphaDepth = 8;
// 32-bit align each row
mARowBytes = (mARowBytes + 3) & ~0x3;
mAlphaBits = new unsigned char[mARowBytes * aHeight];
// 32-bit align each row
mARowBytes = (mARowBytes + 3) & ~0x3;
mAlphaBits = new unsigned char[mARowBytes * aHeight];
if (!mAlphaBits) {
delete[] mBHead;
delete[] mImageBits;
// XXX Let's only do this if we actually have a palette...
mColorMap = new nsColorMap;
// XXX Let's only do this if we actually have a palette...
mColorMap = new nsColorMap;
if (mColorMap != nsnull) {
mColorMap->NumColors = mNumPaletteColors;
mColorMap->Index = nsnull;
if (mColorMap->NumColors > 0) {
mColorMap->Index = new PRUint8[3 * mColorMap->NumColors];
if (mColorMap != nsnull){
mColorMap->NumColors = mNumPaletteColors;
mColorMap->Index = nsnull;
if (mColorMap->NumColors > 0) {
mColorMap->Index = new PRUint8[3 * mColorMap->NumColors];
// XXX Note: I added this because purify claims that we make a
// copy of the memory (which we do!). I'm not sure if this
// matters or not, but this shutup purify.
memset(mColorMap->Index, 0, sizeof(PRUint8) * (3 * mColorMap->NumColors));
// XXX Note: I added this because purify claims that we make a
// copy of the memory (which we do!). I'm not sure if this
// matters or not, but this shutup purify.
memset(mColorMap->Index, 0, sizeof(PRUint8) * (3 * mColorMap->NumColors));
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