зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Missed part of the leak tests in my patch yesterday.
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ use Config; # for $Config{sig_name} and $Config{sig_num}
use File::Find ();
use File::Copy;
$::UtilsVersion = '$Revision: 1.308 $ ';
$::UtilsVersion = '$Revision: 1.309 $ ';
package TinderUtils;
@ -1543,42 +1543,45 @@ sub get_graph_tbox_name {
return $name;
sub print_log_test_result_ms {
my ($test_name, $test_title, $result, $print_name) = @_;
sub print_log_test_result {
my ($test_name, $test_title, $num_result, $units, $print_name, $print_result) = @_;
print_log "\nTinderboxPrint:";
if ($Settings::TestsPhoneHome) {
my $time = POSIX::strftime "%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S", localtime;
print_log "<a title=\"$test_title\" href=\"http://$Settings::results_server/graph/query.cgi?testname=" . $test_name . "&tbox=" . get_graph_tbox_name() . "&autoscale=1&days=7&avg=1&showpoint=$time,$result\">";
print_log "<a title=\"$test_title\" href=\"http://$Settings::results_server/graph/query.cgi?testname=" . $test_name . "&units=$units&tbox=" . get_graph_tbox_name() . "&autoscale=1&days=7&avg=1&showpoint=$time,$num_result\">";
} else {
print_log "<abbr title=\"$test_title\">";
print_log $print_name . ':' . $result . 'ms';
if ($Settings::TestsPhoneHome) {
print_log "</a>";
} else {
print_log $print_name;
if (!$Settings::TestsPhoneHome) {
print_log "</abbr>";
print_log ':' . $print_result;
if ($Settings::TestsPhoneHome) {
print_log "</a>";
print_log "\n";
sub print_log_test_result_ms {
my ($test_name, $test_title, $result, $print_name) = @_;
print_log_test_result($test_name, $test_title, $result, 'ms',
$print_name, $result . 'ms');
sub print_log_test_result_bytes {
my ($test_name, $test_title, $result, $print_name, $sig_figs) = @_;
print_log "\nTinderboxPrint:";
if ($Settings::TestsPhoneHome) {
my $time = POSIX::strftime "%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S", localtime;
print_log "<a title=\"$test_title\" href=\"http://$Settings::results_server/graph/query.cgi?testname=" . $test_name . "&units=bytes&tbox=" . get_graph_tbox_name() . "&autoscale=1&days=7&avg=1&showpoint=$time,$result\">";
} else {
print_log "<abbr title=\"$test_title\">";
print_log $print_name . ':' . PrintSize($result, $sig_figs) . 'B';
if ($Settings::TestsPhoneHome) {
print_log "</a>";
} else {
print_log "</abbr>";
print_log "\n";
print_log_test_result($test_name, $test_title, $result, 'bytes',
$print_name, PrintSize($result, $sig_figs) . 'B');
sub print_log_test_result_count {
my ($test_name, $test_title, $result, $print_name, $sig_figs) = @_;
print_log_test_result($test_name, $test_title, $result, 'count',
$print_name, PrintSize($result, $sig_figs));
@ -3075,32 +3078,27 @@ sub BloatTest2 {
$embed_prefix = "m";
if($Settings::TestsPhoneHome) {
my $leaks_testname = "trace_malloc_leaks";
print_log_test_result_bytes($leaks_testname, $leaks_testname_label,
$embed_prefix . 'Lk', 3);
my $leaks_testname = "trace_malloc_leaks";
print_log_test_result_bytes($leaks_testname, $leaks_testname_label,
$embed_prefix . 'Lk', 3);
my $maxheap_testname = "trace_malloc_maxheap";
$embed_prefix . 'MH', 3);
my $maxheap_testname = "trace_malloc_maxheap";
$embed_prefix . 'MH', 3);
my $allocs_testname = "trace_malloc_allocs";
print_log_test_result_bytes($allocs_testname, $allocs_testname_label,
$embed_prefix . 'A', 3);
my $allocs_testname = "trace_malloc_allocs";
print_log_test_result_count($allocs_testname, $allocs_testname_label,
$embed_prefix . 'A', 3);
if ($Settings::TestsPhoneHome) {
# Send results to server.
send_results_to_server($newstats->{'leaks'}, "--", $leaks_testname);
send_results_to_server($newstats->{'mhs'}, "--", $maxheap_testname);
send_results_to_server($newstats->{'allocs'}, "--", $allocs_testname);
} else {
print_log "TinderboxPrint:<abbr title=\"$leaks_testname_label\">Lk</abbr>:" . PrintSize($newstats->{'leaks'},3) . "B\n";
print_log "TinderboxPrint:<abbr title=\"$maxheap_testname_label\">MH</abbr>:" . PrintSize($newstats->{'mhs'},3) . "B\n";
print_log "TinderboxPrint:<abbr title=\"$allocs_testname_label\">A</abbr>:" . PrintSize($newstats->{'allocs'},3) . "\n";
if (-e $old_sdleak_log && -e $sdleak_log) {
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