Bug 566154 - text missing from preferences font size pulldown.; f=neil r=neil a=blocking-betaN+

This commit is contained in:
Neil Deakin 2010-09-15 11:25:08 -04:00
Родитель efae660758
Коммит 79f5527cc5
8 изменённых файлов: 277 добавлений и 27 удалений

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@ -1368,6 +1368,13 @@ nsMenuFrame::SizeToPopup(nsBoxLayoutState& aState, nsSize& aSize)
return PR_FALSE;
tmpSize = mPopupFrame->GetPrefSize(aState);
aSize.width = tmpSize.width;
// if there is a scroll frame, add the desired width of the scrollbar as well
nsIScrollableFrame* scrollFrame = do_QueryFrame(mPopupFrame->GetFirstChild(nsnull));
if (scrollFrame) {
aSize.width += scrollFrame->GetDesiredScrollbarSizes(&aState).LeftRight();
return PR_TRUE;

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@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ _TEST_FILES = test_bug360220.xul \
test_closemenu_attribute.xul \
test_colorpicker_popup.xul \
test_deck.xul \
test_menulist.xul \
test_menuitem_blink.xul \
test_menulist_keynav.xul \
test_menulist_null_value.xul \

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@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" type="text/css"?>
<window title="Menulist Tests"
onload="setTimeout(testtag_menulists, 0);"
<script type="application/javascript" src="/MochiKit/packed.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="xul_selectcontrol.js"></script>
<vbox id="scroller" style="overflow: auto" height="60">
<menulist id="menulist" onpopupshown="test_menulist_open(this, this.parentNode)"
onpopuphidden="$('menulist-in-listbox').open = true;">
<menupopup id="menulist-popup"/>
<button label="Two"/>
<button label="Three"/>
<listbox id="scroller-in-listbox" style="overflow: auto" height="60">
<listitem allowevents="true">
<menulist id="menulist-in-listbox" onpopupshown="test_menulist_open(this, this.parentNode.parentNode)"
<menupopup id="menulist-in-listbox-popup">
<menuitem label="One" value="one"/>
<menuitem label="Two" value="two"/>
<listitem label="Two"/>
<listitem label="Three"/>
<listitem label="Four"/>
<listitem label="Five"/>
<listitem label="Six"/>
<menulist id="menulist-size">
<menuitem label="Menuitem Label" width="200"/>
<menulist id="menulist-editable" editable="true">
<menupopup id="menulist-popup-editable"/>
<menulist id="menulist-initwithvalue" value="two">
<menuitem label="One" value="one"/>
<menuitem label="Two" value="two"/>
<menuitem label="Three" value="three"/>
<menulist id="menulist-initwithselected" value="two">
<menuitem label="One" value="one"/>
<menuitem label="Two" value="two"/>
<menuitem label="Three" value="three" selected="true"/>
<menulist id="menulist-editable-initwithvalue" editable="true" value="Two">
<menuitem label="One" value="one"/>
<menuitem label="Two" value="two"/>
<menuitem label="Three" value="three"/>
<menulist id="menulist-editable-initwithselected" editable="true" value="two">
<menuitem label="One" value="one"/>
<menuitem label="Two" value="two"/>
<menuitem label="Three" value="three" selected="true"/>
<script class="testbody" type="application/javascript">
function testtag_menulists()
testtag_menulist_UI_start($("menulist"), false);
testtag_menulist_UI_start($("menulist-editable"), true);
// bug 566154, the menulist width should account for vertical scrollbar
ok(document.getElementById("menulist-size").getBoundingClientRect().width >= 210,
"menulist popup width includes scrollbar width");
$("menulist").open = true;
function testtag_menulist_UI_start(element, editable)
var testprefix = editable ? "editable" : "";
// check the menupopup property
var popup = element.menupopup;
ok(popup && popup.localName == "menupopup" &&
popup.parentNode == element, testprefix + " menupopup");
// test the interfaces that menulist implements
test_nsIDOMXULMenuListElement(element, testprefix, editable);
element.value = "";
test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement(element, "menuitem",
editable ? "editable" : null);
function test_nsIDOMXULMenuListElement(element, testprefix, editable)
is(element.open, false, testprefix + " open");
is(element.editable, editable, testprefix + " editable");
if (editable) {
var inputField = element.inputField;
is(inputField &&
inputField instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMHTMLInputElement,
true, testprefix + " inputField");
// check if the select method works
is(inputField.selectionStart, 0, testprefix + " empty select selectionStart");
is(inputField.selectionEnd, 0, testprefix + " empty select selectionEnd");
element.value = "Some Text";
is(inputField.selectionStart, 0, testprefix + " empty select selectionStart");
is(inputField.selectionEnd, 9, testprefix + " empty select selectionEnd");
else {
is(element.inputField, null , testprefix + " inputField");
element.appendItem("Item One", "one");
var seconditem = element.appendItem("Item Two", "two");
var thirditem = element.appendItem("Item Three", "three");
element.appendItem("Item Four", "four");
seconditem.image = "happy.png";
seconditem.setAttribute("description", "This is the second description");
thirditem.image = "happy.png";
thirditem.setAttribute("description", "This is the third description");
// check the image and description properties
// editable menulists don't use the image or description properties currently
if (editable) {
element.selectedIndex = 1;
is(element.image, "", testprefix + " image set to selected");
is(element.description, "", testprefix + " description set to selected");
else {
element.selectedIndex = 1;
is(element.image, "happy.png", testprefix + " image set to selected");
is(element.description, "This is the second description", testprefix + " description set to selected");
element.selectedIndex = -1;
is(element.image, "", testprefix + " image set when none selected");
is(element.description, "", testprefix + " description set when none selected");
element.selectedIndex = 2;
is(element.image, "happy.png", testprefix + " image set to selected again");
is(element.description, "This is the third description", testprefix + " description set to selected again");
// check that changing the properties of the selected item changes the menulist's properties
thirditem.label = "Item Number Three";
is(element.label, "Item Number Three", testprefix + " label modified");
thirditem.value = "item-three";
is(element.value, "item-three", testprefix + " value modified");
thirditem.image = "smile.png";
is(element.image, "smile.png", testprefix + " image modified");
thirditem.setAttribute("description", "Changed description");
is(element.description, "Changed description", testprefix + " description modified");
seconditem.label = "Changed Label 2";
is(element.label, "Item Number Three", testprefix + " label of another item modified");
element.selectedIndex = 0;
is(element.image, "", testprefix + " image set to selected with no image");
is(element.description, "", testprefix + " description set to selected with no description");
// check the removeAllItems method
element.appendItem("An Item", "anitem");
element.appendItem("Another Item", "anotheritem");
is(element.itemCount, 0, testprefix + " removeAllItems");
function test_menulist_open(element, scroller)
element.appendItem("Scroll Item 1", "scrollitem1");
element.appendItem("Scroll Item 2", "scrollitem2");
// bug 530504, mousewheel while menulist is open should not scroll menulist
// items or parent
var scrolled = false;
var mouseScrolled = function (event) { scrolled = true; }
window.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", mouseScrolled, false);
synthesizeMouseScroll(element, 2, 2, { delta: 10 });
is(scrolled, true, "mousescroll " + element.id);
is(scroller.scrollTop, 0, "scroll position on mousescroll " + element.id);
window.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", mouseScrolled, false);
// bug 543065, hovering the mouse over an item should highlight it and not
// scroll the parent
var item = element.menupopup.childNodes[1];
synthesizeMouse(element.menupopup.childNodes[1], 2, 2, { type: "mousemove" });
synthesizeMouse(element.menupopup.childNodes[1], 6, 6, { type: "mousemove" });
is(element.menuBoxObject.activeChild, item, "activeChild after menu highlight " + element.id);
is(scroller.scrollTop, 0, "scroll position after menu highlight " + element.id);
element.open = false;
function checkScrollAndFinish()
is($("scroller").scrollTop, 0, "mousewheel on menulist does not scroll vbox parent");
is($("scroller-in-listbox").scrollTop, 0, "mousewheel on menulist does not scroll listbox parent");
<body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<p id="display">
<div id="content" style="display: none">
<pre id="test">

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@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
// flag behaviours that differ for certain elements
// allow-other-value - alternate values for the value property may be used
// besides those in the list
// other-value-clears-selection - alternative values for the value property
// clears the selected item
// selection-required - an item must be selected in the list, unless there
// aren't any to select
// activate-disabled-menuitem - disabled menuitems can be highlighted
@ -15,7 +17,7 @@
// The win:, mac: and gtk: or other prefixes may be used for platform specific behaviour
var behaviours = {
menu: "win:activate-disabled-menuitem activate-disabled-menuitem-mousemove select-keynav-wraps select-extended-keynav",
menulist: "allow-other-value",
menulist: "allow-other-value other-value-clears-selection",
listbox: "select-extended-keynav",
richlistbox: "select-extended-keynav",
radiogroup: "select-keynav-wraps dont-select-disabled allow-other-value",
@ -102,17 +104,22 @@ function test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement(element, childtag, testprefix)
is(element.getItemAtIndex(2), null, testid + "getItemAtIndex - index 2 is null");
// check if setting the value changes the selection
element.value = "first";
test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "set value 1", 2, firstitem, 0, "first");
element.value = "second";
test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "set value 2", 2, seconditem, 1, "second");
element.value = firstvalue;
test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "set value 1", 2, firstitem, 0, firstvalue);
element.value = secondvalue;
test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "set value 2", 2, seconditem, 1, secondvalue);
// setting the value attribute to one not in the list doesn't change the selection.
// The value is only changed for elements which support having a value other than the
// selection.
element.value = "other";
var allowOtherValue = behaviourContains(element.localName, "allow-other-value");
test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "set value other", 2, seconditem, 1,
allowOtherValue ? "other" : "second");
var otherValueClearsSelection = behaviourContains(element.localName, "other-value-clears-selection");
test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "set value other", 2,
otherValueClearsSelection ? null : seconditem,
otherValueClearsSelection ? -1 : 1,
allowOtherValue ? "other" : secondvalue);
if (allowOtherValue)
element.value = "";
// 'removeItemAt' - check if removeItemAt removes the right item
if (selectionRequired)
@ -170,7 +177,8 @@ function test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement(element, childtag, testprefix)
test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "removeItemAt 6", 1, fourthitem, 0, fourthvalue);
// 'insertItemAt' - check if insertItemAt inserts items at the right locations
var fifthitem = test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_insertItemAt(element, 0, 0, testid, 5);
element.selectedIndex = 0;
test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_insertItemAt(element, 0, 0, testid, 5);
test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_insertItemAt(element, 2, 2, testid, 6);
test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_insertItemAt(element, -1, 3, testid, 7);
test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_insertItemAt(element, 6, 4, testid, 8);
@ -194,19 +202,24 @@ function test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement(element, childtag, testprefix)
function test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_init(element, testprefix)
// editable menulists use the label as the value
var isEditable = (element.localName == "menulist" && element.editable);
var id = element.id;
element = document.getElementById(id + "-initwithvalue");
if (element) {
var seconditem = element.getItemAtIndex(1);
test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testprefix + " value initialization",
3, seconditem, 1, seconditem.value);
3, seconditem, 1,
isEditable ? seconditem.label : seconditem.value);
element = document.getElementById(id + "-initwithselected");
if (element) {
var thirditem = element.getItemAtIndex(2);
test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testprefix + " selected initialization",
3, thirditem, 2, thirditem.value);
3, thirditem, 2,
isEditable ? thirditem.label : thirditem.value);
@ -240,7 +253,7 @@ function test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_insertItemAt(element, index, expecte
if (expectedSelIndex >= expectedindex)
test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "insertItemAt " + expectedindex,
test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "insertItemAt " + index,
expectedCount, expectedSelItem,
expectedSelIndex, expectedSelValue);
return newitem;

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@ -184,10 +184,7 @@ menulist > menupopup > menuitem,
menulist > menupopup > menu {
-moz-appearance: none;
border: 1px solid transparent;
padding-top: 1px;
-moz-padding-end: 30px;
padding-bottom: 1px;
-moz-padding-start: 5px;
padding: 1px 5px;
max-width: none;
font: message-box;
color: -moz-FieldText;

Просмотреть файл

@ -104,10 +104,7 @@ menuitem.spell-suggestion {
menulist > menupopup > menuitem,
.menulist-menupopup > menu,
menulist > menupopup > menu {
padding-top: 1px;
padding-bottom: 1px;
-moz-padding-start: 1px;
-moz-padding-end: 30px;
padding: 1px 5px;
max-width: none;
font: message-box;

Просмотреть файл

@ -197,10 +197,7 @@ menulist > menupopup > menuitem,
.menulist-menupopup > menu,
menulist > menupopup > menu {
border: 1px solid transparent;
-moz-padding-end: 30px;
-moz-padding-start: 5px;
padding-top: 0;
padding-bottom: 0;
padding: 1px 5px;
max-width: none;
font: message-box;
color: -moz-FieldText;

Просмотреть файл

@ -207,10 +207,7 @@ menulist > menupopup > menuitem,
menulist > menupopup > menu {
-moz-appearance: none;
border: 1px solid transparent;
padding-top: 1px;
-moz-padding-end: 30px;
padding-bottom: 1px;
-moz-padding-start: 5px;
padding: 1px 5px;
max-width: none;
font: message-box;
color: -moz-FieldText;