Bug 678940 - remove caching of uniform values. r=joe

This commit is contained in:
Krzysztof Kotlenga 2012-01-09 10:57:21 +01:00
Родитель b10d9db26b
Коммит 7d7af68671
1 изменённых файлов: 20 добавлений и 122 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -59,55 +59,6 @@ namespace layers {
struct UniformValue {
UniformValue() {
memset(this, 0, sizeof(UniformValue));
void setInt(const int i) {
value.i[0] = i;
void setFloat(const float f) {
value.f[0] = f;
void setFloatN(const float *f, const int n) {
memcpy(value.f, f, sizeof(float)*n);
void setColor(const gfxRGBA& c) {
value.f[0] = float(c.r);
value.f[1] = float(c.g);
value.f[2] = float(c.b);
value.f[3] = float(c.a);
bool equalsInt(const int i) {
return i == value.i[0];
bool equalsFloat(const float f) {
return f == value.f[0];
bool equalsFloatN(const float *f, const int n) {
return memcmp(f, value.f, sizeof(float)*n) == 0;
bool equalsColor(const gfxRGBA& c) {
return value.f[0] == float(c.r) &&
value.f[1] == float(c.g) &&
value.f[2] == float(c.b) &&
value.f[3] == float(c.a);
union {
int i[1];
float f[16];
} value;
class LayerManagerOGLProgram {
@ -146,26 +97,16 @@ public:
void SetUniform(GLuint aUniform, float aFloatValue) {
if (aUniform == GLuint(-1))
if (!mUniformValues[aUniform].equalsFloat(aFloatValue)) {
mGL->fUniform1f(aUniform, aFloatValue);
mGL->fUniform1f(aUniform, aFloatValue);
void SetUniform(GLuint aUniform, const gfxRGBA& aColor) {
if (aUniform == GLuint(-1))
if (!mUniformValues[aUniform].equalsColor(aColor)) {
mGL->fUniform4f(aUniform, float(aColor.r), float(aColor.g), float(aColor.b), float(aColor.a));
mGL->fUniform4f(aUniform, float(aColor.r), float(aColor.g), float(aColor.b), float(aColor.a));
void SetUniform(GLuint aUniform, int aLength, float *aFloatValues) {
@ -174,44 +115,31 @@ public:
if (aUniform == GLuint(-1))
if (!mUniformValues[aUniform].equalsFloatN(aFloatValues, aLength)) {
if (aLength == 1) {
mGL->fUniform1fv(aUniform, 1, aFloatValues);
} else if (aLength == 2) {
mGL->fUniform2fv(aUniform, 1, aFloatValues);
} else if (aLength == 3) {
mGL->fUniform3fv(aUniform, 1, aFloatValues);
} else if (aLength == 4) {
mGL->fUniform4fv(aUniform, 1, aFloatValues);
} else {
NS_NOTREACHED("Bogus aLength param");
mUniformValues[aUniform].setFloatN(aFloatValues, aLength);
if (aLength == 1) {
mGL->fUniform1fv(aUniform, 1, aFloatValues);
} else if (aLength == 2) {
mGL->fUniform2fv(aUniform, 1, aFloatValues);
} else if (aLength == 3) {
mGL->fUniform3fv(aUniform, 1, aFloatValues);
} else if (aLength == 4) {
mGL->fUniform4fv(aUniform, 1, aFloatValues);
} else {
NS_NOTREACHED("Bogus aLength param");
void SetUniform(GLuint aUniform, GLint aIntValue) {
if (aUniform == GLuint(-1))
if (!mUniformValues[aUniform].equalsInt(aIntValue)) {
mGL->fUniform1i(aUniform, aIntValue);
mGL->fUniform1i(aUniform, aIntValue);
void SetMatrixUniform(GLuint aUniform, const float *aFloatValues) {
if (aUniform == GLuint(-1))
if (!mUniformValues[aUniform].equalsFloatN(aFloatValues, 16)) {
mGL->fUniformMatrix4fv(aUniform, 1, false, aFloatValues);
mUniformValues[aUniform].setFloatN(aFloatValues, 16);
mGL->fUniformMatrix4fv(aUniform, 1, false, aFloatValues);
@ -219,8 +147,6 @@ protected:
GLuint mProgram;
nsTArray<UniformValue> mUniformValues;
GLint CreateShader(GLenum aShaderType,
const char *aShaderSource)
@ -322,34 +248,6 @@ protected:
return false;
// Now query uniforms, so that we can initialize mUniformValues
// note that for simplicity, mUniformLocations is indexed by the
// uniform -location-, and not the uniform -index-. This means
// that it might have a bunch of unused space as locations dense
// like indices are; however, there are unlikely to be enough for
// our shaders for this to become a significant memory issue.
GLint count, maxnamelen;
nsCAutoString uname;
GLint maxloc = 0;
mGL->fGetProgramiv(mProgram, LOCAL_GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &count);
mGL->fGetProgramiv(mProgram, LOCAL_GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH, &maxnamelen);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
GLsizei namelen;
GLint usize;
GLenum utype;
mGL->fGetActiveUniform(mProgram, i, maxnamelen, &namelen, &usize, &utype, uname.BeginWriting());
GLint uloc = mGL->fGetUniformLocation(mProgram, uname.BeginReading());
if (maxloc < uloc)
maxloc = uloc;
// Note +1: the last valid index needs to be 'maxloc', so we need
// to set the array length to 1 more than that.
return true;
@ -383,11 +281,11 @@ protected:
* aVertexCoord - vertex coordinate
* Uniforms:
* uTransformMatrix - a transform matrix
* uQuadTransform
* uProjMatrix - projection matrix
* uOffset - a vec4 offset to apply to the transformed coordinates
* uLayerOpacity - a float, the layer opacity (final colors will be multiplied by this)
* uLayerTransform - a transform matrix
* uLayerQuadTransform
* uMatrixProj - projection matrix
* uRenderTargetOffset - a vec4 offset to apply to the transformed coordinates
* uLayerOpacity - a float, the layer opacity (final colors will be multiplied by this)
class LayerProgram :
@ -763,7 +661,7 @@ public:
* vertices. It has the following attributes and uniforms:
* Attribute inputs:
* aVertex - vertex coordinate
* aVertexCoord - vertex coordinate
* aTexCoord - texture coordinate
* Uniforms: