Tweak tooltip sizing to fix a bunch of edge cases. Finally fixes bug 248488.

This commit is contained in: 2005-05-28 06:47:57 +00:00
Родитель 90f0fcc56c
Коммит 820e09bcfa
1 изменённых файлов: 19 добавлений и 1 удалений

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@ -97,12 +97,30 @@ const float kVOffset = 20.0;
if (screen) {
NSRect screenFrame = [screen visibleFrame];
NSSize screenSize = screenFrame.size;
// for some reason, text views suffer from hysteresis; the answer you get this time
// depends on what you had in there before. so clear state first.
[mTextView setString:@""];
[mTextView setFrame:NSMakeRect(0, kBorderPadding, 0, 0)];
// -sizeToFit sucks. For some reason it likes to wrap short words, so
// we measure the text by hand and set that as the min width.
NSSize stringSize = [string sizeWithAttributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSFont toolTipsFontOfSize:[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]] forKey:NSFontAttributeName]];
float textViewWidth = ceil(stringSize.width);
if (textViewWidth > kMaxTextFieldWidth)
textViewWidth = kMaxTextFieldWidth;
textViewWidth += 2.0 * 5.0; // magic numbers required to make the text not wrap. No, this isn't -textContainerInset.
// set up the text view
[mTextView setMaxSize:NSMakeSize(kMaxTextFieldWidth, screenSize.height - 2 * kBorderPadding)]; // do this here since we know screen size
[mTextView setString:string]; // do this after setting max size, before setting costrained frame size,
[mTextView setString:string]; // do this after setting max size, before setting constrained frame size,
// reset to max width - it will not grow horizontally when resizing, only vertically
[mTextView setConstrainedFrameSize:NSMakeSize(kMaxTextFieldWidth, 0.0)];
// to avoid wrapping when we don't want it, set the min width
[mTextView setMinSize:NSMakeSize(textViewWidth, 0.0)];
// finally, do the buggy sizeToFit
[mTextView sizeToFit];
// set the origin back where its supposed to be