зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Bug 236613: change to MPL/LGPL/GPL tri-license.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
* AvmDebugUnix.cpp
* Copyright (C) 2005 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This source file is part of the Macromedia Garbage Collector (avmplus)
#include "avmplus.h"
#include <stdio.h>
/******************************* Debugging *******************************/
namespace avmplus
void AvmDebugMsg(bool debuggerBreak, const char *format, ...)
#ifdef _DEBUG
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
void AvmDebugMsg(const char* msg, bool debugBreak)
#ifdef _DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "%s", msg );
void AvmDebugMsg(const wchar* msg, bool debugBreak)
#ifdef _DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "%s", msg );
@ -1,742 +0,0 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='no' ?>
<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- License.
- The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.].
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- Adobe System Incorporated. Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)[ #YEARS# ] Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
- Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005-2006
- the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- Contributor(s):
- Adobe AS3 Team
- Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
- decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -->
この表には、主要な AVMplus により生成されたすべてのエラーメッセージが含まれています。この表は、ローカリゼーションを容易にするためにリソース表と置き換えられる可能性があります。%o = ScriptObject* %t = Traits* %m = AbstractFunction* %n = Multiname (name portion only) %N = Multiname (namespace portion only) %a = Atom %d = int %f = double %S = Stringp %s = char*
<error id="1000" label="kOutOfMemoryError">
Flash Player needs more memory to compile your code than your system has available.
Close some of the applications or processes running on your system.
<error id="1001" label="kNotImplementedError">メソッド %1 は実装されていません。</error>
<error id="1002" label="kInvalidPrecisionError">
精度の引数には %2 ~ %3 の値を指定してください。%1 は不正な値です。
You specified a value less than 0 or greater than 20 for the precision argument
of a method or property. Pass a value between 0 and 20 as a precision argument.
<error id="1003" label="kInvalidRadixError">
基数の引数には 2 ~ 36 の値を指定してください。%1 は不正な値です。
You passed a value less than 2 or greater than 36 for the radix argument of a method or property.
Pass a value between 2 and 36 as a radix argument.
<error id="1004" label="kInvokeOnIncompatibleObjectError">
メソッド %1 が対応していないオブジェクトで呼び出されました。
You tried to call a method that is not available to the specified object. This error occurs when
you have copied a prototype function from one object to another, and then invoked it, but the
target object is not the same type as the original object. Ensure that the target object and
original object are the same type. See ECMAScript edition 3 chapter 15 for more details.
<error id="1005" label="kArrayIndexNotIntegerError">
配列インデックスが正の整数 (%1) ではありません。
You tried to access a member of an array using an index value that is not a positive integer. Pass only positive integers as index values for arrays.
<error id="1006" label="kCallOfNonFunctionError">
%1 は関数ではありません。
This error occurs when you attempt to call a function that does not exist.
Make sure you are calling the correct function, and that the API has
not changed from ActionScript 2.0. Also, make sure you are using the correct
object. For example, you will see this error when you use the following code
(because the last line mistakenly calls the variable <code>big</code> instead
of <code>blg</code>):
<pre><code>var blg:String = "foo";
var big:Sprite = new Sprite();
var error:int = big.length(); </code></pre>
<error id="1007" label="kConstructOfNonFunctionError">コンストラクタ以外にインスタンス化が試行されました。</error>
<error id="1008" label="kAmbiguousBindingError">%1 があいまいです。一致するバインディングが複数見つかりました。</error>
<error id="1009" label="kConvertNullToObjectError">
null のオブジェクト参照のプロパティまたはメソッドにアクセスすることはできません。
An object that evaluates to null can have no properties. This error can occur in some unexpected
(though valid) situations. For example, consider the following code, which creates a Sprite
object. Since this Sprite object is never added to the display list (via the
<code>addChild()</code> method of a DisplayObjectContainer object), then its <code>stage</code>
property is set to null. Thus, the example generates this error because Sprite object's <code>stage</code> property
cannot have any properties:
<pre><code>import flash.display.Sprite;
var sprite1:Sprite = new Sprite();
var q:String = sprite1.stage.quality;</code></pre>
<error id="1010" label="kConvertUndefinedToObjectError">
This error can occur if you are trying to access a property of an object that does not exist. For example:
<pre><code>var obj:Object = new Object();
obj.a = "foo";
<p>You can also see this error because of a misspelling, for example in the following, where
<code>mc</code> represents a MovieClip object on the display list, and the <code>stage</code>
property is misspelled with a capital S (it should be <code>stage</code>):</p>
<error id="1011" label="kIllegalOpcodeError">
メソッド %1 に無効な opcode %2 (オフセット %3 内) が含まれています。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1012" label="kLastInstExceedsCodeSizeError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1013" label="kFindVarWithNoScopeError">
scopeDepth が 0 である場合、OP_findproperty を呼び出すことはできません。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1014" label="kClassNotFoundError">クラス %1 が見つかりません。</error>
<error id="1015" label="kIllegalSetDxns">
メソッド %1 はデフォルトの xml 名前空間を設定できません
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1016" label="kDescendentsError">Descendants 演算子 (..) は型 %1 でサポートされていません。</error>
<error id="1017" label="kScopeStackOverflowError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1018" label="kScopeStackUnderflowError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1019" label="kGetScopeObjectBoundsError">
Getscopeobject %1 が境界外です。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1020" label="kCannotFallOffMethodError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1021" label="kInvalidBranchTargetError">
最低 1 つのブランチターゲットがメソッドの有効な命令を反映していません。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1022" label="kIllegalVoidError">
Void 型は、関数の戻り型としてのみ使用できます。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1023" label="kStackOverflowError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1024" label="kStackUnderflowError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1025" label="kInvalidRegisterError">
無効なレジスタ %1 がアクセスされました。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1026" label="kSlotExceedsCountError">
スロット %1 が %3 の slotCount=%2 を超えています。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1027" label="kMethodInfoExceedsCountError">
Method_info %1 が method_count=%2 を超えています。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1028" label="kDispIdExceedsCountError">
Disp_id %1 が %3 の max_disp_id=%2 を超えています。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1029" label="kDispIdUndefinedError">
Disp_id %1 が %2 に対して未定義です。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1030" label="kStackDepthUnbalancedError">
スタックの深さがアンバランスです。%1 != %2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1031" label="kScopeDepthUnbalancedError">
スコープの深さがアンバランスです。%1 != %2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1032" label="kCpoolIndexRangeError">
Cpool のインデックス %1 が %2 の範囲外です。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1033" label="kCpoolEntryWrongTypeError">Cpool のエントリ %1 の型が正しくありません。</error>
<error id="1034" label="kCheckTypeFailedError">強制型変換に失敗しました。%1 を %2 に変換できません。</error>
<error id="1035" label="kIllegalSuperCallError">
メソッド %1 で無効な super 式が見つかりました。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1037" label="kCannotAssignToMethodError">
%2 のメソッド %1 に代入できません。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1038" label="kRedefinedError">
%1 は定義済みです。
You cannot declare a variable or function with the same identifier name more than once
within the same scope.
In ActionScript 3.0, different code blocks (such as those used in two <code>for</code> loops
in the same <code>function</code> definition) are considered to be in the same scope.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1039" label="kCannotVerifyUntilReferencedError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1040" label="kCantUseInstanceofOnNonObjectError">
instanceof の右側はクラスまたは関数でなければなりません。
The expression on the right-hand side of the <code>instanceof</code> operator must be a class or function.
<error id="1041" label="kIsTypeMustBeClassError">
The expression on the right-hand side of the <code>instanceof</code> operator must be a class.
<error id="1042" label="kInvalidMagicError">
ABC ファイルではありません。major_version=%1 minor_version=%2 です。
You are attempting to use an invalid file with the player: Possibly the tool that generates the SWF is out of date or the SWF itself is corrupt.
<error id="1043" label="kInvalidCodeLengthError">
code_length=%1 が無効です。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1044" label="kInvalidMethodInfoFlagsError">
MethodInfo-%1 サポートされていないフラグ =%2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1045" label="kUnsupportedTraitsKindError">
サポートされていない種類の機能 =%1。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1046" label="kMethodInfoOrderError">
MethodInfo-%1 が定義の前に参照されています。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1047" label="kMissingEntryPointError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1049" label="kPrototypeTypeError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1050" label="kConvertToPrimitiveError">
%1 をプリミティブに変換できません。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1051" label="kIllegalEarlyBindingError">
%1 へのアーリーバインディングアクセスが無効です。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1052" label="kInvalidURIError">
無効な URI が %1 関数に渡されました。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1053" label="kIllegalOverrideError">
%2 の %1 のオーバーライドが無効です。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1054" label="kIllegalExceptionHandlerError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1056" label="kWriteSealedError">
%2 のプロパティ %1 を作成できません。
You are trying to assign a value to a nonexistent property on an instance of a non-dynamic
class. This is only possible for instances of dynamic classes]]></description>
<error id="1057" label="kIllegalSlotError">
%1 はメソッドしか含むことができません。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1058" label="kIllegalOperandTypeError">
無効なオペランド型 :%1 は %2 でなければなりません。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1059" label="kClassInfoOrderError">
ClassInfo-%1 が定義の前に参照されています。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1060" label="kClassInfoExceedsCountError">
ClassInfo %1 が class_count=%2 を超えています。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1061" label="kNumberOutOfRangeError">
値 %1 を %2 に変換すると精度が失われます。
This error appears if you attempt to assign a decimal number to a property of type
<p>This error also appears for out-of-range assignments, such as the following:</p>
<pre><code>var m0:int = 2147483648; // int.MAX_VALUE == 2147483647</code></pre>
<p>You can also see this error when using the bitwise left shift operator (<<).
For example, consider the following code:</p>
<pre><code>var m0:uint = 0xFF;
var m1:uint = m0<<24;</code></pre>
<p>The result of left shift operator (<<) is interpreted as a 32-bit two's complement number
with sign. In the example, the result is a negative value, which causes the error when assigned
to the uint typed property. A workaround is the following:</p>
<pre><code>var m0:uint = 0xFF;
var m1:uint = uint(m0<<24);</code></pre>
<error id="1063" label="kWrongArgumentCountError">%1 の引数の数が一致していません。%2 が必要ですが、%3 が指定されました。</error>
<error id="1064" label="kCannotCallMethodAsConstructor">
メソッド %1 をコンストラクタとして呼び出すことはできません。
Extracted methods are permanently bound to the object they are extracted from.
Therefore, they can not later be called as a constructor. For example, the following
creates function <code>f()</code> in Class A:
<pre><code>class A {
function f() {}
In the following code, extracting the function causes no error. However, creating
a new instance of the function causes an error.
<pre><code>var a = new A()
var m = a.f // extract f, don't call it
m() // same as a.f()
new m() // causes this error</code></pre>
<error id="1065" label="kUndefinedVarError">
変数 %1 は定義されていません。
You are using an undefined lexical reference. For example, in the following statements, the
statement <code>print(x)</code> generates an error because <code>x</code> is undefined. However, the
statement <code>print(y)</code> doesn't generate an error because <code>y</code> is defined:
<pre><code>print("hello world")
print(x) // x is undefined
var y
print(y) // No error, y is defined.</code></pre>
<error id="1066" label="kFunctionConstructorError">
function('function body') という書式はサポートされていません。
Unlike JavaScript, Flash does not compile code on-the-fly using <code>eval()</code> and
<code>function()</code>. Thus, calling these as a constructor in ActionScript 3.0 generates this error.
<error id="1067" label="kIllegalNativeMethodBodyError">
ネイティブメソッド %1 のメソッドボディが無効です。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1068" label="kCannotMergeTypesError">
%1 と %2 は共有できません。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1069" label="kReadSealedError">
%2 にプロパティ %1 が見つからず、デフォルト値もありません。
You are referencing an undefined property on a non-dynamic class instance. For example, the following generates this error when it references property
<code>x</code>, which is not defined and cannot be created dynamically:
<pre><code>class A {} // sealed class, not dynamic
print(new A().x) // no property x defined on A, and A is not dynamic</code></pre>
<error id="1070" label="kCallNotFoundError">
%2 にメソッド %1 が見つかりません。
You are using a <code>super</code> statement to call a function, but the function doesn't exist in the super class.
For example, the following code generates the error: <pre><code>class A() {}
class B extends A {
function f() { print(super.f()); } // error 1070, there is no f on A
<error id="1071" label="kAlreadyBoundError">関数 %1 は %2 にバインド済みです。</error>
<error id="1072" label="kZeroDispIdError">
Disp_id 0 が無効です。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1073" label="kDuplicateDispIdError">
disp_id %2 が重複しているために、非オーバーライドメソッド %1 が置換されました。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1074" label="kConstWriteError">%2 の読み取り専用プロパティ %1 へは書き込みできません。</error>
<error id="1075" label="kMathNotFunctionError">
Math は関数ではありません。
You are trying to call <code>math()</code> as a function, but <code>math</code> is a class with static methods.
<error id="1076" label="kMathNotConstructorError">
Math はコンストラクタではありません。
You can not instantiate the Math class.
<error id="1077" label="kWriteOnlyError">%2 の書き込み専用プロパティ %1 の読み込みは無効です。</error>
<error id="1078" label="kIllegalOpMultinameError">
オプコードとマルチネームの組み合わせが無効です :%1<%2>。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1079" label="kIllegalNativeMethodError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1080" label="kIllegalNamespaceError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1081" label="kReadSealedErrorNs">%2 にプロパティ %1 が見つからず、デフォルト値もありません。</error>
<error id="1082" label="kNoDefaultNamespaceError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1083" label="kXMLPrefixNotBound">
エレメント "%2" の接頭辞 "%1" がバインドされていません。
An attribute name or element name has a prefix but no matching namespace was
found. This statement generates an error because there is no <code>foo</code>
namespace to match <code>foo:x</code>:<pre/><foo:x xmlns:clowns='http://circuscenter.com'></pre>
<error id="1084" label="kXMLBadQName">
エレメントまたは属性 ("%1") が QName プロダクションと一致しません : QName::=(NCName':')?NCName。
You have <code>foo: </code> or <code>:foo</code> as an element or attribute name, but there is nothing
on the other side of the colon.
<error id="1085" label="kXMLUnterminatedElementTag">エレメント型 "%1" は対応する終了タグ "</%2>" で終了する必要があります。</error>
<error id="1086" label="kXMLOnlyWorksWithOneItemLists">
%1 メソッドは、単一のアイテムを含むリストに対してのみ使用できます。
The XMLList class propagates the XML-specific functions to one child if it only has one
item in its list. If more than one item is in the list, the routines fail with this
error. This happens for the following XMLList functions that mimic XML functions:
<p><code>addNamespace</code>, <code>appendChild</code>, <code>childIndex</code>,
<code>inScopeNamespaces</code>, <code>insertChildAfter</code>, <code>insertChildBefore</code>,
<code>name</code>, <code>namespace</code>, <code>localName</code>, <code>namespaceDeclarations</code>,
<code>nodeKind</code>, <code>prependChild</code>, <code>removeNamespace</code>, <code>replace</code>,
<code>setChildren</code>, <code>setLocalName</code>, <code>setName</code>, and <code>setNamespace.
<error id="1087" label="kXMLAssignmentToIndexedXMLNotAllowed">インデックス付きの XML への代入は許可されません。</error>
<error id="1088" label="kXMLMarkupMustBeWellFormed">
These are some possible causes of this error:
<li>Parsing an XMLList style object such as <code><a/><b/><c/></code> as XML</li>
<li>Misbalanced strings such as <code><a><b></b></a></c></code></li>
<error id="1089" label="kXMLAssigmentOneItemLists">複数のアイテムを含むリストへの代入はサポートされていません。</error>
<error id="1090" label="kXMLMalformedElement">
XML パーサエラー :エレメントの形式が正しくありません。
An element name is malformed. This example of an element name is malformed because a
trailing right angle bracket <code>></code> is missing:
<pre><a/><b></b</pre> ]]></description>
<error id="1091" label="kXMLUnterminatedCData">XML パーサエラー :CDATA セクションが終了していません。</error>
<error id="1092" label="kXMLUnterminatedXMLDecl">XML パーサエラー :XML 宣言が終了していません。</error>
<error id="1093" label="kXMLUnterminatedDocTypeDecl">XML パーサエラー :DOCTYPE 宣言が終了していません。</error>
<error id="1094" label="kXMLUnterminatedComment">XML パーサエラー :コメントが終了していません。</error>
<error id="1095" label="kXMLUnterminatedAttribute">XML パーサエラー :属性が終了していません。</error>
<error id="1096" label="kXMLUnterminatedElement">XML パーサエラー :エレメントが終了していません。</error>
<error id="1097" label="kXMLUnterminatedProcessingInstruction">XML パーサエラー :処理命令が終了していません。</error>
<error id="1098" label="kXMLNamespaceWithPrefixAndNoURI">
no namespace の接頭辞 %1 が無効です。
The namespace constructor throws this error if you try to pass in an empty URI with a
non-empty prefix as in this example:
<pre>ns = new Namespace ("prefix", "");
<error id="1100" label="kRegExpFlagsArgumentError">
RegExp から別の RegExp を構築する際にフラグを渡すことはできません。
Creating a new regular expression from an existing one also copies its flags. To create a regular expression with
different flags, use the <code>new</code> operator and set the flags as desired. For example, this statement
creates a regular expression and specifies flag settings:
<pre<code>var re:RegExp = new RegExp("ali", /s)</code></pre>
Alternatively, this statement creates a regular expression that has the same flags as re:
<pre><code>var re2:RegExp = new RegExp(re, ...)</code></pre> ]]></description>
<error id="1101" label="kNoScopeError">
不明なスコープを持つメソッド %1 を検証できません。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1102" label="kIllegalDefaultValue">
型 %1 のデフォルト値が無効です。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1103" label="kCannotExtendFinalClass">
クラス %1 は、final 基本クラスを拡張できません。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1104" label="kXMLDuplicateAttribute">属性 "%1" (エレメント "%2") は既に指定されています。</error>
<error id="1107" label="kCorruptABCError">
ABC データは破損しているため、境界外の読み取りが試行されました。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1108" label="kInvalidBaseClassError">
OP_newclass オプコードが不正な基本クラスで使用されました。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1109" label="kDanglingFunctionError">
結合されていない関数 %1 をメソッド %2 から直接呼び出そうとしました。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1110" label="kCannotExtendError">
%1 は %2 を拡張できません。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1111" label="kCannotImplementError">
%1 は %2 を実装できません。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1112" label="kCoerceArgumentCountError">クラスの型変換に指定された引数の数が不正です。1 個必要ですが、%1 個指定されました。</error>
<error id="1113" label="kInvalidNewActivationError">
OP_newactivation が NEED_ACTIVATION フラグなしでメソッドで使用されました。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1114" label="kNoGlobalScopeError">
グローバルスコープなしで OP_getglobalslot または OP_setglobalslot が使用されました。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1115" label="kNotConstructorError">%1 はコンストラクタではありません。</error>
<error id="1116" label="kApplyError">Function.prototype.apply の 2 番目の引数は配列でなければなりません。</error>
<error id="1117" label="kXMLInvalidName">無効な XML 名 : %1。</error>
<error id="1118" label="kXMLIllegalCyclicalLoop">ノード間に不正な周期的なループがあります。</error>
<error id="1119" label="kDeleteTypeError">Delete 演算子はオペランド型 %1 でサポートされていません。</error>
<error id="1120" label="kDeleteSealedError">%2 のプロパティ %1 を削除できません。</error>
<error id="1121" label="kDuplicateMethodBodyError">メソッド %1 のメソッドボディが重複しています。</error>
<error id="1122" label="kIllegalInterfaceMethodBodyError">インターフェイスメソッド %1 のメソッドボディが無効です。</error>
<error id="1123" label="kFilterError">Filter 演算子は型 %1 でサポートされていません。</error>
<error id="1124" label="kInvalidHasNextError">OP_hasnext2 を明示的に登録するには、オブジェクトとインデックスが必要です。</error>
<error id="1500" label="kFileOpenError">ファイル %1 を開く際にエラーが発生しました。</error>
<error id="1501" label="kFileWriteError">
ファイル %1 に書き込む際にエラーが発生しました。
The file you are writing to cannot be opened. Possibly the filename contains an error, the file is read-only, or
you do not have access priveleges.
<error id="1502" label="kScriptTimeoutError">
スクリプトがデフォルトのタイムアウト時間の 15 秒を超えて実行されました。
A script executed after the timeout period. (The default timeout period is 15 seconds.) After this error occurs, the
script can continue to execute for 15 seconds more, after which the script terminates and throws Error 1503.
<error id="1503" label="kScriptTerminatedError">
スクリプトが 30 秒後の終了に失敗したため、強制終了しました。
The script was still executing after 30 seconds. (The Flash Player first throws Error 1502 if the script executed more than 15
seconds, which is the default timeout period.) This error occurs 15 seconds after Error 1502 occurs.
<error id="1504" label="kEndOfFileError">
The Flash Player unexpectedly encountered the end of the file. Possibly the file was not saved correctly or Flash Player expected more data
in the file.
<error id="1505" label="kStringIndexOutOfBoundsError">文字列インデックス %1 が境界外です。%2 ~ %3 の範囲内である必要があります。</error>
<error id="1506" label="kInvalidRangeError">
The method's <code>start</code> parameter is greater than its <code>end</code> parameter.
<error id="1507" label="kNullArgumentError">引数 %1 は null にすることができません。</error>
<error id="1508" label="kInvalidArgumentError">
引数 %1 に指定した値は無効です。
You are possibly trying to pass the wrong data type. For example, the code
<pre><code>public function doSomething(const:int):void {
this ["doSomething"] ("str")</code></pre>
generates an error at runtime because <code>doSomething</code> is cast as an int data type. ]]></description>
<error id="1509" label="kShellCompressedDataError">
The de-compressor reached the end of the stream, but more data was expected. The compressed data
stream is probably corrupted.
<error id="1034" label="kCheckTypeFailedError">強制型変換に失敗しました。%1 を %2 に変換できません。</error>
<error id="1510" label="kArrayFilterNonNullObjectError">コールバック引数がクラスのメソッドのとき、任意指定の引数 'this' は null でなければなりません。</error>
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- License.
- The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.].
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- Adobe System Incorporated. Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)[ #YEARS# ] Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
- Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005-2006
- the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- Contributor(s):
- Adobe AS3 Team
- Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
- decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -->
<project name="localize" default="generate" basedir=".">
<property name="build.dir" value="../../../../../../as/asc/build/util"/>
<property name="avm.name" value="avmplus"/>
<target name="formatNormalize">
<exec executable="${bin.dir}/${avm.name}" output="build.out" append="true" failonerror="true">
<!-- args are originalFileName, diffFileName, outputFileName, tagNameToUpdate, optionalBaseTagName (omit for error, use "warning" for warnings file) -->
<arg line="${build.dir}/normalizeXML.abc -- ErrorConstants.xml ErrorConstants_norm.xml"/>
<move file="ErrorConstants.xml" tofile="unNorm_ErrorConstants.xml"/>
<move file="ErrorConstants_norm.xml" tofile="ErrorConstants.xml"/>
<target name="integrate">
<exec executable="${bin.dir}/${avm.name}" output="build.out" append="true" failonerror="true">
<!-- args are originalFileName, diffFileName, outputFileName, tagNameToUpdate, optionalBaseTagName (omit for error, use "warning" for warnings file) -->
<arg line="${build.dir}/integrateLocDiffs.abc -- ErrorConstants.xml AVM_ErrorConstants_diff.xml ErrorConstants_new.xml error"/>
<move file="ErrorConstants.xml" tofile="prev_ErrorConstants.xml"/>
<move file="ErrorConstants_new.xml" tofile="ErrorConstants.xml"/>
<target name="undo_integrate">
<move file="ErrorConstants.xml" tofile="ErrorConstants_new.xml"/>
<move file="prev_ErrorConstants.xml" tofile="ErrorConstants.xml"/>
@ -1,742 +0,0 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='no' ?>
<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- License.
- The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.].
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- Adobe System Incorporated. Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)[ #YEARS# ] Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
- Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005-2006
- the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- Contributor(s):
- Adobe AS3 Team
- Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
- decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -->
This table contains all of the error messages generated by core avmplus. This will likely be replaced by a resource table for easy localization. %o = ScriptObject* %t = Traits* %m = AbstractFunction* %n = Multiname (name portion only) %N = Multiname (namespace portion only) %a = Atom %d = int %f = double %S = Stringp %s = char*
<error id="1000" label="kOutOfMemoryError">
시스템의 메모리가 부족합니다.
Flash Player needs more memory to compile your code than your system has available.
Close some of the applications or processes running on your system.
<error id="1001" label="kNotImplementedError">메서드 %1이(가) 구현되지 않습니다.</error>
<error id="1002" label="kInvalidPrecisionError">
정밀도 인수는 %2과 %3 사이의 값이어야 합니다. %1은(는) 유효하지 않습니다.
You specified a value less than 0 or greater than 20 for the precision argument
of a method or property. Pass a value between 0 and 20 as a precision argument.
<error id="1003" label="kInvalidRadixError">
기수 인수는 2와 36 사이의 값이어야 하지만 %1입니다.
You passed a value less than 2 or greater than 36 for the radix argument of a method or property.
Pass a value between 2 and 36 as a radix argument.
<error id="1004" label="kInvokeOnIncompatibleObjectError">
호환되지 않는 객체에서 메서드 %1을(를) 호출했습니다.
You tried to call a method that is not available to the specified object. This error occurs when
you have copied a prototype function from one object to another, and then invoked it, but the
target object is not the same type as the original object. Ensure that the target object and
original object are the same type. See ECMAScript edition 3 chapter 15 for more details.
<error id="1005" label="kArrayIndexNotIntegerError">
배열 인덱스가 양의 정수(%1)가 아닙니다.
You tried to access a member of an array using an index value that is not a positive integer. Pass only positive integers as index values for arrays.
<error id="1006" label="kCallOfNonFunctionError">
%1은(는) 함수가 아닙니다.
This error occurs when you attempt to call a function that does not exist.
Make sure you are calling the correct function, and that the API has
not changed from ActionScript 2.0. Also, make sure you are using the correct
object. For example, you will see this error when you use the following code
(because the last line mistakenly calls the variable <code>big</code> instead
of <code>blg</code>):
<pre><code>var blg:String = "foo";
var big:Sprite = new Sprite();
var error:int = big.length(); </code></pre>
<error id="1007" label="kConstructOfNonFunctionError">비생성자에서 인스턴스화를 시도했습니다.</error>
<error id="1008" label="kAmbiguousBindingError">%1은(는) 모호합니다. 일치하는 바인딩이 두 개 이상 있습니다.</error>
<error id="1009" label="kConvertNullToObjectError">
null 객체 참조의 속성이나 메서드에 액세스할 수 없습니다.
An object that evaluates to null can have no properties. This error can occur in some unexpected
(though valid) situations. For example, consider the following code, which creates a Sprite
object. Since this Sprite object is never added to the display list (via the
<code>addChild()</code> method of a DisplayObjectContainer object), then its <code>stage</code>
property is set to null. Thus, the example generates this error because Sprite object's <code>stage</code> property
cannot have any properties:
<pre><code>import flash.display.Sprite;
var sprite1:Sprite = new Sprite();
var q:String = sprite1.stage.quality;</code></pre>
<error id="1010" label="kConvertUndefinedToObjectError">
정의되지 않은 용어이며 속성이 없습니다.
This error can occur if you are trying to access a property of an object that does not exist. For example:
<pre><code>var obj:Object = new Object();
obj.a = "foo";
<p>You can also see this error because of a misspelling, for example in the following, where
<code>mc</code> represents a MovieClip object on the display list, and the <code>stage</code>
property is misspelled with a capital S (it should be <code>stage</code>):</p>
<error id="1011" label="kIllegalOpcodeError">
메서드 %1은(는) 잘못된 opcode %2을(를) 포함하고 있습니다(오프셋 %3에 있음).
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1012" label="kLastInstExceedsCodeSizeError">
마지막 명령이 코드 크기를 초과했습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1013" label="kFindVarWithNoScopeError">
scopeDepth가 0이면 OP_findproperty를 호출할 수 없습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1014" label="kClassNotFoundError">클래스 %1을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.</error>
<error id="1015" label="kIllegalSetDxns">
메서드 %1은(는) 기본 xml 네임스페이스를 설정할 수 없습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1016" label="kDescendentsError">하위 연산자(..)는 %1 유형에서 지원되지 않습니다.</error>
<error id="1017" label="kScopeStackOverflowError">
범위 스택 오버플로가 발생했습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1018" label="kScopeStackUnderflowError">
범위 스택 언더플로가 발생했습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1019" label="kGetScopeObjectBoundsError">
Getscopeobject %1이(가) 범위를 벗어났습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1020" label="kCannotFallOffMethodError">
코드는 메서드 끝 부분을 벗어날 수 없습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1021" label="kInvalidBranchTargetError">
적어도 하나의 분기 대상이 메서드의 유효한 명령에 있지 않습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1022" label="kIllegalVoidError">
void 형식은 함수 반환 형식으로만 사용할 수 있습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1023" label="kStackOverflowError">
스택 오버플로가 발생했습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1024" label="kStackUnderflowError">
스택 언더플로가 발생했습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1025" label="kInvalidRegisterError">
유효하지 않은 레지스터 %1을(를) 액세스했습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1026" label="kSlotExceedsCountError">
슬롯 %1이(가) %3의 slotCount=%2을(를) 초과했습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1027" label="kMethodInfoExceedsCountError">
Method_info %1이(가) method_count=%2을(를) 초과했습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1028" label="kDispIdExceedsCountError">
Disp_id %1이(가) %3의 max_disp_id=%2을(를) 초과했습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1029" label="kDispIdUndefinedError">
Disp_id %1이(가) %2에 정의되어 있지 않습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1030" label="kStackDepthUnbalancedError">
스택 깊이의 균형이 맞지 않습니다. %1 != %2
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1031" label="kScopeDepthUnbalancedError">
범위 심도의 균형이 맞지 않습니다. %1 != %2
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1032" label="kCpoolIndexRangeError">
Cpool 인덱스 %1이(가) 범위 %2을(를) 벗어났습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1033" label="kCpoolEntryWrongTypeError">Cpool 항목 %1은(는) 잘못된 유형입니다.</error>
<error id="1034" label="kCheckTypeFailedError">유형 강제 변환에 실패했습니다. %1을(를) %2(으)로 변환할 수 없습니다.</error>
<error id="1035" label="kIllegalSuperCallError">
메서드 %1에 잘못된 super 표현식이 있습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1037" label="kCannotAssignToMethodError">
%2의 메서드 %1에 할당할 수 없습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1038" label="kRedefinedError">
%1이(가) 이미 정의되어 있습니다.
You cannot declare a variable or function with the same identifier name more than once
within the same scope.
In ActionScript 3.0, different code blocks (such as those used in two <code>for</code> loops
in the same <code>function</code> definition) are considered to be in the same scope.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1039" label="kCannotVerifyUntilReferencedError">
참조할 때까지 메서드를 확인할 수 없습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1040" label="kCantUseInstanceofOnNonObjectError">
instanceof의 오른쪽은 클래스 또는 함수여야 합니다.
The expression on the right-hand side of the <code>instanceof</code> operator must be a class or function.
<error id="1041" label="kIsTypeMustBeClassError">
연산자의 오른쪽은 클래스여야 합니다.
The expression on the right-hand side of the <code>instanceof</code> operator must be a class.
<error id="1042" label="kInvalidMagicError">
ABC 파일이 아닙니다. major_version=%1 minor_version=%2
You are attempting to use an invalid file with the player: Possibly the tool that generates the SWF is out of date or the SWF itself is corrupt.
<error id="1043" label="kInvalidCodeLengthError">
code_length=%1이(가) 유효하지 않습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1044" label="kInvalidMethodInfoFlagsError">
flags=%1을(를) 지원하지 않는 MethodInfo-%2입니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1045" label="kUnsupportedTraitsKindError">
traits kind=%1을(를) 지원하지 않습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1046" label="kMethodInfoOrderError">
정의하기 전에 MethodInfo-%1을(를) 참조합니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1047" label="kMissingEntryPointError">
진입점을 찾을 수 없습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1049" label="kPrototypeTypeError">
프로토타입 객체는 vanilla 객체여야 합니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1050" label="kConvertToPrimitiveError">
%1을(를) 원시 값으로 변환할 수 없습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1051" label="kIllegalEarlyBindingError">
%1에 대한 초기 바인딩 액세스가 잘못되었습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1052" label="kInvalidURIError">
%1 함수에 유효하지 않은 URI가 전달되었습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1053" label="kIllegalOverrideError">
%2의 %1에 대한 재정의가 잘못되었습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1054" label="kIllegalExceptionHandlerError">
예외 핸들러의 범위 또는 대상 오프셋이 잘못되었습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1056" label="kWriteSealedError">
%2에 속성 %1을(를) 만들 수 없습니다.
You are trying to assign a value to a nonexistent property on an instance of a non-dynamic
class. This is only possible for instances of dynamic classes]]></description>
<error id="1057" label="kIllegalSlotError">
%1은(는) 메서드만 포함할 수 있습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1058" label="kIllegalOperandTypeError">
피연산자 유형이 잘못되었습니다. %1은(는) %2이어야 합니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1059" label="kClassInfoOrderError">
정의하기 전에 ClassInfo-%1을(를) 참조합니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1060" label="kClassInfoExceedsCountError">
ClassInfo %1이(가) class_count=%2을(를) 초과했습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1061" label="kNumberOutOfRangeError">
정밀도의 손상 없이는 값 %1을(를) %2(으)로 변환할 수 없습니다.
This error appears if you attempt to assign a decimal number to a property of type
<p>This error also appears for out-of-range assignments, such as the following:</p>
<pre><code>var m0:int = 2147483648; // int.MAX_VALUE == 2147483647</code></pre>
<p>You can also see this error when using the bitwise left shift operator (<<).
For example, consider the following code:</p>
<pre><code>var m0:uint = 0xFF;
var m1:uint = m0<<24;</code></pre>
<p>The result of left shift operator (<<) is interpreted as a 32-bit two's complement number
with sign. In the example, the result is a negative value, which causes the error when assigned
to the uint typed property. A workaround is the following:</p>
<pre><code>var m0:uint = 0xFF;
var m1:uint = uint(m0<<24);</code></pre>
<error id="1063" label="kWrongArgumentCountError">%1에서 인수 개수가 일치하지 않습니다. %2개가 필요하지만 %3개가 있습니다.</error>
<error id="1064" label="kCannotCallMethodAsConstructor">
메서드 %1을(를) 생성자로 호출할 수 없습니다.
Extracted methods are permanently bound to the object they are extracted from.
Therefore, they can not later be called as a constructor. For example, the following
creates function <code>f()</code> in Class A:
<pre><code>class A {
function f() {}
In the following code, extracting the function causes no error. However, creating
a new instance of the function causes an error.
<pre><code>var a = new A()
var m = a.f // extract f, don't call it
m() // same as a.f()
new m() // causes this error</code></pre>
<error id="1065" label="kUndefinedVarError">
변수 %1이(가) 정의되어 있지 않습니다.
You are using an undefined lexical reference. For example, in the following statements, the
statement <code>print(x)</code> generates an error because <code>x</code> is undefined. However, the
statement <code>print(y)</code> doesn't generate an error because <code>y</code> is defined:
<pre><code>print("hello world")
print(x) // x is undefined
var y
print(y) // No error, y is defined.</code></pre>
<error id="1066" label="kFunctionConstructorError">
양식 함수('함수 본문')는 지원되지 않습니다.
Unlike JavaScript, Flash does not compile code on-the-fly using <code>eval()</code> and
<code>function()</code>. Thus, calling these as a constructor in ActionScript 3.0 generates this error.
<error id="1067" label="kIllegalNativeMethodBodyError">
기본 메서드 %1의 메서드 본문이 잘못되었습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1068" label="kCannotMergeTypesError">
%1과(와) %2을(를) 조정할 수 없습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1069" label="kReadSealedError">
%2에서 속성 %1을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 기본값이 없습니다.
You are referencing an undefined property on a non-dynamic class instance. For example, the following generates this error when it references property
<code>x</code>, which is not defined and cannot be created dynamically:
<pre><code>class A {} // sealed class, not dynamic
print(new A().x) // no property x defined on A, and A is not dynamic</code></pre>
<error id="1070" label="kCallNotFoundError">
%2에서 메서드 %1을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.
You are using a <code>super</code> statement to call a function, but the function doesn't exist in the super class.
For example, the following code generates the error: <pre><code>class A() {}
class B extends A {
function f() { print(super.f()); } // error 1070, there is no f on A
<error id="1071" label="kAlreadyBoundError">함수 %1이(가) 이미 %2에 바인딩되었습니다.</error>
<error id="1072" label="kZeroDispIdError">
Disp_id 0이 잘못되었습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1073" label="kDuplicateDispIdError">
복제된 disp_id %2(으)로 인해 재정의되지 않은 메서드 %1이(가) 대체되었습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1074" label="kConstWriteError">%2의 읽기 전용 속성 %1에는 쓸 수 없습니다.</error>
<error id="1075" label="kMathNotFunctionError">
Math는 함수가 아닙니다.
You are trying to call <code>math()</code> as a function, but <code>math</code> is a class with static methods.
<error id="1076" label="kMathNotConstructorError">
Math는 생성자가 아닙니다.
You can not instantiate the Math class.
<error id="1077" label="kWriteOnlyError">%2의 쓰기 전용 속성 %1은(는) 읽을 수 없습니다.</error>
<error id="1078" label="kIllegalOpMultinameError">
잘못된 opcode/multiname 조합입니다. %1<%2>.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1079" label="kIllegalNativeMethodError">
로드된 코드에는 기본 메서드를 사용할 수 없습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1080" label="kIllegalNamespaceError">
네임스페이스의 값이 잘못되었습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1081" label="kReadSealedErrorNs">속성 %1을(를) %2에서 찾을 수 없습니다. 기본값이 없습니다.</error>
<error id="1082" label="kNoDefaultNamespaceError">
기본 네임스페이스가 설정되지 않았습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1083" label="kXMLPrefixNotBound">
요소 "%2"에 대한 접두어 "%1"이(가) 바인딩되지 않았습니다.
An attribute name or element name has a prefix but no matching namespace was
found. This statement generates an error because there is no <code>foo</code>
namespace to match <code>foo:x</code>:<pre/><foo:x xmlns:clowns='http://circuscenter.com'></pre>
<error id="1084" label="kXMLBadQName">
요소 또는 속성("%1")이 QName 생성 규칙과 일치하지 않습니다. QName::=(NCName':')?NCName
You have <code>foo: </code> or <code>:foo</code> as an element or attribute name, but there is nothing
on the other side of the colon.
<error id="1085" label="kXMLUnterminatedElementTag">요소 유형 "%1"은(는) 일치하는 끝 태그 "</%2>"(으)로 끝나야 합니다.</error>
<error id="1086" label="kXMLOnlyWorksWithOneItemLists">
%1 메서드는 항목 하나를 포함한 목록에서만 작동합니다.
The XMLList class propagates the XML-specific functions to one child if it only has one
item in its list. If more than one item is in the list, the routines fail with this
error. This happens for the following XMLList functions that mimic XML functions:
<p><code>addNamespace</code>, <code>appendChild</code>, <code>childIndex</code>,
<code>inScopeNamespaces</code>, <code>insertChildAfter</code>, <code>insertChildBefore</code>,
<code>name</code>, <code>namespace</code>, <code>localName</code>, <code>namespaceDeclarations</code>,
<code>nodeKind</code>, <code>prependChild</code>, <code>removeNamespace</code>, <code>replace</code>,
<code>setChildren</code>, <code>setLocalName</code>, <code>setName</code>, and <code>setNamespace.
<error id="1087" label="kXMLAssignmentToIndexedXMLNotAllowed">인덱싱된 XML에 할당할 수 없습니다.</error>
<error id="1088" label="kXMLMarkupMustBeWellFormed">
루트 요소 다음에 나오는 문서 내의 태그는 올바른 형식이어야 합니다.
These are some possible causes of this error:
<li>Parsing an XMLList style object such as <code><a/><b/><c/></code> as XML</li>
<li>Misbalanced strings such as <code><a><b></b></a></c></code></li>
<error id="1089" label="kXMLAssigmentOneItemLists">둘 이상의 항목이 있는 목록에 할당이 지원되지 않습니다.</error>
<error id="1090" label="kXMLMalformedElement">
XML 파서 실패: 요소가 잘못되었습니다.
An element name is malformed. This example of an element name is malformed because a
trailing right angle bracket <code>></code> is missing:
<pre><a/><b></b</pre> ]]></description>
<error id="1091" label="kXMLUnterminatedCData">XML 파서 실패: CDATA 섹션이 종결되지 않았습니다.</error>
<error id="1092" label="kXMLUnterminatedXMLDecl">XML 파서 실패: XML 선언이 종결되지 않았습니다.</error>
<error id="1093" label="kXMLUnterminatedDocTypeDecl">XML 파서 실패: DOCTYPE 선언이 종결되지 않았습니다.</error>
<error id="1094" label="kXMLUnterminatedComment">XML 파서 실패: 주석이 종결되지 않았습니다.</error>
<error id="1095" label="kXMLUnterminatedAttribute">XML 파서 실패: 속성이 종결되지 않았습니다.</error>
<error id="1096" label="kXMLUnterminatedElement">XML 파서 실패: 요소가 종결되지 않았습니다.</error>
<error id="1097" label="kXMLUnterminatedProcessingInstruction">XML 파서 실패: 처리 명령이 종결되지 않았습니다.</error>
<error id="1098" label="kXMLNamespaceWithPrefixAndNoURI">
네임스페이스 없음에 대한 접두어 %1이(가) 잘못되었습니다.
The namespace constructor throws this error if you try to pass in an empty URI with a
non-empty prefix as in this example:
<pre>ns = new Namespace ("prefix", "");
<error id="1100" label="kRegExpFlagsArgumentError">
다른 RegExp로부터 하나의 RegExp를 만드는 경우 플래그를 제공할 수 없습니다.
Creating a new regular expression from an existing one also copies its flags. To create a regular expression with
different flags, use the <code>new</code> operator and set the flags as desired. For example, this statement
creates a regular expression and specifies flag settings:
<pre<code>var re:RegExp = new RegExp("ali", /s)</code></pre>
Alternatively, this statement creates a regular expression that has the same flags as re:
<pre><code>var re2:RegExp = new RegExp(re, ...)</code></pre> ]]></description>
<error id="1101" label="kNoScopeError">
범위를 알 수 없는 메서드 %1은(는) 확인할 수 없습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1102" label="kIllegalDefaultValue">
유형 %1의 기본값이 잘못되었습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1103" label="kCannotExtendFinalClass">
클래스 %1은(는) 최종 기본 클래스를 확장할 수 없습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1104" label="kXMLDuplicateAttribute">속성 "%1"이(가) 요소 "%2"에 대해 이미 지정되었습니다.</error>
<error id="1107" label="kCorruptABCError">
ABC 데이터가 손상되었으며 범위를 벗어나는 읽기를 시도합니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1108" label="kInvalidBaseClassError">
OP_newclass opcode가 잘못된 기본 클래스에서 사용되었습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1109" label="kDanglingFunctionError">
언바운드 함수 %1을(를) 메서드 %2(으)로부터 직접 호출하려고 시도합니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1110" label="kCannotExtendError">
%1은(는) %2을(를) 확장할 수 없습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1111" label="kCannotImplementError">
%1은(는) %2을(를) 구현할 수 없습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1112" label="kCoerceArgumentCountError">인수 개수가 클래스 강제 변환 시 일치하지 않습니다. 1개가 필요하지만 %1개가 있습니다.</error>
<error id="1113" label="kInvalidNewActivationError">
NEED_ACTIVATION 플래그가 없는 메서드에 OP_newactivation이 사용되었습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1114" label="kNoGlobalScopeError">
전역 범위 없이 OP_getglobalslot 또는 OP_setglobalslot이 사용되었습니다.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1115" label="kNotConstructorError">%1은(는) 생성자가 아닙니다.</error>
<error id="1116" label="kApplyError">Function.prototype.apply의 두 번째 인수는 배열이어야 합니다.</error>
<error id="1117" label="kXMLInvalidName">잘못된 XML 이름: %1</error>
<error id="1118" label="kXMLIllegalCyclicalLoop">노드 사이의 순환 루프가 잘못되었습니다.</error>
<error id="1119" label="kDeleteTypeError">유형 %1의 피연산자에 대해서는 Delete 연산자가 지원되지 않습니다.</error>
<error id="1120" label="kDeleteSealedError">%2의 속성 %1을(를) 삭제할 수 없습니다.</error>
<error id="1121" label="kDuplicateMethodBodyError">메서드 %1에 복제된 메서드 본문이 있습니다.</error>
<error id="1122" label="kIllegalInterfaceMethodBodyError">인터페이스 메서드 %1에 잘못된 메서드 본문이 있습니다.</error>
<error id="1123" label="kFilterError">유형 %1에서는 필터 연산자가 지원되지 않습니다.</error>
<error id="1124" label="kInvalidHasNextError">OP_hasnext2는 개별 레지스터가 되려면 객체 및 인덱스가 있어야 합니다.</error>
<error id="1500" label="kFileOpenError">파일 %1을(를) 여는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.</error>
<error id="1501" label="kFileWriteError">
파일 %1에 쓰는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.
The file you are writing to cannot be opened. Possibly the filename contains an error, the file is read-only, or
you do not have access priveleges.
<error id="1502" label="kScriptTimeoutError">
스크립트 실행 시간이 기본 제한 시간인 15초를 초과했습니다.
A script executed after the timeout period. (The default timeout period is 15 seconds.) After this error occurs, the
script can continue to execute for 15 seconds more, after which the script terminates and throws Error 1503.
<error id="1503" label="kScriptTerminatedError">
스크립트가 30초 후에도 끝나지 않아 종료했습니다.
The script was still executing after 30 seconds. (The Flash Player first throws Error 1502 if the script executed more than 15
seconds, which is the default timeout period.) This error occurs 15 seconds after Error 1502 occurs.
<error id="1504" label="kEndOfFileError">
파일의 끝입니다.
The Flash Player unexpectedly encountered the end of the file. Possibly the file was not saved correctly or Flash Player expected more data
in the file.
<error id="1505" label="kStringIndexOutOfBoundsError">문자열 인덱스 %1이(가) 범위를 벗어났습니다. %2와 %3 사이의 범위에 있어야 합니다.</error>
<error id="1506" label="kInvalidRangeError">
유효하지 않은 범위가 지정되었습니다.
The method's <code>start</code> parameter is greater than its <code>end</code> parameter.
<error id="1507" label="kNullArgumentError">인수 %1은(는) null일 수 없습니다.</error>
<error id="1508" label="kInvalidArgumentError">
인수 %1에 지정된 값이 유효하지 않습니다.
You are possibly trying to pass the wrong data type. For example, the code
<pre><code>public function doSomething(const:int):void {
this ["doSomething"] ("str")</code></pre>
generates an error at runtime because <code>doSomething</code> is cast as an int data type. ]]></description>
<error id="1509" label="kShellCompressedDataError">
데이터의 압축을 푸는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.
The de-compressor reached the end of the stream, but more data was expected. The compressed data
stream is probably corrupted.
<error id="1034" label="kCheckTypeFailedError">유형 강제 변환에 실패했습니다. %1을(를) %2(으)로 변환할 수 없습니다.</error>
<error id="1510" label="kArrayFilterNonNullObjectError">콜백 인수가 클래스의 메서드인 경우 선택적 인수 'this'는 null이어야 합니다.</error>
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- License.
- The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.].
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- Adobe System Incorporated. Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)[ #YEARS# ] Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
- Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005-2006
- the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- Contributor(s):
- Adobe AS3 Team
- Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
- decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -->
<project name="localize" default="generate" basedir=".">
<property name="build.dir" value="../../../../../../as/asc/build/util"/>
<property name="avm.name" value="avmplus"/>
<target name="formatNormalize">
<exec executable="${bin.dir}/${avm.name}" output="build.out" append="true" failonerror="true">
<!-- args are originalFileName, diffFileName, outputFileName, tagNameToUpdate, optionalBaseTagName (omit for error, use "warning" for warnings file) -->
<arg line="${build.dir}/normalizeXML.abc -- ErrorConstants.xml ErrorConstants_norm.xml"/>
<move file="ErrorConstants.xml" tofile="unNorm_ErrorConstants.xml"/>
<move file="ErrorConstants_norm.xml" tofile="ErrorConstants.xml"/>
<target name="integrate">
<exec executable="${bin.dir}/${avm.name}" output="build.out" append="true" failonerror="true">
<!-- args are originalFileName, diffFileName, outputFileName, tagNameToUpdate, optionalBaseTagName (omit for error, use "warning" for warnings file) -->
<arg line="${build.dir}/integrateLocDiffs.abc -- ErrorConstants.xml AVM_ErrorConstants_diff.xml ErrorConstants_new.xml error"/>
<move file="ErrorConstants.xml" tofile="prev_ErrorConstants.xml"/>
<move file="ErrorConstants_new.xml" tofile="ErrorConstants.xml"/>
<target name="undo_integrate">
<move file="ErrorConstants.xml" tofile="ErrorConstants_new.xml"/>
<move file="prev_ErrorConstants.xml" tofile="ErrorConstants.xml"/>
@ -1,742 +0,0 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='no' ?>
<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- License.
- The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.].
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- Adobe System Incorporated. Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)[ #YEARS# ] Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
- Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005-2006
- the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- Contributor(s):
- Adobe AS3 Team
- Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
- decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -->
此表中包含由核心 avmplus 生成的所有错误信息。可能会用资源表替换此表,以便于进行本地化。%o = ScriptObject* %t = Traits* %m = AbstractFunction* %n = Multiname (仅用于名称部分) %N = Multiname (仅用于命名空间部分) %a = Atom %d = int %f = double %S = Stringp %s = char*
<error id="1000" label="kOutOfMemoryError">
Flash Player needs more memory to compile your code than your system has available.
Close some of the applications or processes running on your system.
<error id="1001" label="kNotImplementedError">未实现 %1 方法。</error>
<error id="1002" label="kInvalidPrecisionError">
精度参数必须介于 %2 到 %3 之间;%1 无效。
You specified a value less than 0 or greater than 20 for the precision argument
of a method or property. Pass a value between 0 and 20 as a precision argument.
<error id="1003" label="kInvalidRadixError">
基数参数必须介于 2 到 36 之间;当前值为 %1。
You passed a value less than 2 or greater than 36 for the radix argument of a method or property.
Pass a value between 2 and 36 as a radix argument.
<error id="1004" label="kInvokeOnIncompatibleObjectError">
对不兼容的对象调用了方法 %1。
You tried to call a method that is not available to the specified object. This error occurs when
you have copied a prototype function from one object to another, and then invoked it, but the
target object is not the same type as the original object. Ensure that the target object and
original object are the same type. See ECMAScript edition 3 chapter 15 for more details.
<error id="1005" label="kArrayIndexNotIntegerError">
数组索引不是正整数 (%1)。
You tried to access a member of an array using an index value that is not a positive integer. Pass only positive integers as index values for arrays.
<error id="1006" label="kCallOfNonFunctionError">
%1 不是函数。
This error occurs when you attempt to call a function that does not exist.
Make sure you are calling the correct function, and that the API has
not changed from ActionScript 2.0. Also, make sure you are using the correct
object. For example, you will see this error when you use the following code
(because the last line mistakenly calls the variable <code>big</code> instead
of <code>blg</code>):
<pre><code>var blg:String = "foo";
var big:Sprite = new Sprite();
var error:int = big.length(); </code></pre>
<error id="1007" label="kConstructOfNonFunctionError">尝试实例化的函数不是构造函数。</error>
<error id="1008" label="kAmbiguousBindingError">%1 有歧义;找到多个匹配的绑定。</error>
<error id="1009" label="kConvertNullToObjectError">
An object that evaluates to null can have no properties. This error can occur in some unexpected
(though valid) situations. For example, consider the following code, which creates a Sprite
object. Since this Sprite object is never added to the display list (via the
<code>addChild()</code> method of a DisplayObjectContainer object), then its <code>stage</code>
property is set to null. Thus, the example generates this error because Sprite object's <code>stage</code> property
cannot have any properties:
<pre><code>import flash.display.Sprite;
var sprite1:Sprite = new Sprite();
var q:String = sprite1.stage.quality;</code></pre>
<error id="1010" label="kConvertUndefinedToObjectError">
This error can occur if you are trying to access a property of an object that does not exist. For example:
<pre><code>var obj:Object = new Object();
obj.a = "foo";
<p>You can also see this error because of a misspelling, for example in the following, where
<code>mc</code> represents a MovieClip object on the display list, and the <code>stage</code>
property is misspelled with a capital S (it should be <code>stage</code>):</p>
<error id="1011" label="kIllegalOpcodeError">
方法 %1 包含非法 opcode %2 (偏移量为 %3)。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1012" label="kLastInstExceedsCodeSizeError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1013" label="kFindVarWithNoScopeError">
当 scopeDepth 为 0 时,无法调用 OP_findproperty。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1014" label="kClassNotFoundError">无法找到类 %1。</error>
<error id="1015" label="kIllegalSetDxns">
方法 %1 无法设置默认 XML 命名空间
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1016" label="kDescendentsError">类型 %1 不支持后代运算符 (..)。</error>
<error id="1017" label="kScopeStackOverflowError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1018" label="kScopeStackUnderflowError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1019" label="kGetScopeObjectBoundsError">
Getscopeobject %1 超出范围。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1020" label="kCannotFallOffMethodError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1021" label="kInvalidBranchTargetError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1022" label="kIllegalVoidError">
void 类型只能用作函数返回类型。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1023" label="kStackOverflowError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1024" label="kStackUnderflowError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1025" label="kInvalidRegisterError">
访问了无效的注册 %1。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1026" label="kSlotExceedsCountError">
Slot %1 超出 %3 中 slotCount=%2 的限制。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1027" label="kMethodInfoExceedsCountError">
Method_info %1 超出 method_count=%2 的限制。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1028" label="kDispIdExceedsCountError">
Disp_id %1 超出 %3 中 max_disp_id=%2 的限制。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1029" label="kDispIdUndefinedError">
Disp_id %1 在 %2 上未定义。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1030" label="kStackDepthUnbalancedError">
堆栈深度不对称。%1 != %2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1031" label="kScopeDepthUnbalancedError">
范围深度不对称。%1 != %2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1032" label="kCpoolIndexRangeError">
Cpool 索引 %1 超出范围 %2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1033" label="kCpoolEntryWrongTypeError">Cpool 项 %1 类型错误。</error>
<error id="1034" label="kCheckTypeFailedError">强制转换类型失败:无法将 %1 转换为 %2。</error>
<error id="1035" label="kIllegalSuperCallError">
发现方法 %1 中存在非法的 super 表达式。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1037" label="kCannotAssignToMethodError">
无法在 %2 上为方法 %1 赋值。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1038" label="kRedefinedError">
%1 已定义。
You cannot declare a variable or function with the same identifier name more than once
within the same scope.
In ActionScript 3.0, different code blocks (such as those used in two <code>for</code> loops
in the same <code>function</code> definition) are considered to be in the same scope.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1039" label="kCannotVerifyUntilReferencedError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1040" label="kCantUseInstanceofOnNonObjectError">
instanceof 的右侧必须是类或函数。
The expression on the right-hand side of the <code>instanceof</code> operator must be a class or function.
<error id="1041" label="kIsTypeMustBeClassError">
The expression on the right-hand side of the <code>instanceof</code> operator must be a class.
<error id="1042" label="kInvalidMagicError">
不是 ABC 文件。major_version=%1 minor_version=%2。
You are attempting to use an invalid file with the player: Possibly the tool that generates the SWF is out of date or the SWF itself is corrupt.
<error id="1043" label="kInvalidCodeLengthError">
code_length=%1 无效。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1044" label="kInvalidMethodInfoFlagsError">
MethodInfo-%1 不支持 flags=%2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1045" label="kUnsupportedTraitsKindError">
不支持 trait kind=%1。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1046" label="kMethodInfoOrderError">
MethodInfo-%1 被引用时未定义。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1047" label="kMissingEntryPointError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1049" label="kPrototypeTypeError">
原型对象必须是 vanilla 对象。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1050" label="kConvertToPrimitiveError">
无法将 %1 转换为原始类型。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1051" label="kIllegalEarlyBindingError">
对 %1 的早期绑定访问是非法的。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1052" label="kInvalidURIError">
传递给 %1 函数的 URI 无效。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1053" label="kIllegalOverrideError">
在 %2 中非法覆盖 %1。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1054" label="kIllegalExceptionHandlerError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1056" label="kWriteSealedError">
无法为 %2 创建属性 %1。
You are trying to assign a value to a nonexistent property on an instance of a non-dynamic
class. This is only possible for instances of dynamic classes]]></description>
<error id="1057" label="kIllegalSlotError">
%1 只能包含方法。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1058" label="kIllegalOperandTypeError">
非法的操作数类型: %1 必须是 %2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1059" label="kClassInfoOrderError">
ClassInfo-%1 被引用时未定义。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1060" label="kClassInfoExceedsCountError">
ClassInfo %1 超出 class_count=%2 的限制。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1061" label="kNumberOutOfRangeError">
无法在不损失精度的情况下将值 %1 转换为 %2。
This error appears if you attempt to assign a decimal number to a property of type
<p>This error also appears for out-of-range assignments, such as the following:</p>
<pre><code>var m0:int = 2147483648; // int.MAX_VALUE == 2147483647</code></pre>
<p>You can also see this error when using the bitwise left shift operator (<<).
For example, consider the following code:</p>
<pre><code>var m0:uint = 0xFF;
var m1:uint = m0<<24;</code></pre>
<p>The result of left shift operator (<<) is interpreted as a 32-bit two's complement number
with sign. In the example, the result is a negative value, which causes the error when assigned
to the uint typed property. A workaround is the following:</p>
<pre><code>var m0:uint = 0xFF;
var m1:uint = uint(m0<<24);</code></pre>
<error id="1063" label="kWrongArgumentCountError">%1 的参数数量不匹配。应该有 %2 个,当前为 %3 个。</error>
<error id="1064" label="kCannotCallMethodAsConstructor">
无法将方法 %1 作为构造函数调用。
Extracted methods are permanently bound to the object they are extracted from.
Therefore, they can not later be called as a constructor. For example, the following
creates function <code>f()</code> in Class A:
<pre><code>class A {
function f() {}
In the following code, extracting the function causes no error. However, creating
a new instance of the function causes an error.
<pre><code>var a = new A()
var m = a.f // extract f, don't call it
m() // same as a.f()
new m() // causes this error</code></pre>
<error id="1065" label="kUndefinedVarError">
变量 %1 未定义。
You are using an undefined lexical reference. For example, in the following statements, the
statement <code>print(x)</code> generates an error because <code>x</code> is undefined. However, the
statement <code>print(y)</code> doesn't generate an error because <code>y</code> is defined:
<pre><code>print("hello world")
print(x) // x is undefined
var y
print(y) // No error, y is defined.</code></pre>
<error id="1066" label="kFunctionConstructorError">
不支持 function('function body') 形式。
Unlike JavaScript, Flash does not compile code on-the-fly using <code>eval()</code> and
<code>function()</code>. Thus, calling these as a constructor in ActionScript 3.0 generates this error.
<error id="1067" label="kIllegalNativeMethodBodyError">
内置方法 %1 含有非法的方法正文。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1068" label="kCannotMergeTypesError">
%1 和 %2 无法协调一致。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1069" label="kReadSealedError">
在 %2 上找不到属性 %1,且没有默认值。
You are referencing an undefined property on a non-dynamic class instance. For example, the following generates this error when it references property
<code>x</code>, which is not defined and cannot be created dynamically:
<pre><code>class A {} // sealed class, not dynamic
print(new A().x) // no property x defined on A, and A is not dynamic</code></pre>
<error id="1070" label="kCallNotFoundError">
在 %2 上找不到方法 %1
You are using a <code>super</code> statement to call a function, but the function doesn't exist in the super class.
For example, the following code generates the error: <pre><code>class A() {}
class B extends A {
function f() { print(super.f()); } // error 1070, there is no f on A
<error id="1071" label="kAlreadyBoundError">函数 %1 已被绑定到 %2。</error>
<error id="1072" label="kZeroDispIdError">
Disp_id 0 是非法的。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1073" label="kDuplicateDispIdError">
由于 disp_id %2 的重复,非覆盖方法 %1 已被替换。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1074" label="kConstWriteError">%2 上存在对只读属性 %1 的非法写入。</error>
<error id="1075" label="kMathNotFunctionError">
Math 不是函数。
You are trying to call <code>math()</code> as a function, but <code>math</code> is a class with static methods.
<error id="1076" label="kMathNotConstructorError">
Math 不是构造函数。
You can not instantiate the Math class.
<error id="1077" label="kWriteOnlyError">%2 上存在对只写属性 %1 的非法读取。</error>
<error id="1078" label="kIllegalOpMultinameError">
非法的 opcode/multiname 组合: %1<%2>。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1079" label="kIllegalNativeMethodError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1080" label="kIllegalNamespaceError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1081" label="kReadSealedErrorNs">在 %2 上找不到属性 %1,且没有默认值。</error>
<error id="1082" label="kNoDefaultNamespaceError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1083" label="kXMLPrefixNotBound">
An attribute name or element name has a prefix but no matching namespace was
found. This statement generates an error because there is no <code>foo</code>
namespace to match <code>foo:x</code>:<pre/><foo:x xmlns:clowns='http://circuscenter.com'></pre>
<error id="1084" label="kXMLBadQName">
元素或属性 (“%1”) 与 QName 定义不匹配: QName::=(NCName':')?NCName。
You have <code>foo: </code> or <code>:foo</code> as an element or attribute name, but there is nothing
on the other side of the colon.
<error id="1085" label="kXMLUnterminatedElementTag">元素类型“%1”必须以匹配的结束标记“</%2>”结束。</error>
<error id="1086" label="kXMLOnlyWorksWithOneItemLists">
%1 方法只能用于包含单一项目的列表。
The XMLList class propagates the XML-specific functions to one child if it only has one
item in its list. If more than one item is in the list, the routines fail with this
error. This happens for the following XMLList functions that mimic XML functions:
<p><code>addNamespace</code>, <code>appendChild</code>, <code>childIndex</code>,
<code>inScopeNamespaces</code>, <code>insertChildAfter</code>, <code>insertChildBefore</code>,
<code>name</code>, <code>namespace</code>, <code>localName</code>, <code>namespaceDeclarations</code>,
<code>nodeKind</code>, <code>prependChild</code>, <code>removeNamespace</code>, <code>replace</code>,
<code>setChildren</code>, <code>setLocalName</code>, <code>setName</code>, and <code>setNamespace.
<error id="1087" label="kXMLAssignmentToIndexedXMLNotAllowed">不允许对索引 XML 进行赋值。</error>
<error id="1088" label="kXMLMarkupMustBeWellFormed">
These are some possible causes of this error:
<li>Parsing an XMLList style object such as <code><a/><b/><c/></code> as XML</li>
<li>Misbalanced strings such as <code><a><b></b></a></c></code></li>
<error id="1089" label="kXMLAssigmentOneItemLists">不支持对包含多个项目的列表进行赋值。</error>
<error id="1090" label="kXMLMalformedElement">
XML 分析器失败: 元素格式不正确。
An element name is malformed. This example of an element name is malformed because a
trailing right angle bracket <code>></code> is missing:
<pre><a/><b></b</pre> ]]></description>
<error id="1091" label="kXMLUnterminatedCData">XML 分析器失败: CDATA 部分未结束。</error>
<error id="1092" label="kXMLUnterminatedXMLDecl">XML 分析器失败: XML 声明未结束。</error>
<error id="1093" label="kXMLUnterminatedDocTypeDecl">XML 分析器失败: DOCTYPE 声明未结束。</error>
<error id="1094" label="kXMLUnterminatedComment">XML 分析器失败: 注释未结束。</error>
<error id="1095" label="kXMLUnterminatedAttribute">XML 分析器失败: 属性未结束。</error>
<error id="1096" label="kXMLUnterminatedElement">XML 分析器失败: 元素未结束。</error>
<error id="1097" label="kXMLUnterminatedProcessingInstruction">XML 分析器失败: 正在处理的指令未结束。</error>
<error id="1098" label="kXMLNamespaceWithPrefixAndNoURI">
no namespace 带有非法前缀 %1。
The namespace constructor throws this error if you try to pass in an empty URI with a
non-empty prefix as in this example:
<pre>ns = new Namespace ("prefix", "");
<error id="1100" label="kRegExpFlagsArgumentError">
在由一个 RegExp 构建另一个的过程中无法提供标志。
Creating a new regular expression from an existing one also copies its flags. To create a regular expression with
different flags, use the <code>new</code> operator and set the flags as desired. For example, this statement
creates a regular expression and specifies flag settings:
<pre<code>var re:RegExp = new RegExp("ali", /s)</code></pre>
Alternatively, this statement creates a regular expression that has the same flags as re:
<pre><code>var re2:RegExp = new RegExp(re, ...)</code></pre> ]]></description>
<error id="1101" label="kNoScopeError">
无法验证具有未知范围的方法 %1。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1102" label="kIllegalDefaultValue">
类型 %1 的默认值非法。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1103" label="kCannotExtendFinalClass">
类 %1 不能扩展最终基类。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1104" label="kXMLDuplicateAttribute">已指定属性“%1”(针对元素“%2”)。</error>
<error id="1107" label="kCorruptABCError">
ABC 数据已损坏,尝试的读取操作超出范围。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1108" label="kInvalidBaseClassError">
OP_newclass opcode 使用的基类不正确。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1109" label="kDanglingFunctionError">
尝试直接调用非绑定函数 %1 (从方法 %2 中调用)。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1110" label="kCannotExtendError">
%1 无法扩展 %2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1111" label="kCannotImplementError">
%1 无法实现 %2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1112" label="kCoerceArgumentCountError">类强制转换的参数数量不匹配。应为 1 个,当前为 %1 个。</error>
<error id="1113" label="kInvalidNewActivationError">
方法中使用的 OP_newactivation 没有 NEED_ACTIVATION 标志。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1114" label="kNoGlobalScopeError">
使用的 OP_getglobalslot 或 OP_setglobalslot 不具有全局范围。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1115" label="kNotConstructorError">%1 不是构造函数。</error>
<error id="1116" label="kApplyError">Function.prototype.apply 的第二个参数必须是数组。</error>
<error id="1117" label="kXMLInvalidName">XML 名称无效: %1。</error>
<error id="1118" label="kXMLIllegalCyclicalLoop">节点间存在非法循环。</error>
<error id="1119" label="kDeleteTypeError">类型 %1 的操作数不支持删除运算符。</error>
<error id="1120" label="kDeleteSealedError">无法为 %2 删除属性 %1。</error>
<error id="1121" label="kDuplicateMethodBodyError">方法 %1 具有重复的方法正文。</error>
<error id="1122" label="kIllegalInterfaceMethodBodyError">接口方法 %1 含有非法的方法正文。</error>
<error id="1123" label="kFilterError">类型 %1 不支持过滤运算符。</error>
<error id="1124" label="kInvalidHasNextError">OP_hasnext2 要求对象和索引位于不同的寄存器。</error>
<error id="1500" label="kFileOpenError">打开文件 %1 时出错。</error>
<error id="1501" label="kFileWriteError">
写入文件 %1 时出错。
The file you are writing to cannot be opened. Possibly the filename contains an error, the file is read-only, or
you do not have access priveleges.
<error id="1502" label="kScriptTimeoutError">
脚本的执行时间已经超过了 15 秒的默认超时设置。
A script executed after the timeout period. (The default timeout period is 15 seconds.) After this error occurs, the
script can continue to execute for 15 seconds more, after which the script terminates and throws Error 1503.
<error id="1503" label="kScriptTerminatedError">
脚本未能在 30 秒后退出而被终止。
The script was still executing after 30 seconds. (The Flash Player first throws Error 1502 if the script executed more than 15
seconds, which is the default timeout period.) This error occurs 15 seconds after Error 1502 occurs.
<error id="1504" label="kEndOfFileError">
The Flash Player unexpectedly encountered the end of the file. Possibly the file was not saved correctly or Flash Player expected more data
in the file.
<error id="1505" label="kStringIndexOutOfBoundsError">字符串索引 %1 超出范围;必须在 %2 到 %3 的范围内。</error>
<error id="1506" label="kInvalidRangeError">
The method's <code>start</code> parameter is greater than its <code>end</code> parameter.
<error id="1507" label="kNullArgumentError">参数 %1 不能为空。</error>
<error id="1508" label="kInvalidArgumentError">
为参数 %1 指定的值无效。
You are possibly trying to pass the wrong data type. For example, the code
<pre><code>public function doSomething(const:int):void {
this ["doSomething"] ("str")</code></pre>
generates an error at runtime because <code>doSomething</code> is cast as an int data type. ]]></description>
<error id="1509" label="kShellCompressedDataError">
The de-compressor reached the end of the stream, but more data was expected. The compressed data
stream is probably corrupted.
<error id="1034" label="kCheckTypeFailedError">强制转换类型失败:无法将 %1 转换为 %2。</error>
<error id="1510" label="kArrayFilterNonNullObjectError">如果回调参数是某个类的方法,则可选参数“this”必须为空。</error>
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- License.
- The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.].
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- Adobe System Incorporated. Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)[ #YEARS# ] Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
- Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005-2006
- the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- Contributor(s):
- Adobe AS3 Team
- Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
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- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -->
<project name="localize" default="generate" basedir=".">
<property name="build.dir" value="../../../../../../as/asc/build/util"/>
<property name="avm.name" value="avmplus"/>
<target name="formatNormalize">
<exec executable="${bin.dir}/${avm.name}" output="build.out" append="true" failonerror="true">
<!-- args are originalFileName, diffFileName, outputFileName, tagNameToUpdate, optionalBaseTagName (omit for error, use "warning" for warnings file) -->
<arg line="${build.dir}/normalizeXML.abc -- ErrorConstants.xml ErrorConstants_norm.xml"/>
<move file="ErrorConstants.xml" tofile="unNorm_ErrorConstants.xml"/>
<move file="ErrorConstants_norm.xml" tofile="ErrorConstants.xml"/>
<target name="integrate">
<exec executable="${bin.dir}/${avm.name}" output="build.out" append="true" failonerror="true">
<!-- args are originalFileName, diffFileName, outputFileName, tagNameToUpdate, optionalBaseTagName (omit for error, use "warning" for warnings file) -->
<arg line="${build.dir}/integrateLocDiffs.abc -- ErrorConstants.xml AVM_ErrorConstants_diff.xml ErrorConstants_new.xml error"/>
<move file="ErrorConstants.xml" tofile="prev_ErrorConstants.xml"/>
<move file="ErrorConstants_new.xml" tofile="ErrorConstants.xml"/>
<target name="undo_integrate">
<move file="ErrorConstants.xml" tofile="ErrorConstants_new.xml"/>
<move file="prev_ErrorConstants.xml" tofile="ErrorConstants.xml"/>
@ -1,742 +0,0 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='no' ?>
<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
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- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- License.
- The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.].
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- Adobe System Incorporated. Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)[ #YEARS# ] Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
- Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005-2006
- the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- Contributor(s):
- Adobe AS3 Team
- Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
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- decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
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- the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -->
這個表格包含所有 core avmplus 產生的錯誤訊息。這很可能會由資源清單代替,以方便中文化。%o = ScriptObject* %t = Traits* %m = AbstractFunction* %n = Multiname (name portion only) %N = Multiname (namespace portion only) %a = Atom %d = int %f = double %S = Stringp %s = char*
<error id="1000" label="kOutOfMemoryError">
Flash Player needs more memory to compile your code than your system has available.
Close some of the applications or processes running on your system.
<error id="1001" label="kNotImplementedError">未實作方法 %1。</error>
<error id="1002" label="kInvalidPrecisionError">
精確度引數必須介於 %2 和 %3 之間;%1 無效。
You specified a value less than 0 or greater than 20 for the precision argument
of a method or property. Pass a value between 0 and 20 as a precision argument.
<error id="1003" label="kInvalidRadixError">
基數引數必須介於 2 和 36 之間;目前引數為 %1。
You passed a value less than 2 or greater than 36 for the radix argument of a method or property.
Pass a value between 2 and 36 as a radix argument.
<error id="1004" label="kInvokeOnIncompatibleObjectError">
在不相容的物件上呼叫了 %1 方法。
You tried to call a method that is not available to the specified object. This error occurs when
you have copied a prototype function from one object to another, and then invoked it, but the
target object is not the same type as the original object. Ensure that the target object and
original object are the same type. See ECMAScript edition 3 chapter 15 for more details.
<error id="1005" label="kArrayIndexNotIntegerError">
陣列索引不是正整數 (%1)。
You tried to access a member of an array using an index value that is not a positive integer. Pass only positive integers as index values for arrays.
<error id="1006" label="kCallOfNonFunctionError">
%1 不是函數。
This error occurs when you attempt to call a function that does not exist.
Make sure you are calling the correct function, and that the API has
not changed from ActionScript 2.0. Also, make sure you are using the correct
object. For example, you will see this error when you use the following code
(because the last line mistakenly calls the variable <code>big</code> instead
of <code>blg</code>):
<pre><code>var blg:String = "foo";
var big:Sprite = new Sprite();
var error:int = big.length(); </code></pre>
<error id="1007" label="kConstructOfNonFunctionError">嘗試個體化非建構函式。</error>
<error id="1008" label="kAmbiguousBindingError">%1 出現模稜兩可的情況;找到一個以上的相符繫結。</error>
<error id="1009" label="kConvertNullToObjectError">
無法存取 Null 物件參考的屬性或方法。
An object that evaluates to null can have no properties. This error can occur in some unexpected
(though valid) situations. For example, consider the following code, which creates a Sprite
object. Since this Sprite object is never added to the display list (via the
<code>addChild()</code> method of a DisplayObjectContainer object), then its <code>stage</code>
property is set to null. Thus, the example generates this error because Sprite object's <code>stage</code> property
cannot have any properties:
<pre><code>import flash.display.Sprite;
var sprite1:Sprite = new Sprite();
var q:String = sprite1.stage.quality;</code></pre>
<error id="1010" label="kConvertUndefinedToObjectError">
This error can occur if you are trying to access a property of an object that does not exist. For example:
<pre><code>var obj:Object = new Object();
obj.a = "foo";
<p>You can also see this error because of a misspelling, for example in the following, where
<code>mc</code> represents a MovieClip object on the display list, and the <code>stage</code>
property is misspelled with a capital S (it should be <code>stage</code>):</p>
<error id="1011" label="kIllegalOpcodeError">
方法 %1 包含不合法的 Opcode %2 (在位移 %3)。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1012" label="kLastInstExceedsCodeSizeError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1013" label="kFindVarWithNoScopeError">
當 scopeDepth 是 0 時,無法呼叫 OP_findproperty。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1014" label="kClassNotFoundError">找不到類別 %1。</error>
<error id="1015" label="kIllegalSetDxns">
方法 %1 無法設定預設的 xml 名稱空間
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1016" label="kDescendentsError">類型 %1 不支援子系運算子 (..)。</error>
<error id="1017" label="kScopeStackOverflowError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1018" label="kScopeStackUnderflowError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1019" label="kGetScopeObjectBoundsError">
Getscopeobject %1 超出範圍。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1020" label="kCannotFallOffMethodError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1021" label="kInvalidBranchTargetError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1022" label="kIllegalVoidError">
類型 void 只能用來做為函數傳回類型。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1023" label="kStackOverflowError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1024" label="kStackUnderflowError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1025" label="kInvalidRegisterError">
存取無效的註冊項目 %1。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1026" label="kSlotExceedsCountError">
位置 %1 超過 %3 的 slotCount= %2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1027" label="kMethodInfoExceedsCountError">
Method_info %1 超過 method_count=%2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1028" label="kDispIdExceedsCountError">
Disp_id %1 超過 %3 的 max_disp_id=%2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1029" label="kDispIdUndefinedError">
Disp_id %1 沒有定義於 %2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1030" label="kStackDepthUnbalancedError">
堆疊深度不對稱。%1 != %2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1031" label="kScopeDepthUnbalancedError">
範圍深度不對稱。%1 != %2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1032" label="kCpoolIndexRangeError">
Cpool 索引 %1 超出範圍 %2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1033" label="kCpoolEntryWrongTypeError">Cpool 項目 %1 類型錯誤。</error>
<error id="1034" label="kCheckTypeFailedError">強制轉型失敗: 無法將 %1 轉換成 %2。</error>
<error id="1035" label="kIllegalSuperCallError">
方法 %1 中有不合法的 super 陳述式。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1037" label="kCannotAssignToMethodError">
無法指定給 %2 上的方法 %1。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1038" label="kRedefinedError">
%1 已定義。
You cannot declare a variable or function with the same identifier name more than once
within the same scope.
In ActionScript 3.0, different code blocks (such as those used in two <code>for</code> loops
in the same <code>function</code> definition) are considered to be in the same scope.
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1039" label="kCannotVerifyUntilReferencedError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1040" label="kCantUseInstanceofOnNonObjectError">
instanceof 的右邊必須是類別或函式。
The expression on the right-hand side of the <code>instanceof</code> operator must be a class or function.
<error id="1041" label="kIsTypeMustBeClassError">
The expression on the right-hand side of the <code>instanceof</code> operator must be a class.
<error id="1042" label="kInvalidMagicError">
不是 ABC 檔案。major_version=%1 minor_version=%2。
You are attempting to use an invalid file with the player: Possibly the tool that generates the SWF is out of date or the SWF itself is corrupt.
<error id="1043" label="kInvalidCodeLengthError">
無效的 code_length=%1。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1044" label="kInvalidMethodInfoFlagsError">
MethodInfo-%1 不支援的旗標=%2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1045" label="kUnsupportedTraitsKindError">
不支援的 traits 類型=%1。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1046" label="kMethodInfoOrderError">
MethodInfo-%1 在定義之前被參考。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1047" label="kMissingEntryPointError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1049" label="kPrototypeTypeError">
原型物件必須是 Vanilla 物件。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1050" label="kConvertToPrimitiveError">
無法將 %1 轉換成基本類型。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1051" label="kIllegalEarlyBindingError">
不合法的早期繫結存取 %1。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1052" label="kInvalidURIError">
傳遞給 %1 函數的 URI 無效。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1053" label="kIllegalOverrideError">
不合法覆寫 %2 中的 %1。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1054" label="kIllegalExceptionHandlerError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1056" label="kWriteSealedError">
無法在 %2 上建立屬性 %1。
You are trying to assign a value to a nonexistent property on an instance of a non-dynamic
class. This is only possible for instances of dynamic classes]]></description>
<error id="1057" label="kIllegalSlotError">
%1 只能包含方法。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1058" label="kIllegalOperandTypeError">
運算元類型不合法:%1 必須是 %2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1059" label="kClassInfoOrderError">
ClassInfo-%1 在定義之前被參考。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1060" label="kClassInfoExceedsCountError">
ClassInfo %1 超過 class_count=%2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1061" label="kNumberOutOfRangeError">
值 %1 在轉換成 %2 後會有誤差。
This error appears if you attempt to assign a decimal number to a property of type
<p>This error also appears for out-of-range assignments, such as the following:</p>
<pre><code>var m0:int = 2147483648; // int.MAX_VALUE == 2147483647</code></pre>
<p>You can also see this error when using the bitwise left shift operator (<<).
For example, consider the following code:</p>
<pre><code>var m0:uint = 0xFF;
var m1:uint = m0<<24;</code></pre>
<p>The result of left shift operator (<<) is interpreted as a 32-bit two's complement number
with sign. In the example, the result is a negative value, which causes the error when assigned
to the uint typed property. A workaround is the following:</p>
<pre><code>var m0:uint = 0xFF;
var m1:uint = uint(m0<<24);</code></pre>
<error id="1063" label="kWrongArgumentCountError">%1 上的引數個數不相符。需要 %2 個,目前為 %3 個。</error>
<error id="1064" label="kCannotCallMethodAsConstructor">
無法將方法 %1 當作建構函式呼叫。
Extracted methods are permanently bound to the object they are extracted from.
Therefore, they can not later be called as a constructor. For example, the following
creates function <code>f()</code> in Class A:
<pre><code>class A {
function f() {}
In the following code, extracting the function causes no error. However, creating
a new instance of the function causes an error.
<pre><code>var a = new A()
var m = a.f // extract f, don't call it
m() // same as a.f()
new m() // causes this error</code></pre>
<error id="1065" label="kUndefinedVarError">
變數 %1 未定義。
You are using an undefined lexical reference. For example, in the following statements, the
statement <code>print(x)</code> generates an error because <code>x</code> is undefined. However, the
statement <code>print(y)</code> doesn't generate an error because <code>y</code> is defined:
<pre><code>print("hello world")
print(x) // x is undefined
var y
print(y) // No error, y is defined.</code></pre>
<error id="1066" label="kFunctionConstructorError">
不支援表單 function('function body')。
Unlike JavaScript, Flash does not compile code on-the-fly using <code>eval()</code> and
<code>function()</code>. Thus, calling these as a constructor in ActionScript 3.0 generates this error.
<error id="1067" label="kIllegalNativeMethodBodyError">
原生方法 %1 包含不合法的方法主體。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1068" label="kCannotMergeTypesError">
%1 和 %2 無法調解。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1069" label="kReadSealedError">
%2 上找不到屬性 %1,而且沒有預設值。
You are referencing an undefined property on a non-dynamic class instance. For example, the following generates this error when it references property
<code>x</code>, which is not defined and cannot be created dynamically:
<pre><code>class A {} // sealed class, not dynamic
print(new A().x) // no property x defined on A, and A is not dynamic</code></pre>
<error id="1070" label="kCallNotFoundError">
%2 上找不到方法 %1
You are using a <code>super</code> statement to call a function, but the function doesn't exist in the super class.
For example, the following code generates the error: <pre><code>class A() {}
class B extends A {
function f() { print(super.f()); } // error 1070, there is no f on A
<error id="1071" label="kAlreadyBoundError">函數 %1 已繫結至 %2。</error>
<error id="1072" label="kZeroDispIdError">
Disp_id 0 不合法。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1073" label="kDuplicateDispIdError">
由於 disp_id %2 重複,非 Override 方法 %1 已被代換。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1074" label="kConstWriteError">不合法的寫入 %2 上的唯讀屬性 %1。</error>
<error id="1075" label="kMathNotFunctionError">
Math 不是函數。
You are trying to call <code>math()</code> as a function, but <code>math</code> is a class with static methods.
<error id="1076" label="kMathNotConstructorError">
Math 不是建構函式。
You can not instantiate the Math class.
<error id="1077" label="kWriteOnlyError">不合法的讀取 %2 上的唯寫屬性 %1。</error>
<error id="1078" label="kIllegalOpMultinameError">
不合法的 Opcode/Multiname 組合:%1<%2>。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1079" label="kIllegalNativeMethodError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1080" label="kIllegalNamespaceError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1081" label="kReadSealedErrorNs">%2 上找不到屬性 %1,且沒有預設值。</error>
<error id="1082" label="kNoDefaultNamespaceError">
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1083" label="kXMLPrefixNotBound">
未繫結元素 "%2" 的前置詞 "%1"。
An attribute name or element name has a prefix but no matching namespace was
found. This statement generates an error because there is no <code>foo</code>
namespace to match <code>foo:x</code>:<pre/><foo:x xmlns:clowns='http://circuscenter.com'></pre>
<error id="1084" label="kXMLBadQName">
元素或屬性 ("%1") 與 QName Production 不相符:QName::=(NCName':')?NCName。
You have <code>foo: </code> or <code>:foo</code> as an element or attribute name, but there is nothing
on the other side of the colon.
<error id="1085" label="kXMLUnterminatedElementTag">元素類型 '%1' 必須以相符的結束標籤 '</%2>' 結束。</error>
<error id="1086" label="kXMLOnlyWorksWithOneItemLists">
%1 方法只有在包含一個項目的清單上才有作用。
The XMLList class propagates the XML-specific functions to one child if it only has one
item in its list. If more than one item is in the list, the routines fail with this
error. This happens for the following XMLList functions that mimic XML functions:
<p><code>addNamespace</code>, <code>appendChild</code>, <code>childIndex</code>,
<code>inScopeNamespaces</code>, <code>insertChildAfter</code>, <code>insertChildBefore</code>,
<code>name</code>, <code>namespace</code>, <code>localName</code>, <code>namespaceDeclarations</code>,
<code>nodeKind</code>, <code>prependChild</code>, <code>removeNamespace</code>, <code>replace</code>,
<code>setChildren</code>, <code>setLocalName</code>, <code>setName</code>, and <code>setNamespace.
<error id="1087" label="kXMLAssignmentToIndexedXMLNotAllowed">不允許索引 XML 的指定。</error>
<error id="1088" label="kXMLMarkupMustBeWellFormed">
These are some possible causes of this error:
<li>Parsing an XMLList style object such as <code><a/><b/><c/></code> as XML</li>
<li>Misbalanced strings such as <code><a><b></b></a></c></code></li>
<error id="1089" label="kXMLAssigmentOneItemLists">無法指定給包含多個項目的清單。</error>
<error id="1090" label="kXMLMalformedElement">
XML 剖析器失敗:元素格式錯誤。
An element name is malformed. This example of an element name is malformed because a
trailing right angle bracket <code>></code> is missing:
<pre><a/><b></b</pre> ]]></description>
<error id="1091" label="kXMLUnterminatedCData">XML 剖析器失敗:未結束的 CDATA 區段。</error>
<error id="1092" label="kXMLUnterminatedXMLDecl">XML 剖析器失敗:未結束的 XML 宣告。</error>
<error id="1093" label="kXMLUnterminatedDocTypeDecl">XML 剖析器失敗:未結束的 DOCTYPE 宣告。</error>
<error id="1094" label="kXMLUnterminatedComment">XML 剖析器失敗:未結束的註解。</error>
<error id="1095" label="kXMLUnterminatedAttribute">XML 剖析器失敗:未結束的屬性。</error>
<error id="1096" label="kXMLUnterminatedElement">XML 剖析器失敗:未結束的元素。</error>
<error id="1097" label="kXMLUnterminatedProcessingInstruction">XML 剖析器失敗:未結束的處理指令。</error>
<error id="1098" label="kXMLNamespaceWithPrefixAndNoURI">
no namespace 的前置詞 %1 不合法。
The namespace constructor throws this error if you try to pass in an empty URI with a
non-empty prefix as in this example:
<pre>ns = new Namespace ("prefix", "");
<error id="1100" label="kRegExpFlagsArgumentError">
從另一個 RegExp 建構 RegExp 時無法提供旗標。
Creating a new regular expression from an existing one also copies its flags. To create a regular expression with
different flags, use the <code>new</code> operator and set the flags as desired. For example, this statement
creates a regular expression and specifies flag settings:
<pre<code>var re:RegExp = new RegExp("ali", /s)</code></pre>
Alternatively, this statement creates a regular expression that has the same flags as re:
<pre><code>var re2:RegExp = new RegExp(re, ...)</code></pre> ]]></description>
<error id="1101" label="kNoScopeError">
無法以未知的範圍檢查方法 %1。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1102" label="kIllegalDefaultValue">
類型 %1 的預設值不合法。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1103" label="kCannotExtendFinalClass">
類別 %1 無法擴充最後的基底類別。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1104" label="kXMLDuplicateAttribute">屬性 "%1" 已經指定給元素 "%2"。</error>
<error id="1107" label="kCorruptABCError">
ABC 資料已經損毀,嘗試讀取超出範圍。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1108" label="kInvalidBaseClassError">
OP_newclass Opcode 使用於不正確的基底類別。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1109" label="kDanglingFunctionError">
嘗試直接從方法 %1 呼叫未繫結的函式 %2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1110" label="kCannotExtendError">
%1 無法擴充 %2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1111" label="kCannotImplementError">
%1 無法實作 %2。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1112" label="kCoerceArgumentCountError">強制類別上的引數個數不相符。需要 1 個,目前為 %1 個。</error>
<error id="1113" label="kInvalidNewActivationError">
方法中使用 OP_newactivation,未搭配 NEED_ACTIVATION 指標。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1114" label="kNoGlobalScopeError">
在非全域範圍下使用 OP_getglobalslot 或 OP_setglobalslot。
See the <a href="#note">note</a> at the bottom of this table. *
<error id="1115" label="kNotConstructorError">%1 不是建構函式。</error>
<error id="1116" label="kApplyError">Function.prototype.apply 的第二個引數必須是陣列。</error>
<error id="1117" label="kXMLInvalidName">無效的 XML 名稱:%1。</error>
<error id="1118" label="kXMLIllegalCyclicalLoop">節點之間的循環迴圈不合法。</error>
<error id="1119" label="kDeleteTypeError">類型 %1 的運算元不支援刪除運算子。</error>
<error id="1120" label="kDeleteSealedError">無法刪除 %2 上的屬性 %1。</error>
<error id="1121" label="kDuplicateMethodBodyError">方法 %1 包含重複的方法主體。</error>
<error id="1122" label="kIllegalInterfaceMethodBodyError">Interface 方法 %1 包含不合法的方法主體。</error>
<error id="1123" label="kFilterError">類型 %1 不支援篩選運算子。</error>
<error id="1124" label="kInvalidHasNextError">OP_hasnext2 要求物件及索引為可辨識的登錄。</error>
<error id="1500" label="kFileOpenError">開啟檔案 %1 時發生錯誤。</error>
<error id="1501" label="kFileWriteError">
寫入檔案 %1 時發生錯誤。
The file you are writing to cannot be opened. Possibly the filename contains an error, the file is read-only, or
you do not have access priveleges.
<error id="1502" label="kScriptTimeoutError">
script 已經執行超過預設的 15 秒逾時時段。
A script executed after the timeout period. (The default timeout period is 15 seconds.) After this error occurs, the
script can continue to execute for 15 seconds more, after which the script terminates and throws Error 1503.
<error id="1503" label="kScriptTerminatedError">
Script 並未在 30 秒後結束,已經被終止。
The script was still executing after 30 seconds. (The Flash Player first throws Error 1502 if the script executed more than 15
seconds, which is the default timeout period.) This error occurs 15 seconds after Error 1502 occurs.
<error id="1504" label="kEndOfFileError">
The Flash Player unexpectedly encountered the end of the file. Possibly the file was not saved correctly or Flash Player expected more data
in the file.
<error id="1505" label="kStringIndexOutOfBoundsError">字串索引 %1 超出範圍;範圍必須介於 %2 到 %3。</error>
<error id="1506" label="kInvalidRangeError">
The method's <code>start</code> parameter is greater than its <code>end</code> parameter.
<error id="1507" label="kNullArgumentError">引數 %1 不能是 null。</error>
<error id="1508" label="kInvalidArgumentError">
指定給引數 %1 的值無效。
You are possibly trying to pass the wrong data type. For example, the code
<pre><code>public function doSomething(const:int):void {
this ["doSomething"] ("str")</code></pre>
generates an error at runtime because <code>doSomething</code> is cast as an int data type. ]]></description>
<error id="1509" label="kShellCompressedDataError">
The de-compressor reached the end of the stream, but more data was expected. The compressed data
stream is probably corrupted.
<error id="1034" label="kCheckTypeFailedError">強制轉型失敗: 無法將 %1 轉換成 %2。</error>
<error id="1510" label="kArrayFilterNonNullObjectError">若回呼引數是 Class 的方法,選擇性的引數 'this' 必須是 null。</error>
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- License.
- The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.].
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- Adobe System Incorporated. Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)[ #YEARS# ] Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
- Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005-2006
- the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- Contributor(s):
- Adobe AS3 Team
- Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
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- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -->
<project name="localize" default="generate" basedir=".">
<property name="build.dir" value="../../../../../../as/asc/build/util"/>
<property name="avm.name" value="avmplus"/>
<target name="formatNormalize">
<exec executable="${bin.dir}/${avm.name}" output="build.out" append="true" failonerror="true">
<!-- args are originalFileName, diffFileName, outputFileName, tagNameToUpdate, optionalBaseTagName (omit for error, use "warning" for warnings file) -->
<arg line="${build.dir}/normalizeXML.abc -- ErrorConstants.xml ErrorConstants_norm.xml"/>
<move file="ErrorConstants.xml" tofile="unNorm_ErrorConstants.xml"/>
<move file="ErrorConstants_norm.xml" tofile="ErrorConstants.xml"/>
<target name="integrate">
<exec executable="${bin.dir}/${avm.name}" output="build.out" append="true" failonerror="true">
<!-- args are originalFileName, diffFileName, outputFileName, tagNameToUpdate, optionalBaseTagName (omit for error, use "warning" for warnings file) -->
<arg line="${build.dir}/integrateLocDiffs.abc -- ErrorConstants.xml AVM_ErrorConstants_diff.xml ErrorConstants_new.xml error"/>
<move file="ErrorConstants.xml" tofile="prev_ErrorConstants.xml"/>
<move file="ErrorConstants_new.xml" tofile="ErrorConstants.xml"/>
<target name="undo_integrate">
<move file="ErrorConstants.xml" tofile="ErrorConstants_new.xml"/>
<move file="prev_ErrorConstants.xml" tofile="ErrorConstants.xml"/>
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