зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Adding new .dtd files; a=mcafee
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
* http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* NPL.
* The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
* Reserved.
var data;
var dialog;
function initData() {
// Create data object and initialize.
data = new Object;
data.location = window.arguments[0];
data.contentType = window.arguments[1];
function initDialog() {
// Create dialog object and initialize.
dialog = new Object;
dialog.contentType = document.getElementById("dialog.contentType");
dialog.more = document.getElementById("dialog.more");
dialog.pick = document.getElementById("dialog.pick");
dialog.save = document.getElementById("dialog.save");
dialog.cancel = document.getElementById("dialog.cancel");
function loadDialog() {
// Set initial dialog field contents.
dialog.contentType.childNodes[0].nodeValue = " " + data.contentType;
function onLoad() {
// Init data.
// Init dialog.
// Fill dialog.
function onUnload() {
// Nothing for now.
function more() {
// Have parent browser window go to appropriate web page.
var moreInfo = "http://cgi.netscape.com/cgi-bin/plug-in_finder.cgi?";
moreInfo += data.contentType;
window.opener.content.location = moreInfo;
function pick() {
alert( "PickApp not implemented yet!" );
function save() {
// Use stream xfer component to prompt for destination and save.
var xfer = Components.classes[ "component://netscape/appshell/component/xfer" ].getService();
xfer = xfer.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIStreamTransfer );
try {
// When Necko lands, we need to receive the real nsIChannel and
// do SelectFileAndTransferLocation!
// Use this for now...
xfer.SelectFileAndTransferLocationSpec( data.location, window.opener );
} catch( exception ) {
// Failed (or cancelled), give them another chance.
dump( "SelectFileAndTransferLocationSpec failed, rv=" + exception + "\n" );
// Save underway, close this dialog.
function cancel() {
// Close the window.
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
var data; // nsIStreamTransferOperation object
var dialog;
function loadDialog() {
dialog.location.setAttribute( "value", data.source );
dialog.fileName.setAttribute( "value", data.target );
var progId = "component://netscape/appshell/component/xfer";
var observer = {
Observe: function( subject, topic, data ) {
switch ( topic ) {
case progId+";onProgress":
var words = data.split( " " );
onProgress( words[0], words[1] );
case progId+";onStatus":
onStatus( data );
case progId+";onCompletion":
onCompletion( data );
dump( "Unknown topic: " + topic + "\n" );
function onLoad() {
// Set global variables.
data = window.arguments[0];
if ( !data ) {
dump( "Invalid argument to downloadProgress.xul\n" );
dialog = new Object;
dialog.location = document.getElementById("dialog.location");
dialog.contentType = document.getElementById("dialog.contentType");
dialog.fileName = document.getElementById("dialog.fileName");
dialog.status = document.getElementById("dialog.status");
dialog.progress = document.getElementById("dialog.progress");
dialog.progressPercent = document.getElementById("dialog.progressPercent");
dialog.timeLeft = document.getElementById("dialog.timeLeft");
dialog.cancel = document.getElementById("dialog.cancel");
// Fill dialog.
// Commence transfer.
data.observer = observer;
function onUnload() {
// Unhook observer.
data.observer = null;
// Terminate transfer.
var started = false;
var completed = false;
var startTime;
var elapsed;
var interval = 1000; // Update every 1000 milliseconds.
var lastUpdate = -interval; // Update initially.
function stop() {
// Stop the transfer.
// Close the window.
function onProgress( bytes, max ) {
// Check for first time.
if ( !started ) {
// Initialize download start time.
started = true;
startTime = ( new Date() ).getTime();
// Let the user stop, now.
dialog.cancel.removeAttribute( "disabled" );
// Get current time.
var now = ( new Date() ).getTime();
// If interval hasn't elapsed, ignore it.
if ( now - lastUpdate < interval && eval(bytes) < eval(max) ) {
// Update this time.
lastUpdate = now;
// Update download rate.
elapsed = now - startTime;
var rate; // bytes/sec
if ( elapsed ) {
rate = ( bytes * 1000 ) / elapsed;
} else {
rate = 0;
// Calculate percentage.
var percent = Math.round( (bytes*100)/max );
// Advance progress meter.
dialog.progress.setAttribute( "value", percent );
// Check if download complete.
if ( !completed ) {
// Update status (nnn of mmm)
var status = "( ";
status += Math.round( bytes/1024 );
status += "K of ";
status += Math.round( max/1024 );
status += "K bytes ";
if ( rate ) {
status += "at ";
status += Math.round( (rate*10)/1024 ) / 10;
status += "K bytes/sec )";
} else {
status += ")";
// Update status msg.
onStatus( status );
// Update percentage label on progress meter.
dialog.progressPercent.childNodes[0].nodeValue = percent + "%";
if ( !completed ) {
// Update time remaining.
if ( rate ) {
var rem = Math.round( ( max - bytes ) / rate ); // In seconds.
dialog.timeLeft.childNodes[0].nodeValue = formatSeconds( rem );
} else {
// Clear time remaining field.
dialog.timeLeft.childNodes[0].nodeValue = "";
function formatSeconds( nSecs ) {
status = "";
if ( nSecs >= 3600 ) {
status += Math.round( nSecs/3600 ) + " hours, ";
nSecs = nSecs % 3600;
status += Math.round( nSecs/60 ) + " minutes and ";
nSecs = nSecs % 60;
status += nSecs + " seconds";
return status;
function onCompletion( status ) {
// Note that we're done (and can ignore subsequent progress notifications).
completed = true;
// Indicate completion in status area.
onStatus( "Download completed in " + formatSeconds( elapsed/1000 ) );
// Close the window in 2 seconds (to ensure user sees we're done).
window.setTimeout( "window.close();", 2000 );
function onStatus( status ) {
// Update status text in dialog.
dialog.status.childNodes[0].nodeValue = status;
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