fix submenus in context menus on mac os x. b=350165 r=smorgan sr=pav

This commit is contained in: 2006-11-30 05:39:40 +00:00
Родитель 4b67d9e9e4
Коммит 9564aef613
1 изменённых файлов: 38 добавлений и 1 удалений

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@ -1974,6 +1974,7 @@ nsChildView::GetChildViewQuickDrawPort()
if ([mView isKindOfClass:[ChildView class]])
return (GrafPtr)[(ChildView*)mView qdPort];
return NULL;
#pragma mark -
@ -2733,7 +2734,43 @@ NSEvent* globalDragEvent = nil;
- (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent*)theEvent
NSView* view = [[[self window] contentView] hitTest:[theEvent locationInWindow]];
// Most of the time we don't want mouse moved events to go to any window
// but the active one. That isn't the case for popup windows though!
if ([mWindow level] == NSPopUpMenuWindowLevel) {
NSPoint screenLocation = [mWindow convertBaseToScreen:[theEvent locationInWindow]];
NSRect windowFrame = [mWindow frame];
// just take the event if it is over our own window
if (!NSPointInRect(screenLocation, windowFrame)) {
// it isn't over our own window, look for another popup window that is under the mouse
NSArray* appWindows = [NSApp windows];
unsigned int appWindowsCount = [appWindows count];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < appWindowsCount; i++) {
NSWindow* currentWindow = [appWindows objectAtIndex:i];
// make sure this window is not our own window, is a popup window, is visible, and is
// underneath the event
if (!(currentWindow != mWindow &&
[currentWindow level] == NSPopUpMenuWindowLevel &&
[currentWindow isVisible] &&
NSPointInRect(screenLocation, [currentWindow frame])))
// found another popup window to send the event to, do it
NSPoint newLocationInWindow = [currentWindow convertScreenToBase:screenLocation];
NSEvent* newEvent = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:NSMouseMoved
modifierFlags:[theEvent modifierFlags]
timestamp:[theEvent timestamp]
windowNumber:[currentWindow windowNumber]
eventNumber:[theEvent eventNumber]
[[currentWindow contentView] mouseMoved:newEvent];
NSView* view = [[mWindow contentView] hitTest:[theEvent locationInWindow]];
if (view != (NSView*)self) {
// We shouldn't handle this. Send it to the right view.
[view mouseMoved: theEvent];