cleaning up unused code, debug printfs. -mcafee

This commit is contained in: 2002-12-27 02:30:39 +00:00
Родитель a607221992
Коммит 9612ac1644
1 изменённых файлов: 25 добавлений и 108 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ if ($#ARGV != 0) {
#my $resultsdir = "results";
my $ngdir = ""; #$input->url(-base=>1) . "/ngdriver/";
my $ngsuites = $ngdir . "suites/";
my $conffile = "ngdriver.conf";
@ -47,33 +46,10 @@ $File{'SuiteList'} = \@suiteArray;
$File{'Project'} = "Buffy";
#$File{'Name'} =~ /(.*)\./i;
# {
# print "Cant create file!\n";
# return -1;
# }
#print OUTFILE $HTMLreport;
print $HTMLreport;
#close OUTFILE;
# ShowHTML();
# print "<H1>Wrong Results Version...</H1>\n\n";
sub generateResults
if (!open(INFILE,$DATAFILE)) {
print "<H3> Cannot open $?, $!</H3>\n";
@ -105,37 +81,22 @@ sub generateResults
my $name = $1;
my $title =$2;
# $Suite{'Name'} = $input->param('suite');
# $Suite{'Title'}= $input->param('suite');
$Suite{'Name'} = $name;
$Suite{'Title'} = $title;
$Suite{'tcsPass'} = 0;
$Suite{'tcsFail'} = 0;
$Suite{'tcsDied'} = 0;
$Suite{'tcsTotal'} = 0;
my $i = 0;
$i++; print "i = $i ";
while ($line && !($line =~ /<TC>/i) && !($line =~ /<A name=".*?">/i)) {
$line = <INFILE>;
if (!$line) {
print "no line\n";
if ($line && ($line =~ /<A name=\"(.*?)\">/i) && ($1 eq $Suite{'Name'})) {
print "XXX \$line = $line\n";
print "XXX \$1 = $1\n";
$line = <INFILE>;
@ -212,64 +173,32 @@ sub generateHTML
if (!open(CONFFILE,$conffile)) {
my %Matrices;
# Hard-coded from ngdriver.conf, I didn't want extra files in tree.
$extList{"mb"} = "";
$extList{"bs"} = "";
$extList{"bz"} = "";
$extList{"bzx"} = "";
$prjExtension = "bz"; # Buffy hard-coded here.
$Matricies{"dom-core"} = "";
$Matricies{"dom-html"} = "";
$Matricies{"domevents"} = "";
$Matricies{"javascript"} = "";
$Matricies{"forms"} = "";
$Matricies{"formsec"} = "";
$HTMLreport .= "<H1>ERROR - Could not read in the configuration!</H1>";
$var = 0;
while ($File{'SuiteList'}->[$var]->{'Name'}) {
if ($File{'SuiteList'}->[$var]->{'Name'} eq "forms") {
$HTMLreport .= "<li><a href=\"#$File{'SuiteList'}->[$var]->{'Name'}\">$File{'SuiteList'}->[$var]->{'Title'}</a></li>\n";
} else {
my %Matrices;
# while (<CONFFILE>) {
# if ($_ =~ /addTCMatrix\("(.*?)","(.*?)"\);/i) {
# $Matrices{$1} = $2;
# }
# if ($_ =~ /addProject\("(.*?)","(.*?)"\);/i) {
# print "XXX \$_ = $_";
# if ($File{'Project'} eq $1) {
# $prjExtension = $2;
# $prjExtension =~ s/,/\|/ig;
# }
# }
# if ($_ =~ /addExtension\("(.*?)","(.*?)"\);/i) {
# $extList{$1} = $2;
# }
# }
$extList{"mb"} = "";
$extList{"bs"} = "";
$extList{"bz"} = "";
$extList{"bzx"} = "";
$prjExtension = "bz"; # Buffy hard-coded here.
$Matricies{"dom-core"} = "";
$Matricies{"dom-html"} = "";
$Matricies{"domevents"} = "";
$Matricies{"javascript"} = "";
$Matricies{"forms"} = "";
$Matricies{"formsec"} = "";
for (my $var = 0;$File{'SuiteList'}->[$var]->{'Name'};$var++) {
if (my $href = $Matrices{$File{'SuiteList'}->[$var]->{'Name'}}) {
$HTMLreport .= "<li><a href=\"$href\">$File{'SuiteList'}->[$var]->{'Title'}</a></li>\n";
} else {
$HTMLreport .= "<li><a href=\"$ngsuites$File{'SuiteList'}->[$var]->{'Name'}\">$File{'SuiteList'}->[$var]->{'Title'}</a></li>\n";
for (my $var = 0;$File{'SuiteList'}->[$var]->{'Name'};$var++) {
if (my $href = $Matrices{$File{'SuiteList'}->[$var]->{'Name'}}) {
$HTMLreport .= "<li><a href=\"$href\">$File{'SuiteList'}->[$var]->{'Title'}</a></li>\n";
} else {
$HTMLreport .= "<li><a href=\"$ngsuites$File{'SuiteList'}->[$var]->{'Name'}\">$File{'SuiteList'}->[$var]->{'Title'}</a></li>\n";
$HTMLreport .= <<END_PRINT;
@ -401,17 +330,5 @@ sub makelink
return $bugLnk;
# Parameters: none
# Return: 0 if failed, 1 if passed
# Purpose: Show the report summary to the user.
#sub ShowHTML
# $File{'Name'} =~ /(.*)?\./i;
# open(INFILE,"$resultsdir/sum-$1.html") || return 0;
# print "<SCRIPT>document.location = \"$ngdir$resultsdir/sum-$1.html\"</SCRIPT>";
# close(INFILE);
# 1;