зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
interface changes for sorting, searching, and files.
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ typedef long mdb_i4; // make sure this is four bytes
typedef long mdb_ip; // make sure sizeof(mdb_ip) == sizeof(void*)
typedef mdb_u1 mdb_bool; // unsigned byte with zero=false, nonzero=true
/* canonical boolean constants provided only for code clarity: */
#define mdbBool_kTrue ((mdb_bool) 1) /* actually any nonzero means true */
#define mdbBool_kFalse ((mdb_bool) 0) /* only zero means false */
typedef mdb_u4 mdb_id; // unsigned object identity in a scope
typedef mdb_id mdb_rid; // unsigned row identity inside scope
typedef mdb_id mdb_tid; // unsigned table identity inside scope
@ -44,6 +49,8 @@ typedef mdb_u4 mdb_size; // unsigned physical media size
typedef mdb_u4 mdb_fill; // unsigned logical content size
typedef mdb_u4 mdb_more; // more available bytes for larger buffer
#define mdbId_kNone ((mdb_id) -1) /* never a valid Mork object ID */
typedef mdb_u4 mdb_percent; // 0..100, with values >100 same as 100
typedef mdb_u1 mdb_priority; // 0..9, for a total of ten different values
@ -54,9 +61,14 @@ typedef mdb_u4 mdb_err; // equivalent to NS_RESULT
// sequence position is signed; negative is useful to mean "before first":
typedef mdb_i4 mdb_pos; // signed zero-based ordinal collection position
#define mdbPos_kBeforeFirst ((mdb_pos) -1) /* any negative is before zero */
// order is also signed, so we can use three states for comparison order:
typedef mdb_i4 mdb_order; // neg:lessthan, zero:equalto, pos:greaterthan
typedef mdb_order (* mdbAny_Order)(const void* inA, const void* inB,
const void* inClosure);
// } %%%%% end scalar typedefs %%%%%
// { %%%%% begin C structs %%%%%
@ -176,21 +188,6 @@ struct mdbColumnSet { // array of column tokens (just the same as mdbTokenSet)
#endif /*mdbColumnSet_struct*/
#ifndef mdbSearch_typedef
typedef struct mdbSearch mdbSearch;
#define mdbSearch_typedef 1
#ifndef mdbSearch_struct
#define mdbSearch_struct 1
struct mdbSearch { // parallel in and out arrays for search results
mdb_count mSearch_Count; // number of columns and ranges
mdb_column* mSearch_Columns; // count mdb_column instances
mdbRange* mSearch_Ranges; // count mdbRange instances
#define mdbSearch_AsColumnSet(me) ((me)->mSearch_Count, (mdbColumnSet*) (me))
#endif /*mdbSearch_struct*/
#ifndef mdbYarn_typedef
typedef struct mdbYarn mdbYarn;
#define mdbYarn_typedef 1
@ -327,6 +324,7 @@ class nsIMdbRow;
class nsIMdbRowCellCursor;
class nsIMdbBlob;
class nsIMdbCell;
class nsIMdbSorting;
// } %%%%% end class forward defines %%%%%
// { %%%%% begin temporary dummy base class for class hierarchy %%%%%
@ -435,6 +433,9 @@ public:
const mdbYarn* inFirst, // first yarn in comparison
const mdbYarn* inSecond, // second yarn in comparison
mdb_order* outOrder) = 0; // negative="<", zero="=", positive=">"
virtual mdb_err AddStrongRef(nsIMdbEnv* ev) = 0; // does nothing
virtual mdb_err CutStrongRef(nsIMdbEnv* ev) = 0; // does nothing
// } ===== end nsIMdbCompare methods =====
@ -626,7 +627,8 @@ public:
// { ----- begin file methods -----
virtual mdb_err OpenOldFile(nsIMdbEnv* ev, nsIMdbHeap* ioHeap,
const char* inFilePath, mdb_bool inFrozen, nsIMdbFile** acqFile) = 0;
const char* inFilePath,
mdb_bool inFrozen, nsIMdbFile** acqFile) = 0;
// Choose some subclass of nsIMdbFile to instantiate, in order to read
// (and write if not frozen) the file known by inFilePath. The file
// returned should be open and ready for use, and presumably positioned
@ -635,7 +637,8 @@ public:
// other portions or Mork source code don't want to know how it's done.
virtual mdb_err CreateNewFile(nsIMdbEnv* ev, nsIMdbHeap* ioHeap,
const char* inFilePath, nsIMdbFile** acqFile) = 0;
const char* inFilePath,
nsIMdbFile** acqFile) = 0;
// Choose some subclass of nsIMdbFile to instantiate, in order to read
// (and write if not frozen) the file known by inFilePath. The file
// returned should be created and ready for use, and presumably positioned
@ -653,6 +656,10 @@ public:
virtual mdb_err MakeHeap(nsIMdbEnv* ev, nsIMdbHeap** acqHeap) = 0; // acquire new heap
// } ----- end heap methods -----
// { ----- begin compare methods -----
virtual mdb_err MakeCompare(nsIMdbEnv* ev, nsIMdbCompare** acqCompare) = 0; // ASCII
// } ----- end compare methods -----
// { ----- begin row methods -----
virtual mdb_err MakeRow(nsIMdbEnv* ev, nsIMdbHeap* ioHeap, nsIMdbRow** acqRow) = 0; // new row
// ioHeap can be nil, causing the heap associated with ev to be used
@ -661,15 +668,17 @@ public:
// { ----- begin port methods -----
virtual mdb_err CanOpenFilePort(
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
const char* inFilePath, // the file to investigate
const mdbYarn* inFirst512Bytes,
// const char* inFilePath, // the file to investigate
// const mdbYarn* inFirst512Bytes,
nsIMdbFile* ioFile, // db abstract file interface
mdb_bool* outCanOpen, // whether OpenFilePort() might succeed
mdbYarn* outFormatVersion) = 0; // informal file format description
virtual mdb_err OpenFilePort(
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
nsIMdbHeap* ioHeap, // can be nil to cause ev's heap attribute to be used
const char* inFilePath, // the file to open for readonly import
// const char* inFilePath, // the file to open for readonly import
nsIMdbFile* ioFile, // db abstract file interface
const mdbOpenPolicy* inOpenPolicy, // runtime policies for using db
nsIMdbThumb** acqThumb) = 0; // acquire thumb for incremental port open
// Call nsIMdbThumb::DoMore() until done, or until the thumb is broken, and
@ -684,8 +693,9 @@ public:
// { ----- begin store methods -----
virtual mdb_err CanOpenFileStore(
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
const char* inFilePath, // the file to investigate
const mdbYarn* inFirst512Bytes,
// const char* inFilePath, // the file to investigate
// const mdbYarn* inFirst512Bytes,
nsIMdbFile* ioFile, // db abstract file interface
mdb_bool* outCanOpenAsStore, // whether OpenFileStore() might succeed
mdb_bool* outCanOpenAsPort, // whether OpenFilePort() might succeed
mdbYarn* outFormatVersion) = 0; // informal file format description
@ -693,7 +703,8 @@ public:
virtual mdb_err OpenFileStore( // open an existing database
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
nsIMdbHeap* ioHeap, // can be nil to cause ev's heap attribute to be used
const char* inFilePath, // the file to open for general db usage
// const char* inFilePath, // the file to open for general db usage
nsIMdbFile* ioFile, // db abstract file interface
const mdbOpenPolicy* inOpenPolicy, // runtime policies for using db
nsIMdbThumb** acqThumb) = 0; // acquire thumb for incremental store open
// Call nsIMdbThumb::DoMore() until done, or until the thumb is broken, and
@ -708,7 +719,8 @@ public:
virtual mdb_err CreateNewFileStore( // create a new db with minimal content
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
nsIMdbHeap* ioHeap, // can be nil to cause ev's heap attribute to be used
const char* inFilePath, // name of file which should not yet exist
// const char* inFilePath, // name of file which should not yet exist
nsIMdbFile* ioFile, // db abstract file interface
const mdbOpenPolicy* inOpenPolicy, // runtime policies for using db
nsIMdbStore** acqStore) = 0; // acquire new db store object
// } ----- end store methods -----
@ -923,6 +935,10 @@ public:
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
mdbYarn* outFilePath, // name of file holding port content
mdbYarn* outFormatVersion) = 0; // file format description
virtual mdb_err GetPortFile(
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
nsIMdbFile** acqFile) = 0; // acquire file used by port or store
// } ----- end filepath methods -----
// { ----- begin export methods -----
@ -955,7 +971,8 @@ public:
virtual mdb_err ExportToFormat( // export content in given specific format
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
const char* inFilePath, // the file to receive exported content
// const char* inFilePath, // the file to receive exported content
nsIMdbFile* ioFile, // destination abstract file interface
const char* inFormatVersion, // file format description
nsIMdbThumb** acqThumb) = 0; // acquire thumb for incremental export
// Call nsIMdbThumb::DoMore() until done, or until the thumb is broken, and
@ -1290,6 +1307,13 @@ public:
nsIMdbThumb** acqThumb) = 0; // acquire thumb for incremental import
// Call nsIMdbThumb::DoMore() until done, or until the thumb is broken, and
// then the import will be finished.
virtual mdb_err ImportFile( // import content from port
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
nsIMdbFile* ioFile, // the file with content to add to store
nsIMdbThumb** acqThumb) = 0; // acquire thumb for incremental import
// Call nsIMdbThumb::DoMore() until done, or until the thumb is broken, and
// then the import will be finished.
// } ----- end inport/export methods -----
// { ----- begin hinting methods -----
@ -1642,7 +1666,7 @@ public:
// meta row is created, it will have the row oid that was previously
// requested for this table's meta row; or if no oid was ever explicitly
// specified for this meta row, then a unique oid will be generated in
// the row scope named "metaScope" (so obviously MDB clients should not
// the row scope named "m" (so obviously MDB clients should not
// manually allocate any row IDs from that special meta scope namespace).
// The meta row oid can be specified either when the table is created, or
// else the first time that GetMetaRow() is called, by passing a non-nil
@ -1720,23 +1744,6 @@ public:
nsIMdbEnv* ev) = 0; // context
// } ----- end row set methods -----
// { ----- begin searching methods -----
virtual mdb_err SearchOneSortedColumn( // search only currently sorted col
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
const mdbYarn* inPrefix, // content to find as prefix in row's column cell
mdbRange* outRange) = 0; // range of matching rows
virtual mdb_err SearchManyColumns( // search variable number of sorted cols
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
const mdbYarn* inPrefix, // content to find as prefix in row's column cell
mdbSearch* ioSearch, // columns to search and resulting ranges
nsIMdbThumb** acqThumb) = 0; // acquire thumb for incremental search
// Call nsIMdbThumb::DoMore() until done, or until the thumb is broken, and
// then the search will be finished. Until that time, the ioSearch argument
// is assumed referenced and used by the thumb; one should not inspect any
// output results in ioSearch until after the thumb is finished with it.
// } ----- end searching methods -----
// { ----- begin hinting methods -----
virtual mdb_err SearchColumnsHint( // advise re future expected search cols
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
@ -1752,6 +1759,7 @@ public:
// If batch starts nest by virtue of nesting calls in the stack, then
// the address of a local variable makes a good batch start label that
// can be used at batch end time, and such addresses remain unique.
virtual mdb_err EndBatchChangeHint( // advise before many adds and cuts
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
const void* inLabel) = 0; // label matching start label
@ -1766,6 +1774,30 @@ public:
// a surprise request occurs for row position during batch changes.
// } ----- end hinting methods -----
// { ----- begin searching methods -----
virtual mdb_err FindRowMatches( // search variable number of sorted cols
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
const mdbYarn* inPrefix, // content to find as prefix in row's column cell
nsIMdbTableRowCursor** acqCursor) = 0; // set of matching rows
virtual mdb_err GetSearchColumns( // query columns used by FindRowMatches()
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
mdb_count* outCount, // context
mdbColumnSet* outColSet) = 0; // caller supplied space to put columns
// GetSearchColumns() returns the columns actually searched when the
// FindRowMatches() method is called. No more than mColumnSet_Count
// slots of mColumnSet_Columns will be written, since mColumnSet_Count
// indicates how many slots are present in the column array. The
// actual number of search column used by the table is returned in
// the outCount parameter; if this number exceeds mColumnSet_Count,
// then a caller needs a bigger array to read the entire column set.
// The minimum of mColumnSet_Count and outCount is the number slots
// in mColumnSet_Columns that were actually written by this method.
// Callers are expected to change this set of columns by calls to
// nsIMdbTable::SearchColumnsHint() or SetSearchSorting(), or both.
// } ----- end searching methods -----
// { ----- begin sorting methods -----
// sorting: note all rows are assumed sorted by row ID as a secondary
// sort following the primary column sort, when table rows are sorted.
@ -1776,45 +1808,37 @@ public:
mdb_column inColumn, // column to query sorting potential
mdb_bool* outCanSort) = 0; // whether the column can be sorted
virtual mdb_err
NewSortColumn( // change the column used for sorting in the table
virtual mdb_err GetSorting( // view same table in particular sorting
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
mdb_column inColumn, // requested new column for sorting table
mdb_column* outActualColumn, // column actually used for sorting
nsIMdbThumb** acqThumb) = 0; // acquire thumb for incremental table resort
// Call nsIMdbThumb::DoMore() until done, or until the thumb is broken, and
// then the sort will be finished.
nsIMdbSorting** acqSorting) = 0; // acquire sorting for column
virtual mdb_err
NewSortColumnWithCompare( // change sort column with explicit compare
virtual mdb_err SetSearchSorting( // use this sorting in FindRowMatches()
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
nsIMdbCompare* ioCompare, // explicit interface for yarn comparison
mdb_column inColumn, // requested new column for sorting table
mdb_column* outActualColumn, // column actually used for sorting
nsIMdbThumb** acqThumb) = 0; // acquire thumb for incremental table resort
// Note the table will hold a reference to inCompare if this object is used
// to sort the table. Until the table closes, callers can only force release
// of the compare object by changing the sort (by say, changing to unsorted).
// Call nsIMdbThumb::DoMore() until done, or until the thumb is broken, and
// then the sort will be finished.
virtual mdb_err GetSortColumn( // query which col is currently sorted
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
mdb_column* outColumn) = 0; // col the table uses for sorting (or zero)
virtual mdb_err CloneSortColumn( // view same table with a different sort
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
mdb_column inColumn, // requested new column for sorting table
nsIMdbThumb** acqThumb) = 0; // acquire thumb for incremental table clone
// Call nsIMdbThumb::DoMore() until done, or until the thumb is broken, and
// then call nsIMdbTable::ThumbToCloneSortTable() to get the table instance.
virtual mdb_err
ThumbToCloneSortTable( // redeem complete CloneSortColumn() thumb
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
nsIMdbThumb* ioThumb, // thumb from CloneSortColumn() with done status
nsIMdbTable** acqTable) = 0; // new table instance (or old if sort unchanged)
mdb_column inColumn, // often same as nsIMdbSorting::GetSortColumn()
nsIMdbSorting* ioSorting) = 0; // requested sorting for some column
// SetSearchSorting() attempts to inform the table that ioSorting
// should be used during calls to FindRowMatches() for searching
// the column which is actually sorted by ioSorting. This method
// is most useful in conjunction with nsIMdbSorting::SetCompare(),
// because otherwise a caller would not be able to override the
// comparison ordering method used during searchs. Note that some
// database implementations might be unable to use an arbitrarily
// specified sort order, either due to schema or runtime interface
// constraints, in which case ioSorting might not actually be used.
// Presumably ioSorting is an instance that was returned from some
// earlier call to nsIMdbTable::GetSorting(). A caller can also
// use nsIMdbTable::SearchColumnsHint() to specify desired change
// in which columns are sorted and searched by FindRowMatches().
// A caller can pass a nil pointer for ioSorting to request that
// column inColumn no longer be used at all by FindRowMatches().
// But when ioSorting is non-nil, then inColumn should match the
// column actually sorted by ioSorting; when these do not agree,
// implementations are instructed to give precedence to the column
// specified by ioSorting (so this means callers might just pass
// zero for inColumn when ioSorting is also provided, since then
// inColumn is both redundant and ignored).
// } ----- end sorting methods -----
// { ----- begin moving methods -----
@ -1873,6 +1897,91 @@ public:
// } ===== end nsIMdbTable methods =====
/*| nsIMdbSorting: a view of a table in some particular sort order. This
**| row order closely resembles a readonly array of rows with the same row
**| membership as the underlying table, but in a different order than the
**| table's explicit row order. But the sorting's row membership changes
**| whenever the table's membership changes (without any notification, so
**| keep this in mind when modifying the table).
**|| table: every sorting is associated with a particular table. You
**| cannot change which table is used by a sorting (just ask some new
**| table for a suitable sorting instance instead).
**|| compare: the ordering method used by a sorting, wrapped up in a
**| abstract plug-in interface. When this was never installed by an
**| explicit call to SetNewCompare(), a compare object is still returned,
**| and it might match the compare instance returned by the factory method
**| nsIMdbFactory::MakeCompare(), which represents a default sort order
**| (which we fervently hope is consistently ASCII byte ordering).
**|| cursor: in case callers are more comfortable with a cursor style
**| of accessing row members, each sorting will happily return a cursor
**| instance with behavior very similar to a cursor returned from a call
**| to nsIMdbTable::GetTableRowCursor(), but with different row order.
**| A cursor should show exactly the same information as the pos methods.
**|| pos: the PosToOid() and PosToRow() methods are just like the table
**| methods of the same name, except they show rows in the sort order of
**| the sorting, rather than that of the table. These methods are like
**| readonly array position accessor's, or like a C++ operator[].
class nsIMdbSorting : public nsIMdbObject { // sorting of some table
// { ===== begin nsIMdbSorting methods =====
// { ----- begin attribute methods -----
// sorting: note all rows are assumed sorted by row ID as a secondary
// sort following the primary column sort, when table rows are sorted.
virtual mdb_err GetTable(nsIMdbEnv* ev, nsIMdbTable** acqTable) = 0;
virtual mdb_err GetSortColumn( // query which col is currently sorted
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
mdb_column* outColumn) = 0; // col the table uses for sorting (or zero)
virtual mdb_err SetNewCompare(nsIMdbEnv* ev,
nsIMdbCompare* ioNewCompare) = 0;
// Setting the sorting's compare object will typically cause the rows
// to be resorted, presumably in a lazy fashion when the sorting is
// next required to be in a valid row ordering state, such as when a
// call to PosToOid() happens. ioNewCompare can be nil, in which case
// implementations should revert to the default sort order, which must
// be equivalent to whatever is used by nsIMdbFactory::MakeCompare().
virtual mdb_err GetOldCompare(nsIMdbEnv* ev,
nsIMdbCompare** acqOldCompare) = 0;
// Get this sorting instance's compare object, which handles the
// ordering of rows in the sorting, by comparing yarns from the cells
// in the column being sorted. Since nsIMdbCompare has no interface
// to query the state of the compare object, it is not clear what you
// would do with this object when returned, except maybe compare it
// as a pointer address to some other instance, to check identities.
// } ----- end attribute methods -----
// { ----- begin cursor methods -----
virtual mdb_err GetSortingRowCursor( // make a cursor, starting at inRowPos
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
mdb_pos inRowPos, // zero-based ordinal position of row in table
nsIMdbTableRowCursor** acqCursor) = 0; // acquire new cursor instance
// A cursor interface turning same info as PosToOid() or PosToRow().
// } ----- end row position methods -----
// { ----- begin row position methods -----
virtual mdb_err PosToOid( // get row member for a table position
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
mdb_pos inRowPos, // zero-based ordinal position of row in table
mdbOid* outOid) = 0; // row oid at the specified position
virtual mdb_err PosToRow( // test for the table position of a row member
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
mdb_pos inRowPos, // zero-based ordinal position of row in table
nsIMdbRow** acqRow) = 0; // acquire row at table position inRowPos
// } ----- end row position methods -----
// } ===== end nsIMdbSorting methods =====
/*| nsIMdbTableRowCursor: cursor class for iterating table rows
**|| table: the cursor is associated with a specific table, which can be
@ -1903,10 +2012,42 @@ public:
// { ===== begin nsIMdbTableRowCursor methods =====
// { ----- begin attribute methods -----
virtual mdb_err SetTable(nsIMdbEnv* ev, nsIMdbTable* ioTable) = 0; // sets pos to -1
// virtual mdb_err SetTable(nsIMdbEnv* ev, nsIMdbTable* ioTable) = 0; // sets pos to -1
// Method SetTable() cut and made obsolete in keeping with new sorting methods.
virtual mdb_err GetTable(nsIMdbEnv* ev, nsIMdbTable** acqTable) = 0;
// } ----- end attribute methods -----
// { ----- begin duplicate row removal methods -----
virtual mdb_err CanHaveDupRowMembers(nsIMdbEnv* ev, // cursor might hold dups?
mdb_bool* outCanHaveDups) = 0;
virtual mdb_err MakeUniqueCursor( // clone cursor, removing duplicate rows
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
nsIMdbTableRowCursor** acqCursor) = 0; // acquire clone with no dups
// Note that MakeUniqueCursor() is never necessary for a cursor which was
// created by table method nsIMdbTable::GetTableRowCursor(), because a table
// never contains the same row as a member more than once. However, a cursor
// created by table method nsIMdbTable::FindRowMatches() might contain the
// same row more than once, because the same row can generate a hit by more
// than one column with a matching string prefix. Note this method can
// return the very same cursor instance with just an incremented refcount,
// when the original cursor could not contain any duplicate rows (calling
// CanHaveDupRowMembers() shows this case on a false return). Otherwise
// this method returns a different cursor instance. Callers should not use
// this MakeUniqueCursor() method lightly, because it tends to defeat the
// purpose of lazy programming techniques, since it can force creation of
// an explicit row collection in a new cursor's representation, in order to
// inspect the row membership and remove any duplicates; this can have big
// impact if a collection holds tens of thousands of rows or more, when
// the original cursor with dups simply referenced rows indirectly by row
// position ranges, without using an explicit row set representation.
// Callers are encouraged to use nsIMdbCursor::GetCount() to determine
// whether the row collection is very large (tens of thousands), and to
// delay calling MakeUniqueCursor() when possible, until a user interface
// element actually demands the creation of an explicit set representation.
// } ----- end duplicate row removal methods -----
// { ----- begin oid iteration methods -----
virtual mdb_err NextRowOid( // get row id of next row in the table
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
@ -1922,17 +2063,17 @@ public:
// } ----- end row iteration methods -----
// { ----- begin copy iteration methods -----
virtual mdb_err NextRowCopy( // put row cells into sink only when already in sink
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
nsIMdbRow* ioSinkRow, // sink for row cells read from next row
mdbOid* outOid, // out row oid
mdb_pos* outRowPos) = 0; // zero-based position of the row in table
virtual mdb_err NextRowCopyAll( // put all row cells into sink, adding to sink
nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
nsIMdbRow* ioSinkRow, // sink for row cells read from next row
mdbOid* outOid, // out row oid
mdb_pos* outRowPos) = 0; // zero-based position of the row in table
// virtual mdb_err NextRowCopy( // put row cells into sink only when already in sink
// nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
// nsIMdbRow* ioSinkRow, // sink for row cells read from next row
// mdbOid* outOid, // out row oid
// mdb_pos* outRowPos) = 0; // zero-based position of the row in table
// virtual mdb_err NextRowCopyAll( // put all row cells into sink, adding to sink
// nsIMdbEnv* ev, // context
// nsIMdbRow* ioSinkRow, // sink for row cells read from next row
// mdbOid* outOid, // out row oid
// mdb_pos* outRowPos) = 0; // zero-based position of the row in table
// } ----- end copy iteration methods -----
// } ===== end nsIMdbTableRowCursor methods =====
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