зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
More work on making widget idlified. merged from branch. (not built) r=travis
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "nsIGenericWindow.idl"
#include "nsIScriptableRegion.idl"
#include "nsIRollupListener.idl"
#include "nsIToolkit.idl"
@ -46,20 +45,16 @@
// forward declarations
class nsIAppShell;
class nsIToolkit;
class nsFont;
class nsIToolkit;
class nsIRenderingContext;
class nsIEnumerator;
class nsIDeviceContext;
struct nsRect;
struct nsFont;
class nsIMenuBar;
class nsIEventListener;
class nsIRollupListener;
[ptr] native nsGUIEvent(nsGUIEvent);
[ptr] native nsIMenuBar(nsIMenuBar);
[ptr] native nsIMouseListener(nsIMouseListener);
[ptr] native nsIEventListener(nsIEventListener);
[ptr] native nsIMenuListener(nsIMenuListener);
@ -79,8 +74,6 @@ native nsEventStatus(nsEventStatus);
typedef long nsBorderStyle;
typedef long nsWindowType;
typedef long nsCursor;
@ -94,11 +87,31 @@ typedef voidStar nsNativeWidget;
%{ C++
typedef nsEventStatus (*PR_CALLBACK EVENT_CALLBACK)(nsGUIEvent *event);
* Basic struct for widget initialization data.
* @see Create member function of nsIWidget
struct nsWidgetInitData {
: clipChildren(PR_FALSE), clipSiblings(PR_FALSE)
// mWindowType(eWindowType_child),
// mBorderStyle(eBorderStyle_default)
// when painting exclude area occupied by child windows and sibling windows
PRPackedBool clipChildren, clipSiblings;
// nsWindowType mWindowType;
// nsBorderStyle mBorderStyle;
interface nsIWidget : nsIGenericWindow
interface nsIWidget : nsISupports
@ -116,50 +129,6 @@ interface nsIWidget : nsIGenericWindow
const short NS_NATIVE_SCREEN = 9;
* types of windows
const long eWindowType_toplevel = 0;
const long eWindowType_dialog = 1;
const long eWindowType_popup = 2;
const long eWindowType_child = 3;
* Border styles
// no border, titlebar, etc.. opposite of all
const long eBorderStyle_none = 0;
// all window decorations
const long eBorderStyle_all = 1 << 0;
// enables the border on the window. these are only for decoration and are not resize hadles
const long eBorderStyle_border = 1 << 1;
// enables the resize handles for the window. if this is set, border is implied to also be set
const long eBorderStyle_resizeh = 1 << 2;
// enables the titlebar for the window
const long eBorderStyle_title = 1 << 3;
// enables the window menu button on the title bar. this being on should force the title bar to display
const long eBorderStyle_menu = 1 << 4;
// enables the minimize button so the user can minimize the window.
// turned off for tranient windows since they can not be minimized seperate from their parent
const long eBorderStyle_minimize = 1 << 5;
// enables the maxmize button so the user can maximize the window
const long eBorderStyle_maximize = 1 << 6;
// show the close button
const long eBorderStyle_close = 1 << 7;
// whatever the OS wants... i.e. don't do anything
const long eBorderStyle_default = -1;
* Cursor types.
@ -208,8 +177,6 @@ interface nsIWidget : nsIGenericWindow
* calling code must handle paint messages and clear the background
* itself.
* @param aWindowType type of window to create
* @param aBorderStyle border style of the window to create
* @param aAppShell the parent application shell. If nsnull,
* the parent window's application shell will be used.
* @param aToolkit toolkit
@ -217,11 +184,9 @@ interface nsIWidget : nsIGenericWindow
* @param aEventFunction the event handler callback function
void initWidget(in nsWindowType aWindowType,
in nsBorderStyle aBorderStyle,
in nsIAppShell aAppShell,
void initWidget(in nsIAppShell aAppShell,
in nsIToolkit aToolkit,
in nsIDeviceContext aContext)
in nsIDeviceContext aContext,
in EVENT_CALLBACK aEventFunction);
@ -229,14 +194,6 @@ interface nsIWidget : nsIGenericWindow
voidStar getNativeData(in PRUint32 aDataType);
* Make the window modal
void setModal();
* Move this widget.
@ -282,10 +239,8 @@ interface nsIWidget : nsIGenericWindow
void enable(in PRBool aState);
* Give focus to this widget.
void setFocus();
* Get this widget's outside dimensions relative to it's parent widget
@ -298,6 +253,8 @@ interface nsIWidget : nsIGenericWindow
// this is really out..
void getBounds(in nsRectRef aRect);
// XXX keep this, but make it ints
* Get this widget's client area dimensions, if the window has a 3D border appearance
* this returns the area inside the border, The x and y are always zero
@ -310,13 +267,24 @@ interface nsIWidget : nsIGenericWindow
// this is really out..
void getClientBounds(in nsRectRef aRect);
// Is this still used?
* Gets the width and height of the borders
* @param aWidth the width of the border
* @param aHeight the height of the border
* Returns the preferred width and height for the widget
void getBorderSize(out PRInt32 aWidth, out PRInt32 aHeight);
void getPreferredSize(out PRInt32 aWidth,
out PRInt32 aHeight);
* Set the preferred width and height for the widget
void setPreferredSize(in PRInt32 aWidth, in PRInt32 aHeight);
* Invalidate the widget and repaint it.
@ -350,6 +318,64 @@ interface nsIWidget : nsIGenericWindow
void update();
* Convert from this widget coordinates to screen coordinates.
* @param aOldRect widget coordinates stored in the x,y members
* @param aNewRect screen coordinates stored in the x,y members
void widgetToScreen([const] in nsRect aOldRect, out nsRect aNewRect);
* Convert from screen coordinates to this widget's coordinates.
* @param aOldRect screen coordinates stored in the x,y members
* @param aNewRect widget's coordinates stored in the x,y members
void screenToWidget([const] in nsRect aOldRect, out nsRect aNewRect);
// is this used?
void convertToDeviceCoordinates(inout nscoord aX, inout nscoord aY);
// can this go away?
* For printing and lightweight widgets
void paint(in nsIRenderingContext aRenderingContext,
[const] in nsRect aDirtyRect);
* Enables the dropping of files to a widget (XXX this is temporary)
void enableDragDrop(in PRBool aEnable);
* Enables/Disables system mouse capture.
* @param aCapture PR_TRUE enables mouse capture, PR_FALSE disables mouse capture
void captureMouse(in PRBool aCapture);
* Enables/Disables system capture of any and all events that would cause a
* dropdown to be rolled up, This method ignores the aConsumeRollupEvent
* parameter when aDoCapture is FALSE
* @param aCapture PR_TRUE enables capture, PR_FALSE disables capture
* @param aConsumeRollupEvent PR_TRUE consumes the rollup event, PR_FALSE dispatches rollup event
void captureRollupEvents(in nsIRollupListener aListener, in PRBool aDoCapture, in PRBool aConsumeRollupEvent);
* Adds a mouse listener to this widget
* Any existing mouse listener is replaced
@ -374,125 +400,14 @@ interface nsIWidget : nsIGenericWindow
void addMenuListener(in nsIMenuListener aListener);
* Scroll this widget.
* @param aDx amount to scroll along the x-axis
* @param aDy amount to scroll along the y-axis.
* @param aClipRect clipping rectangle to limit the scroll to.
void scroll(in PRInt32 aDx, in PRInt32 aDy, in nsRect aClipRect);
* Scroll an area of this widget.
* @param aRect source rectangle to scroll in the widget
* @param aDx x offset from the source
* @param aDy y offset from the source
void scrollRect(in nsRectRef aSrcRect, in PRInt32 aDx, in PRInt32 aDy);
* Set the widget's MenuBar.
* Must be called after Create.
* @param aMenuBar the menubar
void setMenuBar(in nsIMenuBar aMenuBar);
* Set the widget's MenuBar's visibility
* @param aShow PR_TRUE to show, PR_FALSE to hide
void showMenuBar(in PRBool aShow);
* Convert from this widget coordinates to screen coordinates.
* @param aOldRect widget coordinates stored in the x,y members
* @param aNewRect screen coordinates stored in the x,y members
void widgetToScreen([const] in nsRect aOldRect, out nsRect aNewRect);
* Convert from screen coordinates to this widget's coordinates.
* @param aOldRect screen coordinates stored in the x,y members
* @param aNewRect widget's coordinates stored in the x,y members
void screenToWidget([const] in nsRect aOldRect, out nsRect aNewRect);
* When adjustments are to made to a whole set of child widgets, call this
* before resizing/positioning the child windows to minimize repaints. Must
* be followed by EndResizingChildren() after child windows have been
* adjusted.
void beginResizingChildren();
* Call this when finished adjusting child windows. Must be preceded by
* BeginResizingChildren().
void endResizingChildren();
* Returns the preferred width and height for the widget
void getPreferredSize(out PRInt32 aWidth,
out PRInt32 aHeight);
* Set the preferred width and height for the widget
void setPreferredSize(in PRInt32 aWidth, in PRInt32 aHeight);
// is this an internal method?
* Dispatches and event to the widget
void dispatchEvent(in nsGUIEvent event, in nsEventStatusRef aStatus);
* For printing and lightweight widgets
void paint(in nsIRenderingContext aRenderingContext,
[const] in nsRect aDirtyRect);
* Enables the dropping of files to a widget (XXX this is temporary)
void enableDragDrop(in PRBool aEnable);
void convertToDeviceCoordinates(inout nscoord aX, inout nscoord aY);
* Enables/Disables system mouse capture.
* @param aCapture PR_TRUE enables mouse capture, PR_FALSE disables mouse capture
void captureMouse(in PRBool aCapture);
* Enables/Disables system capture of any and all events that would cause a
* dropdown to be rolled up, This method ignores the aConsumeRollupEvent
* parameter when aDoCapture is FALSE
* @param aCapture PR_TRUE enables capture, PR_FALSE disables capture
* @param aConsumeRollupEvent PR_TRUE consumes the rollup event, PR_FALSE dispatches rollup event
void captureRollupEvents(in nsIRollupListener aListener, in PRBool aDoCapture, in PRBool aConsumeRollupEvent);
* Internal methods
@ -510,16 +425,6 @@ interface nsIWidget : nsIGenericWindow
/* attributes */
* Window type
readonly attribute nsWindowType windowType;
* Border style
readonly attribute nsBorderStyle borderStyle;
* Get the AppShell
@ -543,11 +448,6 @@ interface nsIWidget : nsIGenericWindow
attribute PRInt32 zIndex;
* Title of window
attribute wstring title;
* Set/Get the foreground color for this widget
@ -604,7 +504,53 @@ interface nsIWidget : nsIGenericWindow
%{ C++
/* backwards compat stuff */
NS_IMETHOD Show(PRBool aShow);
NS_IMETHOD Show(PRBool aShow) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD IsVisible(PRBool & aState) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD Resize(PRInt32 aX,
PRInt32 aY,
PRInt32 aWidth,
PRInt32 aHeight,
PRBool aRepaint) = 0;
virtual nscolor GetForegroundColor(void) = 0;
virtual nscolor GetBackgroundColor(void) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD SetFont(const nsFont &aFont) = 0;
virtual nsIFontMetrics* GetFont(void) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD Invalidate(const nsRect & aRect, PRBool aIsSynchronous) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD SetTitle(const nsString& aTitle) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD GetPreferredSize(PRInt32& aWidth, PRInt32& aHeight) = 0;
virtual nsIWidget* GetParent(void) = 0;
virtual nsIEnumerator* GetChildren(void) = 0;
virtual void* GetNativeData(PRUint32 aDataType) = 0;
virtual void FreeNativeData(void * data, PRUint32 aDataType) = 0;
virtual nsIRenderingContext* GetRenderingContext() = 0;
virtual nsIDeviceContext* GetDeviceContext() = 0;
virtual nsIAppShell *GetAppShell() = 0;
virtual nsIToolkit* GetToolkit() = 0;
/* the big ugly ones */
NS_IMETHOD Create(nsIWidget *aParent,
const nsRect &aRect,
EVENT_CALLBACK aHandleEventFunction,
nsIDeviceContext *aContext,
nsIAppShell *aAppShell = nsnull,
nsIToolkit *aToolkit = nsnull,
nsWidgetInitData *aInitData = nsnull) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD Create(nsNativeWidget aParent,
const nsRect &aRect,
EVENT_CALLBACK aHandleEventFunction,
nsIDeviceContext *aContext,
nsIAppShell *aAppShell = nsnull,
nsIToolkit *aToolkit = nsnull,
nsWidgetInitData *aInitData = nsnull) = 0;
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