tab in table, tab in lists, fixed inline style handling over multi-ranged selections

This commit is contained in: 2000-04-18 21:39:35 +00:00
Родитель bc0039a474
Коммит 9eff10efd4
4 изменённых файлов: 152 добавлений и 136 удалений

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@ -1462,6 +1462,7 @@ nsHTMLEditRules::WillMakeBasicBlock(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection,
// else it's not that easy...
nsAutoSelectionReset selectionResetter(aSelection, mEditor);
nsAutoTxnsConserveSelection dontSpazMySelection(mEditor);
*aHandled = PR_TRUE;
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsArray> arrayOfRanges;
@ -2421,8 +2422,9 @@ nsHTMLEditRules::GetPromotedPoint(RulesEndpoint aWhere, nsIDOMNode *aNode, PRInt
node = nsEditor::GetChildAt(parent,offset);
if (!node) node = parent;
if (!node) node = parent;
// if this is an inline node who's block parent is the body,
// back up through any prior inline nodes that
@ -2477,12 +2479,10 @@ nsHTMLEditRules::GetPromotedPoint(RulesEndpoint aWhere, nsIDOMNode *aNode, PRInt
if (offset) offset--; // we want node _before_ offset
node = nsEditor::GetChildAt(parent,offset);
if (!node) node = parent;
if (!node)
node = parent;
if (!node) node = parent;
// if this is an inline node who's block parent is the body,
// look ahead through any further inline nodes that

Просмотреть файл

@ -699,10 +699,35 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::EditorKeyPress(nsIDOMKeyEvent* aKeyEvent)
if (keyCode == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_TAB && !(mFlags&eEditorPlaintextBit))
PRBool bHandled = PR_FALSE;
res = TabInTable(isShift, &bHandled);
res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection));
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
if (bHandled) return res;
PRInt32 offset;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> node, blockParent;
res = GetStartNodeAndOffset(selection, &node, &offset);
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
if (!node) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
if (IsBlockNode(node)) blockParent = node;
else blockParent = GetBlockNodeParent(node);
if (blockParent)
PRBool bHandled = PR_FALSE;
if (IsTableElement(blockParent))
res = TabInTable(isShift, &bHandled);
else if (nsHTMLEditUtils::IsListItem(blockParent))
nsAutoString indentstr;
if (isShift) indentstr = "outdent";
else indentstr = "indent";
res = Indent(indentstr);
bHandled = PR_TRUE;
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
if (bHandled) return res;
else if (keyCode == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_RETURN
|| keyCode == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_ENTER)
@ -801,9 +826,9 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::TabInTable(PRBool inIsShift, PRBool *outHandled)
if (inIsShift) res = iter->Prev();
else res = iter->Next();
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
if (NS_FAILED(res)) break;
res = iter->CurrentNode(getter_AddRefs(cNode));
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
if (NS_FAILED(res)) break;
node = do_QueryInterface(cNode);
if (IsTableCell(node) && (GetEnclosingTable(node) == tbl))
@ -813,7 +838,35 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::TabInTable(PRBool inIsShift, PRBool *outHandled)
return NS_OK;
} while (iter->IsDone() == NS_ENUMERATOR_FALSE);
return NS_OK;
if (!(*outHandled) && !inIsShift)
// if we havent handled it yet then we must have run off the end of
// the table. Insert a new row.
res = InsertTableRow(1, PR_TRUE);
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
*outHandled = PR_TRUE;
// put selection in right place
res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection));
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> tbl;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> cell;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> cellParent;
PRInt32 cellOffset, row, column;
// leveraging charlie's table code: find where row is....
res = GetCellContext(selection, tbl, cell, cellParent, cellOffset, row, column);
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
// so that we can ask for first cell in that row...
res = GetCellAt(tbl, row, 0, *(getter_AddRefs(cell)));
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
// and then set selection there.
node = do_QueryInterface(cell);
if (node) selection->Collapse(node,0);
return NS_OK;
return res;
NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::CreateBRImpl(nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> *aInOutParent, PRInt32 *aInOutOffset, nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> *outBRNode, EDirection aSelect)
@ -956,6 +1009,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::SetInlineProperty(nsIAtom *aProperty,
nsAutoEditBatch batchIt(this);
nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, kOpInsertElement, nsIEditor::eNext);
nsAutoSelectionReset selectionResetter(selection, this);
nsAutoTxnsConserveSelection dontSpazMySelection(this);
PRBool cancel, handled;
nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(nsTextEditRules::kSetTextProperty);
@ -993,7 +1047,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::SetInlineProperty(nsIAtom *aProperty,
if ((startNode == endNode) && IsTextNode(startNode))
// MOOSE: workaround for selection bug:
PRInt32 startOffset, endOffset;
@ -1049,7 +1103,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::SetInlineProperty(nsIAtom *aProperty,
// MOOSE: workaround for selection bug:
// first check the start parent of the range to see if it needs to
// be seperately handled (it does if it's a text node, due to how the
@ -1580,7 +1634,7 @@ PRBool nsHTMLEditor::IsAtFrontOfNode(nsIDOMNode *aNode, PRInt32 aOffset)
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> firstNode;
GetFirstEditableNode(aNode, &firstNode);
GetFirstEditableChild(aNode, &firstNode);
if (!firstNode) return PR_TRUE;
PRInt32 offset;
nsEditor::GetChildOffset(firstNode, aNode, offset);
@ -1603,7 +1657,7 @@ PRBool nsHTMLEditor::IsAtEndOfNode(nsIDOMNode *aNode, PRInt32 aOffset)
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> lastNode;
GetLastEditableNode(aNode, &lastNode);
GetLastEditableChild(aNode, &lastNode);
if (!lastNode) return PR_TRUE;
PRInt32 offset;
nsEditor::GetChildOffset(lastNode, aNode, offset);
@ -1832,6 +1886,7 @@ nsresult nsHTMLEditor::RemoveInlinePropertyImpl(nsIAtom *aProperty, const nsStri
nsAutoEditBatch batchIt(this);
nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, kOpRemoveTextProperty, nsIEditor::eNext);
nsAutoSelectionReset selectionResetter(selection, this);
nsAutoTxnsConserveSelection dontSpazMySelection(this);
PRBool cancel, handled;
nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(nsTextEditRules::kRemoveTextProperty);
@ -2085,8 +2140,10 @@ nsHTMLEditor::CollapseSelectionToDeepestNonTableFirstChild(nsIDOMSelection *aSel
if (child)
// Stop if we find a table
// don't want to go into nested tables
// don't want to go into nested tables
if (IsTable(child)) break;
// hey, it'g gotta be a container too!
if (!IsContainer(child)) break;
node = child;
@ -3450,28 +3507,6 @@ nsHTMLEditor::CreateElementWithDefaults(const nsString& aTagName, nsIDOMElement*
} else if (TagName.EqualsWithConversion("td"))
// I'm def'ing this out to see if auto br insertion is working here
#if 0
// Insert the default space in a cell so border displays
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> newCellNode = do_QueryInterface(newElement);
if (newCellNode)
// TODO: This should probably be in the RULES code or
// preference based for "should we add the nbsp"
nsAutoString space;
// Set contents to the &nbsp character by concatanating the char code
space += nbsp;
// If we fail here, we return NS_OK anyway, since we have an OK cell node
nsresult result = doc->CreateTextNode(space, getter_AddRefs(newTextNode));
if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result;
if (!newTextNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
result = newCellNode->AppendChild(newTextNode, getter_AddRefs(resultNode));
@ -5235,34 +5270,6 @@ nsHTMLEditor::SetCaretInTableCell(nsIDOMElement* aElement)
node = firstChild;
# if 0
// I've ifdef'd this out because it isn't finished and I'm not sure what the intent is.
PRInt32 offset = 0;
res = parent->GetLastChild(getter_AddRefs(lastChild));
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && lastChild && node != lastChild)
if (node == lastChild)
// Check if node is text and has more than just a &nbsp
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMCharacterData>textNode = do_QueryInterface(node);
nsAutoString text;
PRUnichar nbspStr[2] = {nbsp, 0};
if (textNode && textNode->GetData(text))
// Set selection relative to the text node
parent = node;
PRInt32 len = text.Length();
if (len > 1 || text != nbspStr)
offset = len;
} else {
// We have > 1 node, so set to end of content
// Set selection at beginning of deepest node
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMSelection> selection;
res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection));
@ -5791,6 +5798,7 @@ nsHTMLEditor::RelativeFontChange( PRInt32 aSizeChange)
nsAutoEditBatch batchIt(this);
nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, kOpSetTextProperty, nsIEditor::eNext);
nsAutoSelectionReset selectionResetter(selection, this);
nsAutoTxnsConserveSelection dontSpazMySelection(this);
// get selection range enumerator
nsCOMPtr<nsIEnumerator> enumerator;
@ -5822,7 +5830,7 @@ nsHTMLEditor::RelativeFontChange( PRInt32 aSizeChange)
if ((startNode == endNode) && IsTextNode(startNode))
// MOOSE: workaround for selection bug:
PRInt32 startOffset, endOffset;
@ -5878,7 +5886,7 @@ nsHTMLEditor::RelativeFontChange( PRInt32 aSizeChange)
// MOOSE: workaround for selection bug:
// now that we have the list, do the font size change on each node
PRUint32 listCount;

Просмотреть файл

@ -1462,6 +1462,7 @@ nsHTMLEditRules::WillMakeBasicBlock(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection,
// else it's not that easy...
nsAutoSelectionReset selectionResetter(aSelection, mEditor);
nsAutoTxnsConserveSelection dontSpazMySelection(mEditor);
*aHandled = PR_TRUE;
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsArray> arrayOfRanges;
@ -2421,8 +2422,9 @@ nsHTMLEditRules::GetPromotedPoint(RulesEndpoint aWhere, nsIDOMNode *aNode, PRInt
node = nsEditor::GetChildAt(parent,offset);
if (!node) node = parent;
if (!node) node = parent;
// if this is an inline node who's block parent is the body,
// back up through any prior inline nodes that
@ -2477,12 +2479,10 @@ nsHTMLEditRules::GetPromotedPoint(RulesEndpoint aWhere, nsIDOMNode *aNode, PRInt
if (offset) offset--; // we want node _before_ offset
node = nsEditor::GetChildAt(parent,offset);
if (!node) node = parent;
if (!node)
node = parent;
if (!node) node = parent;
// if this is an inline node who's block parent is the body,
// look ahead through any further inline nodes that

Просмотреть файл

@ -699,10 +699,35 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::EditorKeyPress(nsIDOMKeyEvent* aKeyEvent)
if (keyCode == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_TAB && !(mFlags&eEditorPlaintextBit))
PRBool bHandled = PR_FALSE;
res = TabInTable(isShift, &bHandled);
res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection));
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
if (bHandled) return res;
PRInt32 offset;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> node, blockParent;
res = GetStartNodeAndOffset(selection, &node, &offset);
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
if (!node) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
if (IsBlockNode(node)) blockParent = node;
else blockParent = GetBlockNodeParent(node);
if (blockParent)
PRBool bHandled = PR_FALSE;
if (IsTableElement(blockParent))
res = TabInTable(isShift, &bHandled);
else if (nsHTMLEditUtils::IsListItem(blockParent))
nsAutoString indentstr;
if (isShift) indentstr = "outdent";
else indentstr = "indent";
res = Indent(indentstr);
bHandled = PR_TRUE;
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
if (bHandled) return res;
else if (keyCode == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_RETURN
|| keyCode == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_ENTER)
@ -801,9 +826,9 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::TabInTable(PRBool inIsShift, PRBool *outHandled)
if (inIsShift) res = iter->Prev();
else res = iter->Next();
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
if (NS_FAILED(res)) break;
res = iter->CurrentNode(getter_AddRefs(cNode));
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
if (NS_FAILED(res)) break;
node = do_QueryInterface(cNode);
if (IsTableCell(node) && (GetEnclosingTable(node) == tbl))
@ -813,7 +838,35 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::TabInTable(PRBool inIsShift, PRBool *outHandled)
return NS_OK;
} while (iter->IsDone() == NS_ENUMERATOR_FALSE);
return NS_OK;
if (!(*outHandled) && !inIsShift)
// if we havent handled it yet then we must have run off the end of
// the table. Insert a new row.
res = InsertTableRow(1, PR_TRUE);
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
*outHandled = PR_TRUE;
// put selection in right place
res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection));
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> tbl;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> cell;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> cellParent;
PRInt32 cellOffset, row, column;
// leveraging charlie's table code: find where row is....
res = GetCellContext(selection, tbl, cell, cellParent, cellOffset, row, column);
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
// so that we can ask for first cell in that row...
res = GetCellAt(tbl, row, 0, *(getter_AddRefs(cell)));
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
// and then set selection there.
node = do_QueryInterface(cell);
if (node) selection->Collapse(node,0);
return NS_OK;
return res;
NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::CreateBRImpl(nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> *aInOutParent, PRInt32 *aInOutOffset, nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> *outBRNode, EDirection aSelect)
@ -956,6 +1009,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::SetInlineProperty(nsIAtom *aProperty,
nsAutoEditBatch batchIt(this);
nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, kOpInsertElement, nsIEditor::eNext);
nsAutoSelectionReset selectionResetter(selection, this);
nsAutoTxnsConserveSelection dontSpazMySelection(this);
PRBool cancel, handled;
nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(nsTextEditRules::kSetTextProperty);
@ -993,7 +1047,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::SetInlineProperty(nsIAtom *aProperty,
if ((startNode == endNode) && IsTextNode(startNode))
// MOOSE: workaround for selection bug:
PRInt32 startOffset, endOffset;
@ -1049,7 +1103,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::SetInlineProperty(nsIAtom *aProperty,
// MOOSE: workaround for selection bug:
// first check the start parent of the range to see if it needs to
// be seperately handled (it does if it's a text node, due to how the
@ -1580,7 +1634,7 @@ PRBool nsHTMLEditor::IsAtFrontOfNode(nsIDOMNode *aNode, PRInt32 aOffset)
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> firstNode;
GetFirstEditableNode(aNode, &firstNode);
GetFirstEditableChild(aNode, &firstNode);
if (!firstNode) return PR_TRUE;
PRInt32 offset;
nsEditor::GetChildOffset(firstNode, aNode, offset);
@ -1603,7 +1657,7 @@ PRBool nsHTMLEditor::IsAtEndOfNode(nsIDOMNode *aNode, PRInt32 aOffset)
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> lastNode;
GetLastEditableNode(aNode, &lastNode);
GetLastEditableChild(aNode, &lastNode);
if (!lastNode) return PR_TRUE;
PRInt32 offset;
nsEditor::GetChildOffset(lastNode, aNode, offset);
@ -1832,6 +1886,7 @@ nsresult nsHTMLEditor::RemoveInlinePropertyImpl(nsIAtom *aProperty, const nsStri
nsAutoEditBatch batchIt(this);
nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, kOpRemoveTextProperty, nsIEditor::eNext);
nsAutoSelectionReset selectionResetter(selection, this);
nsAutoTxnsConserveSelection dontSpazMySelection(this);
PRBool cancel, handled;
nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(nsTextEditRules::kRemoveTextProperty);
@ -2085,8 +2140,10 @@ nsHTMLEditor::CollapseSelectionToDeepestNonTableFirstChild(nsIDOMSelection *aSel
if (child)
// Stop if we find a table
// don't want to go into nested tables
// don't want to go into nested tables
if (IsTable(child)) break;
// hey, it'g gotta be a container too!
if (!IsContainer(child)) break;
node = child;
@ -3450,28 +3507,6 @@ nsHTMLEditor::CreateElementWithDefaults(const nsString& aTagName, nsIDOMElement*
} else if (TagName.EqualsWithConversion("td"))
// I'm def'ing this out to see if auto br insertion is working here
#if 0
// Insert the default space in a cell so border displays
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> newCellNode = do_QueryInterface(newElement);
if (newCellNode)
// TODO: This should probably be in the RULES code or
// preference based for "should we add the nbsp"
nsAutoString space;
// Set contents to the &nbsp character by concatanating the char code
space += nbsp;
// If we fail here, we return NS_OK anyway, since we have an OK cell node
nsresult result = doc->CreateTextNode(space, getter_AddRefs(newTextNode));
if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result;
if (!newTextNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
result = newCellNode->AppendChild(newTextNode, getter_AddRefs(resultNode));
@ -5235,34 +5270,6 @@ nsHTMLEditor::SetCaretInTableCell(nsIDOMElement* aElement)
node = firstChild;
# if 0
// I've ifdef'd this out because it isn't finished and I'm not sure what the intent is.
PRInt32 offset = 0;
res = parent->GetLastChild(getter_AddRefs(lastChild));
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && lastChild && node != lastChild)
if (node == lastChild)
// Check if node is text and has more than just a &nbsp
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMCharacterData>textNode = do_QueryInterface(node);
nsAutoString text;
PRUnichar nbspStr[2] = {nbsp, 0};
if (textNode && textNode->GetData(text))
// Set selection relative to the text node
parent = node;
PRInt32 len = text.Length();
if (len > 1 || text != nbspStr)
offset = len;
} else {
// We have > 1 node, so set to end of content
// Set selection at beginning of deepest node
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMSelection> selection;
res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection));
@ -5791,6 +5798,7 @@ nsHTMLEditor::RelativeFontChange( PRInt32 aSizeChange)
nsAutoEditBatch batchIt(this);
nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, kOpSetTextProperty, nsIEditor::eNext);
nsAutoSelectionReset selectionResetter(selection, this);
nsAutoTxnsConserveSelection dontSpazMySelection(this);
// get selection range enumerator
nsCOMPtr<nsIEnumerator> enumerator;
@ -5822,7 +5830,7 @@ nsHTMLEditor::RelativeFontChange( PRInt32 aSizeChange)
if ((startNode == endNode) && IsTextNode(startNode))
// MOOSE: workaround for selection bug:
PRInt32 startOffset, endOffset;
@ -5878,7 +5886,7 @@ nsHTMLEditor::RelativeFontChange( PRInt32 aSizeChange)
// MOOSE: workaround for selection bug:
// now that we have the list, do the font size change on each node
PRUint32 listCount;