whitespace cleanup
use new TreeOView stuff, add breakpoint, project, and stack view support
This commit is contained in:
rginda%netscape.com 2001-09-01 18:35:36 +00:00
Родитель b4f3b896f2
Коммит a4bdc7a60d
1 изменённых файлов: 229 добавлений и 287 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -35,52 +35,56 @@
const JSD_CTRID = "@mozilla.org/js/jsd/debugger-service;1";
const jsdIDebuggerService = Components.interfaces.jsdIDebuggerService;
const jsdIExecutionHook = Components.interfaces.jsdIExecutionHook;
const jsdIValue = Components.interfaces.jsdIValue;
const jsdIProperty = Components.interfaces.jsdIProperty;
const jsdIExecutionHook = Components.interfaces.jsdIExecutionHook;
const jsdICallHook = Components.interfaces.jsdICallHook;
const jsdIValue = Components.interfaces.jsdIValue;
const jsdIProperty = Components.interfaces.jsdIProperty;
const jsdIScript = Components.interfaces.jsdIScript;
const jsdIStackFrame = Components.interfaces.jsdIStackFrame;
const FTYPE_STD = 0;
const FTYPE_SUMMARY = 1;
const FTYPE_ARRAY = 2;
var $ = new Array(); /* array to store results from evals in debug frames */
console._scriptHook = {
onScriptCreated: function scripthook (script) {
dd("created: " + script.functionName + " from " + script.fileName +
" (" + script.baseLineNumber + ", " + script.lineExtent + ")");
addScript (script);
/* only toplevel scripts should have an empty function name, all others
* should have a legitimate name, or "anonymous"
if (script.functionName)
var fn = script.fileName;
for (var i = 0; i < console._futureBreaks.length; ++i)
var fbreak = console._futureBreaks[i];
if (fn.search(fbreak.filePattern)!= -1 &&
script.baseLineNumber <= fbreak.line &&
script.lineExtent > fbreak.line)
setBreakpoint (fn, fbreak.line);
console.onScriptCreated (script);
if (script.fileName != MSG_VAL_CONSOLE)
realizeScript (script);
console.onScriptCreated (script);
onScriptDestroyed: function scripthook (script) {
removeScript (script);
//XXXremoveScript (script);
console._executionHook = {
onExecute: function exehook (frame, type, rv) {
return debugTrap(frame, type, rv);
if (frame.script && frame.script.fileName != MSG_VAL_CONSOLE)
return debugTrap(frame, type, rv);
console._callHook = {
onCall: function callhook (frame, type) {
if (type == jsdICallHook.TYPE_FUNCTION_CALL)
else if (type == jsdICallHook.TYPE_FUNCTION_RETURN)
if (--console._stepOverLevel <= 0)
console.jsds.functionHook = null;
dd ("Call Hook: " + frame.script.functionName + ", type " +
type + " callCount: " + console._stepOverLevel);
console._errorHook = {
@ -91,16 +95,11 @@ console._errorHook = {
function initDebugger()
console._continueCodeStack = new Array(); /* top of stack is the default */
/* return code for the most */
/* recent debugTrap(). */
console._breakpoints = new Array(); /* breakpoints in loaded scripts. */
console._futureBreaks = new Array(); /* breakpoints in scripts that we */
/* don't know about yet. */
console._scripts = new Object(); /* scripts, keyed by filename. */
console._sources = new Object(); /* source code, keyed by filename. */
console._stopLevel = 0; /* nest level. */
console._scriptCount = 0; /* active script count. */
console._continueCodeStack = new Array(); /* top of stack is the default */
/* return code for the most */
/* recent debugTrap(). */
console.scripts = new Object();
console._stopLevel = 0; /* nest level. */
/* create the debugger instance */
if (!Components.classes[JSD_CTRID])
@ -112,21 +111,24 @@ function initDebugger()
console.jsds.debuggerHook = console._executionHook;
console.jsds.errorHook = console._errorHook;
console.jsds.scriptHook = console._scriptHook;
var enumer = new Object();
enumer.enumerateScript = function (script)
return true;
var enumer = {
enumerateScript: function _es (script) {
return true;
function detachDebugger()
console.jsds.topLevelHook = null;
console.jsds.functionHook = null;
if (console._stopLevel > 0)
@ -137,95 +139,18 @@ function detachDebugger()
function insertScriptEntry (script, scriptList)
function realizeScript(script)
var newBLine = script.baseLineNumber;
var newLineE = script.lineExtent;
var newELine = newBLine + newLineE;
for (i = scriptList.length - 1; i >= 0 ; --i)
var container = console.scripts[script.fileName];
if (!container)
/* scripts for this filename are stored in the scriptList array
* in lowest-to-highest line number order. We search backwards to
* find the correct place to insert the new script, because that's
* the most likely where it belongs.
var thisBLine = scriptList[i].baseLineNumber;
var thisLineE = scriptList[i].lineExtent;
var thisELine = thisBLine + thisLineE;
if (script == scriptList[i])
dd ("ignoring duplicate script '" + formatScript(script) + "'.");
else if (newBLine >= thisBLine)
{ /* new script starts after this starts. */
if (newBLine == thisBLine && newELine == thisELine)
dd ("script '" + formatScript(script) + "' loaded again.");
else if (newBLine <= thisELine && newBLine >= thisBLine)
dd ("script '" + formatScript(script) + "' is a subScript.");
arrayInsertAt(scriptList, i + 1, script);
/* new script is the earliest one yet, insert it at the top of the array */
arrayInsertAt(scriptList, 0, script);
function removeScriptEntry (script, scriptList)
for (var i = 0; i < scriptList.length; ++i)
if (scriptList[i] == script)
arrayRemoveAt(scriptList, i);
return true;
container = console.scripts[script.fileName] =
new SourceRecord (script.fileName);
return false;
function removeScript (script)
/* man this sucks, we can't ask the script any questions that would help us
* find it (fileName, lineNumber), because the underlying JSDScript has
* already been destroyed. Instead, we have to walk all active scripts to
* find it.
for (var s in console._scripts)
if (removeScriptEntry(script, console._scripts[s]))
return true;
for (var b in console._breakpoints)
for (s in console._breakpoints[b])
if (console._breakpoints[b][s].script == script)
if (console._breakpoints[b].length > 1)
arrayRemoveAt (console._breakpoints[b], s);
delete console._breakpoints[b];
return false;
function addScript(script)
var scriptList = console._scripts[script.fileName];
if (!scriptList)
/* no scripts under this filename yet, create a new record for it */
console._scripts[script.fileName] = [script];
insertScriptEntry (script, scriptList);
container.appendChild (new ScriptRecord (script));
const TMODE_IGNORE = 0;
@ -286,7 +211,7 @@ function debugTrap (frame, type, rv)
var showFrame = true;
var sourceContext = 2;
var retcode = jsdIExecutionHook.RETURN_CONTINUE;
$ = new Array();
switch (type)
@ -319,12 +244,13 @@ function debugTrap (frame, type, rv)
delete console._stepPast;
showFrame = false;
sourceContext = 0;
console.jsds.interruptHook = null;
/* don't print stop/cont messages for other types */
console.jsds.functionHook = null;
/* set our default return value */
@ -338,8 +264,19 @@ function debugTrap (frame, type, rv)
/* build an array of frames */
console.frames = new Array(frame);
var frameRec = new FrameRecord(frame);
console.stackView.stack.appendChild (frameRec);
frameRec.open(); /* open the node for this stack frame */
frameRec.childData[0].open(); /* and the "scope" child */
while ((frame = frame.callingFrame))
console.stackView.stack.appendChild (new FrameRecord(frame));
frame = console.frames[0];
@ -399,8 +336,10 @@ function setCurrentFrameByIndex (index)
ASSERT (index >= 0 && index < console.frames.length, "index out of range");
console._currentFrameIndex = index;
console.onFrameChanged (console.frames[console._currentFrameIndex],
var cf = console.frames[console._currentFrameIndex];
console.stopLine = cf.line;
console.stopFile = cf.script.fileName;
console.onFrameChanged (cf, console._currentFrameIndex);
function clearCurrentFrame ()
@ -408,7 +347,10 @@ function clearCurrentFrame ()
if (!console.frames)
throw new BadMojo (ERR_NO_STACK);
delete console.stopLine;
delete console.stopFile;
delete console._currentFrameIndex;
console.onFrameChanged (null, 0);
function findNextExecutableLine (script, line)
@ -419,6 +361,9 @@ function findNextExecutableLine (script, line)
function formatArguments (v)
if (!v)
return "";
var ary = new Array();
var p = new Object();
v.getProperties (p, {});
@ -428,19 +373,16 @@ function formatArguments (v)
if (p[i].flags & jsdIProperty.FLAG_ARGUMENT)
ary.push (getMsg(MSN_FMT_ARGUMENT,
formatValue(p[i].value, true)]));
formatValue(p[i].value, FTYPE_SUMMARY)]));
return ary.join (MSG_COMMASP);
function formatProperty (p)
function formatFlags (flags)
if (!p)
throw new BadMojo (ERR_REQUIRED_PARAM, "p");
var flags = p.flags;
var s = "";
if (flags & jsdIProperty.FLAG_ENUMERATE)
if (flags & jsdIProperty.FLAG_READONLY)
@ -456,6 +398,22 @@ function formatProperty (p)
if (flags & jsdIProperty.FLAG_HINTED)
return s;
function formatProperty (p, formatType)
if (!p)
throw new BadMojo (ERR_REQUIRED_PARAM, "p");
var s = formatFlags (p.flags);
if (formatType == FTYPE_ARRAY)
var rv = formatValue (p.value, FTYPE_ARRAY);
return [p.name.stringValue, rv[1] ? rv[1] : rv[0], rv[2], s];
return getMsg(MSN_FMT_PROPERTY, [s, p.name.stringValue,
@ -476,11 +434,9 @@ function formatFrame (f)
return getMsg (MSN_FMT_FRAME,
[f.script.functionName, formatArguments(f.scope),
f.script.fileName, f.line]);
return s;
function formatValue (v, summary)
function formatValue (v, formatType)
if (!v)
throw new BadMojo (ERR_REQUIRED_PARAM, "v");
@ -511,7 +467,7 @@ function formatValue (v, summary)
value = MSG_TYPE_NULL;
case jsdIValue.TYPE_OBJECT:
if (!summary)
if (formatType == FTYPE_STD)
value = getMsg(MSN_FMT_OBJECT, String(v.propertyCount));
@ -530,7 +486,9 @@ function formatValue (v, summary)
case jsdIValue.TYPE_STRING:
value = v.stringValue;
value = v.stringValue.quote();
if (value.length > MAX_STR_LEN)
value = getMsg(MSN_FMT_LONGSTR, value.length);
case jsdIValue.TYPE_VOID:
@ -542,22 +500,29 @@ function formatValue (v, summary)
if (summary)
if (formatType == FTYPE_SUMMARY)
return getMsg (MSN_FMT_VALUE_SHORT, [type, value]);
var className;
if (v.jsClassName)
if (v.jsClassName == "XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper")
/* translate this long, unintuitive, and common class name into
* something more palatable. */
return getMsg (MSN_FMT_VALUE_LONG, [type, MSG_CLASS_XPCOBJ, value]);
return getMsg (MSN_FMT_VALUE_LONG, [type, v.jsClassName, value]);
className = v.jsClassName;
if (formatType == FTYPE_ARRAY)
return [type, className, value];
if (className)
return getMsg (MSN_FMT_VALUE_LONG, [type, v.className, value]);
return getMsg (MSN_FMT_VALUE_MED, [type, value]);
function setSourceFunctionMarks (url)
function XXXsetSourceFunctionMarks (url)
source = console._sources[url];
scriptArray = console._scripts[url];
@ -596,42 +561,6 @@ function setSourceFunctionMarks (url)
function loadSource (url, cb)
var observer = {
onComplete: function oncomplete (data, url, status) {
var ary = data.replace(/\t/g, console.prefs["sourcetext.tab.string"])
for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; ++i)
/* We use "new String" here so we can decorate the source line
* with attributes used while displaying the source, like
* "current line", and "breakpoint".
* The replace() strips control characters, including whatever
* line endings we just split() on.
ary[i] = new String(ary[i].replace(/[\0-\31]/g, ""));
console._sources[url] = ary;
cb(data, url, status);
var ex;
var src = loadURLNow(url);
observer.onComplete (src, url, Components.results.NS_OK);
catch (ex)
/* if we can't load it now, try to load it later */
loadURLAsync (url, observer);
function displayCallStack ()
for (i = 0; i < console.frames.length; ++i)
@ -653,7 +582,7 @@ function displayProperties (v)
function displaySource (url, line, contextLines)
function onSourceLoaded (data, url, status)
function onSourceLoaded (status)
if (status == Components.results.NS_OK)
displaySource (url, line, contextLines);
@ -661,19 +590,28 @@ function displaySource (url, line, contextLines)
display (getMsg(MSN_ERR_SOURCE_LOAD_FAILED, url), MT_ERROR);
if (!url)
var rec = console.scripts[url];
if (!rec)
var source = console._sources[url];
if (source)
if (rec.isLoaded)
for (var i = line - contextLines; i <= line + contextLines; ++i)
display (getMsg(MSN_SOURCE_LINE, [zeroPad (i, 3), source[i - 1]]),
i == line ? MT_STEP : MT_SOURCE);
if (i > 0 && i < rec.sourceText.length)
display (getMsg(MSN_SOURCE_LINE, [zeroPad (i, 3),
rec.sourceText[i - 1]]),
i == line ? MT_STEP : MT_SOURCE);
loadSource (url, onSourceLoaded);
rec.loadSource (onSourceLoaded);
function displayFrame (f, idx, showSource)
@ -701,129 +639,134 @@ function displayFrame (f, idx, showSource)
function getBreakpoint (fileName, line)
for (var b in console._breakpoints)
if (console._breakpoints[b].fileName == fileName &&
console._breakpoints[b].line == line)
return console._breakpoints[b];
return null;
return console.breakpoints.locateChildByFileLine (fileName, line);
function disableBreakpoint (fileName, line)
var bpr = console.breakpoints.locateChildByFileLine (fileName, line);
if (!bpr)
display (getMsg(MSN_ERR_BP_NODICE, [fileName, line]), MT_ERROR);
return 0;
return disableBreakpointByNumber (bpr.childIndex);
function disableBreakpointByNumber (number)
var bpr = console.breakpoints.childData[number];
if (!bpr)
display (getMsg(MSN_ERR_BP_NOINDEX, number, MT_ERROR));
return 0;
bpr.enabled = false;
display (getMsg(MSN_BP_DISABLED, [bpr.fileName, bpr.line,
function clearBreakpoint (fileName, line)
for (var b in console._breakpoints)
if (console._breakpoints[b].fileName == fileName &&
console._breakpoints[b].line == line)
return clearBreakpointByNumber (Number(b));
display (getMsg(MSN_ERR_BP_NODICE, [fileName, line]), MT_ERROR);
return 0;
var bpr = console.breakpoints.locateChildByFileLine (fileName, line);
if (!bpr)
display (getMsg(MSN_ERR_BP_NODICE, [fileName, line]), MT_ERROR);
return 0;
return clearBreakpointByNumber (bpr.childIndex);
function clearBreakpointByNumber (number)
var bp = console._breakpoints[number];
if (!bp)
var bpr = console.breakpoints.childData[number];
if (!bpr)
display (getMsg(MSN_ERR_BP_NOINDEX, idx, MT_ERROR));
display (getMsg(MSN_ERR_BP_NOINDEX, number, MT_ERROR));
return 0;
var matches = bp.length;
var fileName = bp.fileName;
var line = bp.line;
for (var i = 0; i < bp.length; ++i)
arrayRemoveAt (console._breakpoints, number);
bpr.enabled = false;
var fileName = bp.fileName;
var line = bp.line;
display (getMsg(MSN_BP_DISABLED, [fileName, line, matches]));
display (getMsg(MSN_BP_CLEARED, [bpr.fileName, bpr.line,
if (console._sources[fileName])
delete console._sources[fileName][line - 1].isBreakpoint;
var fileName = bpr.fileName;
var line = bpr.line;
var sourceRecord = console.scripts[fileName];
if (sourceRecord.isLoaded && sourceRecord.sourceText[line - 1])
function cb (data, url) {
delete console._sources[fileName][line - 1].isBreakpoint;
loadSource(fileName, cb);
delete sourceRecord.sourceText[line - 1].bpRecord;
if (console.sourceView.childData.fileName == fileName)
console.sourceView.outliner.invalidateRow (line - 1);
return matches;
return bpr.scriptMatches;
function setBreakpoint (fileName, line)
var ary = console._scripts[fileName];
var sourceRecord = console.scripts[fileName];
if (!ary)
if (!sourceRecord)
display (getMsg(MSN_ERR_NOSCRIPT, fileName), MT_ERROR);
return false;
return null;
var bpList = new Array();
var bpr = console.breakpoints.locateChildByFileLine (fileName, line);
if (bpr)
display (getMsg(MSN_BP_EXISTS, [fileName, line]), MT_INFO);
return null;
bpr = new BPRecord (fileName, line);
var ary = sourceRecord.childData;
var found = false;
for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; ++i)
if (ary[i].baseLineNumber <= line &&
ary[i].baseLineNumber + ary[i].lineExtent > line)
if (ary[i].containsLine(line) && ary[i].isLineExecutable(line))
var pc = ary[i].lineToPc(line);
bpList.push ({fileName: fileName, script: ary[i], line: line,
pc: pc});
found = true;
if (!bpList.length)
var matches = bpr.scriptMatches
if (!matches)
display (getMsg(MSN_ERR_BP_NOLINE, [fileName, line]), MT_ERROR);
return false;
return null;
bpList.fileName = fileName;
bpList.line = line;
display (getMsg(MSN_BP_CREATED, [fileName, line, bpList.length]));
if (bpList.length > 0)
if (sourceRecord.isLoaded && sourceRecord.sourceText[line - 1])
var found = false;
dd ("setting bp atom");
for (var b in console._breakpoints)
if (console._breakpoints[b].fileName == fileName &&
console._breakpoints[b].line == line)
console._breakpoints[b] = bpList;
found = true;
if (!found)
console._breakpoints.push (bpList);
sourceRecord.sourceText[line - 1].bpRecord = bpr;
if (console.sourceView.childData.fileName == fileName)
console.sourceView.outliner.invalidateRow (line - 1);
if (console._sources[fileName])
console._sources[fileName][line - 1].isBreakpoint = true;
function cb (data, url) {
console._sources[fileName][line - 1].isBreakpoint = true;
loadSource(fileName, cb);
return bpList;
console.breakpoints.appendChild (bpr);
display (getMsg(MSN_BP_CREATED, [fileName, line, matches]));
return bpr;
function isFutureBreakpoint (filePattern, line)
function XXXisFutureBreakpoint (filePattern, line)
for (var b in console._futureBreaks)
if (console._futureBreaks[b].filePattern == filePattern &&
console._futureBreaks[b].line == line)
for (var b in console.fbreaks.childData)
if (console.fbreaks.childData[b].filePattern == filePattern &&
console.fbreaks.childData[b].line == line)
return true;
@ -831,18 +774,19 @@ function isFutureBreakpoint (filePattern, line)
return false;
function setFutureBreakpoint (filePattern, line)
function XXXsetFutureBreakpoint (filePattern, line)
if (!isFutureBreakpoint(filePattern, line))
console._futureBreaks.push({filePattern: filePattern, line: line});
console.fbreaks.childData.appendChild (new FBreakRecord(filePattern,
display (getMsg(MSN_FBP_CREATED, [filePattern, line]));
return true;
function clearFutureBreakpoint (filePattern, line)
function XXXclearFutureBreakpoint (filePattern, line)
for (var i = 0; i < console._futureBreaks.length; ++i)
@ -858,14 +802,12 @@ function clearFutureBreakpoint (filePattern, line)
return false;
function clearFutureBreakpointByNumber (idx)
function XXXclearFutureBreakpointByNumber (idx)
var filePattern = console._futureBreaks[idx].filePattern;
var line = console._futureBreaks[idx].line;
arrayRemoveAt (console._futureBreaks, idx);
var filePattern = console.fbreaks.childData[idx].filePattern;
var line = console.freaks.childData[idx].line;
display (getMsg(MSN_FBP_DISABLED, [filePattern, line]));
return true;