Bug 319910 r=bryner Add bookmark function for redirect-aware bookmark status checking

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brettw%gmail.com 2006-02-28 17:53:16 +00:00
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Коммит a61d4c144f
5 изменённых файлов: 384 добавлений и 14 удалений

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@ -342,10 +342,23 @@ interface nsINavBookmarksService : nsISupports
boolean getFolderReadonly(in PRInt64 folder);
* Returns true if the given URI is in any bookmark folder.
* Returns true if the given URI is in any bookmark folder. If you want the
* results to be redirect-aware, use getBookmarkedURIFor()
boolean isBookmarked(in nsIURI uri);
* Used to see if the given URI is bookmarked, or any page that redirected to
* it is bookmarked. For example, if I bookmark "mozilla.org" by manually
* typing it in, and follow the bookmark, I will get redirected to
* "www.mozilla.org". Logically, this new page is also bookmarked. This
* function, if given "www.mozilla.org", will return the URI of the bookmark,
* in this case "mozilla.org".
* If there is no bookmarked page found, it will return NULL.
nsIURI getBookmarkedURIFor(in nsIURI uri);
* Returns the list of folder ids that contain the given URI.

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@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ nsNavBookmarks::Init()
nsNavHistory *history = History();
history->AddObserver(this, PR_FALSE); // allows us to notify on title changes
mozIStorageConnection *dbConn = DBConn();
mozStorageTransaction transaction(dbConn, PR_FALSE);
@ -255,6 +254,23 @@ nsNavBookmarks::Init()
// mDBGetRedirectDestinations
// input = page ID, time threshold; output = unique ID input has redirected to
rv = dbConn->CreateStatement(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(
"SELECT dest_v.page_id "
"FROM moz_historyvisit source_v "
"LEFT JOIN moz_historyvisit dest_v ON dest_v.from_visit = source_v.visit_id "
"WHERE source_v.page_id = ?1 "
"AND source_v.visit_date >= ?2 "
"AND (dest_v.visit_type = 5 OR dest_v.visit_type = 6) "
"GROUP BY dest_v.page_id"),
// must be last: This may cause bookmarks to be imported, which will exercise
// most of the bookmark system
// keywords
rv = dbConn->CreateStatement(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(
"SELECT k.keyword FROM moz_history h "
@ -272,7 +288,17 @@ nsNavBookmarks::Init()
rv = InitRoots();
return transaction.Commit();
rv = transaction.Commit();
// allows us to notify on title changes. MUST BE LAST so it is impossible
// to fail after this call, or the history service will have a reference to
// us and we won't go away.
history->AddObserver(this, PR_FALSE);
// DO NOT PUT STUFF HERE that can fail. See observer comment above.
return NS_OK;
struct RenumberItem {
@ -420,6 +446,222 @@ nsNavBookmarks::CreateRoot(mozIStorageStatement* aGetRootStatement,
return NS_OK;
// nsNavBookmarks::FillBookmarksHash
// This initializes the bookmarks hashtable that tells us which bookmark
// a given URI redirects to. This hashtable includes all URIs that
// redirect to bookmarks.
// This is called from the bookmark init function and so is wrapped
// in that transaction (for better performance).
nsresult rv;
PRBool hasMore;
// first init the hashtable
NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mBookmarksHash.Init(1024), NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
// first populate the table with all bookmarks
nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageStatement> statement;
rv = DBConn()->CreateStatement(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(
"SELECT h.id "
"FROM moz_bookmarks b "
"JOIN moz_history h ON b.item_child = h.id"),
while (NS_SUCCEEDED(statement->ExecuteStep(&hasMore)) && hasMore) {
PRInt64 pageID;
rv = statement->GetInt64(0, &pageID);
NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mBookmarksHash.Put(pageID, pageID), NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
// Find all pages h2 that have been redirected to from a bookmarked URI:
// bookmarked -> url (h1) url (h2)
// | ^
// . |
// visit (v1) -> destination visit (v2)
// This should catch most redirects, which are only one level. More levels of
// redirection will be handled separately.
rv = DBConn()->CreateStatement(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(
"SELECT v1.page_id, v2.page_id "
"FROM moz_bookmarks b "
"LEFT JOIN moz_historyvisit v1 on b.item_child = v1.page_id "
"LEFT JOIN moz_historyvisit v2 on v2.from_visit = v1.visit_id "
"WHERE v2.visit_type = 5 OR v2.visit_type = 6 " // perm. or temp. RDRs
"GROUP BY v2.page_id"),
while (NS_SUCCEEDED(statement->ExecuteStep(&hasMore)) && hasMore) {
PRInt64 fromId, toId;
statement->GetInt64(0, &fromId);
statement->GetInt64(1, &toId);
NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mBookmarksHash.Put(toId, fromId), NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
// handle redirects deeper than one level
rv = RecursiveAddBookmarkHash(fromId, toId, 0);
return NS_OK;
// nsNavBookmarks::AddBookmarkToHash
// Given a bookmark that was potentially added, this goes through all
// redirects that this page may have resulted in and adds them to our hash.
// Note that this takes the ID of the URL in the history system, which we
// generally have when calling this function and which makes it faster.
// For better performance, this call should be in a DB transaction.
// @see RecursiveAddBookmarkHash
nsNavBookmarks::AddBookmarkToHash(PRInt64 aBookmarkId, PRTime aMinTime)
// this function might be called before our hashtable is initialized (for
// example, on history import), just ignore these, we'll pick up the add when
// the hashtable is initialized later
if (! mBookmarksHash.IsInitialized())
return NS_OK;
if (! mBookmarksHash.Put(aBookmarkId, aBookmarkId))
return RecursiveAddBookmarkHash(aBookmarkId, aBookmarkId, aMinTime);
// nsNavBookmkars::RecursiveAddBookmarkHash
// Used to add a new level of redirect information to the bookmark hash.
// Given a source bookmark 'aBookmark' and 'aCurrentSouce' that has already
// been added to the hashtable, this will add all redirect destinations of
// 'aCurrentSort'. Will call itself recursively to walk down the chain.
// 'aMinTime' is the minimum time to consider visits from. Visits previous
// to this will not be considered. This allows the search to be much more
// efficient if you know something happened recently. Use 0 for the min time
// to search all history for redirects.
nsNavBookmarks::RecursiveAddBookmarkHash(PRInt64 aBookmarkID,
PRInt64 aCurrentSource,
PRTime aMinTime)
nsresult rv;
nsTArray<PRInt64> found;
// scope for the DB statement. The statement must be reset by the time we
// recursively call ourselves again, because our recursive call will use the
// same statement.
mozStorageStatementScoper scoper(mDBGetRedirectDestinations);
rv = mDBGetRedirectDestinations->BindInt64Parameter(0, aCurrentSource);
rv = mDBGetRedirectDestinations->BindInt64Parameter(1, aMinTime);
PRBool hasMore;
while (NS_SUCCEEDED(mDBGetRedirectDestinations->ExecuteStep(&hasMore)) &&
hasMore) {
// add this newly found redirect destination to the hashtable
PRInt64 curID;
rv = mDBGetRedirectDestinations->GetInt64(0, &curID);
// It is very important we ignore anything already in our hashtable. It
// is actually pretty common to get loops of redirects. For example,
// a restricted page will redirect you to a login page, which will
// redirect you to the restricted page again with the proper cookie.
PRInt64 alreadyExistingOne;
if (mBookmarksHash.Get(curID, &alreadyExistingOne))
if (! mBookmarksHash.Put(curID, aBookmarkID))
// save for recursion later
// recurse on each found item now that we're done with the statement
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < found.Length(); i ++) {
rv = RecursiveAddBookmarkHash(aBookmarkID, found[i], aMinTime);
return NS_OK;
// nsNavBookmarks::UpdateBookmarkHashOnRemove
// Call this when a bookmark is removed. It will see if the bookmark still
// exists anywhere in the system, and, if not, remove all references to it
// in the bookmark hashtable.
// The callback takes a pointer to what bookmark is being removed (as
// an Int64 history page ID) as the userArg and removes all redirect
// destinations that reference it.
RemoveBookmarkHashCallback(nsTrimInt64HashKey::KeyType aKey,
PRInt64& aBookmark, void* aUserArg)
const PRInt64* removeThisOne = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(const PRInt64*, aUserArg);
if (aBookmark == *removeThisOne)
nsNavBookmarks::UpdateBookmarkHashOnRemove(PRInt64 aBookmarkId)
// note we have to use the DB version here since the hashtable may be
// out-of-date
PRBool inDB;
nsresult rv = IsBookmarkedInDatabase(aBookmarkId, &inDB);
if (inDB)
return NS_OK; // bookmark still exists, don't need to update hashtable
// remove it
NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(void*, &aBookmarkId));
return NS_OK;
// nsNavBookmarks::IsBookmarkedInDatabase
// This checks to see if the specified URI is actually bookmarked, bypassing
// our hashtable. Normal IsBookmarked checks just use the hashtable.
nsNavBookmarks::IsBookmarkedInDatabase(PRInt64 aBookmarkID,
PRBool *aIsBookmarked)
// we'll just select position since it's just an int32 and may be faster.
// We don't actually care about the data, just whether there is any.
nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageStatement> statement;
nsresult rv = DBConn()->CreateStatement(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(
"SELECT position FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE item_child = ?1"),
rv = statement->BindInt64Parameter(0, aBookmarkID);
return statement->ExecuteStep(aIsBookmarked);
nsNavBookmarks::AdjustIndices(PRInt64 aFolder,
PRInt32 aStartIndex, PRInt32 aEndIndex,
@ -592,6 +834,8 @@ nsNavBookmarks::InsertItem(PRInt64 aFolder, nsIURI *aItem, PRInt32 aIndex)
rv = transaction.Commit();
AddBookmarkToHash(childID, 0);
ENUMERATE_WEAKARRAY(mObservers, nsINavBookmarkObserver,
OnItemAdded(aItem, aFolder, index))
@ -643,6 +887,9 @@ nsNavBookmarks::RemoveItem(PRInt64 aFolder, nsIURI *aItem)
rv = transaction.Commit();
rv = UpdateBookmarkHashOnRemove(childID);
ENUMERATE_WEAKARRAY(mObservers, nsINavBookmarkObserver,
OnItemRemoved(aItem, aFolder, childIndex))
@ -1440,16 +1687,74 @@ nsNavBookmarks::FolderCount(PRInt64 aFolder)
nsNavBookmarks::IsBookmarked(nsIURI *aURI, PRBool *aBookmarked)
*aBookmarked = PR_FALSE;
nsNavHistory* history = History();
mozStorageStatementScoper scope(mDBFindURIBookmarks);
nsresult rv = BindStatementURI(mDBFindURIBookmarks, 0, aURI);
// convert the URL to an ID
PRInt64 urlID;
nsresult rv = history->GetUrlIdFor(aURI, &urlID, PR_FALSE);
if (! urlID) {
// never seen this before, not even in history
*aBookmarked = PR_FALSE;
return NS_OK;
rv = mDBFindURIBookmarks->ExecuteStep(aBookmarked);
PRInt64 bookmarkedID;
PRBool foundOne = mBookmarksHash.Get(urlID, &bookmarkedID);
// IsBookmarked only tests if this exact URI is bookmarked, so we need to
// check that the destination matches
if (foundOne)
*aBookmarked = (urlID == bookmarkedID);
*aBookmarked = PR_FALSE;
#ifdef DEBUG
// sanity check for the bookmark hashtable
PRBool realBookmarked;
rv = IsBookmarkedInDatabase(urlID, &realBookmarked);
NS_ASSERTION(realBookmarked == *aBookmarked,
"Bookmark hash table out-of-sync with the database");
return NS_OK;
nsNavBookmarks::GetBookmarkedURIFor(nsIURI* aURI, nsIURI** _retval)
*_retval = nsnull;
nsNavHistory* history = History();
// convert the URL to an ID
PRInt64 urlID;
nsresult rv = history->GetUrlIdFor(aURI, &urlID, PR_FALSE);
if (! urlID) {
// never seen this before, not even in history, leave result NULL
return NS_OK;
PRInt64 bookmarkID;
if (mBookmarksHash.Get(urlID, &bookmarkID)) {
// found one, convert ID back to URL. This statement is NOT refcounted
mozIStorageStatement* statement = history->DBGetIdPageInfo();
mozStorageStatementScoper scoper(statement);
rv = statement->BindInt64Parameter(0, bookmarkID);
PRBool hasMore;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(statement->ExecuteStep(&hasMore)) && hasMore) {
nsCAutoString spec;
statement->GetUTF8String(nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_URL, spec);
return NS_NewURI(_retval, spec);
return NS_OK;

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@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
#include "nsINavBookmarksService.h"
#include "nsIStringBundle.h"
#include "nsNavHistory.h"
#include "nsNavHistoryResult.h" // need for Int64 hashtable
#include "nsBrowserCompsCID.h"
class nsNavBookmarks : public nsINavBookmarksService,
@ -65,6 +66,8 @@ public:
return sInstance;
nsresult AddBookmarkToHash(PRInt64 aBookmarkId, PRTime aMinTime);
nsresult ResultNodeForFolder(PRInt64 aID, nsNavHistoryQueryOptions *aOptions,
nsNavHistoryResultNode **aNode);
@ -118,6 +121,15 @@ private:
// be committed when our batch level reaches 0 again.
PRBool mBatchHasTransaction;
// This stores a mapping from all pages reachable by redirects from bookmarked
// pages to the bookmarked page. Used by GetBookmarkedURIFor.
nsDataHashtable<nsTrimInt64HashKey, PRInt64> mBookmarksHash;
nsresult FillBookmarksHash();
nsresult RecursiveAddBookmarkHash(PRInt64 aBookmarkId, PRInt64 aCurrentSource,
PRTime aMinTime);
nsresult UpdateBookmarkHashOnRemove(PRInt64 aBookmarkId);
nsresult IsBookmarkedInDatabase(PRInt64 aBookmarkID, PRBool* aIsBookmarked);
nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageStatement> mDBGetFolderInfo; // kGetFolderInfoIndex_* results
nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageStatement> mDBGetChildren; // kGetInfoIndex_* results + kGetChildrenIndex_* results
@ -138,6 +150,8 @@ private:
nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageStatement> mDBIndexOfFolder;
nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageStatement> mDBGetChildAt;
nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageStatement> mDBGetRedirectDestinations;
// keywords
nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageStatement> mDBGetKeywordForURI;
nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageStatement> mDBGetURIForKeyword;

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@ -82,6 +82,10 @@
// This is 15 minutes m s/m us/s
#define RECENT_EVENT_THRESHOLD (15 * 60 * 1000000)
// Microseconds ago to look for redirects when updating bookmarks. Used to
// compute the threshold for nsNavBookmarks::AddBookmarkToHash
#define BOOKMARK_REDIRECT_TIME_THRESHOLD (2 * 60 * 100000)
// The maximum number of things that we will store in the recent events list
// before calling ExpireNonrecentEvents. This number should be big enough so it
// is very difficult to get that many unconsumed events (for example, typed but
@ -2360,11 +2364,30 @@ nsNavHistory::AddURI(nsIURI *aURI, PRBool aRedirect,
mozStorageTransaction transaction(mDBConn, PR_FALSE);
PRInt64 redirectBookmark = 0;
PRInt64 visitID, sessionID;
nsresult rv = AddVisitChain(aURI, aToplevel, aRedirect, aReferrer,
&visitID, &sessionID);
&visitID, &sessionID, &redirectBookmark);
// The bookmark cache of redirects may be out-of-date with this addition, so
// we need to update it. The issue here is if they bookmark "mozilla.org" by
// typing it in without ever having visited "www.mozilla.org". They will then
// get redirected to the latter, and we need to add mozilla.org ->
// www.mozilla.org to the bookmark hashtable.
// AddVisitChain will put the spec of a bookmarked URI if it encounters one
// into bookmarkURI. If this is non-empty, we know that something has happened
// with a bookmark and we should probably go update it.
if (redirectBookmark) {
nsNavBookmarks* bookmarkService = nsNavBookmarks::GetBookmarksService();
if (bookmarkService) {
PRTime now = GetNow();
return NS_OK;
@ -2383,11 +2406,17 @@ nsNavHistory::AddURI(nsIURI *aURI, PRBool aRedirect,
// save them in mRecentRedirects. This function will add all of them for a
// given destination page when that page is actually visited.)
// See GetRedirectFor for more information about how redirects work.
// aRedirectBookmark should be empty when this function is first called. If
// there are any redirects that are bookmarks the specs will be placed in
// this buffer. The caller can then determine if any bookmarked items were
// visited so it knows whether to update the bookmark service's redirect
// hashtable.
nsNavHistory::AddVisitChain(nsIURI* aURI, PRBool aToplevel, PRBool aIsRedirect,
nsIURI* aReferrer, PRInt64* aVisitID,
PRInt64* aSessionID)
PRInt64* aSessionID, PRInt64* aRedirectBookmark)
PRUint32 transitionType = 0;
PRInt64 referringVisit = 0;
@ -2400,13 +2429,22 @@ nsNavHistory::AddVisitChain(nsIURI* aURI, PRBool aToplevel, PRBool aIsRedirect,
nsCAutoString redirectSource;
if (GetRedirectFor(spec, redirectSource, &visitTime, &transitionType)) {
// this was a redirect: See GetRedirectFor for info on how this works
// Find the visit for the source
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> redirectURI;
rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(redirectURI), redirectSource);
// remember if any redirect sources were bookmarked
nsNavBookmarks* bookmarkService = nsNavBookmarks::GetBookmarksService();
PRBool isBookmarked;
if (bookmarkService &&
NS_SUCCEEDED(bookmarkService->IsBookmarked(redirectURI, &isBookmarked))
&& isBookmarked) {
GetUrlIdFor(redirectURI, aRedirectBookmark, PR_FALSE);
// Find the visit for the source
rv = AddVisitChain(redirectURI, aToplevel, PR_TRUE, aReferrer,
&referringVisit, aSessionID);
&referringVisit, aSessionID, aRedirectBookmark);
} else if (aReferrer) {

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@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ protected:
nsresult AddVisitChain(nsIURI* aURI, PRBool aToplevel, PRBool aRedirect,
nsIURI* aReferrer, PRInt64* aVisitID,
PRInt64* aSessionID);
PRInt64* aSessionID, PRInt64* aRedirectBookmark);
nsresult InternalAddNewPage(nsIURI* aURI, PRBool aHidden, PRBool aTyped,
PRInt32 aVisitCount, PRInt64* aPageID);
nsresult InternalAddVisit(PRInt64 aPageID, PRInt64 aReferringVisit,