зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Merge 8 changesets from cvs-trunk-mirror to mozilla-central. Use (hg log -r b60aee4a61a6:e70e05d8eda2) to see them.
This commit is contained in:
@ -66,14 +66,14 @@ var BUGNUMBER="10278";
writeHeaderToLog( SECTION + " "+ TITLE);
var result = "fail";
var result = "pass";
var exception = "no exception thrown";
try {
eval("function f(){}function g(){}");
} catch ( e ) {
result = "pass"
exception = e.toString();
result = "fail";
exception = e.toString();
new TestCase(
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
# invalidated by bug 10278
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
# invalidated by bug 10278
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<RDF:Description RDF:about="rdf:#$QJqvE"
<RDF:Description RDF:about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest"
@ -49,7 +49,8 @@
__author__ = 'annie.sullivan@gmail.com (Annie Sullivan)'
import subprocess
import sys
import os
import time
import threading
@ -98,10 +99,23 @@ def GetCpuTime(pid, sampleTime=1):
# return all zeros on this platform as per the 7/18/07 perf meeting
return 0
def GetXRes(pid):
"""Returns the total bytes used by X"""
cmdline = "xrestop -m 1 -b | grep -A 15 " + str(pid) + " | tr -d \"\n\" | sed \"s/.*total bytes.*: ~//g\""
pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, shell=True, stdout=-1).stdout
data = pipe.read()
return data
print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()
return -1
counterDict = {}
counterDict["Private Bytes"] = GetPrivateBytes
counterDict["RSS"] = GetResidentSize
counterDict["% Processor Time"] = GetCpuTime
counterDict["XRes"] = GetXRes
class CounterManager(threading.Thread):
"""This class manages the monitoring of a process with any number of
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
# This recipe is covered under the Python license: http://www.python.org/license
import httplib, mimetypes, urllib2
from socket import error, herror, gaierror, timeout
def link_exists(host, selector):
@ -14,8 +15,9 @@ def link_exists(host, selector):
site = urllib2.urlopen("http://" + host + selector)
meta = site.info()
except urllib2.URLError:
print "FAIL: http://" + host + selector + " raises URLError (check if link exists)"
except urllib2.URLError, e:
print "FAIL: graph server does not resolve"
print "FAIL: " + str(e.reason)
return 0
return 1
@ -26,15 +28,23 @@ def post_multipart(host, selector, fields, files):
files is a sequence of (name, filename, value) elements for data to be uploaded as files
Return the server's response page.
content_type, body = encode_multipart_formdata(fields, files)
h = httplib.HTTP(host)
h.putrequest('POST', selector)
h.putheader('content-type', content_type)
h.putheader('content-length', str(len(body)))
errcode, errmsg, headers = h.getreply()
return h.file.read()
content_type, body = encode_multipart_formdata(fields, files)
h = httplib.HTTP(host)
h.putrequest('POST', selector)
h.putheader('content-type', content_type)
h.putheader('content-length', str(len(body)))
errcode, errmsg, headers = h.getreply()
return h.file.read()
except (httplib.HTTPException, error, herror, gaierror, timeout), e:
print "FAIL: graph server unreachable"
print "FAIL: " + str(e)
print "FAIL: graph server unreachable"
def encode_multipart_formdata(fields, files):
@ -130,13 +130,11 @@ def send_to_csv(csv_dir, results):
def post_chunk(results_server, results_link, id, filename):
tmpf = open(filename, "r")
file_data = tmpf.read()
while True:
ret = post_file.post_multipart(results_server, results_link, [("key", "value")], [("filename", filename, file_data)])
except IOError:
print "FAIL: IOError on sending data to the graph server"
ret = post_file.post_multipart(results_server, results_link, [("key", "value")], [("filename", filename, file_data)])
print "FAIL: error in post data"
links = process_Request(ret)
utils.debug(id + ": sent results")
return links
@ -285,7 +283,7 @@ def test_file(filename):
results_link = yaml_config[item]
if (results_link != results_server != ''):
if not post_file.link_exists(results_server, results_link):
browser_config = {'preferences' : yaml_config['preferences'],
'extensions' : yaml_config['extensions'],
'firefox' : yaml_config['firefox'],
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# 3.0b5 linux
release="3.0b5" product="Firefox" platform="Linux_x86-gcc3" build_id="2008032619" locales="af ar be ca cs da de el en-GB en-US es-AR es-ES eu fi fr fy-NL gu-IN he hu id it ja ka ko ku lt mk mn nb-NO nl nn-NO pa-IN pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru sk sq sr sv-SE tr uk zh-CN zh-TW" channel="betatest" from="/firefox/releases/3.0b5/linux-i686/%locale%/firefox-3.0b5.tar.bz2" aus_server="https://aus2.mozilla.org" ftp_server="stage-old.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org" to="/firefox/nightly/3.0rc1-candidates/build1/firefox-3.0.%locale%.linux-i686.tar.bz2"
# 3.0b4 linux
release="3.0b4" product="Firefox" platform="Linux_x86-gcc3" build_id="2008030318" locales="ar be ca cs da de el en-GB en-US es-AR es-ES eu fi fr fy-NL ga-IE gu-IN he hu it ja ka ko lt mk nb-NO nl pa-IN pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru sk sq sv-SE tr uk zh-CN zh-TW" channel="betatest" from="/firefox/releases/3.0b4/linux-i686/%locale%/firefox-3.0b4.tar.bz2" aus_server="https://aus2.mozilla.org" ftp_server="stage-old.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org" to="/firefox/nightly/3.0b5-candidates/rc2/firefox-3.0b5.%locale%.linux-i686.tar.bz2"
release="3.0b4" product="Firefox" platform="Linux_x86-gcc3" build_id="2008030318" locales="ar be ca cs da de el en-GB en-US es-AR es-ES eu fi fr fy-NL ga-IE gu-IN he hu it ja ka ko lt mk nb-NO nl pa-IN pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru sk sq sv-SE tr uk zh-CN zh-TW" channel="betatest"
# 3.0b3 linux
release="3.0b3" product="Firefox" platform="Linux_x86-gcc3" build_id="2008020513" locales="ar be ca cs de en-US es-ES eu fi fr fy-NL ga-IE gu-IN he hu it ja ka ko lt nb-NO nl pa-IN pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru sk sv-SE tr uk zh-CN zh-TW" channel="betatest"
# 3.0b2 linux
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# 3.0b5 macosx
release="3.0b5" product="Firefox" platform="Darwin_Universal-gcc3" build_id="2008032619" locales="af be ca cs da de el en-GB en-US es-AR es-ES eu fi fr fy-NL gu-IN hu id it ja-JP-mac ka ko ku lt mk mn nb-NO nl nn-NO pa-IN pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru sk sq sr sv-SE tr uk zh-CN zh-TW" channel="betatest" from="/firefox/releases/3.0b5/mac/%locale%/Firefox 3.0 Beta 5.dmg" aus_server="https://aus2.mozilla.org" ftp_server="stage-old.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org" to="/firefox/nightly/3.0rc1-candidates/build1/firefox-3.0.%locale%.mac.dmg"
# 3.0b4 macosx
release="3.0b4" product="Firefox" platform="Darwin_Universal-gcc3" build_id="2008030317" locales="ar be ca cs da de el en-GB en-US es-AR es-ES eu fi fr fy-NL ga-IE gu-IN he hu it ja-JP-mac ka ko lt mk nb-NO nl pa-IN pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru sk sq sv-SE tr uk zh-CN zh-TW" channel="betatest" from="/firefox/releases/3.0b4/mac/%locale%/Firefox 3.0 Beta 4.dmg" aus_server="https://aus2.mozilla.org" ftp_server="stage-old.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org" to="/firefox/nightly/3.0b5-candidates/rc2/firefox-3.0b5.%locale%.mac.dmg"
release="3.0b4" product="Firefox" platform="Darwin_Universal-gcc3" build_id="2008030317" locales="ar be ca cs da de el en-GB en-US es-AR es-ES eu fi fr fy-NL ga-IE gu-IN he hu it ja-JP-mac ka ko lt mk nb-NO nl pa-IN pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru sk sq sv-SE tr uk zh-CN zh-TW" channel="betatest"
# 3.0b3 macosx
release="3.0b3" product="Firefox" platform="Darwin_Universal-gcc3" build_id="2008020511" locales="ar be ca cs de en-US es-ES eu fi fr fy-NL ga-IE gu-IN he hu it ja-JP-mac ka ko lt nb-NO nl pa-IN pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru sk sv-SE tr uk zh-CN zh-TW" channel="betatest"
# 3.0b2 macosx
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# 3.0b5 win32
release="3.0b5" product="Firefox" platform="WINNT_x86-msvc" build_id="2008032620" locales="af ar be ca cs da de el en-GB en-US es-AR es-ES eu fi fr fy-NL gu-IN he hu id it ja ka ko ku lt mk mn nb-NO nl nn-NO pa-IN pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru sk sq sr sv-SE tr uk zh-CN zh-TW" channel="betatest" from="/firefox/releases/3.0b5/win32/%locale%/Firefox Setup 3.0 Beta 5.exe" aus_server="https://aus2.mozilla.org" ftp_server="stage-old.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org" to="/firefox/nightly/3.0rc1-candidates/build1/firefox-3.0.%locale%.win32.installer.exe"
# 3.0b4 win32
release="3.0b4" product="Firefox" platform="WINNT_x86-msvc" build_id="2008030714" locales="ar be ca cs da de el en-GB en-US es-AR es-ES eu fi fr fy-NL ga-IE gu-IN he hu it ja ka ko lt mk nb-NO nl pa-IN pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru sk sq sv-SE tr uk zh-CN zh-TW" channel="betatest" from="/firefox/releases/3.0b4/win32/%locale%/Firefox Setup 3.0 Beta 4.exe" aus_server="https://aus2.mozilla.org" ftp_server="stage-old.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org" to="/firefox/nightly/3.0b5-candidates/rc2/firefox-3.0b5.%locale%.win32.installer.exe"
release="3.0b4" product="Firefox" platform="WINNT_x86-msvc" build_id="2008030714" locales="ar be ca cs da de el en-GB en-US es-AR es-ES eu fi fr fy-NL ga-IE gu-IN he hu it ja ka ko lt mk nb-NO nl pa-IN pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru sk sq sv-SE tr uk zh-CN zh-TW" channel="betatest"
# 3.0b3 win32
release="3.0b3" product="Firefox" platform="WINNT_x86-msvc" build_id="2008020514" locales="ar be ca cs de en-US es-ES eu fi fr fy-NL ga-IE gu-IN he hu it ja ka ko lt nb-NO nl pa-IN pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru sk sv-SE tr uk zh-CN zh-TW" channel="betatest"
# 3.0b2 win32
@ -149,28 +149,28 @@
<!-- option for filling the textbox with the best match while typing
and selecting the difference -->
<property name="autoFill"
onset="this.setAttribute('autoFill', val); return val;"
onget="return this.getAttribute('autoFill') == 'true';"/>
onset="this.setAttribute('autofill', val); return val;"
onget="return this.getAttribute('autofill') == 'true';"/>
<!-- if the resulting match string is not at the beginning of the typed string,
this will optionally autofill like this "bar |>> foobar|" -->
<property name="autoFillAfterMatch"
onset="this.setAttribute('autoFillAfterMatch', val); return val;"
onget="return this.getAttribute('autoFillAfterMatch') == 'true';"/>
onset="this.setAttribute('autofillaftermatch', val); return val;"
onget="return this.getAttribute('autofillaftermatch') == 'true';"/>
<!-- if this attribute is set, allow different style for
non auto-completed lines -->
<property name="highlightNonMatches"
onset="this.setAttribute('highlightNonMatches', val); return val;"
onget="return this.getAttribute('highlightNonMatches') == 'true';"/>
onset="this.setAttribute('highlightnonmatches', val); return val;"
onget="return this.getAttribute('highlightnonmatches') == 'true';"/>
<!-- toggles a second column in the results list which contains
the string in the comment field of each autocomplete result -->
<property name="showCommentColumn"
onget="return this.getAttribute('showCommentColumn') == 'true';">
onget="return this.getAttribute('showcommentcolumn') == 'true';">
this.resultsPopup.showCommentColumn = val;
this.setAttribute('showCommentColumn', val); return val;
this.setAttribute('showcommentcolumn', val); return val;
@ -178,8 +178,8 @@
<!-- option for completing to the default result whenever the user hits
enter or the textbox loses focus -->
<property name="forceComplete"
onset="this.setAttribute('forceComplete', val); return val;"
onget="return this.getAttribute('forceComplete') == 'true';"/>
onset="this.setAttribute('forcecomplete', val); return val;"
onget="return this.getAttribute('forcecomplete') == 'true';"/>
<!-- option to show the popup containing the results -->
<property name="showPopup"
@ -189,13 +189,13 @@
<!-- option to allow scrolling through the list via the tab key, rather than
tab moving focus out of the textbox -->
<property name="tabScrolling"
onset="return this.setAttribute('tabScrolling', val); return val;"
onget="return this.getAttribute('tabScrolling') == 'true';"/>
onset="return this.setAttribute('tabscrolling', val); return val;"
onget="return this.getAttribute('tabscrolling') == 'true';"/>
<!-- option to turn off autocomplete -->
<property name="disableAutocomplete"
onset="this.setAttribute('disableAutocomplete', val); return val;"
onget="return this.getAttribute('disableAutocomplete') == 'true';"/>
<property name="disableAutoComplete"
onset="this.setAttribute('disableautocomplete', val); return val;"
onget="return this.getAttribute('disableautocomplete') == 'true';"/>
<!-- option to completely ignore any blur events while
searches are still going on. This is useful so that nothing
@ -204,12 +204,12 @@
brought up so that the user can enter a password to authenticate
to an LDAP server). -->
<property name="ignoreBlurWhileSearching"
onset="this.setAttribute('ignoreBlurWhileSearching', val); return val;"
onget="return this.getAttribute('ignoreBlurWhileSearching') == 'true';"/>
onset="this.setAttribute('ignoreblurwhilesearching', val); return val;"
onget="return this.getAttribute('ignoreblurwhilesearching') == 'true';"/>
<property name="minResultsForPopup"
onset="this.setAttribute('minResultsForPopup', val); return val;"
onget="var t = this.getAttribute('minResultsForPopup'); return t ? parseInt(t) : 1;"/>
onset="this.setAttribute('minresultsforpopup', val); return val;"
onget="var t = this.getAttribute('minresultsforpopup'); return t ? parseInt(t) : 1;"/>
<!-- state which indicates the current action being performed by the user.
Possible values are : none, typing, scrolling -->
@ -558,7 +558,7 @@
if (me.disableAutocomplete)
if (me.disableAutoComplete)
switch (aAction) {
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@
<parameter name="aResults"/>
<parameter name="aStatus"/>
if (this.disableAutocomplete)
if (this.disableAutoComplete)
@ -747,7 +747,7 @@
this.mFinishAfterSearch = false;
this.mFireAfterSearch = false;
if (this.mNeedToFinish && !this.disableAutocomplete) {
if (this.mNeedToFinish && !this.disableAutoComplete) {
// set textbox value to either override value, or default search result
var val = this.resultsPopup.overrideValue;
if (val) {
@ -899,7 +899,7 @@
if (this.ignoreInputEvent)
if (this.disableAutocomplete)
if (this.disableAutoComplete)
this.userAction = "typing";
Ссылка в новой задаче