зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
support new services service (rework auth dance)
This commit is contained in:
@ -132,6 +132,18 @@ BookmarksSyncService.prototype = {
// DAVCollection object
_dav: null,
__encrypter: {},
__encrypterLoaded: false,
get _encrypter() {
if (!this.__encrypterLoaded) {
let jsLoader = Cc["@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"].
jsLoader.loadSubScript("chrome://sync/content/encrypt.js", this.__encrypter);
this.__encrypterLoaded = true;
return this.__encrypter;
// Last synced tree, version, and GUID (to detect if the store has
// been completely replaced and invalidate the snapshot)
_snapshot: {},
@ -150,21 +162,74 @@ BookmarksSyncService.prototype = {
this.__snapshotGUID = GUID;
get username() {
let branch = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
return branch.getCharPref("browser.places.sync.username");
set username(value) {
let branch = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
return branch.setCharPref("browser.places.sync.username", value);
get password() {
// fixme: make a request and get the realm
let password;
let lm = Cc["@mozilla.org/login-manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsILoginManager);
let logins = lm.findLogins({}, makeURI(this._serverURL).hostPort, null,
'services.mozilla.com - proxy');
for (let i = 0; i < logins.length; i++) {
if (logins[i].username == this.username) {
password = logins[i].password;
return password;
get userPath() {
this._log.info("Hashing username " + this.username);
let converter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"].
converter.charset = "UTF-8";
let hasher = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/hash;1"]
let data = converter.convertToByteArray(this.username, {});
hasher.update(data, data.length);
let rawHash = hasher.finish(false);
// return the two-digit hexadecimal code for a byte
function toHexString(charCode) {
return ("0" + charCode.toString(16)).slice(-2);
let hash = [toHexString(rawHash.charCodeAt(i)) for (i in rawHash)].join("");
this._log.debug("Username hashes to " + hash);
return hash;
get currentUser() {
return this._dav.currentUser;
return this.username;
_init: function BSS__init() {
this._log.info("Bookmarks Sync Service Initializing");
let serverURL = 'https://services.mozilla.com/';
this._serverURL = 'https://services.mozilla.com/';
this._user = '';
let enabled = false;
let schedule = 0;
try {
let branch = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].
serverURL = branch.getCharPref("browser.places.sync.serverURL");
this._serverURL = branch.getCharPref("browser.places.sync.serverURL");
enabled = branch.getBoolPref("browser.places.sync.enabled");
schedule = branch.getIntPref("browser.places.sync.schedule");
@ -172,8 +237,7 @@ BookmarksSyncService.prototype = {
catch (ex) { /* use defaults */ }
this._log.info("Bookmarks login server: " + serverURL);
this._dav = new DAVCollection(serverURL);
this._dav = new DAVCollection();
if (!enabled) {
@ -1383,26 +1447,10 @@ BookmarksSyncService.prototype = {
this._log.warn("generator not properly closed");
_encrypt: function BSS__encrypt(string, passphrase) {
let koFactory = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/keyobjectfactory;1"].
let ko = koFactory.keyFromString(2, passphrase); // 2 is AES
let streamCipher = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/streamcipher;1"].
return streamCipher.finish(true);
_decrypt: function BSS__decrypt(string, passphrase) {
_onLogin: function BSS__onLogin(success) {
this._loginGen = null;
if (success) {
this._log.info("Bookmarks sync server: " + this._dav.userURL);
this._os.notifyObservers(null, "bookmarks-sync:login", "");
} else {
this._os.notifyObservers(null, "bookmarks-sync:login-error", "");
@ -1590,10 +1638,27 @@ BookmarksSyncService.prototype = {
this._log.warn("Login requested, but already logging in");
this._loggingIn = true;
this._log.info("Logging in");
if (!this.username) {
this._log.warn("No username set, login failed");
this._os.notifyObservers(null, "bookmarks-sync:login-error", "");
if (!this.password) {
this._log.warn("No password found in password manager");
this._os.notifyObservers(null, "bookmarks-sync:login-error", "");
this._loggingIn = true;
this._dav.baseURL = this._serverURL + "user/" + this.userPath + "/";
this._log.info("Using server URL: " + this._dav.baseURL);
let callback = bind2(this, this._onLogin);
this._loginGen = this._dav.login.async(this._dav, callback);
this._loginGen = this._dav.login.async(this._dav, callback,
this.username, this.password);
logout: function BSS_logout() {
@ -1677,7 +1742,7 @@ function continueGenerator(generator, data) {
if (e instanceof StopIteration)
dump("continueGenerator warning: generator stopped unexpectedly");
this._log.error("Exception caught: " + e.message);
dump("Exception caught: " + e.message);
@ -1735,7 +1800,6 @@ function xpath(xmlDoc, xpathString) {
function DAVCollection(baseURL) {
this._baseURL = baseURL;
this._userURL = baseURL;
this._authProvider = new DummyAuthProvider();
let logSvc = Cc["@mozilla.org/log4moz/service;1"].
@ -1752,7 +1816,7 @@ DAVCollection.prototype = {
__base64: {},
__vase64loaded: false,
__base64loaded: false,
get _base64() {
if (!this.__base64loaded) {
let jsLoader = Cc["@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"].
@ -1763,76 +1827,23 @@ DAVCollection.prototype = {
return this.__base64;
// FIXME: should we regen this each time to prevent it from staying in memory?
__auth: null,
get _auth() {
if (this.__auth)
return this.__auth;
try {
this._log.debug("Generating new authentication header");
this.__authURI = this._userURL;
let URI = makeURI(this._userURL);
let username = 'nobody@mozilla.com';
let password;
let branch = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].
username = branch.getCharPref("browser.places.sync.username");
if (!username) {
this._log.info("No username found in password mgr, can't generate auth header");
return null;
// fixme: make a request and get the realm
let lm = Cc["@mozilla.org/login-manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsILoginManager);
let logins = lm.findLogins({}, URI.hostPort, null,
for (let i = 0; i < logins.length; i++) {
if (logins[i].username == username) {
password = logins[i].password;
if (!password) {
this._log.info("No password found in password mgr, can't generate auth header");
return null;
this.__auth = "Basic " +
this._base64.Base64.encode(username + ":" + password);
} catch (e) {}
return this.__auth;
_auth: null,
get baseURL() {
return this._baseURL;
get userURL() {
return this._userURL;
set baseURL(value) {
this._baseURL = value;
_loggedIn: false,
_currentUserPath: "nobody",
_currentUser: "nobody@mozilla.com",
get currentUser() {
return this._currentUser;
_makeRequest: function DC__makeRequest(onComplete, op, path, headers, data) {
let cont = yield;
let ret;
try {
this._log.debug("Creating " + op + " request for " + this._userURL + path);
this._log.debug("Creating " + op + " request for " + this._baseURL + path);
let request = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"].createInstance();
request = request.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMEventTarget);
@ -1840,7 +1851,7 @@ DAVCollection.prototype = {
request.addEventListener("load", new EventListener(cont, "load"), false);
request.addEventListener("error", new EventListener(cont, "error"), false);
request = request.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest);
request.open(op, this._userURL + path, true);
request.open(op, this._baseURL + path, true);
// Force cache validation
@ -1883,7 +1894,7 @@ DAVCollection.prototype = {
return {'Authorization': this._auth? this._auth : '',
'Content-type': 'text/plain',
'If': this._token?
"<" + this._userURL + "> (<" + this._token + ">)" : ''};
"<" + this._baseURL + "> (<" + this._token + ">)" : ''};
GET: function DC_GET(path, onComplete) {
@ -1925,7 +1936,7 @@ DAVCollection.prototype = {
// Login / Logout
login: function DC_login(onComplete) {
login: function DC_login(onComplete, username, password) {
let cont = yield;
try {
@ -1936,25 +1947,18 @@ DAVCollection.prototype = {
this._log.info("Logging in");
this._userURL = this._baseURL; // for createAcct.php
let URI = makeURI(this._baseURL);
this._auth = "Basic " +
this._base64.Base64.encode(username + ":" + password);
// This ensures the auth header is correct, and it doubles as an
// account creation request
let gen = this.GET("createAcct.php", cont);
// Make a call to make sure it's working
let gen = this.GET("", cont);
let resp = yield;
if (this._authProvider._authFailed || resp.status < 200 || resp.status >= 300)
throw 'close generator';
let branch = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].
this._currentUser = branch.getCharPref("browser.places.sync.username");
// FIXME: hack
let path = this._currentUser.split("@");
this._currentUserPath = path[0];
this._userURL = this._baseURL + "user/" + this._currentUserPath + "/";
this._loggedIn = true;
} catch (e) {
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