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@ -0,0 +1,709 @@
<title>Browser side Pluglet API tests description</title>
<body bgcolor=White>
<B>Browser side Pluglet API tests description.</B>
(first draft,30 November 1999)
<A href=#1.>1.</A> Methods of interface PlugletManager:
<A href=#1.1>1.1</A> getURL
<!-- <A href=#1.2>1.2</A> getValue -->
<A href=#1.3>1.3</A> postURL
<A href=#1.4>1.4</A> reloadPluglets
<A href=#1.5>1.5</A> userAgent
<A href=#2.>2.</A> Methods of interface PlugletPeer:
<A href=#2.1>2.1</A> getMIMEType
<A href=#2.2>2.2</A> getMode
<A href=#2.3>2.3</A> getTagInfo
<A href=#2.4>2.4</A> getValue
<A href=#2.5>2.5</A> newStream
<A href=#2.6>2.6</A> setWindowSize
<A href=#2.7>2.7</A> showStatus
<A href=#3.>3.</A> Methods of interface PlugletStreamInfo:
<A href=#3.1>3.1</A> getContentType
<A href=#3.2>3.2</A> getLastModified
<A href=#3.3>3.3</A> getLength
<A href=#3.4>3.4</A> getURL
<A href=#3.5>3.5</A> isSeekable
<A href=#3.6>3.6</A> requestRead
<A href=#4.>4.</A> Methods of interface PlugletTagInfo:
<A href=#4.2>4.2</A> getAttribute
<A href=#4.3>4.3</A> getAttributes
<A href=#5.>5.</A> Methods of interface PlugletTagInfo2:
<A href=#5.1>5.1</A> getAlignment
<A href=#5.2>5.2</A> getAttribute
<A href=#5.3>5.3</A> getAttributes
<A href=#5.4>5.4</A> getBorderHorizSpace
<A href=#5.5>5.5</A> getBorderVertSpace
<A href=#5.6>5.6</A> getDocumentBase
<A href=#5.7>5.7</A> getDocumentEncoding
<A href=#5.8>5.8</A> getHeight
<A href=#5.9>5.9</A> getTagText
<A href=#5.10>5.10</A> getTagType
<A href=#5.11>5.11</A> getUniqueID
<A href=#5.12>5.12</A> getWidth
<A name=1.>1. Methods of PlugletManager interface
<A name=1.1>1.1 Tests for method getURL of PlugletManager interface.
Method description:
Via this method pluglet can request any URL
and paint it on browser window or fetch it self.
Method's state: doesn't work(Pluglet's plugin code doesn't exist)
Test IDs: basic/api/PlugletManager_getURL:n (where n integer, see BWTest.lst.ORIG for it values)
Test Directory: PlugletManager_getURL
Recent files:
See ParamCombinations and TestParameters
for argument's values.
Check result:
Possible a good way to do it
is JavaScript, well received and rendered page can
say pluglet:"All OK :)"
Now test just iterate a set of arguments and call method.
JNI realization of this method is not yet implemented,
so can't check results of it execution.
<A name=1.3>1.3 Tests for method postURL of PlugletManager interface.
Method description:
This method used for post some data and get browser's answer.
Method's state: doesn't work
Test IDs: basic/api/PlugletManager_postURL:n (where n integer, see BWTest.lst.ORIG for it values)
Test Directory: PlugletManager_postURL
Recent files:
See ParamCombinations and TestParameters
for argument's values.
Check result:
Not implemented.Possible a good way to do it is CGI script
for receive and check posted data and generate valid answer.
Now test just iterate a set of arguments and call method.
JNI realization of this method is not yet implemented,
so can't check results of it execution.
<A name=1.4>1.4 Tests for method reloadPluglets of PlugletManager interface.
Method description:
Via this method pluglet can request browser
to reload pluglets from disk, so if new pluglet
jars available in the pluglets location dir, new
mime types should be handled successfully.
Method's state: doesn't work
Test IDs: basic/api/PlugletManager_reloadPluglets:n (where n integer, see BWTest.lst.ORIG for it values)
Test Directory: PlugletManager_reloadPluglets
Recent files:
See ParamCombinations and TestParameters
for argument's values.
Check result:
From current point of view a good way to check such
behavior is verify output from second pluglet.
Now this test used 2 pluglets main and second,
second pluglet located in test dir, SecondPluglet.jar
and copied to pluglets dir during test execution.
Also applet used to delete a SecondPluglet.jar from pluglet's dir
(it can appear here from previous tests).
1.First page with DelApp delete SecondPluglet.jar from pluglet's dir
and load page with test pluglet.
2.TestPluglet copying SecondPluglet.jar to the pluglet's dir ,
call reloadPluglets method of PlugletManager and load page
with SecondPluglet.
3.If pluglets was successfully reloaded then SecondPluglet
initialized and say to test context:"All O
You must grant permissions for test and applet for copying and deletion
files on your filesystem.
NOTE:Check for page reloading should be added
<A name=1.5>1.5 Tests for method userAgent of PlugletManager interface.
Method description:
Via this method pluglet can access
to the current user agent name.
Method's state: Methods work correctly
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletManager_userAgent
Test Directory: PlugletManager_userAgent
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result:
JavaScript used to check result of this method execution.
JavaScript window.navigator.userAgent value transfered
to pluglet and compared with value, returned by method.
If values are equals then test PASSED.
Now static string used to indentify userAgent in
plugins and this string differen from window.navigator.userAgent
<A name=2.>2. Methods of PlugletPeer interface
<A name=2.1>2.1 Tests for method getMIMEType of PlugletPeer interface.
Method description:
Via this method pluglet can access to MIME type,
witch it was instantiated.
Method's state: work now.
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletPeer_getMIMEType
Test Directory: PlugletPeer_getMIMEType
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result:
MIME type value transfered to pluglet via JavaScript
and compared with returned by getMIMEType method.
If values are equals then test PASSED
Test for pluglet with multiple mime-types should be added.
<A name=2.2>2.2 Tests for method getMode of PlugletPeer interface.
Method description:
This method returns a pluglet mode,possible modes is
full page and embedded.
Method's state:
Method always return 1(corresponds to embedded pluglets)
Test IDs: basic/api/PlugletPeer_getMode
Test Directory: PlugletPeer_getMode
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result:
Expected value of instantiation mode pluglet read from TestProperties(located in test dir).
Expected value compared with returned by getMode method and if they are equals then
test PASSED.
Test for full page pluglets should be added.
<A name=2.3>2.3 Tests for method getTagInfo of PlugletPeer interface.
Method description:
This method return a PlugletTagInfo object.
Via this object pluglet can access to miscellaneous tag information.
Method's state: work
Test IDs: basic/api/PlugletPeer_getTagInfo:n (where n integer, see BWTest.lst.ORIG for it values)
Test Directory: PlugletPeer_getTagInfo
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result:
For verify results PlugletTagInfo.getAttribute method used.
Returned by getAttribute value compared with value, transfered to
pluglet via JavaScript and if they equals then test PASSED.
Now "type" attribute used to verify a validity of PlugletTagInfo object
<A name=2.4>2.4 Tests for method getValue of PlugletPeer interface.
Method description:
This method returns value of variable, associated
with PlugletPeer.
Method's state: doesn't work
Test IDs: basic/api/PlugletPeer_getValue:n (where n integer, see BWTest.lst.ORIG for it values)
Test Directory: PlugletPeer_getValue
Recent files:
See ParamCombinations and TestParameters
for argument's values.
Check result:
Method doesn't work, check not implemented
<A name=2.5>2.5 Tests for method newStream of PlugletPeer interface.
Method description:
This method used to create stream for transfer data from pluglet to browser,
browser should render, save, .. etc received data corresponding to data's MIME type.
Method's state: doesn't work
Test IDs: basic/api/PlugletPeer_newStream_0:n (where n integer, see BWTest.lst.ORIG for it values)
Test Directory: PlugletPeer_newStream_0
Recent files:
See ParamCombinations and TestParameters
for argument's values.
Check result:
This test just iterate method's arguments,
can't verify results, because method doesn't work.
Possible a good way to check result is JavaScript,
embedded in send ed data or in another frame of frameset
Test IDs: basic/api/PlugletPeer_newStream_1:n (where n integer, see BWTest.lst.ORIG for it values)
PlugletPeer_newStream_1 PlugletPeer_newStream_1
Recent files:
In test dir PlugletPeer_newStream_1 see ParamCombinations
and TestParameters for argument's values.
Check result:
This test used text/html MIME type for new stream,
so check implemented via JavaScript, embedded in posted data.
If page correctly loaded and rendered, then JavaScript just
say pluglet: "All OK"
<A name=2.6>2.6 Tests for method setWindowSize of PlugletPeer interface.
Method description: This method used to change browser widow size.
Method's state: doesn't work
Test IDs: basic/api/PlugletPeer_setWindowSize:n (where n integer, see BWTest.lst.ORIG for it values)
Test Directory: PlugletPeer_setWindowSize
Recent files:
See ParamCombinations and TestParameters
for argument's values.
Check result:
JavaScript used to verify results.
1.Page with test pluglet loaded,pluglet instantiated
2.After some time (about 5 seconds after page initialization) JavaScript transfer
current window size to pluglet.
3.Pluglet compare values from JavaScript and arguments of setWindowSize method
and if they equals then test PASSED.
<A name=2.7>2.7 Tests for method showStatus of PlugletPeer interface.
Method description:
This method used to display a string in the browser's status line.
Method's state: doesn't work
Test IDs: basic/api/PlugletPeer_showStatus:n (where n integer, see BWTest.lst.ORIG for it values)
Test Directory: PlugletPeer_showStatus
Recent files:
See ParamCombinations and TestParameters
for argument's values.
Check result:
Implemented via JavaScript, after small timeout
value of window.status transfered to pluglet and
compared with argument of showStatus.If they values are equals
then test PASSED.
<A name=3.>3. Methods of PlugletStreamInfo interface
<A name=3.1>3.1 Tests for method getContentType of PlugletStreamInfo interface.
Method description:
This method used to get stream's content type
Method's state: work
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletStreamInfo_getContentType
Test Directory: PlugletStreamInfo_getContentType
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result:
Check result implemented via JavaScript,
when pluglet instantiated JavaScript transfer
content type of src data to pluglet.Pluglet
compare it with value, returned by getContentType
method and if they equals then method PASSED
<A name=3.2>3.2 Tests for method getLastModified of PlugletStreamInfo interface.
Method description:
This method used for access to Last Modified
stream field.
Method's state: doesn't work
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletStreamInfo_getLastModified
Test Directory: PlugletStreamInfo_getLastModified
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result:
Not implemented.Possible a good way to check result
is create from pluglet URLConnection to file,
used in src and compare URLConnection's LastModified
values with returned by getLasModified method.Or
use CGI script to generate Last Modified field.
Always return 0 now.
<A name=3.3>3.3 Tests for method getLength of PlugletStreamInfo interface.
Method description:
This method used to get length of stream's data.(Content Length field)
Method's state: work
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletStreamInfo_getLength
Test Directory: PlugletStreamInfo_getLength
Recent files:
Check result:
Java Script used to transfer file name, used in embed's src attribute.
Pluglet used a URLConnection.getContentLength method to get
right value for ContentLength field. And then compare it
with value, returned by getLength method.If they values are
equals then test PASSED.
<A name=3.4>3.4 Tests for method getURL of PlugletStreamInfo interface.
Method description: This method used for access to stream's URL
Method's state: work
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletStreamInfo_getURL
Test Directory: PlugletStreamInfo_getURL
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result:
Java Script used to transfer file name, used in embed's src attribute.
Pluglet use HTML_ROOT property(from CommonProperties) and src's file
name to construct expected URL.Expected value compared with returned
by getURL method and if they equals then test PASSED
<A name=3.5>3.5 Tests for method isSeekable of PlugletStreamInfo interface.
Method description:
Method's state: always return true
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletStreamInfo_isSeekable
Test Directory: PlugletStreamInfo_isSeekable
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result:
Now expected result specified via properties.For most streams
seekable is false.Additional test should be added for another
<A name=3.6>3.6 Tests for method requestRead of PlugletStreamInfo interface.
Method description: This method allow to pluglet request data from stream
Method's state: doesn't work
Test IDs: basic/api/PlugletStreamInfo_requestRead:n (where n integer, see BWTest.lst.ORIG for it values)
Test Directory: PlugletStreamInfo_requestRead
Recent files:
See ParamCombinations and TestParameters
for argument's values.
Check result:
Not implemented
<A name=4.>4. Methods of PlugletTagInfo interface
<A name=4.1>4.1 Tests for method getAttribute of PlugletTagInfo interface.
Method description: This method used to get tag attributes
Method's state: work
Test IDs: basic/api/PlugletTagInfo_getAttribute:n (where n integer, see BWTest.lst.ORIG for it values)
Test Directory: PlugletTagInfo_getAttribute
Recent files:
String attrName
See ParamCombinations and TestParameters
for argument's values.
Check result:
Check implemeted via JavaScript function, that analyze embed or
object tag node and transfer all tag's attributes to pluglet.
Pluglet can verify they values and compare with returned by
<A name=4.2>4.2 Tests for method getAttributes of PlugletTagInfo interface.
Method description:
This method allow to pluglet get all tag attributes.
Method's state: work
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletTagInfo_getAttributes
Test Directory: PlugletTagInfo_getAttributes
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result:
Check implemeted via JavaScript function, that analyze embed or
object tag node and transfer all tag's attributes to pluglet.
Pluglet can verify they values and compare with returned by
<A name=5.>5. Methods of PlugletTagInfo2 interface
<A name=5.1>5.1 Tests for method getAlignment of PlugletTagInfo2 interface.
Method description:
Method's state: doesn't work
Test IDs: basic/api/PlugletTagInfo2_getAlignment
Test Directory: PlugletTagInfo2_getAlignment
Recent files:
See ParamCombinations and TestParameters
for argument's values.
Check result:
Not implemented.
<A name=5.2>5.2 Tests for method getAttribute of PlugletTagInfo2 interface.
Method description: This method used to get tag attributes
Method's state: work
Test IDs: basic/api/PlugletTagInfo2_getAttribute:n (where n integer, see BWTest.lst.ORIG for it values)
Test Directory: PlugletTagInfo2_getAttribute
Recent files:
String attrName
See ParamCombinations and TestParameters
for argument's values.
Check result:
Check implemeted via JavaScript function, that analyze embed or
object tag node and transfer all tag's attributes to pluglet.
Pluglet can verify they values and compare with returned by
<A name=5.3>5.3 Tests for method getAttributes of PlugletTagInfo2 interface.
Method description:
This method allow to pluglet get all tag attributes.
Method's state: work
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletTagInfo2_getAttributes
Test Directory: PlugletTagInfo2_getAttributes
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result:
Check implemeted via JavaScript function, that analyze embed or
object tag node and transfer all tag's attributes to pluglet.
Pluglet can verify they values and compare with returned by
<A name=5.4>5.4 Tests for method getBorderHorizSpace of PlugletTagInfo2 interface.
Method description: This method used for access hspace attribute value
Method's state: work
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletTagInfo2_getBorderHorizSpace
Test Directory: PlugletTagInfo2_getBorderHorizSpace
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result:
At this test EMBED tag doesn't contains hspace attribute,
so default value should be returned.
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletTagInfo2_getBorderHorizSpace_1
Test Directory: PlugletTagInfo2_getBorderHorizSpace_1
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result:
At this test tag EMBED has hspace attribute and it value
transfered to pluglet via JavaScript.Then this value compared
with returned by getBorderHorizSpace and if they equals then test PASSED
<A name=5.5>5.5 Tests for method getBorderVertSpace of PlugletTagInfo2 interface.
Method description: This method used for access vspace attribute.
Method's state: work
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletTagInfo2_getBorderVertSpace
Test Directory: PlugletTagInfo2_getBorderVertSpace
Recent files:
See ParamCombinations and TestParameters
for argument's values.
Check result:
At this test EMBED tag doesn't contains vspace attribute,
so default value should be returned.
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletTagInfo2_getBorderVertSpace_1
Test Directory: PlugletTagInfo2_getBorderVertSpace_1
Recent files:
See ParamCombinations and TestParameters
for argument's values.
Check result:
At this test tag EMBED has vspace attribute and it value
transfered to pluglet via JavaScript.Then this value compared
with returned by getBorderHorizSpace and if they equals then test PASSED
<A name=5.6>5.6 Tests for method getDocumentBase of PlugletTagInfo2 interface.
Method description: Returns the URL of the document containing a pluglet instance
Method's state: work
Test IDs: basic/api/PlugletTagInfo2_getDocumentBase
Test Directory: PlugletTagInfo2_getDocumentBase
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result:
Check implemeted via JavaScriptfunction, that transfer
window.location value from JavaScript to pluglet and
compare it with value, returned by getDocumentBase.
<A name=5.7>5.7 Tests for method getDocumentEncoding of PlugletTagInfo2 interface.
Method description: This method used to access document encoding
Method's state: doesn't work
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletTagInfo2_getDocumentEncoding
Test Directory: PlugletTagInfo2_getDocumentEncoding
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result: Not implemented
<A name=5.8>5.8 Tests for method getHeight of PlugletTagInfo2 interface.
Method description: This method used to access height attribute value
Method's state: work
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletTagInfo2_getHeight
Test Directory: PlugletTagInfo2_getHeight
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result:
At this test EMBED tag doesn't contains height attribute,
so default value should be returned.
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletTagInfo2_getHeight_1
Test Directory: PlugletTagInfo2_getHeight_1
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result:
At this test tag EMBED has height attribute and it value
transfered to pluglet via JavaScript.Then this value compared
with returned by getHeight and if they equals then test PASSED
<A name=5.9>5.9 Tests for method getTagText of PlugletTagInfo2 interface.
Method description: This method used to access full html tag text
Method's state: doesn't work
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletTagInfo2_getTagText
Test Directory: PlugletTagInfo2_getTagText
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result:
Not implemented.
Possible a good way to check result is JavaScript.
<A name=5.10>5.10 Tests for method getTagType of PlugletTagInfo2 interface.
Method description:
Returns the type of HTML tag used to instantiate this pluglet
Method's state: work
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletTagInfo2_getTagType
Test Directory: PlugletTagInfo2_getTagType
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result:
At this test EMBED tag used to instantiate pluglet.The type
of tag transfered to pluglet via JavaScript and then compared with
returned by getTagType.If they equals then test PASSED.
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletTagInfo2_getTagType_1
Test Directory: PlugletTagInfo2_getTagType_1
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result:
At this test OBJECT tag used to instantiate pluglet.The type
of tag transfered to pluglet via JavaScript and then compared with
returned by getTagType.If they equals then test PASSED.
<A name=5.11>5.11 Tests for method getUniqueID of PlugletTagInfo2 interface.
Method description:
This method returns unique ID of current document
with this pluglet.
Method's state: work
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletTagInfo2_getUniqueID
Test Directory: PlugletTagInfo2_getUniqueID
Recent files:
and IDPluglet pluglet.
Arguments: none
Check result:
3 IDPluglet used to check results.All pluglets
call getUniqueID method and transfer returned value
to test pluglet.Test pluglet compare values
and if they are equals then test PASSED.
<A name=5.12>5.12 Tests for method getWidth of PlugletTagInfo2 interface.
Method description:
Returns the value of width attribute of HTML tag used to instantiate this pluglet
Method's state: work
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletTagInfo2_getWidth
Test Directory: PlugletTagInfo2_getWidth
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result:
At this test EMBED tag hasn't width attribute.
The default value of width attribute transfered to
pluglet via JavaScript and then compared with
returned by getWidth.If they equals then test PASSED.
Test ID: basic/api/PlugletTagInfo2_getWidth_1
Test Directory: PlugletTagInfo2_getWidth_1
Recent files:
Arguments: none
Check result:
At this test EMBED tag used has width attribute.
The value of width attribute transfered to
pluglet via JavaScript and then compared with
returned by getWidth.If they equals then test PASSED.
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
<title>Index of tests on passed in client side api simple parameters</title>
<body bgcolor=white>
<B>Index of tests on passed in client side api simple parameters</B><BR>
(i.e not browser side objects, which is subject for browser side api tests)
<LI><A href=#Pluglet_createPlugletInstance_mimeType_1>Pluglet_createPlugletInstance_mimeType_1</A>
<LI><A href=#Pluglet_createPlugletInstance_mimeType_2>Pluglet_createPlugletInstance_mimeType_2</A>
<LI><A href=#Pluglet_createPlugletInstance_mimeType_3>Pluglet_createPlugletInstance_mimeType_3</A>
<LI><A href=#Pluglet_createPlugletInstance_mimeType_4>Pluglet_createPlugletInstance_mimeType_4</A>
<LI><A href=#Pluglet_createPlugletInstance_mimeType_5>Pluglet_createPlugletInstance_mimeType_5</A>
<LI><A href=#Pluglet_createPlugletInstance_mimeType_6>Pluglet_createPlugletInstance_mimeType_6</A>
<LI><A href=#PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_1>PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_1</A>
<LI><A href=#PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_2>PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_2</A>
<LI><A href=#PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_3>PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_3</A>
<LI><A href=#PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_4>PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_4</A>
<LI><A href=#PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_5>PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_5</A>
<LI><A href=#PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_6>PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_6</A>
<LI><A href=#PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_7>PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_7</A>
<LI><A href=#PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_8>PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_8</A>
<LI><A href=#PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_9>PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_9</A>
<LI><A href=#PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_11>PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_11</A>
<LI><A href=#PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_12>PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_12</A>
Pluglet.createPlugletInstance(String mimeType)
<A name=Pluglet_createPlugletInstance_mimeType_1>
The test on the mimetype "*"
<A name=Pluglet_createPlugletInstance_mimeType_2>
The test on the ordinary mimetype "application/x-pluglet-test-params"
<A name=Pluglet_createPlugletInstance_mimeType_3>
The test on the mimetype with attributes: "multipart/x-pluglet-test-params; boundary=Some_Boundary"
<A name=Pluglet_createPlugletInstance_mimeType_4>
The test on the non-correctly formed mimetype: "some_type"
<A name=Pluglet_createPlugletInstance_mimeType_5>
The test on case insensitivity: "MULTIPART/X-PLUGLET-TEST-PARAMS; boundary=Some_Boundary"
<A name=Pluglet_createPlugletInstance_mimeType_6>
The test on passin in mimetype in the case when only SRC attribute
is pointed.
PlugletStreamListener.onDataAvailable(PlugletStreamInfo plugletInfo, InputStream input, int length)
- input
<A name=PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_1>
Test for passed in onDataAvailable method 2d parameter (input)
The goal is to check the correctnesses of its method read(byte[],int,int)
The data is read and compared with data from original
<A name=PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_2>
Test for passed in onDataAvailable method 2d parameter (input)
The test reads at first the amount of data less than just
pushed length. On the next onDataAvailable calls it is
supposed to read all other data. Currently
the incorectnesses of such behaviour isn't specified.
<A name=PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_3>
Test for passed in onDataAvailable method 2d parameter (input)
The goal is to check the correctnesses of its method read(byte[])
The data is read and compared with data from original
<A name=PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_4>
Test for passed in onDataAvailable method 2d parameter (input)
The goal is to check the correctnesses of its method read()
The data is read and compared with data from original
<A name=PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_5>
Test for passed in onDataAvailable method 2d parameter (input)
The goal is to check the correctnesses of its method skip(long)
<A name=PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_6>
Test for passed in onDataAvailable method 2d parameter (input)
The goal is to check the correctnesses of its method close()
<A name=PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_7>
Test for passed in onDataAvailable method 2d parameter (input)
The goal is to check the correctnesses of its method close()
The test reads the first whole portion of the data, closes the stream and returns.
Passed result will be registered only if after that the
onStopBinding method will be called.
<A name=PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_8>
Test for passed in onDataAvailable method 2d parameter (input)
The mark-reset functionality is tested.
The supporting of the mark-reset isn't specified so test is passed by default
in case when stream doesn't supported this functionality.
The testing is done with mark value less than just pushed length.
<A name=PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_9>
Test for passed in onDataAvailable method 2d parameter (input)
The non-supporting of mark-reset functionality is tested.
The supporting of the mark-reset isn't specified so test is passed by default
in case when stream supports this functionality.
<A name=PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_11>
Test for passed in onDataAvailable method 2d parameter (input)
The goal is to check the correctnesses of its method read(byte[],int,int)
The test try to pass the null value as first parameter.
The NullPointerException should be thrown.
<A name=PlugletStreamListener_onDataAvailable_input_12>
Test for passed in onDataAvailable method 2d parameter (input)
The goal is to check the correctnesses of its method read(byte[],int,int)
The test try to pass the 0 value as third parameter.
The 0 should be returned.
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<title>Index of tests on returning values from the client side Pluglet API.</title>
<body bgcolor=white>
<B>Index of tests on returning values from the client side Pluglet API.</B>
The test tests the stability in case when the
null is returned instead of PlugletInstance
The test tests the stability in case when the
null is returned instead of new stream.
@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
<title>Index of scenario tests</title>
<body bgcolor=white>
<B>Index of scenario tests.<B>
<LI><A href=#1>basic/scenario/1</A>
<LI><A href=#2>basic/scenario/2</A>
<LI><A href=#3>basic/scenario/3</A>
<LI><A href=#4>basic/scenario/4</A>
<LI><A href=#5>basic/scenario/5</A>
<LI><A href=#8>basic/scenario/8</A>
<LI><A href=#1>basic/scenario/9</A>
<LI><A href=#fr1>basic/scenario/fr1</A>
<LI><A href=#fr2>basic/scenario/fr2</A>
<LI><A href=#fr3>basic/scenario/fr3</A>
<i>Comment:</i> Description of test cases below contains the parts of
corresponding TestProperties files which points out
the stages when the test will be executed (RUN_STAGES) and
the required sequence of calls (STAGE_(N)).
<A name=1>
Test on correctnesses of calls sequence in case of loading page
with pluglet and closing browser after that.
<A name=2>
Test on correctnesses of calls sequence in case of loading page
with pluglet, leaving this page and going back.
<A name=3>
Test on correctnesses of calls sequence in case of loading page
with pluglet and reloading page after that.
<A name=4>
Test on correctnesses of calls sequence in case of loading page
with pluglet, going back to the previous page and going forward to
this page.
<A name=5>
Test on correctnesses of calls sequence in case of loading page
with pluglet in new window and closing this new window.
<A name=8>
Test on correctnesses of calls sequence in case of loading page
with pluglet with SRC attribute, loading data and closing browser.
<A name=9>
Test on correctnesses of calls sequence in case of loading page
with pluglet with SRC attribute, loading data and reloading the page.
# after reload
<A name=fr1>
The framed version of the basic/scenario/1
Test on correctnesses of calls sequence in case of loading page
with pluglet into a frame and closing browser after that.
<A name=fr2>
The framed version of the basic/scenario/2
Test on correctnesses of calls sequence in case of loading page
with pluglet into a frame, leaving this page and going back.
<A name=fr3>
The framed version of the basic/scenario/3.
Test on correctnesses of calls sequence in case of loading page
with pluglet into a frame and reloading page after that.
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
Tries to delete a file from the local disk
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.DeleteFileTest
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tries to retrieve a local clipboard
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.GetClipboardTest
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tries to get system properties<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.GetSysPropsTest
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tries to open a new window<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.OpenWinTest
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br>Tries to print something on the local printer<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.PrintTest
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tries to read the local file<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.ReadFileTest
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tries to establish a certain connection to some host <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.RemoteConnectTest
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tries to run some program<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.RunProgramTest
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br>Tries to write some local file<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.WriteFileTest
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Test if pluglet can read from the local disk<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestCanRead
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can write to the local disk<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestCanWrite
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br>Tests if pluglet can retrieve local clipboard<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestClipboard
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can delete some local file<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestDelete
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can read some environment settings<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestEnv
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can check for the local file existance<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestExists
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can open some file descriptor for input<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestFileDescriptorIn
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can open some file descriptor for output<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestFileDescriptorOut
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can open local FileInputStream<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestFileInputStream
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can open some local FileOutputStream<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestFileOutputStream
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can retrieve an abslute path to local file <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestGetAbsolutePath
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can retrieve canonical path <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestGetCanonicalPath
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests ig pluglet can retrieve contents of the given URL<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestGetContent
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can retrieve parent information <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestGetParent
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can retrieve PATH environment variable <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestGetPath
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can retrieve local properties <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestGetProps
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can set the security manager <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestGetSecMgr
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can check for the local file is a directory<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestIsDirectory
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if file can check for the file is "file" type <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestIsFile
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can determinate, when the local file was modified<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestLastModified
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can retrieve local file length<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestLength
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can list a local file <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestList
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can lost a file with "JS" filter<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestListJSFilter
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can create a directory <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestMkdir
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to perform "Mkdirs" operation. <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestMkdirs
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to open the connection <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestOpenConx
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to open the local print stream <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestPrintStream
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can open the local file for random "r" access<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestRandomAccess
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can open the local file for random "rw" access<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestRandomAccessRW
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can rename the local file<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestRenameTo
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Test if pluglet can execute the local command<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestRunExec
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br>Tests if pluglet can run "exit" command<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestRunExit
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to execute Load command<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestRunLoad
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to load some library<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestRunLoadLib
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can set the default security manager<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestSetSecMgr
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Test if the test can open a socket <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestSocket
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet can exit JVM <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestSysExit
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to perform setURLStreamHandlerFactory action <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestURLFac
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests is pluglet is allowed to execute "checkAccept" operation <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestXAccept
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to perform checkAccess operation <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestXAccess
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to access current thread group <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestXAccessTG
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to access top thread from the current group <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestXAccessTop
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to create class loader<br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestXCCL
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to test a connection <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestXConn
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to check delete operation <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestXDelete
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to check exec operation <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestXExec
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to check exit operation <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestXExit
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to check link operation <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestXLink
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to check listen operation <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestXListen
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to check package access operation <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestXPakAcc
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to check package defined operation <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestXPakDef
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to check properties access operation <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestXPropAcc
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to check read operation <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestXRead
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to check set factory operation <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestXSetFac
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<h1>TestCase Information</h1>
<!--- Start TestId --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Test Id</font></font></u>
<!--- End TestId --->
<br><font color="#FF6666"></font>
<!--- Start Synopsis --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Synopsis</font></font></u>
<br><br> Tests if pluglet is allowed to check write operation <br>
<!--- End Synopsis --->
<br> <b><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1></font></font></b>
<!--- Start Pre-Conditions --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Pre-Conditions</font></font></u>
Build MOZILLA 'mozilla'<br>
Have MOZILLA environment setup. Check out environment settings<br>
<!--- End Pre-Conditions --->
<!--- Start Description --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Description</font></font></u>
<!---description comes here-->
This method returns the name of the attribute.
Execute from command line
perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.pluglet.test.basic.security.automation.SecTestXWrite
<!--- End Description --->
<!--- Start Expected-Result --->
<p><u><font color="#3366FF"><font size=+1>Expected Result</font></font></u>
Browser should come up. <br>
The security exception will or will not be thrown, depends on your
configuration of test<br>
Open file BW_TESTDIR/log/(date)BWTest.html in a browser. <br>
There should be an entry indicating that the test has PASSED or FAILED. <br>
<!--- End Expected-Result --->
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