зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Bug 329974: Share textdata for common textnode values. r/sr=jst
This commit is contained in:
@ -82,14 +82,10 @@ public:
* Set the text to the given value. If aNotify is PR_TRUE then
* the document is notified of the content change.
virtual void SetText(const nsAString& aStr, PRBool aNotify) = 0;
* Set the text to the given value. If aNotify is PR_TRUE then
* the document is notified of the content change.
virtual void SetText(const char* aBuffer, PRUint32 aLength,
PRBool aNotify) = 0;
void SetText(const nsAString& aStr, PRBool aNotify)
return SetText(aStr.BeginReading(), aStr.Length(), aNotify);
* Query method to see if the frame is nothing but whitespace
@ -439,30 +439,37 @@ nsGenericDOMDataNode::SubstringData(PRUint32 aStart, PRUint32 aCount,
nsGenericDOMDataNode::AppendData(const nsAString& aData)
PRInt32 length = 0;
// Apparently this is called often enough that we don't want to just simply
// call SetText like ReplaceData does. See bug 77585 and comment in
// ReplaceData.
nsIDocument *document = GetCurrentDoc();
// FIXME, but 330872: We can't call BeginUpdate here because it confuses the
// poor little nsHTMLContentSink.
// mozAutoDocUpdate updateBatch(document, UPDATE_CONTENT_MODEL, PR_TRUE);
// See bugzilla bug 77585.
if (mText.Is2b() || (!IsASCII(aData))) {
nsAutoString old_data;
length = old_data.Length();
// XXXjag We'd like to just say |old_data + aData|, but due
// to issues with dependent concatenation and sliding (sub)strings
// we'll just have to copy for now. See bug 121841 for details.
SetText(old_data, PR_FALSE);
} else {
// We know aData and the current data is ASCII, so use a
// nsC*String, no need for any fancy unicode stuff here.
nsCAutoString old_data;
length = old_data.Length();
LossyAppendUTF16toASCII(aData, old_data);
SetText(old_data.get(), old_data.Length(), PR_FALSE);
PRBool haveMutationListeners =
document && nsGenericElement::HasMutationListeners(this, NS_EVENT_BITS_MUTATION_CHARACTERDATAMODIFIED);
nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> oldValue;
if (haveMutationListeners) {
oldValue = GetCurrentValueAtom();
if (haveMutationListeners) {
mutation.mPrevAttrValue = oldValue;
mutation.mNewAttrValue = GetCurrentValueAtom();
nsEventDispatcher::Dispatch(this, nsnull, &mutation);
// Trigger a reflow
nsIDocument *document = GetCurrentDoc();
if (document) {
document->CharacterDataChanged(this, PR_TRUE);
@ -1086,110 +1093,26 @@ nsGenericDOMDataNode::SetText(const PRUnichar* aBuffer,
nsGenericDOMDataNode::SetText(const char* aBuffer, PRUint32 aLength,
PRBool aNotify)
if (!aBuffer) {
NS_ERROR("Null buffer passed to SetText()!");
nsIDocument *document = GetCurrentDoc();
mozAutoDocUpdate updateBatch(document, UPDATE_CONTENT_MODEL, aNotify);
PRBool haveMutationListeners =
document && nsGenericElement::HasMutationListeners(this, NS_EVENT_BITS_MUTATION_CHARACTERDATAMODIFIED);
nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> oldValue;
if (haveMutationListeners) {
oldValue = GetCurrentValueAtom();
mText.SetTo(aBuffer, aLength);
if (haveMutationListeners) {
mutation.mPrevAttrValue = oldValue;
if (aLength > 0) {
// Must use Substring() since nsDependentCString() requires null
// terminated strings.
mutation.mNewAttrValue =
do_GetAtom(Substring(aBuffer, aBuffer + aLength));
nsEventDispatcher::Dispatch(this, nsnull, &mutation);
// Trigger a reflow
if (aNotify && document) {
document->CharacterDataChanged(this, PR_FALSE);
nsGenericDOMDataNode::SetText(const nsAString& aStr,
PRBool aNotify)
nsIDocument *document = GetCurrentDoc();
mozAutoDocUpdate updateBatch(document, UPDATE_CONTENT_MODEL, aNotify);
PRBool haveMutationListeners =
document && nsGenericElement::HasMutationListeners(this, NS_EVENT_BITS_MUTATION_CHARACTERDATAMODIFIED);
nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> oldValue;
if (haveMutationListeners) {
oldValue = GetCurrentValueAtom();
mText = aStr;
if (haveMutationListeners) {
mutation.mPrevAttrValue = oldValue;
if (!aStr.IsEmpty())
mutation.mNewAttrValue = do_GetAtom(aStr);
nsEventDispatcher::Dispatch(this, nsnull, &mutation);
// Trigger a reflow
if (aNotify && document) {
document->CharacterDataChanged(this, PR_FALSE);
nsTextFragment& frag = mText;
if (frag.Is2b()) {
const PRUnichar* cp = frag.Get2b();
const PRUnichar* end = cp + frag.GetLength();
if (mText.Is2b()) {
// The fragment contains non-8bit characters and such characters
// are never considered whitespace.
return PR_FALSE;
while (cp < end) {
PRUnichar ch = *cp++;
const char* cp = mText.Get1b();
const char* end = cp + mText.GetLength();
if (!XP_IS_SPACE(ch)) {
return PR_FALSE;
while (cp < end) {
char ch = *cp;
if (!XP_IS_SPACE(ch)) {
return PR_FALSE;
} else {
const char* cp = frag.Get1b();
const char* end = cp + frag.GetLength();
while (cp < end) {
PRUnichar ch = PRUnichar(*(unsigned char*)cp);
if (!XP_IS_SPACE(ch)) {
return PR_FALSE;
return PR_TRUE;
@ -270,9 +270,11 @@ public:
virtual PRUint32 TextLength();
virtual void SetText(const PRUnichar* aBuffer, PRUint32 aLength,
PRBool aNotify);
virtual void SetText(const nsAString& aStr, PRBool aNotify);
virtual void SetText(const char* aBuffer, PRUint32 aLength,
PRBool aNotify);
// Need to implement this here too to avoid hiding.
void SetText(const nsAString& aStr, PRBool aNotify)
return SetText(aStr.BeginReading(), aStr.Length(), aNotify);
virtual PRBool IsOnlyWhitespace();
virtual void AppendTextTo(nsAString& aResult);
@ -42,9 +42,58 @@
#include "nsBidiUtils.h"
#include "nsUnicharUtils.h"
// Static buffer used for newline fragments
static unsigned char sNewLineCharacter = '\n';
// Static buffer used for common fragments
static char* sSpaceSharedString[TEXTFRAG_MAX_NEWLINES + 1];
static char* sTabSharedString[TEXTFRAG_MAX_NEWLINES + 1];
static char sSingleCharSharedString[256];
// static
// Create whitespace strings
PRUint32 i;
for (i = 0; i <= TEXTFRAG_MAX_NEWLINES; ++i) {
sSpaceSharedString[i] = new char[1 + i + TEXTFRAG_WHITE_AFTER_NEWLINE];
sTabSharedString[i] = new char[1 + i + TEXTFRAG_WHITE_AFTER_NEWLINE];
NS_ENSURE_TRUE(sSpaceSharedString[i] && sTabSharedString[i],
sSpaceSharedString[i][0] = ' ';
sTabSharedString[i][0] = ' ';
PRUint32 j;
for (j = 1; j < 1 + i; ++j) {
sSpaceSharedString[i][j] = '\n';
sTabSharedString[i][j] = '\n';
for (; j < (1 + i + TEXTFRAG_WHITE_AFTER_NEWLINE); ++j) {
sSpaceSharedString[i][j] = ' ';
sTabSharedString[i][j] = '\t';
// Create single-char strings
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
sSingleCharSharedString[i] = i;
return NS_OK;
// static
PRUint32 i;
for (i = 0; i <= TEXTFRAG_MAX_NEWLINES; ++i) {
delete [] sSpaceSharedString[i];
delete [] sTabSharedString[i];
sSpaceSharedString[i] = nsnull;
sTabSharedString[i] = nsnull;
@ -55,9 +104,7 @@ void
if (mState.mLength && m1b && mState.mInHeap) {
unsigned char *buf = NS_CONST_CAST(unsigned char *, m1b);
nsMemory::Free(buf); // m1b == m2b as far as nsMemory is concerned
nsMemory::Free(m2b); // m1b == m2b as far as nsMemory is concerned
m1b = nsnull;
@ -66,204 +113,129 @@ nsTextFragment::ReleaseText()
mAllBits = 0;
nsTextFragment::nsTextFragment(const nsTextFragment& aOther)
: m1b(nsnull), mAllBits(0)
if (aOther.Is2b()) {
SetTo(aOther.Get2b(), aOther.GetLength());
} else {
SetTo(aOther.Get1b(), aOther.GetLength());
nsTextFragment::nsTextFragment(const char *aString)
: m1b(nsnull), mAllBits(0)
SetTo(aString, strlen(aString));
nsTextFragment::nsTextFragment(const PRUnichar *aString)
: m1b(nsnull), mAllBits(0)
SetTo(aString, nsCRT::strlen(aString));
nsTextFragment::nsTextFragment(const nsString& aString)
: m1b(nsnull), mAllBits(0)
SetTo(aString.get(), aString.Length());
nsTextFragment::operator=(const nsTextFragment& aOther)
if (aOther.Is2b()) {
SetTo(aOther.Get2b(), aOther.GetLength());
} else {
SetTo(aOther.Get1b(), aOther.GetLength());
if (aOther.mState.mIsBidi) {
// Carry over BIDI state from aOther
mState.mIsBidi = PR_TRUE;
return *this;
nsTextFragment::operator=(const char *aString)
SetTo(aString, strlen(aString));
return *this;
nsTextFragment::operator=(const PRUnichar *aString)
SetTo(aString, nsCRT::strlen(aString));
return *this;
nsTextFragment::operator=(const nsAString& aString)
PRUint32 length = aString.Length();
if (aOther.mState.mLength) {
if (!aOther.mState.mInHeap) {
m1b = aOther.m1b; // This will work even if aOther is using m2b
else {
m2b = NS_STATIC_CAST(PRUnichar*,
nsMemory::Clone(aOther.m2b, aOther.mState.mLength *
(aOther.mState.mIs2b ? sizeof(PRUnichar) : sizeof(char)));
if (length > 0) {
PRBool in_heap = PR_TRUE;
if (IsASCII(aString)) {
if (length == 1 && aString.First() == '\n') {
m1b = &sNewLineCharacter;
in_heap = PR_FALSE;
} else {
m1b = (unsigned char *)ToNewCString(aString);
if (aOther.mState.mIs2b) {
else {
m1b = NS_STATIC_CAST(char *,
nsMemory::Clone(aOther.m1b, aOther.mState.mLength * sizeof(char)));
mState.mIs2b = PR_FALSE;
} else {
m2b = ToNewUnicode(aString);
mState.mIs2b = PR_TRUE;
mState.mInHeap = in_heap;
mState.mLength = length;
if (m1b) {
mAllBits = aOther.mAllBits;
return *this;
nsTextFragment::SetTo(PRUnichar *aBuffer, PRInt32 aLength, PRBool aRelease)
m2b = aBuffer;
mState.mIs2b = PR_TRUE;
mState.mInHeap = aRelease;
mState.mLength = aLength;
nsTextFragment::SetTo(const PRUnichar* aBuffer, PRInt32 aLength)
if (aLength != 0) {
// See if we need to store the data in ucs2 or not
PRBool need2 = PR_FALSE;
const PRUnichar *ucp = aBuffer;
const PRUnichar *uend = aBuffer + aLength;
while (ucp < uend) {
PRUnichar ch = *ucp++;
if (ch >> 8) {
need2 = PR_TRUE;
if (need2) {
// Use ucs2 storage because we have to
m2b = (const PRUnichar *)nsMemory::Clone(aBuffer,
aLength * sizeof(PRUnichar));
if (!m2b) {
NS_ERROR("Failed to clone string buffer!");
// Setup our fields
mState.mIs2b = PR_TRUE;
mState.mInHeap = PR_TRUE;
mState.mLength = aLength;
} else {
// Use 1 byte storage because we can
PRBool in_heap = PR_TRUE;
if (aLength == 1 && *aBuffer == '\n') {
m1b = &sNewLineCharacter;
in_heap = PR_FALSE;
} else {
unsigned char *nt =
(unsigned char *)nsMemory::Alloc(aLength * sizeof(char));
if (!nt) {
NS_ERROR("Failed to allocate string buffer!");
// Copy data
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < (PRUint32)aLength; ++i) {
nt[i] = (unsigned char)aBuffer[i];
m1b = nt;
// Setup our fields
mState.mIs2b = PR_FALSE;
mState.mInHeap = in_heap;
mState.mLength = aLength;
if (aLength == 0) {
nsTextFragment::SetTo(const char *aBuffer, PRInt32 aLength)
if (aLength != 0) {
PRBool in_heap = PR_TRUE;
if (aLength == 1 && *aBuffer == '\n') {
m1b = &sNewLineCharacter;
in_heap = PR_FALSE;
} else {
m1b = (unsigned char *)nsMemory::Clone(aBuffer, aLength * sizeof(char));
if (!m1b) {
NS_ERROR("Failed to allocate string buffer!");
// Setup our fields
PRUnichar firstChar = *aBuffer;
if (aLength == 1 && firstChar < 256) {
m1b = sSingleCharSharedString + firstChar;
mState.mInHeap = PR_FALSE;
mState.mIs2b = PR_FALSE;
mState.mInHeap = in_heap;
mState.mLength = aLength;
mState.mLength = 1;
const PRUnichar *ucp = aBuffer;
const PRUnichar *uend = aBuffer + aLength;
// Check if we can use a shared string
if (firstChar == ' ' || firstChar == '\n' || firstChar == '\t') {
if (firstChar == ' ') {
const PRUnichar* start = ucp;
while (ucp < uend && *ucp == '\n') {
const PRUnichar* endNewLine = ucp;
PRUnichar space = ucp < uend && *ucp == '\t' ? '\t' : ' ';
while (ucp < uend && *ucp == space) {
if (ucp == uend &&
endNewLine - start <= TEXTFRAG_MAX_NEWLINES &&
char** strings = space == ' ' ? sSpaceSharedString : sTabSharedString;
m1b = strings[endNewLine - start];
// If we didn't find a space in the beginning, skip it now.
if (firstChar != ' ') {
mState.mInHeap = PR_FALSE;
mState.mIs2b = PR_FALSE;
mState.mLength = aLength;
// See if we need to store the data in ucs2 or not
PRBool need2 = PR_FALSE;
while (ucp < uend) {
PRUnichar ch = *ucp++;
if (ch >= 256) {
need2 = PR_TRUE;
if (need2) {
// Use ucs2 storage because we have to
m2b = (PRUnichar *)nsMemory::Clone(aBuffer,
aLength * sizeof(PRUnichar));
if (!m2b) {
} else {
// Use 1 byte storage because we can
char* buff = (char *)nsMemory::Alloc(aLength * sizeof(char));
if (!buff) {
// Copy data
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < (PRUint32)aLength; ++i) {
buff[i] = (char)aBuffer[i];
m1b = buff;
// Setup our fields
mState.mInHeap = PR_TRUE;
mState.mIs2b = need2;
mState.mLength = aLength;
@ -272,23 +244,11 @@ nsTextFragment::AppendTo(nsAString& aString) const
if (mState.mIs2b) {
aString.Append(m2b, mState.mLength);
} else {
AppendASCIItoUTF16(Substring((char *)m1b, ((char *)m1b) + mState.mLength),
AppendASCIItoUTF16(Substring(m1b, m1b + mState.mLength),
nsTextFragment::AppendTo(nsACString& aCString) const
if (mState.mIs2b) {
LossyAppendUTF16toASCII(Substring((PRUnichar *)m2b,
(PRUnichar *)m2b + mState.mLength),
} else {
aCString.Append((char *)m1b, mState.mLength);
nsTextFragment::CopyTo(PRUnichar *aDest, PRInt32 aOffset, PRInt32 aCount)
@ -307,40 +267,111 @@ nsTextFragment::CopyTo(PRUnichar *aDest, PRInt32 aOffset, PRInt32 aCount)
if (mState.mIs2b) {
memcpy(aDest, m2b + aOffset, sizeof(PRUnichar) * aCount);
} else {
unsigned const char *cp = m1b + aOffset;
unsigned const char *end = cp + aCount;
const char *cp = m1b + aOffset;
const char *end = cp + aCount;
while (cp < end) {
*aDest++ = PRUnichar(*cp++);
*aDest++ = unsigned char(*cp++);
nsTextFragment::CopyTo(char *aDest, PRInt32 aOffset, PRInt32 aCount)
nsTextFragment::Append(const nsAString& aData)
NS_ASSERTION(aOffset >= 0, "Bad offset passed to nsTextFragment::CopyTo()!");
NS_ASSERTION(aCount >= 0, "Bad count passed to nsTextFragment::CopyTo()!");
PRUint32 len = aData.Length();
const PRUnichar* start = aData.BeginReading();
if (aOffset < 0) {
aOffset = 0;
// This is a common case because some callsites create a textnode
// with a value by creating the node and then calling AppendData.
if (mState.mLength == 0) {
SetTo(start, len);
if (aOffset + aCount > GetLength()) {
aCount = mState.mLength - aOffset;
// Should we optimize for aData.Length() == 0?
if (mState.mIs2b) {
// Already a 2-byte string so the result will be too
PRUnichar* buff = (PRUnichar*)nsMemory::Realloc(m2b, (mState.mLength + len) * sizeof(PRUnichar));
if (!buff) {
memcpy(buff + mState.mLength, start, len * sizeof(PRUnichar));
mState.mLength += len;
m2b = buff;
if (aCount != 0) {
if (mState.mIs2b) {
const PRUnichar *cp = m2b + aOffset;
const PRUnichar *end = cp + aCount;
while (cp < end) {
*aDest++ = (char)(*cp++);
} else {
memcpy(aDest, m1b + aOffset, sizeof(char) * aCount);
// Current string is a 1-byte string, check if the new data fits in one byte too.
const PRUnichar* ucp = start;
const PRUnichar* uend = ucp + len;
PRBool need2 = PR_FALSE;
while (ucp < uend) {
PRUnichar ch = *ucp++;
if (ch >= 256) {
need2 = PR_TRUE;
if (need2) {
// The old data was 1-byte, but the new is not so we have to expand it
// all to 2-byte
PRUnichar* buff = (PRUnichar*)nsMemory::Alloc((mState.mLength + len) *
if (!buff) {
// Copy data
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < mState.mLength; ++i) {
buff[i] = (unsigned char)m1b[i];
memcpy(buff + mState.mLength, start, len * sizeof(PRUnichar));
mState.mLength += len;
mState.mIs2b = PR_TRUE;
if (!mState.mInHeap) {
m2b = buff;
// The new and the old data is all 1-byte
char* buff;
if (mState.mInHeap) {
buff = (char*)nsMemory::Realloc(NS_CONST_CAST(char*, m1b),
(mState.mLength + len) * sizeof(char));
if (!buff) {
else {
buff = (char*)nsMemory::Alloc((mState.mLength + len) * sizeof(char));
if (!buff) {
memcpy(buff, m1b, mState.mLength);
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
buff[mState.mLength + i] = (char)start[i];
m1b = buff;
mState.mLength += len;
// To save time we only do this when we really want to know, not during
@ -72,6 +72,9 @@ class nsCString;
class nsTextFragment {
static nsresult Init();
static void Shutdown();
* Default constructor. Initialize the fragment to be empty.
@ -82,54 +85,12 @@ public:
* Initialize the contents of this fragment to be a copy of
* the argument fragment.
nsTextFragment(const nsTextFragment& aOther);
* Initialize the contents of this fragment to be a copy of
* the argument 7bit ascii string.
nsTextFragment(const char *aString);
* Initialize the contents of this fragment to be a copy of
* the argument ucs2 string.
nsTextFragment(const PRUnichar *aString);
* Initialize the contents of this fragment to be a copy of
* the argument string.
nsTextFragment(const nsString& aString);
* Change the contents of this fragment to be a copy of the
* the argument fragment.
nsTextFragment& operator=(const nsTextFragment& aOther);
* Change the contents of this fragment to be a copy of the
* the argument 7bit ascii string.
nsTextFragment& operator=(const char *aString);
* Change the contents of this fragment to be a copy of the
* the argument ucs2 string.
nsTextFragment& operator=(const PRUnichar *aString);
* Change the contents of this fragment to be a copy of the
* the argument string.
nsTextFragment& operator=(const nsAString& aString);
* Return PR_TRUE if this fragment is represented by PRUnichar data
@ -175,14 +136,6 @@ public:
return PRInt32(mState.mLength);
* Change the contents of this fragment to be the given buffer and
* length. The memory becomes owned by the fragment. In addition,
* the memory for aBuffer must have been allocated using the
* nsIMemory interface.
void SetTo(PRUnichar *aBuffer, PRInt32 aLength, PRBool aRelease);
* Change the contents of this fragment to be a copy of the given
* buffer. Like operator= except a length is specified instead of
@ -191,23 +144,15 @@ public:
void SetTo(const PRUnichar* aBuffer, PRInt32 aLength);
* Change the contents of this fragment to be a copy of the given
* buffer. Like operator= except a length is specified instead of
* assuming 0 termination.
* Append aData to the end of this fragment.
void SetTo(const char *aBuffer, PRInt32 aLength);
void Append(const nsAString& aData);
* Append the contents of this string fragment to aString
void AppendTo(nsAString& aString) const;
* Append the contents of this string fragment to aCString. This
* method will do a lossy conversion from UTF-16 to ASCII.
void AppendTo(nsACString& aCString) const;
* Make a copy of the fragments contents starting at offset for
* count characters. The offset and count will be adjusted to
@ -216,14 +161,6 @@ public:
void CopyTo(PRUnichar *aDest, PRInt32 aOffset, PRInt32 aCount);
* Make a copy of the fragments contents starting at offset for
* count characters. The offset and count will be adjusted to
* lie within the fragments data. The fragments data is converted if
* necessary.
void CopyTo(char *aDest, PRInt32 aOffset, PRInt32 aCount);
* Return the character in the text-fragment at the given
* index. This always returns a PRUnichar.
@ -231,7 +168,7 @@ public:
PRUnichar CharAt(PRInt32 aIndex) const
NS_ASSERTION(PRUint32(aIndex) < mState.mLength, "bad index");
return mState.mIs2b ? m2b[aIndex] : PRUnichar(m1b[aIndex]);
return mState.mIs2b ? m2b[aIndex] : NS_STATIC_CAST(unsigned char, m1b[aIndex]);
@ -247,12 +184,12 @@ public:
PRUint32 mLength : 29;
void ReleaseText();
union {
const PRUnichar *m2b;
const unsigned char *m1b;
PRUnichar *m2b;
const char *m1b; // This is const since it can point to shared data
union {
@ -300,6 +300,15 @@ Initialize(nsIModule* aSelf)
return rv;
rv = nsTextFragment::Init();
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
NS_ERROR("Could not initialize nsAttrValue");
return rv;
// Register all of our atoms once
@ -423,6 +432,7 @@ Shutdown()
@ -1723,7 +1723,8 @@ nsTextTransformer::SelfTest(nsPresContext* aPresContext)
nsTextFragment frag(st->text);
nsTextFragment frag;
frag.SetTo(st->text, nsCRT::strlen(st->text));
nsTextTransformer tx(aPresContext);
for (PRInt32 preMode = 0; preMode < NUM_MODES; preMode++) {
Ссылка в новой задаче