зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Changed to new command reflow handling
This commit is contained in:
@ -121,6 +121,151 @@ nsTableRowFrame::Init(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
return rv;
// Helper function. It marks the table frame as dirty and generates
// a reflow command
nsTableRowFrame::AddTableDirtyReflowCommand(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsIPresShell& aPresShell,
nsIFrame* aTableFrame)
nsFrameState frameState;
nsIFrame* tableParentFrame;
nsIReflowCommand* reflowCmd;
nsresult rv;
// Mark the table frame as dirty
frameState |= NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY;
// Target the reflow comamnd at its parent frame
rv = NS_NewHTMLReflowCommand(&reflowCmd, tableParentFrame,
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
// Add the reflow command
rv = aPresShell.AppendReflowCommand(reflowCmd);
return rv;
nsTableRowFrame::AppendFrames(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsIPresShell& aPresShell,
nsIAtom* aListName,
nsIFrame* aFrameList)
// Append the frames
mFrames.AppendFrames(nsnull, aFrameList);
// Add the new cell frames to the table
nsTableFrame *tableFrame = nsnull;
nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
for (nsIFrame* childFrame = aFrameList; childFrame; childFrame->GetNextSibling(&childFrame)) {
const nsStyleDisplay *display;
childFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)display));
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL == display->mDisplay) {
// Add the cell to the cell map
PRInt32 colIndex = tableFrame->AddCellToTable((nsTableCellFrame*)childFrame,
// Initialize the cell frame and give it its column index
// Reflow the new frames. They're already marked dirty, so generate a reflow
// command that tells us to reflow our dirty child frames
nsIReflowCommand* reflowCmd;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(NS_NewHTMLReflowCommand(&reflowCmd, this,
nsIReflowCommand::ReflowDirty))) {
return NS_OK;
nsTableRowFrame::InsertFrames(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsIPresShell& aPresShell,
nsIAtom* aListName,
nsIFrame* aPrevFrame,
nsIFrame* aFrameList)
// Get the table frame
nsTableFrame* tableFrame = nsnull;
nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
// Insert the frames
mFrames.InsertFrames(nsnull, aPrevFrame, aFrameList);
// We need to rebuild the cell map, because currently we can't insert
// new frames except at the end (append)
// We should try and avoid doing a pass1 reflow on all the cells and just
// do it for the newly added frames, but we need to add these frames to the
// cell map before we reflow them
// Because the number of columns may have changed invalidate the column
// cache. Note that this has the side effect of recomputing the column
// widths, so we don't need to call InvalidateColumnWidths()
// Generate a reflow command so we reflow the table itself. This will
// do a pass-1 reflow of all the rows including any rows we just added
AddTableDirtyReflowCommand(aPresContext, aPresShell, tableFrame);
return NS_OK;
nsTableRowFrame::RemoveFrame(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsIPresShell& aPresShell,
nsIAtom* aListName,
nsIFrame* aOldFrame)
// Get the table frame
nsTableFrame* tableFrame=nsnull;
nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
#if 0
// XXX Currently we can't incrementally remove cells from the cell map
PRInt32 colIndex;
tableFrame->RemoveCellFromTable(aOldFrame, GetRowIndex());
// Remove the frame and destroy it
mFrames.DestroyFrame(aPresContext, (nsIFrame*)aOldFrame);
// XXX Reflow the row
// Remove the frame and destroy it
mFrames.DestroyFrame(aPresContext, aOldFrame);
// We need to rebuild the cell map, because currently we can't incrementally
// remove rows
// Because the number of columns may have changed invalidate the column
// cache. Note that this has the side effect of recomputing the column
// widths, so we don't need to call InvalidateColumnWidths()
// Because we haven't added any new frames we don't need to do a pass1
// reflow. Just generate a reflow command so we reflow the table itself
AddTableDirtyReflowCommand(aPresContext, aPresShell, tableFrame);
return NS_OK;
@ -550,12 +695,14 @@ void nsTableRowFrame::PlaceChild(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
* Called for a resize reflow. Typically because the column widths have
* changed. Reflows all the existing table cell frames
* changed. Reflows all the existing table cell frames unless aDirtyOnly
* is PR_TRUE in which case only reflow the dirty frames
NS_METHOD nsTableRowFrame::ResizeReflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
PRBool aDirtyOnly)
if (nsnull == mFrames.FirstChild()) {
@ -592,177 +739,215 @@ NS_METHOD nsTableRowFrame::ResizeReflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
// Reflow each of our existing cell frames
nsIFrame* kidFrame = iter.First();
while (nsnull != kidFrame) {
const nsStyleDisplay *kidDisplay;
kidFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)kidDisplay));
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL == kidDisplay->mDisplay) {
PRInt32 cellColIndex;
((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame)->GetColIndex(cellColIndex);
cellColSpan = aReflowState.tableFrame->GetEffectiveColSpan(cellColIndex,
((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame));
nsMargin kidMargin;
aReflowState.tableFrame->GetCellMarginData((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame,kidMargin);
if (kidMargin.top > maxCellTopMargin)
maxCellTopMargin = kidMargin.top;
if (kidMargin.bottom > maxCellBottomMargin)
maxCellBottomMargin = kidMargin.bottom;
// Compute the x-origin for the child, taking into account straddlers (cells from prior
// rows with rowspans > 1)
// if this cell is not immediately adjacent to the previous cell, factor in missing col info
if (iter.IsLeftToRight()) {
if (prevColIndex != (cellColIndex - 1)) {
for (PRInt32 colIndex = prevColIndex + 1; cellColIndex > colIndex; colIndex++) {
aReflowState.x += aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex);
if (aReflowState.tableFrame->GetNumCellsOriginatingIn(colIndex) > 0) {
aReflowState.x += cellSpacingX;
// Get the frame state bits
nsFrameState frameState;
// See if we should only reflow the dirty child frames
PRBool doReflowChild = PR_TRUE;
if (aDirtyOnly) {
if ((frameState & NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY) == 0) {
doReflowChild = PR_FALSE;
// Reflow the child frame
if (doReflowChild) {
const nsStyleDisplay *kidDisplay;
kidFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)kidDisplay));
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL == kidDisplay->mDisplay) {
PRInt32 cellColIndex;
((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame)->GetColIndex(cellColIndex);
cellColSpan = aReflowState.tableFrame->GetEffectiveColSpan(cellColIndex,
((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame));
nsMargin kidMargin;
aReflowState.tableFrame->GetCellMarginData((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame,kidMargin);
if (kidMargin.top > maxCellTopMargin)
maxCellTopMargin = kidMargin.top;
if (kidMargin.bottom > maxCellBottomMargin)
maxCellBottomMargin = kidMargin.bottom;
// Compute the x-origin for the child, taking into account straddlers (cells from prior
// rows with rowspans > 1)
// if this cell is not immediately adjacent to the previous cell, factor in missing col info
if (iter.IsLeftToRight()) {
if (prevColIndex != (cellColIndex - 1)) {
for (PRInt32 colIndex = prevColIndex + 1; cellColIndex > colIndex; colIndex++) {
aReflowState.x += aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex);
if (aReflowState.tableFrame->GetNumCellsOriginatingIn(colIndex) > 0) {
aReflowState.x += cellSpacingX;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf(" Row: in loop, aReflowState.x set to %d from cellSpacing %d and col width %d\n",
aReflowState.x, cellSpacingX, aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex));
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf(" Row: in loop, aReflowState.x set to %d from cellSpacing %d and col width %d\n",
aReflowState.x, cellSpacingX, aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex));
else {
if (prevColIndex != cellColIndex + cellColSpan) {
PRInt32 lastCol = cellColIndex + cellColSpan - 1;
for (PRInt32 colIndex = prevColIndex - 1; colIndex > lastCol; colIndex--) {
aReflowState.x += aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex);
if (aReflowState.tableFrame->GetNumCellsOriginatingIn(colIndex) > 0) {
aReflowState.x += cellSpacingX;
else {
if (prevColIndex != cellColIndex + cellColSpan) {
PRInt32 lastCol = cellColIndex + cellColSpan - 1;
for (PRInt32 colIndex = prevColIndex - 1; colIndex > lastCol; colIndex--) {
aReflowState.x += aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex);
if (aReflowState.tableFrame->GetNumCellsOriginatingIn(colIndex) > 0) {
aReflowState.x += cellSpacingX;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf(" Row: in loop, aReflowState.x set to %d from cellSpacing %d and col width %d\n",
aReflowState.x, cellSpacingX, aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex));
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf(" Row: in loop, aReflowState.x set to %d from cellSpacing %d and col width %d\n",
aReflowState.x, cellSpacingX, aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex));
aReflowState.x += cellSpacingX;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" Row: past loop, aReflowState.x set to %d\n", aReflowState.x);
// at this point, we know the column widths.
// so we get the avail width from the known column widths
nscoord availWidth = 0;
for (PRInt32 numColSpan=0; numColSpan<cellColSpan; numColSpan++) {
availWidth += aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(cellColIndex+numColSpan);
if ((numColSpan != 0) && (aReflowState.tableFrame->GetNumCellsOriginatingIn(cellColIndex + numColSpan) > 0)) {
availWidth += cellSpacingX;
aReflowState.x += cellSpacingX;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" Row: past loop, aReflowState.x set to %d\n", aReflowState.x);
// at this point, we know the column widths.
// so we get the avail width from the known column widths
nscoord availWidth = 0;
for (PRInt32 numColSpan=0; numColSpan<cellColSpan; numColSpan++) {
availWidth += aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(cellColIndex+numColSpan);
if ((numColSpan != 0) && (aReflowState.tableFrame->GetNumCellsOriginatingIn(cellColIndex + numColSpan) > 0)) {
availWidth += cellSpacingX;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) {
printf(" Row: in loop, availWidth set to %d from colIndex %d width %d and cellSpacing\n",
availWidth, cellColIndex, aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(cellColIndex+numColSpan));
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) {
printf(" Row: in loop, availWidth set to %d from colIndex %d width %d and cellSpacing\n",
availWidth, cellColIndex, aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(cellColIndex+numColSpan));
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" Row: availWidth for this cell is %d\n", availWidth);
// remember the rightmost (ltr) or leftmost (rtl) column this cell spans into
prevColIndex = (iter.IsLeftToRight()) ? cellColIndex + (cellColSpan - 1) : cellColIndex;
nsHTMLReflowMetrics desiredSize(pKidMaxElementSize);
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" Row: availWidth for this cell is %d\n", availWidth);
// remember the rightmost (ltr) or leftmost (rtl) column this cell spans into
prevColIndex = (iter.IsLeftToRight()) ? cellColIndex + (cellColSpan - 1) : cellColIndex;
nsHTMLReflowMetrics desiredSize(pKidMaxElementSize);
// If the available width is the same as last time we reflowed the cell,
// then just use the previous desired size and max element size.
// if we need the max-element-size we don't need to reflow.
// we just grab it from the cell frame which remembers it (see the else clause below).
// Note: we can't do that optimization if our height is constrained or the
// cell frame has a next-in-flow
nsIFrame* kidNextInFlow;
if ((aReflowState.reflowState.availableHeight != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) ||
(availWidth != ((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame)->GetPriorAvailWidth()) ||
(nsnull != kidNextInFlow))
// Reflow the cell to fit the available height
nsSize kidAvailSize(availWidth, aReflowState.reflowState.availableHeight);
nsSize kidMaxElementSize(0,0);
// If the available width is the same as last time we reflowed the cell,
// then just use the previous desired size and max element size.
// if we need the max-element-size we don't need to reflow.
// we just grab it from the cell frame which remembers it (see the else clause below).
// Note: we can't do that optimization if our height is constrained or the
// cell frame has a next-in-flow
nsIFrame* kidNextInFlow;
if ((aReflowState.reflowState.availableHeight != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) ||
(availWidth != ((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame)->GetPriorAvailWidth()) ||
(nsnull != kidNextInFlow))
// Reflow the cell to fit the available height
nsSize kidAvailSize(availWidth, aReflowState.reflowState.availableHeight);
// If it's a dirty frame, then check whether it's the initial reflow
nsReflowReason reason = eReflowReason_Resize;
if (aDirtyOnly) {
if (frameState & NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW) {
// Newly inserted frame
reason = eReflowReason_Initial;
// Reflow the child
nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext,
aReflowState.reflowState, kidFrame,
if (gsDebug) printf ("Row %p RR: avail=%d\n", this, availWidth);
nsReflowStatus status;
rv = ReflowChild(kidFrame, aPresContext, desiredSize, kidReflowState, status);
if (gsDebug) printf ("Row %p RR: desired=%d\n", this, desiredSize.width);
// Use an unconstrained width so we can get the child's maximum
// width
// XXX What about fixed layout tables?
// Reflow the child
nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext,
aReflowState.reflowState, kidFrame,
if (gsDebug) printf ("Row %p RR: avail=%d\n", this, availWidth);
nsReflowStatus status;
rv = ReflowChild(kidFrame, aPresContext, desiredSize, kidReflowState, status);
if (gsDebug) printf ("Row %p RR: desired=%d\n", this, desiredSize.width);
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
if (desiredSize.width > availWidth)
printf("WARNING: cell returned desired width %d given avail width %d\n",
desiredSize.width, availWidth);
if (desiredSize.width > availWidth)
printf("WARNING: cell returned desired width %d given avail width %d\n",
desiredSize.width, availWidth);
// If any of the cells are not complete, then we're not complete
if (gsDebug)
if (nsnull!=pKidMaxElementSize)
printf("Row: reflow of cell returned result = %s with desired=%d,%d, min = %d,%d\n",
NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(status)?"complete":"NOT complete",
desiredSize.width, desiredSize.height,
pKidMaxElementSize->width, pKidMaxElementSize->height);
printf("Row: reflow of cell returned result = %s with desired=%d,%d, min = nsnull\n",
NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(status)?"complete":"NOT complete",
desiredSize.width, desiredSize.height);
if (eReflowReason_Initial == reason) {
// Save the pass1 reflow information
((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame)->SetPass1DesiredSize(desiredSize);
((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame)->SetPass1MaxElementSize(kidMaxElementSize);
// If any of the cells are not complete, then we're not complete
if (gsDebug)
if (nsnull!=pKidMaxElementSize)
printf("Row: reflow of cell returned result = %s with desired=%d,%d, min = %d,%d\n",
NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(status)?"complete":"NOT complete",
desiredSize.width, desiredSize.height,
pKidMaxElementSize->width, pKidMaxElementSize->height);
printf("Row: reflow of cell returned result = %s with desired=%d,%d, min = nsnull\n",
NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(status)?"complete":"NOT complete",
desiredSize.width, desiredSize.height);
nsSize priorSize = ((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame)->GetDesiredSize();
desiredSize.width = priorSize.width;
desiredSize.height = priorSize.height;
if (nsnull != pKidMaxElementSize)
*pKidMaxElementSize = ((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame)->GetPass1MaxElementSize();
// Place the child after taking into account its margin and attributes
nscoord specifiedHeight = 0;
nscoord cellHeight = desiredSize.height;
nsIStyleContextPtr kidSC;
const nsStylePosition* kidPosition = (const nsStylePosition*)
switch (kidPosition->mHeight.GetUnit()) {
case eStyleUnit_Coord:
specifiedHeight = kidPosition->mHeight.GetCoordValue();
case eStyleUnit_Inherit:
// XXX for now, do nothing
case eStyleUnit_Auto:
if (specifiedHeight>cellHeight)
cellHeight = specifiedHeight;
nscoord cellWidth = desiredSize.width;
// begin special Nav4 compatibility code
if (0==cellWidth)
cellWidth = availWidth;
// end special Nav4 compatibility code
// Place the child
nsRect kidRect (aReflowState.x, kidMargin.top, cellWidth, cellHeight);
PlaceChild(aPresContext, aReflowState, kidFrame, kidRect, aDesiredSize.maxElementSize,
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf("Row: past PlaceChild, aReflowState.x set to %d\n", aReflowState.x);
nsSize priorSize = ((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame)->GetDesiredSize();
desiredSize.width = priorSize.width;
desiredSize.height = priorSize.height;
if (nsnull != pKidMaxElementSize)
*pKidMaxElementSize = ((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame)->GetPass1MaxElementSize();
{// it's an unknown frame type, give it a generic reflow and ignore the results
nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState.reflowState,
nsSize(0,0), eReflowReason_Resize);
nsHTMLReflowMetrics desiredSize(nsnull);
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf("\nRow: Resize Reflow of unknown frame %p of type %d with reason=%d\n",
kidFrame, kidDisplay->mDisplay, eReflowReason_Resize);
nsReflowStatus status;
ReflowChild(kidFrame, aPresContext, desiredSize, kidReflowState, status);
// Place the child after taking into account its margin and attributes
nscoord specifiedHeight = 0;
nscoord cellHeight = desiredSize.height;
nsIStyleContextPtr kidSC;
const nsStylePosition* kidPosition = (const nsStylePosition*)
switch (kidPosition->mHeight.GetUnit()) {
case eStyleUnit_Coord:
specifiedHeight = kidPosition->mHeight.GetCoordValue();
case eStyleUnit_Inherit:
// XXX for now, do nothing
case eStyleUnit_Auto:
if (specifiedHeight>cellHeight)
cellHeight = specifiedHeight;
nscoord cellWidth = desiredSize.width;
// begin special Nav4 compatibility code
if (0==cellWidth)
cellWidth = availWidth;
// end special Nav4 compatibility code
// Place the child
nsRect kidRect (aReflowState.x, kidMargin.top, cellWidth, cellHeight);
PlaceChild(aPresContext, aReflowState, kidFrame, kidRect, aDesiredSize.maxElementSize,
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf("Row: past PlaceChild, aReflowState.x set to %d\n", aReflowState.x);
{// it's an unknown frame type, give it a generic reflow and ignore the results
nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState.reflowState,
nsSize(0,0), eReflowReason_Resize);
nsHTMLReflowMetrics desiredSize(nsnull);
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf("\nRow: Resize Reflow of unknown frame %p of type %d with reason=%d\n",
kidFrame, kidDisplay->mDisplay, eReflowReason_Resize);
nsReflowStatus status;
ReflowChild(kidFrame, aPresContext, desiredSize, kidReflowState, status);
kidFrame = iter.Next(); // Get the next child
@ -1067,52 +1252,21 @@ NS_METHOD nsTableRowFrame::IR_TargetIsMe(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebugIR) printf("TRF IR: IncrementalReflow_TargetIsMe with type=%d\n", type);
switch (type)
case nsIReflowCommand::FrameInserted :
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=objectFrame, "bad objectFrame");
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=childDisplay, "bad childDisplay");
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL == childDisplay->mDisplay)
rv = IR_CellInserted(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus,
(nsTableCellFrame *)objectFrame, PR_FALSE);
rv = AddFrame(aReflowState.reflowState, objectFrame);
case nsIReflowCommand::FrameAppended :
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=objectFrame, "bad objectFrame");
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=childDisplay, "bad childDisplay");
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL == childDisplay->mDisplay)
rv = IR_CellAppended(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus,
(nsTableCellFrame *)objectFrame);
{ // no optimization to be done for Unknown frame types, so just reuse the Inserted method
rv = AddFrame(aReflowState.reflowState, objectFrame);
case nsIReflowCommand::ReflowDirty:
// Reflow the dirty child frames. Typically this is newly added frames.
// XXX What we really should do is do a pass-1 reflow of newly added
// frames (only if necessary, i.e., the table isn't fixed layout), then
// see if column widtsh changed and decide whether to do the pass-2 reflow
// of just the dirty rows or have the table rebalance column widths and
// do a pass-2 reflow of all rows
rv = ResizeReflow(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus, PR_TRUE);
case nsIReflowCommand::FrameReplaced :
case nsIReflowCommand::FrameRemoved :
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=objectFrame, "bad objectFrame");
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=childDisplay, "bad childDisplay");
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL == childDisplay->mDisplay)
rv = IR_CellRemoved(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus,
(nsTableCellFrame *)objectFrame);
rv = mFrames.DestroyFrame(aPresContext, objectFrame);
// If any column widths have to change due to this, rebalance column widths.
// XXX need to calculate this, but for now just do it
case nsIReflowCommand::StyleChanged :
rv = IR_StyleChanged(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus);
@ -1123,192 +1277,16 @@ NS_METHOD nsTableRowFrame::IR_TargetIsMe(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
case nsIReflowCommand::PullupReflow:
case nsIReflowCommand::PushReflow:
case nsIReflowCommand::CheckPullupReflow :
case nsIReflowCommand::UserDefined :
NS_NOTYETIMPLEMENTED("unimplemented reflow command type");
NS_NOTYETIMPLEMENTED("unexpected reflow command type");
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebugIR) printf("TRF IR: reflow command not implemented.\n");
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebugIR) printf("TRF IR: unexpected reflow command not implemented.\n");
return rv;
NS_METHOD nsTableRowFrame::IR_CellInserted(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
nsTableCellFrame * aInsertedFrame,
PRBool aReplace)
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebugIR) printf("\nTRF IR: IR_CellInserted\n");
nsresult rv = AddFrame(aReflowState.reflowState, (nsIFrame*)aInsertedFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
nsTableFrame *tableFrame=nsnull;
rv = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv) || nsnull==tableFrame)
return rv;
#if 0
// do a pass-1 layout of the cell
if (PR_TRUE==tableFrame->RequiresPass1Layout())
rv = InitialReflow(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus,
aInsertedFrame, PR_FALSE);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
// set row state
// set table state
return rv;
NS_METHOD nsTableRowFrame::IR_DidAppendCell(nsTableCellFrame *aRowFrame)
nsresult rv=NS_OK;
return rv;
// since we know we're doing an append here, we can optimize
NS_METHOD nsTableRowFrame::IR_CellAppended(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
nsTableCellFrame* aAppendedFrame)
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebugIR) printf("\nTRF IR: IR_CellInserted\n");
nsresult rv = AddFrame(aReflowState.reflowState, (nsIFrame*)aAppendedFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
nsTableFrame *tableFrame=nsnull;
rv = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv) || nsnull==tableFrame)
return rv;
tableFrame->AddCellToTable(aAppendedFrame, GetRowIndex());
// do a pass-1 layout of the cell
if (PR_TRUE==tableFrame->RequiresPass1Layout())
rv = InitialReflow(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus,
aAppendedFrame, PR_FALSE);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
// set row state
// set table state
return rv;
#if 0
nsresult rv=NS_OK;
// hook aAppendedFrame into the child list
nsIFrame *lastChild = mFrames.FirstChild();
nsIFrame *nextChild = lastChild;
nsIFrame *lastRow = nsnull;
while (nsnull!=nextChild)
// remember the last child that is really a cell
const nsStyleDisplay *childDisplay;
nextChild->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)childDisplay));
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL == childDisplay->mDisplay)
lastRow = nextChild;
lastChild = nextChild;
if (nsnull==lastChild)
mFirstChild = aAppendedFrame;
// the table will see that it's cached info is bogus and rebuild the cell map,
// and do a reflow
// find the col index of the new cell
// account for the new cell
nsresult rv = DidAppendCell((nsTableCellFrame*)aAppendedFrame);
// need to increment the row index of all subsequent rows
return rv;
NS_METHOD nsTableRowFrame::IR_CellRemoved(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
nsTableCellFrame* aDeletedFrame)
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebugIR) printf("\nRow IR: IR_RowRemoved\n");
nsTableFrame* tableFrame=nsnull;
nsresult rv = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv) || nsnull == tableFrame)
return rv;
PRInt32 colIndex;
tableFrame->RemoveCellFromTable(aDeletedFrame, GetRowIndex());
rv = mFrames.DestroyFrame(aPresContext, (nsIFrame*)aDeletedFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
// set row state
// set table state
#if 0
nsresult rv = mFrames.DestroyFrame(aPresContext, (nsIFrame*)aDeletedFrame);
nsTableFrame *tableFrame=nsnull;
rv = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv) || nsnull==tableFrame)
return rv;
// if any column widths have to change due to this, rebalance column widths
//XXX need to calculate this, but for now just do it
return rv;
NS_METHOD nsTableRowFrame::IR_StyleChanged(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
@ -44,6 +44,20 @@ public:
nsIStyleContext* aContext,
nsIFrame* aPrevInFlow);
NS_IMETHOD AppendFrames(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsIPresShell& aPresShell,
nsIAtom* aListName,
nsIFrame* aFrameList);
NS_IMETHOD InsertFrames(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsIPresShell& aPresShell,
nsIAtom* aListName,
nsIFrame* aPrevFrame,
nsIFrame* aFrameList);
NS_IMETHOD RemoveFrame(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsIPresShell& aPresShell,
nsIAtom* aListName,
nsIFrame* aOldFrame);
/** Initialization of data */
NS_IMETHOD InitChildren();
@ -166,32 +180,15 @@ protected:
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus);
NS_IMETHOD IR_CellInserted(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
nsTableCellFrame * aInsertedFrame,
PRBool aReplace);
NS_IMETHOD IR_CellAppended(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
nsTableCellFrame * aAppendedFrame);
NS_IMETHOD IR_DidAppendCell(nsTableCellFrame *aRowFrame);
NS_IMETHOD IR_CellRemoved(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
nsTableCellFrame * aDeletedFrame);
NS_IMETHOD IR_StyleChanged(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus);
nsresult AddTableDirtyReflowCommand(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsIPresShell& aPresShell,
nsIFrame* aTableFrame);
// row-specific methods
void GetMinRowSpan(nsTableFrame *aTableFrame);
@ -224,7 +221,8 @@ protected:
NS_IMETHOD ResizeReflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus);
nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
PRBool aDirtyOnly = PR_FALSE);
* Called for the initial reflow. Creates each table cell frame, and
@ -424,6 +424,7 @@ NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::ReflowMappedChildren(nsIPresContext& aPresC
// Reflow the row frame
if (doReflowChild) {
nsSize kidAvailSize(aReflowState.availSize);
if (0>=kidAvailSize.height)
@ -435,15 +436,22 @@ NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::ReflowMappedChildren(nsIPresContext& aPresC
// it wants. We'll deal with splitting later after we've computed the row
// heights, taking into account cells with row spans...
kidAvailSize.height = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;
nsReflowReason reason = aReason;
if (aDirtyOnly) {
if (frameState & NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW) {
// Newly inserted frame
aReason = eReflowReason_Initial;
reason = eReflowReason_Initial;
nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState.reflowState, kidFrame,
kidAvailSize, aReason);
kidAvailSize, reason);
// If this isn't the first row frame, then we can't be at the top of
// the page anymore...
if (kidFrame != GetFirstFrame()) {
kidReflowState.isTopOfPage = PR_FALSE;
if (aReflowState.tableFrame->RowGroupsShouldBeConstrained()) {
// Only applies to the tree widget.
const nsStyleDisplay *rowDisplay;
@ -454,19 +462,14 @@ NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::ReflowMappedChildren(nsIPresContext& aPresC
if (kidFrame != GetFirstFrame()) {
// If this isn't the first row frame, then we can't be at the top of
// the page anymore...
kidReflowState.isTopOfPage = PR_FALSE;
if ((PR_TRUE==gsDebug) || (PR_TRUE==gsDebugIR))
printf("%p RG reflowing child %p with avail width = %d, reason = %d\n",
this, kidFrame, kidAvailSize.width, aReason);
this, kidFrame, kidAvailSize.width, reason);
rv = ReflowChild(kidFrame, aPresContext, desiredSize, kidReflowState, aStatus);
if (gsDebug) printf("%p RG child %p returned desired width = %d\n",
this, kidFrame, desiredSize.width);
// Place the child
nsRect kidRect (0, aReflowState.y, desiredSize.width, desiredSize.height);
PlaceChild(aPresContext, aReflowState, kidFrame, kidRect, aDesiredSize.maxElementSize,
@ -507,6 +510,13 @@ NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::ReflowMappedChildren(nsIPresContext& aPresC
} else {
// Adjust the running y-offset so we know where the next row should
// be placed
nsSize kidSize;
aReflowState.y += kidSize.height;
if (PR_FALSE==aDoSiblings)
@ -1251,13 +1261,11 @@ nsTableRowGroupFrame::RemoveFrame(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsIAtom* aListName,
nsIFrame* aOldFrame)
nsresult rv;
const nsStyleDisplay *display;
aOldFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)display));
// Remove the frame and destroy it
rv = mFrames.DestroyFrame(aPresContext, aOldFrame);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
if (mFrames.DestroyFrame(aPresContext, aOldFrame)) {
if ((NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW == display->mDisplay) ||
(NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW_GROUP == display->mDisplay)) {
// Get the table frame
@ -1279,7 +1287,7 @@ nsTableRowGroupFrame::RemoveFrame(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
return rv;
return NS_OK;
NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::IR_TargetIsMe(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
@ -1299,17 +1307,17 @@ NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::IR_TargetIsMe(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
switch (type)
case nsIReflowCommand::ReflowDirty:
// Reflow the dirty child frames
// Reflow the dirty child frames. Typically this is newly added frames.
// XXX What we really should do is do a pass-1 reflow of newly added
// frames (only if necessary--because the table isn't fixed layout), then
// frames (only if necessary, i.e., the table isn't fixed layout), then
// see if column widtsh changed and decide whether to do the pass-2 reflow
// of just the dirty rows or have the table rebalance column widths and
// do a pass-2 reflow of all rows
rv = ReflowMappedChildren(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus,
nsnull, aReflowState.reflowState.reason, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE);
// If any column widths have to change due to this, rebalance column widths
//XXX need to calculate this, but for now just do it
// If any column widths have to change due to this, rebalance column widths.
// XXX need to calculate this, but for now just do it
@ -121,6 +121,151 @@ nsTableRowFrame::Init(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
return rv;
// Helper function. It marks the table frame as dirty and generates
// a reflow command
nsTableRowFrame::AddTableDirtyReflowCommand(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsIPresShell& aPresShell,
nsIFrame* aTableFrame)
nsFrameState frameState;
nsIFrame* tableParentFrame;
nsIReflowCommand* reflowCmd;
nsresult rv;
// Mark the table frame as dirty
frameState |= NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY;
// Target the reflow comamnd at its parent frame
rv = NS_NewHTMLReflowCommand(&reflowCmd, tableParentFrame,
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
// Add the reflow command
rv = aPresShell.AppendReflowCommand(reflowCmd);
return rv;
nsTableRowFrame::AppendFrames(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsIPresShell& aPresShell,
nsIAtom* aListName,
nsIFrame* aFrameList)
// Append the frames
mFrames.AppendFrames(nsnull, aFrameList);
// Add the new cell frames to the table
nsTableFrame *tableFrame = nsnull;
nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
for (nsIFrame* childFrame = aFrameList; childFrame; childFrame->GetNextSibling(&childFrame)) {
const nsStyleDisplay *display;
childFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)display));
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL == display->mDisplay) {
// Add the cell to the cell map
PRInt32 colIndex = tableFrame->AddCellToTable((nsTableCellFrame*)childFrame,
// Initialize the cell frame and give it its column index
// Reflow the new frames. They're already marked dirty, so generate a reflow
// command that tells us to reflow our dirty child frames
nsIReflowCommand* reflowCmd;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(NS_NewHTMLReflowCommand(&reflowCmd, this,
nsIReflowCommand::ReflowDirty))) {
return NS_OK;
nsTableRowFrame::InsertFrames(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsIPresShell& aPresShell,
nsIAtom* aListName,
nsIFrame* aPrevFrame,
nsIFrame* aFrameList)
// Get the table frame
nsTableFrame* tableFrame = nsnull;
nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
// Insert the frames
mFrames.InsertFrames(nsnull, aPrevFrame, aFrameList);
// We need to rebuild the cell map, because currently we can't insert
// new frames except at the end (append)
// We should try and avoid doing a pass1 reflow on all the cells and just
// do it for the newly added frames, but we need to add these frames to the
// cell map before we reflow them
// Because the number of columns may have changed invalidate the column
// cache. Note that this has the side effect of recomputing the column
// widths, so we don't need to call InvalidateColumnWidths()
// Generate a reflow command so we reflow the table itself. This will
// do a pass-1 reflow of all the rows including any rows we just added
AddTableDirtyReflowCommand(aPresContext, aPresShell, tableFrame);
return NS_OK;
nsTableRowFrame::RemoveFrame(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsIPresShell& aPresShell,
nsIAtom* aListName,
nsIFrame* aOldFrame)
// Get the table frame
nsTableFrame* tableFrame=nsnull;
nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
#if 0
// XXX Currently we can't incrementally remove cells from the cell map
PRInt32 colIndex;
tableFrame->RemoveCellFromTable(aOldFrame, GetRowIndex());
// Remove the frame and destroy it
mFrames.DestroyFrame(aPresContext, (nsIFrame*)aOldFrame);
// XXX Reflow the row
// Remove the frame and destroy it
mFrames.DestroyFrame(aPresContext, aOldFrame);
// We need to rebuild the cell map, because currently we can't incrementally
// remove rows
// Because the number of columns may have changed invalidate the column
// cache. Note that this has the side effect of recomputing the column
// widths, so we don't need to call InvalidateColumnWidths()
// Because we haven't added any new frames we don't need to do a pass1
// reflow. Just generate a reflow command so we reflow the table itself
AddTableDirtyReflowCommand(aPresContext, aPresShell, tableFrame);
return NS_OK;
@ -550,12 +695,14 @@ void nsTableRowFrame::PlaceChild(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
* Called for a resize reflow. Typically because the column widths have
* changed. Reflows all the existing table cell frames
* changed. Reflows all the existing table cell frames unless aDirtyOnly
* is PR_TRUE in which case only reflow the dirty frames
NS_METHOD nsTableRowFrame::ResizeReflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
PRBool aDirtyOnly)
if (nsnull == mFrames.FirstChild()) {
@ -592,177 +739,215 @@ NS_METHOD nsTableRowFrame::ResizeReflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
// Reflow each of our existing cell frames
nsIFrame* kidFrame = iter.First();
while (nsnull != kidFrame) {
const nsStyleDisplay *kidDisplay;
kidFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)kidDisplay));
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL == kidDisplay->mDisplay) {
PRInt32 cellColIndex;
((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame)->GetColIndex(cellColIndex);
cellColSpan = aReflowState.tableFrame->GetEffectiveColSpan(cellColIndex,
((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame));
nsMargin kidMargin;
aReflowState.tableFrame->GetCellMarginData((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame,kidMargin);
if (kidMargin.top > maxCellTopMargin)
maxCellTopMargin = kidMargin.top;
if (kidMargin.bottom > maxCellBottomMargin)
maxCellBottomMargin = kidMargin.bottom;
// Compute the x-origin for the child, taking into account straddlers (cells from prior
// rows with rowspans > 1)
// if this cell is not immediately adjacent to the previous cell, factor in missing col info
if (iter.IsLeftToRight()) {
if (prevColIndex != (cellColIndex - 1)) {
for (PRInt32 colIndex = prevColIndex + 1; cellColIndex > colIndex; colIndex++) {
aReflowState.x += aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex);
if (aReflowState.tableFrame->GetNumCellsOriginatingIn(colIndex) > 0) {
aReflowState.x += cellSpacingX;
// Get the frame state bits
nsFrameState frameState;
// See if we should only reflow the dirty child frames
PRBool doReflowChild = PR_TRUE;
if (aDirtyOnly) {
if ((frameState & NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY) == 0) {
doReflowChild = PR_FALSE;
// Reflow the child frame
if (doReflowChild) {
const nsStyleDisplay *kidDisplay;
kidFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)kidDisplay));
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL == kidDisplay->mDisplay) {
PRInt32 cellColIndex;
((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame)->GetColIndex(cellColIndex);
cellColSpan = aReflowState.tableFrame->GetEffectiveColSpan(cellColIndex,
((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame));
nsMargin kidMargin;
aReflowState.tableFrame->GetCellMarginData((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame,kidMargin);
if (kidMargin.top > maxCellTopMargin)
maxCellTopMargin = kidMargin.top;
if (kidMargin.bottom > maxCellBottomMargin)
maxCellBottomMargin = kidMargin.bottom;
// Compute the x-origin for the child, taking into account straddlers (cells from prior
// rows with rowspans > 1)
// if this cell is not immediately adjacent to the previous cell, factor in missing col info
if (iter.IsLeftToRight()) {
if (prevColIndex != (cellColIndex - 1)) {
for (PRInt32 colIndex = prevColIndex + 1; cellColIndex > colIndex; colIndex++) {
aReflowState.x += aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex);
if (aReflowState.tableFrame->GetNumCellsOriginatingIn(colIndex) > 0) {
aReflowState.x += cellSpacingX;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf(" Row: in loop, aReflowState.x set to %d from cellSpacing %d and col width %d\n",
aReflowState.x, cellSpacingX, aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex));
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf(" Row: in loop, aReflowState.x set to %d from cellSpacing %d and col width %d\n",
aReflowState.x, cellSpacingX, aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex));
else {
if (prevColIndex != cellColIndex + cellColSpan) {
PRInt32 lastCol = cellColIndex + cellColSpan - 1;
for (PRInt32 colIndex = prevColIndex - 1; colIndex > lastCol; colIndex--) {
aReflowState.x += aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex);
if (aReflowState.tableFrame->GetNumCellsOriginatingIn(colIndex) > 0) {
aReflowState.x += cellSpacingX;
else {
if (prevColIndex != cellColIndex + cellColSpan) {
PRInt32 lastCol = cellColIndex + cellColSpan - 1;
for (PRInt32 colIndex = prevColIndex - 1; colIndex > lastCol; colIndex--) {
aReflowState.x += aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex);
if (aReflowState.tableFrame->GetNumCellsOriginatingIn(colIndex) > 0) {
aReflowState.x += cellSpacingX;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf(" Row: in loop, aReflowState.x set to %d from cellSpacing %d and col width %d\n",
aReflowState.x, cellSpacingX, aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex));
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug)
printf(" Row: in loop, aReflowState.x set to %d from cellSpacing %d and col width %d\n",
aReflowState.x, cellSpacingX, aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex));
aReflowState.x += cellSpacingX;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" Row: past loop, aReflowState.x set to %d\n", aReflowState.x);
// at this point, we know the column widths.
// so we get the avail width from the known column widths
nscoord availWidth = 0;
for (PRInt32 numColSpan=0; numColSpan<cellColSpan; numColSpan++) {
availWidth += aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(cellColIndex+numColSpan);
if ((numColSpan != 0) && (aReflowState.tableFrame->GetNumCellsOriginatingIn(cellColIndex + numColSpan) > 0)) {
availWidth += cellSpacingX;
aReflowState.x += cellSpacingX;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" Row: past loop, aReflowState.x set to %d\n", aReflowState.x);
// at this point, we know the column widths.
// so we get the avail width from the known column widths
nscoord availWidth = 0;
for (PRInt32 numColSpan=0; numColSpan<cellColSpan; numColSpan++) {
availWidth += aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(cellColIndex+numColSpan);
if ((numColSpan != 0) && (aReflowState.tableFrame->GetNumCellsOriginatingIn(cellColIndex + numColSpan) > 0)) {
availWidth += cellSpacingX;
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) {
printf(" Row: in loop, availWidth set to %d from colIndex %d width %d and cellSpacing\n",
availWidth, cellColIndex, aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(cellColIndex+numColSpan));
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) {
printf(" Row: in loop, availWidth set to %d from colIndex %d width %d and cellSpacing\n",
availWidth, cellColIndex, aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColumnWidth(cellColIndex+numColSpan));
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" Row: availWidth for this cell is %d\n", availWidth);
// remember the rightmost (ltr) or leftmost (rtl) column this cell spans into
prevColIndex = (iter.IsLeftToRight()) ? cellColIndex + (cellColSpan - 1) : cellColIndex;
nsHTMLReflowMetrics desiredSize(pKidMaxElementSize);
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" Row: availWidth for this cell is %d\n", availWidth);
// remember the rightmost (ltr) or leftmost (rtl) column this cell spans into
prevColIndex = (iter.IsLeftToRight()) ? cellColIndex + (cellColSpan - 1) : cellColIndex;
nsHTMLReflowMetrics desiredSize(pKidMaxElementSize);
// If the available width is the same as last time we reflowed the cell,
// then just use the previous desired size and max element size.
// if we need the max-element-size we don't need to reflow.
// we just grab it from the cell frame which remembers it (see the else clause below).
// Note: we can't do that optimization if our height is constrained or the
// cell frame has a next-in-flow
nsIFrame* kidNextInFlow;
if ((aReflowState.reflowState.availableHeight != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) ||
(availWidth != ((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame)->GetPriorAvailWidth()) ||
(nsnull != kidNextInFlow))
// Reflow the cell to fit the available height
nsSize kidAvailSize(availWidth, aReflowState.reflowState.availableHeight);
nsSize kidMaxElementSize(0,0);
// If the available width is the same as last time we reflowed the cell,
// then just use the previous desired size and max element size.
// if we need the max-element-size we don't need to reflow.
// we just grab it from the cell frame which remembers it (see the else clause below).
// Note: we can't do that optimization if our height is constrained or the
// cell frame has a next-in-flow
nsIFrame* kidNextInFlow;
if ((aReflowState.reflowState.availableHeight != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) ||
(availWidth != ((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame)->GetPriorAvailWidth()) ||
(nsnull != kidNextInFlow))
// Reflow the cell to fit the available height
nsSize kidAvailSize(availWidth, aReflowState.reflowState.availableHeight);
// If it's a dirty frame, then check whether it's the initial reflow
nsReflowReason reason = eReflowReason_Resize;
if (aDirtyOnly) {
if (frameState & NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW) {
// Newly inserted frame
reason = eReflowReason_Initial;
// Reflow the child
nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext,
aReflowState.reflowState, kidFrame,
if (gsDebug) printf ("Row %p RR: avail=%d\n", this, availWidth);
nsReflowStatus status;
rv = ReflowChild(kidFrame, aPresContext, desiredSize, kidReflowState, status);
if (gsDebug) printf ("Row %p RR: desired=%d\n", this, desiredSize.width);
// Use an unconstrained width so we can get the child's maximum
// width
// XXX What about fixed layout tables?
// Reflow the child
nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext,
aReflowState.reflowState, kidFrame,
if (gsDebug) printf ("Row %p RR: avail=%d\n", this, availWidth);
nsReflowStatus status;
rv = ReflowChild(kidFrame, aPresContext, desiredSize, kidReflowState, status);
if (gsDebug) printf ("Row %p RR: desired=%d\n", this, desiredSize.width);
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
if (desiredSize.width > availWidth)
printf("WARNING: cell returned desired width %d given avail width %d\n",
desiredSize.width, availWidth);
if (desiredSize.width > availWidth)
printf("WARNING: cell returned desired width %d given avail width %d\n",
desiredSize.width, availWidth);
// If any of the cells are not complete, then we're not complete
if (gsDebug)
if (nsnull!=pKidMaxElementSize)
printf("Row: reflow of cell returned result = %s with desired=%d,%d, min = %d,%d\n",
NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(status)?"complete":"NOT complete",
desiredSize.width, desiredSize.height,
pKidMaxElementSize->width, pKidMaxElementSize->height);
printf("Row: reflow of cell returned result = %s with desired=%d,%d, min = nsnull\n",
NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(status)?"complete":"NOT complete",
desiredSize.width, desiredSize.height);
if (eReflowReason_Initial == reason) {
// Save the pass1 reflow information
((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame)->SetPass1DesiredSize(desiredSize);
((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame)->SetPass1MaxElementSize(kidMaxElementSize);
// If any of the cells are not complete, then we're not complete
if (gsDebug)
if (nsnull!=pKidMaxElementSize)
printf("Row: reflow of cell returned result = %s with desired=%d,%d, min = %d,%d\n",
NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(status)?"complete":"NOT complete",
desiredSize.width, desiredSize.height,
pKidMaxElementSize->width, pKidMaxElementSize->height);
printf("Row: reflow of cell returned result = %s with desired=%d,%d, min = nsnull\n",
NS_FRAME_IS_COMPLETE(status)?"complete":"NOT complete",
desiredSize.width, desiredSize.height);
nsSize priorSize = ((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame)->GetDesiredSize();
desiredSize.width = priorSize.width;
desiredSize.height = priorSize.height;
if (nsnull != pKidMaxElementSize)
*pKidMaxElementSize = ((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame)->GetPass1MaxElementSize();
// Place the child after taking into account its margin and attributes
nscoord specifiedHeight = 0;
nscoord cellHeight = desiredSize.height;
nsIStyleContextPtr kidSC;
const nsStylePosition* kidPosition = (const nsStylePosition*)
switch (kidPosition->mHeight.GetUnit()) {
case eStyleUnit_Coord:
specifiedHeight = kidPosition->mHeight.GetCoordValue();
case eStyleUnit_Inherit:
// XXX for now, do nothing
case eStyleUnit_Auto:
if (specifiedHeight>cellHeight)
cellHeight = specifiedHeight;
nscoord cellWidth = desiredSize.width;
// begin special Nav4 compatibility code
if (0==cellWidth)
cellWidth = availWidth;
// end special Nav4 compatibility code
// Place the child
nsRect kidRect (aReflowState.x, kidMargin.top, cellWidth, cellHeight);
PlaceChild(aPresContext, aReflowState, kidFrame, kidRect, aDesiredSize.maxElementSize,
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf("Row: past PlaceChild, aReflowState.x set to %d\n", aReflowState.x);
nsSize priorSize = ((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame)->GetDesiredSize();
desiredSize.width = priorSize.width;
desiredSize.height = priorSize.height;
if (nsnull != pKidMaxElementSize)
*pKidMaxElementSize = ((nsTableCellFrame *)kidFrame)->GetPass1MaxElementSize();
{// it's an unknown frame type, give it a generic reflow and ignore the results
nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState.reflowState,
nsSize(0,0), eReflowReason_Resize);
nsHTMLReflowMetrics desiredSize(nsnull);
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf("\nRow: Resize Reflow of unknown frame %p of type %d with reason=%d\n",
kidFrame, kidDisplay->mDisplay, eReflowReason_Resize);
nsReflowStatus status;
ReflowChild(kidFrame, aPresContext, desiredSize, kidReflowState, status);
// Place the child after taking into account its margin and attributes
nscoord specifiedHeight = 0;
nscoord cellHeight = desiredSize.height;
nsIStyleContextPtr kidSC;
const nsStylePosition* kidPosition = (const nsStylePosition*)
switch (kidPosition->mHeight.GetUnit()) {
case eStyleUnit_Coord:
specifiedHeight = kidPosition->mHeight.GetCoordValue();
case eStyleUnit_Inherit:
// XXX for now, do nothing
case eStyleUnit_Auto:
if (specifiedHeight>cellHeight)
cellHeight = specifiedHeight;
nscoord cellWidth = desiredSize.width;
// begin special Nav4 compatibility code
if (0==cellWidth)
cellWidth = availWidth;
// end special Nav4 compatibility code
// Place the child
nsRect kidRect (aReflowState.x, kidMargin.top, cellWidth, cellHeight);
PlaceChild(aPresContext, aReflowState, kidFrame, kidRect, aDesiredSize.maxElementSize,
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf("Row: past PlaceChild, aReflowState.x set to %d\n", aReflowState.x);
{// it's an unknown frame type, give it a generic reflow and ignore the results
nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState.reflowState,
nsSize(0,0), eReflowReason_Resize);
nsHTMLReflowMetrics desiredSize(nsnull);
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf("\nRow: Resize Reflow of unknown frame %p of type %d with reason=%d\n",
kidFrame, kidDisplay->mDisplay, eReflowReason_Resize);
nsReflowStatus status;
ReflowChild(kidFrame, aPresContext, desiredSize, kidReflowState, status);
kidFrame = iter.Next(); // Get the next child
@ -1067,52 +1252,21 @@ NS_METHOD nsTableRowFrame::IR_TargetIsMe(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebugIR) printf("TRF IR: IncrementalReflow_TargetIsMe with type=%d\n", type);
switch (type)
case nsIReflowCommand::FrameInserted :
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=objectFrame, "bad objectFrame");
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=childDisplay, "bad childDisplay");
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL == childDisplay->mDisplay)
rv = IR_CellInserted(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus,
(nsTableCellFrame *)objectFrame, PR_FALSE);
rv = AddFrame(aReflowState.reflowState, objectFrame);
case nsIReflowCommand::FrameAppended :
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=objectFrame, "bad objectFrame");
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=childDisplay, "bad childDisplay");
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL == childDisplay->mDisplay)
rv = IR_CellAppended(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus,
(nsTableCellFrame *)objectFrame);
{ // no optimization to be done for Unknown frame types, so just reuse the Inserted method
rv = AddFrame(aReflowState.reflowState, objectFrame);
case nsIReflowCommand::ReflowDirty:
// Reflow the dirty child frames. Typically this is newly added frames.
// XXX What we really should do is do a pass-1 reflow of newly added
// frames (only if necessary, i.e., the table isn't fixed layout), then
// see if column widtsh changed and decide whether to do the pass-2 reflow
// of just the dirty rows or have the table rebalance column widths and
// do a pass-2 reflow of all rows
rv = ResizeReflow(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus, PR_TRUE);
case nsIReflowCommand::FrameReplaced :
case nsIReflowCommand::FrameRemoved :
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=objectFrame, "bad objectFrame");
NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=childDisplay, "bad childDisplay");
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL == childDisplay->mDisplay)
rv = IR_CellRemoved(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus,
(nsTableCellFrame *)objectFrame);
rv = mFrames.DestroyFrame(aPresContext, objectFrame);
// If any column widths have to change due to this, rebalance column widths.
// XXX need to calculate this, but for now just do it
case nsIReflowCommand::StyleChanged :
rv = IR_StyleChanged(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus);
@ -1123,192 +1277,16 @@ NS_METHOD nsTableRowFrame::IR_TargetIsMe(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
case nsIReflowCommand::PullupReflow:
case nsIReflowCommand::PushReflow:
case nsIReflowCommand::CheckPullupReflow :
case nsIReflowCommand::UserDefined :
NS_NOTYETIMPLEMENTED("unimplemented reflow command type");
NS_NOTYETIMPLEMENTED("unexpected reflow command type");
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebugIR) printf("TRF IR: reflow command not implemented.\n");
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebugIR) printf("TRF IR: unexpected reflow command not implemented.\n");
return rv;
NS_METHOD nsTableRowFrame::IR_CellInserted(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
nsTableCellFrame * aInsertedFrame,
PRBool aReplace)
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebugIR) printf("\nTRF IR: IR_CellInserted\n");
nsresult rv = AddFrame(aReflowState.reflowState, (nsIFrame*)aInsertedFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
nsTableFrame *tableFrame=nsnull;
rv = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv) || nsnull==tableFrame)
return rv;
#if 0
// do a pass-1 layout of the cell
if (PR_TRUE==tableFrame->RequiresPass1Layout())
rv = InitialReflow(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus,
aInsertedFrame, PR_FALSE);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
// set row state
// set table state
return rv;
NS_METHOD nsTableRowFrame::IR_DidAppendCell(nsTableCellFrame *aRowFrame)
nsresult rv=NS_OK;
return rv;
// since we know we're doing an append here, we can optimize
NS_METHOD nsTableRowFrame::IR_CellAppended(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
nsTableCellFrame* aAppendedFrame)
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebugIR) printf("\nTRF IR: IR_CellInserted\n");
nsresult rv = AddFrame(aReflowState.reflowState, (nsIFrame*)aAppendedFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
nsTableFrame *tableFrame=nsnull;
rv = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv) || nsnull==tableFrame)
return rv;
tableFrame->AddCellToTable(aAppendedFrame, GetRowIndex());
// do a pass-1 layout of the cell
if (PR_TRUE==tableFrame->RequiresPass1Layout())
rv = InitialReflow(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus,
aAppendedFrame, PR_FALSE);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
// set row state
// set table state
return rv;
#if 0
nsresult rv=NS_OK;
// hook aAppendedFrame into the child list
nsIFrame *lastChild = mFrames.FirstChild();
nsIFrame *nextChild = lastChild;
nsIFrame *lastRow = nsnull;
while (nsnull!=nextChild)
// remember the last child that is really a cell
const nsStyleDisplay *childDisplay;
nextChild->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)childDisplay));
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL == childDisplay->mDisplay)
lastRow = nextChild;
lastChild = nextChild;
if (nsnull==lastChild)
mFirstChild = aAppendedFrame;
// the table will see that it's cached info is bogus and rebuild the cell map,
// and do a reflow
// find the col index of the new cell
// account for the new cell
nsresult rv = DidAppendCell((nsTableCellFrame*)aAppendedFrame);
// need to increment the row index of all subsequent rows
return rv;
NS_METHOD nsTableRowFrame::IR_CellRemoved(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
nsTableCellFrame* aDeletedFrame)
if (PR_TRUE==gsDebugIR) printf("\nRow IR: IR_RowRemoved\n");
nsTableFrame* tableFrame=nsnull;
nsresult rv = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv) || nsnull == tableFrame)
return rv;
PRInt32 colIndex;
tableFrame->RemoveCellFromTable(aDeletedFrame, GetRowIndex());
rv = mFrames.DestroyFrame(aPresContext, (nsIFrame*)aDeletedFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
// set row state
// set table state
#if 0
nsresult rv = mFrames.DestroyFrame(aPresContext, (nsIFrame*)aDeletedFrame);
nsTableFrame *tableFrame=nsnull;
rv = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv) || nsnull==tableFrame)
return rv;
// if any column widths have to change due to this, rebalance column widths
//XXX need to calculate this, but for now just do it
return rv;
NS_METHOD nsTableRowFrame::IR_StyleChanged(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
@ -44,6 +44,20 @@ public:
nsIStyleContext* aContext,
nsIFrame* aPrevInFlow);
NS_IMETHOD AppendFrames(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsIPresShell& aPresShell,
nsIAtom* aListName,
nsIFrame* aFrameList);
NS_IMETHOD InsertFrames(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsIPresShell& aPresShell,
nsIAtom* aListName,
nsIFrame* aPrevFrame,
nsIFrame* aFrameList);
NS_IMETHOD RemoveFrame(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsIPresShell& aPresShell,
nsIAtom* aListName,
nsIFrame* aOldFrame);
/** Initialization of data */
NS_IMETHOD InitChildren();
@ -166,32 +180,15 @@ protected:
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus);
NS_IMETHOD IR_CellInserted(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
nsTableCellFrame * aInsertedFrame,
PRBool aReplace);
NS_IMETHOD IR_CellAppended(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
nsTableCellFrame * aAppendedFrame);
NS_IMETHOD IR_DidAppendCell(nsTableCellFrame *aRowFrame);
NS_IMETHOD IR_CellRemoved(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
nsTableCellFrame * aDeletedFrame);
NS_IMETHOD IR_StyleChanged(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus);
nsresult AddTableDirtyReflowCommand(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsIPresShell& aPresShell,
nsIFrame* aTableFrame);
// row-specific methods
void GetMinRowSpan(nsTableFrame *aTableFrame);
@ -224,7 +221,8 @@ protected:
NS_IMETHOD ResizeReflow(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus);
nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
PRBool aDirtyOnly = PR_FALSE);
* Called for the initial reflow. Creates each table cell frame, and
@ -424,6 +424,7 @@ NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::ReflowMappedChildren(nsIPresContext& aPresC
// Reflow the row frame
if (doReflowChild) {
nsSize kidAvailSize(aReflowState.availSize);
if (0>=kidAvailSize.height)
@ -435,15 +436,22 @@ NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::ReflowMappedChildren(nsIPresContext& aPresC
// it wants. We'll deal with splitting later after we've computed the row
// heights, taking into account cells with row spans...
kidAvailSize.height = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;
nsReflowReason reason = aReason;
if (aDirtyOnly) {
if (frameState & NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW) {
// Newly inserted frame
aReason = eReflowReason_Initial;
reason = eReflowReason_Initial;
nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState.reflowState, kidFrame,
kidAvailSize, aReason);
kidAvailSize, reason);
// If this isn't the first row frame, then we can't be at the top of
// the page anymore...
if (kidFrame != GetFirstFrame()) {
kidReflowState.isTopOfPage = PR_FALSE;
if (aReflowState.tableFrame->RowGroupsShouldBeConstrained()) {
// Only applies to the tree widget.
const nsStyleDisplay *rowDisplay;
@ -454,19 +462,14 @@ NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::ReflowMappedChildren(nsIPresContext& aPresC
if (kidFrame != GetFirstFrame()) {
// If this isn't the first row frame, then we can't be at the top of
// the page anymore...
kidReflowState.isTopOfPage = PR_FALSE;
if ((PR_TRUE==gsDebug) || (PR_TRUE==gsDebugIR))
printf("%p RG reflowing child %p with avail width = %d, reason = %d\n",
this, kidFrame, kidAvailSize.width, aReason);
this, kidFrame, kidAvailSize.width, reason);
rv = ReflowChild(kidFrame, aPresContext, desiredSize, kidReflowState, aStatus);
if (gsDebug) printf("%p RG child %p returned desired width = %d\n",
this, kidFrame, desiredSize.width);
// Place the child
nsRect kidRect (0, aReflowState.y, desiredSize.width, desiredSize.height);
PlaceChild(aPresContext, aReflowState, kidFrame, kidRect, aDesiredSize.maxElementSize,
@ -507,6 +510,13 @@ NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::ReflowMappedChildren(nsIPresContext& aPresC
} else {
// Adjust the running y-offset so we know where the next row should
// be placed
nsSize kidSize;
aReflowState.y += kidSize.height;
if (PR_FALSE==aDoSiblings)
@ -1251,13 +1261,11 @@ nsTableRowGroupFrame::RemoveFrame(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
nsIAtom* aListName,
nsIFrame* aOldFrame)
nsresult rv;
const nsStyleDisplay *display;
aOldFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)display));
// Remove the frame and destroy it
rv = mFrames.DestroyFrame(aPresContext, aOldFrame);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
if (mFrames.DestroyFrame(aPresContext, aOldFrame)) {
if ((NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW == display->mDisplay) ||
(NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW_GROUP == display->mDisplay)) {
// Get the table frame
@ -1279,7 +1287,7 @@ nsTableRowGroupFrame::RemoveFrame(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
return rv;
return NS_OK;
NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::IR_TargetIsMe(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
@ -1299,17 +1307,17 @@ NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::IR_TargetIsMe(nsIPresContext& aPresContext,
switch (type)
case nsIReflowCommand::ReflowDirty:
// Reflow the dirty child frames
// Reflow the dirty child frames. Typically this is newly added frames.
// XXX What we really should do is do a pass-1 reflow of newly added
// frames (only if necessary--because the table isn't fixed layout), then
// frames (only if necessary, i.e., the table isn't fixed layout), then
// see if column widtsh changed and decide whether to do the pass-2 reflow
// of just the dirty rows or have the table rebalance column widths and
// do a pass-2 reflow of all rows
rv = ReflowMappedChildren(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus,
nsnull, aReflowState.reflowState.reason, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE);
// If any column widths have to change due to this, rebalance column widths
//XXX need to calculate this, but for now just do it
// If any column widths have to change due to this, rebalance column widths.
// XXX need to calculate this, but for now just do it
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