Remove popup blocking ui from the status bar, display it inline in the

browser wrapper.
This commit is contained in: 2006-03-19 23:28:25 +00:00
Родитель 4e1b09bffe
Коммит bb8e17a050
11 изменённых файлов: 249 добавлений и 147 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -4708,6 +4708,7 @@
isa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase;
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
@ -8639,6 +8640,7 @@
isa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase;
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
@ -13003,11 +13005,6 @@
settings = {
4DD0EFF709918B3200B6BBFD = {
fileRef = 0E6A9886097DFFD4007962C1;
isa = PBXBuildFile;
@ -13105,6 +13102,11 @@
settings = {
@ -14390,6 +14392,46 @@
E4575BBA09CE163A0060A9E7 = {
children = (
isa = PBXVariantGroup;
name = PopupBlockView.nib;
path = "";
refType = 2;
sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT;
E4575BBB09CE163A0060A9E7 = {
isa = PBXFileReference;
lastKnownFileType = wrapper.nib;
name = English;
path = resources/localized/English.lproj/PopupBlockView.nib;
refType = 2;
sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT;
E4575BBC09CE163A0060A9E7 = {
fileRef = E4575BBA09CE163A0060A9E7;
isa = PBXBuildFile;
settings = {
E4575BBD09CE163A0060A9E7 = {
fileRef = E4575BBA09CE163A0060A9E7;
isa = PBXBuildFile;
settings = {
@ -16608,6 +16650,7 @@
isa = PBXGroup;
name = Nibs;

Просмотреть файл

@ -105,7 +105,6 @@
closeCurrentTab = id;
closeOtherTabs = id;
closeSendersTab = id;
configurePopupBlocking = id;
copyAddressToClipboard = id;
copyImage = id;
copyImageLocation = id;
@ -145,8 +144,6 @@
showSiteCertificate = id;
smallerTextSize = id;
stop = id;
unblockAllSites = id;
unblockSite = id;
viewOnlyThisImage = id;
viewPageSource = id;
viewSource = id;
@ -171,7 +168,6 @@
mMailToLinkMenu = NSMenu;
mPageMenu = NSMenu;
mPersonalToolbar = BookmarkToolbar;
mPopupBlocked = NSButton;
mProgress = NSProgressIndicator;
mProxyIcon = PageProxyIcon;
mSearchBar = SearchTextField;

Просмотреть файл

@ -30,8 +30,6 @@
<string>620 416 210 149 0 0 1600 1002 </string>
<string>1074 492 188 64 0 0 1920 1178 </string>
<string>124 551 213 61 0 0 1600 1002 </string>
<key>IBFramework Version</key>

Двоичные данные
camino/resources/localized/English.lproj/BrowserWindow.nib/keyedobjects.nib сгенерированный

Двоичный файл не отображается.

camino/resources/localized/English.lproj/PopupBlockView.nib/classes.nib сгенерированный Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
IBClasses = (
configurePopupBlocking = id;
reloadWithNewCharset = id;
unblockPopupSites = id;
CLASS = BrowserWrapper;
OUTLETS = {mBlockedPopupView = NSView; mDelegate = id; };
{CLASS = FirstResponder; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSObject; },
{CLASS = InformationPanel; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSView; }
IBVersion = 1;

camino/resources/localized/English.lproj/PopupBlockView.nib/info.nib сгенерированный Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>38 194 356 240 0 0 1920 1178 </string>
<string>284 781 609 73 0 0 1920 1178 </string>
<key>IBFramework Version</key>
<key>IBSystem Version</key>

Двоичные данные
camino/resources/localized/English.lproj/PopupBlockView.nib/keyedobjects.nib сгенерированный Normal file

Двоичный файл не отображается.

Просмотреть файл

@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ typedef enum
IBOutlet AutoCompleteTextField* mURLBar;
IBOutlet NSTextField* mStatus;
IBOutlet NSProgressIndicator* mProgress; // STRONG reference
IBOutlet NSButton* mPopupBlocked;
IBOutlet NSWindow* mLocationSheetWindow;
IBOutlet NSTextField* mLocationSheetURLField;
IBOutlet NSView* mStatusBar; // contains the status text, progress bar, and lock
@ -178,7 +177,6 @@ typedef enum
// could be an outlet, but i figure it's easier to get it at runtime thereby saving
// someone from messing up in the nib when making changes.
NSView* mProgressSuperview; // WEAK ptr
NSView* mPopupBlockSuperview; // WEAK ptr
- (BrowserTabView*)getTabBrowser;
@ -188,13 +186,7 @@ typedef enum
- (void)focusURLBar;
// call to update (show/hide) the image of the blocked-popup indicator and handle
// the items of the popup un-blocker menu
- (void)showPopupBlocked:(BOOL)inBlocked;
- (void)buildPopupBlockerMenu:(NSNotification*)notifer;
- (IBAction)unblockSite:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)unblockAllSites:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)configurePopupBlocking:(id)sender;
- (void)unblockAllPopupSites:(nsISupportsArray*)inSites;
- (void)performAppropriateLocationAction;
- (IBAction)goToLocationFromToolbarURLField:(id)sender;

Просмотреть файл

@ -711,7 +711,6 @@ enum BWCOpenDest {
// BrowserWrappers and their child CHBrowserViews.
[mProgress release];
[mPopupBlocked release];
[self stopThrobber];
[mThrobberImages release];
[mURLFieldEditor release];
@ -748,7 +747,6 @@ enum BWCOpenDest {
// crash if we give them things that have gone away.
mProgress = nil;
mStatus = nil;
mPopupBlocked = nil;
else {
// Retain with a single extra refcount. This allows us to remove
@ -767,30 +765,7 @@ enum BWCOpenDest {
// that both needing updating instead of just the two individual rects
// (radar 2194819), we need to make the text area opaque.
[mStatus setBackgroundColor:[NSColor windowBackgroundColor]];
[mStatus setDrawsBackground:YES];
// create a new cell for our popup blocker item that draws just an image
// yet still retains the functionality of a popdown menu. Like the progress
// meter above, we retain so we can hide with impunity and grab its superview.
// However, unlike the progress meter, this doesn't need to be in a subview from
// the status bar because it is in a fixed position on the LHS.
[mPopupBlocked retain];
NSFont* savedFont = [[mPopupBlocked cell] font];
NSMenu* savedMenu = [mPopupBlocked menu]; // must cache this before replacing cell
IconPopUpCell* iconCell = [[[IconPopUpCell alloc] initWithImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"popup-blocked"]] autorelease];
[mPopupBlocked setCell:iconCell];
[iconCell setFont:savedFont];
[mPopupBlocked setToolTip:NSLocalizedString(@"PopupBlockTooltip", @"")];
// [iconCell setPreferredEdge:NSMaxYEdge];
[iconCell setMenu:savedMenu];
[iconCell setBordered:NO];
mPopupBlockSuperview = [mPopupBlocked superview];
[self showPopupBlocked:NO];
// register for notifications so we can populate the popup blocker menu
// right before it's displayed.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(buildPopupBlockerMenu:)
name:NSPopUpButtonCellWillPopUpNotification object:iconCell];
[mStatus setDrawsBackground:YES];
// Set up the toolbar's search text field
@ -1586,11 +1561,40 @@ enum BWCOpenDest {
- (void)showPopupBlocked:(BOOL)inBlocked
if (inBlocked && ![mPopupBlocked window]) { // told to show, currently hidden
[mPopupBlockSuperview addSubview:mPopupBlocked];
else if (!inBlocked && [mPopupBlocked window]) { // told to hide, currently visible
[mPopupBlocked removeFromSuperview];
// do nothing, everything is now handled by the BrowserWindow.
// -configurePopupBlocking
// Called to display our popup blocking configuration ui, which is in prefs.
// Show the prefs window focused on the "web features" panel.
- (void)configurePopupBlocking
[[MVPreferencesController sharedInstance] showPreferences:nil];
[[MVPreferencesController sharedInstance] selectPreferencePaneByIdentifier:@"org.mozilla.camino.preference.webfeatures"];
// -unblockAllPopupSites:
// Called in response to the menu item from the unblock popup. Loop over all
// the items in the blocked sites array in the browser wrapper and add them
// to the whitelist.
- (void)unblockAllPopupSites:(nsISupportsArray*)inSites
nsCOMPtr<nsIPermissionManager> pm (do_GetService(NS_PERMISSIONMANAGER_CONTRACTID));
if (!pm)
PRUint32 count = 0;
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> genUri = dont_AddRef(inSites->ElementAt(i));
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri = do_QueryInterface(genUri);
pm->Add(uri, "popup", nsIPermissionManager::ALLOW_ACTION);
@ -1617,7 +1621,6 @@ enum BWCOpenDest {
[[self window] setTitle: [mBrowserView windowTitle]];
[self setLoadingActive: [mBrowserView isBusy]];
[self setLoadingProgress: [mBrowserView loadingProgress]];
[self showPopupBlocked: [mBrowserView popupsBlocked]];
[self showSecurityState: [mBrowserView securityState]];
[self updateSiteIcons: [mBrowserView siteIcon] ignoreTyping:NO];
[self updateStatus: [mBrowserView statusString]];
@ -3493,82 +3496,6 @@ enum BWCOpenDest {
mWindowClosesQuietly = inClosesQuietly;
// buildPopupBlockerMenu:
// Called by the notification center right before the menu will be displayed. This
// allows us the opportunity to populate its contents from the list of sites
// in the block list.
- (void)buildPopupBlockerMenu:(NSNotification*)notifier
const long kSeparatorTag = -1;
NSPopUpButton* popup = [notifier object];
// clear out existing menu. loop until we hit our special tag
int numItemsToDelete = [popup indexOfItemWithTag:kSeparatorTag];
for ( int i = 0; i < numItemsToDelete; ++i )
[popup removeItemAtIndex:0];
// the first item will get swallowed by the popup
[popup insertItemWithTitle:@"" atIndex:0];
// fill in new menu
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsArray> blockedSites;
[[self getBrowserWrapper] getBlockedSites:getter_AddRefs(blockedSites)];
PRUint32 siteCount = 0;
for ( PRUint32 i = 0, insertAt = 1; i < siteCount; ++i ) {
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> genericURI = dont_AddRef(blockedSites->ElementAt(i));
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri = do_QueryInterface(genericURI);
if ( uri ) {
// extract the host
nsCAutoString host;
NSString* hostString = [NSString stringWithCString:host.get()];
NSString* itemTitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Unblock %@", @"Unblock %@"), hostString];
// ensure that duplicate hosts aren't inserted
if ([popup indexOfItemWithTitle:itemTitle] == -1) {
// create a new menu item and set its tag to the position in the menu so
// the action can know which site we want to unblock. Insert it at |i+1|
// because we had to pad with one item above, but set the tag to |i| because
// that's the index in the array.
[popup insertItemWithTitle:itemTitle atIndex:insertAt];
NSMenuItem* currItem = [popup itemAtIndex:insertAt];
[currItem setAction:@selector(unblockSite:)];
[currItem setTarget:self];
[currItem setTag:i];
++insertAt; // only increment insert pos if we inserted something
// unblockSite:
// Called in response to an item in the unblock popup menu being selected to
// add a particular site to the popup whitelist. We assume that the tag of
// the sender is the index into the blocked sites array stores in the browser
// wrapper to get the nsURI.
- (IBAction)unblockSite:(id)sender
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsArray> blockedSites;
[[self getBrowserWrapper] getBlockedSites:getter_AddRefs(blockedSites)];
// get the tag from the sender and use that as the index into the list
long tag = [sender tag];
if ( tag >= 0 ) {
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> genUri = dont_AddRef(blockedSites->ElementAt(tag));
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri = do_QueryInterface(genUri);
nsCOMPtr<nsIPermissionManager> pm ( do_GetService(NS_PERMISSIONMANAGER_CONTRACTID) );
pm->Add(uri, "popup", nsIPermissionManager::ALLOW_ACTION);
// - unblockAllSites:
@ -3576,7 +3503,7 @@ enum BWCOpenDest {
// the items in the blocked sites array in the browser wrapper and add them
// to the whitelist.
- (IBAction)unblockAllSites:(id)sender
- (void)unblockAllSites:(nsISupportsArray*)sender
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsArray> blockedSites;
[[self getBrowserWrapper] getBlockedSites:getter_AddRefs(blockedSites)];
@ -3591,16 +3518,6 @@ enum BWCOpenDest {
// -configurePopupBlocking
// Show the web features pref panel where the user can do things to configure
// popup blocking
- (IBAction)configurePopupBlocking:(id)sender
[[MVPreferencesController sharedInstance] showPreferences:nil];
[[MVPreferencesController sharedInstance] selectPreferencePaneByIdentifier:@"org.mozilla.camino.preference.webfeatures"];
// updateLock:
// updates the url bar display of security state appropriately.

Просмотреть файл

@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ class nsISupportsArray;
- (void)updateSiteIcons:(NSImage*)icon ignoreTyping:(BOOL)ignoreTyping;
- (void)showPopupBlocked:(BOOL)blocked;
- (void)configurePopupBlocking;
- (void)unblockAllPopupSites:(nsISupportsArray*)inSites;
- (void)showSecurityState:(unsigned long)state;
- (BOOL)userChangedLocationField;
@ -131,6 +133,8 @@ class nsISupportsArray;
NSString* mLoadingStatusString;
ToolTip* mToolTip;
IBOutlet NSView* mBlockedPopupView; // loaded on demand, can be nil
double mProgress;
id<BrowserUIDelegate> mDelegate; // not retained
@ -175,6 +179,8 @@ class nsISupportsArray;
- (NSString*)getCurrentURI;
- (void)getBlockedSites:(nsISupportsArray**)outSites;
- (IBAction)configurePopupBlocking:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)unblockPopupSites:(id)sender;
- (void)loadURI:(NSString *)urlSpec referrer:(NSString*)referrer flags:(unsigned int)flags activate:(BOOL)activate allowPopups:(BOOL)inAllowPopups;
@ -215,3 +221,14 @@ class nsISupportsArray;
- (CHBrowserView*)createBrowserWindow:(unsigned int)mask;
// interface InformationPanel
// A placard-style view for showing additional information to the user. Drawn
// with a colored background and bottom shadow.
@interface InformationPanel : NSView

Просмотреть файл

@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ static NSString* const kOfflineNotificationName = @"offlineModeChanged";
- (void)checkForCustomViewOnLoad:(NSString*)inURL;
- (void)removeBlockedPopupViewAndDisplay;
#pragma mark -
@ -243,7 +245,24 @@ static NSString* const kOfflineNotificationName = @"offlineModeChanged";
if ([self window] || inResizeBrowser)
NSRect bounds = [self bounds];
[mBrowserView setFrame:bounds];
if (mBlockedPopupView) {
// resize the browser view and move it down by the height of the block popup
// view. Recall we're flipped, so the origin is the top left. Also make sure
// to apply changes for our new frame.
NSRect popupBlockFrame = [mBlockedPopupView frame];
NSRect browserFrame = [mBrowserView frame];
browserFrame.origin.y = popupBlockFrame.size.height;
browserFrame.size.width = bounds.size.width;
browserFrame.size.height = bounds.size.height;
popupBlockFrame.origin = NSZeroPoint;
popupBlockFrame.size.width = bounds.size.width;
[mBrowserView setFrame:browserFrame];
[mBlockedPopupView setFrame:popupBlockFrame];
[mBrowserView setFrame:bounds];
@ -425,9 +444,6 @@ static NSString* const kOfflineNotificationName = @"offlineModeChanged";
[(BrowserTabViewItem*)mTabItem startLoadAnimation];
[mDelegate showPopupBlocked:NO];
[mTabTitle autorelease];
mTabTitle = [mLoadingStatusString retain];
[mTabItem setLabel:mTabTitle];
@ -468,6 +484,17 @@ static NSString* const kOfflineNotificationName = @"offlineModeChanged";
NSNotification* note = [NSNotification notificationWithName:URLLoadNotification object:urlString userInfo:userInfo];
[[NSNotificationQueue defaultQueue] enqueueNotification:note postingStyle:NSPostWhenIdle];
// We've defered display of the blocked popup view until the page has finished loading in
// order to avoid jumping around during the page load. Even if we're hidden, we ensure that
// the new view is in the view hierarchy and it will be resized when the
// current tab is eventually displayed.
if ([self popupsBlocked] && !mBlockedPopupView) {
[NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"PopupBlockView" owner:self];
[self addSubview:mBlockedPopupView];
[self setFrame:[self frame] resizingBrowserViewIfHidden:YES];
[self display];
- (void)onProgressChange64:(long long)currentBytes outOf:(long long)maxBytes
@ -492,6 +519,11 @@ static NSString* const kOfflineNotificationName = @"offlineModeChanged";
if (newPage)
// defer hiding of blocked popup view until we've loaded the new page
[self removeBlockedPopupViewAndDisplay];
[mDelegate showPopupBlocked:NO];
NSString* faviconURI = [SiteIconProvider defaultFaviconLocationStringFromURI:urlSpec];
if (requestOK && [faviconURI length] > 0)
@ -671,15 +703,17 @@ static NSString* const kOfflineNotificationName = @"offlineModeChanged";
// - onPopupBlocked:fromSite:
// Called when gecko blocks a popup, telling us who it came from. Currently, we
// don't do anything with the blocked URI, but we have it just in case.
// Called when gecko blocks a popup, telling us who it came from. Keep track
// of the blocked URI so we can allow the user to unblock the site later. This
// doesn't show the blocked popup view, we wait until the page finishes loading
// to do that.
- (void)onPopupBlocked:(nsIURI*)inURIBlocked fromSite:(nsIURI*)inSite
// lazily instantiate.
if ( !mBlockedSites )
if (!mBlockedSites)
if ( mBlockedSites ) {
if (mBlockedSites) {
[mDelegate showPopupBlocked:YES];
@ -977,4 +1011,74 @@ static NSString* const kOfflineNotificationName = @"offlineModeChanged";
// -configurePopupBlocking:
// Called when the user clicks on the "configure" button in the blocked popup view.
// Sends the msg along to our UI delegate so they can handle it
- (IBAction)configurePopupBlocking:(id)sender
[mDelegate configurePopupBlocking];
// -unblockPopupSites:
// Called when the user clicks on the "unblock" button in the blocked popup view.
// Sends the msg along with the list of sites whose popups we just blocked to our UI
// delegate so they can handle it. This also removes the blocked popup UI from
// the current window.
- (IBAction)unblockPopupSites:(id)sender
NS_ASSERTION([self popupsBlocked], "no popups to unblock!");
if ([self popupsBlocked]) {
[mDelegate unblockAllPopupSites:mBlockedSites];
[self removeBlockedPopupViewAndDisplay];
// -removeBlockedPopupViewAndDisplay
// If we're showing the blocked popup view, this removes it and resizes the
// browser view to again take up all the space. Causes a full redraw of our
// view.
- (void)removeBlockedPopupViewAndDisplay
if (mBlockedPopupView) {
[mBlockedPopupView removeFromSuperview];
mBlockedPopupView = nil;
[self setFrame:[self frame] resizingBrowserViewIfHidden:YES];
[self display];
#pragma mark -
@implementation InformationPanel
// -drawRect:
// Draw a background color and shadowed border in addition to the contents.
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)aRect
// draw background color
[[NSColor orangeColor] set];
NSRectFill([self frame]);
// draw shadowed border
[[NSColor controlShadowColor] set];
NSRectFill(NSMakeRect(aRect.origin.x, 0.0, aRect.size.width, 1.0));
// Call our base class method to paint contents
[super drawRect: aRect];